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BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resources Management

Term 3 2021 assignment

Student Details/ Declaration

Unit of competency BSBHRM411 Administer performance development processes

☒ I fully understand the context and purpose of this assignment.

☒ I am fully aware of the competency standard/ criteria against which I will be assessed.

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☒ I have had the appeals process and confidentiality explained to me.

☒ I understand that the assignment is an individual effort and that all written work is my own.
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space/ chat room, or otherwise, which will constitute a breach of academic misconduct and would result in
the suspension or cancellation of my course enrolment/ student visa.

Student’s Name Rhonda Lucy Jane MILLIGAN

Student ID ECS Submission date 5/8/2021

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Assessor Use Only

Assignment Breakdown Result Assessor Declaration

Knowledge criteria S NYS

 I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assignment with
Performance criteria S NYS this student.
 I have provided appropriate feedback (including verifying all answer pages
Unit of Competency within this assignment either on the check box or at the answer fields as well as
Outcome leaving comments in Canvas).

Assessor’s Initials and Date

Knowledge criteria: Short answer questions

1. Listed below are the three processes involved in performance development. For each
process, identify:
 its purpose in performance development
 at least two of its components.
Involved in Purpose of Each Process in Components of Each Process in
Performance Performance Development Performance Development
This refers to the process where
employees assess their own
performance. The purpose of this i. Individual assessment
process is to increase employees’
a. Self-review commitment to achieving their
performance goals, as well as
providing employees with ii
Awareness of own achievements
reasonable and achievable .
performance targets
The democratic style is based on
mutual respect. It requires
collaboration between leaders and i. Individual contribution
the people they guide. Purpose of
this process in Performance
c. Democratic or Development is to invites
participative employees in the organization as
part of the decision-making process ii
that everyone is encouraged to Guiding of leaders
participate, leading to increased
feelings of involvement, recognition,
and satisfaction
This refers to the process where
feedback is provided to employees
in order to give them an overall i. Direct instruction
perspective of their performance to
help them set their goals. The
e. Coaching purpose of this process is to give
employees an objective perspective
of their performance, as well as to ii
Hands-on learning
assist in considering employees’ .
general performance when
determining goals.


3. Answer the questions below about performance development processes in an

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a. Briefly explain
how Performance development refers to the process where goals and
performance objectives that focus on professional development are communicated and
development established between you and an employee. This typically involves the use
processes help of a performance development system, which is a tool that can be used to
an organization allow employees to communicate with each other and set goals relevant to
meets its their team’s individual and overall performance.
b. Identify at least two Improving employees’ skills during their stay in the organization (e.g.
benefits of i. providing guidance in regard to how employees are expected to
performance perform in their roles)
processes to an
Helping employees improve as members of your organization (e.g.
ii. provision of opportunities to learn new skills for performance
human resource
cycle. improvement)

4. The table contains information on possible weaknesses of a performance development

system. Complete the table by providing a brief explanation of why each item is
considered a weakness.
Weaknesses of a
Performance Explanation on Why it is a Weakness
Misunderstandings happen all the time — especially when communication
is not clear. And misunderstandings out of a lack of communication can
a. Unclear lead to some serious issues in the workplace, especially in Performance
communication Development System. As an illustration, an employee might misunderstand
processes what their responsibilities are if they're not clearly spelled out (preferably
written out someplace) for them. They might then not do their job of and as
well as they could be if they fully understood.
Vague performance standards lead to inadequate preparation. As a result,
the appraisals lack attention to important details such as language and
consistency, and they are often void of complete descriptions of the
b. Vague
employees’ work performance. Moreover, Employees may allege
employment discrimination when supervisors reprimand or discipline them
for infractions that other employees routinely get away with inconsistency in
ratings among supervisors because of the Inconsistency in ratings among

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Weaknesses of a
Performance Explanation on Why it is a Weakness

Lacking of self-review keeps poor performers from not understanding what

c. Lack of self- they can do to improve and be more successful. Conducting self-review is
review an important skill for high performers in regard to Performance

5. Briefly explain how each strategy can improve a performance development system.

Strategies to Explanation on How Each Strategy Can Improve a Performance

Provide Feedback Development System
The 360-degree loop is a strategy that ensures that feedback comes from
all around — within and outside your organization. The feedback is typically
sought from people that employees and relevant stakeholders have worked
a. Using the 360- with. Using the 360-degree loop allows all the members of your
degree loop organization to participate in improving your current performance
development system by giving each individual an opportunity to voice out
their perspective of the system and their suggestions on how to improve
the system.
These goals and objectives give a solid basis for feedback by providing a
clear direction on how to improve the current performance development
system. In addition, because the organization’s goals and objectives are in
tandem with those of the employees, management by objectives
b. Focusing on
encourages commitment to improving the performance development
management by
system since employees also agree with the organization’s objectives. This
becomes an alternative process combined with the current performance
development system. This is crucial as your performance development and
performance management systems are aligned with organizational goals
and objectives.

