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Balance sheet of XYZ ltd. (as at ……..

(As per Part I of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013)

Equity and Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

1) Shareholders’ funds (SRM) 1) Non-current assets (Fanci Dress Le Lo)
a. Share Capital a. Fixed Assets (TICI)
b. Reserves and Surplus i. Tangible
c. Money received against share ii. Intangible
warrants iii. Capital Work in progress
2) Share application money iv. Intangible assets under
pending allotment development
3) Non-current liabilities (LDOL b. Non-current investments
or DOLL) c. Deferred tax assets (net)
a. Long term borrowings d. Long term loans and advances
b. Deferred tax liabilities(net) e. Other non-current assets
c. Other long term liabilities 2) Current assets (CIT CSO or TISCCO)
d. Long term provision a. Current investment
4) Current liabilities (STOS or b. Inventories
TOSS) c. Trade receivables
a. Short term borrowings d. Cash and cash equivalents
b. Trade payables e. Short term loans and advances
c. Other Current liabilities f. Other current assets
d. Short term provisions

Notes to Accounts
S.No Particulars Amount
1 Share Capital
 Authorised Capital
 Issued Capital
 Subscribed capital:
i. Subscribed and fully paid
ii. Subscribed but not fully paid capital
2 Reserve and Surplus
 General Reserves
i. Capital Reserves
ii. Capital redemption reserve
iii. Securities premium reserve
iv. Debenture redemption reserve
v. Revaluation reserve
vi. Share option outstanding account
vii. Other reserves (restricted to general reserves only)
 Funds
 Surplus (Balance in statement of profit and loss)
3  Long term borrowings
i. Bonds/Debentures
ii. Long term loans
iii. Public deposits
Note: A part of long term borrowing which is due within 12 months from the date of
balance sheet will be shown under ‘other current liabilities’ as Current Maturities of
Long term Debts.
 Deferred tax liabilities (Accounting treatment not is syllabus)
 Other long term liabilities
i. Premium payable on redemption of debentures
ii. Premium payable on redemption of preference shares
iii. Trade Payable (Exceed 12 months or operating cycle)
 Long term provisions
i. Provision for Employee Benefits
ii. Provision for warranties
iii. Provision for Gratuity
4  Short term borrowings
i. Loans payable on demand (Cash credit or bank overdraft)
ii. Loans from other parties/businesses
iii. Deposits
iv. Other loans and advances (specify nature)
 Trade Payables
i. Creditors
ii. Bills Payables
 Other Current Liabilities
i. Current maturities of long term debt (to be paid within 12 months)
ii. Interest accrued and due on borrowings
iii. Interest accrued but not due on borrowings
iv. Income received in advance
v. Unpaid (Unclaimed) dividend
vi. Excess of application money which is due for refund and interest on
such amount
vii. Unpaid matured deposits and interest on such deposits
viii. Unpaid matured debentures and interest on such deposits
ix. Other payables (O/S expenses, calls in advance and interest, provident
fund payable, GST payable,)
 Short-term Provisions
i. Provisions for doubtful debts
ii. Provision for employees benefits (which will retire within 12 months
from the date of balance sheet)
iii. Others (Provision for taxation)
5  ASSETS - Tangible Assets
i. Land
ii. Buildings
iii. Plant and Machinery
iv. Furniture and Fixtures
v. Vehicles
vi. Office equipments
vii. Others (specify nature)
 Intangible Assets
i. Goodwill
ii. Brands/Trade marks
iii. Computer Software and Mining Rights
iv. Mastheads (name of the magazine) and Publishing Titles
v. Copyrights, Patent and other intellectual property rights
vi. Recipes, Formulae, Models, Designs and prototypes
vii. Licenses and Franchise
 Capital work in progress
Under construction Building, Plant and Machinery etc.
 Intangible assets under development
i. Patents
ii. Intellectual property rights (Created out of human minds like patents,
copyrights, trademarks, designs and trade secrets)
6 Non-current Investment
 Trade Investments
Investments in securities of other companies
 Other Non Trade Investments
i. Investment property
ii. Investments in equity/preference instruments
iii. Investments in government or trust securities
iv. Investments in debentures or bonds
v. Investments in mutual funds
vi. Investments in partnership firms
vii. Other non-current investments (specify nature)
7  Deferred Tax Assets (When provision for tax is more than actual tax expense)
(Not in Syllabus)
8  Long-term loans and advance
i. Capital advances (advances given for acquiring fixed assets)
ii. Security deposits (deposits for the period of more than 12 months)
- Security deposits for electricity bill, telephone bill etc..
9  Current Investments
i. Investments in equity shares
ii. Investments in preference shares
iii. Investments in government bonds
iv. Mutual Funds
v. In other partnership firms
 Inventories
i. Raw material
ii. Work in progress
iii. Finished goods
iv. Stock - In trade
v. Stores and spares
vi. Loose tools
 Trade Receivable
i. Debtor
ii. Bills Receivable
 Cash and Cash Equivalents
i. Cash in hand
ii. Bank Balance
iii. Cheques in hand or drafts in hand
iv. Balance with banks held as margin money
 Short term loans and advances
 Other current assets
i. Unamortized expenditure
ii. Prepaid expense
iii. Dividend receivable
iv. Advance taxes

Footnote:- Contingent Liabilities and Commitments

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