D&D 3.5 - Forgotten Realms Champions of Ruin

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f Cr

i, \\ i Up c hu r ch, .r ic L. Bo} d


Jeff Gcook,WH Upchurch, Eric L. Boyd F. M, Kestrel, Christopher Perkins

SIG!\!: Gwendolyn

Richard Baker with Eric L. Boyd and George Krashos


John Thompson Enrma: Kim Mohan Chrisropher Perkins


Dr:SIGN Mi\'!'-:ACif.R:



REG R&D:. Stacy Longstreet

Josb Fischer, Randall Crews Lucio Parillo

RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek !RFCmEC Mari Kolkowsky, Robert R.aper



Thomas M. Bara, Wayne England, Jason Engle, Ralph Horsley, Warren Maby; Raven Mimura, William O'Connor, Lucio Parrillo, Marc Sasso Gn A PHIC
GR A PH rc

Dee Barnetr


Dennis Kauth Jason .Wiley

Sl'F Glti.U,T: An.gelika Lokotz




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T/dlLI'. OF' CO:--TFt-:'J

lnlTodu<:lIon, ,', , " " , ,. . • .• 4> W,", .. r You Need (0 PI~' .. . -I How LO UW TIllS RooL in '(our C:llol'.ii~n , , 4

, Philosophks of Fv,!. .. ,.
Ir:l.dlfloll.nn~r~ ls No 1'.,,1

r r


Not 1:.,,;1 ••

F.I'il CutS~,

Sr:dm:lioJl Dri"\'11 ttl F,\'11

JU~I I'b,ill M 311 •.

IlInd R., ' rock. I C;,-", .... ,"" l~l\'lbo . R~morwr.-" Ch"", S\"(l~rt\1: 01 For.,.. . S.. :rp,,", Arrow . Sh~\lo"' Arr,o!" "., Sha,low 'rl""~i' .,' , .,

='" ,'.,lro'>

.... . .


1+ 14-H .H . 14

F.l:llnplc Sh3,lol> WClIVI. t'u.,k. , . • •• 98 Shrilll..">.... , 98 Shrl1'1. Al'j'>I: rance , -" .. '" ' .• -. 98






S.I III(1holll~

,.' .., •....
•• ••••.

•••••••••• tI

~~rur.ll Oatil £\'J! " , M~lIJ f Tell ¥ov .... " .. Inh~r"mly


c,'11 .

::;.... ,1-13ycr Arro Nj~hrmllr.: , ,.. ·1\·.I.II·['r ..II', IInlldhklk

t'1I.(ctsOUI:> • . ••

Jr U ~f
,' Jf 16

SlltIllr Pow,'rs . • ..•.. , " , , • . •.. .!l9 F.'311Ipl<1 Shruics . •, 9\1 Olh"r 1'\'11 SII'(oS, . • .••. , ..•.• 10"1Tit,' C~\' C"UV~ rn •.•. 10~




1S·It~r 0 Ruk III H~II rhan : crvc III Hcaveu , Til Filii;,JuStlry Ill" M'~II', . , , . , , Chpl~r 1: IhC1:1 , . DrJ~~lodl .

-; -; 8

Unholy I\.::t~t • .. Wlli" 171TIlo"".. W oo,h, j'I1 A now

. ... ,............

•• . .....•
. .•


TIl\' CuJ'SoJ of "'~ Demcn cr,,'11- . '" Tilt G''''C115tol! ) ,. H:l6"),,ull Hill. .. .. , The S.... aruh CI.I:llHbtlr 'Iomb of Qy~"'1J :-\0'1{ i•..,. TIl~ WII.lr '5 W~, Cbo.pru 6:
I!.IlCOUDkn ...ilb Evil, .

106 . •.. 107 , 107 111



Fop;( 51'.. /1,

11111/1\'0",' C:n~rJII



l~r"stll"II\,'1 I'h) b!.le:ry .•.... SO'I,J~h"nn .". , •...• '. 110Ilfl(\' of I IL"-'ll;(y (R Iwal). , .••• "
of 1·'1(\ •

17 .1"1 .. 111 . 'HI



" 17

0,\"";,11 'Iorn:m
) 10((1'11<10".0< .ic:llinll. t\Hronl~l1lll, SIIIr,1I1 rit), .. Mill::,.:h.:m~.

Chlp(c/ 1: Tooll of F.~i!

r-':~15 '" ..

"oJ~ ).1,,"

Vile Fell Inl(~n 'c, G .•. ,

MlK' F~-a[,.

1"=22 11 '2f
, , , • '1Ii 1,(.

S,1<:1:1.31 AI.;lid"s_

.11\ .39 .~9 .to .40

... 41 ..4'1'

TI>I' TOI1~ Your Game, . "" WhWt lh .. PI;y~rs W3nr ... ' WhJ' !tun all F.vll Gnlllc~ Kwrlll~ II FUll lor F.'wron\.. 1:1Io:m'·~ anti AIII(~ . ....... Daniiau 1\ 11· . Q_ool\l . •
• Vlf{,'O KCIl!.


.. .....


•• "",.11 ~ , •.• 111 , ' •. 114 , ... 114 . 11

116 1/

!:i,,,'c i Jj" t\ rumr

Spcll~, , , , , . ;\~1S511l Sp~1h .. , ...

." W'"UI'Oll Sj"''''I,,1 AI,lliri .. S[I";( IIi " w, ajl1"Il>.

bCIII5 .

Ch"'M~r 'c
Alrlll... • D"r,'11 TllnloJlk . .. ". Don~.1 3ill V,·m.:t" 1\ rmrh . _. '.

1'21 _J1J ,.1'21


Tbrd Sp~lJs ..
HJ:llklluard Spells. CI~li< Sp..% , , Drtml Slid Is , ,. , , , , .

• '16
· .'l(.


A rt jill ..,



Horr~il) 1..(l,P-:1T,
R~t::unjll~~r.,.. .• ., •• 1'2.1

.. 1(.


Sp~lh, Sr...!b .... .. .........

S()rc~rcrIW;tlr\1 AIr Ilre Jrllllll) .A ll:lti1<;ml. •• Arrow~l'ht '"


CbaplU 3. Pr~lci.&( CI,uau , . , ••. , . . Ul:t~~ IlII>O<ICulr,s{ .' Ubtll< of w,~I.rand Woe, __ l'\i).;lll :\I1",k IA.nhLnJl&cr •'h\lIl" l-I\I"t~r Th .• .'OHJ GI.•,ji:ller '.' . .••• , .. .

. .. ~ H ~II I'll
, GJ

L-.::Irg'II", Dl'llcgloth Cbapter

.. .114 .


7: Ch.rnpioal of Evil, ,., ... .. 1 'l.r rill' U,I.)YII18 ....•.• , ,." .• ,,11f

BJ.uk·LlIIC." .. 8(,,11.','1 .... _."". !lloodr~"'L" Arrow.

nlood,pt:M.. .....


211 . II · '2 . .J..Y .. '19 1'1


Vcng':~J " Kni,;l"


.. ' '"
, ., •.....•

.. 68





Comr'oi ])~ri l1<'>~ , Jnd Sll~JO" DuUIJl1I Arrow Do Ibl.r.tl'lk" ,\ rrow .. Ental! Animal. .


• 1.') 10 , ... lO

1'1 11 C...\I, L"~Monn , "If TII~ FI,ft'1:1 II Veluuthru , . . . .. ., 78 Mnl1~., or [J,,' j)ar~ Moou , , , " .•. , ..•.. ,HT !)h.,n :111 Cd1... .• .•.. .. . ...• , IIi \/0 The linll1)rth) of 11""""'11,-

+: R~il Organl1.SlioD CIIII of !ll\' Dr"glJfI , .• .,



Zh",.."tar1"! Cbapler 1; Evil Pb.ce, .


Livll1g 7.01111",:.. .. .... " 1'2.8 ElI ... . ""... h . . 110 Thru]] pI' F.lr3b •.•. . .......• 1H 5011\:;11011, U!l!!~":1L or IA'tmyc s'", •.... , .•• Ut nCIld:ir cit,. Nigll! 5~fp~II' ' .. 140 Caverns til,' ::kql1:llt Mo~ll.:r " ., •. , ,HI J".c7.J:[ Ih" ChilO. Hnul1,l., Hf TbcDenth Sh~ 110'"''5. .. , , .. 14 7 rry~".Onhl._'d> rhc 1!1f ~,,\Il't ,. , .• 1410'



Locare : o.k

.. ...

.. ..

.. ........

M~II'17,1\.I. th~ I1rnnJc.r Kln~

'n,,- F;.-.:hrlllg~r


, ..



1 f'2


Love's LJm':lIl , ...•• .... hmll! of til.: 5Ii"", LorJ , Mul nl the UnfJlfhf'uL

f!.i! NU<.i.,.
Dl!t~,! nlg

, ',(TOli, Skull Ilout!.>

:-JOll<- Door, , . . • .. .

11 11 11

I'vil },Io.k

To vil ~O\k C)"" .md


l-JfI< Ie GC;Il~~l> .•• , •• NOIJd.ocl .. , .....


1'0"''' ..•.. .'-'1IJ1;II~ ,,'IJ MOtJifil'lIIH'1I1 •.. F..~lIIp'~ F.~d Ko.. ., . , .... I k Shad"", 1\', " ",' ;";0\ les .

r- ~d :\:o.,k


9f ._, ... !If .!l6


.. _9R





(:-lrr£ I, ,11(JJJS!cr;141111/10/11


1'2.). ldOllSlrous

Compl!lId;"m: EM/


Facl";1I (:\10111. 7'1rl)'('r'JGlluil: UJI,t'T(Jl'lrk ( l!Jllr).

to F,T(!l'IiJl (t'G). RQ£w


FIIl'I'ri'l (Ra(), .&rp(,1If Kingdoms


(.:KJ, UIt.Jpprnor:bnble


ucuhcr for lOI1!!;.

he conflict between good aut! evil h,IS occurred th reughoot Terrl's IIIstery ~'1lI1 (ami 1l11l:E. to permeare {he Jay·[o·d"y \j .....s of it~ pcopl~-!Jut 1;0011 nor evil ever malld!) S to gcl he tlpr~'r hall.!


to use This Book

• "f

In YOur CQ.mpQl~n
provides pr"YCfS
ODd Dun reon


TIlt::..:: archer 'jk"l tnnrahze and tcrroriz .. rcavers, crilllll'!'Il:-, miser '~IIC5, :u 1\\ II.:1"0<."$, pirarcs, niurdereis, I,:ul!i~rs, ~cdu~.:-r~, S(,TI':lII[~ of d:1rl; gOlls. "ill:11115, a ud .an:h\llll:l;m,. Evil COOlp..:!:., WhCt!ll'j' It" artracnvc .mJ scducnve or J<:rr3wU nnJ Ji~gu~rill!;;, 1:1'I !oot/illolarcs our illiabi I\~ 1I0lh und evokes ~(rolili rc&ponsc..... ,

Ilb.,;, opnom,.

'1Il.1 roels for llleorpor:Ulng

cvtl j,,(O a C:lmpalgJl.

IV har


heroes Wltooue gTe,lt

! hr.:nl&-.luJ

wh:'Il If you arc

one of {ht::>C (hrcm~? \,~,' ~r., nil schemes ea II you prtra rc iI nd JI;),r ~vil ,1esigl1lo l-;JII )'00 execute ir you're rlOt hUlIlr1<.:rcJ Ii)' gnoJ 1Ilc.·id,~~
C~ampll)f/J f~.;'n}II,

It PI' I,nk.; n .. w evil nice!" cats. :11111 llI:tglc ir~ml>, 1n,[I:1[ ~r, 1c,)1i A.!vor 10 !:I'iJ til' ;'10: '''l'dlC.1:;tcrs. Supn;l1ld) 0:",1, }JOI\crful ,'III,rlIIS gin- III.' 0,\1 n gitll~,) of' new rOl5, patrons, or Incnds (or th~' I'l.lyl'r Ch:Iral'rcr~, The book n:. ,I II hole olr~'rs:l \I'~ldlo( 1lI:1ltTt:1 I for ~xpal1dil1i:i tIll.: rok of' el'il III ~ P()IH.IlI"I'r:-.' R'r." 1.1>'1: l'.lnlP'lIgll. 1\ J(.:m:ltl\-d~', murh of (h,' book ('.111 be used W II h nunor ", U 1I~11l1 t~ 11\ en

sc rtlll!;.

'1/ RI,jll

o/)".:r, 111::1"), op[,ortUOIf!<::> ror both


l nrreduericn:

~llJ l)ulIscOII



ill c~Jlrorlllg

tIl<! lbrlcl"



~r":;1 IIUIl1b.:r dirrtrO::IIl Jlhilo.'P!lhi.:~, CbApter 1, Races: 'nli'~'C I\I.'\\' races



urc some Ih:Ollk' or creatures


1:\'iP Her'


who.r vou

eed to pJo.V
R i"ftl ,I /I(~
CnllJftl !$/' SCffml,.

Cunmp;ol/f Qf a.lflll Jvi':o;t th..: o:l:ta1\lin;/:tr a »d thl! \,i\.IOUS n ..'w ruccs, aIlJ.:lt lUll!> I:IM, n player cillll:'lay
U~1Jlf. rh .. 11l011\u:r cln.. III ronn;1I ion provsdcd

k run

"> rwo




d!l~ sourcebook, you nceJ ~hc Ol'''t;1·.fI:-..., OK M,I)I>. " ... & 'PlflJU'J Hm"Jboo.i:, 'DIII',,!:I'" ,11nflt:!r'J enid!:, "I1J )H~II,lt'l"
MlI1l1ud, pillS rhc PtlRGnrmN

Gb~pter '1, The Tools of Evil. Mere rhnu

11101'. rh:L1I rOn) . IICII ~p-tl I~ uul J ••

dozen new feats,


of' UCIi'\~ unearrbcd

111;IKll It\:lIh

1~1 l;h;'!".iICtI.:J"S ~~p!otc

Fil\~Il)', Sc ...ct~\ btooj..s are rd~rclI ell herem. Tn lU~II}' CJtS~\, tlus reference I~ 111 rhe rOfill or ~lIpcr,~ rrpr ~bhrcvi~trull of
th book's (1(1c, ,.... hk); IS cltdd

Cbapccr '~J1lI'·lIbll

3, PreJtigc Cbs,~c!;

,It:r~ikd here, ..lullg



thdr umhral urges, 111.:\. j\fC~UHI: dn~loCs re hOI\' co _plllce rhcm into your TOJoH) 0 oppose: Till! pby r
hC&c org:l.!li'tatiom.

onto the

<':IIJ of

h.: narm; of.1

)}X'Il, ,1I0I1Sl.:"r,or SOllie orber g:lIlIC dCIII~nt. The b(1o]..~(lIlclll\i. lila some of rhose flll:llI'lOll'd above) IJnd dl~ir abbreviation \\'" 'n .lppllcabk, arc J" follows. Bool: of v til' 'DIlTli'JICH (13V): CD/lip/rtf! 1/1'/1,.,.10.'- (C\.V), 'lJ'·f/~·o.lI(mUUJII (01';'1). £ph L~,~('I ~1I11.d.bl)ok(EL), Fh'lld Folio, p(I/lr.ftrnN RI AI.MI· Cllml''''~,/1 -Sl'lfillg (FH.CS), /..,hYdJ oj lhnl'lI('ss (LD), l\1l1(;ic (1/ I-ill:1'I;1I

Cbapter t. Evil Orgil.niutions:

ch:rTll(tt..r~ have

1I';]1ll' opportIJJlitJ<':~ With

F.'l h




all )0111'"1;

th c groups a s well


rhe tOS!~ :(lll! hCllt:lit.

of tI1l:1l1ixr:.hll

pbl!'L'" 01

Ctupt<:r r. Evil 'Places, F.\,llllo.l~, 5h~Jm' 1\0<11:$; shr.nes, and evil power ;{""~IL rhc hra\'l:, dcspernec, or ,.lcI'IOIJS.



6, Eccounrers

witb Evil: 'IIII~

11:11)['::1' otfers pr:Ktll'nl

advice on lllcorpor.:ttlllg ~vd plar~'r h:If~C[Cr~ IfHO .:I ,-;lmp'IlSIl. Chaprer 7, Cbampioos of Evih Lenrn 1II0r,' about th. elder II of Facrull, Auiuvor [he Undying, r:l.m.i:'Ir che l\iJ!.ht SCrpl'llI, Sencillon the Qu~('ll a! Whis}l'-'rll, Fleab, ~I1J erhcrs arv Jl·l:ukd. ill all their sor c, glor). :IIIJ J:;:,rc~ICl)l':-"~,

If you w!sl~ co play :In !:"'II cham r, you might c exactly a~ you woull plllr II goOl! character, .xeept ill reverse, J nstead of gomg OUI [0 slay tile reu dragon tJ111t h:.l~ IN.'1I t.:'rrori7.ins the: elf

philosophies of 1vil
F.\·il ch;lr4l1:c rs offer;, rich <Ijn:p,ltr or opportumncs for roh:'pla),Ing. They Call be 01111'1.:.\ ,cople tormented V}' r.lIJUT\; to hve "l' to good .ci"Jls. J.II lough SOllie evil churnctcr- never oo\l •cr to
a.n~!y1.c wll rher [lIe'( actions are sooJ or evil. I h~l I he cud )USrI Ji,'~ the means, ami thar gOO<! rhcrs bchevc IrllllJ rd y

l'IUnge, ) ou go ou ( co SillY rhe gold J r..go!l rha r has been terror I'/.mg rhe ore village. However, If lOU arc gOIlI!!. [0 inrcr:u;t and jJCrl!apl> al'lv.:murc With a part)" or goorlllmi neutral ~h:H:J«ers, you migllt need [Q explore ) our character's evil nature 11InTle

'ply alltl rf) [0 f I1J our wh~1 it ;$ tha( defines

(he evil

alignllJ(,lIt you have d!~11 lor hilll. Various plulosophies of "",I ure brie-A),dif>l;u'5CJ below. Each
,,'ctiOil l\rovidcs nps lor what sort'; of n-ligiorl each philosophy follow ... examples of orgllI1l7.:lrions, Jl'lril'S, character ryp.:'~. or ; creature: thar embody ;1 p:lrnr:uJ;\r 'p11I1~ojJh~; and rhc ;J.lignmen t or aI Igl1 men flhjlo~oph)'. I:OllllllC!11Iy held I.!y thos ... '" ho jlr.:tcri..:c the


or ~I'il

1:.11l U

~(o;:, some JfC 0l)porrunl$r~

wilO ~cn'e 110


purpos~ than per>OlIal advauecmcnr. W hen pl:l)'I1I~ an I:I'j I..: IIJ r acter, soine Pl'O!, le 1\.1\c .. tell,knc), 10 \'I~\\ evrl III blaek-aud-wiurc (..:nns uutl to a,'~lIll)C th,u rhc 1.'1'11 chnraner III the party is looking lor ;Inj' opporruniry to bcrraj, rob or murder his 1:0IllP31UOllS_ Till i... extreme \'lCWPOIlH. III Evil lin 1!1:'11lifcst irso!lJ III 11I:'II1y '1) " not all or th~1Il so over t :I~ ~t:l"hlllg the p:lr )"s p:ll:ldlll III the bJd or (QS5111g ~ICII!l1S 111(0 the Ji~'ry belly of a lir:l'flll rdol, Whik, J,'i;,;lutr :lIlJ



'u iJ



1Il:lIljr,'~[3[IOIl5 01':111

evil ehuraec ... '~ behavr

One pot~·'H.~J cause for evil rs .lIllpl. follo"'III~ [/11: norms and standards of )'our aJlCestors ami SOCI t)'. E.vil i~deli Ill'fi b) society, 1I0t hv the inbercut laws of gods or naeure. Wh;'lt might be considered Ib darkest taboo in one pl~w might be .1 pcrfocrly lcc"pcnbll' Jtr3cci 'c'soJ1lcwhcn- 15.:_ For example, ,Ia,·..:r), I~ "'I:'S:JI \II many J1urt~ or Facrun but is fairly common III TII:,}, where good person might keep aslnve or twO ~Jlnpl) bemuse norm. Insome !'Ilgions, the usc of narcotics aud Iutlucurogemc drvgs I)'~trollg:)y,iiM:ourJgcll, wllik in orhcrs It I; JI] inrcgral part th.: [hili)' spiritu:!I lives of Ih,' people.
C\'~Jl 3, If IS~ societal

ior, rll[hll! S SCi11 ,h 01:.", call ofrcn be :I more potCllr \,lpr~','ioll or eVil rha II tlw ps) Chone cll I<.:r who mil rJ, r) IIj~ compa 11 'Oll~ ill their sleep,
A character CJII 1111evil \\ml )'.:t not s CIIl ro b. evil; I,,· em he evil let consulcr hirnsell cho.: cprcomc of goodm.:s~; or hl~ I'I'tI


Odl r suoarious arc nor so obvious.

orecry for

'~:<:lll1p!o;:, IS

rn ghl on!,y show icsdf under cerrarn l'OtldlfIOllS,l\ churacrcr who Ii:! :onttJc(cd I}Ca·!lthrop). [or ex. mplc, 1111:lit t.I lIan, tn':'l'iU!''::

fOl'bldtlclIlI1 SOlin: fl:SiOll, ror no other ~'3S011 (hllil til:\! til JtI!oplc disrrust it. An 'one pracclcing sorcery III such 11pine", nughr wdl I..oe (,Ill J t"1'I1 hy the rl:gi1:m'. Judges ::IIlJ 51)'(II'fs, ,;.hlll.' JuSt across 110:lor lcr, son.-cry an honored prof':ssion. In llllili1.c.J 13J1d~, vloleru rctribunon or f1.'1't'llgc i~rhc cxclusrv domain of the civil or rdlglalt~ ,nil !IQflIIC". The: rule of lnw is JIIeJut to pr.ot.:cr th.:

widows and orphans,

3 l'OSS





t(;ml,I.:~, slay drag,m, •• Il)d h",ly oJd Oil th~ night th, lull 11\0011, he



bunl~ 1.10"11 ~nJ sl;mgbtl:I"> those widows .uul orphan" and r.:,·d) the ~~me old lalh,') 10 (h.' drngou. Moor 01 til. tiw,' hl 1'0 gOQ(I,

hut bi!>cu tSC wipes out :111til.· g.ood char he does, A ll.awrnHy good or n,w{r:d lilolr.1Ct.,,. 1Il1~hr be dnven
through the need ro S<.'l:k r<'\'~'llg"J fil!dill~

to <'nl

1.'\';1 acrs nil 1::I~r I"a~

to :J(coJ11pli.~hher goob AIIOlh,r mIght ,Ira) (''0111 n~hlt.'OuSIW:>~ anJ goooJlII:s by USIJ1B 1.'\'11 Il1lo:an" ro Ju~tlrygood ends, or cour J ,;\'11 can be sclt-evnlenr. ~o 011,' i goillh (0 I.ju.:lion ",ht'thcl' [be prj,_"$( or C}fIl 1)0 r"'all> :1 good !(I1}':\i h,;lrti h~ ISII't-ir ho;; were, Cync "oull1ll'[ gl';tl1t him .my :>p<:l!s.1\11\ just !J,:C.1U• he I~ evil d(),.'~n'l 1IIt'''" h~ j, I:\oillg to siallghttr hi .•
t!1'11 Wl'r,'

inuoccnt froUl.lmst) judgment by a srie\'IIIg_ ear her ol'3ngq mob. II' you nrc hi'rm~11 :u1l.1)00 I:l\h out hi rcraJi:U101l, your aCtIOI\~ !\light be S<.'CII to bt" :IS cv II :l~ the erl rue )'ou arc J.vClIglllg. llur ill border regions a.ul lawless !iro:a' where a person has to rely on III., own de,,; 'C:>, pc rse 11:1 acrs or I'l"'Img art' the uorrn am} arc I <..nll:oicli:rl·1tlO more cvrl th:ll1 :\11: ct 01' ·lr-ck-fcllS.:'. Evil (!In ofi:en bt dd;I".. nottiy un unhvidual's acts r pl.;r ollal phjlosophy, but d h)th~ <..ulrurc 111 \.-Ilicil Itr III OIl rlll!;:H the till1~, Ch.)f:lCI~rs nubh! us!: dll~ l'hdol.ophy to jllStiry rht::u' :1I.::uons, Jlld Lt1~ could ~~r) ",dl be <:orrl'l'r, ,ojcpelldillS 011 d1elf Ill\hYidu~11
cjrlu IlISraUCt:S,

companion" 3Jul sf';'l Chl:lr trl'lI!Wr,' at th~ firSI oppOrtullil). 1r rca Ily r!tat 5 'l1~dc"tnl. tll':_, 1;;0011 \\'011111I't h'l W 1I~'.lr1) l

as hard

:t IiInc

COIl"103( it. lilt;


I\{ tit ';I1ll~ tim.::, II call 1)(: h:tfll ro ulllicr't~nd "hal \'OIIIt! llloriv;,tt: d !,~r~oll to b~ Oille ,;\' il. h" II,' r~ r~- ,ad n' idll:d II ho ,Iml[';-:·Illud, I ~ embr:l~,<:s-IJI':llIS 1:1 II, .1IIrl mo~t l)COpk (QH-

sider th~lIIs~h',:lo. Ir no wholl)' ~oo..l. l..:nallllr llor irredo:HmbJ)' evil. r\'1 F:1~rull I:; filled \Iith irrcdco.:mahly ',II illltih1.:rocs. ~0<1,
:llId IIIOJI5Iers.



hilt is I:\,IH

111 ~Il) 1I3C,clrllCl' til..: 1)1a._).:r or til<: n,\lr mu:.t Jssigll :111 alignll1ent to rhe h:Jr3,(Cf if' for 110 otheT reason thaI! [h fa ..... lime ;IJlgnml:lIt plap 3 cntic:.\! roll: in how ctllrlin 11l3j.;ir " rks--jm bidd,""r &1'Cil5,01' ,11m:!.f:', rl!uu.:rioll rh.,r Is O"'I.!rCOl11e It)' .1 l 'rt:1I11 ~illrlof :'Iligll",1 "'C!lPOll, lor !:~ample. Morally J~11-

lurcq:II'C't:ltlon or" hal COJl~tltll t\: SllwrYlllooll or Conll),l'.






Spill,,- or [he \A.'orU or






ight 1mVI!
l Iii)

milch worc hh:r:t1

':01ll1'3r,'~1 1·0 :'IOllJoXIrk.' from

bl~lIOl!S characters can be :lSSIS"c:J 'he same 3hsnmcnr as rheir patron rJ~lr)', i no other solunon presents It. lf, 'Rcligioo: Characters holdl)l!:: thi~ philosophy arc atrrscred to s1I)311 resion:l] or cultura I n:liglom ,1111.1ult,. c Rumple; Cuk of the Drl\gOl1,
COWlllOI) A IigIlIlU:.IHS:

o an (:",1 !loti, ScdULTIOIl t!ifJ"r~



I! It



th r rhc

character j~ lIor 01'1'0 cd [0 '~hllt is h~l?p"lIIng ro hun, He 'night nor ae n rsr even be :lware rhar he: I) a Illlb 111311 t!1'111TUU!ner, but wllell Ill.' ,,()<."
1'1.i,;J!i'I,e If,

he do.:~ll·t sed: to chcrnSI! hiS W3)'S,

N"utr~ I evil, chaotic


r A m Nat Ev i I
Some people rt;coglll1.~ rh:lf VII XlSts Ul the worM, bur rhcv do 110[ in lilly way think of rhernsclves as v it. 110 matter how 1.1praved rh ir :let-IOu> I1Hghl be, Th Eldreth Veluurhra (di 'UM" I 011 ]'I:lge 78 and furth~r deralled m Lord: ()/V" r.klllm) is a perfect example of JII evil organl'/.;Itiol1 Ih~1 chinks i[5 every action ,~

Religions: 'The chnracrer " Ilsllally :lCtll'~ \\'1(hll1 an evil n:llgiol!, ~ll\n' it b 11)0'1\ OrtO:I1 dill' rdiSioll, or hrs MSOCIJtlOI1 With it, \ h:, r j,a., o,cduct,;,!h lIlI, Rumple: Sh~r, Com moo AligomcDu: All.



could he dnvcn [0 eVil III SCY ral wnys. 1I11(:llu hnvc bl'l:lI sa Il:trsb rhar he: had


life or


ill the service of good.

A eha raceer I\:'ith this plnlosophy correct dignm nr, \10 matter whar h same reasons as characters ..... believe ho No l!.vill'hilof>ophy, Either the player
llhsnmcllt ,lccordillt;

musr still be llSSIJ;llcd hi~ thmks or Irimsclf, for d'lC ill th TnditlMjThcn: l~ or tit OM !;hould ;\'i-~Igll

10 tht prepo!ldcr~ 11C" or thc charncrer's lie, tiotls.lr h.; occaslollillly docs good thingli but 1I10.',torrell resorts to evil nds to jusrify hiS evil means, he should be glvell'lII evil J I i!;lIlllelH, no matter wha [ Ins objections, B.cJigioos: Characters wltl, rlus philosophy oftt:n "ofshtp gous or good,

evil n(tsju~f to survive, He 11lIl;hl he Sl!ekUlg rcmburion for some uillmagmahic ",ron(:l deni ro hun or those: he loved. H.!! Illigbt be fishtillj; Ii rc wirh !in:, so to spc:Jl:, driven to evil just to keep :t worst: ~\'I) :ll h~}, Illih rh ... ,h~r.1ec"r who d~II't :u:cepr'r.h~[ he is evr], rhrs ! )'I'\. of character OfWl dOC'.II'[ ~t!1.' [lJI '>elf as rruly t!\'II-bul he docsn'r .J.:n}' tlur whar he l)lIi dOlle in th .. paSt could be raken rhar wny. or n, ilL' b:h 'i01\lC ~r:'llldIO>" IIl[CIHIQJ1 ro mak up (or \\ h,1t he h:ls done; of course, b)' rhar tune il llIight be tOO late lor II 1111 n:i dl~ 111)'" 111& ",,1y~,

Eumpl.c:; 1i,ldn:lh Vdllulhra. COI'DmOll ALigoQ!coc; L.,,,,fu(


Rei igioo!: Ail)'. Th i~ .,:ort evil I~ net xssocmred wirh a par ricula r rc 1'lb'I.OI,l, Enmplts: M,1ny J clueves' tl;\Jdd I~ r, lled I\"ith these rypes of
hnr;lcl'I;rs, Comroao AljgJ)weol: Kcutral eviL


'Evil curse
'Th character has occQITIC evil through some mllStell aSCI}t-;l co rse rTOIl! :J sod. :I disease weh :J~ lycanthropy, rhrongh contacr wllh an artifact, or another form of 'powerf.ul magic, lJl 1>0111(' CaS':S,his outlook with respcn to law ami chaos docs nor change, Tho: rursc is usually resisted at first, but the longer it is ill cITcd, (he more- J IkdJ' I t i~rhar th' chnrac IeI' will gll'e in to the eu n.c'~ evi I ehl) mete r isncs. :acligioll$: The <;lllr:tC[ r III ighr ntteiupr to retain hib former religion, but \\'111J;r:tdu;:tlly g:r~\·,t;Jt.: reward J rdl~ion that most closely matches hIS ali!;1I11l nt or rhar welcomes him for what he i now, Eumplc: :vial;!f'. Sp,cial: Good p~lad"l and clen 10 their divine abilines, Com mOll A.LigDmcof5: A II.

J sr pi In ico.n
The character 15 incapable controlhng hiS violent or ann-social impulses. HL nllghr be k,nd, iutcll ib~lIt, and perr~nly capable


of' compkrilll) 3 ask, holtling :t corwersauou, anti worJ...mg suec,ssrlllly ~t a Cr.l(t, l:!ur when >omt:rhm£ sets hun off, rbcrc is
whar IIt'l! do. There I" no 1V1l,y of Ii.llowllIg (rom all the 111!~r wlm WIll il-:utt hi~ fury; he usually blames hrs outbIJf~t\ on oinu], ;JI1Udoesn't a ccpr th~t h.: has JOlle ~n)'(hi'\g l\frons. nor JOt:S 111:feel rchr.,[ or remora '
110 Il'llllll:; 10



AIl~. Tlns sort


evil " nor associated


p, r tirulur und r an evil curse usu:l.lly


RumpleS, Fishter~, thieves, and barbarrans, COmOlOO Aligumcot: Chaonc ~'VII.

The chnractc:r Ius been lured wit h promises of JX'Wo!T, glory, wealth, or pleasure inro perforuung evil aces, H IS not proud 0 • his


l uorn ~uil

The chJ racrer hil~ 1:..:1:1) hrought uf' in 0 ;oC)c(Y UJ wbirh evil is the rule of rhumb, and he knows 110 other 1'':1)' of lire. He was Lorn 011 J b:Htlctidri or ill an orr UI!Il, learned to deceive alrno [ ~lon: vii

but his desire


these rewards outweighs bi~ di!<lik

or what he has become, H· mighr even come to :1eccpt hi\ evil nature :lIIJ rel ish i ,A chara ter C~n be magica lly seduced through powerful nchautmeut spells or b}' be.lllS awed in rhc jJl"I::SC'l e

hc learned to ralk, and proll3hl before he was cell )' ars old,

comllurred his firsr truly



This t) pc or evil chara rer IS [he inosr tiJ..dy to 11I1I.lcrgo;m nhgl1rllclII shirt once <:.xpoSt'\1to other cultures. He is also cJll' mOSl .hkely to hab.' and r~'3r :!ll)'thill!o: th::ll I~ dlrr'::rcm Irom hunscl}. R.cligion~: Tile ch:u::Ict1:!' pn:f\'l"ll rhe: ~h~malliSf;~ religion or cult in whlth he was raised, Eumples: MOllstcr sociccics, Common AHgnmcnts: Chaonc cvrl, InwfuL cvd

evi I choice
character has ch06t'II 10 :t.:t in 911 ~vil he admits 1\ evil 311d (or which ht' f.:ds no remorse, H 15rL':lSQIlS mlGhr be selfish, lie might Ix- bent all revt'IISe h) :lllyUl~aJls possllJk, or helnir:;:ht be drrven tocomp.k~ :I t:lsk or achieve a goal. 2.1it! will lee uothing stand 111 1m way, 011 the other hand. Jl~ could sllnpl~ It,,;J soclopnlh t"\{_ually capable or Por

rca on. di


OIlC ~Ji31








good or exrreme evit, neither wInch move hun or spinru!l.II)" .1I1<! ill will h he is incapable of seeing any contradxrion.


