A2 CHECKLIST: Things To Do Before 18 Oct: NRE@alu - Murciaeduca.es

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A2 CHECKLIST: things to do before 18th Oct

□ I know my NRE + password.

□ I have entered Aula Virtual.

□ I have activated my NRE@alu.murciaeduca.es account

(importante). How? Entrar en Gmail con tu NRE@alu.murciaeduca.es y la
misma contraseña de Aulavirtual y mirador. Una vez que entres, ya estará activado.

□ I have checked that my alternative/personal email address in

MIRADOR is correct. How? Click here.

□ I have my textbook and have joined the Oxford Online Practice

platform (interactive book).

□ I know when my teacher’s office hours are.

□ I have joined my class in Google Classroom. How? Instructions in

Aula Virtual.

□ I have filled in the student form for my teacher in Google


□ I have completed the initial evaluation activities in Google

Classroom (before 18th Oct).

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