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Why do you think you exist? What is your role in society?

For the 20 years of being here, I experience a lot, happiness, sorrow, anger,
displeasure, and feeling of being burdened. All of that has a significant impact on me of
where and what I am today. Even from the start of my teenage life, I already know why I
exist, it is for me to face all the challenges and fate that God planned for me. I am here to
make my parents proud even though I know my mother will not see what her daughter
achieves, obey my siblings for those they want, to be independent, to have someone who
understands or even stays with me, to be with the people I help to become confident. I am
here to experience so much joy and less sadness, to prove to them that this is not the only
thing I can do that I have so much more. Also, I know I exist because I must endure all
the difficulties and painful experiences I am facing and will be facing. My existence
developed my personality or even my whole life. This strengthens me to fight for life or
even wake up every morning to start a new day.
To answer the question, what is my role in society, for me, it is simple as a
responsible, honest, cooperative, being sensitive in surroundings, open for judgments,
and willing for improvements. Being responsible as a daughter by showing how you love
and respect them, how you salute them for their hard work, or even by listening and
helping them around the house. Responsible as part of society by obeying and respecting
the rules of the community. Responsible as a student by attending or showing in every
class, always come prepared, respect the opinion, feelings, and ideas of a teacher or even
your classmates, gather knowledge, wisdom, or skills, and obey or do all the assigned
tasks or activities on time. Honestly, because this helps us to grow and mature by
learning from mistakes. Also, my role in this society is to be a cooperative individual
simple as wearing a face mask and shield whenever you go to prevent infection of covid
19. Sensitive in surroundings by being kind and caring, aware of other’s feelings, and
behaving in a way that helps them to feel good. Open for judgments, we all know that we
all live in a judgmental society, there's nothing we can do if they judge us in our physical
appearance, or that we are wrong, let’s just think we are beautiful just the way we are.
Lastly, my role in this society is to have a will for my improvements because I still have a
lot to experience and to learn from the people around me.
My existence is to have a goal to fulfill although my life is tough, I must achieve
it, even though it is hard and complicated I am here to make it.

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