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Coro, Leyalyn V.


19-68158 Position paper

Stack the Deck in Favor of Your Students by Using the Four Aces of Effective Teaching

In our present study, it was illustrated that a good teaching method helps the students to question
their preconceptions, and motivates them to learn by the help of their teachers. It is all true base
on what I see and what I experience as a student, our teachers are always thinking strategies so
they can give us a true effective Teaching even if there are some problems or difficulties. When
we talk about being an effective teacher or how to teach students effectively, we are able to find
many creative and interesting ways that are suggested by the researchers and philosophers. The
thing is that how it is going to use this ways to suit in every student. I have read this one article
entitled ‘Stack the Deck in Favor of Your Students by Using the Four Aces of Effective
Teaching’ written by Sean et al. This is one of the best articles that I found very interesting,
because this article gives a very clear and simple explanation, a solution which is possible to be
used for all teachers to have an effective teaching. And also according to the topic that we
discussed on our Google meet the effective teaching always consider the effective teachers who
is Implement appropriate instructional strategies, Exhibit subject matter competency, Set high
goals for themselves and students and plan for instruction and also a Teacher use effective
strategies to promote students’ motivation to learn. As a student, I can say that I am one of the
people who can say that in this article it is true that using the Four Aces of Effective Teaching
was really a big help for us and also for every Teacher, so now let talk about the four Aces of
Effective Teaching, first is the outcome according to the article The first Ace of Effective
Teaching concerns the utilization of an outcomes-based instructional orientation. Outcomes
enable students to focus their attention on clear learning goals. These outcomes inform students
of where they are going and how they will get there. I can say that outcome based instructional
really help us students to have a clear goal in our daily lives because if we all know our own
goals every day we can give our best to make it happen in a good ways also, outcomes enable
teachers to assess student learning as a measure of their own instructional effectiveness, that
means that teachers can see if their strategies really effective for their students and can be used in
other student to really help them to catch up in every lesson. In overall it is important that we all
have a goal that we can see every outcome that can start in our everyday lesson to make us
always hungry on the outcome on what we are doing. The second Ace of Effective Teaching
involves the clarity of instruction. According to the article it is more effective teachers typically
provide students with highly explicit directions and explanations concerning the course
organization and content. As what I see and experience as a student I can say that this is also
important to have clarity of instruction because it will help us to have a good performance if we
know clearly and right the directions we can make a right content. Also in clarity of instruction it
is all about the connection of the new lesson and what they learned from the previous lesson if
they connect it that means that the method of the teacher is effective because the can make the
student learn about the topics that the teacher teach from them. And when a teacher helps
students connect new information with what they already know, the teacher is assisting these
students in accurate organization of information. This means that effective teachings always need
to have clear information that the student must easily to understand and connect in their previous
lessons. The third Ace of Effective Teaching is engagement. Teachers must create a dynamic,
educational environment that affords students the opportunity to practice every concept that they
are learning the examples of this are having a class activities like groupings and individual
activities that can enhance the learning that they have or they can share what idea they have in
their mind like in the lesson 1 on our Google meet it includes there that the students should think
for themselves, Teacher’s job is to teach them how to think and to give them the necessary tools.
Students will endlessly amaze to how intelligent they are. The Teachers don’t need to show them
how intelligent they are. These engagement activities are intended to facilitate the development
of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable the student to accomplish the previously
identified lesson outcomes. And the last is the fourth Ace of Effective Teaching is enthusiasm.
As straightforward as it may seem, "if you hate to teach it, your students will hate to learn it.”
This means that the Effective Teacher needs to make sure that they love what they are doing
also, they need to give a lot of effort on their teaching so the student learn a lot from the Teacher.
I can testimony my experience between the two types of teacher that I encounter, first is the
Teacher who doesn’t love to teach I seen that she don’t give too much effort on our class, the
rotation of our class is also the same from last day and the information that she can gave to us is
so limited and not enough to make us learn to her subject, the result of that we don’t learn from
her we just there to compile on that subject. And the second kind of Teacher is the one who loves
to teach she gave all her effort to make our class more interesting and enjoyable. Every day she
give us a new lesson and an interesting activity to make sure that we can easily learn the topic
and she is always have unlimited information to make sure that she can answer our question on
her class. This kind of Teachers are the people that we all need to have a good future because
they can be our idol to always give our full effort on what we are doing.

As a student I can say that this Four Aces of Effective Teaching really help both Teachers and
students like me because it is all important to have a good and effective strategy to learn a lesson
and this four are really the best way for it. The article itself is really helpful to make us know
what are the things that the teachers really need to have in their everyday class to improve their
teaching strategies it also included there the concepts of Learning which are getting more
knowledge, Applying facts and procedures and Understanding to give a students a enough

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