Strategies to Explanation on How Each Strategy Can Improve a Performance

Provide Training Development System
This strategy is about bringing out the best in the trainee. This gives the trainee the
opportunity to be accountable by acting as their own manager. By allowing the
trainee to manage themselves, they can identify problems in the current
a. Managing performance development system and suggest solutions to solve these problems. In
upwards addition, managing upwards creates an open-learning environment that offers your
trainees opportunities for improvement by providing demonstrations of ideal
performance in applying your performance development system.

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This strategy gives non-managerial roles an opportunity to aid the performance
development of their peers. Conducting leadership program provide guidance on
how to step into a managerial role, creating opportunities for your trainees to share
b. Conducting
insights with each other on peer performance. This strategy is particularly effective
because it directly involves the trainees in the performance development of their
peers and provides experiences outside their roles to aid in improving

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Supplementary Case Study Materials (please use these documents to assist in your assignment)
1. BSBHRM411 Learner Manual Reference on Section 1.5 Identify Relevant Organizational Procedures for
1 of 8
Acknowledging Good Performance and Addressing Under-Performance V2021.1

2. BSBHRM411 Learner Manual Reference on Section 1.6 Provide Relevant Advice and Support Where There is
2 of 8
Dissention About Performance Appraisal Outcomes, Where Required V2021.1

3. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure V2021.1 3 of 8

6. Refer to case documents, 1. BSBHRM411 Learner Manual Reference on Section 1.5

Identify Relevant Organizational Procedures for Acknowledging Good Performance and
Addressing Under-Performance V2021.1 and 2. BSBHRM411 Learner Manual Reference
on Section 1.6 Provide Relevant Advice and Support Where There is Dissention About
Performance Appraisal Outcomes, Where Required V2021.1, to:

 identify at least two acts of misconduct.

 outline procedures for warning each identified act.
Acts of Misconduct Procedures for Warning Each Identified Act

Failing to perform Transfer the employee to another position or providing additional training or
i. duties to a high Termination; this should only be considered as a final resort and done after advice
standard/altogether has been sought from an employer association or lawyer.

Bad behavior that

Clarifying the issues or concerns immediately, set up another meeting with the
ii negatively impacts
underperforming employee, Plotting clear and reasonable steps for improvement
. others in the
or prevention of the issue from reoccurring

7. Refer to 3. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Complaints and Grievance

Policy and Procedure V2021.1 and provide:
 outline the three steps of Bounce Fitness’ grievance procedures.
 briefly explain what happens in each step.

Grievance Procedures Explanation of What Happens in Each Step

1. Initially, employees should bring their concerns or complaints to their
immediate supervisor. If the complaint involves the employee’s supervisor, the
employee should schedule an appointment with that supervisor to discuss the
Discussion with
i. problem that gave rise to the complaint within five working days of the date the
incident occurred.
2. The immediate supervisor should respond in writing to the complaint within
five days of the meeting held with the complainant employee

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Explanation of What Happens in Each Step
• In step 2: Written Complaint
Complaints and Grievances written complaints can be made by:
1. If the discussion with the immediate supervisor
does not resolve the problem to the mutual
satisfaction of the employee and the supervisor,
or if the supervisor does not respond to the
complaint, the employee may submit a written
complaint to the employee’s by completing an
Employee Complaint form to Centre Manager.
2. Employees may forward this form directly to
General Manager, Human Resources, if
Written Complaint
3. An acknowledgement of the written complaint is
due within five working days from the receipt.
And Appeal of
ii. 4. Upon receipt of the formal complaint, within
approximately five working days after the
discussion, General Manager, Human
Resources should issue a decision both in
writing and orally to the employee filing the
• In Step 3: Appeal of decision
a. If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the General
Manager Human Resources, the employee may, within five
working days, appeal this decision in writing to the CEO
b. b. The CEO may call a meeting with the parties directly
involved to facilitate a resolution or refer complaints to a
review may occur if the CEO believes that the complaint
raises serious questions of fact or interpretation of policy. The
CEO may gather further information from involved parties.

8. Answer the questions below about mechanisms to collect and analyze data in a
performance development system.

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Electronic data harvesting involves gathering data using electronic
means, such as online forms, surveys, questionnaires, and even website
i. traffic and social media monitoring. These all provide data that can be used
a. Identify at least to formulate and analyze statistics to identify patterns in skill or
two mechanisms
performance gaps.
to collect data on
a performance Internal performance software refers to applications that your
development organization can use to measure employee performance. These can include
system. project management software and productivity measurement software,
where specific metrics are set to measure both productivity and progress
towards a given goal and objective.

b. Listed below is a step-by-step mechanism to analyze data in a performance

development system. Briefly explain how each step is used to review a performance
development system.
This will help employees to remeber their goals, objectives of
i. Set goals
performance development that turn into right directions
Understanding your data plays a significant role in reviewing a
performance development system, especially determine barriers based
ii. Determine barriers on data. From identifying weak points, we can find innovative solutions,
based on data to amplifying the potential of performance development that data
remains a strategic asset that enables you to mitigate an and manage
Identify best practice of reviewing a performance development involves
the communication of a clear mission and strategy, the setting of
iii. Identify best
demanding but realistic targets an open and communicative
management style, clear and careful strategic planning, and analyze
data that help employees to achieve goals effectively
After Identify best practices, it’s time for deeper data analysis by
Determine relevant processes based on data. Begin by manipulating
iv. Determine your data in a number of different ways, such as plotting it out and
relevant finding correlations or by creating a pivot table in Excel. As employees
processes based manipulate data, they may find they have the exact data they need in
on data performance development, but more likely, they might need to revise
they original goals or collect more data. Thus, determine relevant
processes based on data is important to apply strategically

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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Short Answers Questions (for Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Q1. to Q9. When completing this checklist, you must
ensure that:

 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.

