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Activity 1

Our impression about this poem, it has a deep meaning in our society but not only about
peoples but also about all the things in our society. We love how it constructed every word; even
it has many repeated words but it really help us to understand clearly the meaning of the poem.
And it is also an eye opener to every reader because it makes us feel the meaning in every word
and also the real meaning of the poem gives us a good realization on the things that we must do
in every things that we have.

The title imply multiple meanings because if you only read the title without the poem you
will think a lot of things in your mind that connected with the word It matters most, because in
that kind of word you can easily think of different things that matter most in your life that you
every day do or you every day see that can change not only your life but also the life of other
people around you. And all of us have differences on having or knowing what is most important
for us but not important to others.

The message that the poem wants to impart to the students is that there are things that
somehow important to others but not important to us and the other way around. However,
whether the thing is small or big, whether how good or bad the person is, what matters most is
how we value them, how we give importance to them, and how we appreciate them that will help
them to grow. It doesn’t matter how much time we will spend as long as the willingness to give
what others need to help them is a fulfillment.

The relation of our course to the poem is that it makes us realize that, we as a future
educator must share every knowledge that we have, the lessons that we learned that make the
students guide as they go along the way of their journey. We, as a future educator must accept
their differences, we should accept their efforts whether the performance or the task that the
students give to us is not that good because we know that some of the students were not able to
do some things but they do their best to comply and give their best, and as a future educator, we
should be their inspiration because we are the bridge to their dreams.

The possible implication of the poem as an Education student is that it will make us
realize that we need to strive harder because in the future we are going to fill the student’s
unconsciousness. Sometimes we feel lazy to do things in school, sometimes we will come to the
point of giving up, but we should think that we will be the future educators that will impart
knowledge to the students because that is our role. Also, the possible implication of the poem to
us as an Education student is to realize that we must appreciate everything that our future student
will pass to us because everything that they done will matter the most for us and for them.

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