MY SVO - PRACTICE - Simple Present Tense

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SVO Writing Practice

Simple Present
By Tcher Ayne


Tcher Ayne



1. Notes 1-8
SVO contents
Verb list
2. Let’s Practice 9

2. Simple Present Verb 10-17

3. Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table 18-24

4. Form sentences based on pictures 25-33

5. Fill in the blanks in the SVO table 34-40

6. Form simple sentences using the words or phrases 41-46

7. Fill in the correct present tense verb and find the 47-50
hidden words

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The main person/animal/thing that is doing the action
in the sentence.
Orang/haiwan/benda yang terlibat dalam melakukan perbuatan
dalam ayat.

ubject Example:
Aiman eats a banana.

He washes the car.
They play together.
The girls watch television in the living room.
The white sleeps under the tree.
The bell rings loudly.
The car moves very fast.

Simple Present Tense Verbs
- Words that show action in the present.
- A present verb will need
a. to add either ‘s’ or ‘es’ when the subject doing the action is singular(one).
b. For verbs that end with ‘y’ , the ‘y’ will be replace with ‘i’ and ‘es’.
Example : carry=carries, study=studies The girl studies for her exam.
+s +es +ies

walk walks wash washes cry cries

- When the subject is plural(more than one), the verbs are in the original state.
Example: The girls study together.

- Perkataan-perkataan yang menunjukkan Tindakan atau perbuatan pada masa sekarang/kini.

- Sesuatu perkataan present verb memerlukan kita
a. menambah samada ‘s’ atau ‘es’ padanya apabila subjek yang melakukan perbuatan ada
satu sahaja.
b. untuk kata kerja yang berakhir dengan huruf ‘y’, huruf ‘y’ itu akan digantikan dengan
huruf ‘i’ dan ditambah dengan ‘es’.
Contoh: carry=carries, study=studies The girl studies for her exam.

- Apabila subjek ada lebih daripada satu, kata kerja tersebut adalah dalam keadaan asal.
Contoh: The girls study together.

Aiman eats a banana. The white cat sleeps under the tree.
He washes washing the car. The two men sit on the bench.
They play together in the yard. The bell rings loudly.
The girls watch television in the living room. The car moves very fast.

The rest of the sentence that explains more about the action done
by the subject.
(what/when/where/how/with whom)
Bahagian seterusnya ayat yang menerangkan lebih tentang perbuatan
yang dilakukan oleh subjek. (apa/bila/di mana /bagaimana/dengan siapa)
Aiman eats a banana.
He washes the car with his brother.
They play together.
The girl watches television in the living room.
The white cat sleeps under the tree.
The bell rings loudly.
The car moves very fast.
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SVO Table
This is an example of the SVO table that
we can use as a guide to form sentences.
Ini adalah satu contoh jadual SVO yang boleh

digunakan sebagai panduan untuk membina ayat.

Subject Verb Object

No. (what/when/where/
(who/what) (action)
how/with whom)

1. He plays football.

2. She plays with her sister just now.

3. It sleeps on the bed

4. We jog at the park.

5. They study together yesterday..

6. I eat a banana.

7. You wear my jacket.

8. Amin reads quietly by himself.

9. Amin and Maya bake pizzas in the kitchen.

10. The people wait for the bus.

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Simple Present Tense Verb
No. Simple Present Verbs Simple Present Verbs Meaning
for Plural Nouns for Singular Nouns

1. go goes pergi
2. come comes datang
3. walk walks berjalan
4. run runs berlari
5. sit sits duduk
6. stand stands berdiri
7. sleep sleeps tidur
8. rest rests berehat
9. teach teaches mengajar
10. learn learns belajar
11. read reads membaca
12. write writes menulis
13. talk talks bercakap
14. listen listens mendengar
15. cut cuts memotong/menggunting
16. past pasts melekatkan
17. look at looks at melihat ke arah/pada
18. smile smiles senyum
19. laugh laughs ketawa
20. cry cries menangis
21. jump jumps melompat
22. climb climbs memanjat
23. chat chats berbual
24. buy buys membeli
25. sell sells menjual
26. give gives memberi
27. take takes mengambil
28. draw draws melukis
29. wash washes membasuh
30. clean cleans membersihkan/mencuci