Because of 1001l1\" p. )'I.:hOl>I), obsession 01' QV';TpOIH!nng phobia, rhe har acter I~

Ii nil

perform asrs

0. 111·

Characters this bent conceal the.r :llignm':llt ::1I1(J 1)10VC about in pohre society. ReligioJl8: Au)' rdigioll that





characters d~JJ\:llJ.::d to rhe philosophy of evil or

ser vcs tlis so:!lfish pu rposc, ill' dudiuj; good·alig11ecl ones,

1!~lllIJples: Throne, rhood, Com menu:

Lr o u BrO',tll'

to evil gods ofrcu fi uti rhls character's acricus h<:_I'onu the pale or acceptable

'..." i

behavior. Dcpc Ill!! llg 011 the nature of the mad-

Align· Lawful evil, ncu rra I evil.


r"d rClllor~

ness. the c!l:1r3ctcr


lor the thHISS

Getter to

~ he does,



S!oy hjm~lr from rcpt:3tiHj;



uule in HelJ hun

serve 11\ H ,oven
This character is actively opposed (0 good, limb goodncs~ ro be r~pdlcm in I:very form, and tlun ks beillg good IS a sign of lI'o;akll.:S!> or

,~ nugh: Jdight HI the thil1g.~ ~ he does, or III:' might nor ~\'CJI ~

~ lll.' aware of




lleligioJI$: D<:VCndu1g 011 lite madness :lIId how It man irt'~ts> [he (harlctl!l' might hi.' U1C;,!POlbtc
of P3J'uclpltml;

or all type, or he- mighc r.: ,1 lc~UCT of an evil rdlgioll or cult. H~ 1!1I~ht even be a patrol I of <I 8000 rehgion, Bur undcrucin II


orl,;a!lf,~'{1 reli-

him ro do

lHd~~ a rcrnble secret, 311 lIlIi1ul:-, til:!! lJril'c, rhll\gs elUlI woo 1(1Jlorn(y :\ d~!lIOIl, Oil

M~d, / r~1I10H: E"illWiJ/.d


rhc other Ita lid, SOIllC ('\'11 n,:l!g.IOIl:i aud o'1l:u 11:1.01\1011" eould welcome hun sfrcr Jlsco\'l'ring hi. 1Il,1t!1I':,"" M) lhac
!ll:tlllpUlatc hil I and nrakc U~· or Ius l'ar itulal'

by ;,,11111;11 relIgIons

characrer, He IS drtveu by hate and lust :1ll1i revels ill [/1 tbwartil'S of goodness ~t every turn. ReLigioll!: The most acrivc Jlld radical evil


and org!lIIi1..:lciallsanracc rhis rvpc of character.

cll 'Hr~.

Rumples: Commoo

Cyrie Align.ment5:

Examples: Cyrie, Ban > Shar. Common .AligomcDI$: All evil.

i'L1l, l'i'I.>I!LI:Jlly

tho",,' with



The .uds J usti fy the Meo.ns

'Jhi~ pat II lallows a slippery, slope, The ella rarrer seeks some

I nherentl
The charac

1:; V



p<:rh~p;,[he ovcr chrow

O'r ~ heinous

,vlHa.m or the

r's race Jlcf~r~~ til:!! III.

<'VII. Thl~ ,~ u,u:!lly


only rhc :IS(' wit'll ccrrai .. monsrcr races, oUlsiJ r , B.clig,ioo:;; MOII!>rcl religions, if any. Rumple: l'-"'ightM~l:"
ComOloo A.JicnmcUl ; All) cvrl,

undead an.l

c~(ahh 'r llIl1Cnr or 3 good church 01' or[;:lIli2.nriorl ill the face o.f aJ"<'l'lilt)'j 1l0thlllg 1\'111top her from IIchicving this goal, veil s II sh~' must 00 evil [0 :lCo.:Olllpli:11 i lbligioDs; Til character might belong to allY religion, but good- 11[;11;11 deiues ror"')' loo!.: with Iavor upon ",VII aers, 'Eta mples: Mystrfl, Sh:u;III.1:1 k u I, OS","3,
Common Alignments: All



:tllll thdl (he.l! utliqu..: QIil(\:$tr) would heroes and vrllains ~r.J;.c,

1113.l..c them tugcts for

Ro.cio.l History
cine races .an:: rumored to have " pr('dispositioll (Ollcl;l(d ~vd; iu face, this mut van('~ greatly frOI:n

race to rnce, r!dIUl~ onel' ~xp"'r;el1CC pri,'J.uJII::C aga!nst them beeause of th(',(r evil al1ceStry eveorhough 111311), of them are neutral or CV('I! good, The srercoq'pilll:\ of ticAiug~ 3) inherently eVI'1 ofrc» lach :$ubitilIlCt, III contrast, rhc r~c(b" pneM:nrcd hcn::!neric their rcpuu:t,ions a~, [J:,ul)' matcvcknr. Whitt nor c.vtry drac~loth, ~,:(bmin33r, or kriudl (O[lO\\>5 an tvil p.hitosophr, InCl5I arc eVil or at b<!SI 11~utrd;gQoJl m~tllbcrs oC tn.~sc races are rare,

Dr::!(J;toth~ :Ire .h;tlf-fiend terrors ch~r aft: ritually crt",re~i h)drow priestcs..,o;:S who test rhcjr devotion to Loltb by mating wirl1 sammoned tlC!l10IlS, o.n ly Ol1ell in ,; grl!3l whIle docs this couplins pmducc" c.h1!..!,2 n.l the bir til of n clrJcSlolb IS seen as a nomen of [he godd.:ss's f~\lor, ortel! 5P"'J{~lllg wars, 3:'SllSSjI13doJ1~. ~m! othu intriguo:!S" Dr3eg[oths aregt-IIlJcrks:s, :>cdcS$ C!'(!:tl UfC\ incapal>k' procrcauon. Most dr:!cglod\s ar ....IIKw.libly loy".1 to rL1-<:: priCSN.s5 I hat Iio~e them, servillg thezt! as cllforL'<.!rs, bod}'gu~.rd" amj 0,:' c:l1~10na lIylol·crs. ,).., en :I .:lr:leglofh'~ mccher U1C!oOt tho;- hou!rC h jt SCl'\'~~ i~destf.o)"cd, It I~ ofttn kCt [,0. 1...-.Illller the. UI1J~rtlafj(> be:coR1mS a S(:(IIlrg~ wherever it So~SDracglcrhsal¢crudc:rcarl:lr~ '\::U,O.I,I'!1 rheir Stea[ srrcl1gdt ror and Stt:4It h. Ther Inlln [he: WJlI\ds of the Undw:b.rk for JOodand (h( opponuilicy eo spr.:od evil. A lone draeg10dl C:lU terroti·(.t ~') euttre villaSe of UN}! SIlO!!'!CS or gnlHlocl:s, ,)!!ld II wil] USU311J-

Til.: 1'01111of oriSln of th~' dracgloth r~(t I~ ulik'110\l'1l, M,wy or the Illst"oriCAl1y JOllnilallL drow h(lll$C~ have theirown legends. each of wlnch !:billl~ rhnt the hOUbC y.:n~the first to ret< ive Lolth's z hlcs~111& Of course. the wrnciry of ,;uch claims IS qucstlollablt. at best, "Ild they hnw b~cn I,~·sponsibk- for mort Ihall one ccnfhcc between marren molhcr~, Or~egloThs nlll'l! b~,cn O('ollillf long enough Ih~t 110aile Lan 0:\)' that :l'l)' .of these claims .we IIw~hd, hut House Illcnrc of M.:nl0MrfJ1nJJIl \I,a~ lItd)' the lirsl bendiciary of Ii dl"lCgJoth servant. Tbrs ch('Ory proba~ly holds mote rrurh rhancehers; .~ ItP~8toth 10)';11to, Hou'ot: B'\I:nrc is known ~o h~ \'~ ~hd I f"(;U ttl> h::1dcrs !lu n as dIe ~tn tc t ha t eVCW;U a Hy JIll! dl: thelll dlt u1ldi>Vtll<!,J rulc.r~ "Mt'u'wUerr3!1l3n. Per d'Otl:;;1!l,l, of ~t~n. ,jr~c.blodIS Iwrt c-nrcmdy rare, "'p-




111 ;,

fc\\ ilrow enclaves ~crcO$Stire Undetdark.


Sr~rfiJle. nrollnd Iwornou<;\1I1,1 )'Cllrs ~go, dnegloth 5ighcmg~ became m.on:3uJ 1Il0!'t frlHjUCllt, even being l'~portl:!d fat (rom ch~ 11C!rc;Sr drow cnd~'!\'c, Such reports were OrrCI, dismissed a~ the fri~httllc!l rnlllhl'!l1S~ of Undcnlark travelers, but If was reu -3 ~m",11 IIUUl!J.:r of dl'a~blo[hs Ilid hrok,tll frf!( of their JCPI:I'lI!I'IJ(I.'OI1 dll" drow, who were, of course, unconcerned by chisl!I:I'dopllli:llt. Arlt"f nO, rn.·t.-.roammg uratgloths bad been prc;;.::ut u) rhctr c iti~~ for somo:[i me. h"v ing bet:!1 set loose as

nlld illt~'rl1al c·o!,fiu;,rs ~I\'!h(:ir of I r'Sy!!",

I1laitOIl m.otlll:t6 :lmi hou~s

d<!scroy.:d. Thi~ OI'CI'~Ig:hr weukl prove 10 hi: co~[ly rorhe draw


of Tr'Sylm thought nOIhmg of rumors rhac .a dfJ~I:\!och lIs,] he..:.l tcr~Ol'lZ"l!) 3 nearby- .>e(tk,:no:"llt of iluergar, Rc(ug~~~} fl"Oll1 the dwarf ~m'IJ\·..rold of 3. rampagins. f.oUf~mlo.:J aCIl)OIl th~t dr~!U:.'CtI boJi.::s a\~',1!' to be eaten, W,hen [hi~ lone ur.a~gloth npl.Wl r.:d ;l t rile ~dgc of Tr'SyliJl, I he li.tard riders
gil.:!rJ !lIg



before a concerted cfrort to slay it can be put together.

V~lltuf'~ om adVQJlc3fjCS\I·oLlI'J



![ WI!h

~. caunous d<:Cc~el1(e. for even

Dr.acglOl"hs r:ltdy
Ih.::ir narural

of the UnJ'cnl:1rk. k!lO'\nl!:l 'har bl~ H~UCfalized HI the world! abo\'cJ

~ free drn~totlll.) Lolth'~ duld. The dr3t~!o[b did HOC :m~ck l!llrmdllitcly. iuslcad bidlllg us timeullnl the encl'D\!e'S ruling

matron Inotiler dcmaudcd :111 audience. There, th ... oracgloth spruug his rrap; wirlnn seconds, rh~' matron's elue guard had been torn apart, :md the rogue dra.eglorh's 31:l\'crmg jaws wcr

around those rhey rtspccr, and Lolth has given them rhe alllliry 00 med uare lind pmy for hours wlule senrch.illg fo,- -a soluriou. Their unique rombmarion of patience, 11I1l1ing, and


(rolll' her rhrear. A Ie/t'port conrwg_cu(>" saved her hfl' and preserved the talc of lr'Syllll; :l{l rhe other members or [h~ enclave were enher sla.ughocn::d 111their homes or hunted nO,",11 in the rollowing wed .. s Since thar tune, the dro- have arternpted to mameaiu tighrer

coutrols 011 draegloths who arc wirhour 3 house. They allowed to live 111 drow dries Without a house affiliarion or the :;pOllsor,hip 0 J powerful I noble. Rogue dra~~lotl' li'lil thcmsctvcs
warthed at all



ir till',
1'...5 ttl

do have


ruthlessness makes rhem amOl'lg the most fcared hunrers in the Underdarl ... DracgLorhs see all creatures in [he world oth~r chan draw and orher Lolrh-bless d beings :1~ cartl or jJuppc . The), have no rrolilem wirb ldlilll!, other senrienr beings for food Or pleasure. This doc not mean thar tll~y ca II 1I0t r~"p'-'Ct another being for her • status or power, :lI1J draoglorlls make excellent ; cmpauions and servan " to d matrou moth rs who bore the n, Rut Out iJo;:0 this well-defined rcligioos anJ SOCial role, sci Hess acts 011 LlI::hlllr

-a nd some SC(h OU t 1l~1\' IIl:1rrOIi


mothers co avcrd I~$[ one dracgloth chilli to

i11 order this SUSP1Cl011. There has been ~t case of (alsify IIlg rll~ hi rt It of ~

1)!cJg~' rhemsc!

I comprehcusion.

or anorher

arc eursnie che IJr~q;loth~' realm of


10 l~l:lltillll/,l.'




blessing. Sud!

JCI: 'ptlOIlS

~ -<: "


were: onsidercd blasphemous before Lolrh'~ , bur 1I0w tbl:) have .rn almosc cultlikc effect 011 those who \\ 1\11 to beli vc rhar the Spid.., U!!~'1.:11 h~~ returned to cheir house. SII1CC rbcir-gcddcss's ~!isaflJN<lraIlCl:, Jracg!oths have become more mdependent, 1ll:'ltIr 110 longer ;..'r v chI.' mat ron IIIOtJI~rJ; witllOLlt dCIIl:tlldillg

The on ly Ii) i., 'I:; [liar outsh ines 'il, draeglorh's )o;]thinS for ocher creatures is Its faith. Worship of Laid; (or mono recent I)' Vhacraun) drives 3 uraeglol!l's exisrcuec, :IlIU ilia 11)' heCOI1l!: lerics
r,ullT(ls (0 oUlI

her. The)' :let



:ldvisors to rh~ 1l)::I{(OIi mothers our of respecr for Loltb.

and ('VClI 1I0W rhar she has disap-

.~ ~


peared, most drncglothS connnue to worship her wlthtbeir cusromary fervor, However, some dr~cgloch. h:I.V~·lost riidi III che: Spider Ol:!.~"Cll and now look to thcir

:::: " .... gone va I1J~rlJlg [he



slaws. More

:lI1d marc have


rl. 111

demonic srres for 'Of the Underduk,


'For orber dcnizeus






to .:Ither resrorv Lol en to her

former glory, or, b:Jrrmf; [hilt,
ro increase



dem on i~

draegleths, because while their raithful cousins war I...ch rhc droll' and search rot Sig'lS or Lolth, those who have left her arc otgalli1.mg dl:Il1(;,"-wor~hjpillg humanoids 0 round rbcm, Slid I dracglerhs have stnrted il1Ce.rllcriJIS WI·dl nlOl'~ we:lk·minded humanoids receutlj, rather rlU111 IIUIICIII!; rhein 3$ rhej OIl~fII would have, in order to gain power al1l) reach for rherr Ile:WOTg;al1i,,~· rious. Grimlocks are rherr Iavorire recruits, chau S to (hose creatures' barbaric ferOCity and

sires' pOIl'~r 011 rhr Material P 13.lie A s a resul t, demon cult) ha,'c fOl.111J themselves I'ith u'lt'xpe<rcd a,llll(s, aud dr.tq;lorh~ arc Sf:1rCIII!; to form their OWIi cu ItS to elevate their fat he • names. Dracglorhs rarely work rogcrhcr, bur they are ilot abo c working With others to aclneve theil' ~(I;II~. 'lJr<1c(I"b dcnbrk This IS especially tru~ for he yoonS':' members of rhe race, III wbom Lolrb's ~I'IJt ;1 ver fi rill I)' tool! /loIJ.

williuguess ro rollow

(l strong leader in cXChrulg , for rhe abtllty to thrive in the dangerous Un-

Dracglorns tire Sly and CllIHlltlS creatures wild rages char end III rhe 1I1.:~lth~ of those
arc excellent advisors, because
t herr \1'1(11 :I

personal itv

pcnchau; for them Th y

Dr:lcglo[l~s arc pOSSibly th~ InO,[ purdy evil race In .. l! ~f Toril. Th~'Y ~I'I:' born from rlu: cenfiu nce of two great eVil into a world where vileness is normal nJ goodn . s is as absenr as the lighl
of tho:


arc :io.:o.:mlll~l) .... · r

McmlJcr, of rhis rae

enjoy infllerJl1g

g:r..-;tr cruelty

:1I(;d for under tanding rhe IM.III)' thre:aJ., of drew ilHrJSIlC<'; and til ir innate $QV3gt'r) allows lor :I plethora of OptIOI~~ in do::llulg with :lIly CUCJl1n:s. Till!'} (;111 be )J:I[i~!Jr listeners "'00.:,1

on crhers, and they learn how to do so Iroiu their mothers, who nurture till. trait widl grell( r'l ish and care, Draegloth are known fOT rheir lack of appreciation of ueaury. Unlike most


other races, rh\'}' do not have: ally aesthcnc sense, dlL:yd'o 1101 IIppreci;'ll~ utm au}' fornI, MId they ~n; nor 5w~nycdby 3,(Cf:l('tIVC members ofrllClr own r.l<."<.:or othcr~. It is '\·lusp~.rcJ tl;l:!f thl: 01)Iy LlIll~ ,1 ur::u:gloth rcds ~~1(;C" when itl.s (o)llIl\ir ung IICI[.:,
of evil and Jepr:tIlICY.

r~ rurn the ,cmotlon

\\ .Ich <:'lu:l1 In{'''ll~irJ. Some are:ulIsts

who are

famili;u' With l..ol/! races h.we wl>Scsc.:d char rhe feud ori'gin;)[<:s
~maIlS~1 rile demel)S who ~Jl"·\\·!lcd the racc~, bur [0 dlltc no one hOl:'oO;:QTJ"OOOf'l.tl'(islich d.1I11U. 'On Ihe ran: orrnsion ch.u a <irll<!:glorh :I~~\'<:'~ItS. UIl,Jeru:'U'k IltIbltat, II fi lids noneof tilt: ~llrrJ.et.: c'cc~ to be p:t!atab!e' compa'll' tOilS. These dr~L',~lodb often hvc m SUI fa<."1:"IV~rus_, eml) k~vmg .1[ I"ghr. wh ile other,\ Alid <1ro\\ commy II!rio'S ~uch aSI bose III I he forest of Conna .•lthor ill \\'h leh to I We.

phusico.I Description
Draeglcrhs resemble impressIve I}'.brllC drol.l', wIth blad ~kjn, n long white I1lnuL:,amJ I>Iowo:rillg rc~t .:yes. Thel'~tl!!ld between 7·1/'2 ~nd8 feet tall a: ltd '"<.:i.l>hbc:n1ietll 'WO lIud 371 pou n.J~. Their legs have two jomts, l)mkulll. rhelll C.H(:II\~ll' quick alld


I[<snmcn r


rh.:ir bodies are n'lm~I,II\'I!h (hick. powcrrl!ll1l1J~dcs. f3CC is clongllteJ and skeleta]. ,~ has fOIJ'r ar!l1~. two

of .... ieh UL: normal.lookmg h drewarms thar appiZ'I( unJer~I't.cJ compared co its botl)' ~nd ar!! cfren used for ;pdh.~)'(iIlS' The othu tWO arms ~n' long and powerful lI'X'tremilit::., cud.lng ill wicked daws 311d wit h han,l~ ha nglng low, much like :UI ape's, Dracgloths do 1101 fed the Ilecl'l to wear dotfllllg,. slIlec each Indivrdll~'I'~ hod'y is covered Wtt.!1 a nm.: coar of wlnrc fur. Dr:leglolhs arc born fully developed and lin. to he about ~OO j'c:lrs old,~lthough rhe s'(Jvog.:li{c rhc Ulll,kn;brh robs most of tbt'lf fuJI bf~$pa)\.

are (r";)Wf~~ of purl' =\,I!,. no, marrer whIch Side or he f:tJluIYl·.1('h il1Jii\' "IU;i' rnVOfl<; tile)· desire to be 110fhins mor~ rhan Ih~~ are. 'rh~y (:'IVOf ehu Ch.1oci" :)Jil>lllllellt of both P,1fCllts ns ""ell, :llcilough thdr d~\'otln!1 to thO:IT Inotht.r$ ofren drives theUI 10 or,le-rlr b<:li'WlOr I!Ilh~.lr servirc.Dracgloths ..... ho t"C'IlI:tltlwlrhOllt tho.:guiding force of a marron morhcr lor 3 10'IS nr~cb[erhs
pC:PO\r ·01' ri1l1<:: ;II',\: llkd~

to "rumdon


house :lw.J wander


UnJ enlar],



Dro.e,~loth r.o nds




ehe otOIl' cines


MOSt dr.lcslo[h~ !>_feuJIherr Iiees ar-ound drow, who ~jd\l:r revere rhern, renr them, or hot!.!. For cherr I'ac[,rl1e h;lIf·d ..'lIiOIiS el!}oJI ~hl!ir special pl:!ce in d-lOl,draw cOlllrrlllllity. and 1!llght aCC3f'
rOSlln(lj.· toward Wh31 chey often

Ulld~nl.\rt {fc~'.tOr~ un I<!~.,.h~11' h0U~e r




If Uclom"·~'!:Hlger(}tl.~

They tel,ld fO stick dose to their IS tksrro}'cJor \vtakenod:~o badl} 10' l'':nl:\lI). A r tbar POUlt, thl!}' \'C'Il-



the lesser h~II' ol' rherr

turc ofr to fl. I \\.1 I'lL"'''' arc:~~ tOt'lploj,j J [1(1 II':W ViI( tuns (or their dq}f~\'cd minds, SOllie of these drm'glorhs might remain 111 rhe cirj, h~\,jllS burlr up (hClr own indcpcmlcnr powrr bases \<.JHI~ servin!! rh<."lf marrens, Wh,'" iOlIU: Ji$pl~LCd dr:lcgJorh\ :11'1: content to 'v:l.udcf the u:!rkrullnd_s. lit;m;.1lb the slJrfJ~.c of Fncruu, OThers. decsde COsec \.\"11:1[ ~ bovc, Sellll: arc dr~wll b)' rUlltOf~ of drow el1Ca(ltpl11l::Jll:S llt-:-

Underdark race~ 3S lit de more than ~1lI1ll~I.s,rher~ nly roplcese th<:ll1 or provide th ..1ll wirh o rood and treasure. The ,.k~t·gloth, h.1\'C =~l:lIbireJ a p~((icut.1rfy ,tront; anripar by toward gto~ III mit;; (w·e UI1(J<rd ",·k [lage 11), who

!im:-3g~.Th<)' r~gard rhe rest or

Base Hi!

...ud: t

Level Isr

Dice lellO

Porc Save






+1 +2 .. '2

.. l




(8 ... I ur lI1od) )( ""

Spccid PCJt,.? cla .... 1..14, resistances (Jcid, Soold -s




eleetr ic;t)'

r. nl'l! r), dallc:Jng ligbts l/day

8 .. mod 1m
8.,. Inc

4th rth 6rh



+3 +3


4dl0 <!-diO

+3 +~. +4~·f

'" "


+3 +4-


... .:j



+'1' B ,. Inr I'llod




5..110 fdlO 6"i.10







... 4
+5 8

lilt llIod

+1 Str, +1 narural armor, faed" lire l/clity, uar~ JJCSS lid;;)' +l.Dex, darkness ?/da}". bite Id6 i 1. Su, " '2. I nt, desecr« Ir: l;day +1 Con, rcsistanecs (acid 10, cold 10, dectricity 10, Ii C~ 10), I'1nmullity to poison ,'2 SrI, da.rkncs. i/,hy ~1. StT~.,.1narural armor, unlJo.ly blighl 1/ day, 1. claws ld6 -1 Dc:(,dm-km'll 4;dJy +'- Su. Large size, 10-ft. reach, bite IdS 2.


If 1tat'UfJ I :3 rmcr,

resisra IICeS

(ncid 20, cold 20, electricity 10, fire '20)


all rhe

urface, while others l"lIVO:


order to avoiJ h.:1II!; hunted



by their numerous enemies.

A draeglQch's class &kllls (311d the ~cy alrlli for "!leh &1.,11)are Climb (Sl(). Conccerraeio» (Coo), Cra fr (J IIt), H.lde (D'::f), Jump (StT). Kilowlcdgc (ar~"'J1a) (1m), K.Jlowlr:dgc (rbc planc;;) (Iru), Knowledge (religion) (lilt), Lrsrcn (Wis), Move Silently (DClC), Search nr), Spcllcrart (lnt), Spot (Wis), llnll 5uo'II''31 (Wis),

Draeglcths arc vcry devoted to L01rh. the deity whose hl~~lIIg brlngs (hem i,)[o existence, They II:!>,!.' WCJI as !.listl'aul;!ht a~ the macron mothers over Latch's re c ur ulsapp":lIranl: ,;wll the Y;I~{ lIIajonty of Oraeg.lodJs rcmaui devorcd co her C:IUS\!. Some drae!;Ioths have wavered in thclT r~lth, however, :lilt! fillllhcm~h'\: drawn to one of the ocher deIties of tIl<: Uar!' Scldarmc; 'h:'lC-f:lull has gamed a fcw pow\;rful followers rlus way, and he, IS actively recrlJiring rhem 111[0 IllS forces, SC!\'CF.lfm accepts dracglerhs into his worship, but ollly rt:lIIporarll), S1l1CC hc phlll~ CO return



CLASS FEl1TUR ts the foflowing are class features of III clracglolh Il'IOlls((!r






arc projicient

With all Simple weapons, bur 1I0t with armor or shields. Feats: A uracglorh receives one fcat:lt Isr levclnud :I_ddjtioll:ll fears at 4th and 10th level. Afrer 10rh lcve! it !pil1s fc:lts normally accordi ng to its cha racrer level, Claws: J\Jra~glorh has two claw amlck ... rhnr weapons are natural

thCI n to Lolrh shOLl hl ~he ever r~g.'\il1 her JK)Wl..'r.The rccrulnueut of che <lra.cglorhs mro Vhaer.'lun\ :.t:f\'ltc j, \:I"rI to have becu a IY:lrllillg to Selverarrn lhat th~ Ma.~l.l<d Lord "';)~ 3!,:ti vcJy work !I,I; to supplanr Lelth's rule 01' the Jrow gods,

J~ Ii,,!:) the iI1l1,c:lrcd d;ulHlb'\: plus StfclIgth bonus, 'Bite: Startl"!:: at 3rd level, a dracgloth "gain!! 3 bite attack thac IS a uarural we3pon d~';lling the iudicatcd damage plus 1/1
Strength bon usSpell-Like Abilitiel: A dra gloth can usc these sp ll-likc abrhues the indicated number of rimes pcr dl)' as :I 6th-leyd SOfCl.:rtr: dancing "i&iJts,' d"'rkmm, dasacrate, /ncrh: fire, 311d
1m/JIll), bfigbl.



Draegloths speak the 1:tl1gl.l~gc' th..: Uudcrd:trk the Abyssal tongue their Sln'~,


drow, as well

xdvenr urers
Draegloth adventurers arc most O(h:II on a IIH~Slon directed by thelr macron mothers, or J1J~'l' been turned loose to ....r~-::II.havoc 011 their house fl\'als, Iudividua.l draeglorhs :'lJ\·tnrurt: to filld :t to get closer (Q rheir UClIIOll1 sires, or to c;JUl>C "":iCr) and destruction to anyone who comes across them. Their chaoti 1l3rU(C makes I[ hfficlJh 1'01' rlu III to ~ a} III (')111.' plaec ..... itbout J

The cxtai rinaars arc rhe snake-blooded members or rhe human noble House Ertaminos, wh. b has ruled rhe cil)' or Hlondeth for more than eight hundred '(fars. Durms the hast cenrurj, thc

clear goal, aud rhey CIlJOy mklllg [lIt: treasure :lllol,wS more than tll<:y care abour cnrichlllg' th"III~lvc~,

or others

DjQ.e~lot'~l nuc iol ,(,fnits

+'2 Constitution, Dracgloths
arc im-n:I.hltty lough, They become sHoliger, rougher, and mere ago.le JS they g:llll dra\;~IOIh ',,\'ds (set the table below for addition.1I ability ruodifiers] Drnegtoth hll'><: hllld ';1'(0.;'1'1 i:. JO ro.:Cr. Darkvision our to 60 r",et. 1 nnnune [0 ~h.'cp·imilldng sp lis and cftcc

cxca lI\ulUrS have gon beyond H IOllt.lcrh LOsec up operations ill other cine a r06S Faerun. The')' operate from the sewers and tbe shauows, ha.[d""g s h~"'t, to mcrease ,tn.: powcr of rbcir noose and fimJillg VICtims Oil which ro perform tlil:ir Vile gTUJti!lg and lrrtcding cxperunents, En31l111111:lrS make excellenr I'()gue~, becnise they are known for thclt guile allJIYlckeJ :lbilrty (0 sttikl" Irom the shadows. Others often try to cul is! exram 111113 mto their orgal1l2.3tlons IS b~t:ItJ"t: of cbelr skills as CJ'HIlC bosses, inrcrrogarors, and infermnnon brokers, Still, most cxraminaars have prove II a.cc:ediI1g1y 10 a I [0 dl;,:jr noble house,
Racial History: The exraminaars


the descendants of


.1 racial bonus Oil saviug t!trolY.

or CCCl'Cl5. .

ngnuisr encbnunnenr


Aueomaric Languages: Abyssal, £11'110, UnJ rconunon. Bonus La nguags: Aquan, Common, Orarol1 Ie, Dro"· Sj~!! LIllg:u:r.gc. Gnome, Gobliu, Kuo-roau. Favored Cia!>..,:CI ric. A IllulLidass uracglorh's clcnc class JO<:lI
not (()unt when determining Whether he t.ll.:s lin

liable house that began consorting with 3 nearby YU:1l\'{1 tribe after finding :111ancient rome !tclaiiing rhe flcuals of the goddess V:m:II:, The tribe of snake p.eopll!had moved to Turnush, by 1\':'11 r Cllondatll, aftC'r'..suI"I'ivtng ~. nfc III rhe It:adershljJ of o

House Sc'Scho I, tIll:' dOlnlllallt yuan- t I tribe oC the 'Bll\ck Ju IIl:tles. A" thC' yuan·ti mingk!.! more rrequently with tl~ hUI!lall5 of
House Fxrarnincs, the two gr-oups> lrlooU ~sall ro mix. The e.1l\.! result of dCl'3dOl> of such Illi.,ior; WDS(he unrodoccion of many pOwl!rrul yuan-ri inro rhe membership or rlr house. both (llrough 111Ft-I! as well a:-. ho* sent ill [Q ovcrsc the cousrruetloa of (he

point JlellaltyLey J Adjustment

gives til Jracgloch for details),

.,4-: WIth rrs

all ECL

or 10 (

r. HI!

OJ c, [hl$ :IlUustmt.:nr clas rabll.

• eh monster

Cathedral or F,IIl<:r:lldSarl~ I'1l1d sprcadiug of Varae's wo~bip [Ii

throul::\hout tilt: City,




bloedllnc carne of <Jgc wuhin it dill Ill'll t~~.- long before they cOrl1['krd} dOluillnreL,1 it. \'U;'ILH) ruler» 3ucd 3:' bridges between th~ )'ua 11-n rrrbe 31111 the hOtl~l', U nri I til.... t\I!O were I' rrrua It) House E.,\ tll


chose of 1'110:yualil-t!


Smnc .nrc b~ing


to r~ml:orCl:

cd Is who~~ leaders It'!,,!!