 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Answer all short questions covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

1.5 Identify relevant organisational procedures

 Examined processes involved in performance development. for acknowledging good performance and
addressing under-performance

3.1 Review performance management

 Discuss the possible weaknesses of a performance
documentation and identify trends or problem
development system.
areas requiring attention

 Explained how two feedback strategy can improve a 2.3 Ensure feedback is provided to relevant
performance development system. stakeholders

1.3 Prepare performance indicators that are

 Explained how two training strategy can improve a
consistent with the position description
performance development system.

 Reviewed the organization’s policies and procedures relating

to disciplinary action and warning systems. 1.2 Assist relevant stakeholders in reviewing the
performance management system to ensure it
aligns with the strategic direction of the
 Reviewed the organization’s policies and procedures relating organisation
to complaints and grievance policy and procedure.

1.5 Identify relevant organisational procedures

 Discussed about mechanisms to collect and analyze data in
for acknowledging good performance and
a performance development system.
addressing under-performance

Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Assessor initial & date

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Performance criteria: Case study/ project portfolio/ observation
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an environment with conditions like that of a real
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to assist in the effective implementation of a
performance development system and to facilitate employee performance.
The Practical Assessments in this assignment include:

 Case Study Assessment - Includes detailed scenarios and simulated environments, providing all necessary information
required to complete relevant tasks and activities. These are based on the simulated business, Bounce Fitness.

 Workplace Project Assessment - A series of written practical tests assessing the learner’s practical knowledge and skills
underpinning of the unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace documents or similar as
evidence of competent performance.

 Workplace Practical Observation - A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills
relevant to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by the assessor.

Case study


Bounce Fitness is made up of four fitness centres. Head office is currently established in Cairns, Queensland. The other centres are in
Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and Melbourne, (Victoria). It is the intention of the Board of Directors that a
new centre will be opened in Perth, (Western Australia).

It was established in 2001 by Margaret House as a single aerobic studio. After two years membership increases demanded the small,
leased centre be expanded and a new facility was built on land purchased by the organisation. In 2004 a second centre was
established in leased premises in Brisbane and then Sydney and Melbourne in the subsequent two years.

The Head Office remains in Cairns and a Board of Directors has been established to oversee the function of the business in all the
centres. Each centre has a Manager, who reports to the CEO in Cairns, and a team of permanently employed fitness instructors and
other casual instructors, all of whom report to the Centre Manager. The business is operated on best business practice and complies
with all legislative requirements, local by-laws and is registered with the national body.

Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and expertise to establish itself as a premier provider of
fitness and wellness in Australia. Much time is invested in training the Centre staff to upgrade their professional skills and in
customer service to foster a loyal member base. Classes are innovative and varied with regular changes to routines and activities.

Bounce Fitness has developed choreographed fitness moves with accompanying music which is geared to the varying interests, needs
and goals of the member group. It is intended that all around Australia, gym and fitness centre members will continue to be
enhancing personal performance through classes designed and produced by this business. Classes are coupled with state-of-the-art
fitness equipment to cater to those who prefer resistance training to aerobic workouts. Additional free weights allow for use by even
die-hard lifters.

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All centres are carpeted in areas used for stationary activities, spacious, well-ventilated, and air-conditioned to make the
environment as safe and comfortable as possible. They are light and feature wrap-around mirrored walls. The decor was designed
by a Brisbane firm and is updated every three years. There are showers, toilets, lockers.

Each centre features a retail section selling fitness shoes, clothes, and other related fitness items. There is a small cafeteria which is
leased to a provider who supplies healthy, low calorie drinks and light food. Each Centre has regularly scheduled aerobic classes
ranging from high intensity to low intensity. The scheduling is left to each Centre but must sustain a minimum average of twelve in
each class for them to continue to be held. The style of classes changes as new methods are developed to sustain interest and
provide variety.

Circuit classes are also scheduled for groups who move in a circuitous rotation around the different resistance equipment
sequentially as instructed by the Instructor. They are required to complete interval aerobic exercises during the completion of a
class to enhance the value of the workout. Very low intensity classes are also held in age care facilities to keep residents active and
incorporate light weights to keep them healthy. This exercise contributes to the physical and mental health of participants as well as
providing an interest in their day.

Special classes are held in high schools for senior students, sheltered workshops and other special situations as requested and are
operated at minimal or no cost as a community service. Funding is primarily from memberships. Memberships are sold on one-,
three-, six- and twelve-monthly basis on a decreasing fee scale. Casual members are welcome, but the daily rate is a premium one.