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Simple Present Tense Verb
No. Simple Present Verbs Simple Present Verbs Meaning
for Plural Nouns for Singular Nouns

31. watch watches menonton

32. sweep sweeps menyapu
33. fold folds melipat
34. hang hangs menggantung/menyidai
35. eat eats makan
36. drink drinks minum
37. cook cooks masak
38. make makes membuat
39. bake bakes membakar (kek/kuih/roti)
40. prepare prepares menyediakan
41. carry carries membawa
42. study studies belajar
43. train trains berlatih
44. sing sings menyanyi
45. dance dances menari
46. choose chooses memilih
47. look for looks for mencari
48. hide hides bersembunyi
49. hold holds memegang
50. wave waves melambai
51. pull pulls menarik
52. push pushes menolak
53. help helps membantu
54. wipe wipes mengelap
55. show shows menunjukkan
56. perform performs membuat persembahan
57. invite invites menjemput/mengajak
58. tell tells memberitahu
59. ask asks bertanya
60. shout shouts menjerit/memekik

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Simple Present Tense Verb
No. Simple Present Verbs Simple Present Verbs Meaning
for Plural Nouns for Singular Nouns
61. swim swims berenang
62. build builds membina

63. paint paints mengecat

64. colour colours mewarna
65. move moves bergerak
66. fly flies terbang

67. ring rings berdering

68. hit hits memukul
69. crash crashes berlanggar

70. dream dreams bermimpi

71. feed feeds memberi makan/menyuap
72. take care of takes care of menjaga
73. take part takes part mengambil bahagian
74. run away runs away melarikan diri
75. lie lies menipu
76. lay down lays down baring
77. repair repairs membaiki
78. arrange arranges menyusun
79. plant plants menanam
80. garden gardens berkebun
81. work works bekerja
82. exercise exercises bersenam
83. discuss discusses berbincang
84. put out puts out memadam (api)
85. arrive arrives tiba/sampai
86. send sends menghantar
87. receive receives menerima
88. save saves menyelamatkan/menyimpan
89. drown drowns lemas
90. scream screams menjerit

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Simple Present Tense Verb
No. Simple Present Verbs Simple Present Verbs Meaning
for Plural Nouns for Singular Nouns
91. burn burns membakar
92. shine shines bersinar
93. wear wears memakai
(pakaian sudah ada pada badan)

94. put on puts on memakai

(proses memakai pakaian)

95. punch punches menumbuk

96. slap slaps menampar
97. drive drives memandu
98. ride rides menaiki/menunggang
99. cycle cycles mengayuh
110. slide slides menggelongsor
111. think thinks berfikir
112. enjoy enjoys menikmati
113. decorate decorates menghias
114. have has mengadakan
115. hunt hunts memburu
116. visit visits melawat/menziarahi
117. shop shops membeli-belah
118. weave weaves menganyam
119. fry fries menggoreng
120. spin spins berputar/berpusing
121. miss misses hilang/rindu
122. cross crosses melintas/menyeberangi

123. live lives tinggal/hidup

124. stay stays menetap/menginap
125. order orders memesan/mengarahkan
126. rent rents menyewa
127. borrow borrows meminjam
128. scold scolds memarahi
129. call calls memanggil
130. collect collects mengumpul

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Simple Present Tense Verb
No. Simple Present Verbs Simple Present Verbs Meaning
for Plural Nouns for Singular Nouns
131. chase chases mengejar
132. cheer cheers bersorak
133. check checks memeriksa
134. mop mops mengemop
135. sail sails belayar
136. sew sews menjahit
137. wrap wraps membalut
138. relax relaxes berehat
139. tidy up tidies up mengemas
140. dig digs mengorek
141. beat beats memukul
142. meet meets berjumpa/bermesyuarat
143. measure measures mengukur
144. hide hides bersembunyi
145. stare stares merenung
146. search searches mencari
147. lend lends memberi pinjam
148. spend spends membelanjakan/menghabiskan

149. graze grazes meragut (rumput)