Now~a yuan-n halfbloorl 1131llC.dDel..ha.lw E.xrajllln050p~uly rules H londeth, LIIOII'U ~" rhc City of Serpents. TI'Ii:: yu :I.II-ti have !11 a '!!It<tUlcJ their ru Ie or H loud.::r!! using SUbtle ocri~s--ora. shew of St.r~'lgth \Ioh"I,1 1"~C~I>s.'rr-to


been .i.;,ctal'ctJ or :l.fC' mdfe:cnY~> hUI most at.:- mnrly ~CClu!IS 11'~p co hell) tile d~1I 1II.!;i~II~r;ll, h~y l>.<g_rthfor ernfacrs T to ~I1JlanCe' ehc graf.ulll!; process, new !Wl!;'C rirual$ ~'lld spells kn t hI.: hrl.:(·,llIIg pits, ~ Ild a lhcs In hr- flung regions or Facru II cirhcr

J issuadc resrtess Turllllsh

a IItl CllomJa,h;w

!cadcr.~ f'-0.11\3[' dw hOUM:, bur (~nd who

Tempti liB to t~ ke ehe c it~ 1'01' l nl.:ir, 011' u, From t:t.n~ to ti me ~ hUll! ~ u noble has d:u!llcl.l lo::a.Lh:rsbipof

o!l'll' those



hlcS!S111S of tile ru,ul-ti

worship V;JI'.1I.:) have SUr\·j.vC(,1. Alrliotl'{!;h Dedl~1l3 ;'l nd ho:r pr~Jcuc,~or~ h~ \Ie succ.:ssfuU v kt:rr "ID::n:s,;ors :H h~y til roughout tht y~ars. rectnd) rhe l u,3!l-li 1x:~lIn to rccOgn,fle (he lie cd lormere 10) a I troops and agellt'S ro protect their illh:n:$t~_ They we're fo·rted [0 :lJLl1Il11crh,1( not

rl1~ ~u",,·u gOJi of "orhl JQml!l3flOIl-if not the wlln will rule It ~f(c I'\\ ~r,1. The 3LU:(l'_"~ :!I'Ill raprd br~cdlllg of rhe extanunaars h~s !ell och.:r .house~ to hCgl1l ~!'OII"lIg th":!f 0"'11 hybnl,ls., oJe.!lC'lugh d1C Ii rSI of rh~w ll(oltdl'-'~ i~ JU5T now COIllIIlS to m~ ruritv, A) rurll0r" ofthi~ ('.U.·lhiv~ bn:cdi!lg proSrdlll spread to H lon,lcth. ehc Ext am mos re:a IiJ.c:J the need to "hr.! !ul" their 011'11 exranunaars to prevent "dopp.:lb"3UJ;CfS" {,.om ll1n\[raring their bouse, 'fbcthnd dutch is hcillj; bred \\-ith D. J esnucuve pat rerr: of M:at.:~ on their

~:l'll)t' ide:lnf

backs, ~ !linmon(hha~d



the citizens


·01' Hlon(lcth \\(;(1: ruled by "snakes,"

e 1'(' !I lf the yu~n-d knew dlcmsdve5 [0 be superior beings, Their soluoon was to turn their brc'.'di'IS e~p.~nmi:nts (GWMd a f]ui~k I)' produced hu !I'm nOIJ wieh lora lties tO~[I~ yU3~1-f1 I nbc, The
new race, (':llkdtbceX(a.ml,lnars,was

eollceciou F~lcl:l house i!1lI'':HfS ~ umqce pn,u.,.r [I of sea lcs to it,.. 11)([31111113~ rS·,1l'DSu.n !Job. th~t dl~}' wiU never be mlstaL.~n for dlo~': rrom.lIIo(h(!'r~roup,

of brown


Outlook: From bu'rh,cXllI!niLl.1:lrS

/lr,h.'f ~od~.,;uld (0 rur th ... concerns ·of i thCII' hou.s.:-~bow all else. Tilt rramer« ~ h,11'C ~ ,hffi.t'ul[ job~r1u:y musl tc~d\ tlw gfOwWp" cxrn minanrs enough ~Ir-rd;:ln(t to lead IIIdl;l'euJtl1[ cdb In far-flung regions willI<: L.cepBlS them ~t ril d) until" th ....doctrine" the rnbe nnd Il~ SQdJ~'Ss, The race ~i> .1 whole il> not enrcJlldy

to br idgc[he sap between hu n'la.!'l t~· i ;:mQ the YU.an-cl, to be the publ ie I:,c.,of Hall';': F.,~,r:lI11iIlO~ III Htol\dctli :1IHI:
across tllccqll(inellt. E.xrJl)ml~:'I'~ are borclu:d i'l clnrehcs, wnrcrt)I~lo!l-SILC,1 I:g~~.,!n:lki.ng it pO:i~ibJ'c. to fcJtnlr1.c ;'I nJ C;J:It ror JOZ(!I$ nr n CUIIl:- A fchough they g,ro\\" tr1fO hum~lloH! h':IlIS~, [h~!r inrant fortI) IS more of ;'I hyLnd-;'Inltk~$, ~e~kd, nnd with undefined facial ~eQwrt's, Their Ind. or ~F!n!. during infancy i$ orrcl' cued as .rl1< reason thai so Ilia !I)' elf [alII i11:13rs h(lI"1.! a fond-





hut 1!I\lkidual!l or(~et rtll~ natural b) ~urroLllulmll rbemselves lI'irh

ness (or ,i'lno:dlbly long: )crve'll:-a j(ingdcJIIJ peag:e 1H).

Olle.- rh.:n r~f

r11) grafrs


dIose who cnu l'fO,'iJc them \\'![hth~ illfortlla·non I he) !lc,~d, II.~' tcnuro be \fUr clO{;,III!1.tJC T toward the YU:1IIo-ri ~'iW" (he \~'orld J5· well 35 rlII.:Su')Cflorlt~or their boo'>e ~!'ld rhe goddess


<:x!~ fIIll1 ~ars was ready, f he 1~;1Jen ·of House E ~[aH\j nos dcc'!JC<I to 51!IIJmallY of 1hem out inro Fa<::ru!l, 111 order to keeppace with [he SPPIl!; :md resource garhcring of the: other gnmt .I\oUM'~. Tbccxta !llii1ll1~rS were (:)'(CUCIII choices for Ch.IS role, ~i,nrct hey cou Id sa j II dirccr

"~r ..c. They lQi'dthcn' s'Upn!iorit) a nil, l)to~el'y [1,ZI Il'~ '100 hound (;IPl!
!,!~,:c''':lrr co gl':lft l'lt-\'atL' theIr

\',~" ~~

over dl\'ir \-ini1l1s, mod'Blg rhev begi.n ![lIe r ifuals onl)" purpo~c is [0


F.HaUlin.aM~ orr,ell

111:11 thtu'

hou~c, ~V('I'l to rhl"cxdll:sioLlOf



access ro III onyaf rho.' sa me plnees a~ dICpUrcb.loorl:; with ';\'CII 1"5$ need for disguise, Thcx SCi[ IJ1!Se:Cro:[ I'm•.ex inl.vhich [Iiey ca rr ied au e their gruesome ~ 1111 ev i I ex p.. r iJ1l~ !l.ts,:lIId c.hey rrcruitcd lo~al tribes of hUIH3noiJ. :'l!lJ r0!:luc~ fram d1C' cjtlC~ to assist tbcm ill theIr ~'i,k de:e:ds, NOli'. the "cconJ gel:lCrHtOlJ of ~xta!.ninaar!> h~$ full'): In~[UrcU, ~ lId til.: lIen ruler 0 Hou;ljc f, ~!n ),11il\o~ i~ Sl it! to bennlollS [hem, Tile yllan-ti :m:: :.c:JUIUl'g th~....c:ncwly fontlc,l strl'~nt$ il1[O the II arM on I~ spcciflc lI'l.JSS;O!l~,th:!n the fi.rst

('OIIHl1U )1.ICMLon wir

rdis:;ou~ obllgniolls, TI!t')! 11 thci r ~upcnofS m Hlo!ld.:th.

the: t:::"latCr yuanmnin[~U1 re:gul~r



updat!llg {ill'lII allth~ ~UL'l;l'5l; rhe! r "xpcnmtllt$ ~ nd J)as~lng of ~Fons mforma.nnl1thur 'lllighr be useful to c he: [nix, They are \'..:ry (a tlllOU~ ;!hout tll~i r oper;lCIOH.i. Q!lI)' rc\'~~ 1iug what!s

nC'l.:ss~ry 1:0 IlI];;IT unclcrlln~s ami k !lImg all~OIl<:: wll0 g(t~ !too clO)I.: to Ll!o;co,"crillg th.:ir tru~ idcnru y_
j\ 11 eH:l1nlll~3.r :J!;CiH n,'vcr

gCts roo tj~u up III lHS work

ro Isnore opporhHlltic; ror :"1~h'ellturc. AhhoLl'Sh J\:votcd ta rben' tnht, rO~HH!lg ",(~lI1iHaar5 cIlja), their rrei!:dQm~ and


will somccimcs



I;lIr_ [01' monrl»,

~I a rime.

lile or adventure Orrell Iollows, as cwnt~ cousprrc 10 keep rh~e)!t:lIl1innr JWlly for JOIIg,cr (h~11 'IIU1Clp.lh,1. Soructurne, J 11111\ I) di p:ltchcd ~py IJC\'cr CVCll IlIJll..CS I{ ro 1111>jlo~(, l'ulle, rhrollgh chance advcllturc or rh c' rcnJ.ll1riou tlml III: Lan be frcc forever ftolll a trll.l':: whose idenls hI olCN~ not share, TIlt' larrcr case 1\ rare, hcwcvcr=-cxra unnuars arc bred 10, 10 'ult) a~ \I'd I :I" fOI'

arr ngcmcnrs !U« often short-lived thank: (0 tile cxtaminaar's paranoia and desire to work in prlY, cy, Aligomtot: El.laJnlll3.arS arc \!\'I! to I he cere, a It hough some among them favor a more bailtllC":U IIml ueurrnl :lJ)pronch to th\:ir e."pertIllCnr5, Sul], the n...:""llol' III'1lIg ttst ~uhjl:('ts aud (he Hltrculblc )1:1111rhcsr "::~PfII'eS5uITIII t IIrough II1;J,kes aVOldi liS the CilJI of cvrl vcr dlJ'ficlIlr lor ;til extanuuaars bur tht: most ~trong-willcd. Those who un House

',\lulling and deception. Personality: E.xt31111l1:larS :11'1:SCheming.

and ;':01](1'01the


heillli~ wbo

CIt)' 01" HlollUdh

will scor .ttl 1l0(1I111S10 lurther th...: goab 0(' tll"'1 noble house, The' cl)joy ex pcrJln.:ol1cillg Ou ··(c"S1..r rn.'ill~" 111 therr Ilue~t to find nCII':1II bctrcr crearorcs. The \';tllI~ At"h ,thOll1! .111 o her fOfm" of currency, k:!JIl1J; (h'-Ill ro ofr ..11 .1.... ' :11in ~IaH'~,

of thllC Cit)' t'xt<Jlllinaars

lavor lawfulu<!ss, :tUlllh~'~1 e I'I!c.r rhc CII"L~JlS to llispl:ty co.npk! deference to their rule, Those \ ho venture [0 other lands IImJ (0 be more c!tootH:;

EXC1lmina~n. who







or Hlomlcth


famously pal1~\1l, ~on\ct'II'l1'l~ lying low for IllOIH lis 11 th~lf lair or pia ns arc I'll danger of beillfl~1 'l)tOH:r,'tI One 'of rhcsc snake-blooded 110bl(;~ would rauier (ol I k bis \"3,1" Qur a 5Inl~( 1011 rhan light,

if doIng so gi¥.:~ Ins

~oml)~ 1II011S nne 10

flallk tll!!ir

Physical Dcscripticu: lln~III1J1anIS r~plcall) ,land from i fi:..:( to (i 1/2 feet call; because rh.:)' arc 'xcrcllld~ skinny, tll!:~' orr 11ajJjll:.':tr to h.: (;'III.:r chall rh.:y :ilru,llly :\1'1,;, Ti1~ who P05S';SS rhc vcry loug scrpcm-J rrn ....art )0 ('011\1110111. round in House EXrJIl1I110~ JpP";!T to have 1Il0T\) !-:Irl It than normal, because (h~l' k~t:p 11'1,'11' .um~ II'OU rl.l around (11<=\1' cl!lrsos :tlld th IF l1~cks hll.M",n umJcrn~ath I.:.Xpall.,j I'': robes, 'E..~ r!l,IllI!ll,I:lrS

rill'), find chcins lves often 011 'h\: 1Il0\'~ ~I1l'1II rhe compall)' of an \:lIcr.ch3I1gilll:; clube IlJUliOllS 311U slaves. Elfaminur Landi: The c.l!3I1lin3.ar5 were first created L ' th~ HIllOIl of :1Turmish noble house II'II:h a rnbc of yuan-ri [i"lIIg III 11'11' rsrm, 11 Mountams. To thlb day they arc m.osrly couccuO t r.;1red iII tho c 11l0l.! II ta in", a well ns III ch,' Cit)' ot' Hlouderh. WIIlCII [he)' (O!1[roJ. Other exraminaars !lU\'C moved co cities :IUO. Faer ilu in order to C'xpcrllllcm ~1ll1 spy. :mairing [lit; Ull.)' \~hcn tl!l' yuau-ri empire will strcr II lit-ross till: counuent, :lIIJ uulc ...I thc \\ orin, t Fxramlunara 11'110 travel to orhcr cines (cud to S~{ up th"r I->a!>t:' operations' of ill ~c"':.:r 5)'S(Cm~ or damp caves (prcfcrntn ' rrvrr caves or snake-in 'c ted 11ll1CStOll~ srrucrures), Where tlus


is not Jlo .... blc, th ~i

SI rUC!1l res,

somct] n IC~ ta



bu (ldil iS5J lid

he II

d.lg Int6'1i haS~1l1\mtb Mid cavern Religion:



less thall lHlln:\II~ or l~u:d .,r,,~'bC"::ILl,,-, their boucs :I FC l"55 neuse; rhe \~l'll:>llr of' IIlJi\'ldu;t!, ll~lla 1I~' r~ll~ berwccn 100 and 180 P011lllIs, All extauiinuar 11:1'> p:lI,' ~kjT1 \~ic!1 either a

The noblus or Hnllw F.~'r~ nunos first begall inter-


or green tillS", arul oftl:l1 11.,0; brown spocs In 'll1~[.:rs ncar Ius IICd, .tIIJ 10\l'I:r 1!:I~b, r.H~ nunnar - I'rd'cr to ~roll' their harr tong and us,' sccrcuon- Irorn Ijl:! mil. in the ~l;r If! ro J....:ejll( plasrcred had .., Tiley wear 0111) Ilghc do£lllng uutess rile)' arc conccahug 10llg s.::ll)t:Il[-:,rm~ or O[fi~'f I)qJ"t [hat woull1HI\'" al\~y Iheu' true uarurc. FnalllIll3.1r'i c)llicnll) 11\'1.' re becwccu 60 and 30 yC:lI"S or :\b~' Rel:1! ioo,: j)\;'~pjfc !Itt:II' ~(rall!::.\' .IPlh':\rlll1[<':, hidJ,'ll IJ Ir" ~nd evil g:03Is. cstammaars nrv '>OCl.d crcarures. Til..:_}' prefer

1ll1l1.,;11I11:> Ith the yuau-ti through rh"I_r dl~l"oV(ory W till.' ritual of Val":t.:, and tn... 1.'OlltIIlUC'O wOI'liII.p her to this day, The rulers y of th 110bl&:house have burlr :J wondrous and hideous temple to Varuv III Hloud irh called tb Cathedral or Rmer.llti Scales. and ;\11 exrarumaars senr out a ross Ih connnenr arc blessed in a 1.100<1rltu,d ;It thl! t:Hh«lral before rhe) 1c:'lH', f rn'lIill.lar~ 1"110 Iinll rhernselve; III couraer With oth~'r ) U:lJI-[ i will Ortl'lI ply lip 5':"I'ICC !O 5...:;(11 III nrder to a.voi,1 couflice, but YUAII,rj w;ch J kllowlell~" or House F.x,t:UI1!1l0 ::llId 1[$ trarhrions rhrough tins ruse mth~'r It:lsil " Clcrics of V:lT=I': choose their domams from arnollg Evil, Sot) kllld,~F. and Tnckerj. Varn 's tavored "'CapOIl IS the Sidle.
~1I1 sec


to work lI',th








til v need mimons, ami uagas 01' ) OUllo Llral)oJl~ when tlrl'Y arc looklllg (or <I more serious ranlKf In crirue. or cour, .... all :, cxromU'J:lr h3S £11e Sllllle pr'JlJlIICI.'~ :I> hi~ 'II,III-(i ,llltl.'l.cor ... toward rhe-sc cre:HlIfes, life rorn _ The YU:lII'ri,



Langu2ge: Exrauunat IS sP'":!!.. 1I3J1'l1 auJ ,:also I~rn some fU'I~noll:l1 sl..iUs III Turll)n:, Ih'" hum:ln langu;tgc of dldr han",1:111<1. AJI eH3minaaJ'S h:tlle :I worl..illg ~lIo\\>'l:db'e of ComlllOIl 3' I~ell; rhose I~ho tr:l\'d ~Ht!I~J\'dr ~jJ<.!IIJ mon: (m'l.' k3mi,,!; Ih.: rr:.lul! [oIlSlII:' dl:W cho'<: who, t:t)' III Turnll~h, Tho;e with lh..: :Ipmudc [0 sl'l!:tk mulrlple I:rngunb'1:~ Ort~'11 lenni D~f,:OrljC.,

10""e51 of rdatul!' IC\~, ~ 11ft ",ould l1":IIC,' work Irhol.l~" f hey \~rI! u:r[:olll) U"e:1 n I.'H~ 111 I t~:I r to funher th.::u gools). EXI311"IIJ~rS rardy :tSl>OI.'Ml<· \I Ith che 'pcol'll.' of rh\.' ~OIl1lIlumt)' [he ~rc in, SIIlW th~y ~c,,; tJll.'tIl :J~<.:Idllr 100..1 or I ivi'lg sub\!etG or (hdr eXI"'::rlln"I\[5, Til,')' h;tvl' 110t:lvor':ll r;Ifll."t.,-rhl'}, S<!t! all other bcillg.'I a~ fir ~ub)ecl"i for th ...lr grafullt: ,mt! hreedlng programs, AI1..:"tanllll:la.r lIocdlllp, all ou(si\l,' (Ollt,l(t within tilL

or the


JIO\.<'I.'I'Cr, lOlt!'till.:r


,\hc",~ ;)11 othcr ro li..:





as \\ ell

:15 !. IIc 10nt;lJ~



s)"lIs (lll alii nn hlHIl::UIO,ds :lIlt! opt:r:I{ivc~,



1:.1d they ~~'rr11:Ill, The, C OIMitioll:d n wb 11 clc:lhll'; 1\lth Icc:!1

a covcr

,11111C:111 hdp 0111:' 11l:II"cain


h.: h!ls :lJop!cd.


to It~ .;lr<lrc

l!.xt:lInin:lars 1II1~ht Jilld rht!llIsdl't.5 dr:twil to a' tll,'r ~ct out fO st:Ji-..c :) clRun III Olle of Fallrull's


nughr dclgn to work With .1 IIICmbl.!f 01 ;\ lc<o.l:rracc, but he will rarel) I'e\'eal hi. tl'U': nnwr .. 0 hi~ lOlml(t, .mu ~lIdl '

g I:ac I.lcie" fo'~t<\blishin~

or l)roblClllS,

a sc.: t testing gtound call also kaJ Illclutllllg "'Iplng our 31l} Hi.i,gCIIOlJS

creatures ,lI1d a.c"lu;ri 111:\ t hemea .1.<; to OUI fi I J la ir with thc proper ij.IJt25(rllct~m::. Mos. C'stanlill.!.:l:r!. do not seek out advenrure Ilill S~ it bas 35 us gO.JI rhc dc\'uion oftbei rhousc insome way,
do not aseribe ro this TllCb<!r OrlJ:;IIl, in~[Clld l\UlSrJIIS rhlltthc) had always lived ill (he :;haJolli \<,orlll ,l1\n Chat they were orrercd lS ,Ia vcs to th~' Ncthcrc~t: ill rerum (or trc:aSUfe ami knowledge afehl:: Material Pla Ilea lid Irs !ll:tSIC. ·r.llC~ pOU)t [0 cololli~~ of kr mrh III che PIn ne or Sh:nlol'.' (l~cvIJt:nc~ ·for r il1St hcorj, a l[llonl~l! .Ultrucli tht:~e .11'0.: 31.l1l(llr CSClIpttl. bJil\d\ who have m~n3&~d [·0 (:In." out l mchc for dlclllsdrcs III ellc.ir dark heme, The fi.r~r krlllrh ·",,,m: born of UIIlOIlS befwcen NcthercS.t: ~inJ dcruons, These hmth wen' unab!~ to reproduce, making rhema rue eceurreuce and t;uk mort! ~h3n all ioterestlng umosuy [0 bach til.: sh~J'c$ 3"1111 [he. demons who spawned them, For a shorr rime, i ht krnuhcvcn clljoyeu an elevated SLaws II'ItIHH t hi: cicy, where t ht!y I' ere vicwed 3S all expression of th~ union hcrween [he renhn or shadOlv:!nu lIS new resident!.. Th~y were J;.lvcn l~cll·;lppomwJ' .11\'jllg qUolrtcTS ~'nd allowed to study uuder che hc\t teachers and 111as~slll w.c city. TIle Shadovar secretly hoped 11I:1I rile I:rimh weuldsenrchow give unAatte.nllS
them rile addc.cl k Ilowkdgc a nli power 11t:~.dlld [0 dom inate the IIbnc amI it~ tlt!IJ,jJ~n5 lr IIld not t 3. ke kill!; b fore k ri IItil bega II to pop up a l"l1ong r hI'.

HOWt:YCT, the tri![l[b ehemselves

EXTAMINAAR RACIAL TRAITS • -1 Strength, +1 DO::Hcriry:"EH:lIllHI3ar arc ~Silc hut not. as 5!fOllg as oth~r- hUlllano1\h th~lr Size, MetlilH!l: A~;t M",dium creature, ane~t:lmUl~ar .ha~no 'fle(l,al bonuses or penalries due to hiS ~i).e, • Ext:11I1in3:l r base land speed I'; 30 r~ct, Lew-Light Visiol1: 1\ n ex tam 1113:1rca nscc t \\·jct: as Car B$ ij
humanua $t.1rl'ght,.llloonlight, fOIChlisn(".ano


dons ·of poor .illulllU1'3[!Qn. He rctnill~ dl~ ability to, dis! IIlgnisll colorand dct::lil under thC5CCOl1ditiolls. +1 racial bonuso» Forrirude saves v~rsu.&poison: f.xtt!rmn.I~3r5 do nor easily ~uc1::u!l1b to venomof flily kind, +4 t.a(i~1 bol\US On SWim cbecks: Exr3.tllinaars are com[orub1c iill rbe Wilke, and their light fra:I'11es make. it Casler rOf them
to SCll)1 Jllout. ~ 2 raeia I bonuson


A reise check:.: Ex raminaars


wriggle their way outof

~rick)' siru~rio:ns,

Spel\.Li~e AbLllclCs. At .... ill-sp e..,k 1(/ilblV!im(tlt[s,,~lrcs OJlly); , l/d3,!-(/Mrm (lttimlll (:ma,kes only). f!.!(tam;U33r often fill their ,lairs with poisonous I>IHlkes ro diS5Uad~ int.:rlopers. AutOllmtk Languages· Commol'l, TunTl(c, and yuau.·ti. BOllu~ L.1I1guagt:s: Abyss~J, Chondathnu, and Draconic. Favored Class; Rosue. A mulrielass e1(tamillnar';'ro~ur clas:. docs !lot (OUllt when Jcccnnmiug wherher he takes an c>:pcri·
eHCCpoi.nt ptnalty.

slaves, however. This d'~v.;;Jarlll~llt kdquickly 10 thc reasslgnlllenr or all I:nnch :1'; slaves of rhe rel':l.1 f,unil)'_ Somekrilnb escaped ensi3vClnent by :J.pp;:nlm!; to tho'lC' who had beeome clesero th~n\, :mJ even cho.w who were cllsl:!vcq were Orrell SiVCfl pfCrl:r':ll(la·1 assibIUll~lltS. The IU lers of Sh:ldc fea red rhac a busing dll' krmth
could brillf> tnlfh riles"
dOWI1 dC1l1011~

rhe wrath of rhe ~h::ldo\l" demons,



Level Adjusr.I,I'l.el1t ,~O.

For the past two rhousand yeafs, the Ciry

or Shade

has existed

good cendincn b)' slaves capmrcd from ,th::tr pl.au.:!,~s weI! :1S f10111 r:Jnun, The N~th· eresc wizards woo rule tbe city also trafn.ckcu ""irb dcmcmc ereseures nude of die same tenebrous substance 0.5 t.he plane itself. Onoccrsion .. dlese. demons would force thl!Insellrc5 011 rhe slaves; t he offspring [rom these coup! illl:l~ are 1I un iquc

earhc Ptaneof Shadow,

eOlr<:>d link: for tntir Spau.'ll. F'O.I.· J. rC~!oOll II n.kIlO\. II rorhem ortheir Itla~t(;r~.rhe krjnrh because fcrtile ahoui one thousand years ago and .slar,tl:d rtpr·odllclIIg~mollb I he II1SC \\1('&. '11u~ quickly crealed -["''0 ,hffercn( easrcs of hlll!h-rh.: rruebor», or ful1l:rmt.h, ~I!d die haUurccd u"al'ollspm,vll .. The dcmoll;~pa\\"lI', once hnvillg he,:I,J favored by (he Shadovar, [lOW (ounn rh~lHseh'O::s outcasts in theIr ow II COlnlllUtllty. Thctrucborn krsnth treated [b~ demonspawu \vith cruelty ~nJ COllcCmrt, (orll1ing, 3 deep djl'i~iol1 III the kri".tn (omlllunit)th~1 ]::I9CS fhl~ Jay. The number of demonspawo to ha:5 dropp..:J dr:1Il1UlC:ll1y ~ llill't: Shatlc's return to F:1~rtin, but pt~!lc)' of d"ctllonspawll children r':lI1nl1l ",'irhin the city. Many J~mon~pa\l'!l krimn have turned mfOr!ll3llC, a;[tcmptlllg ro help the Shadovar crush rhc growill!l hinrh undergroulld movement
before ir

k. now!! ~s the kr int h.




Knnth are kllOIl'I\ for thttrphysicnl endurance, their ~il'lgle· III indedllcSo&. and rhei.r qu id, tcmpel'S. Tlwy llI.:1kl! excel knt IWIrnors and servants h~'auscof the .first [11·0 traits, hut the

'rhc rrue stor), of chI.!suddeu fcreitic}' of tile! krinth reaches

til ird o Ctt:n· mealls th~)I :I.re shorr·1 iv<!d:It both folc.. a.cial Hiaroty: The krin.tb came llltO being shordy 3frcr the Cny of Sha.dc fnun..! J(sclf wlppeJ on the E'131\Cof Shadow. 'The powerfu'l Ncthcus.:. arcaniist~ of th~ floauI1S city rCl'iul~r\y held cougrcS$ with (he shadowyficnd~. or rhe plnne, a.Oldof[~n the delll01;IS JelJlnJlded to .I:now the Sl.'Cro:ts of hUfll;1I1 pl<!as!ue. Frorn tJl~~ unions C:lIlIC a r.o.ccof bal[·demon bcmgs that cuue. to be cllll~d rhe krint.h, Tb~'Sc arc the facts.

atl thu w ay bilek toOlle: of "Fl,<:"nin'soldest struggles. The goddess Sh.u, h~,"mg bcco ..)·.."tt!ITl!~uc31Iy dc(c:1t... hI' hersistCt Se!une d :\l cl'l:rl' rurn,. (oulln htrsdf looIHIIs:ebc"'her~ for WllyS ·[0 ",·i·11 tht:IJ ~l"nlal banlc. Sh~ $31\' III the knnrh:1l1opportllnity t.o Crl."lte ;1 race of sen'JlltS I~ho cOl.lld bridge d)e gap bc[we\:'11 r3erim iilUJ rIte Plll.nc of S"lildoll'. Shu I~ s~('re.livc..:Ind subtle, nlld so s;'<: ,hUIlOt ·rCI.'C~! herself to the .kriouh, 1lIstead cnooslIIg to watt.:,h them IIe.veJop rrOl11 afar. She I.\"a~disappoinfed'chat rhe Nctbcrcsc: ccOllhl nor fi lId rhelfyo'ay bJ.ck to FacrulI, bowe\';:f:, and IJ rgdy Gave UP.OIl the trlll.1 h L1l1Ci] Shade's recellt appCarall(c'






sill: IS 011':':'Igain


I I rurnlll~

the "rll1th

rc her.

For their parr, the I..rilHh han: :u.ljtl~t.:d well to life.il~ ~lal'c) under the Shadov~r. Their 11::11 II rul (emh:lwle~ ;'11",' to work hard
and pla), hard, so che erratic anJ ofreu g.rucl il1g schcdu ic) the:} keep as s]h'es Jo nOt bother r!J~II1, The nu rnbcr or k r mrli qUickly oucstflppt:!d lhl: fa) :lb' lIt'cd ror them, ;Lilli so thl')' C31lnow be found worJ..ll1g for :III)' numb r of pntrous around statu> and Ihey usually hoose to keep cbc compa krinth rather han spend rune WIth :.1:l\'C of other races,

til'" iry, The), have St<:'lhlily clunbvd bai k up to tavornl-sisve 1) of ocher

helps I..rinth escape into (he world :'Il L:lrg , and lights for krinrh uircr srs wjrluu til City, I\.rillli1 mature more quickly than the Shadovar, To rhe Shadovar, rhis simply rneaus tln.t th~lr slaves can take all marc rcspensrlnhnes at an earlier agc, Tlus trait docs give the krinrh some inslg:ll[ into the true nature of those around them,since p ople aCt muct. dil faclldy around children thau die)' do around adults, K r inth children cxcel at sports, aud SpclI(l most of their fre rune plaYlllg and iIlVr:UtiIlS 111:'\\' games, They 1.10 nor c po:rilllO:llt wlch dif(!.:fcilt j,lt re IS:lS rhe hildreu of other races do, cause the krinth miud docs IIOt
worry ahout f IIdlllt; and pursing its pas' siou, OCc:lsKlnally .1 kriuch will show SOIn£ anlseic talent or skill 11th marhemarlcs


Since the cicy's return fO Faeruu, the kril1th OllVCbeen restless, Sh.:rr has Stnt ag"uc to in Ii Ireate the cit}" nnll to whlspo::r thought.~ of rrC\.~fOIlI and pro! Iuses of her rc .... rds i,lItO tbc l',lr) of -a cnb"tr krinrh. With co,' number of k ri II[ h who have escaped the Clf}' rislIIg stcndilj; under eli.;' I!l nil, ence of Shnr as well as their 0\\'11 desire for freedom, the Sh~dov:J r have righceuctl th.:
reins on tin: Cit)' of Sh;uk The

or spellcraf];

ahhougll rhe $h::ldO\':tr frown upon such drvcrsions.

