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2120 Engineering Thermodynamics

Partial Test #1 Part #2

2. (20%) Figure on the side shows a
tank within a tank, each
containing air. The U-tube
manometer connected to tank A
contains mercury (density 13.59
g/cm3), is located inside tank B
and reads 15 cm. Pressure gage
connected to tank B and reads
1.5 bar. Using data on the
diagram, determine the absolute
pressures inside tank A and tank
B, each in bar. The atmospheric
pressure surrounding tank B is
101 kPa. The acceleration of
gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2.

MS 2120 Engineering Thermodynamics
Partial Test #1 Part #2

3. (40%) A 5 kg piston in a cylinder with

diameter of 100 mm is loaded with a linear
spring. Force equation for linear spring is
𝐹 = 𝑘𝑥. Initially, the spring exerts no force
on the piston when it is at the bottom of the
cylinder. The valve is opened to let some gas
in, causing the piston moves upward. At the
position shown in the right figure (State 1),
pressure of system is 400 kPa with volume
of 0.4 L. Then the valve is closed. After the
valve was closed, heat transfer enters to the
system until the piston hit stopper (State 2). Internal energy change from State 1 to 2 is 125
J. Maximum volume of the system is 0.8 L. Heat transfer is continued for some time until
reach State 3, with ∆𝑈() = 212 𝐽. Note: atmospheric pressure is 1 atm, while gravity
acceleration is 9.81 m/s2.
a. Draw p-V diagram for the system.
b. Calculate p2 [kPa]
c. Calculate work and heat transfer for process 1-2 and 2-3 [J]

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