150. stroll strolls bersiar-siar
151. boil boils menjerang/merebus
152. explain explains menerangkan
153. spray sprays menyembur
154. feel feels merasa
155. line up lines up berbaris
156. queue up queues up beratus
157. deliver delivers menghantar/mengirim
158. donate donates menderma
159. clap claps menepuk (tangan)
160. treat treats merawat

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Tense Verbs

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Simple Present Tense Verb

Simple Present
Plural Nouns + (original)
Tense Verb (SPTV)

Singular SPTV
Nouns/Subjects/Pronouns (original
verb) The simple present verb
They play words are verbs (actions)
that is happening at that
We watch
time, shows routine activity
Aiman and Lisa plan or shows habits. When the
Aiman and I cycle subject is plural, the verb is
The boys run in the original form.
The four boys clean Simple present tense verb adalah
perkataan menunjukkan bahawa
The girls cook
sesuatu perbuatan/tindakan itu
The two girls talk sedang berlaku pada masa it,
perbuatan rutin (sentiasa dilakukan)
Some boys help atau tindakan kebiasaan. Apabila
A few boys perform subjek lebih daripada satu, kata kerja
adalah dalam keadaan asal (kata
The people gather dasar) dan tidak berubah.
The children laugh
The pupils learn
My family and I go
My mother and I shop
The cats eat
The cars move
Their families celebrate
Our families visit

Plural SPTV

I love
you love

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Simple Present Tense Verb

Simple Present
Singular Nouns + + s/es/ies
Tense Verb (SPTV)

she + eats
He + washes
The baby + cries

Plural SPTV
Nouns/Subjects/Pronouns (original verb) The simple present tense
He goes verb show that the verbs
She loves (actions) are still happening
at that time. When the
It eats
subject is singular(one),
Aiman plays verbs must add either
Lisa talks ‘s’/’es’/’ies’ depending on the
A boy / The boy cries word.
A girl / The girl washes Simple present tense verb adalah
perkataan kata kerja yang
A man / The man works
menunjukkan bahawa sesuatu
A woman / the woman cooks perbuatan/tindakan itu masih berlaku
pada masa itu. Apabila subjek ada
A cat/The cat sleeps satu sahaja, kata kerja perlu
A policeman/ The policeman catches ditambah sama ada ‘s’/’es’/’ies’
bergantung pada perkataan itu.
A car / The car moves
A child / The child runs
A pupil / The pupil studies
My family lives
My mother buys
His mother cooks
Her father reads

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Using Simple Present Verb correctly.

Fill in the blank with the suitable present verb.

Simple Present Verb Simple Present Verb

1. She ________ 1. The doctor ________
2. He ________ 2. Maya and Emma ________
3. Laila ________ 3. My father ________
4. They__________ 4. The animals __________
5. My mother_________ 5. The little bird _________
6. It _________ 6. You _________
7. Hafi and I _________ 7. The women _________
8. The children __________ 8. My friends __________
9. The car_________ 9. His friend _________
10. A man ________ 10. Our teacher ________
11. We ________ 11. The goat ________
12. The people ________ 12. The sun ________
13. I _______ 13. Some men _______
14. The cats _________ 14. A little boy _________
15. The woman _________ 15. The postman _________
16. My teacher _________ 16. My sisters _________
17. My friend ________ 17. The mechanic ________
18. The four girls _________ 18. The policeman _________
19. The people _________ 19. Encik Ahmad _________
20. Linda and Maya ________ 20. My family ________

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Using Simple Present Verb correctly in a sentence.

Write (/) for the correct sentences

and (X) for the wrong sentences.

1. She play with her doll.

2. The boys jog at the park together.
3. Emma reads her favourite comic.
4. The two girls studies for their test.
5. They bake a cake in the kitchen.
6. We watches cartoon every Saturday morning.
7. Tigers and lions eat meat.
8. She lives with her family in that big house.
9. Every night , I go to bed before 10.00 p.m.
10. The old man sits on the bench.
11. My cat sleeps in the basket everyday.
12. The birds fly in the sky.
13. Amy buys an ice-cream for her little brother.
14. The boy carries the box carefully.
15. The train move slowly.
16. Mother washes the dishes.
17. Puan Amira and her son sells nasi lemak every morning.
18. The teacher teach her pupils in class.
19. Encik Mat drives his new car.
20. The children play happily at the playground.

