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BIOCHEMISTRY An inhibitory protein then binds phosphorylayted

R and prevents additional interaction with

Predominant or primary sugar found in both n and transducin?

1st found in mammalian cell?

Accomplishes this third step by synthesizing cGMP

Blue is how many percent closely related...? from GTP?

-Guanylate cyclase
How many cone receptor of humans?

Wavelength of green color? We hear frequencies 200 - 20,000 Hz

Receptor of capsaicin? Mechanical deflection of the hair bundle, as

occurs when a sound of wave arrives at the ear,
Backbone with glycerol something? creates a change in the membrane potential of
the hair cell

Thyroid hormone- what group # hormone

Displacement toward the direction of the tallest
Estrogen- what group # hormone part of the hair bundle results in depolarization of
the hair cell, whereas displacement in the
opposite direction results in hyperpolarization
The following are major intracellular except?

The following inhibits adenyl cyclase? Displacement of the hair bundle by as little as
3A(0.3nm) results in a measureable(and
functionally important) change in membrane
The following stimulate adenyl cyclase? potential

Matching type: cones, rods or both?

Responsible for hot taste of spicy food, activates

Catalyzes the phosphorylation of the carboxyl -Capsaicin

terminus of R at multiple serine and threonine

-Rhodopsin kinase Common pentasaccharide in N?

- Man3GlcNAc2
All are major intracellular ions except? Grp 1- thyroid, Grp 2

-HCO3 What group is Estrogen?

Specialized exoplasmic leaflet? Nitroglycerin is a CGMP for?

-Lipid raft ata -Smooth muscle relaxation

Incease in cGMP except? Cholera toxin

-Vasoconstriction ata - Alpha

Inhibition of O linked glyco? Hormones that inhibit guanylyl cyclase?



Sodium ion? -Reduce camp

-Amiloride decreases sensory neuron once sodium

is detected
Hydrophilic nature of peptides?

-A. Alpha B. Beta C. Mew D. Epsilon

Ca inhibits?

-guanylyl cyclase
Structure of helical?

Aquaporin augments? Gene transfection is endo or exo?


Calmodulin? Influenza A?

-Regulates actin myosin complex -NeuAc

Phosporylation dephospho? Selective, macromolecules, large no of finite

-3 sodium binds then transfer

b. Exo
c. Absorp endo
A. Cis B. medial C. trans golgi
d. Fluid endo

Ligand gated: Molecule hinds to a receptor

Absorptive endo: selective

Glycerol backbone? What phospholipid?

Unsaturated fatty acid binds to carbon number?

Peripheral proteins?


Bright light: cone

About dolichol kinase

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