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Coro, Leyalyn V.


Reflection - Basic Skills in Table Tennis

1. Compare and contrast the skills of the 2 players in terms of:\

a. Grip and Racket control
 The 2 players are same using a grip and racket control that gives them the best
forehand and backhand. Also, because they are using their own way of holding
the racket it make them have a strong hand to settle the ball in their opponent.
And the difference between the two player is Mr. Ting Ledesma is using a
Penhold Grip while Mr. Rhodel Escoces is using Orthodox or Shake-handgrip.

b. Stance and Footwork

 Mr. Ting Ledesma and Mr. Rhodel Escoces are both using the beginner’s stance
in serving where they are both face slightly to the right side with feet well apart
and the left foot forward while serving. They also both used stance in receiving
that their position is about 2 to 2½ feet directly in the back of the center line of
own court. Feet are well apart, knees lightly bent and body inclined forward in
ready position. But I see that only Mr. Rhodel Escoces is using backhand strokes
while reserving the serve Mr. Ting Ledesma while Mr. Ting only used the
forehand stroke in reserving the serve of Mr. Rhodel.

c. Serving
 In 2 players serving I only see that their similarities is that they both strike ball
near top with 45 degree angle and they both bend their knees before serving the
ball. But I also see their difference in serving because Mr. Rhodel is using the
topspin serve that the ball is put into play by projecting it upward from the flat
freehand, while Mr. Ting is using the backspin serve that the ball is struck with a
downward, forward motion of the racket.

d. Strokes
 In the video I only see that the 2 players are both used the smash shot and push
shot in reserving and answer the shot of their opponent. While they are not same
in some different aspect, like in using the forehand / backhand chop that only Mr.
Rhodel used it, while Mr. Ting is the only one who used the forehand / backhand
drive in answering the shot of Mr. Rhodel. And even if they have a difference in
using a strokes they performed it good individually.
2. In 3 sentences, give your Overall Reaction/Analysis to the Practice Game of Ting
Ledesma and Rhodel Escoses.
 My overall reaction/analysis to the Practice Game of Ting Ledesma and Rhodel
Escoses is I see all of the grip and racket control, stance and footwork, serving
and stokes in their game that make me familiarize and know it. Then about their
game in the first seconds of the video I feel boring because I don’t really have a
interest in Table Tennis but, while the video is playing in the middle I got excited
to watch and know who will be the winner and know some strokes that they do in
their training. And lastly, I got amazed to the both players because I can see that
they are professional in the field of table tennis, I also realized that Mr. Rhodel
Escoses is one of the Teacher in my previous school which is Bernardo Lirio, and
I also watched some of his training in that school that really amazed me because
until now he is playing table tennis.

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