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Fighter : Weapon Thrower

Martial Archetype Depending on the type of your Bonded Weapon, you also gain
Weapon Thrower some specific benefits.
Swiftly moving around the battlefield, Weapon Throwers Shield. If your Bonded Weapon is a shield,
harass their enemies with fast and precise attacks,
alternating with grace between range and melee combat It is considered a martial melee weapon for you.
styles. The fighters that choose to become weapon throwers It deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the Thrown
learn how to create a supernatural link between them and (20/60ft.) property.
their favorite piece of weaponry. That Bond insures that the You can draw or stow it as an object interaction.
weapon always return to their hand, allowing them to throw it It counts has if it was don when you have it in your hand.
again and again without ever knowing the fear of loosing their If you make a Bond with a +1, +2 or +3 magical shield, it
beloved flying tool. also counts as a +1, +2 or +3 weapon (you can add its
bonus modifier to the attack and damage rolls).
Bonded Weapon Thrown weapon. If your Bonded Weapon is a Thrown
Beginning at 3rd level, you can create a magical link between Weapon,
you and a thrown weapon of your choice by training with it
during a short or a long rest. Choose a weapon with the It counts as both a Melee and a Ranged Weapon when
Thrown property or a shield. That weapon or that shield you make a ranged attack with it.
becomes your Bonded Weapon. If you hit a target with both a ranged attack and a melee
attack during a same turn, that target takes an extra 1d6
After every ranged attack you make with your Bonded piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage (depending on
Weapon, it returns to your hand. the type of damage of your Bonded Weapon).
You can make a shove attack against any creature within Sharp Vision
the short or long range of your Bonded Weapon as if you Starting at 7th level, your vision is so precise you make any
were in melee range with it. If the creature is further from perception or investigation roll using your sight with
you than the short range of your weapon, or if it has a advantage, and you can make the Search action as a bonus
cover, you make the Strength (Athletics) check with action.
You can choose to replace your Bonded Weapon and make
a Bond with an other thrown weapon or shield when you Art Credit : Wizards of the Coast
finish a short or a long rest.
Spectacular Throws Spectacular Skewer
When you reach 10th level in this subclass, you learn how to (Piercing weapons without the Finesse property only)
perform Spectacular Throws with your Bonded Weapon.
When you make a Spectacular Throw, you can't make As an action, you can throw your Bonded Weapon on a 120ft.
another one with the same weapon until you finish a short or long line in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line
long rest, or until you use the fighter's Second Wind feature. must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a
If your Bonded Weapon is magical, the damage dealt by your creature takes 4d6 piercing damage, and if it is one size
Spectacular Throws counts as magical. After a Spectacular bigger than you or smaller, it falls prone. On a successful
Throw, your Bonded Weapon returns to your hand. save, the creature takes half damage and doesn't fall prone.
Saving Throws. Some of your Spectacular Throws require The damage increases to 6d6 at level 15.
your target to make a saving throw to resist the effects. The Spectacular Steel Tempest
saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
(Piercing weapons with the Finesse property only)
Spectacular Throw save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) As an action, you can throw your Bonded Weapon really fast
all around yourself in a deadly tempest. Each creature within
Spectacular Bounce 10ft. of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
(Bludgeoning weapons only) takes 9d4 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
As an action, you can throw your Bonded Weapon to a point The damage increases to 12d4 at level 15.
you see within 30ft. of you. Your Bonded Weapon then
bounce against each creature of your choice in a 20ft. radius Steel's Tempo
around that point. Each target must succeed a dexterity Beginning at 15th level, after each ranged attack you make, if
saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be your speed is higher than 0 and that your are not prone, you
disoriented until the end of your next turn. When can move 10ft. in the direction of your choice.
disoriented, a creature rolls a d4 and subtracts the number
rolled from all its attack rolls, ability checks, as well as its Dual Bond
saving throws. When you reach 18th level in this subclass, you can use
The damage increases to 3d6 at level 15. Bonded Weapon on two weapons or on a weapon and a
shield at the same time.
Spectacular Hook
(Slashing weapons only)
When you hit a target with a ranged attack with your Bonded
Weapon, you can choose to expend one use of your
Spectacular Throw feature to attempt to Hook the creature
toward you. The target takes extra damage equal to your
fighter level from your attack, and must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, it is pulled 20ft. toward you. If
the Target is two sizes larger than you or bigger, it doesn't Art Credit : LeRoiDeCarreau
have to make the saving throw and you are automatically
pulled 20ft. toward it instead.

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