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Using Simple Present Verb correctly in a sentence.

Underline the correct simple present verb.

e.g Leela draw/draws a picture.

1. Ifah talk/talks to Alya.

2. He ride/rides on the roller coaster.

3. They plant/plants some vegetables plants.

4. My mother mop/mops the kitchen floor.

5. The cute cat climb/climbs up the tree.

6. Jimmy and I plan/plans a birthday party for Iman.

7. The pupils help/helps the teacher.

8. Linda walk/walks to the shop with Mimi.

9. My aunt live/lives in Australia.

10. Danial’s sister hang/hangs the clothes.

11. We watch/watches a horror movie at the cinema.

12. I sweep/sweeps the dry leaves in the yard.

13. My father read/reads the newspaper.

14. The gardener cut/cuts the tall tree.

15. The children look/looks at the big elephant.

16. Danny and his brother swim/swims the pool.

17. The little girl wait/waits for her mother at the bus stop.

18. The teacher teach/teaches English in the class.

19. The fan spin/spins very fast.

20. The three pupils clean/cleans their classroom together.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 14

Using Simple Present Verb correctly in a sentence.

Fill in the blanks with the correct

simple present tense words.

cries flies swim decorate sit wait plays train

sails rings bake crosses waters repairs do run

paint collect orders visit listen

e.g rings loudly.

The school bell _______________

1. The two old girls __________________________ on the bench.

2. I ____________________ my homework now.

3. Puan Aileen ___________________ her plants in the garden.

4. A mechanic _____________________ the car in the workshop.

5. We ____________________ at the river nearby.

6. My brother ___________________ badminton with my father in front of our house.

7. His sisters _________________ some delicious cookies.

8. The customer _______________some food from the waiter.

9. The pupils ______________their class for the class party.

10. Mila and her friends ______________ for the bus at the bus stop.

11. The little boy ________________the road carefully.

12. They ________________ the museum today.

13. Andy and I ___________________ to our favourite song.

14. The eagle _________________high in the sky.

15. The boys _________________seashells at the seaside.

16. My father and uncle ________________the house wall blue.

17. I _________________for the football match next week.

18. The children ________________________from the angry goose.

19. The baby ___________________ for milk.

20. The sail boat____________________ smoothly in the sea.

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Using Simple Present Verb correctly in a sentence.

Match the subject, simple present verb with the

correct object to complete the sentences.

No Subject + present verb Object / the rest of the sentence

e.g Mimi’s brother studies to school every morning.

1. Hadi cycles their favourite movie together.

2. The dolphins swim nice pictures very well.

3. My mother bakes the fire quickly.

4. Lim draws happily together in the sea.

5. The boys watch in a university.

6. The fireman puts out very slow.

7. I drink delicious cakes and cookies.

8. Snails move Football every evening at 5.00 p.m.

9. He lives gracefully on stage during the

10. The doctor treats loudly at the hunter.

11. Iman and his brother swim the room together.

12. Aileen dances in that blue house.

13. The practice milk every day for breakfast.

14. The lion roars his patiently carefully.

15. We clean happily in the pool.

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Using Simple Present Verb correctly in a sentence.

Rewrite the correct matched sentences neatly.

e.g: Mimi’s brother studies in a university.
















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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.
1. Imran plays football.
2. The girls sweep the floor.
3. Mia gives a present to Lisa.
4. We do our homework together.
5. Amira washes the dishes in the kitchen.
6. The tortoise moves slowly.
7. The boys fly kites at the park.
8. Hadi and I dig a hole in the garden.
9. He watches a movie with his friends.
10. I save my money in the bank.
11. She folds some clothes in the living room

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. Imran plays football











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.
1. We arrange the books on the shelf.
2. They go to the mall together by bus.
3. The nurse takes care of the sick patient.
4. Danny enjoys the beautiful view at the waterfall.
5. They work in the factory nearby.
6. The headmaster gives a speech on the stage.
7. The boys help their mother in the kitchen.
8. Lisa feeds her cat every day.
9. He reads his favourite magazine in his room.
10. The workers work quietly in the office.
11. The bread vendor sells bread on his motorcycle.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. We arrange the books on the shelf











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.

