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Lesson no.6 : light and dark (shadows)

Date: dd/mm/yy
Materials: White board, board marker.
Tools: White paper ,sticky tape, scissors,
Subject matter:  What a shadow is
 How to make shadows 
 that Shadows can have different shapes.
 Appreciate ‫الحمد هلل على نعمه و رضاه‬

Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe

what dark means.
Introduce the concept of reflection

Target Vocab: Light , dark , ask, shadow , different ,  shapes.

References Max science student book

Max science work book

Lesson procedure:

Activity /strategy Teacher’s input Pupil’s input Time

Warm up Task1: Greeting Good morning students. Good morning 1min
Saying ‫بسم هللا وتوكلنا على هللا‬ teacher, repeat the
prayer(routine) Calling the names of prayer after the
Take attendance students teacher ‫بسم هللا توكلنا‬
‫على هللا‬
Task2: reporting T reports: today is (the day 1 min
(routine) and date)
lead in Task 3 : introduce   share page 10 of SB on allow the students to 15min
the concept of the screen .students may share their thoughts.
shadows not know the English word
Shadow but may be able
to use their own language
to describe that they see
both the actual person and
his shadow. They might
describe this as a dark
shape that has the outline
of the boy's body ask the
students what is it like in
the shadow? is it
completely dark in the
Activity /strategy Teacher’s input Pupil’s input Time
Modeling Task 4: students Direct instructions to The students observe 13min
participation students book on page 10. the photos
(Amars’s shadow) T shares the page on the students discovers
screen  What do you see in concept of shadow
this picture? Amar has lost draw in their WB p7
his shadow. Draw a
Shadow for him in your
WB page 7. This is an
individual exercise: let the
students just look at the
picture on page 10  for a
few minutes and think 
what Amars’ shadow will
be like before they draw in
their WB. Avoid
discussions and clues until
they have done their
drawings, so that you can
get an idea of their way to
the understanding of
Shadows. students
compared with their
partners and prompt them
to think about how the
drawings differ . 

Main activity Task 5: looking at my Access to an outside space Students write their 14min
shadow on a sunny day in the answers WB p7-8
morning and the afternoon Students draw their
compared to the middle of own shadow on p8
the day. Ask students to
observe their own shadow
and look specifically at
aspects such as 
the size of the Shadow
The shape of the Shadow
How dark the shadow is
The position of the
  spread the students out in
a clear area so that they
are not confused by other
Shadows close by students
should notice that:
 the shadow on the
side opposite  to
the Sun 
Activity /strategy Teacher’s input Pupil’s input Time
 The shadow is not
completely dark

Debrief Task7: ask the The teacher asks: what did The students : today I 1 min
question you learn today? learned ……..


 TA=teacher assistant.
 Teacher must write all notes in the evaluation section.
 The date must be written by the teacher.
 Leading the lesson in the class is teacher responsibility NOT TA responsibility.
 Please take notes about student performance.
 Marking student book, work book, notebook, quizzes and exams is not allowed in period time.
 No phones allowed in the classroom.

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