The only way" kruu h III the City of Shade is hkdy to I~~;'n Jlllgic or arr is

IU, r.ll encouragement


1I cJ::IlldeSIIIIO: ~~1dH"r,or }'C,'haps of til.' kr iuth who


ro dl'vC'lop a

,~ krinrh 3.1'11 snll :dl~n to ~\'Cfy ~ .... culture III F3<:'niu, and 1'\'1'11 in ~ places where th~J hn I'C pro"1!11 :: .g their value, I hey Sf ill arouse ~ curtosirr :l.J1<.1 SUSpi(IOII, .. :§ .... Outlook: K rinch are not
philosophers. Th ..ir narural mclin:J.tion I~ to 0111,

Ihlllk abou I \\h::l[ (111':)' arc dOIll!:) on rhe moment,

and perhaps II'h~[ [hl')

loyal cadre of 11I~W=S for rhe time wheu tl, ')' artempr to break Iree from rh~ yok.e of slavt'ry, Like ,ht'i r ch lid (1:11,I..flilth udulcs prefer ngorou5 aCIIl'il)' inthell' leisure tIIIlC, ofrcu ptal'ins sports or training ill comber, During rhe ..ire holidnys ill which riley have more rhau one day 0 ;1I:l rune, kriurh sta), up 111 nlglll long Jriul..JIIS large- quanrlnes of beer, wure, aud other festive
Iibarions, Aside from the nft between dcmonspawn aud IIueborns , krutth {rear oue another and others wilh respect, '[veil (hough mll.ny
ar~' 110\ longing/or

will be dOUlg:lfterw:ud,
011 the Plane 01 Sn:'lJolol' this outlook 11clpeJ thern iIl1IlICJbCI)" :1.1101\ illg rhem to thrive even under the okc irri",b


lc :\1$0 Il1l-all~ (hat rhey have difficult' with long-rcrm pbUlIillS or Jny kind, :ltlLl Iuncnon hesr \\ hell Imltt~rl> of n'af<!l>y;t rc kf[ to others. Now rhar [0"), have (<:'ached Fnerun, thl.' J..rl!lch f lid char th~y have more opl'ortulljtl~~ Opell to rlrc.n [1a~11('I'C!' before, Some krtmlt h~\'I! S~<"11 the beauty of the rOI'o.,['<; aml eaverus of Faeruu IIlId wish (0 III'C there, ruther th~11 II! tI J'" CI t) J~OI"C rh~ desert, 'fhis desire led co lImn)' (,C:lI'" "tt";IIlJlt~ .lunng rhc co rI)' Shadovar c'\',~ 11.1[1011 project s, anrl 111 :.h'lIh:~ have ~j n ..x PU( til;hc concrclvon lJ1)' krinch char leave the 11), Some l..I'mth arc Ii 1I:lllr llwalt'IUlI~ co the fl!lllitr or rhlll' sk n;r~, :II1J I( IS rli';n'anllg ro [hem that thef armor h::,1V1! cl1,' City of Shad, to t.:~plort: ,till new world around tlil:m, W tllk there IS I10thlllg loS\: to ,I rull llIsurteCf!OI1 breI 'hl~, ~ burgcolll1l(!; Illld',fgromuJ 11 IO\'CI 1lL'1I[


thc), do not aall'~ly


hatl! tll~Shadovar who ru lc rhcm,

Krlllch are SCI!Il "f, dour aud humorless by most

other races, W IU.'II till!) are wOrkll1~:'If :l task, tbef rarely Illlow themselves ro b",COUlI! distracted from it, The kruuh arc SIlId ro \,orl. :15 h~1'\1,II 1~I,;uTC all they tln::lr l~bor1l1g, dr;llkillS copious
~1ll0UlltS or alcohol, enjoying roon to gluttOllOIlS proporrions, pia) inggallll!'" of chnnce, aud tOlkillg p/!lysiclIlllk<l.surcso..s ofrcil ~$ pessrhle, Mo:mht.:rs of til in race work !llIrd JIld play hard,

~I!d flu; 1I00"..:r ,~CIl1 to rest, Physical Description: A kr mth .l}lj1car similar CO an :lI'cragc SPCciJ1le:1I ol' the nonfiendrsh half th",ir bloodline. K rinch


arc gCller:!II)' born to luunan, ore, or 1l\"'Irr y.tre'ltS---th(' most counnon lave races HI rhe Cirv of Shade, Krinth With dwarf


ar ,hortcr an I more scour (It::lll tI,OS( or human or ore but thc), arc not as shore:t~ true lh~:lrvl's, Krillrh range


The B1Jl:~ Lor.l ruk'!. bl~ people through power' and fear, much like- the dcmOI)~ that the lrintn arc ui>I!d re \~orshiping. " Those :krllldl who finJ rhelr way to the Und\!rdark ofcen (.:lke up the wor~h;J.lor whatever god i~pr~\':lI~I'l[ ill the comllIunifY j 1\ which rll~y Ii ut! :thCU1~dvl'!>, m~( conuncn Iy Lolch or L:ulnglllllr. Sh::tr ulse maint:IIlIS her i!1t~rest !II tht-s~ new .F:t~rullian~,anJ hasdirected several of her cells to Mcti~'dy recruir those knurl! \.\'.110labor III rile' CII) 01 Sh~""~ 3S I\dl ~~ those ~ho ha\'eldl ir, Language: All .krilllh spo:ak Common

anywhere between r artd 7 feel tall a.,ld u.uatlywcigh bcn"'.ol) 1 SO.~ nd 1.1"0 pounds, A,I t krin th, .r~budlcss of rbcir ~l1ccs(r}.h~ ve srra !Skl black Jlair, black eyes, and dusky gray skm. Kriu.rh reach adulthood :tt ~g.:'lO and live between 100 ;llld 111' }'ClITlo. lleluioDs: Although rhe kruuh are slaves iu the Ciry of Shade, dley still octuP)1 ~ Ivgh.:r social stratum ehantb othel' humauojd slaves of t1lccitjl. The Sbado\'ar g<~ucr:t.J1y '!l:,v,th~m better posmons and rr~r t.hem with b.~ crude), [h~ 11 t/'IC,r ,oth~r slaws. Since hmen arc relarcd to. the ~h~dow d~111Q11Sof their lIrlop(ed home plane, some Shadova r' (C.3 r til" t nustrea [l tI!; lhC"m would risk ma.killg cucmies of the demons and their ofT~pring. The hUlch regard dIe: cIty's ochcrsbve rat:~'.~a~ h~nt'ath CM-In. They ofnm treat thoir fellow slaves with 1I\0rCC0I1~~ll1pr rhau their owners do, and d\c:ir v ioknt tcmpc~ of(1!1l cose rh~m dCllrly whell rh.:I' take {hI! Life of, or disable, auether slave, Kflllril who have e5Cllpcd [he Ciq,> or Sha.d~ and made thdr 'wa:y nntc the ccnrinem usuull)' maintain this hougbf~ attitude, 11 IthougJl they (e'aliM that thc), must soften it somewhat If ther .~ to g1.:t rv along Most c:scapoo hjnrh become mercenaries ~ud seck ro join l:! tug~roqpntl ..lioI1. Several .have joined with [he Zhenr~nlll ' ,through Clrll\',IJIS moving through Anaufoch,31lJ others have gone into [he Underdark and IIOW fight for dre dro\l:, Oh. rare
OCCUiOIlS, :I k.r intll jOill:>i!J mere tr::uJ,tiO!llll (01 11mu 1111 a lIIi 1L'~n.ls y



....m ha ,'r I i,'O:'.1 with !Ill' S!I"UOl'ar m iliht a!so know Nethere~ .. l rhe <k:lt! l.al1l:luag,c 01' til.: J~.:.I<1 ,~ml'lr(.Although J..rimh often !In.I'( ~Ol1lnn lI'idl then' sires, no! ::Ill of them l~uJl co ~p~al;oT understuud t h!! Abyssa I tOJ1gu~ .. 1mli v Idual ~nm h whoescape the CI ty of Sh,IJ.; IlIIs/n learn ether In!I~U:l.g's appropriato;: to thelf

n~~' f!!glon or t hc pcopk~ who live there. AI! I;,nnth are !itcrne, lor barb,\rian~. Ailv=ll(u(en: Most ~rl1)rh are h:lppy\~!rh rherr roles·a.sthe f~.\·,ored slaves of the Shsdover. They seo:rcrly behcvc that the ;hndow Jcmons th.ltSP91VllCU !hcm 1V11,.1 elevate them someday,

to live alongs'idc normal

r~L'l:S, even

hlrling Ius


n.:r!'ur\? from


hisnew w:isbbor~. AlignmeDt: K.ri!llth 'H'\! ,'cry chaonc iu nature, desprre therr SII\S!c-lllilld~dl\ess inou!ty. Th~y also tend to f~\'or the evil of (h~ir sires, ~tthollgh some have shc,wll rhe: cap':lcl'cy re break out

bot rlrcir decem Ct':MITl~I'lt Mrhe h:lmisof Itheir masrers is "'IIO<lI;;!! for now. Those I~ho arc not huppr areeicher rooted Ollf illltJ lllled, or tiN)' CSC.:lp~ out ol-the AOllCi!lS ci,ry lllld Ii 110 a, lICII' life oil-or und'tr -the 5urfac·c or FacruJl. A hinch's stubuorn will to fi'msll rue job often 111::tps lum 5talld strong

t he f3{"~

of d!e sort, of horrors

that adventurers

III ect 011

r.:gular bn$is. KRl~TH

+'2 'to


of Shade ere have bl'C'llth~

and evell to do good, These who ~S('~'pe rhe Clf)' liktly to l!:::HI lowl1I'1I11~U'nftli.t1', wh.lch mig.lu l'iliU''>C for thejr flight III the fi rsr place. Krinth Laods:. Most Lrinrh are slaves III the Cit}' of SI1.~.dc, perforrnill,g high-kllel rasks as wen as IJ'lcllialJabor for [hel'r Sh:l'
fl'lorC [(111<1 to

,rhls, 1110ld,


-1 Charisma: Kriuch are bardy and resistanr 11I11':SS ~l1d II:nmgc, but tho.'r oneil lack ~If-dl!(erminacion :1I1.1 :1; !oC11!.l.' r pUfpo'><: out:.idcth;'[t o gi ..... n [Q them by Medium: As l\1crliuJ]l creatures,
~IZC, 10;

.~rinrh have no special bonuSo:$

dov~ r masters. They



Sl)utt:n311C~1'1 b irs even


the floa tilll:: city, srnce t!l~Y pref' r to live in isolation frolu other races. K I'uuh who tSCllpc rlrc til)' often rctreae to the Undcrd:trl1 if they eJ:l!"I:1UeIlrI'Y; OCh,UWISC, they s)mpl)' rravel as far frOI'1'I A.,lIlU[och ns poss!hl~, They (Qllslder open tcrrll1n to be .illa,cfcnsible a ld U'lICol1lrort~bl~,~l!U l1'u: <:),lur.: race suffers fl'om 1I mild C::I5C of agoraphobia. Thcs, uscases where rhey cannot lind their \\'lty into The Nil:lht Bdow, krimh ofeen rake up residence I,n hc~'vy forest5', jU!ll:\ll!s,or in nlOmltJnl valleys hlude]) aWll)' (({:1m (he
.sun ;l.1'ldornt't hU!l'\:ll)oids Religio(l,; Kwult hJVC I'elld to \\~r~hiJl powerful

or pen.:d!i~ .lUI! IO theIr Kuuch base 1;'[1:",1 :.pccd

10 reet.

Dark I' ision out [0 (,0 r~ct, +1 r~o.:i:ll bonus on J 11 Win ".'I\'I!.i,. l\ rint" art resi lienr 111 mind as well ~~ 1».1)" '"1 bonus on a II :,aving (hro\\'~ as:\lllst spells and spe:II-1 i~.: ~bllirrc~ with the d}.1dow dc...cnptor. +1 raej;)1 bonus on Ride chcd~ in ~h<ldowy (oudiHons, +4 ractal honu~ on ."IYlng throws Jgalll!>[ fear. As the: ~pa\'n tht: knllthwert born of fear and malice. cannot IlCCOlnt ~haken, alld they "~llor~ (he effects or t Il~ $ha ~cncolUliIIOJl; IIIIlY {"all still b.:{"ome (rightened or pumd.:J, though III mast ca~ their 1I1l12Ct'resiSc~JlcCtO fear ketps thcm frol.11 it. Auwmati, L311~uagc~: Common and Ne(hcre5C. BOI1US Lan' Su~S.:s: AI!) S:>a.1,. homJarhan. Da Ina ra n, Undc.rcol\'\JI1011. C F~\·or.l:ld Chtss: Plghl(f,. II mu Inda5:l krinch's figlucr cia.;;;; does Krmth
!lor (:Ollllt pilmt
WJIO:U dl:ttnUlIIU1I!;,

• •

(omnlO)1 racial dCI[}'i ill~td~dJ rl11.'y lord~, ~PllciaH)' tha-t fronl th!!lr home plan ... A krlllCh r;trul)' \\Ior)h,ip.~,the d':l·ll01l who sp3wl:I~d him unless dlC dCflloni~ :lpolI'erfullord rhitt c:!!16 hiS 51'a\l'II10 him. K.rlllc(J wbo c1:iCilV the.r &ervltud1.: ~nJ fa kt up:t bf~ outSiJe rhe Cit}' of Shade oreell adopt Il'ltl\'t gods '111 ordl:rto htttcr fit m. The deitiGS discussed below ~r" til" 1'1l0:.1: common c1.oiccsol worshl(l ror I:nneh \\'ho h~vc Il'fr thciro'ici h\'e~ behind through virtue or chance. Those LriJltb \\'nO tllke up with the 'Z.hClltar;nl I'I~ont: or ;the c:a ralr,ans that fun through the A lI;J,uroch .6.'Chcran~ wQrsh'l' Ba 110:.
110 d'ClllOll

of "knlom,

",h~[h~r het31l.'s all



Lcvd AJjuStmellt






cats and spells serve to add lII(l·f.:sung flavor



rers 311J C'lInp:IIHlls- 11ll[I:ltl' fl:':tl~ :tllo" dtvmc spell asters to pcrsoIl3!i1'<'; their spell lis: based on (Ii If dC'I)',oftclI gr.1l1fltlg rhem spells unllju to th\;lr phi lo:,oplt it:.'>. ,ll V



allow charncters co Jorm stronger IlOlIJs IHIIi plI.rllLulJrlr such as J'::'HOIIS !lU,j J vrls. Magic IIOtlo:::; can now

be loci

or evil

Ch3.prcr 1

power' lor ,iet:l.11s 0.11 how nod ... lII~gl(" works, wdl as p:.lge 49 of Vl/lf<:/tlill'k


Special: A rOb"lJc wi h Ch:tkralll Ricochet call deal sue:!k :lttlld. un nlilgc 10 both ro'1iCLS Ir they :Ue wit hm 30 Ieee and dell i..'1:J their D".~terir}' beirus to AC.

ClunllpiollJ of Rill" rutrcducc« several 11.:.\t. or pure crucl.rr arul eVIL Ch<tr:.lct1::" devoted to cbd. god:. or vil.iolls llldns can use
these feat

CORRUPT SPELL [META MAGIC] one or your spells into athing or evil due to ~ d"l1.l you muke \ -jlh a" evil pow~r .. Prerequisite's! Any eVil aligllllltmt.
Yo an transform "Beadie: lus [eat ldds the evi! dl!scriptor to on" danlag11lg






BLOOf)SOA"l".D INT1MLl)j\TI' 'Your bloody :.Inri VI(;IOU~ ~P1Jroiu.:h to ,.0I11h.H ma kcs yeu some to..:,



Prerequi.!;itc5: Snatch Tropltl" Beaefir: Wh..:n )Oll collect :t trophJ' thllll:l till' Snatch TroplJ) Icar, you C::1I1 make nil 1nuuiulare eh c1. ,l~ a ~wift ..,(tloll :tl>ail1~r :1Jl :t(lj:l ..:n~ opponent ",,1,0 II jtlll:S~ )'o\lr .";I\'~l>l':,tI (~CI.' the S" 1ft and [rnrucdiarc Acnens sld~b:lr for more mfermauon), Norm~J; J\1:1ki g an 1m lin j,l:\to: ch"l'~ 111com hat 11;a sta nda n! n

&P'11you can cas You must choose th .. spell ar chI.' time you select rhc r.:at. If the spl':n do.!. \.Iall1~bl!, half of the J;l.1nage is unholy uamage, For example, a corrupted ji.'·l'bn1i cast by a 6th·l.:vel l"lzan) deals 6d.6 points of lIamag~: 3d6 POJlllS at fin: dl1ll:lHC :l.lid~d6 POUltS of unholy J:lll'31::~' Thus, creatures 1IIIIIlllue (0 fi rc still pocc-Utlally F.I~e 3,JG POUlts of damage. Special: A ~hara,rcr call take til is fCat· mulnplc rimes, choosi'lIg
a dilfcrcnc spell each time. Thi [ear origillal!y appCOlreo in Boak has been revised fo,- D&D v. JS.

0/ Vile

V",·!.:mm and

action, CHAKI~A\1 R1COCHr:r

You can hurl a (lin len IL1 so- ( hilt It ~tn h" rWQ ellell) ies iII s~~d

of one.
Prerequisltes: D~.' 13, h:l~~ al tad hOllu~ +1, Jlrofi(;I~'nr \~i[h chakrani. Benefit: If you lur a crcatu r.: \\ irh :I thrown vhakr.un, you lilll use it ~o ricochet all.! sr rikc a sccoudar , l:l.rS~[ in OIn '1'~OIc~nt square withi 11 r (e.:t or (be pruna ry itf~ c c). YOII HlImt!dl:lt",ly make all arrack roll againsr rhc s.xonJarr £:trSl'r, ar a - '2 I)~I1:1lty. Jr the attack lilts, you dca I dalIl~se uormally,

CRAVI1N Like most sly rogues, YOIl arc a II:tugtrous reward. However, your sues k :lo3tks dc., I mere d31nage rhun norma I. Prerequisires: Sneak aruck class fCQtul'c, ,COUIIOI bI! un maue
to Icar,

Bench r; You [:1 kc a -2 pens] Iy 011 $l Ving throws aga III it fear However, when 11IJkillS a sneak arrack, you deal an extra

1 point of damage per character



You have mastered t.he style of fighting wirh rhe din: flail and I I:ll'~ lea rn~n[@ cka I thu ndereus blows wi t It t he weapon.





Chak:r30l Ricochet

Dcx 13, base attack bonu. +1,

proficienr with chakram Sneak :ttl ck class leawr~" canuot be inunun to Srr 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus

rwo :rdjac.:.m t;1rgns with one chakrarn


Diy!: Flail S~na.sh~

OQ:lIl::{tr.a damnb~ ~I!u.~l )'OUr l~\'d 011 to )IW.l k nrracks, -1 all sa\'t'~ vs, (clIr ffcc[s Tar tel struck loy bolh t:III.1Sof your dire Hail is dau,..n for 1

Dirry RaT
Fda I Ammal Companion

(dir flail) Tumble 4 ranks

AJlimul companion class feaeurc, 311)' evil alignment

Str 1 r, base attack bonus ~(j,

FbyFoc' I mproved Fiendish Servo nt Malig1! Spell Focu~

Morti(ying Attack

Galli ;;drlitiOllalll 0 I atrad. rolls \\ hen Aa.!lkiJ\fl Gain animal companion WIth +1 StT, 1"'1 Con, a IJd J i.sC3~-COl rfylllS bite Subscqueur arracks ,Ieat ;·lJr. ..I:t!.hillg n:1l)13gc Ga In more powerf ul Ji eIlJi'~!I~tr van t ""'ito [he ntJl(lisb crcaeure rcmpiate .~ bonus Oil 5~I'e DC~ nsal1l~r ~pc:lls with the 1 1:\,11dc!>~nptor
Creatures that witness l'our dearh arrack are shaken rOT 1d4- rounds Dt'capit:m: ~lail1 <!I\CIll), as 1I free acnon W(ak c:nemil:~ take a -1 p nalty 00 atracks made agnillst you A utomaucn I)r dc[<!(( I lea rby ncdes

profici nc wirh slashmg rl1l.::lr:t' v.e~lJOII F'il;ltldi.sh serva ur d3SS fearure Ally evil

Dearh arrack


Mutilator Natural Bully

Base arta -k bonus +4Intimidate 6 ranks

Node 'ensiril'( Node Spelk:lStlns~ Kode Defense

No<k Store'

Caster level 1st

Node Spe!lC~~tUlg 'od Spcllcastiug

ACcess node Ill::tg,ic G:l1Il m';;Jglu bonus ro AC and near :1[(ul1.;.1 node



'Poison 1 "\IIll.!ll\ty~
Pulverize Foe! Famili~r Str 15', base arrack bonus +6, proficienc wrrh blodgeonillg melee weapon Knoth, summon familiar class featun: K rim h, baSl' attack bonus

Srore r.... spells ill :I node to You arc immune to J 5PCCIJic: poison and gain +1 houll" Oil 'iJI'I:'i :l1):lil1)( ocher J"lOISOIlS
Subsequent aeracks deal +ld6 Mudgeoning oamage Ga III


ralllllla r \\ nh the mcorporcal


Shadowstri.kel. Skewer Focl

Gain +1

Scr lS, base arrac k hol1U~ + ti, profice lit WIth piercing
1.1 C.lPOIl

OOllUS on attacks aud deal ... d6 damage l wieh melee ",~~pon 111 ~bado\ y couditio!)s Subscquvnt altad~ d 'ill +ld6 pi.:r illg d~lmge

Suntcl\ Trophy 131000caked lilitimiti:l[c Touch of Beueveleece


h Trophy

A II)' evil alignmellt

Take rrophy [rom fnlkll victim as a free action Milk Intinudme check a~ swire anion fO% chance [0 Ignore Jlly' effect that targets or dlllll~gc5 evil creatures Bellene

Budie Fl:trs

Doolllspea k

.Pre rcq u ia ites Bard ic music cJ 3:OS featu re, Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform
8 ranks

Targec rases a -10 )lcnatC)!Oll 3ua.ds, saves, abili y checks, am! skill checks ror 1 round

Divine Peats Profane Ourbursr Via Negauva



Ability to rebuke undead, 31lY evil aligll(l'CH[ Ability to rc;buk undead

Spend rebuke undead auempr co gr~nl undead creatures withill 60 Ir. a +1 profane bonus to AC Spend rebuke und.:::uJ ancmpr to <.1.:011 extra 11:1 m"gt: wirh an IIlJl;t,;/ sp 11







. Initiate of Ghaunadaue lnifla[c of Gruumsh

Cleric level lrd, parroll Ghaunadaur Or or ha Il-ore, nhlli()' to tasr 2l1u·kv.;l I.hviliN spells,

add spells to cleric list

Cast prepared cure spell or spentaneously Cl.SI iI/flirt spell as swire action, add spdls to deric lis!

patroll GruU111Sh Initiate of Kossuth

Cleric level ll'd, patren Kossuth ekric level f(lt, P;ltl'Oll Loviarar Initiate of Shu
l niriarc


elerueurals have max hit points,

add spells to cleric list

Galli ;·1 bonus on :J.cc:lckrolls and S:lvinS thrO\ ag ms: Ieur for 1111111./1':1'0::1 after taklll!; damage Bluff and Hide ar~ class skills, add spells to cleric lise

Ability (0 en r Lsr-level divine spells, patron Shar

'.xtauuuaar, cleric Ievd 'kll,





Create silJdd emerald scales (l/J!!), [or 1 In 1I1./lcvcl) chat ignores rcrrain force cffeces,


~dd spdls co cleric list

Mctamagie Feats

Corrupt Spell"

isi tes Any ev it alignmcn


Beae.fit Adds evil descriptor co one spell



Linger ing Spell

01.1 can case Spell cnranglcs targetS for 1 round Spcll deals ld6 damage of thll arne energy

M tauodc Spell R<:<1ping Spell

Node Spell ·:\scmg. aster Ievel 1st AllY evil alignrnen;

type for 1 extra round Reduce OSt or mctamagrc spells casr III :1 node Xarget killed by spell cannot be raised, rcinrarnated,


Vile Peals

Prereq ullite,


Disciple of Darkness

Lawf ul evil al igi11lIelJ r lJ,sciple of Dark »ess, bn.'>l; :lttl,d bouu» +4

Gaill -Lluck bonus 01.1 an attack rolt, skill check, ability check, level check, or saving throw l/dlY Wiclc!t.·d WC:lPO!l treated as lawful <lnd c il for l'ur}lO!>c of evcrcomlng damage rcdu rion;
.,1 profane bonus

3ttack rolls against lawful outsiders

E.v iI Rill braced Scion of Sorrow

F.v Ii fir-wei N'eu tral evil align melle


+2 bonus on Diplomacy and Iutirnidare checks made against evil crearurcs GJ in d:1I 1131;t' reduction lO/good ror 1 rou lid
Gain 1"1luck bonus on an attack roll, skill check, ability check, level check, or 5l;lVillg tl'trow 1t&y \',1,riclded weapon created ~~ 01< iI for pll rpose of over om ins damage reduction; successful arrac k deals ld'l- Chn damage (0 lawful or chaotic ou(sld~ , Gain .1 luck bonus on :J.1l attack roll, skill check,


or Sorrow :!ttack bouus 1'4 vii alignrnene

Thrsl I to Demon


Deinonsworn K mghc'

Thl'all to O':l11011,lnl>l; aHack 00111.1.T-f.

ability check, level check, 01' saving throw l/day W,ddl:d w apOll treated a. 'h:u)cic and 'vii for purpose or OV<:TCOIllIl11:1 do.mas" reduction; Tld6 da mage as<tinst



1 A fighter call select thl~ lear as one of 111~fighttT bonu» f"rtr. 1 You C3,11galUth.is [-tal IlIl.1ltlpll.! tj.nl~~. 11:'1 .r(~'.~N,rO "e:u.:k. F,adl time you take the rC:lt, it applies to a new weapon, skill, ~ nor
school of magiC, :;t:lecrioll or ~pdb, or 1I0c.J~[)'~'.

Prerequiaites: Srr H, Improved SWiller. J'Ol'1.'T Artack, \\'':''1I)On Focus (dire flli!). Bt;nefit: If you hu U1C SJ]Il'lC crcarurc wah borb ends or youI' dire Blil

throw (DC 10 + 2 your character III!dazed h' the pain lor 1 round. Special: A fif:lht~r cnn seleer

level ;. your Srr modifier) or


the same rounu, II must I\lak~ :\ roniluJ ...5:lI"i118

bones rears.


ft at as one of his fighrer



YOIi ace I[Ultt ~J~Pt



• •

Special: A lighrCf fe" h,. til I~ feat one

DIRTY RAT slll!pll1'l:I tl'nd~.r a Io.:'s I:Illa nl whill'

t.1I! :>Io'ket


or bi~ fighter



dilitl'llcr .... J. Prerequisites; TlHl'1hl" 4: rauks, B~Jle.lit: You h~m :111 ~lldinon,'1 +L 00)11:15))1 :tcr'ld. ... flallJang ~'Il OPPOIl<;II,r.




rolls \\,I\CII

DOOMSPEAK [BARDIC] You r~,n dClllor~.I.I~ ;'III CHClll), with horrible ceodemnaueus 0)),1 grlln POHCUts of inlpclhJing doom, . Prcrequisicu: llardk mll~ic clllss feature, "llCill\ld~[c S r:l!1h, Perf 01.'1'11 B ranks. Benefie: '{Oil can spend one of your b;lrd!C music uses ro utter n sering o( crass and ~pp':lIIJt1g cl?lt.hct5 and curses J[ aile ~Il..:m~ wit !tin 110 [~.et. The 11l!<::llIJ ed tar~et Inus! he :lbl.: to h.eM and compreheud your u:utl!!il1l:1 n:!llMls. A targa rhar fOll!s il Will S:I\'I:! (DC 10+ }Ollf chu:lcter level + your CIi;) l:noJln.!.!r) IS curscLI wlth:l -10 pel1nIey O!'I arrack..rolls, S:l\'~'S, ability cJl';-CI..S, aiul S!:..I[) chec}is for 1 rou.I1d, This is ~. SI!f1CtIlllWrll,!leCrojJrl.(luCtc .cffccr. ENTANGLING Sl'~,LL [MF,TAMAGIC]
pcwer thMeIlt.J.Ilslr~ your

YOIf g;1i11 Ihe scr \ ie,' o( :I Jlo w'l·rr u I fie un j bII J n i111lt scrvi tor. Prerequisirea: Fil'ndl ... "'T~~nt da:..' fl::aturc. h Be!ld'h: Add rill' 101101.< tTl':rlures to )'OU1' b~1 of eligible iug n';!)lhsh sen nuts: at)t, hhck bear, boa r, Cl'QCodil~,lifo:' badser, din' , b:Jr,l.hro.: \H:nsvl, h~;l\'Y \\':'Irhol's~, kQP~rJ, momtor hzard, coustrictor sllal:"c, l_lr!;": VIJkT Sllllk, wolverrne, 111 ~JdilIon, ;l,IY fi~ndlsh :.cryant yOll La 11 has t he fl c n.h!>h rrcaru rt. [cmpln.te- (MOIljt(r /1411/.1/1<11 p:l~r 10';), The IkmJI~h ~O:::I'V~1lt otherwrse COllfor"II~ to [Itt rules in rlK' '.DII1l,'{t'()1! M(/ft~?·'s C <I ide Cpn'gt 18 J).
LTNGF.RING SPP.L.L [MF.'TAMAGlC] R <'$ !U!u,l l'ltI rII C Ii cne r I:n lrom you T \:po:: II CO'lmlU':~ to J 1;1fin roo f enemies nnn' the '<;l>cI1'~ m~in clfecrhas expIred. Bcodi.c: TIll.' fc:u can be applio.:u to .hll orte lIl~tJmlllltOU~ spell rll~ r d:C~ -:J ... ill, cold,. dee mcu y, f 1'1':,. 01' some va m~~e, sue h II s/i.I'rb,," h or "g,/mllllf, h,(lJ/.. A fc~r tbe spc II .I~GiSt, lillbcriIl~ tendrils or I:n~TbY pcn.bt. lle,ll 'Ilg ldr. points of d:i1Jl:lse or the appropriHe <::lIerli)' ()'PC Jt rhc lJc~nl!llJl~ of your II':~ t rum to all creatures 1I11U~ l1y riam~gcd br the spel], The spetl is eonsulcrcd ro be ill ~ffe(r during (hi,. riU1C .:Ind ean tv: Ilispdh:d .tormal\y. Po. hnscnll~spell USo.'S up ~ ~pdl sler aile level hlliharhnl) rhe sp..:U's ~a!!"l leve],

Your spell rd~5CS residual cldritch enemies,


Bene.6rnlc (<::at t1!11 be 3pplicd [0 ~ny inst;)'ltrU1C~U~ ~p.!:n th"t de~ls acid •.cold,ckctr.icity,fi ft., or son ic dam~gr:, such l~ fiyr:bllil or lighlfli!lg bQIt:,A flcrtilcspcll ;~ C':Ist.li'lgermg tendrils or raw ellergy POl'slsti creatures du:m~gcd b~' the spcU arc cmallgkd lor 1 round. The spell is consuJ:crcd robc ill effect dUring this tunc lj,ld CtIH be oJ ,spdkd!lOrl'!lJl ny. A IICllt.1ngl'illg spell uses upa spell slot (WO levds hlShcr rhau the spell's actea I lcvc],

Your evil

~rclJ"'IrC more potent than :



1)0)'111.11 dUI:

to a dt;:nl forged

WI[!) :11} <:\'11 .POW!.!T

You call enslave


F~RAL A~IMAL C:OMPANIO,:\1 :I ferat :l!limal lnd ;,Jopt jt J~ your

l'ren:qui~it.e,: A 'I}' .·vIIJ (Iglllllellt, BC.lldh: Adrl .. l to tho.: DC for all saving throws 3S3111S[ .all)' of }'our ~pdls dl~1 11.11'1'd'e' !:v.1 rkSCflptor,


Spec~ I: ThJ~

f<':l r tmg'n~ II)' ~I'!X'~mijll llook ha~ heeu rcn, ... for D&D \.1.1", d

rJj Vilt. V'Jri;IICJJ

Pre.r~qu,j.siteli:A IIi Iua ! COIl'l,pJ !lion dal.~ f'::Iwr~, \:\'ll alig:!l!'m:nt. Benefit: Inst·cJ,J of ca II! HI!: a !lonnal 1 mn Ill! (('Imp,UIIon, you can call a feral animal COI1''P1I!'H0!1 ehar fO;tlll,~ tit tbt mourh, AI!)}' CJClI[UIC hanl)ccI' by th· anunnl's bill: .unc'k !111!~' succeed on e DC tr Ilbrtiwd'c save or conU1CC r<:d "chI.' (bI!1.: 1J1~"gl{l)ll M4J1llr'S CI,;dt: page 192). The disease ha~!l0 harmful dfect 011 ehe fcral' nlli,!ll~I, addition, your feT'll1 anunal CO!ll,p"nioll gai!l~ In !1 .. 2 bO'lUS to Stre',lgch .1nd' Coesrituncn, Att~1l1pt$ h~ orhco Co i.nAuC110t your r~'r<JI ununal eon11:l1l1l!'011 wlto H:lIldk A mmal ehecks tilkc ~ -10 p(n~l.ty. Special Tins Ide does not rransform ;) normal Jlum31 rempaninuinto a fer~ I ::t !l.im:ll companion. FLAY FOE. Yon are skilkt! lit fbymg rhe Acsh fronl your enemy's benes, Pruequi&ites: S(.I' 15~ base 3ttaek bonus ~6,. proficlcne wich s]asJIlI1I:1 mo:lt( w<:'apou. Bellefit: Jr yOIi hil the !Io1!ne o:n<::my mere chan OllC.::IH;'l sII1ll;le I'otmd w!ch ::I ~lashil1g melee weapoll, you ..leal gn .:~ml point of
d;lIllJ,t:;t \'Ilthea(h Jli'( (lJter [h~ first.

MORTII'YIt-:G ArrACK Til 0."'" who l.I'jtll~"'~ your brutal ,Ic.,th attack arc unnerved and j;Jr nor!' hy til., C l! p..: r ien (~'.
Pn:cequisir';s; I)cJth arrack



wimcss you ma kc succeed 0'1 a "rill save (DC eqo:l:l to drath al'l::u:I.. daulflgt: dClI.lt) OJ' be bh>lkct) (or 2J:l4 rounds. Any (fl::tt U Fe you ('011" do r ~ou t~ 11~ ;~ 1I1l~f{ cered. Til II.Jrl it lOll, Ct'Cll ttl rei> t 10:11 I,til rhe save are '>0 horrified hy rho:' alt<lckrh1l1 die}' 100<: tln:I'f Dl:ncril) ll()ml~ to Armol' Ch!!.S for 1 TOllUJ. The t~rsct or rhe J_,.-;lth arrac], muse nlso make (110:Sowing throw If it survives. 1'1115 t:\o-30n,hn3r} ~1!lIIIY is a leM effect.
r: A 11 CI'''~lurc~
~U(\(~ ...


WJ[h iu 10 feet th~t

,rI11 Lle-Jlh


After strtkin(l,
UlulII;H~ 1hi: Ih~ dead,

JO\\lJ COI'l'i~

MUT1LATOR lour I:IU::III)' in bank, you can sl"lI(uHy to prevent others from r.:usillS It [rom

Prercquisites: Base Ju~d 1'lQ!lll~+ -;, n 11)' ev,l a hgtJllIrllc.


lJeoelh: After del!\,crulg

thl:' 'lilling

bloOw co :1 CI',:ltUfC


is, rtducing i[ to



dc,~vi,tate or Ol'hcr"',sc


'~'Irh ~ U1d~~1~~:lp0I1, }OUC:l1Il ~pnrr tit,· {OlPS': .IS '" Iree ~CIIOU.

DoinS so docs nor pJloOlrok':Jttllck5 ofopporrunir) aad I:!\Sllr~s thilt the crc~,urc C:lIlliOi be rCl'n'~d IJsiu~ rt rats« (iL'ad spd 1. YO!! canuiuulaec only 011..· C"ll~my P,'I: rouud ur [his f",hlon. NATURAL
'{:ou (jsil~'r(rrir)' P(ercquisitu:

P.~OFA:\JI OUTBURST [D1VllS''F.] With a I,orro: nuous release J!I·'.II~ tl,~rg)~ YO!.!st~d ):01.11' uudad :llh~'S aUlI rnuuons ngahlst harm. Prucqubitt&: Ah!bty to r\lhuh uml~ad, .:vil a.ll!!llll11ellt. Bencfit: As ~ st1ludru'J, :lCt!OI1', OUc:\'l .po.: 11J, OUI: or your n:!luh y aH<:!IlptS to had"c aU und";,,.! ~n:.!t.u"'s \I'.I.dlll1 60 reet III divine Cl'lt"l:ty, l>rantm!!; th~'" a .. 1 profane bouus (,Q Arsnor Cln5S for 1



mnluto:. PULVF.RJ7.F. lOll


:'l~h'i:'sari,s. (

hlti'HlusrcO ranks Be"efit: All enemies wuluu 1.0 rCCt of you I har havv oll~'-h:'llf rour Hit Diee or less a..c bull •cd; drcy Uk..: ~ - '2. morale p..:lmlt}
Oil attack rolh In;l.\k 19ain~[ )otJ. A bulhl..'\l tllL'm}, rh.u succeeds III h,wug and d~Il\:lgmg)'oo ;~ 110 loOnS"r ~ub)~~·t to rhc [N1l;'!1t) lind 1..";1111101 bull.I,·d by you for '14 hours, CreJIUrC~ inunuuc hi,:


sJlln~hinH )'our 0Pl'Ort~ntr, mro <;uhllll$MOU. P.r'ere'Q.uisires:Srr 15, Ir~5I.'~n:td bonus ~6, proficlo.'ul with

rC;lr !:IT",ctl> CIHllOt


be bulhed and do not take rh<:(X'!l.1lty


:lttacks rolh



hlllllg~'Qni'l!:l lu.:k't: w~apon. 1I1!.lldll:lf you hi! the SJ'I\I! enemy li\ort than once ill \1 s.illg.le round with ;J bludgeoning melee IVC::tpoU,you de;'!1an extra Id6 pornrs of ltludg.:onillR dam:!!;c with cerh Ilir ~ru:rthe [irst, Spr.eiaJ: A fighter CJI! select tbis renr ns ouc of hlsn.ghr~f bonus k.ltS. RE.APING SPllLL [METAMJ\GIC] The d::tr~ cI,.;:rgy of youI' spell I.kl'ou.rs 'he soul of
I..II/ ..:J l>y it. l'rereq_t1j,ires: .t\·IlY ('vii .alig,.IJllclI(. 'Bel)cM; A ram: d~o.d, rt'lm'lIrl/(Il(·.