1. The boy watches cartoons on YouTube.

2. The man sits on the bench.
3. The boys cycle together to the park.
4. I study at Mira’s house every evening.
5. Lim talks to Jenna every day.
6. The pupils help teacher in the classroom.
7. We exercise at the park every morning.
8. The children help their father in the garden.
9. She shops with her mother all the time.
10. Samy looks for his English book.
11. The frog jumps on the rock.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. The boy watches cartoons on Youtube.











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.

1. Maya watches television in the living room.

2. We jog at the park together every evening.
3. The boys play video games together.
4. The zoo keeper feeds the elephants.
5. She sews a dress for her daughter.
6. Encik Man repairs his motorcycle.
7. Maya and I clean the toilet together.
8. My sister stays in Australia.
9. I paint my room wall blue.
10. The two boys cycle around the park every evening.
11. He talks to his friends about school.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. Maya watches television in the living room.











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.
1. The tigers sleep under a big tree.
2. She washes the clothes in the washing machine.
3. The pupils visit the toy museum.
4. Iman gives a present to his best friend.
5. The ship sails smoothly at sea.
6. They build sandcastle together on the beach.
7. My friends and I decorate our class together.
8. The chef cooks delicious food in the restaurant.
9. The moon shines brightly tonight.
10. Amira mops the floor carefully.
11. The mechanic repairs the lorry in the workshop.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. The tigers sleep under a big tree.











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.

1. They wait for the bus at the bus stop.

2. Lisa reads the story book to her little sister.
3. He invites his friends to his house.
4. The children laugh at the silly clown.
5. The boy blew the big blue balloon.
6. She celebrates her birthday with her family and friends.
7. Iman borrows some book from the library.
8. Encik Man sells roti canai at his stall nearby.
9. My father and brother repair the roof together.
10. The man carries the heavy boxes carefully.
11. Bats sleep during the day.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. They wait for the bus at the bus stop..











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Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Transfer the sentences into the SVO Table correctly.

1. Anan plays the piano very well.

2. Mother hangs the clothes outside.
3. The two policemen chase the thief around the town.
4. The tailor sews beautiful dresses for his customers.
5. The worker pushes the heavy wheelbarrow carefully.
6. My parents rest under a big shady tree near the beach.
7. I save my money in the bank.
8. The pupils arrange the tables neatly in class.
9. Maya and I exercise regularly on Saturdays.
10. The people line up at the stadium entrance.
11. Jim wears his favourite cap every day.

Subject Verb Object

No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. Anan plays the piano very well.











Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 24

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Alya reads a story book.

Sentence: Alya reads a story book.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________25

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g The boy colours the picture with

Sentence: The boy colours the picture with crayons.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________26

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Mia and her father sing their favourite
song together.

Sentence: Mia and her father sing their favourite song together.
1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________27

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Alias plays badminton with
his uncle

Sentence: Alias plays badminton with his uncle.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________28

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Linda and her swim together in the
brother pool.

Sentence: Linda and her brother swim together in the pool.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________29

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Aiman waves to his father.

Sentence: Aiman waves to his father.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________30

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Alias plays badminton with
his uncle

Sentence Alias plays badminton with his uncle.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________31

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Laila washes the clothes

Sentence: Laila washes the clothes.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________32

Using Simple Present Verb correctly
in a sentence.
Form simple sentences using the words
or phrases given.
No. subject verb object
e.g Alya reads a story book.

Sentence: Alia read a .story book.

1. subject verb object

2. subject verb object

3. subject verb object

4. subject verb object


Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________33

Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the simple present.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does what? (what/when/where/
how/with whom)
1. The boys football in the field.

2. The cat milk in the bowl.

3. The girls in their room.

4. The train slowly

5. The children happily at the playground.

6. Ayda and her sister their favourite cartoon on television.

7. Hana and her mother a cake together.

8. My mother fish and vegetables at the market.

9. Encik Lim to work by car.

10. My friends and I together for the examination.

11. The tigers meat under the tree.

12. The gardener the plants in the garden.

13. she for bus at the bus stop.