Each Centre sells memberships to 120%. This means that at peak times it could be quite crowded, but experience demonstrates that
there is a maximum of 80% usage. The retail arm of the business accounts for about 30% of the takings from each centre. The
strategic plan for retail is set to increase investment in sales this year to 35%. Each Centre will be given a budget to develop and
implement a sales and marketing plan to trial. The most successful may be implemented nationally and will attract an incentive for
the most successful Centre. The catering facilities are currently leased to private operators, and this is reconsidered during each
annual planning session by the Board, which produces 5% of the income, less than the rent off-set.

Supplementary Case Study Materials (please use these documents to assist in your assignment)
4. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Personal Development-Policy and Procedures V2021.1 4 of 8
5. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1 5 of 8
6. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Performance Management Policy and Procedures V2021.1 6 of 8
7. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Personal Development Policy and Procedures V2021.1 7 of 8

8. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness - Fitness Instructor Job Description V2021.1 8 of 8

Case study/ project portfolio/ observation form

Candidate’s name Rhonda Lucy Jane MILLIGAN

Assessor’s name Josep Aiguarde

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The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including
evidence of the ability to:
 identify two strengths from the selected policy and procedure.
 identify and present (in PowerPoint format) the amendments required for the
selected policy and procedure.

Work activity In addition, the candidate must demonstrate his/ her oral interaction to:
 conduct a performance appraisal for an employee.
 communicate the organisation’s performance development policy and
 develop a personal development plan to support the said employee’s
performance management.
 plan and deliver an in-house training course to the said employee in order to
address the identified performance gap.
In person (no screenshot Via remote (insert screenshot
Observation done ☒ ☐
required) below)
Please note:
 Zoom Meeting
Screenshot (of
yourself only; strictly
no group shots) must
include your name in
the image.
 Resize landscape
image to fit into space
provided on the right.

Date of observation

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You are currently working as the General Manager in Human Resources Management (GM – HRM) for Bounce
Fitness, a dynamic fitness corporation centred on providing premier personal training services in Cairns, Brisbane,
Sydney, and Melbourne. As the GM- HRM, you need to review and provide an evaluation on organisation’s personal
development policy and procedures (refer to 4. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Personal Development
Policy and Procedures V2021.1) to the CEO (your trainer would undertake this role), who need to ascertain if the
policy would need to be updated or revised.

Case Study: Answer the following questions based on the study scenario and present it to the CEO.

1. Bounce Fitness is an established organization that provides fitness and wellness across Australia. The
business has invested much of its time in developing their human resources, such as managing
employee performance. Refer 4. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Personal Development Policy
and Procedures V2021.1 and you are required to:

Policy and procedure set a clearly objectives that is to ensure that all employees
plan the training and development that is required to equip them with the
knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet both current job objectives and
future development needs and. Moreover, it provides a clear framework for the
delegation of decision-making
Identify two strengths
This policy and procedure provide a clear framework for the delegation of
from this policy and
decision-making provide workers with knowledge about what is expected of them,
e.g. behavior and performance standards. In detail, Bounce Fitness identify how
performance has improved after any training or development activity, whether it is
an internal or external training course or practical experience gained through
current job, attendance at a conference or seminar in term of Learning Outcomes,
Performance Outcomes
Assess if the policy and procedure
If No, provide a brief performance indicator that are
is aligned with the business Ye
No consistent with the business objectives and key
objectives and key performance s
performance indicators.
indicators of the organisation.

a. Generate a 10% increase in

sales through boosting gym ☒ ☐
membership sales leads by
the end of the fiscal year

b. Increase market penetration

by 15% through utilisation of ☒ ☐
marketing strategies every

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c. Decrease customer
acquisition costs by 4% every This business objectives is not aligned with the policy
two quarters through the ☐ ☒ and procedure. Using appropriate marketing strategy is
implementation of the USP needed

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Assess if the policy and procedure
is aligned with the business If No, provide a brief performance indicator that are
objectives and key performance No consistent with the business objectives and key
indicators of the organisation performance indicators.

a. Keep employees
professionally relevant by ☒ ☐
facilitating annual training

b. Resolve all customer

complaints submitted via all ☒ ☐
channels within 48 hours of

This business objectives is not aligned with the policy

c. Provide a diverse range of and procedure. Instead of that, we can pay attention on
exercises to clients via ☐ ☒ human resources of company, boosting by trainning and
weekly fitness classes. developing employees to work professionally and make
customers satisfy

d. Increase client attendance

rate by 20% via advertising ☒ ☐
campaigns every quarter.

e. Continue to cultivate the

image as a premier long-term ☒ ☐
wellness program provider.

This business objectives are not aligned with the policy

and procedure of expanding the business to the food
f. Expand the business to the industry to increase the number of customers by 10%.
food industry to increase the ☐ ☒
Instead of that, increase the number of customers by 10%
number of customers by 10%.
by investing in marketing to attract customers, maintain
reputation and providing promotions for new members

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2. Present (PowerPoint presentation) your review of the organisation’s personal development policy and
procedures to the CEO (your Trainer would undertake this role) by relating on whether it aligns to the
business objectives and key performance indicators or not. You will need to prepare PowerPoint slides
(insert slides to the respective answer cells below by resizing the image of the slide to fit within the margins of the
answer cell) to present it to the CEO to obtain approval on your revision of policy and procedure proposal.

