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Received: 7 February 2020 Revised: 11 March 2020 Accepted: 19 April 2020

DOI: 10.1002/bmb.21357



How to arouse students' desire to learn biochemistry

Rongwu Yang

School of Life Sciences, Nanjing

University, Nanjing, China Abstract
Teaching biochemistry well is not an easy job for teachers and so is learning
biochemistry well for students. Just as many students often complain, they vir-
Rongwu Yang, School of Life Sciences,
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, tually always fail in either physiology or biochemistry. I have been teaching
China. biochemistry at Nanjing University for over 25 years and am very successful in
my biochemistry-teaching career. The way and style that I teach biochemistry
Funding information is highly praised by both my students and my fellow teachers. As an instructor,
Nanjing University teaching fund the most important thing is, I think, you have to do your best to arouse or
ignite students' interest in biochemistry learning. But how? In this article, I
will introduce many first-hand practical tips on how to arouse the students
‘interest in studying biochemistry from giving the first lecture to last lecture,
from how to combine advanced teaching methods with traditional teaching
methods to how to combine classic biochemistry with latest biochemical devel-
opments, from the main classroom teaching to organization of extracurricular
activities as the second classroom, and so on. These tips are proven very useful
and then can be followed by other professors who are teaching biochemistry.
Hopefully, they can help many professors improve their skills for teaching

biochemistry, biochemistry song, practical tips

I believe that biochemistry is the most important basic well. You make your students like your course by doing
subject in life sciences, but it is not easy for teachers to as follows:
teach it well and for students to learn it well. As an expe-
rienced biochemistry instructor, the most important 1 Teach every lecture well, especially first one and
thing is that we have to employ every means to arouse last one
students' interest in learning. Here are some practical tips 2 Make your course more interesting
I just want to share which can be used to ignite students' 3 Introduce biochemical knowledge with interesting
interest in studying biochemistry. things or stories

This is how I give my first lecture:

ENJOY YOUR COURSE a Give a brief welcome speech
b Ask one student randomly to express his/her opinions
This point is very important. If your course is boring, about Biochemistry
your students will be bored and then they cannot learn it c Play one song called “Biochemistry”

Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2020;1–7. © 2020 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1

d Emphasize the class disciplines and introduce the a TCA cycle: Arsenic and death of Wu dalang (a Chinese
grading policy historic person)
e Invite the best student in the past semester to share b Gs protein: Cholera and death of Tchaikovsky (the
the biochemistry-learning experiences famous Russian musician)
f Introduce briefly the recent biochemistry-related c Pyrrolysine: German cows cause methane blast in
advances made by the Nobel laureates Rasdorf
g Introduce the molecule or breakthrough of the year d Peter Mitchell built the lab in his home to seek evi-
related to biochemistry by Science dences in support of the chemiosmotic theory
h Talk about what Biochemistry is and what is the use e How did Viagra which was originally developed to
of biochemistry1 cure heart disease become a medicine to cure ED?
i Play three videos about biochemistry. The first one is a f How did adefovir which was originally developed to cure
news story about how a mother, a politics professor, AIDS finally become a medicine to cure hepatitis B?
treated her kids suffering from cystic fibrosis by self- g Introduce the second law by predicting that a building
studying biochemistry. The second one is also a story where you are will collapse some day
about how an undergraduate student diagnosed with h Alcohol fermentation: auto-brewery syndrome
chordoma from Duke university did his research about i You can express I love you in a biochemical style: Iso-
cancer in his spare time. And the third is “the inner life leucine Leucine Pyrrolysine Valine Glutamate Tyrosine
of the cell” created by Harvard university Pyrrolysine Selenocysteine
j Mobilize students to take part in the biochemistry song
contest There are also a lot of examples I use to combine bio-
chemical theory with practice
And this is how I give my last lecture:
a Biochemistry and disease cure
a Do not start with a bang and end with a whimper b Why is eating watermelon skin better for health?
b Echo the first lesson by playing another biochemical c Why cannot overnight leeks be eaten?
song, “Biochemistry Pie” d How is trans-fat formed and why is it harmful to
c Let students share their biochemistry-studying health?
experiences e Why is eating raw eggs harmful to health?
d Speak of their “favorite protein, favorite enzyme and f Why does the bean milk have to be boiled before being
favorite RNA” drunk?
e Replay the third video played in the first lecture and g How do aspirin and nitroglycerin work as medicines?
ask again how much students know about h Can you read your physical report?
f Talk about the final exam in brief i Can Q10 and carnitine lose your weight?
g Give a farewell speech in a biochemical way j What is good or bad about the UV?
k Why cannot wild mushrooms randomly be picked and
My farewell speech is: Here let me borrow DNA, pro- eaten?
teins and enzymes from biochemistry, to express my best l Is there anyone who cannot be infected with HIV2?
wishes to you! As simple and beautiful as the DNA Dou-
ble Helix, as helpful as the molecular chaperone, as per-
fect as the triose phosphate isomerase, being in pursuit of 2 | MA KE Y O U R CO URS E E AS IL Y
balance and harmony as ribonucleotide reductase and UNDERSTOOD
self-correction just as DNA polymerase!
Some students find biochemistry boring. If the teach- You can make your students easily understand your course
ing atmosphere in the classroom is also dull, it will be dif- by using analogy, summarizing, making demonstrations,
ficult to raise the students' interest in learning. Therefore, playing biochemical songs and even playing games.
teachers should try to adjust the atmosphere of the class-
room so that they can be more active, more humorous, These are some analogy examples:
and more interesting during lectures. In this regard,
teachers need to pay attention to cultivating their own a Titin—a great man knows when to yield and when not
language, and also to introduce some knowledge points b Prion—He that touches pitch shall be defiled
in a fun and humorous way. c Cyclin and CDK—Behind every active CDK there is a
I have many examples here for reference. These are cyclin just like behind every successful man there is a
examples I use: woman

