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of Printed Pages: 4 FCA- D

q)19 1I.1/q4&q Li?M


: F15Tv7 200
Time allowed: Three HoursJ [Maximum Marks: 200

(i) r- US '%9r c14'l '' I McI u:- / 2• ZffE7

dr1' !9'U5 5T ctf 't.-i 31?2T I? r4 j
(ii) fi3~5ii-,t/
(iii) P WT17sir1 31/'g/1c1: iiR'qi'-'iiq I

Note: (i) This question paper has two sections 'A' and 'B'. Every section has four
questions, attempt any five questions, at least two questions should be from
every section.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

(iii) All the parts of a question must be answered together.

- '


(i) I4( k1iI , ""i d)-i R?1U

cu-i iTc RI R A, B TC 3 T1t R b1 ' I
1 3 1
(ii) 11IA= 4 2 5 I 10
7 2 ii
lf 1T A T Idempotent matrix ?

(iii) X' lTy j2x _ x_2 cj.j 1 10

(iv) ZTT1Il,ZJ ' dx. 10

FCA-D 1 [P.T.O.
(i) A can hit a target 4 times in 5 shots, B three times in 4 shots and C twice in 3
shots. A, B and C fire once simultaneously to hit their respective target. What is
the probability that two shots hit their targets?
1 37
(ii) Given A = 425
_7 2 1
Verify whether A is an Idempotent matrix?

(iii) Differentiate y = \J2x - x 2 with respect to x.

X2 tan 1x
(iv) Evaluate Z
J +x2

2. (i) 10

(a) 5BC16 ()8

(b) (11O1OOl)2 = Io

(ii) ? 10

(iii) flj, 41tIL, I 20

(i) Perform the conversion as below:

(a) 5BC16 =Q8

(b) (1101001)2 =010

(ii) What is difference between complier and interpreter?

(iii) Describe time sharing and multiprogramming systems.

3. (i) ttII1T* ? r1H 4{iR I 20

(ii) 'ilItI~.ei 13I I'R 4—f? i-tl lkFki cti 1 iiilcl .i.iiH *iIc4

1H$1I$ I 20

(i) What is duality theorem ? Write Boolean laws and their duality.
(ii) Explain with logic diagram of a 4-bit binary ripple counter using positive edge

4. (i) rfiii TC++ct fI'4HIT ? I 10

(ii) fict iTi *fttçiui Ri W11I 10

(iii) ? qrui ii I 10

(iv) 1ifi'i FC++ uiii f?r I 10

(i) What are the scope rules in C++ programming language ? Explain:
(ii) Explain Quick Sort algorithm with example.
(iii) What is a function overloading ? Explain with example.
(iv) Write a program in programming language C++ to find the transpose of a given

— '.'


5. (i) 13TT 4)O TT? 1c c4Uj.1 )1J1 I 20

(ii) 8085 'til cUc !A11ll i 20

(i) What is a virtual memory? Explain its advantages.

(ii) Explain addressing modes used in 8085 Microprocessor.

6. (i) tkI-fti I?.0 14 Id1 Hls1') 3FR ii I 20

(ii) b4 1T'T 4U1.j 41IIY. I 20

(i) Explain the difference between relational and network database models.
(ii) Describe Banker's algorithm.

7. (i) CSMA/CD I 20

(ii) 331T 1ç 20
(i) Explain the CSMAICD algorithm of Ethernet.
(ii) Describe the OSI layers with their functions.

FCA-D 3 [P.T.O.
8. (i) k.l .r1w1 5T 11T c~El 1kcI.11N sIiIH T T ' ? 3çIUI ' T1%1

iH5I I 20

(ii) 1ftii NC4,Rt 1T'1k ~1ii qiui 'FIT iHil I 20

(i) What is the purpose of Data flow diagram and of entity relationship diagram?
Describe with example.
(ii) Explain different types of software testing with examples.


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