POISO:"J I.'vfMUl\tl

Aft~r prolo!lb'Cd c:x.f1o$uI'I:te a poboo or roxm, ),ou have rendered )'our~d( immune to If. 'p~dfi.: 11°';$0.11 (chosen by you), whether avarlable as a 1,la,!.· POi!<OlI, rhe V"::IIOIll oOr:l sp.:qJh: crearure, or oncorh -:rmxiu. YOII abo I:;lIill n. +1 circui n-tnncc bonus all ~1\'mg th.ro\\o~~g~JIl~t oth,,·rl'0t~on~. Sp~eia.1: A <lIarn . :u::r l.JU [~\h' dll~ I~~u. mulupk [nIl";,,,, l:h~lng a. dlrr~fCIlf POISO, I cac Ii 1.1111":. he 11 honu~ ;lg;III1.>1 otltl:r _PO''>OJl~ T
J.I.·~ 011,'



Benefit: You




rcsnrrcctioo spell

docs nor



cannot return [0 til;" :r creature k,HcJ by l f'(':rPlllg :ipo;:H, nnda fl"~ I'(;$""n,( tion spell I... ,only a 10% cI)!Il1cC ,s SIJCCOI..,Iil1g.A rCJpmg ~JX.·Uthar fails to k.ill thct:Jrgtr h:t~ 110 :tdd it!oll~ I effect. A n:a.pmg SJiCII U....:l; Ujl a ~pdl slot rnre..· l<'v"h higher 1'113..11 the 51'1.'1[\ ll~ruJllcvd.


s.UJift ond rrnmediore

The Jvlil/;'Irlw(/ Iltl"dbl)()/.: mtroduC'\!d rJI<.· COI1C"'P1 ~ra lie" action typt;: rllo,_·swifracrioll. Likewi ...... dl~ r:..\·I,m/(!t·d 'fJrirmlCJ J/I'lIUl/J04N inrrodul"1.."<1 i\'loth~r new :ttf!On ,rype: the i'lll III .1i.1tl' acllOI1. Seme of th ..· Cc;Il':.amI '1l'dJ" ill Cb,wlpilJllJ {J! RuiN W;C rhese 'CO!R lrcr,. A (i(')(-riptioll of hOlI th~) work follo\\' .... .... . ,swift Action: A ~.\.\ft aetion \,'OI1~IlIll<:~;1 \'~I')'_~!l1:IUamount i of titne, hut repr~':\<:I'l;t:la larger ':"IICl1dituJ\: or "f[oft ~ uti: I:\Krg)' ,
th:1J1 a rn.X" acncn,


:til)' rO"'~r With:)

ell'ling nnw'oJ' JD:tlllr,:sril'l!; nme or 1,7.\ in neuen 1~ a .,II·,ft aenen, C~~rill'S :l spd\ OJ' HllIllif, ...tiJIS ,~ pow,'" \I';[h a C~StJllg' or .I1la!Ufl·~tingrirneef 1 sw.ifr n~tiOll dces 1I0t pro\rok~' arraeks Mucb lih:

,ofoPl)orrl.J lIiey. Immediate Acrioe:

,lI'iff acrion,



You ..-an .p.::rform:


~\\'i(l action per turn

!llL',diM.: accion COI1SUll!CS 11 ~'i"ry Sl.Ilall. 1l1ll0UHC of time, bot rl:pn .. cnts a !:ugcr ex pCllditII re of .:rrort and ..:l1..:fbY ehall a s

wit.hout 3JT~\('tiflgYOll'· abilrty to pcrformot!M' awom;, In ehar l\!g<1.fr.l, ,:\ )wifr :lttltl!l 'ISlike a f "",:II:t'OI1. Ilcwcvcr, rou call per orm dl'll} ,\ Sil'lglL'swift .:lctiOll !~rrurn, c..1;ilr,dk~",of w]L1rotIM'
acnons },oo,l:a],o:. YOIl' t':lll 't;I~C.~ ~lI'lft aerion :II!) wn~ you '\1llJltl nornlllll) be :ll'lo~.\~-d totake :1 free :1aion. Swift JC rio!l~ ll~u:111y involve lIm!,;;c or psiollil.,>,or th~' t1\':lt,OI1 of nml:)!c (>r P"Q,lIC :1.1: ircnl~; limn)' churncters (e~ll<.'C,:J!Jylla:.: who don't ll"'" mask or t

free aerien. Unlike a swift action, an iunncdinrcacrlou Gill I,L' pc.rfornlcd at ~Il} UIllI: evenif it's, not rOUT tum, Using :m iJinm~djau:anlon 0.11 your tIIJ'.1l is til": $ame as ushlg 11
~,Wlrt action,

and COunts (IS, your5:wift



ror ,thll.t turn.

psiomcs~ 11~1'l:J' ha\1;. an opporwruty 10 I~k\" :l ~\I ift acuon. Casting aquickened spell or Inallif~st,ill.~ :l qu!d'<"!l~d pOWCI' is a s\l'.il~t,:II;C;OIl,In :ludltlon, :Isnnj; IIny spd.1 or 111;1 mkstins

You.canner usc' a not her imrnedm tc aCt ion or a swift action !Inri] after your ll"xt tum if you have usn! an imml:di~tl: action when it is noc turrC'ndr your rum (effectivel)" usiug :111 inrmcdiate :t(;t,on before your turu is <:quiY4lcnt to using. lour .\nft acnou for the couliJllg turu), You also canuot usc
an lmml'tiintc:lcrion

if ),Ol'l arccurrvntlj'






SHADOWFOl'lM FAi\HLlAR a fan],ijiar fl'1om the Pia nc of Sl1ado\\. Fre.reqwutcs: Krmrh, surrunon f:l.mil'iOlf class fcatUT'" Bcad:c: '{culr summoned (illn,I,lar looks like II dark, s.hadcwy verSion of a no:rm:lJ fanl'lh:lr. ft I~ ul~ubsC!ptht 3.lld Gains til IIlCor!'"'orcaI subtype (see MrmJJr!1" M4"II"JpilS~ 'HO). A sJ!Qdowform fal·niliar is nrore clos.:ly bound to ),ou ,cball a OO(l"n:l1 F:tmilbr, and (he. mQ~lInum IlIs(:II)(;<: from you the ~b:tdowrOCIn fa Illil i~r can travel is 30 (eel per caster IeYeL If you are separated from· your sh:adowform fail1i1io( by .a di~t;lncc greater Ib.an lIus, the shadowfonn faillililr dissolves illtollathillglle~ md is considcrCid slain. Spe.ciJ.I:This tcat docs nor tr~nsfon11' :I. normal ramili,H illco a .shadowforlll hmil'i:u. YOLI ansuunnou c SHA DOWSTR IKF. Due to yotH nesro tIle Plane of 8h:,1I10\\", you ~trikc marc cf. f~tlvcty ill a reas of dim illull\manoll. l'fen:quisitu: Kr.iHth, base atc~d, bonus +1. Benefic: Whl!ll ,nBkil,s all Mack with a m('le~ "'(";!POII III an area of shadowy illumination (SCtl 1'111)'1:1'; H(Il!dOQ().k p!l.s.: 1M), you S~ill a +1 cirCUIIlSt.1I1U bcnus onrhe act:ld: roll ;),11d tical :1Il ertra 1d6 pojuts of d'.lm~gc. Sped.d: A. \l.rillth figluer t~"l select this feu asone of his fighter hom:!!> r~ts.

TOUCH OF BENEVOLENCE I)~spm: your ('viia.liS)lmeIU. YOII are I?ron~· tOl1101l1Cllts of b~lll!\·OJCIII:t.: mercy. and Prereqeisircs; A.1l)' evil :llignmo:nL BI:Qdic: Although you are evil ~nd spdl& such a~delccf If~il reveal ) our [rue ilIIS" menr, yOli IllIve a S"O%challcc or iguorillg :n\) dT", t that ~peCI fiL~ lIyr<).rgc{s or damages evil rreaturce, Special; 10 h.l!pthb fc.~t, a. character IImst dClI1onsrratcp:ri.· odiC Jets or kll1dll~$;S and nll:~t:y • .A OM Gill revoke thiS feat If the dl~OI(I"r rolls [0 a ct III ;\11 ,~pprol'ri;Hdy cOllfl.inedllll:1nner. Nr..GAT1VA greater ameunts ·of acg;lrjllc ellergy mto your

You ",Ul dllhlnd

i'~flia sp~lI<;. Prc.re'Lui~ites: Abllit)' to rcbuJ;.c undearl, BeDeli e: A~ 3 f ree ac t ion, J'ou can ~f'1!1ll1 m: of you t rebu kc 0 am:llIpts to Jc:!1 additional hanrl wlch all il~fl;{/ sp.::l1. You must spend d~ n:hul.", nttcllI.vr before m~lIinS' the artack roll. If the "the!; roll succeeds, the j"flht ~tJClldca h. <1:11 extra 1 point of damage per character kvt'l (maxnnum +'2:0). If rbe areack ron (a,is, [he rcl:>\II<.: nrcclllpr IS spent and wa~too.

v ile reo rs
VHc feats wcr.; firsl rutroduced in the BQut.:

of Vile 'J)(lrlmerl.

A ruthkSSC'Olllbnallt, )'00 like to impale O;.'1.l(:J)lI(51" spears and 0 similar pierCing .... ·t:lpO'IS. Ptl:cequi8itGs: Str H, biasc att:lrk bOI,lU5 +6, proncl':JlI with p ierci II!; 111e I"!C wca,pon. 'Hendit': If you hit the :I:.'lIIIC enemy mere chan once ill a ~11l1:\1:I;: rouud' with ~ plei'(")ng melee weapon, yqu dc-alan c..nrald6 pomrs of piercing damage with I!ach hitafter the nr.st. S~(iill: A fighter QII select [his kat 3S OIlC or his fightcr bonus re~ts,. TltOl>H Y al1d skillfully collect II trophy ·of your Ylctort

Only rntc lIi~~llt (.ba.l'actcr~ of l·VI'I a liSllnlCIU dill use VIll! ft.lts. Vile feam arc s;rnllt~d 1:0 cbaractersat the bdlest oJ :I pO\l"~l'ful evil ag('ll("y-~ Sod, demon, or wIIlI!thlng similar, As such, vile ((':ItSarc sup.:rnnw11l1 ~bil itl~sr:\.thcr [hall c~(ra()nhllar)' ~biliries, Some OMs lIughc also wan], to n.;ctuirc ~ characterwho seeksa vile [ear to ~r(OfI\\ :I spc.:cl~1 rrtu a t OT 111~.I:C~11 acrual bargalll
\~tth:l powerful uC3{ureof cvrl, Thepatron nC.ature could !!'vtll

(at the DM'~ tiiscfl'lion) have rill; ability to revoke Ihe f~t should the character IIi:..please II:. TIII~ dmptl:f reproduces rhree I"il'e rc:an (irolll Book if Vilf 'j)l'IrJmeH (Di ..clplc of [)ul..ucss, I!:I'il Brand, and Thrall to D<::nll'l,l)<).11.1'IIltT'oducc~ ~\'~ral ue\\' ,011~S. Dt.\1:0NSWORN Kl',TGHT [VLLF] A sea rnf ul e ham piou of r he demon I!r IIWI:$, yOIJ de test an d app()&<: d~vH~ ;ul(i ocbcr cre,U:UI'':S rbnr fefu~ to h<:ed the call of Ghaos. Prerequisitee: Thrall to DellloH, base arrack bonus ++. Benefir: A Ill' weapon you wield is rreared as chaotic- and c"il,aligl1~d for the purposcef o'·.:reonHlIg dal_llag~ rtduccion,lll a,lJltioll.,l·linhut .Iawful oUNidcrs, rou deal anexrra 1d6 pomt5 of ll~ mage With nH:r SUt:l~'i..~rU I \\"('apollaccad:. Special: Thrs ka,( can only beraken OIlC':"11 chancrer who takes rhis fear Cal).IlO[ al!oO rake the Hellbouud Kmghr ,or 10rmCIlrc.d Kmglll f1:!at.A figluer canselect this fea·r as one of hi~ figbrer LOIiLlS Icars, Tn addition, }:OUT ,eycs tunl dead blad, alld your t,cdh become as ~harp Jb ra"s~-

'lou t~lIql!jckh'
over ~ ration f(k.

Bellen,!; A frcrdo::dh,S a erearu recnough da'lll\lgc (0 drop II negative hit POl!ltS, you (';tIl slice Of pryefr a trepbyas ~ frct: action. '(Oil must be adp.Ct'I.tt to th~ dead or d),illS creature. The trophy oOi:J,ldlie a SUlQU body p!lrf such it], ..1 fi I.lgcr or C:Jr_ Cary· Ing. a .trophy in this mal~llet rcquu-I!;S light slfl~hfllgor picrcillg a WeilpOIl and dCllls hlG poi'l:ltS of t1ama(;t' to rhe target creaeure, (A creature wich regeneration can regrow the severed boojrpan.) A It()n13tivd)" )'OU call cake a sma II irem worn or carried by your ra.llell roe, stich as a piece or jewelr" )lOuch,penon, light "''C'3poll, or helmet, iH w.hirb ClSC the vicnm tat.u no damage, Thc~natiCbcd ircmcan \\'oig,h nomore than 'l Founds. YOLI must have a rrcc .llll.lld rooollcer .the trophy.



• •



You formally supplic:l~ yoursell' to;1 n ;u1:bdevil. l:11rt'tu,rn for dLl, obedience, you gain a, sinaI! m'::!SUft' of the ar;~hdcvil'" pow!;'r, l"rereqlliaite~,: c~11 upon


Uwf ul 0:';11 itligmll~IIt.. 13eodh: Once per da), wllll~ p~rforming




au 1."'11 30.:t, ),ou l':UI (on,,j,J, a +1 Iud bonus to ouy

Be.nebt Onre pel day. whilcpcrfornlllls. i111evil act, you ·can call )'01.1'( fi e ndi!;h pat roll ! add a ;·Illl ck bon u 5 ,0 ru I)' OUl, arrack 0 rol], :>;:I vnIb throw, ahllit)' Check, skill ch«k, or l~vcl check. Special: Ihis rear elll (lIlly be takeN 'Once. A Ch:ll'3CtCt who (3I:.CS rlus fi.'at ea nnot a l:-.omkc rill: D~ip!c 'Of Oa rkncss or Thrall [0 0<111'1011 Ieae. THRALL TO Dr.MoK [VrLE] You ror lila IIy ~uppll~~Jtl.' you rse I r ro a demon prrl1c". 1n rc tu ru lor (hisoLeuJt!uct!. you!5ail1 ~ ~m~I1 measure 'Of the dl~mou prince's power,
Prcrequisil.u: Chaoticevil ahgllm.:nt.

OHC attack roll, savlII:g, thro\~, :dllltt) ~h~d, ,kill d:lCo.:k, or .level

check. Spedd:

ThiS [l'ar ~kn tlli:; fC':!,tcannot re DemOI! fcae,


olll)' be- t\kell once, A character who also t:\,ke- th~ Scion of Sorrow Of Thrall

[VILE] YQl.larc ph}'~ically marked fQi'l:lIcr as J, s,n~m 01, all evil pow~.r gf<! a te r tl ]i1i'11 )'01J1'sci[ or as a If ilia ill wtm Jocs 11or 0 re til at )'01.1 seek (111)"death, J..:.,tructlon, nilli misery for others. The ~}rubolis unqul:stlollab!e III it:.'!, perversity, depir.,[ing a I.kpra\').l'} so '1.1 rhinku able that :tli who >C\: it know bt)'o!ld a doubr rh:lt dl~ ~:1r<CfI5 forever ill the ~Wll}'Or che bl'ilcksl po\\-I!r;. Beneiit; E.vII crcaturc~ lu~om::I{((:.alll· Nli0!:lnl/.~ th~' ~;~I.nhal now emola',oned Upoll rou ~s ~. sign of ~'Oul' u[t~r d~~r~I'it) or dlsClpltslup to a powerf ul patron, .1!though 1111: ;p..CI fie id.~Iil(lt)' of
rhe patrou Diplomacy

Evu .. BRAKO

"Benefit: Once per Ila)" whilo: performing au IH'.i\aCl, you 1.::1 n ca II upon you.r (klllomc panOIltO :hld a ... Iuck bonus to 1 :lily one attack roli, savillgthrow. aliJiJuy c!l\:t1;l,skill dieck, or
Icvd cheek.

Special This r~,~tcan only be tal-en


A character


rnkc~ this (l::a.t cannot also rake rhe DlsclJ?l!: 'oj' Darkness or Seloa of Sorrow fCl);t.




not revealed, rOll: salll 3' '1'2 crrcumsrance bonus ou T lit I nndate dll:t;b i'11'.l.de.1IPinsr cv il crearurcs.

You Me inc~or:tbly bounoJ to chtl lOOlll50111c yu&oloths eharlurk 111 the Barrens or 'Doom' am! Despair, llud ),ou sui,,!: to bring nusery and pain to all creatures [hal. oppose rhem,

EVIL EMTIRACF.D [VII-V] You embrace the power or lour fi~'l1dlsJI vnrrOIl ~IJ(I (~n UPOII that power In moments of b'TI:.lt need.
P'rereql.!i.sites: EI'I! J\(lHut 'Beoe.lit: Once per d~), as lUI 1U1ll1<.:Jla~ UI.'CiOIl (~~C plse 21),

you can caU upon raul' fi~IlJI~h .jJaUon to ~'ted you Jgai115[ harm. You gain damag" reduction 10/g00d for 1 round (ulllll rhc narc of your uext turu). HELLTIOtTKD K~JCa,IT [Vrcr] A devoted dlsc'iph: of th ....Ki.1l1: I-I'db. lOU have \~\'Qrll to :Strike down CfCll[UrCS ,hat oppo~<:: In\\' nnd chn.'.!tt'n ryr;'\nny. Prcfequi$iru: Disciple of Darkn,~~"bJ",· ;!ttad, OOIl"" ...+.
B~.I:IcJi. : A, Ily wcapon )'ou wicht 15 rreutcd a~ I;l\I f 1.1 I" and \:\·11· t :lligncd th~ purp<lso! of oV'::I'(;OIl)II;II) Illul'I:l£v ruducncu. 111

Prer~q[lisifes: Scion 'Of Sorro'll'" base ,Irtack bemus .. 4, Benefit: Any wl.~apol\ you wield is created ~.S t!'hl·airt;ll!.'{) for cl\o pl.lrpo~ of ovo:rcolllillS dam"s" rcdl.lctlOll. II II)' ch!lcotic o.r [0",[,,1 cutsrder you SI.Il;c\l~~ful!j'dlllln~ with a melee or nlllgil'd we:lpon lI\uH su.t:co.;<;....J a Fortitude save (DC 10 ~ u:lil1agll dfalr) on or rake 144 pOInts of ClJ,.1risn\a dam:lgc. Special: This fl:'at eau ,01]1y be taken once. A characrer who rakes tins fC.:II caunor abo eke the De ilion sworn K!HG,Il{ OJ' Hellbouud K lI.i!;hr fear, A ngllocr can selecr this r~al as one of hIS fi~ht!:r 0011'1.1.',r~.~t$ n addit.;oll, asscon as )'01' rake thIS r~,I.t,)'QUr ..r fle~sh turus pal~ and becomes ullnatlJraHy colll 10 the ~ol.lch.

In t+ture feats
lllitiate fcaw, ,give udditiona I rOcus~ll1d Alvor to div in>: spellcasters er ~pccifh::: g005. Orrell,. 1111:')' gr:tlll aeeess to U11iquC' spcl1sol1ly kl10wu to die most d'1.'\.'OIU so:rvaurs of tho.;.~~citic~. lllitiate re.~t5 d for sexcrnl prom.tUtmt 111'11 d'titn:s ~fC pl'('sentcd below, 'P111)'er's C'lir/I! 111 F"",·/ll/ contains Hlltl:ltl:' rC:UN fora (CII' other evil deitil:iS. naulcly Balle, eyrie, "llJd Ma.!:'!!'.



aga,lli1:;:t ll:Joejc outsiders, c




·.1 +1

.f:lm!imc bonus

anad: rolls.
Sp~dd: This Icat only be
t~"";11 encx·.

A dlurnl:rcr \Iho

tllkel\ this fC-.HC<IIIllOr


take rhc D<::Hlon~...'Om Kilight or

TnrUIC'mC\l Kllig.hr (c:lr. A Jishrl:'( cnu sclectrhis fc·at as 011': of hi.~ fighter bonus fi='3tS. In ad,liri.oll, as 50011 a~ you take til i\ rcat, your t'}'cs turn red.

JeU 1":5, :l11l..I 0 U {1.'a5CS.


You haw learned rhe ur<:~J ~n ...... of rhc god of oozes. slimes, t CI.cric level ltd, patrOl! deity Gb~ulmdaur. command OJ' r~buk~ 007.l!S ;IS ::11'1 evil cleric COl 11rna lids: or rebukes u!ld~1J. You ran v51!'["15 ~u~n1tttul1(1 :lbil.it)' P.rCteqlli8il~:

SCiON OF SUR ROW [VILE] YOI! (0(1I'I:I1'y supp.IICMC yourself loa pOII"'l'ful \ uk;olorh 10f,lI. 111 reru til lor your un flll'lthl n~ oDl.~dk:m:c.YOU!;,'!Il a SIIlJ U lI1":I\sur", of I11~ wretched Ii~nJ~~ p(l\~~'r. l'rucQujsiIC~: N..:ut.raI i,,'1'11, ig:nUlcllt. :"


'(011 ClI.. l 1

n number of liul(:~ p.cf dllycqual to l~·your Cho. mod'ificr, TII;uld:lrion, you add dIe [ollowmg spdls 10 yO!.l.t clenc S'pc:lllist_

1st '2nd 3rd Corrosive: GrupM[~; 1 touch!lcvd

deals Id6+1




All thl: elemeurals




Bti.od.,ight''6; Grams I>linuslghc our to 10 Ct .Amorphous PormU,'.I: Su~jKt becomes pullulngb1.c ~ml

summo» ,mPlIft"spdls

.1.1J .1 hupomrs ve

U~IUb the ptf die' (i n,~re.ad of


slip through eraeks qUI!:k.ly . e HIl rl: 1-1(.1l up '10 ,til ret' glcibsof srcc tl sln nco r MaDtl£ of the Sljrn~ Lord: Kouilltclligcllt oozes do i1rt::1.d: ou, and YOli 1:!3'n 1>0111.. OO"U immutlitk~. y .

;!vc:ngt· llit pelnrs), II,1 ;!ddICiou,. you add che foUo~"!Ilg spetls to rour d=:ric )1'~11I,~[.




you. PrttcquiJice.:


Agallal.7.at'!s SQottb.u"'·': per '2 Ievcls (mn x rJB).

Fire Stride""';''i: Muluple!

P~th of fire dca Is !dS da mage


watches O\·er

dIlMr:l/Sio·Jj dD9r d13tworks

The ~inl:!ular eye of th~ !,;r"''lltOfC god Gruumsh

On: er bnlf-orc, ~bll;t}' to !;~~t luO·level divine I:Ith

only til roush laq~e fm~'. . Shroud of Flune"": Tugl:t bursts into nam~s, uku,!;

'ld6 Ilrt: tlam,lgc



fouml ~mirlbliJlS

~pells,. patrol! \fl':lty GrUUlntin. l)e-oefi t: Once per d:J,y,~ s " swjft action (sec the 5", Ifr :lml
lmmcrli:lt.e Acricns sidcb~r) page 11), you caucasc-auy "<11'1: ~pdl you have p r<.:po.red. or ),OU(;<I.11 spontaneously cast ~II ill/lief spell. 1Jl addItion, you ;ukl th~ (O!lowUl!:! spdls to your divine ~pdl. caseerhst. If )'01,1 havemore thai) one .11\· iii.: Sp<.!lIc~srilll; class

to ae!~rurc) wltlull



1d4- rircd:l1l13ge

Cloud: Cloud JC:lls 4d6 fice d~mngl!/round.

INiTI ATE. or Lovr A·rAR (INLTlATI::'] With sreat P'UU comes b'TC3t pO'.llCf- T.hi~ and other secrets


before taii.l1£: this

to add the spells.


you mllst dccuJe to \\'hlch class's spdlli5t

hnvc Ic'!lrned rrom I.he church of Leviatsr .. .P.rercquisites: Cleric level Srl,,-,parreu uelty Leviara f. Benefit; The n(SCtlllle you (31.e damage in !lily (·ornb.:Jc,you galll;1 +1 morale OO)1U3011 arrack rolls :nllia +1 morale bouus 011 '~lI"il'lgrhrow) Jb'" il)S[ 1"';If effccrs Ior 1 rniuur« {X;rcleric level, Tn :Idd'rrioll, you 3dd the following spel Is to' ),our cleric 'peJl list.


Line; Cr.!ares an area of



rhe harrle-

3rd ~dl

field. B;loodlpeu: M~ ~~S oue sp<!l!r


wo!mJulS IIIc;!p(m. Nybor's Geode R.eminder)·': Ta.rget

5:1\."':5, IS

roc~ct C'a,vc; Creates an enr3diIHI::H$IO"1.1I SP'ilCt' where you and yOllr allies call hid~. Eycbitt; Target becomes pruue1.ed, sick~n~d, and


for 1

round, thC,r03ftcr JI!~uactcd.

-'1: 011 atlad.s,.

and checks, and


comarcse. Wav~. of E:rb2,l:!ltion: 'Scvcraltl!rsC'cs beeome c)·h~uSt~tl.

Irt.! nit

INITIATE.OP KOSSUTH [INITIATE] You have facet! rheflerce cIo:mlCIIC~ I fbme a 1101ulocscd some of u the secrets or Kossuth's church. P'rcrcqulS)fU: Cleric level ~(d, p~trOIl deity K.ossuth.

Mystic Lull!"·: Energy ",hip deals lJ.I6 dtetricity J:Ull,'lIl"/lll1'L'c levels (n':I~ 'h161 and stuns 'for 1 round. Plesn.sniVcr'·': T:ugc.:! i~ stun ned for 1 round, Tale:5 Id6/ Itvcl unlllag'l;,and is llau.~~~ro.1 for Id++2 rounds.





You 1m...e htt't1 IIImate..i:lIlto 'hlITeh.

th~ g:rcntcst



fiend Lords o.nd spel Is

A number andothcr of powerful fiellds serve as patrons for clerics divine spellcasrers. Cleric's followiPg Asmodeus,

mor-tals v no ;lgn:e to rhe dark ~l1rl im;idious bargain it offers. This baq;~1l'I is represented by one or three feats:
Dlsciple of Darkness,

llaphol1lcr, DcmogorgQIl, Orcus, Yt'eIlOgllU, and orhe .. SUdl creatures ·Oftl:H lead bloodthirsty culrs of like-milldl ..1 followers. Howcwr. these powerful duznons ami dcvi.h do not han:

of Sorrow, or Tbrnll to DctnOIl

any divine rauks and L1Ck the: ability [0 grant cleric spells 11", gods normally do. There is a Ilia)' 31'OUlld rhis limitarion, Ach;ItlH;kr C:I11 strike a special 1l<1rgain with a powerful fleud, which glvcs t he fiQnJ tJlt~ a.bil it)' to gr~ n t spell!> tq thatcba.racter Irem 0. choice of doinams. Tn effect, a powerful fiend can ffcrvc as 3. cenduit for cerram ulliVcl"l>al princ.'ples or th"'113SCt"l)it divine power of its own c:ttn.planar home, hue ollJ,y (or

Owe Vile Fc.~ts> page '2:2). A ch;lra~tL'r \\'Ith cleric levels who clIOOSe';; one of th6c feahc~1l cheose doniams made nvailabtc by tile panicul3c demon, yugol.orh,.nr devil III': chooses a~ his parroa, :lml h~ receives his cleric ~pdbfrom rhar d~rk <:tuity.
The vast majorit)· of evil clerics choose !l91ls for patrous, si.Il(;'~tbcr need not use a r(':11 to simpJy gam access to clcnc ~pelh wirha ,Ji,viut" patron. Bu[ '11':1'1,1 lords and 110::"1011 princes

crave r11~ .ulu1i:lnon of mortRl.;, t.oo--allli Ulany seck OUt individuats II'illiJlg (0 give them t.h~ adu lar ion t111:Y crav ...


• OF •

Evn, .
staud from (h~ increased spell level, The class of the layer does not cqu:l1 (he class or the uode unless you are sr:llldillS in the
1I11lcrmOSt portil'm or it.

Able to casr Lsc-lcvc •. iv me SlJdb, p:ltrOl1 I har, Benefit: You add murr lnJ 1'1"1,11: your I isr of c1:l'~ sl:..lI .. to 111addit,~n, you :IJu the [01101"1111; pclb co YOIIr diviue ~p 11~ caster ~jl.ellli.sl.. If you h:lV~ 11Ion' than cue Ihvm..: spdk;t.~tjIlS class before raking this feat, you !1IU~[ decide which Cl'h~ Ilas the


For example, If you use Maximl~c Spcll to aur:;mem the fthlevel speJI jllllnc rlr;J:c ill rhe mucruiesr (¥l) layer or a Cless 1 node, you cast dt~ .'jlcll as if it were only 111'0 levels higher chan
normal, no! three,

add irion


SJX'Usadded to




the node pays aile spell level's wor th




Disguise Self: Ch:lllgl!S your appearance. Cru biDg De"pair: Suly It t. k~ -2 011 arrack rolls, t!;\lI1:1b'l: rolls, saves, and Chl.:l ~:.. Armor of D\"II'koe,,"~~~:Crear v a hrOIl..!of' shadow around targct chat sral)t~ uarkvrsion, ;'I 1.Io11U$ (0 AC, aud a bonus to some $.ll\'Plg throws, Dar.kboltH'.~; One bccrn 01' dnr!..l1~s,i2 k\'..:I~ Jl.'aLs da TlIag .. and dn~lJ'OppOI1l!flrs.

(0 casters who 110not pr~p3N spells (SUcil:lS bards and SOl' erers) and to wizards who rarely leave tiMr lion S::I1l can rhcrefore prepare and ase

er' the

t:l1II:lgi..: cost, TIns Fcat ~ most uS~ ul

tJtetf spctls at rhe :ldjustf...d Ic\'cl.

If')' u usc cllls're:'!c to n:du


ehe eos of Ilfcparing!l


~Jlcli and then tcave the node, the ~pC'lI IOU prepared IS unavailable uunl >'ou return (0 a !lodt 1:I)l:r of at k35[ the ~'l!nt'" etas'S a. th one III whidl toe spell was prepared,

Special: The armor o( alllkm:ss :lIIU dllrkbo/I ~pdl~ xlso appear on the Darkness doinau: libt. Wieh rlns I~.n,)' II ·:tll c:tSt th":llI 3S regular cleric splll!s, !lotjuse doumm $pdb
OF VARI\C [I~fTrATPJ worship V:trac', the - rpcutmc ooddc,~, aud guard wid! the seen.' ),our f:lI[h. Zrer(qlljs1reB~ £'xmmll1aal', dCTlt' 1":1',,1 )r\l, putron d..:ic)'


call U!>l! the IOagkd

NODE. DE1"1!.NSF. power or :l node'


defend yourself

[rom harm.


Ererequisite: • ode Sp.-JJ :lSIIlI~, 01. rer h.:vd Lst, Benefit: You receive all Insight bonus to your Armor Class ;lml on aving hrows equal [0 tilt; class of an. nod c that you
currently ou.:up . a'-,ll ro wl'lIch rou are attuned, up to II maximum of i 4. For example, if you are russde (It rnrddle (+'2.) l:tyrr or CI.:m J node, ou b'<lil1 II .j.'2. bonus, .