14. I to school every morning.

15. They in the pool.

16. We at the park.

17. The teacher in the classroom.

18. My sisters a book in her room.

19. My father his car.

20. The sun brightly today.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________34

Past Verb to be and Verb+ing
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the suitable Subject.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. eats fried noodle at the stall.

2. walk in the park.

3. runs at the field.

4. drinks milk every morning.

5. play ball in the yard.

6. sweeps the dry leaves.

7. study together.

8. waters the flowers in the garden.

9. cook together in the kitchen.

10. buys fruits at the fruit stall.

11. swim in the swimming pool.

12. makes a kite for his brother.

13. read together in the library

14. digs a hole in the yard.

15. cycle to the shop quickly together.

16. boils water in the kettle.

17. wraps a present for her mother.

18. sleeps in his room.

19. cross the road together careful.

20. writes a letter to her teacher.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 35

Past Verb to be and Verb+ing
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the suitable object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. The boys watch

2. The cat sleeps

3. The girls play

4. The people look at

5. The children play

6. Ayda and her sister bake

7. Hana and her shop

8. My mother buys

9. Encik Lim drives

10. My friends go

11. The birds fly

12. The train moves

13. she reads

14. I eat

15. They cycle

16. We do

17. The teacher teaches

18. My sisters clean

19. My father works

20. The sun shines

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 36

Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the suitable subject and object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. buys

2. study

3. drives

4. play

5. plants

6. cycle

7. jumps

8. flies

9. cook

10. washes

11. learn

12. carries

13. swim

14. decorate

15. celebrate

16. drinks

17. eats

18. sells

19. clean

20. repairs

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 37

Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the subject and object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. runs

2. wash

3. helps

4. listens

5. go

6. sit

7. writes

8. watch

9. rests

10. fly

11. arranges

12. sews

13. cuts

14. bakes

15. wears

16. cook

17. sweep

18. folds

19. sleep

20. feeds

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 38

Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the subject and object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. smiles

2. read

3. cycles

4. plant

5. jumps

6. runs

7. line up

8. lives

9. takes

10. saves

11. goes

12. climb

13. swim

14. waits

15. celebrate

16. sends

17. orders

18. eat

19. drives

20. build

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 39

Simple Present Tense Verb
SVO Table
Fill in the blanks in the SVO table with the subject and object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)
1. fry

2. sings

3. feeds

4. rest

5. chat

6. washes

7. helps

8. visit

9. chase

10. makes

11. carry

12. gives

13. writes

14. sits

15. paint

16. sells

17. draws

18. clean

19. clap

20. cuts

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 40

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words

or phrases given.

e.g: boy-cycles-school-morning.

The boy cycles to school in the morning.

1. girl-cooks-kitchen

2 They-learn-class

3. The children-play-playground

4. cat-sleeps-basket

5. man-sells-rambutans-durians

6 she-waters-vegetable plants-garden

7.. Puan Mia-buys-fish-meat-market

8. Mimi-sister-shops-mall

9. Amin –carries-teacher’s books

10. mother-feeds-porridge-baby

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 41

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.

e.g: girls-cycle-school-together.

The girls cycle to school together.

1. Man-washes-car

2 People-clean-playground

3. Leela and Rani-wrap-birthday present-mother

4. He-rests-big shady tree-beach

5. She-plays-piano-living room

6 I -move -Singapore-my family

7.. They -perform-drama-stage

8. cat-drinks-milk-bowl

9. mechanic-repairs-old lorry-workshop

10. boys-play hockey-school field

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 42

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.

e.g: father-I-wash-car.

My father and I wash the car.

1. girl-takes-photos-beautiful lake

2 Aishah - Amny – play-hopscotch

3. children-laugh-funny clowns

4. mother – cooks –fried rice- breakfast

5. two girls-chat-online

6 Delisha – makes – birthday card - sister

7.. He – looks for –wallet - park

8. Lim – writes –email – friend- London

9. They – stroll–white sandy beach

10. Postman-delivers-letters-houses

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 43

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.

e.g: Aisya-feeds-pet.

Aisya feeds her pet cat every day.