Date of
presentatio 1/8/2021

your name,
student ID,
title of

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Purpose of
policy and
(provide a
is needed)

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what are
the two
of this
must relate
to page 11)

three (3)
and key
do not
align with
must relate
to pages 11
and 12)

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(must relate
to the three
above) to
the policy

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CEO acknowledgement (for Assessor use)

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Yes No

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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Case Study section (for Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Q1. to Q8. When completing this checklist, you must
ensure that:

 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.

 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Answer all case study covering: Relating to unit’s performance criteria:

1.2 Assist relevant stakeholders in reviewing the performance

management system to ensure it aligns with the strategic
direction of the organisation
 Review and provide an evaluation on organisation’s
personal development policy and procedures to 1.5 Identify relevant organisational procedures for
ensure it relates to the business objectives and key acknowledging good performance and addressing under-
performance indicators. performance

3.3 Assist relevant stakeholders to revise policies and

procedures, as required

2.1 Communicate requirements of the performance

development system to relevant stakeholders

3.1 Review performance management documentation and

identify trends or problem areas requiring attention
 Propose and present recommended areas of
improvement to the policy and procedure.
3.3 Assist relevant stakeholders to revise policies and
procedures, as required

3.4 Suggest improvements to the performance management


Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Assessor initial & date

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Project portfolio: Workplace project assessment

This workplace project assessment requires you to provide support in reviewing, implementing, and revising the
performance management system in your workplace.
This assessment is divided into three but related tasks:
 Task 1: Conduct Meeting for Performance Appraisal
 Task 2: Communicate Requirements for Performance Development
 Task 3: Prepare a Personal Development Plan to support employee’s performance management
 Task 4: Deliver a training course to the employees
This project requires you to complete the four (4) indicated assessment tasks using the case scenario provided
below. Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions prior to being
observed (role-play activity) by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation as evidence of task

This task will require you to undertake the role of Paul Thomas, Centre Manager of Cairns to conduct a performance
appraisal meeting for Lachlan Miller (your Trainer will undertake this role) who is one of the Fitness Instructor at the
workplace. Use the Performance Appraisal form (refer to 5. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Performance
Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1) to conduct a performance appraisal meeting with the said employee.
You will need to address the following performance management areas during the discussion role-play activity (by
providing a dialogue script) and during the meeting, you would need to highlight and lowlight the personnel’s current
performance in the areas:

 customer relations
 fitness center operation
 other skills

Portfolio Task 1 (observation/ demonstration – role play in case simulation)

This task will require you to conduct a performance appraisal (role-play activity) and during the meeting,
you must:
 At least one highlight of personnel’s current performance for each performance area
 At least one lowlight of personnel’s current performance for each performance area
 At least one area of improvement for each performance area
 At least one piece of advice for improvement for the personnel’s next performance

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Portfolio Task 2 (observation/ demonstration – role play in case simulation)
Following Portfolio Task 1, this task will require you to relate the organisation’s business objectives and
key performance indicators and during the meeting (role-play activity), you must:
 Explain the importance of meeting the organization’s performance management
expectations and relate it to the organization’s strategic directions.
 Brief the employee on the organization’s Performance Management policy and procedures
(refer to 6. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Performance Management Policy
and Procedures V2021.1) to ensure that the employee fully understands the performance
expectations are.
 Provide at least one piece of advice for improvement for the personnel’s next performance

Portfolio Task 3 (observation/ demonstration – role play in case simulation and portfolio)
This task will require you to perform the following:
 Provide information on the Personal Development Policy and Procedures (refer to 7. BSBHRM411 Case
Study - Bounce Fitness Personal Development Policy and Procedures V2021.1) to the employee indicating
how the organization will support the training and development of its team is the key to the continual success
of the organisation.
 Based on the employee’s performance appraisal (based on Portfolio Task 1), prepare, and communicate a
Personal Development Plan (page 23 - 24) for the said personnel in line with the job description (refer to 8.
BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness – Fitness Instructor Job Description V2021.1) to achieve his key
performance indicators.
 Develop a training plan about your organisation’s performance management system. The training plan must
o An overview of the proposed training

This must contain:

- Names of personnel that will participate in the training.
- Position of the corresponding personnel.
- Department of each identified personnel.
- Proposed schedule of training.
- The proposed schedule must be within the available times of the identified
- At least one objective of training.
o Plans for at least two training sessions and each plan must contain:

- At least one subject of each training relevant to the performance

management system.
- Proposed date and time when each subject will be held.
 Communicate the following to the identified personnel:
o Training overview

o Proposed training plan

Portfolio Task 4 (observation/ demonstration – oral presentation)

This Administer
BSBHRM411 task will require
performance you to
development develop
processes V2021.1and deliver an in-house training course to the employee to address
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Portfolio Task 1

Dialogue script - Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller (Fitness Instructor). Please refer to 5.
BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1 for this
task (covering no more than two-page answers).
You Hello, Lachlan; please come in and have a seat.