d F1F0-ATP synthase—molecular cash printer, enzyme— can gather together spontaneously in the aqueous solu-
molecular matchmaker, signal peptide—molecular tion; I also like to use the two wires on the podium to
zip code make them entangle too much to demonstrate how the
e Phospholipid—yourself (your head is a hydrophilic positive supercoil is formed; I will also use my iPad by
head group and your legs are two hydrophobic tails) the adapter can be connected to the projector in the class-
f Glycolysis can be likened to cutting in the waist and room to demonstrate the role of adapter protein in the
phosphate pentose pathway can be likened to signal transduction pathway; I also bring keys and locks
beheading. and gloves to demonstrate the “lock and key” model and
g The enzyme and its suicidal inhibitor—the farmer and the “induced fit” model respectively3; I will have a stu-
snake in the fable dent on stage I demonstrated with “phosphoglycerate
h Why do the receptors of growth factors have to dimer- mutase” or catalytic mechanism “phosphoglucose
ize during action—You scratch my back and I'll mutase” together. Here I use “phosphoglycerate mutase”
scratch yours as an example. I will let the student's representative be
i Function of citrate in the cytosol: one stone, four birds 3-phosphoglycerate. Her left and right hands represent
the hydroxyl groups at positions 2 and 3, respectively.
These are some good summary examples: Holding a blue tea cup in her right hand, representing a
phosphate group. I am a mutase, so when I catalyze the
a Stories about seven in biochemistry reaction, I do not directly change the tea cup on one
hand to the other, but I need to be phosphorylated first,
i Hepapeptide sequence in the alpha-keratin so there is a purple tea cup on my hand that represents
ii Seven classes of enzymes: the newly-added class is my own phosphate group before I can catalyze the reac-
translocases tion. When I was catalyzing, I first gave my phosphate
iii Seven trans-membrane receptors group (purple) to one hand of him (her), so both hands of
iv Hepapeptide sequence (YSPTSPS) of CTD on the him (her) carried the phosphate group and became
RNA polymerase II 2,3-biphosphoglycerate is a metabolic intermediate, and
v Seven in one enzyme: mammalian fatty synthase then she gave me the blue cup in the left hand, so that it
became 2-phosphoglycerate, and I returned to the previ-
b Where there are three, there is a competition ous phosphorylation state (Figure 2).
(Figure 1) As for games, complex processes such as signal path-
ways and metabolic pathways can be considered for use.
As for the demo, I think it is particularly useful. Some Here I have one example, which is to explain the princi-
complex and abstract processes can make students under- ple of mass spectrometry sequencing.
stand instantly by a simple demonstration. For example, Let me talk about the principle of mass spectrometry
I use my own neck to demonstrate that the peptide bond to determine the primary structure of proteins. As we all
cannot be rotated freely. Actually, I have many other know, the method of directly determining the primary
examples. For instance, I like to use my two fists to repre- structure of proteins is mainly mass spectrometry (MS),
sent two hydrophobic groups and demonstrate why they and it is no longer a chemical assay based on the Edman
degradation reaction. How to explain the principles of
MS to students, I think it is best to introduce a specific
peptide as a specific example, and I have been using a
tetrapeptide sequence as an example for many years. This
tetrapeptide is-LOVE. Please note that LOVE here is not
love, but a tetrapeptide composed of leucine, pyrrolysine,
valine, and glutamic acid. Let us say it has been tested by
chemometric methods, now let you verify it with MS. So
how does it work? In fact, the principle of MS is not com-
plicated. It requires us to use a method to “round up” the
peptides that can be directly sequenced, and randomly
cut smaller fragments, such as using inert gases (such as
helium and argon). After the collision, the peptide chain
F I G U R E 1 Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has a higher is randomly broken at the peptide bond, so that it breaks
affinity for ethanol than it does for methanol (From left to right: Li down into smaller peptides. These formed product ion
Yangguang, Yang Zhiyu and Zhang Yu) fragments are different from each other in mass-to-