You fCrI'('nrl)



Benefic: Once

per d3)'.:lS:t




.:.all rrunsforr»



into ~hllllillcrjng


~caJ..:s :tb~Qrb

as the slJtdJ pcll, lln,1 til..:), "11:11,,11. you 7v""S 0/ forc« 3~ If rhl.:Y -crcn'r rllI;n:. The eruerald scales lasr for 1 IIUIlUC<; pa charn ICf level. This 10; a

IrJngk missil .. danlilgc pass through

can perceive a I\odt' ju.t by p:lSsillg near it. . Benefit: You aUlonl:ltic:dly note the. pn: ence of allY "ode to whicb you arc artuned within 10 r. r,
Normal: A creature


:lbilic). III addinon, you add rhl." 10110'11111:. sp.:l1~ to your dent spell list. '2lld

r~( of [he outermost

\ ithout this (cae har COllies within 30 1:l)'t=Tof J. node call make a DC '20Intel-

4th 6th flth

Blinding Spittle"": Ral1g~d !ouclt .urJck blinds ~ulticct. Serpent ArcoW"': Tr anslorrus lIJl tn l'I~ht nussrles into Ti ny 1'11>1:",.
Veil: ChnllK<:'!< appcaf.lll(": of group of creatures,

ligcucc check (0 note tbe presence of the node. A creature with th..: :Ippl'opn:l.fe Knde SJleJlcas!ing fcal can aUl1'mpt either all !11I1:'IligCII t check or a Spd lcraf] l'hcck at [h same DC ro uorice the cede, N'ODE SPL'.LLCASTING
YOll h3VC discovered the secret of tht: magic of a particular type ol' node .. Prereqciaiee: Casn.·r lew! 15r.
t 'pe of node lHIt.! the magital power ir provides. W hen you choose t lis fear, choose a. t)'ll' of node (earth. evil, or Shadow WC~JI'c).This eat gran rou nee -ss ro rhe V3rIOU~ node magic fears and node powers, ~1Ir1 nllows )'oa to make a Spdlcrlfl check instead of 311 Iurelhgem:c check to not Ire 1l":I.rhy nodes of the rypt' 10 whrch you

ADi.md Shapes: Olle :t.Uy'kvd 3111tfr;U (sllak.c~ only).


into chosen

Benefit: You arc artu II~d to one

The prCV!O\Js


p~S~J1f~ Ol:f\ Ol'lg_IIIa II) 1'f1darr.: :tilt.! ~U:J:1... rs"d.!
Jjlr.:a red tbosc

node, lIIar:;i.: pro.;!"c!.


Ul1dl!,-d(lrk ThtS<" versions

METAKODF. SPELL [METAMACilC] You easr .mctamagic spdb to ~rc:it~r dl'cct III 1\0J..:~ to wludl 'ou are attuned rhall ~I~ewhcr".

ar runcd Normal: A rcature without rtus feat 1::111 not take other noderJ:mu fl.::lu, canncr nccess a Ilodes Iull potential, 311dmost make ;'III Llltli'lIl!;.:nl..~ check to nocicc tl<::ltby nodes 01' 1;0 manipulate
JfC node POW':I'S.

.Prcreq,uisite: Nod..: Spdk. ~mllg. 1.'3ccr level Lsr. BCllefit: W hell CaHill!; 01:opell unproved 1;)' me .tmagl· rear, you C::lII dC'ducc the class of rhc node layer III \ Illch ou currenrlj

Special; You 1.'311 braitl rillS 1'0: multiple times, F.adl tlmc you r ((l~" thot teat, It nrruucs you [0 a IlilTefl:l1t node typ". .


or: Evit,


Tom;,. S-rOR f..

Yoo can !itoTe 1 prepared spell in a node to which you arc: attuned, Prereqeisire: ~odc SpclkOlseill1)., c.'~tcr ICl'd Lsr, "Reodi.t: Each time you take this feM, cheese two spdl~ of lillY level [lllIr \'00 k IlOW and can casr, If you art il .~}H:lk~~h~r who p.rcpa.rC5 spells, you cnn now pn!p:\r~ tho~.: two spdh ill addition t? your normal spdl complement; ~slong 3S you are III ~ node ro which you are auuJ)c:d,JuU 3S if YOIl hnd I\VO xtra s('1ClI sims per day. ThC!Scextra pl'c::par J spellsare stored In eh node imtcad or in your nund, You em case rhein normally wlulc YOll art' within that uode, even if you hav I ft Ih II00C ailU returned since rorins rhem there. ( )'OU J rc 11 spc:lI aster who doc nor pr~pa re spells, choose

DarkHaroc Arrow: Masterwork 01'10\' or bolr deals normal d:I1I1,1g~ plus 1J6 J:'Imal)l! ~llrh round fOI" 11·oumls.


O/rFi-LEVEL ASSAssr~ SPELLS Arrow; !v1asICru.o,').,_rrow or bolr deals extra '4J6 a

cold dalll ~~c ~nJ p~r3lyz.:!s ra rser. Sbadow ~rrow: Masterwork :lrrow or bole deals ld6 points


Srrcngrh damage.

no.rd spells
Isr-r, ·.VP'.L
Undersoag: checks, 1:tlc Perform



place of Concentration

tll'opclll; tim you l.IlOW. You call now cast rhose 1"''0 spells I\hil~ ill ,a nede to wblch rOU are ~rtuncu all If you had two eHr:l. spel I slor5 per dlly available. t.ach ~uch slot can he: u$C,J only 10 (2$1 irs designated spel]; it canner boo: useJ fa I' ~"Y other spell (lIlc!uJJ1l!; th~ orher spell dcs,sn3rcd wirh rhrs fear). If you leave rhe node, these eXira spell slots beCOII1C unavarlablc to yeo, but you call U~ tl'¢1)1 aglllll If )'OU return, provided thar you haven't already u J rhen. jute ihe last rim you rested. You do nor need to designate ;] specific noel ill wbid, (Q xtorc your sp lis whell you choose chis reat, but you C3n have spells srored iJi only aile nod ar a til ic, You can change HlC node in which your spells arc scored by meditating for 1 hour inside the new node you have StkCLCU. Speci.!; You call gainrhrs [eat mulriplc times, E..ldl time you take the ea i, It applies [0 [\.\'0 new spel Is.

2:-.oD-C1:".VF.L BMW Srr:.LL.<;

Control d:uk Darkness and Shadow; IICl>-\ J lid ~h~"io\\l_

c~istinB areas


Tvuh·PruU's Boaefiddle ": Target take ldG ~OI1JC u:llll>lge!rolll1d and -10 ptlll!lty 011 Move Srlent ly ehecks,

lRD-LEV,EL Love's Lament:

Crearures U~ Ill:ll;c nnd are Ilw!lCart"J


BARD SPELL 60·ft. con rak~ Id6 for 1114 rounds. BAR D SPELL


r nl-LFV'EL
Symphonic Nightmare";

Relllouc:!ess Cb~[ln 'I: SUPBrc:» the t:lrgn's ahSllllll'!llI, removtlls, all :IIisn mcnt-rela III hihmons,

of Rui»




SIC disrnpcs




M.2gic and ~p lis occupy .. role of c O[r31 imperrance ill Faerun, a world rich wirh arcane and divine cleHlCIJI~. Empires orrell rise and rail based Oil the power 0 their pcllcasrers. C}Mmpiom
a WIde st:iectiol! of spells. with a focus Oil evil, corrupne», ~ 11,] po""cr. For mOTC spells lied 10 rhese themes, 5 e Book of Yill J)"r!0I6JJ. presents

lo 1 u:'I}/kvd.

131(lclr~u(l(d spell
rour cllemy. Bedn iI: SIIIll mOr; l 1II15Ch ie\;ou~ &pirit to torment


sin spells
arrow or boh [0 pass

ler ic spells
3RlH_'[.\'F.L CLIT.RIC Srl?LLS
Air BfCdbiug; SuQ.JCc~ can breathe air Irecly, Locate Node: T7ill'-I-, do,e ... node 111 1111Io:/I~\·d radius. ' Sluhicg Darkness: Roy deals ldB/t\\'o levels d:'ll1lat;e ;lIIJ heals

Wood wisp Aerow: Enables a musterwork rhroush wood.

2ND-LE.VE.L ASSASSlt-.: SPt.Ll.S BeiUin! Eceq~y Arrow; Masrerwork arrow or bole radiate:. lighr 3 nd Ignores armor. Spclblll)'cr Arrow~ Masttrll'ork arrow or bolt deal:; eXtfJ d3lnagc: co ~ creature With ongoing 5pells cast upon ir. 3RD-LEVEL
Arrowsplit: Iflllsforlll into ldf+l

u ndcnd

Lh~'i;j '

me ;j mount,

)lH-LEVEL CLERIC SPELL N ecrocic Sku II Bom b: Ex 1)loJ iug sk 1111 releases negariv targt:lil each g'JIII IJ4- lIt:g:lliv~ levels. 6nr-LF.V'EL CLER1C SPELLS




a masterwork

arrow or bole mid-Right

mesrcrwork missiles.

Ravage: A pillar of hlack, lInhol) power deals ld6 vile damage/1 le\"cl~ (max lOd6).



• EVrL or

B.r:wO[SekS8 CbumM: Suppress the mrgl.'t·s all ahlSllmcnc-rd:rtw mtub'(lom. , 7n+L'fYE.L

MOltL of t1l.1:Ullflithful:





CU;.RJC SPELLS I\lb.rll souicon ns an <!1l":l11y of

$h:u.lo\, to an objccr

Transform a masterwork arrov or bolt mid-Right infO 1d4 masterwork missdcs. Duldia_me Arrow: MllS[C(work arrow or !Jolt deals uormnl


ua 1'I'l:lg~ plus 1d6 damage each round for 3 rounds. RAKGER SPELLS arrow or bolt deals extra 1d6 (old dl\lll:tgl: :l1ld par31)'tcs t rgct, Doublestrw: Arrow: Que arrow or bolt trikes h\"() targets \\·idiin 4TH-Lf.VEL
BJood!rcrte Auow: Masterwork 30 Ieet of cach other. Shadow Arrow: Masterwork arrow or bolt deals ld6 points of




a SfC'Jtef



9nH ... E'.V,J!'.L CU'.RlC SPFLL Authem.: Br<.'ak rill! divine Iwk bcrw <:1 yOUT goo..!ami lowerranked mtmb,:" of our faith,

Str Ilgch Jamlge.



1ST-LEVEL DRUID Srrr.ts Eocage AoilDab: Renu~r norma I iuurnals hostill;. and vicious. Woodwisp Arrow: Enables :\ masterwork arrow or bolt [0 pass
through wood.


izo.rd spells



2ND-LI!.VEL SORCERERjWT7..ARO St'F.U ... S Locate Node: Find$ dOSest node in lmil"/lcvcl radius, Abjur Node Lock; Deeers ethers from using a nodes powers. Evor Scourge of Foree: Tendril .. of force lash roes for 1.:18 +1/7.. levels \t.lllla g<! each. 3KO-LJlVEL SORCE11.ERj\:JllZARO SPELLs

Locate Node: Finds closesr nod, 1111 I1I1!.:jlc\'d r, dius. Wbip of Thoros: Create :'l thorn) wlup dme ':"111 dalll;lW: or cnr3llglcOPJXlIlCIl(S.

Tr:IIJS Air Br~athi..cg: Subjl!c(s can breathe ail' frl.'('I)" ContInI Dukaeo& Ind Sbll.dow; Mallipulate' ('~j5flllg of (Iark ness :111 Ii hado\~. Bedevil: Suml1l0JI a mischievous spu'it to ron nell! yoU!:
:'J: n: a~

3RD-l .... EVEL DRUID SI'F.LLS Air Breathing: Subjects ell! brearhe ""if Ire ·Iy.
Node: Door: Allows rclcportanon
Il!;.'{Wt~11 :III) ll10WIl 1l00f.':>.



Node Door: Allows tclcportarion 4Tl-l-L£i'.\1 E.L DRUl D SPELL Unholy Beast: Target ::1111111<11 (rallsform~ 111[0 au uuholy Illlllion
und e your control, Trans Marl: of tbe nodes.






111(0 Tilly

Serpent Arrow: Transform


71H-LF.v£L DRUm SPF.LL Unfairbiul: M~rk &0111110111.: l\~ au ~'Jlt'lIly



r~irh. 9TH-LT:',V'EL DH.uJO SPELLS Ureak th.: dn'inc 1;111:. between your ~oJ and lower-


)TH-LF.VF.L SORCERE.R/WIZARD SPELL Necrotic Si.uU Bnmb: 1!.xploJing skull releases 1lt:!::Jrivl:' c:nt:rj)'; t:lrbcf'i each gain Ill'" negative 1~\'d5.


ranked members of ),our r.'\lth.

6TH-LEVEL SORCli.JfF.K/WIZARO StELL Ti'.IIl:h lIIemo.rseless Cbarm''': Suppress (he C3r~r's alignmcnr, removing all :llit;IlIllt:llt-rclatl1d illhibitiolls.

Run~er pells
Eongc Animals: Render



hostil (un! \'ICJOU~ arrew or bolr to I'D:»


Shadow Tr.p: Bllld



lIlldoll' [0 an object as its


Woodwiap Arrow: Fnllblc!. l ruasrcrwork (hrough wood.


'21' O-LEVF.L




Node Geocsiax: Creates

Class 1 uede,

:Brilliaot' Energy Arrow: Masrcrwor], arrow or bolr r--tJJ:1t1::) Ii!;ht and tgllorcS armor:

SpdlslayeJ" Arcow: Masrerwork "HOW or bolt dCllh extra llanMgl::




ongolllg ~pdl~ cast UpOI! It.




01.5 OF EVIL


Level! Clenc \ druid ~, ~or(crCrf""·ll ... ~ ard

CompOOtlll;a,:.S. \i{/DF Castiog Time: 1 ,,[:tlld;uJ. <lltion

Rloge. Tour.:h
Du ru.ioll: 1. hour~{lI!\ld; Set: rcxr

Iluth (an :turomanclllI) d~tl:ct an (ItltllhnHn effect simply by fookmg_ :It rile \LlhJt:~t. The l-fku j" pt'rm:lllltli nnril lint:tl, either by rhe onglU3t ~pcll aM.... or hy ;1cleric or the :.~ Ill....fa.ith, of l ~lIgh.:r level rha n r. tllt' ~:~,II.·r, who c;l\r~ all IilrlRl!'rJll'tlf sptH upon rhe subJect, Tht ~(jhj.:ctor ~11 Iw",bl'lllt1 'ail ;llso remove Irs effect by tUcuglll1; hIS tll\ IIIC ., IIcl:\inllc~ (sec Ch:tl1!)mg Dcrrics, !lage '2H or the

Sni.ng Th..ro;':
SpdJ Ruisnnce:




N.r:..dl. 'II CI1mprli,,I1 SL'tt/II!!.).

d for rhi~ purpose

Yr;f>(harruless] rI c r eatures can breathe air freely, Divide the

Foeill' The slIujcn's name must be ill ribcd In :I book or . roll

cspc I;'IUy ccnsecrnr


the crimes

rh~ transmur

tlurJriotl evenly amol1g :\11 th". crenrvres 'ou touch. TI1.' spell does not make CI' oturcS unable to brcarhe water,

IIllngmcdl for which eh subJect 15b.!!'lg COI\dCIIII J.TIl" hook IS not tOI1~U mcd III i he rrC(C$S.

Air b,.cal!Jillg dispcl~ <ll\I;l eQIJI1tl:fS 1IM,It',' br~'''I/J;lIg, ../Jrcnll( .M"'erilll CompD"':II/; A , hart reed or piece o(

rro\..usp I it
Ca'ljur~ltJon (CI'~~lUOII)




F..llchantmclll (Compulsion]

Level: lh ... ... 3, 1':II\~~r ), justice 01' ,,"clld ;]Ihl woe ~ l ~m Compocect&: \', M Cuticg Time: 1 S\q r ~l'tII)ll
'R.'tllge: Touch

Level: Clenc ? druid <) Com.pOOC.Dt5: V, S, F, OF

C.stiug Time: 1 room!

Target: One masterwork

Duration: lusranrnncoev




R.a age: Un lUI1I(cd

Target: Ouc creature Du.ration: Permanent of ell<; S~lHC(3itJ1 3~ the spcllcastcr

Saving Throw;


Spel11.e:lisu nee: Y... ~

Saving Threw:
Spell Rcsiatsllce:


No brC':l~ the t1ivillc link b~twt:en your J,..itj

This spellis cast Uf'OIl ,1 1113S[(l'work <\1"1'0"' or bolt.cau~ing It [0 splu 111 lllld·n',;IJ[ IIUO 1.14<1 iliciltica I masterwork arrow, or bolts, A lJ the missdcs srrik.: rhc pmc tar~~t. an'" you must
mnkc ,1 ~cl'nrah.: arrack roll for each mtssile, The arrow or bolt musr be /i.c<,.i durJIIg (/I,' !>;lInc: round the ~pcll is cast, or th
1I11\..e. ...

You C:l1I permanenrly

IInd:J low r-level cieri.:. rI!"Im.!, r~llgcr or p.. l~clin Qr your r(llth, or upon:l common worshiper, Tit petl has uo cffe .r on ~pt'lIcnst.:rs

or a, f.'lIth ocher

rhnn your 0\\'11. You can pronolJll e all ,711111hl!mll UPOJl allY cbarnercr of your rairh, nO'maud where he is, C\'CII If 011 a dll'li::rcU{ pbut:. You cnnnor pronoul1c" an flll"'}U')lW
a8.31l1sf 501lI~O/le

'''~''J>;lf':'' ,I n,1 jJ; I~ it.. [:I. rg.:t, ,it/"te, in! Cmnl'll>lO'III,



The projectile

Il>dO'stro)cd ('\'(11 If It

1:1:.1t:I'I~ork ~I'ro\\



who Is ill (cJdy dead. Sollie dt:1W!Sdo not allo« 311 fifM/J)tlflll to be prononnccd ng.tim.c ['he 1lIllo.::.cm or agnmsl
therr chosen, whrle ethers grant their high·Jcvd

A bjur:lt'OIl Level. In.nate Components:


clenes lree


or'rhls IlIOSt terrible or d ivillC C;U rses, A II mdividual under lI1/nfhdJnIl can no longer cast Ji\"lw: spells
or call upon the power



V, S. 1)r<

or bj)

gOtI to (Urn or comruand

U:IC Illl~

Lim] ml,

heal, harm,



hangc, or

other divrne power

Casting Time: 1 "ran l,\rcl 3Crl0l1 Range: Clo ..c (1f Ir, f fr';llc1 cb)

With hib cbar:lt.tcr

class. A II orJIIl:rry II'Or!>lllpc:r placed




lOlltl 'lIOU'>

S·ft ~qu,r~~.'level,



ulllkr "'''''/JClnll i) !lot allowed to tJle ,1uv:1IIUgc or ;1il~ or the faith's services, such U~ herding.. l1a111m!!.,marrviug, or burial or rh dead, A nrone who \llI:s whJl~ II nder IIIIIIII)tWI-4 15 burred from ':Iltry iJlto hi.> deity'S J_J1:m<::jusrj,& rhoug-h he hild never d"C~H.::(1 a! k~iallcc ro a god, His SOliI 15conJ<lIl1I1ClI ro ctcrnall;: writhe III
the Wall of the F'aithlcs~. 011 :t 11I0r<: personal Ic\·d, the nntllUemll spell lJl:lrks th~ subjc c :I~ accursed With reganJ to others of the rllitt., Tht)' nrc

"till :tn:s (S)

Dur arion: 1 round/revel


Throw, SCI.:tel(!

SpeU Rc;siuance:

ee rcxr

not allou.. rl to :.pc:.k ro huu .. lool :ll his ex isrc 11 . The 01ll1l10n m(ll1he~ c tb:lt rhc subject is under "lIIl1brmll if hierarchy; however. deries .• paL.tdllls,

hlln .. ElT even aclOlowkJ,:;c of th r; irh ar only awar

so III(Ofl711: by rhc church druids and rangers of ,he

u\ menus of rlus spell ~'Otl .!C;]IV :! \'I~ib!c, unholy "lim: ill the 5;11(1" that CtlYSC5;'1 fccllllr.; of ur~":ILI ~l1d hc>iccion ill all creature' th:lt ross It. A Ill' crcnrure CIl[C'I'lIlg the affected area \IIU t make a Will save or became shaken . .A CTC:If1H1 rhac successfully saves cnnnor be lIf1ecwl :Jg:lill "." rhc S·~JllCspellcastcr's bnllh: liml sp lis lor 14 hours.



(Suuunonlng) yin

ulood peoe
1'r:t 11Sll1ut:nioll


Leve]: IJlllckgU:lfJ 3.,sorecrcr, Willi "I 3 COlDponcQts: S, M


Lent: InlcilHC' of Grul.lIush Componellts: V. S liange: Touch T;ugct: Spear touched

Calling Time: 1 round Range; 51:0:: text Duralion: 1 dl'l)jlcvd (D) Saviol5 T1uow: Spell itc!istance:

CilUWg Time: 1 mMard acrion

Duration: 1 round/level
SaviDg Throw: None SpeU Rnisra.o«: No Th» sV\·Jt allows ),OU ro chauuei tho: rury of Gruull1 Ulto [he god' 1:\'-01'\:\1 wC';\}lOlI-a spear, The; 1\1.-::lpOJl'S begin:; to drip blood, and tip


You summon :I ITII:>chi vous spirit :tllli ... '11 it to bedevil yoor enemy" The spirit s..'Ck.... QUr its assip;m:J "inull whcre\'cr 5 I': ,night be, as long :IS sh ,3011 thl.: ~:;JIIIC plane as VOII when you C.J!>( th spell. It then proceeds to rrrrcarc aud JUl10y her through ~ varicry of m3Ilifcst:HI0IlS. The vrerim of a ucrh"ll.ti spell .lind'! hCI'SC'lf ceusea ntl)' S('ciJl~ movement our of the corn I or her .'y~'.Her sleep frequeurly mrerruptsd by Ixd !lh.lklllg alld littnlcr ~llIrtil\g and ch ounus of voices thxr fade ul 011 w:!"Hlg. WllclI "llcll~'J5ril1& she surf, rs :l \,u,,:ty or nuaor Irrit:l{IO"~ (hat thrcnrcn co dbruVr her spells, and ~III; tOI1~c:tll[l)' I't:ds JI:i lilt.·.! and \\'::1,.:/1 \1. ... The result of rillS bedevrlment ill thar ~hl;take, ,1-1 p':Il':lI(}' Oil


[he spcur Jl~D. as if it had the lVouIIllJll8 s_lJl.'Ci:.!l :l1J·llit.\' (5Ct: VIil/geOll M"11ei ') Gllidl: .II"I>F 216)lor (he dllradoll or rhe spell. Til.' spell is ~.UfOll111(I~';)I.ly canceled 1 round 3ft~ r the \\,CJI'0ll leaves your nllJld. You ::illllot have more til,!11 one lJl()(Idsp~i71' Ul ffC'tt ac :I tim"""
Tllis spell ttl' no "nixe 011 :l sp~::tr that ah\-ad, h:ls the woumling p,-ciOlJ cbiliry, :uuJ It does not work 0,1 :lrciE rs,

all J.bilic)' checks,


"kill checks,


r% chanc...01 :1((.111<: eholm.:c_ (rom armor

and W\U .:l\'illg throw :IIIJ hcs sjJL'l1railur~ (willch ,f:tc).:., \~!ch :tlly ~rdl

ur illi nr ,n~r'5Y x rrow

ra 11$I1IUt'a.tioll Level: As,..a.~,;iJl '2., muser 2, justire of weald and Co.ropooenrs: V, .\1 C~5t iog Time: 1 ~Ivirr actiol\ Range: Touch Target: 011:: rua rerwork arrow or bolt Dilution: lnsrnntaneous Sning Throw: N"olle Spdl l1.c$l.staocc: Y... o:; ThiS sp ..1J IScasr UpOIl " 1I1:l~tcr\\'OII.. arrOI or bolt, tr:lnsn:>rIlliug i heal! IIltO brilliant energy rhar Si ves olf hgllf J.S:I torch (10Iocr radius). /I brilhnut (,lIersy missuc 4l.nore5 nonliving matter. Armor bcuoses to AC (indudins UJ;Ycnhanrcmeur bonuses to that armor) do not count al)all1!!t it bc~'au~ the ll1isSII~ passes through


'Dl1fl!l.f eVIl CJSt UpOIl the "uhj.u

presence the beccv Ihng spiru, wlulc prQ{,'c/i(J}I /rQ'" r;;;il ~~t.:p, .. rhe spmr frOI11 adversely aftlrl'l ing th~ vicnrn. A d Ifpd ",\·il ~1"l"1 dCSrfO}S thl:' m;"dliC'\,ous spirit, hut, em",,,' curs« or sunilar magi\:
has no elfccr
l"/(JIt'I'jlll 011


of [hIS Sfici I J'llI'cal ... tllr.

it. A til1~ Iron cacucetc 0

:1 u':\'11 or Imp,


plus <'Itiler n drop of ell", nttended \'1 tim\ lJlooJ or 0111: ...l1>on:l1 p art i le bdol1Siug [0 rhl.' IIItcl1Jcd ,·,cd Ill.

e loo dfreeze
Transmuranon Level: ~\SS:lSSIl' 4,

+, jusric, of I,,·;tld :11I,f 11'0\: 1-

Components: V. .\1 CutLog Time; 1 )oIl Irt acrlen lLUlgc: Touch Target: 011 mn"tcrwork arrow or bolt

armor. It deals normal d:u Il;!g~ and lias 110effect 011consrrucrs, and ob;ccrs. The arrow or bolt II1USI be t\/'I'!d Jurin~ the s 111<1 rou;ld the spell IS (em, or the magic dissipates 31h! is lost. The projectile t.S destroyed even ir it m ~~ i rarger,


J IIst:lntJ


MIl/culll partial: ~'" to:H

Compo"t:lI(; Mll~l\'nl·o[1;. arrow or bolr,

Sa.ving- Throw: Fortitude Spell Resisrance: Yes




o.nd sho dow

Tlus spcll is e:l~t UI'011 :t Il)~stC(wor~ urrower bolr, rrausforuung its heed IIHO blue icc. In :loJdit Ion to \';~klllg norma I ua mage from ctl" IT1lsslle~ the tal),rt't cakes 1\16 IIOl1ll~ (0101 d:!1I13~C and I; par"I}'t"lI, A $IIC essful Fortlt\lJ" ~:\\,1. no:' t~'loo the par:tl)'sl5, :uld the rnrsc'( can 11\:1)..0: a, 11<:1'" :,;;I\'O: each round (at the ~t;\rt of rhc L<l.SfCr':.turn).
;l1nfcr;o/ COmp01lt'lll.

Tr3lWIIIII[Iltion [lJar1:IICSS, Sltld'ow]

Le vel. Bard 2, sorce rt r/w i·I.::un ~ Compenenn: V, S Ca,dog Time: J standard acnon
Range: CI05C ('25' f (t./1 bods) Area: Shadows ill one 5·rl. (uli(/II:\'d Duration: Conceorration oj. Lrouud/level Saving Throw: ~Oll" Spell Re istanee: f\!o


Ma rcrwork arrow or bolt.


You can "rr.!<-r

and ma!;u:aJ, U



xis[ing shadow , both natural

ThIS spel Its


c~usit1g !,hem co deepen, lighten. or even move. You cnn


L":l r upon :t 1113 'tcrwork arrow or holt, englllJi Ill; 1(5 head III bind. fire, The ;UfOW d('~l~ 110rl11:11damage and wreaths

one or the rollowing effects ~( a time, nnd ell 11~\Y)tch them cure per round as a tree ~CCiOll for ehe duration of thoi spell. The chosen effece 'covers the entire area of tbe ~p.tll; multiplet effecrs



black Ila I nc tha t de~!~ ::1.11 ex tra 2d6 poi nfS

or Jllmagc.

The blJcl:. [jamcs conriuue (,0 cmgul J' the \' ienrn for 1111ort: rounds, dC:llillg lJ6 pOlms of dalllagt: em:)l ~uh:;';:ljU':llr ound (at the srarr r

m~)' !lOt be applil'd described below.

1.0 difrenmc

;trt:1l~. The possible effects are

of )four turn), ~I!(I[he), I.~UHlor·1:K: extinguished (although they C2t1 be (.li!>pdIcJ). The ;UTO\\, or bolt must be nre.-! during the. same
rouncl the ~pd cast, or II~

J)~eplm 'DnrlwcJS nlld Sb"do1V: Normal shadows now gral\[

1m- magic

dsssipares and is /0<;1, Creature

a '1'4 bonu 011 Hide cheeks and provrd concealment within til m, l\fag-ieal dnrknes» 110\\' ,(OI1rCrs [oed 10 anyone witbm its area,

co crC:lwrCl>

with IInlilullll)' or rt~i51ance to 11,. take Iull dama!;c from th black RalllC-'- The pro nih: IS destroyed . veil if Ie misses its tlrget. Mn"'rin' CQ1llpOlltJl/: Masrc:rworl nrro": or belr, '

Lighfen 'J),II'klllfSS "lid Sb"do11''- Kor1l1:11 Sh3do\~'s arc sill" pressed wirhm the area, making It uupossible [0 hide wichm (I III

or use abillries such as the shado",u:tlle.:r's shllJow jump alJlllcy. Magical dnrlmrSJ 110 lonser pro\'idl'S cnucealmeut, and rh ",CD cannew beilloll'il,~ared by:!!!)' Jig.he source. M()'Ul Shadow: The: :lfr~ctcd sh"dow moves 35 you direct \I'ithin the area, You tilll c(.:at~ ~h:ICJo\Vtl IU510115 (as these crcared by a )illmlllll"&t' spell, but wuhout color), rev al hiddell creature by t:;killg their s.":tdo\\) 3.W3y. csusc shadows to follow you \\'ithlll th area of rhe spell, or orberwise move ebe sbadow as you ~ , fit. You cannoe move: areas of darkness III chis "'''y.

oou blesrr i I{e Arrow

Transmuta riou Level: RJllgcr 4,ju",'tn:c of weald and woe 4CompOlleO!s: V, S, M Cuting Time: 1:"wll't actIon B.aDge: TOllch II rget: 0.11:' 11 rrow or !.loll Duration: 1round Savillg Throw: None Spell 'Il.eSiS[BlICC: 1"0 TJH~s:pdl is \~I&! IlpOU ~ SillSI<' arrow or crossbow bolt, cnabli.ns IT ~. to ~tr ike two [;I'l;CIS nlSCI."::uJo[onl:'. The cha ratter f rins the arrow ;;:;:M:!Cl:(.Io the: rwo [:lfgC(5, borh WhlCJI must be within lO feet of ~ 0::3(11 ther, and moth'S R scparH attack roll :lsoinst each t.Jrgct o

uo rkflo me ArrOW
Lnel: Assassin l,Just,c~ of wl!i1hl 31u1 woe 1, r:lllger ~



~utiog !la.oge: Touch Tuget: 0111' mssrerwork arrow or bole DU(ltjoo: Insrantaneous; see eext Saviog Throw: None

V. M Time: 1 51. Irl acocn

(using the same :lItad bonus). Afcer srriklllS or missing the fir>t ~ taq;el. [he :lHOW ~ swerves and ronrmues
on COUI~

the second


Spcllll.uisunce: Yes


A doubkstrik

missile ceunor hlr clw S:III1C taq;cr t,~icc, :InJ

If It


is destroyed ev n


I~ IllkllCk'd


Comporlellf.- Arrow or bolr.

COIcing Time:) srolldard action B.llns,e: 60 ft Effect: COli -shapcd burst Duration: Instantaneous Sa;viog Throw: Will negates

en rn<se Ani rna Is

"B'.llchannuent (Compu [;'1011) [M Illd-A rrecti ngj Level: Dnad 1, r:l11l;;t:f 1
Componeots: S Ca;6tiog Time: 1 stiJllJilfJ action Range: CI05e ('2.5 fr. ~ f ten. level ") Targecs: Auimals wirhm ;0 0 cadi other

Sp~ll lhsist':lDce: Yes Wich rbis spdl, you create <I cone: of Inusil.' that draws upon rhe guilt, and despair or rhos \~lrhlH ItS area of cffece, All creatures III [he area take: a -4 pcnalry 011 Lrsren checks for 1 round. Til uddieion, those who rail to S:l\IC agaimc /o.,'(}'J lament :11"" reminded of all their lose roves and dl$.lPI'O·UUlII:'UtS ill 11ft, The lIluSiC se,? ...-'S upon the:>!! r~dills."l ::1.110magnifies them, so that die VI rims 0 rhe spe]] tak(l.11l6 points or, I~OIll damage and
an: uausearcd
m~~II1g. 11~~111 ho:.rr!!: :md





1 m Ilure/level
I1c@t~S; S<.-..:

Saving Throw: Will

Spell Rc&iuanee~



lor 1114 rounds.

This spell incites and enrJb'C$ animals,

vi "IOu!'>,)111,. ordurary 3l1illlJI~ (those wiru Imclhgenc, ">I."orc~ of 1 or 1) can be arf..:ctcrl b}'[hi~ spetl. The maxutuun number of Hit Dice of annuals you c.JI1 :lni: r 15 equal (0 1d4 + your ·:t<;r~'r level, A tim: 3111111:.d or an anima! {r:tlm:!! OIIJ} co ,\(t.Kk ou order
is allowed :l .avllIg throw; ocher JIJIU}:Jls ar, 1I0r. For 1:~'lInplc, a r.:Il\{;l'r could <.:lIragl· ..I norma) bear or \\'011' "Irll ltttk troeble, buc IC'S mere d,flkult to drive :I rf.llncd gu~ I'll ,Io~ into :t f rCll7,y so that it :Ict:lcks ies muster,
lUll' other creatures

Mantle of the

li me Lord

Level: Inmate of Ghaunadaur 7 Components: V. S. OF Curing Time: 1 sramlard acnon Range: Pcrsoual .

The alTcctcd crearun .. attack rill' nearest creature, j')(h.lllil~l> -'S affected by thl\ ~l1dl.