1. We-celebrate-independence day -31 August

2 Old car-moves-slowly-road

3. girls-practice-singing competition

4. monkey-climbs-tree-zoo

5. snails-move-slower-tortoises.

6 family and I-eat-restaurant

7.. doctor-treats-patient-clinic

8. gardener-pull-weeds-garden

9. elephant-sprays-water-trunk

10. beautiful singer-sings-very well-stage

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 44

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.

e.g: She-bakes-pie-mother.

She bakes a pie for her mother.

1. man-drives-work-morning

2 Aishah-cycles-shop-sister

3. friend-comes-my house

4. firemen-put out-fire-house

5. doctor-checks-patient-ward

6 Amin –wears-favourite-t-shirt

7.. I – bake-cupcakes-mother

8. May Lee-visits-grandmother-Ipoh

9. girls-build-sandcastle-beach

10. boy-plays-remote control car-house

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 45

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.

1. spectators-cheer-football team-stadium

2 sister-decorates-living room-mother

3. they –plan-trip-Langkawi Island

4. people-look-accident-road

5. we-plan-birthday party- mother

6 I –write-postcard-sister-London

7.. he –orders-food-waiter-restaurant

8. father –brother-clean-yard

9. family-I-have-picnic-lake

10. grandmother – sister-weave-ketupats-eid celebration

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________ 46

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Fill in the correct present tense verb

and find the hidden words.

w c l i e r e a d s

a t e a c h e s s t

t c s w a w g h w e

s u w t c u t s a a

y b i f b e w q v c

h r m r n c a g e l

w a t c h h s f s i

e w a s t c h r e m

w p j r e q e t j b

z c f g h e s y n s

3. We _________ the car.

1. She _______ a book.

4. Adam_________ to his father.

2.They __________television together.

5. The boy _______ a tree. 7. The man _______ the tree.

6. The teacher ________ in class. 8. The children _______ in the pool.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________47

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Fill in the correct present tense verb

and find the hidden words.

c c l f o l d s d s

a t w a h h e s s t

t c a w a s e l l s

c u s t h u p s a a

h b h f b e w q v t

e r e r n m a y e r

s a s c h p l a y e

c a r r i e s r e a

j p j r e q e t j t

g c s i n g s y n s

1. She _______ with her father. 3. Sarah and Mia _________ netball.

4. Hadi _________ catches a fish.

2. mother__________the clothes.

5. The boy _______ the

books for his teacher. 7. The doctor_______ the

6. Mira ________ clothes in the 8. The man_______ vegetables

washing machine. at the market.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________48

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Fill in the correct present tense verb

and find the hidden words.

p m l r e r b a d m

a t e e c h e k s z

c c s a a f e e d s

o u w d c u t s a a

o b w a t e r s v d

k r m r g m a b e r

w g i v e s s p s i

n b a s v c f u e v

p p d t e q e l k e

z c a r r i e s n s

3. Father _________ his

1. Hana and her mother new car.
_______ together.
4. Alya _________the flowers.
2.The girl__________the cats.

5. Aiman _______ a present 7. Iman and his father_______a

to his friend. book together.

6. The man ________ the heavy 8. The butcher _______ the meat
box carefully. for his customer

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________49

Using Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Fill in the correct present tense verb

and find the hidden words.

c b l o w e e a o p

a h e b c h k s s l

r e a d s w g h w a

s u w t c u t o a y

j g i f b e w p v s

h i m r n c a g e l

w v t c a r r i e s

e e a s t c h r e m

m s j c h a t t j b

a c f g h t a k e t

3. They _________ the

1. She _______ the piano balloons.
very well.
4. The headmaster_________ a
2.Grandfather __________the speech

7. They _______ online together.

5. Laila and her mother
_______ together at
the mall.
6. The boy ________ the
8. They _______ selfies together.
groceries for the old lady.

Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________50

Simple Present Tense correctly in a sentence.

Form simple sentences using the words or

phrases given.









Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________

SVO Table
Fill in the blanks with the subject, correct verb and object.
Subject Verb Object
No. Do/does (what/when/where/
what? how/with whom)




















Tcher Ayne’s Page ___________________________________________________

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