F I G U R E 2 I demonstrated a
catalytic mechanism of phosphoglycerate
mutase with a student (From left to
right: Yuan Xiaowei and Professor
Rongwu Yang)

charge ratio, so they can be separated and identified of students to claim L, O, V, and E, and each one was
using mass spectrometers, so they are chemically predict- drawn to the front of the classroom to form different
able. Then we can identify each one like a puzzle. The LOVEs. Then I randomly cut them into smaller peptides,
small fragments are assembled, and finally the amino and then sort the assembly. In this way, I believe that all
acid sequence of the precursor can be restored. The rea- students should master the basic principles of MS
son I chose the “love” sequence here is because it is fun (Figure 3).
and can inspire students! To use it as the object of
sequencing, we must first break “love.” There are many
“loves” in the sequenced samples. Because the peptide 3 | DIVERSIFY YOUR TEACHING
bond breaks are random, the fragments generated by dif- METHODS
ferent “love” breaks are different. Some “loves” have bro-
ken at the three peptide bonds, which can produce L Teaching methods must be diversified and are not limited
fragments, O fragments, V fragments, and E fragments. If to one form. But among the various teaching methods, I
there are only these four fragments, we can only know highly advocate problem-based, heuristic, and interac-
that “love” is composed of these four amino acid resi- tive, method because these three methods can attract or
dues, but we cannot judge their order. Obviously, it is force students to participate in the classroom, prompting
impossible to have only these four fragments, because the them to continue to think along with the pace of your
peptide bonds of other “love” in other positions are bro- lecture. In addition, the teacher should not always stand
ken, which may produce LO fragments, V fragments, E on the podium during the class. He must go down, pay
fragments, or L fragments, O fragments, and VE frag- attention to every student who attends the class, and ask
ments, or it is L fragment, OV fragment and E fragment. questions at any time. When designing the content of
With the help of these fragments, we will be able to each lecture, the teacher can design them into one ques-
assemble the sequence of the original peptide. We can tion after another. In this way, during teaching, they can
explain this process on the blackboard, but I chose live take the form of self-questioning and answering, or let
demonstrations and games. Because when I talked about students answer.
22 kinds of protein amino acids, I launched an activity As for “naked teaching,” it is a term I invented, which
for students to claim amino acids. Since there are nearly means you do not use the modern auxiliary equipment
120 students in this class in medical school, they can only such as courseware and computers and you just use the
be claimed in groups (a group of no more than 5–6 most traditional teaching tools-chalk and blackboard.
digits). This kind of group claim just allows me to do live Nowadays, some teachers cannot do without the hints of
demos and games. At the beginning, I asked four groups courseware, and some simply read the courseware, which