EJft:tc: Nimbus or ,]II'U1C ellergy Duration: 10 minutcSffcvcI fO) Saving Threw: KOlle
Spell Resistauce: ~o



This spell causes

Tlus barrier loch

~I()!,sy Ililllbus or ~J\crGY to surround you. 11I)'cr of thick, din}' warer 10 ob ervers, but it does not hinder you ill the: least, While the

like a gclaril)ou

Level: CI ric 3, Jruid 1, sofCI:!rl:riwi',arJ 2 Compooeou: V, S. FJOF Casting Time: 1 smmlllrJ ~C(JOl1

R a ugc: 1
Area: Durarien:

111 i lc,llcvc/.; 51!\: en t Circle, CC'IlC"Cn..-"i on YOIJ,wnh a l~t,Ir\l~

mantle is acrive, lIonintclligcl r OO"le5 WIll nor arrack you unle ' tn\!ll1. In addition, you gaiJI intluulliry eo poisotl, ~Iecp effects, p:lral)'sis, polymorph, and etUlJJ1ius effects. ustly, when ~ rrmral hit or sileak attack is scored 011 you, there is 9 ,f%
you • Il~k


1 nulc/lcvel;

:..: '


chance chat !h~ critical lnr or sneak arrack

is insrcad rolled norma II)'.

I~ tlC'!)lIced



1 Jl'linur.:ril~!I"d

Sa~ing Throw; :-JOllC Spell Resists Dee: No

Ma.rk of the unfo.irhful

Level: Cleric "i. druid 'i Components! V. S, F CZSLfJJg Time: 1round Range: Unlimited Target: Ouc creature Duration: l'crrn:tlll!lll Saving Throw: None

or any node ,v,thin r;lHg . You OJ.nchoose to locar the nearese node, lh~' closese 1I0\k of II PilI"!ICUhf type, or It specific 11000c)'l'lU have vl~it '\1 before; in the lartcr (;I~t', rhc

You sense til

callge is '2 miles/leve) ami tb,' area is ~ circle, centered on )OU, with 3 r:tdIU~ or '2 11\I bjb·cI. T~ spdl i~blodcd b) t"OIl ~ tllill sheet of Ie;'!...!, awl It C:IIl!lOr


ct 11odtl~ P 1"0teered by ;'I lI()d (' (0 d spc 11. Ar ~mC' 'lJi... Fnt:fCJ: A pebble roumJ or ,ifll'

III .1 lIod~,

Spell 'B.esisu.nce: Yes

Love' ~L( m nr
En bantrncnr Compulsion) [:v.limJ·Affeltlllgj Level: Rard i Componenta: V

You pc::rrnall<.:"tly l'lal;c a mark upon a character or creature that id "Ilrifi~ if a' an I.'nelll) of the falth. Anyone or your Iaith who eucouueers the bearer of J mari: Qj (be IlIIfsi,hjid, even If

he is J1&b'UI)eJ, n/ll:red, or


pbcd, 1"'Cls a naruraf 110S{iliry



coward that person and gains a +6 circumstallce: bonus on Sense: Mexivc cJtecks nude against the marked creature. Tbi. hostility might not induce the: vit!WCtto attack. but he: ccrtainly WIll not be incliOl.d to trust or believe anytbing the marked one says. .. Clerics, paladins, druids arul ra.jl~1'li or tbe faith can automati· caUy dttcct the mArk simpl)' by looking at rhc subject. A mark 0/ tbe lI1tjflil1!fu/ is permanent ulltil tli$pclkxl or rellloveu by 2'dcrH: of the same (aith, or higher level [han the caster. who casts an 4lollen~nl sVC'Uupon the subject. Fq,.·Iu; The SUbjel"t'S name nlu. (be' inscribed ill a book or scroll cspcc:ially consecrated fOT this purpose and detailing the crimes (real or imagined) for which the subject i., being marked,

ode Door
Coruuration (rclc_pottiloon) LCTtS: Druid ~. sorccrcr/wiurd 3 Componcnu: V Curiag nme: 1srnndard action Ib,qe: Varies; see teXt • Tuger: You and toecbed objects or other rouch~-d willing

Duration: Insranran 005 S.... mg Throw: None and Will ncga[cs{objec[) SpeU lleliRllncc: No and Yes (objcc~)
You instantly

transfer youru:lf Irom your current node to auy erher node ~I the same type that you hav VIsited. Yoo always arrive at rbe erarr Spot d ired-whc:.rllCl' by simply visLlaJi.zil1S Necromancy the area. Or by d':5Cribing your destination (ror example, "the LC"flll; Ckric r, sorcer~r/WG;3rd r Shadow Wem·"enode: in the g:mh:u llt the 'Temple of Old Night''). ComponeDt': V, S, M After using (his'spell, you can', uke any peller actions until Curing Time: 1 !lwifr action your !len tunl. . lucge: Close (~r t.·10 S' ft./'l. lcvds) rr you arrive. in a node that is already psrtlalty occupied Area: '20,ft.-radiUS spread by a ncwly adde.d object, you arrive in rhe closest clear space Duration: Inseanemcecs in ehar node. If the node is completely filled or has been SlVing Throw: Fortitude negates de troved by any meal) , yoo bounce (0 rhe next clOSI: t node J Spell iuisuocc: Yes of the same rype (determined randomly or by th.c DM). Each SUdl "bounce" deals2d6 points of damage to you and allY who You imbue ~.bUnl3.llOidsku1J with negative tnergy and hurl it. accompany you. The skull &wn3tt5 on U{lpact, releasing rhe negative encrgy canYou can bri.lIg along oQjects as long as their wciglu doesn't tll ined lYitbi·n. All creatu res in • exceed your rnarirnurn load. You ~n also bring OOt additional rhe pell's ares, except for willing Medium or. mailer creature (carrying gcar or obj ces up undead, gain ld~ negative to its mnlli!nUJI1 load) or its equival It per three: caster leve I ; levels (see E:ncrgy Dr, id, :J Large creature counts as' two Medium page ~08 of tbe kfonIler creacure , a Huge creature counts as tWO kfanual. for derails Large creatures, a nd so rorth. A l) creatures about negative to be transperred must be in contact 1I1th levels), one another, and at least one ofrhosc Assuming :l creat ures must be in contact with rrea tu re su r vives yee. As \yith all spells rOf which

Necrotic skull sorn b



2 S.

I!t ~

£t> ;; ~

the ef(ect of dIe

spell, it regains

the railS

is persona)

and the

lon levels after a number' of hours

O!Qu31 '1:0 your easter level (maximum IS" hours],

rarser is )'QU, ~ou need not make a S:lviug rlU'ow, nor IS spell reSiS[3nCe applicable LO you, Only objt-crs held or in u e (arrended) by another perso» reeeive saving throws and spell resjsta nee,


negali'le levels have a chance of drai niJ'Ig a C ret!. ru res levds. bu t rbe negative levels from necrotic , Ilm/l bumb don't last long enough (0 do so. • An undead creature in the speW!> area gains ldo\.
hit peinrs for 1 hour, Miller;,,! C()7npDl1e1l'; A humanoid kull,


the Node Spelknstillg

to cast rhis spell.

You mus; bave (eac

r temporary




or- Ev n.
.Spl!da/: Yo,! mese have til' Node SpdlC1lStHlg Ieae spell.

ode ~; ,0




Conjuranou (Creanon) Level: Sorc~rcr/l>l2,;I.rJ 9 Com poototl: 1/, S, Cuti.og Titllc: 11~Il(.h\},(8 11OUr..intlY)


peeker cove
C()lljur:uioll (CrO::ltioll) Level: J "I((::ttl." of Gruumsh r Corupcuenrs- V, S, DP Cueing Time: 1 ~GII)nard action Range: CI~ ('2f ft ... J ft./2 levels] Effect; Ex tradimeusional (OII'C, up [0 rwo 10·fr. cul~s/h:vd

Range: TO\lch F.IT~ct: One Class 1110d~

Duration: Insranra neeus


a lO·rc, r;\lhu~

SIVing Tluow: NOI1~

Spell Resi5la.nce: No Whlll1 you ·l:;1' rills spell. the arC"ll~ tlM-gt ~ reroute \OQI Icy li!ll'5 aud telluric I:tJrn::nr;, prcclplt:uill6 tit crcnnou or a Cl:t~ 1 ,,0\1,;-


Dur arion: 1 hourJI"'vd CD)

Saviog Throw: Sptll Ruisraoce:

(you ,kt!:rll1lO

the type II'h":ll )'0'1 casr ht",}I(1 It The new! lode IS


centered on and emanates rrQl1) a (IOlllt 011 [JK' SroUllO yOIJ touch. TIl rou~h bouudarv o( rhc I]C\\' uodc cnn cress :lIlr type' or terrain or empry ~l'act:. and CUt no'» di(Jcl'l:HI t} ,lK'~ of matcriul- YOll have som keW3) in ,ic!l.'rIllIlIUIV; the IIl1ti,d sh:lpc of yocr 11OJ~'S outer bound::trr-ic doesu'c h:lvc 10 lx, !.\ l"'rtl'C't ,,,,In:rt'. The 111:""1)"g('ll.:rac.:-.I node n:fulII:O CI:I"" 1 ... iltu'i [or on" C )'.:ar, Thereafter, it!. diameter 1II(ro.:n,,~ at r:lh· of 20 f~'<.'[ 1',-1" ),C:I(, ulI\J1 it evenrunll reaches ~ dIiU\lct.... equal to 10 r~· per the ct caster 1~1'1:'1ou jJQ scsscd nr [he rilll~ y ,.1Srillb, Wl1o.:ll the node's diameter I".::\(;ho::'>the low cud rbo;> range lor th~ ncxr lught:r

011 I


You l..'onjure ufl ~ n ex rrn d ulle nsio Iral C:IVI: t hu t h~;..d ,iIIgle ell trance ht' ",1,11)':: rom wlnch the spell \I Ib casr, You C~) onll' ~:l5[ f rlns ~Iell Oil ~ surface 1lI(1\1~f rod or ~Olll" form .Of .::t~(h, ~h" o cntr point looks lik" ;I Jark :IV\' entrance th~t 15 ~ Ieee w.d..: and Rf"C[ hi~JI. Ortl} (ho~c you tk'l>lgll:ttC (;.11] cuter the cave, aml
rhc porta IS shor ;\11'" iliad.:: invisible behind you when you cn~el'. You l':\U open I[ ag;\111 1"1'0111your )o;J~';lt \\,111. Creatures CIl[,'rulg rhc '.1\'':: will Iiml'rMmwlvcs III a dark, wet cavern. The pla c conrallh enough OX)'l>r!1 [05U) ain as lllall~ creatures as e:lll fi t III clre llI'l:~ tor [he durarion of th~ SJ1<.'11. dihlc fUll&tJ5 Bro\~~alellg E



class (see Table Y-l 011 page %), II). d:l~ illcrc::\~'~ h~ ~L For I:'X3111pll::, a Class J "we h come... Cl:I~ 2 whe!! its d'i:IIII~c,~r "":11.11,.., '\0 feet, ::tn;! C!3SS l whO:IIil~ dl:lIl1aa r~";'Ih,~ 1'20 I~,,'r. )\IocIc~ voe ('r';:1{~ with th~\ :.p.' II .irc .lutOIll~fI(,~ II,' COII)llkl'~'d Jlod(! by you. They arc Ofh.'rwi",· jusr "",, H:\wr.ll noJ.', and 'Wbjccr (0 dcsrrucno» III rh ....,,11ll'" \\'~ys X'PCoSJ: 5,000 XP. Spt:cI4/: You 1l1L1~lhave [he ~()o.i,' 'pclk~~IlIl!;. fi::u [0 l;t'( rh.,

tlw ",:db, rr!:$h, clea


ccndcnsaeion dn?s


mJII:r ella r


cue \\'311 10 run iii').


n1l.0 a vee





weather ilo

an~~t the pk::t"..


Alit :ttIllO"J.'ht'rl' of [[10: l'3\'':, and norhing o?:H'ttpt the ,je~'gIl3ted creatures can p:l3$ [brougll rile portal III euher direenon. At the



or till:: ,p~'ll'" duratIon, all \~Ithlll till: ~por where rhey entered the caw :'Plll: , ir tklt ,pOt is OCCtlllie~1




return to

cd~c: to the Iwar<:!>c oven

L~VI!I: SOI'CCI'I:r/wl1.3rU '2 Components. V, S CutUJIl Time; 1 ~ran.J:u\f R.J.Dge; Clo. c (U fr..1'5



>.'~cl'omaIlCY (Evil]




Level: Clcnc 7 Compooents: v S, DF Casting Time: 1 ~[:!mJ3rJ :lCCIOII Range; Medium (100 ft. -]-10 rt.rl~wl) Area: JO·rr.·r:ld,u;; cyhuder, '"'0 ft. higll Dunnion: IU!>l;mt:lln:ou-; Saving Throw: For trrudc llC~C~~ Spell Resi5t'11DCe~ y~",

Tur,et: One uodc

DUfat"IOD: Pc:nmllJl-1It

Saving Tbrow: ]\:0111: Sp~lI Resihaore: No A (IIId.! lod. spell tim upou a 1I0,J .. l11~gk"Jll) "locks" it ~gJiJJst others 11'110llliGhr II-Ish ro lise it, pOIA'cr, You ~:I11 :l11".ct :t node . .... ose d3"'~ i equal co onc-hctl' you ~,brcr I,,\'d or IC~5., or :11) h F aster ex':l'J.' rou, a 'fDd-dod, nJus .,.If to ',(d! S_pc:III..r:Il"rD.C asSOI:Ia.teJ WIth he u 'I; tlh' 1l001e'S sraudard }I(}Wl.h. r'l :tdd,tIOIl,



A !~rriMI.' t:01UIilII or :.w)r1ing Ll:i:d. ctlcrgy ~lll:\ulJ;' creatures rips 31 rherr bndll':~ :l11,i souls, All h\'l1)~ CI"I!M!IIr.:"S wltlllll rtrc spell's :lrO::1 t~ ~l' Id6 1'0iHt~ or VIle damage (lCr (WO cnsrer levels (muxunum 10.16). Unlike regulnr oJaJll::tgc, vll... J:tmage CJII only be h~llcJ by lIlagic 1:':1.r \\ithill rhe ar :I or a ~'tmSnntk

the node cannot b~ .iccc(.tt'li by diJpd magic hr(:31.~




uod« ~lNlr.

A ~U(\:l'5Sful

or Imllo7v pcll,

"otlr: /I)~k



Level: IhrJ

eless chc rrn

[Evil, i{1I1t1-Arrcc£ingl
[rn nsmnra (Ion

rr ow
Level: usncc of \\'<::lllI Componeots~ V, S, ,\It
nnd I

F-nd,:.nrln<:Jl( (Coll'lpulslon)

r, cleric

6 sorc..:rcJ'Iwiz:Jnl

oe 1, sorLcl'cf!WII~ I'd 4-

Componeo(!: V, S, M Cuting Tillie: 1 sr~lldJr,1 'Iaion boge: Clos elS ft ... m.l? lcvcl~)
Sc~ t.ext Saving Throw: 'Viii Dilruioo:


SpeU Resistlnce; Ye,..,

'fhis 1>(1'11dimillilfL." normal iJlhibitloll~ :lml >;,1 m:..:~ [he '>uhjl.Lr', conscicuce, Under i cfI~([.,,:I gootll:rc!ullrc lIughr comuue nn!l

Calt ing Ii me: 1 ,,[.11l,1~ ~crrOIl I'd R loge: C10'1<;(11' + f fen IcI'ct~J Tugel: IIp [e) .:i~h[ I'l'oj.:uil.:s, ~" (If \\'Ilich musr be withill +0 fr. C:ldl orh cr at rlu rullC of c~. (illS; 0.,(..,.. rcrr Duratiou: tTl-' [010 Ilwl.fk:vd; ,I,;( r(;11



Silving Throw: KOJl.: Spe II Resis t;I nee: ~o You tr;lI1-fnrm WfY1<J~1I nrrows, d:,rN, or till'!}' mto Till)' "'P-T' (,.;.: A'hllik. Mnll/tnl p~.c;c 100), These m' ...illlJ.. remain (iSi~1 , ~ ml h.jnlllc<;~ ullr;1 Ii 1'.,11or ILl/d.,,!. Tlw) lIurOIll~ti<,~ II)' bite lilly l'r':Jrure: thl} h.[, c:1t h 11",.111111:) 1 poim of d:"ll~g('pi u~ poi~tl (iltinr~> Fortini,!.. DC 11, lI1ill.11 nm) -.(.·{olld:trr d~llIL1.b..·1J6 Coli). . Th .. 1111",~ik~ remain III 'Il<.k,- lorm for the J!lfa:hOI1 or rJw ~pdJ, fif;'.hullS 111,-rrcarurc- [It.:} lI1itlalJ~- srrucl, tHins Im'lJ normal ;llInd. hon,,!; If n missik- l11i,'>l~ 1[$ c:H'ser, or rh" rnrgel onSlilltly
Sf ru re:i[tlrc

fcdln&~of rClllo!':)c. or IIl~CilllC<·. F f()(· (h~r ha....,>Url\:llIkn:,t 1l'1If:;hcdccidc Ihac ih.:~ bet [L'r of( mcting out jUhtic..: irn 11I.:.li~co!l: 31lU ~ ,II ing 1he encmy. Thj~ :.pd I 11rrt.'Cts till:: t:t rl:\l'r'~ norm, '41111 C);PCCCIOtlS: for .:x~rnp'.; OIlC':: .1 rrcLf:l:d, 1I gool.:! Iignnl t.l rb'Cl III igltt be willillg CO;)Irack [US ffl":ll(b,will'" urged to do "0 rhrongh :1 wggCllum. T'u~ would not clurunate hi~ 1It.'I!U 10 atone, aLum)lIl!:. to
or cl<t(~Ofllill.lfy ':'\'11 wilflour :lll~'

a p:lllldlll "110 srrivcs ro

IIC\'cr JC~tfOy :\



and pUJHt>Jum:J1ts pr~nlol::d

IS P"'-rn111I1CIH IlllS'C,

Ii} hts until


OJ' law,

The compulsicn


II) .1 brea]: ,'/1till'

spell or smular


unril it is removed by

k movcs Out of' n·.I(,ll. 111. ~n:\ke 1110\' ro :l nod t h II, rest cs other II:!II )ou.lr n tnrgcl 1:"11.lknJ and no ochers are

:JX'1l .aster,
Mntet'inl COmpOII(ll/;' One l'll:t:o.: 01 1I1:tS[I:f\.I'ork arrwer), or M Ica~1 1,000 gil In \-J luc, The an. work 11111se ueplcl nets 0 . lldtlllc.hery

"' rml!;C, Ih~ ~I'I:II nds .;q:lIlJ' iI~ Jur,mon h~s nor nJII out. Wit II e

rhe spdl npm.'5, rhc

51en ish!

'!I'I'I') mdt ~.... y, 1 :\\·llll:ll\orhlllg .... Il<!hlllu. A1,,/1'1'I,4 Comp(JIJc'IIlr. Up 10 (1l:.ht l,oQ<.kn arrows, darts, or

or evil rh:1t lire tiltllatlllll"ami lils(;inmmg, Ilottiistllrbmsor r~vol!· illg. The ,pdl" G"I UpOIl the artwork, wluch I~ thenrevealed to
the subj~ct or till: "pelJ, rrtll.b"'riqg

nqg~, phi., ;J!>Cah. f r01l1

:111) sort oi Sll~ !.c.

th..::lrrwork la,r. for 1 ,'nr Pl=i' spclleasrer 1~\'c1, much until ir I~ \'ic\q:u amI i(~ Illllg1C3! cfl' Ct is rnggl'n:u.

its e/'ftCts. The l'Jlch:U1Um:m OJI




sc.ou r~e of
Evocaric» [Force] Level: Sorccfcr/\\'lz::ml
Componeuts: V, S


Level: A;,;jrl>S1II +.jIISflI.C of w'::lld and ~ '()C +, ranger ... Components: V, M Curing Time, 11,\1';l't l1~ti(ltl R3nge: 'roud\


0111' 1l1.p,r.:rwork arrew 01


Durarion: 1 1'1.,t:1 1;1(:I 11~OU< Saving ThrowNOlle'


ClI.$tiDgTime: 1

SI~llJud actiou

Rs'oge: C lose ('l.l fr.



Spell Resistance: yc~ per


Effect: Om: tl'llunl or torcc pLu~ one nddrrionnl (Cuunl rhrcc caster levels (maximurn [our)
Targers: One or

~p.:111~ upon.; ca:,c


·t~rwol'k :Hl'OI\' 0" bolt,



110 C\~

of wbid' can be more

dian 10 Ir, 3f'~rr

Duraticn: 111l.Ullt::lIl<:OU~ Saving Tbrow: Non.:

Spell Resj8unce~ \b One or more wll1pbl.t: n.ndrils or force spring Irolll your hand .1ml In1<h r':Jrgcc:.wlchm nll~t:. M:tkt: J Il1dc:t: louch artack lor \.11<:h tendril lI!.mg )OU1 hibhl:~t It(t:td bonus. II 11 eendrsl hits, II rlCllb ldS po;nt~ of rom: J,ullage plu~ 1 J)Qm[ or lorce Jal1lngc per two caster Il:Cvds (111;1~IIIlUI11 ld~+'i). You can 1:11oha tOrgel
with multiple tendril)',

ic inro pur..: black :.b:lIlow. 1:11:.. :1 r~"b'l:.1 touch :lcc:ld with tb.: . m;~loIl" iusr..:a'! of .1 110 mal rnl1s..:rl atrnck. lmr~d of <1<.::.1111& normal d;lIll~gC. :t 'bndo7(1 (1,-,'1)711 J~;tI W6 points or Strength l:1IlI:ISl'. The arrow 01' holr II1U~t ht tired .Iurlng tIll' same round the spell b t;1~f> or rbr IIm!;K dl stpnres and IS IOSI. The pro' crrle 1;~des! rOJ cd even if It misses ItS taT!;c(.


C(J1tlpO"~lrI; Y1.\S(~·t·",ol'l rrow a

or bolr.

sh i dow T(np
Conjuration (SlllnrllOnil1~ [Shadow]
Level: Cler« I~ sorcerer winr Componenn: \', S, .\1 ClOseiog Time, 10 mmurcs 7

B.aIlge: Touch Duration: 1hOllrjlevcl CD J "Savi1lg Throw: Reflex hal!' Spell 'Reai6t~oce: Yes
W itb trllS spell, YOll plact' a m:I!!,I!: trap on !\ 11) ohj.::cr I !tnc cnsrs a shadow. If the object is JIHurll<!,1 in :111) w:ly th:ll causes I[!; shadow to shtfr (for msrance. .r it OT a ll~nrlly llghr SO\jl~'': is moved), a boumJ gnatH shadow (s\; /II/omlt:r ...\1111111'" pal;jc 11.1) emerges

The conjured green slime docs nor ,h~appear musr be dcsrroyed in rhc normal \\'ay.



spel lslover
Trausn l\lta,iOIl


rom the o~,e.ct·s sha.lo»


attack rh' nearest ilvJlIG creature.

111<'Sh3dov" an lit' turned or ,icst(oycd 3S l1or11131; orhcrwisc,

rcuunus for a number rou1145 equal to your easter level, If the trapped object resides III a I)J~~(' tb~( has 110 ~h:Jdow~. the trap does 1101 trigger, although tb~ 'pl:ll rcmain-, 11\ dl-;"ct.



Le gel: Assassin '2, justice lI'€a.Ld :J.lld woe 2, rn Ilger 2 Components: V, S, M CastiJlg Time: 1 sWlfr acuon ltllng¢: Touch Targer: One fI1:lsccrwork arrow or bolt Duration: 11l~calltilHeou& Saving Threw; 1"0111.'





Compmutll'; A ~h ue of bl:ld cloTh l~r~1: ~nough en drapt: O\lo:r tho: wa rdl.J ohjen.

This ~pd! is C3,~tUVOII.J 1Il:1:itl:rwork arrew or holt,IJ":l11Sfonnmg it JlHO ;1 ~10WIIIG missrle that deSI:lbili"l.~5 other lorms of lIlagic.
Til addinon to dealing normal
Jalllag~, 1I Ip~jjsl.tl)'l!r arrtn« dzals

slo.shi n~
Level: Clr ;



Compcneers: V. S Castiog Time: 1 :rnnrfnrrf ~ctioll Range: Mtdium (100 r(. .. 10 rtJk\'~I) Effect: Raj' Duration: J nstantaueous Saving Throw: NO!l~

Id4 poinr,; of ri:lll1:1gl' for <':1.("11 olll;;olllg sPI!lI current! In errect 011 till: t;J.rgc[. For example, an arrow 1I'0ulLiJ~:II all extra ~d'! points d:llllagt: to a creature uuder etfecrs ImlfJ slrellgth. DI'I!It:, and Inllgr: armor. The arrow 01" bolt must hi! fired du r Ins the !t:lnll' round th'; !.pd I !~ 'a~e, or chot Ill:l!;ic J iss'pa((:s :illd IS lost. The projeCtile IS desrroycd even Ii" it mis~s It'S ta.rget.




MfllllrinJ CQmpIJrlIf'l''"



or bolt

SpeU Resisu.c.ce: Yo'S

A hlSSlllg, hurrllllj; ribbon of pur ... d,lrkl1~'5~ fhes train ~o.lr hand. A creature rruck by dus 1',\ of Jal'l,llt'ss t;d;~ lJ8 poillr:.

vm phon

ic Ni~htlnofe
[Mml·A (crUll!;]

Euchaurmenr (CompulslolI) LCI7l!l:Bar I 6

V. S, F

of ual113,gt' pcr tI'O casrer levelv (maximum fil~). A II \WdC:ld creature IIIStot:lI1 heals 1J81'oinrs of dalll:lj:l<:: 1\"0 (..a~tl:rlevels J'l!r (m:l~mlll.1Il filS).



Cuting Time: 1st:llluan( action 'Range: Touch Target. LlI'lIll:i creature roLlCh. .J . Duration. 1 da ikvel CD) Savjog Throw, \VliJ Il~gat..::;

Spell ltesisu.nec: Yes A erearvr targeted l.>y rhi~ ~rcJ I I~~ tbe ability to drenrn during sl .:p or rest. !tath.:r. ill place dreams, the rarget's slullllo.:nllg rui II b filled with rhc sounds oJ":I diicord:lllC orchesera, Afcllr the vi cil\l'~ firs! attempt (0 sleep, he incurs a -'2 penalty on all

COI1)ul"lIcion (Crcanon) Level: Illif.:!Cl:: of Gholln:u1:Jut

ComJlooeot!l~ V. S, DF Cuti1:lg Time: 1 seaudard JC[Jon Range: CI~c (2f Ir, T r (r.n levels) Errect: Three globs or j.1rccn sluuc Duration: LJIstant::lJlC'olJ$ Saving Tbrow: :"\1011E Spell Ruist3ne~:


i)'lIIpbolill lIrrC(IS

skill checks. TJIls pcncltj' pcrsrs s a& lOllS :IS tlw btmnr« effect maintams its hold 01\ him. This spell



all creatures chat sleep or curer si.'<'pIikc ~raIlCC:S; creatures th need to sleep are d"fcc(Jvcly irunruuc,
addition, rhe cnmturc's sleep is [IOIV haumcd'. It


You coruurc nJ hurl rbrec roug}lly sphmca! !-:lolJsof d~J'l.. green

slime, You utusr succeed on (I rJogcd ollell J(r~ck to srrikc a t:Jrgcl with a slime glob (roll separately for each gloo, 1.l,inS rour WM rill1gcd attack bonus). ~ l1y creature struck by :I j!;lob i coated III a patth g;rc.:l!n slime ('*'1.' 7)llII&IJWI ,VlnHlJr'l CUIdl.' P:lb"" 76.',:\IId Ix:gin~ to exPi:I")<!I1c.; ir~ .'cl~ IInJ1l~.1i:ltd). You ... ll llrr.! <:r.:~curt· a wich multiple glob~, c:\t:h of \~llIch IHU"t be d~;!lr ",iell s"v .. rar,-l)'.



longer gn ill complete rest from slccPJllg or rc~tillg. The Cl rgee docs not eeg:! in 1!1tpointS OT hC.11 bi Iii)' dJ lIl::tge- l1;:JtU ral Iy, nor is a i ..hie to pr('p~1'I."' rdls If doillg so requires a rull l1ighr's resr, The ~ cr arurc is, bQII'c\'C'r, now imrnuu to till' arl!lIlIl and lIigh/mllt'r' ~p.'" , as well as [0 other Crr~C[. rhar cause niglull1arl:S (such as rhc Illl)ht has' .. rln:11I11 IrdulltJllt; ability).





C1ISJ'er am lifl .the cr(i!,,;,[ of fhi~ tU1'1.\:: .1[ \\'111, but If I, :is.;. J,rficultto ((lUOV..: a ~ym,.hll"it nigblllll1rt' hclorc it'i !.lutahou <':~I)lrc!>. 1'l.'llllYJe curu: ,caSt;It J h',I,II)I.'(I;.'l;;tl.r kvel [h~ 11 A t.he J)'mpbQllh IItglJl>nIl1'f;: ~pdl rCll)O~'~ ie, ,'~ dOL'!>,I ~lIcccssrul brMk wldJlllltm.t'll/. Other-IVI!>!:, :l 11mb or miroetc i~fl.11mrul '[0 l,if[ till.' (UrSIe., FOUlI.' A~Ill,,11 statue of :Hl opl.llt:~1 skull WICh,'l \dlKh h


T~rg~r rou


1 Pli'lUt>:ikl'd

\,I,'hnl )011'r:1~ttbi~ "p""', ,I f;llllll.I;[f ~lid som"'Il!:) ~ollg wells up in ) 011 r 111111<1. Th..: ~Ollb docs 1101 ..hsrracr you from allY ntsl,. :If h~nd·· -on rhc contrary, II) hUHIIUIlllj{ Jiang to tht nllle- you call [OCIIS yourlllimi with ~:li't: As long .i~ [/11~~pdl IS III (rrCa, you COllI u~cnny Perfnrm ehcd. III pl~o: of a CCltl~":lllr.1nOn check, You

~rr,1l1scd~, nTlll'!a.tUfC ordwstr.:!., The I,jll:thryof (hb cOlllpom:nr must be l:~tnordUl:lry, gilij'll,llt
.1 1'1\,1111:01' at )c~~t 1,000


'!"clli" \ll'lich ~~lll re




IS IllJdt,

'rvo.sh-pru ll's sonefiddlc


un hoi y uensr
Trausmurnnon [l?,I'il] Level: Drujd .j. Compcnenes, v, S C~stiJ:[g Time: 1 3!J'1.1.1.l'.1 acdon Rangel Clo>l,:' ('if rr. ~1 ft.fllrvds) Targcl: Oucnnnnat of up to 1 HJJ/kvCi DOnlcion: 1 roll'hl!lt'\'d ,Sniog Thro"lI!: rort,rud..: 1I<.:£,aws Spell Reai&uou: '(~~ Wh~!l you easrehls spell, elk ;:::.

ro 1111 11CJ' n

Level: Il:tfd 2 Componentl:\r, S, i\{ CurioS Time, I S{;)lh!~:,rtI ~(UOII a~t!gt::Close ('U l'c. .. r fIn k\/ct;;)

One tlX":lWrl' [h:!llms n skeleton or


Dl:!r~tioo,: kvd

up to 1 roundl

Savin,g Throw: PortiltUlk Spell >Re&ist3.nce:Y~·.~


n~rur~ .tclll])ora.nl.I'
",ICC ~ b<.:ing

tl':11 L\!orms




You enll up II Sh05cly fiddil' how 111 cll~'J Ir aheve I ho: c.u(!:crcdl:rl":!WTC.
Thi~ how

1;'",1, St:rYUlg you for the ,IUfiltlOIl of rhe spell. The

,111 itutll's ~OllfOrl,


into rhe StJ~t:t'~ body and hcgil1$ to ~a\1 h:\d .l!lJ forth :I [-lln:ir irs skcleeon Althoughtil1C' mUMC' produced IS "~fil) ~a;udlui, if C3U&~ ;Ilt!!n~ pai Il 11.11.11 ~J\guil.h tathe vicnm,
In cac h round of the durarion, rill;
V l;:t

irn takes

1.16 pOIlUS of :-ouie Jnm~s'":lnJ ha' ~ -'20 pt:1131l)I 0.1 ;')11Move SIlently checks: the some J~nl:lb'C .~ 'CQI1~IJI:I\:d be CO'Ul1lUOU~ 10 J31llo'igC fer til..: pllrpc..'-t:~ of dl~rU]Jtins ~pl:ll ,lstil1g. A. ~ ~(';\ d,.td n
,1CtlClIl, ycu CUI 11;]0""

limbs .:1m.! fate [>t t:u~h :tnll' ~ h(me Sll"tS through II,!) ~I;ill, ~;ml ~ it~C! ~'" runl t:omplm!ly blm:k TIll: ;uHm:1I b'\'lUls~. 1'2 bcHlu, to Strt:l1grh, !)cue ...t}, ,!lui ConStitutlO1l, nlld ~ +2 bonus ro I1ntuHII armor, rUHbc.nnorc, the tialll~gc

~~ ~ :;:


or II~ ll~rur31~tt,~CI..~



th~ lume/iddk

to :mothcf (l"C~ru['c in


bui the new target gn'lll$ n SllVII1!:l throw to resist r'bc spd 1. If a t:,fg<.:(ever m~,kl.·~II~. '1\ vuig rhrow, the bDIJ(fid~1I1' vamshes ~.Ild
the spencnll~. The >pdl'scfrcco. concmue even


,fit \''ere o-tc )i'lC clttgor} la rg<::f. A n II"lJal)' !Masl .'>Cn'c~) au as if il \I><:U lnlt:lcr che :ll'lf!Ut'IlCl! .:I dm),.j'/lI(i: t1l1illla/Spd I'.