Lachlan Hi, I’m ready for the meeting today.

Alright. After taking deep investigation in performance development, we need to
conduct your performance appraisal that match with businees’s objectives.
Lachlan Okay, I understand.
First, about customer relations. You perform very well in this relate that flexible
working arrangements.
Thank you, I put lots of effort to the jobs, I really think I have built great connection
to our clients.
The negative points is that although you are doing well with customer relations, the
You KPI haven’t targeted the expectations. I think you need to analyze the initial
problems and find out solutions for further development.
Lachlan Oh, I see. Can you suggest me which ways to start working on this problem?
You can focus more on the preference of each customer. The center also provides
You some additional time for clients to work directly with their instructors. You can use
that time to get to know them more.
Lachlan Thank you, I understand.
Next, about fitness center operation, we can see that you manage our center
carefully and our business is now expanded. Great job!
Lachlan Thank you so much, I love to hear that!
The staff are really impressive with your new schedule. However, the problem is
you have been recorded to be late due to that system.
Lachlan That is definitely my fault. I am really apologized for such unprofessional jobs

You Oh, how did that happen? You are always on time to all of our meetings

Lachlan My car got a flat tire and I had to call for support.

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Dialogue script - Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller (cont.)

You But I thought it’s just a flat tire? It took like 20 minutes max

Lachlan Yeah, but the gas system of the car also damaged after the rain of the day before.

You Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. Hope that will not happen in the future

Lachlan Yeah, I hope so too.

I have run some quantitative analysis with the team and we have found several
negative points in the exercise process
Lachlan Really, how, walk me through that please
When I interview our customers, some of them said that they want to try something
new in the exercises.
Lachlan Well, guess I have to adapt to the new trend, haha

You Great to hear that, if you have any plan, please send it to me asap for the revision

Lachlan Alright. I will do it right away.

Last, for others skills, feedback from peers, those whose performance has been
You reviewed indicated that you created intrinsic and extrinsic motivation bring positive
enegery for others
Lachlan Your words make me feel connected to my work.

You Yes. I hope that you can improve yourself and help other staff too

Lachlan Okay, love to hear that, I will try my best

You You’re welcome!!

Lachlan Thank you for such valuable interview section!

You Okay, glad I can help.

Lachlan See you!

Answers for this section should not exceed beyond this page

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Portfolio Task 2

Dialogue script - Communicate requirements for performance development to Lachlan Miller (Fitness
Instructor). Please refer to 6. BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Performance Management
Policy and Procedures V2021.1 for this task (covering no more than two-page answers).
Based on your evaluation, I would like to emphasize Bounce Fitness’s Performance
You Policy and Procedures to you on how the organisation can support its staff to
achieve their performance.
Lachlan Yes, I am listening.
First, meeting the organization’s performance management expectations plays an
very important roles in our business.
I know, there are some details I am not quite understand, can you go through that
The performance management process combines information gathering through
monitoring goal completion, feedback and discussions. By analyzing successes,
You strengths, learning from mistakes and examining potential for growth and develop-
ment, businesses can develop talent, enhance individual performance and weed out
Lachlan Oh I see.
So come to the Performance Management policy and procedures, I will brief it and
exlpain how to involve it to achieve high performance
Lachlan Yes.
The organization has established a guide for the performance management and
review process. I need you to follow step-by-step to ensure managing performance
process is organize effectively
1) Define the purpose of the individual’s job.
2) Enumerate the duties of the individual.
3) List the responsibilities of the individual.
4) Set performance goals with measurable outcomes.
You 5) Outline the priority of each job responsibility and goal.
6) Establish performance standards for key components of the job.
7) Facilitate meetings for feedback focusing on both positive and negative aspects of
the individual’s performance
8) Document each performance appraisal and critical incident reports.
9) Consider the feedback from the employee's peers, customers, and subordinates.
10) Develop an improvement plan for individuals who are not meeting expectations.
11) Administer coaching sessions to provide positive and constructive feedback
Lachlan These steps are very clear for me to follow.

You Then I need you to know how to Dealing with Underperformance

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I think dealing with underperformance is quite difficult for me and organization.
What can I do?
1. Clarifying the issues or concerns at hand
2. Actively listening to the employee’s explanation
3. Discussing options for a solution to be agreed upon by both parties
You 4. Agreeing on an option as an appeasement or solution
5. Plotting clear and reasonable steps for improvement or prevention of the issue
from reoccurring
6. Documenting the meeting minutes, outcomes, and further action items, if necessar
Okay I have a question, if an employee continues to misbehave or underperform,
what should I do?
You You should set up another meeting with the underperforming employee

Lachlan What can I do during the meeting?

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Dialogue script - Communicate requirements for performance development to Lachlan Miller (cont.).

You Either transfer the employee to another position or providing additional training

Lachlan Okay understand

But remember to issue a written warning because termination should only be
You considered as a final resort and done after advice has been sought from an employer
association or lawyer
Lachlan Oh I should not it right here. What happens upon the termination of the employee?
You have to ensure that the staff isn't being Unfairly dismissed and is given the right
Notice of termination?
Lachlan Okay noted.

