Group 1 Reflection Paper

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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat 9800
Master of Arts in Teaching Social Studies

EDUC 617

Group 1


Anthropology, in general, is the scientific study of human beings. It

studies human behavior, and its cultural, social, biological, and
environmental aspects from both the present and the past (“What Is
Cultural Anthropology?”). The main goal of Anthropology, it seems to me, is
to objectively understand the similarities and differences of humans, of their
behaviors and ideas. The concept of culture is central in the study of
Anthropology. Culture, is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs,
behaviors, and material objects that members of a society use to cope with
their world.

Cultural anthropology is one of Anthropology’s many subfields.

Cultural anthropology focuses on “the study of culture, peoples’ beliefs,
practices, and the cognitive and social organization of human groups”.
Cultural anthropologists gather data through field study, and then analyze
the data through cross-cultural comparative studies. Classical
anthropological fieldwork requires prolonged residence with the group.
Classical anthropologists often live for years with a group to gain a deep
understanding of their culture. Although cultural anthropology involves
quantitative methods during the research process, its studies are primarily
qualitative-descriptive. Until World War II, cultural anthropology focused on
non-Western cultures and Native American Indians. Cultural anthropology
had a Western-centric perspective that saw cultures other than Anglo-Saxon
as exotic and unique. However, recently, the perspective has slightly shifted,
and cultural anthropology is now also applied to Western cultures. 

Cultural anthropology is extremely relevant to students today more

than ever as the world continues to be more globalized. With technology and
the ease of traveling, country borders are blurring, and the US is no
exception. The United States has long been described as a melting pot of
cultures, but studies say that whites will soon become a minority in the US
around 2045 as multiracial populations are projected to rise (Frey n.p.). The
generation of college students at the moment will surely live to see this
multicultural reality come to life. The only way to live in this type of society
is to gain an appreciation, curiosity, and respect for other cultures.

The wide variety of subcultures discussed proves just how diverse and
complex culture is. The presentation the use of language on the society.
From my experience listening to my classmates’ presentations, it is evident
that humans have a natural curiosity toward other cultures. Judgments and
prejudice have become second-nature for us due to years of socialization
and education that made us believe one culture can be better than
another. Modern manifestations of racism are often subtle which is why
people can be racially biased without their knowledge. Studying cultural
anthropology shifted made me aware of this and taught me to see other
peoples’ cultures in a non-judgmental manner that gives me leverage to
better understand and appreciate the cultures outside of my own.

Cultural anthropology is indeed an important course for students.

This course allows students not just to appreciate other cultures but also to
recognize that their own cultures are equal to all these other cultures.
Cultural anthropology can change one’s perspective and help each of us
understand that the world and other cultures in it do not revolve around us
and our culture. 
Cultural anthropology has the potential to reduce, if not eliminate,
racial biases that are still prevalent today. Gaining an understanding and
appreciation for the culture of other peoples, not just one’s own, could
potentially change the way we see others. People we see merely as their skin
color will be seen as people with complex personalities, rich cultures, and

Furthermore, cultural anthropology has an important place in the

education of people studying business. Entrepreneurs and their
organizations would benefit greatly when they broaden their perspective.
Terms like “diversity” and “inclusivity” would not simply be buzzwords used
to attract positive attention only to be pushed to the side. It would not even
be a challenge to fulfill these requirements but something that comes easy. I
think diversity and inclusivity in organizations would come naturally if more
people in the business world were aware of the value of multiculturalism
and what people from cultures outside one’s own can offer.

Cultural anthropology deals with an aspect of life that everyone and

everything is immersed in—culture. It may be a niche field but it is a field
that college students. Cultural anthropology offers a perspective that could
supplement our knowledge and inform our future work in our respective

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