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Coro, Leyalyn V.


19-68158 Position paper

Stack the Deck in Favor of Your Students by Using the Four Aces of Effective Teaching

In our present study, it was illustrated that a good teaching method helps the students to question
their preconceptions, and motivates them to learn by the help of their teachers. It is all true base
on what I see and what I experience in this line of Pandemic, our teachers are always thinking
strategies so they can give us a true effective Teaching even if there are some problems or
difficulties. When we talk about being an effective teacher or how to teach students effectively,
we are able to find many creative and interesting ways that are suggested by the researchers and
philosophers. The thing is that how it is going to use this ways to suit in every student. I have
read this one article entitled ‘Stack the Deck in Favor of Your Students by Using the Four Aces
of Effective Teaching’ written by Sean et al. This is one of the best articles that I found very
interesting, because this article gives a very clear and simple explanation, a solution which is
possible to be used for all teachers to have an effective teaching. And also according to the topic
that we discussed on our Google meet the effective teaching always consider the effective
teachers who is Implement appropriate instructional strategies, Exhibit subject matter
competency, Set high goals for themselves and students and plan for instruction and also a
Teacher use effective strategies to promote students’s motivation to learn.

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