You Also he or she needs to be given the right Final pay

Lachlan Alright, I understand.

Please remember to adheres to legal frameworks consisting legislation and
You regulations that govern the relationship between the organisation’s management and
its employees.
Lachlan Can you suggest some of the legislation required for me?
These are some legal for you to follow: Privacy Regulation 2013 and Equal
Employment Opportunity Act.
Lachlan Great, I will check them right away
You can also review the Fair Work Act 2009, Work Health and Safety (WHS)
Regulation 2011.
Lachlan Thank you so much for support. I very appreciate it.

You You’re welcome!

Lachlan Okay, see you!

Answers for this section should not exceed beyond this page

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Portfolio Task 3

Based on Portfolio Task 1, you are required to develop a Personal Development Plan for Lachlan
Miller to address the performance gaps by recommending relevant training and development needed
to support the organisation’s business objectives and key performance indicators.

Personal Development Plan template

Employee’s name Lachlan Miller

Job position Fitness instructor

Issue date 3/7/2021

Review date ☒ Monthly ☐ Quarterly ☐ Bi-annually

Prepared by Paul Thomas

Job position Centre Manager of Cairns

PA* Skill improvement needed Current proficiency Target proficiency Development opportunity Time scale

☒ 1. Not meeting ☐ Coaching

expectations 1. Progressively
☐ meet
☐ 2. Just meeting expectations ☐ Mentoring
1 Self-awareness 3/8/2021
3. Meeting
☐ 3. Meeting ☐ ☒ In-house training

☐ 4. Above ☒ 4. Meet above ☒ External training

expectations expectations
PA* - Performance Area; 1 = customer relations, 2 = fitness operations, 3 = other skills (please select ONE (1) of the performance expectations listed in .5. BSBHRM411 Case Study –
Bounce Fitness Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1)

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PA* Skill improvement needed Current proficiency Target proficiency Development opportunity Time scale

☐ 1. Not meeting ☒ Coaching

expectations 1. Progressively
☐ meet
☐ 2. Just meeting expectations ☐ Mentoring
The ability to motivate
2 20/7/2021
customers 3. Meeting
☒ 3. Meeting ☐ ☐ In-house training

☐ 4. Above ☒ 4. Meet above ☐ External training

expectations expectations

☐ 1. Not meeting ☐ Coaching

expectations 1. Progressively
☐ meet
☒ 2. Just meeting expectations ☐ Mentoring
3 Customer care skills 20/7/2021
3. Meeting
☐ 3. Meeting ☐ ☒ In-house training

☐ 4. Above ☒ 4. Meet above ☐ External training

expectations expectations

PA* - Performance Area; 1 = customer relations, 2 = fitness operations, 3 = other skills (please select ONE (1) of the performance expectations listed in .5. BSBHRM411 Case Study –
Bounce Fitness Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1)

Dialogue script - Communicate the Personal Development Policy and Procedures (refer to 7.
BSBHRM411 Case Study - Bounce Fitness Personal Development Policy and Procedures V2021.1) to
Lachlan Miller (Fitness Instructor) on how the organization will support the training and development
of its team is the key to the continual success of the organisation. Answers should not exceed page 25.
Having discussed with you on Bounce Fitness Performance Management Policy and Procedures, I would like to
propose a Personal Development Plan for you.

Lachlan Hi, Im glad to gain more knowledge about Personal Development Plan

The aims of this is to ensure that all employees plan the training and development that is required to equip them
You with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet both current job objectives and future development

Lachlan I understand

The benefit of Personal Development to Provides a template and a way of thinking to manage your own self-
development needs, enables you to become a better learner – developing reflection skills for now and in the
future at work. Furthermore, enables effective transfer of ideas from courses to workplace and helps with career
advancement/development by compiling a list of achievements.

Lachlan I will try my best to take effectively personal development

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Dialogue script - Communicate the Personal Development Policy and Procedures (cont.)
Comeback to your performance appraisal, we analyzed that you have 3 weakness that need to improve: customer
You care skills, the ability to motivate customers, especially Self-awareness

Lachlan How can I fix theses?

To improve skills, you need to identify carefully a training plan about your organisation’s performance
management system

Lachlan Ok I got it!

This is an overview of the proposed training I devloped for you

- Names of personnel that will participate in the training: Lachlan
- Position of the corresponding personnel: Fitness Instructor
- Proposed schedule of training: 3/7-3/8
You - objective of training: Improve Customer Care, Interpersonal Skills
- Plans for at least two training sessions and each plan must contain: Traning in customer care skills and
motivate customers in customer care training and joining Interpersonal Skills traning to improve self-awareness
- Proposed date and time: 20/7 for Training in customer care skills and 3/8 for Interpersonal Skills

Lachlan I will follow seriously this plan to make further development. I am motivated a lot

You Do you have any questions?

Lachlan Yes. Please tell me more about the training course name Interpersonal Skills.

You Alright, please try you best

Lachlan Yes, thank you

Objectives of Interpersonal Skills Training Programs are:

Foster a positive attitude towards work relationships. Build effective communication skills. Improve verbal and
non-verbal communication to understand others' viewpoints. Increase personal willpower to interact with people

Lachlan Okay. Thanks a lot! Could you tell me about the fee structure or packages that you offer?