F I G U R E 3 A game I played with

students to determine the LOVE
sequence by mass spectrometry

shows that they are not familiar with the content. You c Hold the Contest for biochemical knowledge or bio-
know, students most hate the teacher who reads the lec- chemical songs
tures! I do not think that you need to do “naked teaching” d Encourage students to make wine and yogurt by
in every lesson, but a qualified teacher must ensure that fermentation
he can do every “naked teaching.” Imagine if one day e Celebrate the birthday for the DNA double helix on
when you were in class, there was a sudden power outage every 4.25
in the classroom, and computers and courseware would f Promote education about AIDS on each 12.1
not be available at that time. If you could not do a “naked
teaching,” you would be very embarrassed in class. A poem written by one student named Jiao Yuting:
Molecular chaperone
The teaching methods we can choose are as follows: You are a molecular partner
I am destined to encounter
a The bilingual teaching In your arms
b The multimedia teaching Past pains
c Problem-based teaching And errors
d The elicitation method of teaching No longer exist
e Limited Flipped classroom Can I keep the wrong conformation all the time?
f Oral lecture without the help of any other means even Just because
ppt slides I want you to be my molecular chaperone
g Small class teaching For a lifetime
h Combination of online courses with off-line courses
A story about the boat of friendship written by
Prof. Rongwu Yang:
4 | ORGANIZE MORE EXTR A- One day, DNA encountered ribosomes. DNA
C U R R I C U L A R AC TI V I T I E S said to the ribosome, thank you for translat-
ing the DNA polymerase, which allowed me
These are some activities I often organize to copy a lot of copies, so the genetic infor-
mation can be passed down from generation
a Organize Video-taped Presentation to generation. The ribosome replied that I
b Encourage students to write short biochemical poems just translated the DNase. The boat of friend-
or stories ship is turned over immediately!

Music has been proven very helpful for teaching by Song of Hemoglobin (adapted from Sound of Silence)
improving memorization. If you can incorporate music Hemoglobin my old friend
into your teaching effectively and compose songs in You transfer oxygen again
which the music and words can reinforce each other, Because the heme inside is working
music will play a more important role in teaching.4 As Binding O two with no stopping
for the biochemistry song contest, I am just one who first And the heme
advocated and launched the biochemistry song contest Is protected by protein
in China. In 2016, I organized first biochemistry song From the harm
contest between Nanjing University and Shanghai Of oxidation of others
Jiaotong University. In 2017, I organized first China In waterless domain heme lie alone
Undergraduate Biochemistry Song Contest in Nanjing. Where function of the iron born
In 2018, CSBMB organized the second contest in Qing- Atom seized on the prophyrin
dao. In 2019, CSBMB organized the third contest in Stabilized by the two histidine
Hangzhou (Figure 4). All the contests are very successful When carbon monoxide
and a lot of great biochemistry song are created by Take place of O two by mistake
students. Feel suffocated
Rejected by the distal one
Some great biochemistry songs in the contests And in the 3D structure I saw
are as follows: Four chains combined to form you all
a Sweetish glycolysis Some say conformations change together
b Acidic TCA Other say they're changing one another
c The old days of learning biochemistry That's how we tried
d Silencer, I have something to say Explain cooperativity
e Sweet serine protease No one fails
f Orgy of intracellular proteases To fit the curve of affinity
g Song of hemoglobin Friend say I you now should know
h Final receptor What some hidden secrets show
O two just a passer-by to you
Selected Biochemistry Song Lyrics Not the stable partner of you

F I G U R E 4 Photo of Prof. Chang

Zengyi (first one on the back row from
the right), Prof. Rongwu Yang (third one
on the back row from the left) and some
students taking part in Third College
Students Biochemistry Song Contest

The reason lies inside the Bohr Effect ORCID

And also lies in allostery Rongwu Yang
Proton and C O two
Two-three BPG help too RE FER EN CES
Tense the state of hemoglobin 1. Neslson DL, Cox MM. Lehninger principles of biochemistry. 7th
So the affinity start decreasing ed. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2017.
So O two in the cell can shuttle between 2. Yang R. Principles of biochemistry (in Chinese). 3rd ed. Beijing,
Tissues and our lung China: Higher Education Press, 2018.
Another round
4. Gregory JC, Tom M, Jean SF, Katie D. Leveraging the power of
Composing the song of hemoglobin music to improve science education, Int. J Sci Educ. 2016;38(1):
I want to thank Miss Jiao Yuting for her biochemical
poem named molecular chaperone, thank Miss Zhang
Yu, Mr. Yang Ziyu, and Mr. Li Yangguang for the photo How to cite this article: Yang R. How to arouse
in the Figure and thank the Biochemistry and Molecular students' desire to learn biochemistry. Biochem Mol
Biology Teaching Committee from The Chinese Society Biol Educ. 2020;1–7.
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB) for 21357
their support.

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