Student Expectations For Human Anatomy

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Coach Veronica Dougan

Course Description:

This course will provide students with fundamental concepts in human anatomy and
physiology. The course is designed to help students prepare for higher education, to
further their studies in an area of biological interest, or to enter a health-related
profession. Students will master structural names and locations, physiological
contributions associated with these structures, and the impact disease and gaining has
on these contributions. The units covered will provide an in depth study of the eleven
body systems. In the laboratory portion, students will learn proper laboratory
techniques and explore concepts through hands-on activities.

Required Text:

(1) Textbook by Hall, Craig, & Rose, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, G-W
Publishing 2014

(1) 2” notebook
(1) Color Pencils
Notebook Paper
Pens and Pencil


Attendance: Students are expected to attend every class on time. Repeated tardiness
will be confronted with consequences as outlined in the Students Handbook. It is the
students responsibility to inform the teachers in advance for anticipated absences.
Students have 3 days after an absence to make up work. Any work turned in after that
time will be late. Late work receives 20 points off per day the work is late until it is no
longer accepted.

Positive Attitude: Each student is expected to contribute positively to class. Negative

attitudes till not be tolerated. Your positive attitude will take you a long way not only in
this class, but in life.

Be prepared: Each student is expected to come to class with the required materials

Daily grades are equal to 50% of your grade and test grades are equal to 50% of your
grade. Daily grades will include: homework, warm ups, vocabulary, worksheets,
quizzes, mini labs, and in-class assignments. Test grades will include: chapter tests
and major labs/projects.

Dates that major projects are due, being “sick” will not work as an excuse. Your
project will need to find its way to the school that day!

Academic Integrity:

Any inappropriate aids or plagiarism are prohibited. I expect all work you submit to be
your work and to reflect your understanding of the material. You may study and work
together, but all work must be your own. Plagiarizing or cheating on an assignment or
test will result in a 0 for that assignment without the ability to correct.

I, _________________________________, have read and understand all expectations

of this class and agree to follow all rules.

Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________

Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________

*Return this by Tuesday for your first daily grade of 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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