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1. Case 1
Patient : horse, female, 11 years old
Signs and complaints : had abdominal pain about a month ago; another veterinarian prescribed
antibiotics, improved but has not returned to normal, poor appetite, weight loss.
Physical examination : temperature 104.8⁰F, ascites, mucous membrane appear muddy. Thin
and dehydrated

Hematology :

RBC x 106 /µL 4.56

Hb (g/dL) 8.6
PCV (%) 23.5
Protein plasma 9.4
MCV (fL) 51
MCHC (g/dL) 36.6
RDW (%) 17.6
WBC x 103 /µL 68.1
Band neutrophil/µL 4.086
Limfosit/µL 12.3 x 109/L
Monosit/µL 5.4 x 109/L
Eosinophil/µL 0
Basophil/µL 0

RBC menurun
HB menurun
PCV menurun
MCV normal (normositik)
MCHC normal (normokromik)
Ban neutrofil meningkat
Limfosit meningkat
Monosit meningkat
Eosinofil normal

Interpretasi :
Jadi berdasarkan pemeriksaan darah pada hewan tersebut hewan tersebut mengalami anemia
normositik normokromik dan dengan meningkatnya band neutrofil, limfosit, dan monosit
mengindikasikan adanya inflamasi, infeksi, dan neutrophillia
2. Case 2
Patient : dog, English pointer, female, 9 years old
Signs and complaints : anorectic, black tarry feces, bred a month ago and was given estrogen to
prevent pregnancy
Physical examination : bloody mucous discharge from vagina, small hemorrhages on mucous
membranes of mouth and vagina

Hematology :
RBC x 106 /µL 3.77
Hb (g/dL) 8.7
PCV (%) 25.4
Protein plasma 5.2
MCV (fL) 67
MCHC (g/dL) 34.4
RDW (%) -
WBC x 103 /µL 3.4
Band neutrophil/µL 0
Limfosit/µL 0.91 x 109/L
Monosit/µL 0
Eosinophil/µL 0.12 x 109/L
Basophil/µL 0

RBC menurun
HB menurun
PCV menurun
MCV normal
MCHC normal
Band neutrofil normal
Limfosit normal
Monosit normal
Eosinophil normal

Interpretasi : Jadi berdasarkan pemeriksaan darah pada hewan tersebut hewan tersebut
mengalami anemia normositik normokromik tanpa adanya infeksi agen penyakit
3. Case 3
Patient : dog, doberman pinscher, male, 2 years old
Signs and complaints : lethargic, drank a lot of water, had red colored urine, occasional dark
colored stools, decreased appetite
Physical examination thin, yellow mucous membrane, dog passed red urine in examination
Hematology :

RBC x 106 /µL 6.8

Hb (g/dL) 14.5
PCV (%) 46
Protein plasma -
MCV (fL) 67.6
MCHC (g/dL) 31.5
RDW (%) -
WBC x 103 /µL -
Band neutrophil/µL 15.5 x 109/L
Limfosit/µL 0.91 x 109/L
Monosit/µL 0.3 x 109/L
Eosinophil/µL 0
Basophil/µL 0
RBC normal
HB normal
PCV normal
MCV normal
MCHC normal
Band neutrofil meningkat
Limfosit normal
Monosit normal
Eosinophil normal

Interpretasi : Jadi berdasarkan pemeriksaan darah pada hewan tersebut hewan tersebut
mengalami inflamasi karena neutrophillia.
4. Case 4
Patient : dog, labrador, spayed female, 12 years old
Signs and complaints : lack of appetite, dark colored urine for the last week, lethargic
Physical examination : yellow mucous membrane

Hematology :

RBC x 106 /µL 6.0

Hb (g/dL) 13
PCV (%) 39
Protein plasma -
MCV (fL) 67
MCHC (g/dL) 33
RDW (%) -
WBC x 103 /µL -
Band neutrophil/µL 0.46 x 109/L
Limfosit/µL 0.69 x 109/L
Monosit/µL 1.1 x 109/L
Eosinophil/µL 0
Basophil/µL 0

RBC normal
HB normal
PCV normal
MCV normal
MCHC normal
Band neutrofil meningkat
Limfosit normal
Monosit normal
Eosinophil normal
Interpretasi : Jadi berdasarkan pemeriksaan darah pada hewan tersebut hewan tersebut
mengalami inflamasi karena neutrophillia.
Case 5

Parameter hematologi Nilai

RBC 6,17
HB 15,9
PCV 43
MCV 70
WBC 64,2
Band Neutrofil 4,5
Segmented neutrofil 26,3
Limfosit 1,3
Monosit 4,5
Eosinophil 25,6
Basofil 1,9
Pasien : anjing
Sinyalemen : spanield, betina OH, 9th
Anamnesa : letargi, sering batuk, terlihat susah bernapas, BB menurun
Pe : batuk hampir setiap kali selesai exercise, ausk terdengar moist rale

RBC normal
HB normal
PCV normal
MCV normal
MCHC normal
Band neutrofil naik
Limfosit normal
Monosit naik
Eosinophil naik

Interpretasi : Jadi berdasarkan pemeriksaan darah pada hewan tersebut hewan tersebut
mengalami inflamasi.

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