I am afraid I can’t. I am not equipped with all the details about the fee packages. You can ask this at the
reception. You will be thoroughly informed.

Lachlan Sure. Can I take a look at the document

You Of course, here you are.

Lachlan Thanks. Could you explain Further Education.

Okay then. As part of the Personal Development Planning process a development need may be highlighted that
would be best met through participation in an external course of study. In these cases, staff, via
their Centre managers, will be encouraged to submit a case for sponsored education to their Centre
Manager. The benefits to Bounce Fitness and the individual must be clearly demonstrated.

Lachlan Oh, that sounds amazing!

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Dialogue script - Communicate a Personal Development Plan (cont.)

You Yes, it is indeed. Do you have anything else that needs clarifying?

Lachlan Let me see… Oh yes, how do you evaluate personal development?

Bounce Fitness staff and Centre managers should always be able to identify how performance has
improved after any training or development activity, whether it is an internal or external
training course or practical experience gained through current job, attendance at a conference or

Lachlan What does the evaluation focus on?

You The evaluation focuses on learning outcomes and performance outcomes.

Lachlan Sorry, I don’t get it.

Let me explain this for you.

Learning Outcomes allows the evaluation of whether the employee’s training has
met the objectives identified in Personal Development Plans
You • Performance Outcomes as outlined in Performance Appraisal Plans which will be
evaluated by Centre Manager as part of the annual appraisal process. This helps with
the evaluation of whether the employee has successfully applied what they have learned
to their tasks.

Lachlan I see. Does staff here need support from managers?

Actually, a post training activity interview between Centre manager and staff should be conducted to
You discuss the above and highlight if there is any further help/support and or training required to
implement the learning.

Lachlan I have just forgot the principles of personal development. Could you remind me again?

Yes Madam. There are five principles in total.

1. It should be continuous because professionals should always be seeking to improve
You 2. It should be owned and managed by the individual learner
3. It should be driven by the individual learner’s current state of development
4. It should have clear learning objectives that aim to satisfy individual and organizational needs
5. It should be an essential part of professional life.

Lachlan Thank you, I will keep it in mind.

You No problem. I am glad to help. Do you have anything else that needs support?

Lachlan I think I am satisfied now. Can I have your contact?

You Sure. My number is … Please contact me if you have any queries.

Lachlan Thank you so much for your help.

You You’re welcome! See you at the first session.

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Lachlan I look forward to it!

Answers for this section should not exceed beyond this page

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Portfolio Task 4

Prepare and present (PowerPoint presentation) a short in-house training course for Lachlan Miller on Time
Management to address his performance appraisal (5. BSBHRM411 Case Study – Bounce Fitness
Performance Appraisal for Lachlan Miller V2021.1). The training content should essential include:
 The importance of good time management
 Using the Covey Time Manage Matrix, relate:
o Managing self.
o Identify priorities.
o Linking time to short- and long-term objectives.
o Using planning and scheduling techniques.
o Using the four Ds for effective workflow
o The need to set SMART goals

You will need to prepare PowerPoint slides (insert slides to the respective answer cells below by resizing the
image of the slide to fit within the margins of the answer cell) to present it to the employee.

Date of
presentatio August 2nd, 2021

your name,
student ID,
title of

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of good time

the Covey

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The need to
manage self

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time to
and long-

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the four
Ds for

need to

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Checklist/ performance criteria matrix for Portfolio Task 1 - 3 (for Assessor use only)

Instructions to Assessors
This checklist is to be used to record the student’s responses to the questions outlined in Portfolio Task 1 – 3. When completing this checklist,
you must ensure that:

 Each checklist item is assessed against the criteria listed.

 An assignment result, either Yes or No, is recorded in one of the two columns on the right of the checklist.
 Feedback is provided to the student in the assignment cover sheet and/ or, at the Canvas commentary section.

Did the learner: Yes No

Evidence of interview with identified individual, submitted by

Relating to unit’s performance criteria:
the learner:

1.3 Prepare performance indicators that are consistent with the

position description requirements

1.4 Prepare for performance appraisal meetings

 Conduct a performance appraisal meeting address

2.3 Ensure feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders
the following performance management areas
during the discussion role-play activity
3.1 Review performance management documentation and
identify trends or problem areas requiring attention

3.2 Review patterns in skill or performance gaps and consider

requirements and options for performance development
1.5 Identify relevant organisational procedures for
acknowledging good performance and addressing under-
 Communicate requirements for performance performance
development to employee 1.6 Provide relevant advice and support where there is
dissention about performance appraisal outcomes, where
1.1 Confirm all team positions have relevant position
descriptions specifying key requirements of the role
 Develop a Personal Development Plan for
2.1 Communicate requirements of the performance
employee to address the performance gaps by
development system to relevant stakeholders
recommending relevant training and development
needed to support the organisation’s business 2.2 Coordinate and deliver training to relevant stakeholders on
objectives and key performance indicators. using the performance management system

2.3 Ensure feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders

Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Assessor initial & date

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