rile t

moves so you "0 IOlll:)t:f have huo.:of Mght or line of dTe~1 ro It, but you C~1l1l0t shil'tth..: bomtj'llldll! co :l 1lC'\\ t~q:>cr unk~\ you have boeh 111ll. ef sig:ht JIld line of d'Ictr to the ..:urrenf O!fb,!!,t
J.l1d to,

whip ofrhorns


illlClllbJ (ugCt.
CIlIJII'()"'~'IJ' A IlHlllatul~":





sih'<::rfi.d'dlc wonn

at h.'asl


Co.mponcon: ", S, .M Cuciog Tlroe: 1 ~t:nldurd

under.sOI1~TnlllSl\1ut~lion Level Barlll


lUnge: PCr">OlMt Effett: 1 f-fO(l[·lonl:j \1'1111'covered wleb ~il~rv (homs DUr!I(io.o: 1 rou IId/to..:\ cl, or unnl d Isrh.uged Saving Throw: l\'OIlC Spell Resi~,'I:loC'e, ;-;0 When ~'Ollcase t!l.b "pdl,;( pl!:a: ·01'"111~groll'~ mre a tOOI'll-stud· d~d "'/'1illC;lP'"'tJl~ of N.l~'~b"I)' nppinl-;


Ca:seiDS Tjm~: lSI ;U1J~rd R3 Dge:Pcn.on~ I

0PJlOll~!U 's l'I~sh. You

Tom s OF
this Whl]1 ,,~ If you wen.' IlfOIiI.IC'llt, :11111II 1"01l0w,:l1I rhe rules foC' ;1 \\h'l) o:~(t:pt char It ,k.lh 1dR11 poinrs 01 lerhal damagc- per, stl'ik. Any tune )011 fril.":1 Large 01' smaller
s",,~'SsruHy CJltlllglc thot crearvre,
OpJXlI !It

Ev I r
Target: One or more oll)ccrs. n ludllll;; tit Duruion: Permanent Sniog Throw: ~O)lC Spell llt,j raaee: 1'0
"'SteT'., phylacn-ry

(.an '~ldd

with [he





If :lI1J

Doing tlu, t"mi~ th~ "pel'l, bur rhc thorny

vice connnues rhc

311 S~"6

to ""Tap arou ml )OU r ":1\\'IllY lIJl [>I tll ..- 0(l11om:lit

breaks free \\'it h additlonnlldi


:I S\Ke.,,,~r,d F~tOlpC Arnsr check (DC ,"q IIa 1 to DC or till' "pdl), On a r:lIk·,1 check, the crcnrurc rakes

To Develop: '210,000 gp; 1 days; 8,4-00 XP. S~"ds. '''''fllfor>n (DC '21), 'ward (DC H), Mitlg::1.fI111:,; f:lI:to, -s: 1i~ld spl!ciali~,:lnon (-1"),

point.; of damage





ccssful eh.:ck th:\L exceeds the DC hr 10 or (0)1; 5 rhc :l(llillOlI;d Jam;I!:l1.' III hc proc",>. of rcaturc call also :meIllJ)t 10 burst ell VIII\.'I\'itll;l thed, J hhough II C:l kO!SId4 1-'0111 t~ OD 1H:lgc dlt' attcmpt succeeds,


less. rhc cn;awr..: frcclIIg It~clr, A DC 20 SUC'Il!,;lh whether Of' lIOt







TIll, poll C~1l only be GIst lIy o lich, lr either separares th~ lich's ph~lactcr}' into multiple objccts 01' expands thc }lh),I;Il"tr!.r) to II1dude multiple object:. • .:15 rcicnu III d by the sl:'ClIClsr",r. Til", number nr, Uloh objc C:, cnu be lIO gr atcr eJl:lll rhc CASter's 1110di111:1'or IlS sjJ</IlC:L~til)g ability (Cborisll1~ for a sorccrcr.Ior Hib 11C,' lor a ...·i~,:lrll). Tbereafter, cll.'l!troyins lin:' lich's phybctcry ~UiTCS rirc desrrvcrion or the whole set QJ ot~C('[~ thor compnsc fill! phyl.1ctcry. 1\ s IOllg :.1~3r least 1'111(' ,weh erbj"'ct or the ~r exists,
rh c caster cannot 11.. permuncnrly . ~ilJc(L

woodw is£, .'\rr ow

T rnnsnunaciou Level' Ihs:JSSIIl I. \1(l.1Il1 1. jll,,11 Ccraponeats: V, $, M Ca.sting Time: ] S'o",fr :1(nOl1 Range: Touch Target: OI1~ masterwork arro«

01 \~':a ld .ind


1, ,:Inger 1

Tlus spell ("UII he l'd~t rCpL-;I[t'rlJy 011 .1 phyl:l(tcry OJ' p!'lrr rhl:rcor. Each ri l1Ie ir il> l. ~C, ch . number of ObjL'C rs thar eemprise the Ill"" ph) l"etl.'!,), (,":111be illl'Tca.e,1 br .111 :JIllOUJlt equal to the ;I)I-ds modi fil:f lor It'!. spellce tillg :luility.

or hule

~IC( 1'01ll:'l 11 ,'y Spellcr.a(t DC: n Cempenenrs: V, S


Duration: 1 mi'I';kl'..:1 (0) Saviog Ibcow::--;'onc Spell iuistsDce: N'o TJII$ ~pdl is
'iI~1 UpOI1 .1

11IJ.\(':I'\\'Orl> .irrow

or bolr, ~'n:\hlinl:\ tit,·

Cud Ilg Ti me: 1 lIlilllll< Range: ;;00 tr, Target:

1l1lssIII! to J?;"~ throu!!h 11'\"101'1 chov~h If ,,:I:; air, nq':;lCIIll; :I"~ .1;, cover Oellt:fi ell.: cart;(·t mIght CllJO), ~-(;llf -.' or V.0001.'11 ,Ioor" ruble , or stockn .. \\>:111", '''''gJtlll!; 1111: AC tllOllllil.'r of:'l \loor!l'll k or snndd. TIlt' ~pcll dce-u't gr::lllf ( IC spvllcustcr the ao,l,ty to ~'(:

On, "vill~ creature Ou_ruion: Insrantaueous


'oo<ICII ob!.tTUCtiol)~,


cencealmcnt j n·,tcad or COIICf. fbI.: .urOII or holr mu.t !x Ii r1o!d durmg, thesame round th", ~pdll:' c.,~t, or rhe Ill:q:;i~di.,lj,:Itl.'!>:u1(1

nl:Jglc I~ llrcld)

In cfre~f,

1I11r"S~ a d(lIr~()J""I~(! ~I'dl r o Ihe r,!r!;;l.t I~ tn::n,·,j ;L\ h,lviliS

Sa"iDg Throw: Fortitude y:trtml Spell Rc~istallce: Y6 To Develop: 3f7,OOO 6'1);8 day~; H,1RO Xp, Seeds: sIll)' (DC '25), "lIilflrlll! dead (DC 2J). FII~'(or, : cn.~tilll:\ ., ~IOSI (+8). Mrtig,l[tllg_ r~l·tOrS, 5tto.I withm '~IJ!.'eIJJi.~t -el lOOI (-1).
'For :111)' 0111.' 1;"1I1g '~:l.IUI\:

lost Tltt pr~I:Ctd~


(I~~trn)'~d ,'\''':11

lr If I\IIS'~"; 1('; t;lrt:<::!.


I'an!)c,),ou :..:parare !lOU [rom I


ic sP e I.l s

it~ hody. Th target till' attack. If rhc

11<-:1.1 alld

J)C n Fornrude save to !iUfI'l\·t! ,:lVI.' I~ SUe(:ssflll, rhl' creature IIlstl'.rJ takes


JJ6+ 10 pornrs or dJ.lI1:lge.lr


~1''C IS railed,

rhc suhJl!cc'. soul IS

The [ollo\QnS sl~c:lIJ;\I.:re crc.ucd u"ing cll,' 31'~(iJI ruk!' III chc Eph' u"w/ H'mdbOl'/..'. Th~') reveal II, llo.pth5 01 1l100gil.l! .-icpravirr antl,'~prl!~<ut '>O1ll" or rhc Illo~r drcndi'lii 3f'ell~ F:l~rilll has ever I!mtur~d.

1'\I;,'cs 011 (0 ehe :lrccl'lirt, but the hod, remains aliv , Aft .r the successful elsell}!;: 01' ilus ~}'\'II, tlll'I~)' or (iI.. crea' tun, ';}II [h~1I be possessed (:\s II) il11lt1r,ir 1M 'j_JJ<.:II)ordominarcd

Aumvors r r ivrn

Spellcraft DC: 30 Components: V, S Caning Time: 1 minute RaDge: Tou h

f. nted

3. d~mil/lt", perso» ~pt'll) .... houe r ·.;iSl:lllco.: (nu(olll:tcic n "willg tllrOW [ailure). T11~ body r~lmJ1~ th~ pJrY~lt':lldrar;l,'reri5[ics (. rrcllgth, Dexreruy, 001l5t1l110Il, s~llis h:I\rt'dnll rhose, abilines, Jlln t'~cJ'aordi)l:lrr

~,., by

rI:ACLt~ th

nluhrics) of the utj):m:-cd sou] bur otherwise ;LJ,ilirjc<; aud skills the possessor or dounnaror, If


pO~l>~',~.:d oomiu:ttc f, ell,' be 1) ues doruranr-e-alive, or

;11l1l11i1tmg rOI,t'C.

bu d ad

1.lckin~ an

he soul can be returned


fer [be 110;.1 bv means


or a rais



or ,,'I(hcr

sjldl at :111)' cirnc Tl • lIQ~g<! or trmc hlts 110 ellecr "IH;II, ,UIllU1S the tKxly is still ;1!lvt,


Roofi re of 11\50.. itv (ltitUo.J) n
N~cl'o!l1:tncy [Ch:lotic. E.I'II, VLle) Spdkraft DC: 'Hi CQmpODcots: V, S, M eutiag Time; 10 minutcs
Raoge: Lnnle radius Dorarien: lU~t;)l1!aneOUS SaV"i.og Throw: Fornrude

TOOL':; Of'"

TIllS O;L'lCllI~ ~1Inllar to the fthmr .ltrikr 5ptl I, in thil[ a plll::lt of mngknl litt Jc\eci'I"h upon 111~tMg<t. The difference IS [h~ S17,t

~1111t!c<;truttlv<! power


rh~ spell,


i~ Ulagical so.\.I.rcl:. A

catarnc: ~( tire del I1''::rsS'OO l?oil1t~ of dcarnase, equslly divided b;;(\"c~n c:J~!l1Cllt~1 fi fl' ~Ill!' rn W Iln:l~!ClJ. energy, rO~I'ery[hull!:

l1~gJ [C~;,



Spell lnisllOcc:



1,951,.000 gpo 39 dllr~. 78.110 XP; Sc~(b:

.dcl7d (OG "1J), sill)' (DC 1.1"); Fa'tors;


(..H)ro 10·rt. r:l,diu~(-r- 2) illl'tc~s.:cl 800% (+ 11), nddirional ).60 HO (+160); Mitig<ltinl;l r~C(ors:l!lcr~a.$t castiJlg time

(-1.0), 6,houls (-10), 1l11COJltr:aUcd und~ad (-10) A honfire is built of hUlTl3'U boucs and burned during a rainwhile this spell i~tn~t. The smoke from the fire: rises up and mingles wilh rhe f:'lin douds, lilllllg them w itlt l'lle power, Asc!IC LlIun..:JW3tef r.lillt> dOI\'n and SOD1:.5 rhegreued, up to si ;(ty eerpses wirhln r.1.ngc rise up ~ s ghcu Is. T::1'l;fl skeh:tal r(!lllfi,ins are ~Ifftcted. The corpses rCC'CIW no sav!lilg throw agninst Che speH'sc:fJi::c{S, not even ir they aft: hu TI~J' ill consecrated ground, Humauolds (indni.ling the spdka~tl!rs) or up to 80 HI) thar arc toucheJ by the vile ram 1111.1'<;'[ tl Fortitude s.:tVIIII:\ throw make 0" be llfRi<:tcd with ,1 m~gleal dis(;J~c tha,t turns them II1tn fleshstarved ghools witlun "1.-\ hnur,<,. The diwJsc IS rl:si~rDl1rto al! forms of Ill:tgu:alol!ahng h:st. powerful [Iun .3 bea! spel]. ' . The. total Hit Dice worth of Ulld.'adncaroJ from this ~pcn, both frOIll corpses ~nd livmg creatures, is ISO. Tilt spell docs 1101' SUIl[ rhe spellensrer all}' nbility 'to control [he undtad ereared by rhc spcll These ulld..ad C;'I1l be cO!llm:Uld~ll, rebuked, or IlJrllcd .normally. il1nlt!rinl Ctm'l.(mlJ~lI· A boll.llr~,at·k.lst 10 fl!l.'t til di.1JIK'lrr. made


\\'Irhm a ;OO··foot rThd;tJ~(':Ilc~l"td 0)1 the "pcl1cas(u, 2!O poult$ of oJ~ mage recveryt hing outMJc (h~ 300-foor r adius but withill ~ 600·LOoi r3dju~ ~nd 100 poin~ of d~ lll:l!;e to el'c"r}' rflil'lg else OUt to;) quarrcr-nulc. Tbe I?lll~r rCJ";OCS \I'd! I!lIO the douds and e:lII he us.:d to harm flying creatercs, TIK nature or rhe spcJJg:r:lnt~ rhc &pd ICJ5[cr Ilmnumty [0 rlK' IIl'1SJ~.1 tlom~gc btlt not rhc fire d~ Img.::. A success! II! Tk flc~ sav ull'phrow h~h;cs the d.1lllage, The Ul:l!;:!e<d \:'OHgy a(f;:cts evell Uta git::tl matter, energy fi..:ld~. J.lti.l force !:fr~tc~ r h~t nrc Ilo.r!l!:lllrol) I)' afr~cted' b}' ~ 4mJIII:('Fnll: 5pdl, ~.u(h as lJig/ly'J flr'./1I1 h~"d, 11 :t:1'11 / jDru, 0 g/Dbr 0/ lFI,ullln(rllbiti/)":lnd l1>1117/J'#rit' firM. Sucb IIm'as .ue JutomatlC3 Uy cltStro~ ed. }IIfntc:rhd CQllIPQIlI:lli: A bronte gong. which IS strutk when the '1'ell is cemplcee. The gong j" consuillcd III rhe r~lJI.lti<lS



i lU \l io lr'o trent

E,"OCliflOIl ['JlJter] SpcHnaft DC: !O,,]CompooulIs; V, S, M C;utiDg Time: 1 rmnute boge: 0 [t. Area: 1.0·ft.-rOldl\JS q limIer of I~'afer, 100 rr,t:;}U,


or 200






S~\I'iDg Throw.:. RcRc\" half

SpeU Rui~l;tnce: Yn Dcrdop,m.col; J...81(',OOO gp,

or the

remains of ;'It lc:!sctwcmy

hUln:tnoid),. These remains are


d~slroye.I by the Iirea ndarc Un.tffenetl hy thl: " ile


n davs, n,HO XP, Seeds: (DC 19), del/rQJ' (DC 29), Fnerorv increased J~lIla!,>,: .h~ (.... ..]-0),increased ,Jam3.S~ (..70), .cyfh1ckr (+2). rucrexse area (.. lR). IUl.!(I!I.Ill;I!J (...18); M ,rig~th)g ra.c{or;
fI~rsonal (-1)

cororo.cr of c:i re
Evocation fFi.r'ej Sp.cUcr;f( DC: 104 Compollcocs: v;. S, ,'yl Canic,g Time: 1lni,oulc l.lallge: 0 fL Area; ;OO·ft,·r.aJlIJIs cylinder, '2,000 Ir, tall; Duration: lnstl! nt.'.IlC'ou~
Se ..


S~vi.!lg Throw: RI!:.flexbalf S'pdl B.c,israncc: \'c.s Devclo!'lJ1tll.t: 1,836,000 ~I


~7 ,b}'~, >,4'\'-0 XPiS~l:ds;

(DC 19) •.dUlrQ)' (DC 19); Factors: incrca.~td damage die (+·W). mere ..sed dlHI\JgC (~70), cylinder (+2), increase area (+lR), nla~iJ\lil;Cd (+18); Miug;ltlllg ractor;

~Iire spell, ('xcept thar 11 j Ilpon rile ra rget area. A di/ll't;(I/ t{J1"n:>1( delivcrv roo poUltS of U31l.J::Ige,.equall), di,.jdcd I.H?tW~e!1 ph)'.$Ica I darn~Bc "nd d;lIm.gc rrom raw magrcal ('nergy. to everychIllS \.I.·Ilhllln lOO·foo[ I'~dius CClltC:rCJon the spcllcasrer, 2$0 }lo!lm of d:llnal:\~to cvcrrthlllg outside {he 100- cor radius but Within ~ 'i00·( oat rtl.J.lu,;, a nil 100 pOII.'ts of rb III agl! locverytbi'lg elseouc roi1,0 f... The 'IH\UUC of rbe spcU grlllHS the spe]kaste.r -et, iIUI)lu 11itf to the lUa!)IC;I) d~ !Tl1l19! bornor dIe pnysiCl.I darTl:!!!<:-. A successful l1;cHt:x ~a\'lI1g throw h~.lvC'Scho! dama,S;c. At the OM's Jm:rnIOI1, creatures ~ur\'i.\l1I'Ig tht: imrial inl'p~n of t.'lS,OOO clIblc ft'ct of~'Jr('r ulighr :1.150 subj:n 10 drown.l.ug be :mrl,lor ~111S !owcpt :;Jway by die r~5utfl1)g flood.
Thss sedl (~[uuler

or InDI!:'C~I \1':1 [cr urot'S



ro the


pcJ'son~ I(--J)

Ultrl"",l ClJmpM(ul. A .~ilv.:r Song, which IS struck when the'

:\pcll '-5 complete.

The broil!,;ueonsumed in the resulting tOTI"\'I1C.




.~ Horrendous

nessicor ioo

ecrorno rrtic sln(~ulo(j V

'c romancy [Dearh] Spellcraft DC: 119
Components: V. S. WI C~5tiDg Time: 1minute Range: ;00 fl,
Af~~: 1'111111.' r"ulu~ Dur at Jon: J nsraur.u Sniog Throw: No

Spclh;rart DC:

Components: S, M Cudng Time: 1 nnnuu.. Ringe: Persall:!! Area: ~OO-rc.-r3\hU5ikH'1 C<.:I1ICn.:J 011 rh~ .,pl:lk~~[cr Duratio»: I\lS[:lUt:illI~'OUS Saving Throw: Forrltud~ Spell Resistance:





1,06'2.,000liP, 11 d,IP, -41,·HIO X P. Sc"d,: transporI (DC li); P~.:ton., imcrpIJII~" (1-1-),UI\IVIIIIII!;; r.u·g~·[. f), ( area ~fr""t( 2). illl:rc!I'<cc area (~lG I, :'II'~,1 11.:,.,;1 -l ~kp~l!.lcnt (+'2 r), tI;lI1l:1gcj\'oluJ1lc level dClwndcllf {111' , :Hlym"lIt III1110r magi' ItO:In 10 (.,.40); 11[1~llrlll!; r,ICIOr: los~ 01 limh (-25'.1

Spell Resisrauce: YIlS Development: 1 ,Oil ,000 I;;r, 11 dn)'s, 4'2,840 XP; S ecds: Iiny (DC '25'); Feceors: incrcnse H1J (..96), (;'\fSd to :1"''::1 r,dO), :ll'Cn r<ldius (",7.), increase :II' :\ (.36); Mitl!;. illig f:letar;

rl~cro}' minor arnfacr -YO) Thb powerful sp.:.ll bl'lJ'lgs 111[0tx:mg ~ ~!torr·"vc,J eondu I{ betWCClI rhc M1l(o..rial Plane, rh.: !11:1l:jlc:d Wen" ..:, J.IIlI rille N'cl)J.tivt:' lj',IICrf:)' I'ls lie, :I Ilowi Ill!:u l]ull U led I1CI).;1 rive cnergy (Q .;pCIV into tilc world. The ,"!left\) i!1$i~ 11'11)'~Io}'~up to 1,000 H I') worth of lil'llig creatures, The $P~lJ ~"I~ creurures oru, It :I I;I)IC, III

This $Jldl


(,'vtTytblJlg \\'lr11III


c:ut:d-w,th"'flng pbno, •. H1UIII 111,1)'lllg h, dr~ IIlg lip pooh arnl pOIIIJS. and cur ni IIg lush L'lJld to dust. All) hv 111l) [h1111:;.


011'0:0\ to



!lOt IIlcludlLlg ,II" 'ptlk:l~t('l', witlun tll~' ;tn:,1 ••th',. 40 l-'aJllt,~ or dcssicarion dnnmgl' j.K:f :<p<.'lIc:l'r~·r 1.::\',1. The spell also nhhOrb., 1,000 ~QUIII.l'i (110 !-::tllolls) or' ...atcr per casrcr level from :lll)1t:Jlldlll~ or I1lCWIII); bO\.lr of W:'\{l'r Ca rlllg rlus spdl J)Cftl1a.nl:llc1y wich.:r.,one of rhe spcllc:I~MI"~

or pro


(0 rlrc SlilSIlIHit"

until all 1:000 HI')



CU1JIP0lJ('I/';: A rrb\'rC'




The s,'/Iere


by the spell.

limbs. Mi1(unnl


Om: alJl'hl'OInon of


if drynrtv.



De,c.riptioD~ Arlllor~Clr ~hidcis With clus prop,rt) are cmbclItshcd ..... scnlps, ~l.lJlb, bonc!>.dried l'lsco:r:l, and other counelcss ith EI'II chaf~ctltr.< and Crl""tltur~ clnplo}' almosr ;,J II tilt· llJ;Lgl(ltl:nl~ horrors. ll,U! dev Ja'~ ava ilnble to good beings. In add j,(lOII, t hi, ItCIl1'~.:1111"1 Tlus armor em its ~ (n inc odor of rnncnl meat and J, raim specUll abilities Jescribd below have l3[e3t 3ppeilt re rhos<: who like IlItt~Q!'y"I1'1:J5'!1l:t 1 flit:~, ,'h,,' fl;~~'S~'ile ofCa uunjl1!; ~CI.md seem to doml1l~te, hornll'. or !'IrtyorhC:r>. These kc,l\\S nlld ahiIlllts, while to t~.5OCthe Clll!JdIJ.h'iltcHt5 of A(;.~bn Jld bOlle. Acti vil.tion: .Co, rmor or :l ~h Idd II irn the Ihd'co(Js SpeOlll: ahrl Jty 1I0t necessarily ~viJ Ihemsd\'~'~J' arc ideaUr suited ,[0' evil use. au COllla II( ~ ! Iy!) r ~ !1to. Irs \\<':lr~ r !,t ~ bonU~. Th~ ~~q:mndi'd rormaclOT rhe Jr.':-c.:riptiol1S thac rollow is dcs\HllCd co add dcprh arid dct:l il to cach it!.:!110f ~ bilny, 501'1'1" Effect: I""l:hkous ilrlllor I'rovldt, a +Smmpctenci' boll cs on ite:UlS have a b~ckgrouJld ill the loreof the Fmv-;nn Pl<.. R 1'".,.11""-1;: T'lflmid;ItI:chc.;kb Jllld J -"2 ptn~lty Oil ])iploJJl:lcy cheeks. screing, "I"hieh IS providc!1 \~here: it applid.. Ancr the Item's p.tI:l'"SK:l1 Aura/Cucet Level: F~JJ1t tOI!.iur:lUOIl; ~L 4Th. description is a f1r("n.~qulsm! (i r a II») [hnt a ella ractcr utuse have: CO,aSc.fllcdon: Cr~!'r ,:\"b!::,i( .11. I'lU" and A rmor, creator UIU,[ to rna ke use or rhe item, followed by dt tails on ho", its ",fleer hal'!.: ~ 111111., of 11Inu\Uia(~,+1,8";5" gp, +1 m XI\ +4 days (adol ro is. lctiv~(.cd. Furcher Hame: dC:I'·lIls. ~lI!;h as tlie bcuerir the rrem the' CO,[ '01' the arrncr Lx_'Ulgimpr("1\ c.l). Vil.ri.1.oU: 'rll,"o 1110I'C J)o .... rful \'~r:.iollb of [he ludecus ~pccinl v providesand ItS m3r~'''t prlCC, follcw thereafter. "bili[y MCSO',llcrIJlWS lIS1:d. The imlll"ovcd version gIants a +10 cOUlIXtem:.c bonus 011 Illtllllid:lt~ Lh~ch, costs + ,sao gp, +600 A A XP, +1f d~~, al),1 ha; l marker pnc~ of -ir.ooo gp. Tile gl"el'tl.:r Thcscnrmor spccinl alllhrlt.s are ~"':!lhlhlo;:'11 ':HiditiOI1 co th~ ~p~Cl.iI ahillt},"l:>rant5 J 11 rcomp<,c'~l1cc hOllu~. 011 Intimidate ~!X.rialabilitie~ I;(i,'cil ill eh" '/)UIlf.,t'OIl MrlJtrr'J Guide ;Illoorher checks, lO~!:'..11l,R75 gp, -Il,UO XP,~H I.b~5 Jnd ['a~ J marker sources. prrce or + B,ifD gil. Weigbt:-. G~ASHlt"G Price: +3,-;10 gp. A rUlO!" with thl~prop<.Tt)' bites at a foe char gl';tpplc." }'Oll. Lor,e~ A character who makes ~.DC?O Kuowk"<l(l:chi~torr) ( OCULAR chef k I.:: new!. f b:lit the Iirst 5U 1r of J,;,1l a~h i11g a rnior I\'a!) created A ~UHof armor or J ..!lI.:ld Wldl rill; pTOpt:rty sr.,n~all-~rou!1d hyr he hu nra II cleric PcrSf.O I. aworshipur ,of Tiamat, Her suir of \'1,1011. ~i'l:a.shillg ful'! plate fi:aUHC(1 C:ir\l'1I1g~ of dra!,;ol1 Ill-..d,. Lore: A DC"2.S" Iloll'k.!fjc (n:hgion) check yidd.> (he filer rim K D~u:fiptio!l: This :lnl1or has 1111 age~ of mn Il) d.ff\lfIClJt flees IOJlb~gO,.OI "U!J:! l:ul,( orIIl.lUI;llloiJ's hving rn Sku!'!por,r velle(.~tcd ~ cnrvcd Illto It. Th~ ViS;lSCS slio"," ex press ions of l"inouJo. crucifY, rhe G~l\11 Mnther ~f)li II.::!' pro~.::ny. These heholder \\'crslupcrs One bar'~~ ns clclldl¢dt~t h hI 3 s\IQ.rl; 31'lorh~r's l.lloUt,h i~Op~11 "lli.lcn vorllC,! te« r~at~ ~ vuric ry of ·ICCi!Il$o i\1~J.,~h~n\ mort Iik~ t I thclI' Ido[s. asif tobne. hi most culcul'.ts, glHlShjng :lr'11!IOr cr~frcJ to tool. like ll.l~ js Descri'p~ion: A onor :mcl .~hidd~ l\"IclL (hi.; flroperr) fl.'3.mfC region1s ma.lII terrors: 11'"1"1,1,." dClnOll~, mycho\oglC.11 creatures, or mUltiple smalleyes 011 stiJlt ... AI Jlly 'OI)C t1101l\i'11C, some of dl\l pol"'l.lu local or reg:lo'I~1 vil \;ti!l~. For illst:a.II(c, g!loshm,,; am lor cl'c~ J1"(' open ;lnd SOIIlt" nrc: do,o...:J. ma de b)" hUIll:l II,S t iv inj) III the ~c1~, II C r ls las WOtl Id show scar red he Ac[lvui.ol}: Arill or or it. sflldd 1\ uh rhc ocu1arabllir}' aUrOnl;lU' and vxious n;aVCr5 or r~:usoJl1eogrc~ . 1.:1111)' gr:lllr> 1{5 wearer i[~ bonus. . Accil(:ltion: A S'!lf of gLl:I~hlUg armor all(om:l.CJcD.II~ blt~S.'Il~ EffeN: Tlus propn!,' bf;lll["rhC' W"C3rCt all-areund vrsien, Inak III!; her I:XC(![,llOrI;'.!Iy akrr. The m~.Jly cye.spro\".I,J1: JJ. .,.4 oppommt rhM 15 gf:lppHIlg: till" wearer, comp.:.fi'I'lC"l;hOllu~ all Spor~!H1 Sea (ell ch¢d,:s~ ami the wearer EJf:ett: Whl:J1lhl' WI;!lITCr of a suirel' gllllshmg armor is gr~p' pllllS> I he c~n'lI1g~ of f;w~:;a11 im~;tc:and begin to hltc:, srrrv nlg can'e hi!' J]Q, 11ll:d. to I?car:ll th~ 0pjl0nen(. Th~ ~uit nCJh ldG ]loinr~ of" dal\lag~ to A bli"dm'/Jsy:.dl.(.lJ.~t all dl~\\'c~ra 11Cg~tcS ,rhis .property. eacb grappl.nlg IOc. Th~J:lmi\Be I" (.;Q'l~idcrcd pi~~cillg, 5In:shmg., Aura/Cuter Levtl: Sirong :lbj:ll.rllriol'l;CL Heb. :Ilia biudgeolllllg. Co.I)st.(uclion: Gr~fI M~J:!:;lc Arm~ and A riner, arcanr <:yl!, AO~II/Cuter Level: Strong transuuuntio»; CL 11th. \·:trmh!,· lOP,\':lrilb1.: Xl', \'nl'i:thlc: days (d~l!enJing ou the 'llr~l\Of h iug. ilIIptl:.v.:d). COlUtrllct!oo: Crofr M~S.lc Arms :UllJ Armor, n.lllm'rJlt! (I~lcas, \·.3n~ble gp, I'llriablc X p. varrable (Iay~ (depending Oil thc :lrmor Wtigbl.:-. ~ulg improl.·l:d). Price: +"2 bonu-,






rmor specio.l

bi I i;:-ies

Weight: -.

Pric~:... bOllus. 1 HIDEOUS slucl<l WId, thl!. pro~r.t)'

slI:it ofartlloror

hclp~ }OU


A 51lit or ~nnOf or ~ sl! kid \~lth tins pJ'oj>l:rry improves )'our ros Lid !I,e :\b II ity [0 lJoC rC 51'all Sll'~ to A a I) k 11\ f) CIlCn.1i.cs. Desl;riptiOD~ Ar1l1ors or SJllo:J'oJslli'J!h t11).~property [Clld [0 !J.:
110llde~t"npt. •


yoo rc"em k~.

Prerequ isite: llllprovl.:.! U I1C:1I1l1Y Jo<lgc' ;tblll t). Activatioo: Armor or a shirhl 1"ldl €Ill' I 'ary :Iu;ht} 0111)' [UU([lons if ItS wearer h:b IInpl'O\'l~tl UIKllllll\ dod~c.

Il~JI)C Hellstccl, but other snmlar SUits have :ll'J,,,,arcd 5111'1::, :lIId nor 011 01' rhein crafred in rho.' fier I pus of ,h e N'IIIC Hells, A DC

~o l.I:Hlhc

I:nO"'lcd~1! or G3.fhl.:(

J nformanon

..:heck r<:"e3.IS rhat

Effett: ThiS annor p!'lOput)' Inll'~;I""'~ your 16'c1 by four wrrh regan! to b"jlll:: {1:IIIJ",'d,



\lct!g~':lIlCC )..1lI!?!!!.u:ulleu Conlt:JJ:l Fkunetcngue

(see p'.l!l~ rn

Auu/Cutc::r Level: Falin rrcusnmmricn; CL rrh. Coo&tractioa: Craft Map,i,' Arms :lnd 1\ rruor, "rI"S grll4'iI, ..'2,SOO HP, +'200 xP,~·r ,ly~(:I\I,1 0 rhc cos orr"..: armor hnllg d improved), Weight: -, Price: +5',000 sp.

po,\,~~s 011\: such SU,(, Description: Thl~ suit' of b1..1Ck[ull plarcarrnor is made from

chI!,eak'~ of.1



in til fi res of the 'in.: Hells,

R..:J, rnarblelik; veins run throush It. Aetrvalion: ACtlHIting the armor's jirt! rhidd ability ( ec Effect, t)dow) is J Iroc ::lelioJl, TIle (in' shidd ability fuuniolls 0111)' II' ttw wearer j) evil. Effect: fTdlJfl:d is a suit of I Vrll/p/fll rhar gt'31l1S its wearer resi tJ 11~,(: to fi rc 1'. Upon s!X'al<iIll:; ~ com 1l131liJ worJ, 11).: W~3r1::r 1.:.111 1.1::,\' n W3 {lJljir,· Ibldd bu«'p.:r day. All)' creature OrJHH til:! II

sp ,(ifiC A'rrnOr


SUI,t or armor Ie 113S





OI1~ \:1·;1

the wearer rlur couches rbc






(soch as by


iuec rhc rla .

firsr [org,d,

Hra .LSTfj'.EJ~
This dark, fj.:ry aura,



shearh its \\'''~I'lr 111:1 1'(Ot:.;CII\',

bfapplilll;l or being ~rapfl,kJ by ell<: wearer) takes LJ6 points of Ii rc .i~rnabC' p.. round as the IIlc~1 S~;.(Jr5lrs ftc5h. " ' Aura/Caster Level: Moderate CI'OCHIOI1; CL lOrh, Consrrocrion: era [Mat;IC Artus and Arlllor,jirc: SblCld, resis! dt'TM"IJ,+1~J,8?.5 Weighl: ro lh. .friC'e: 2f.6fO

Lore: A DC ~o bardre k uowledgc check reveals rlur nn aLish:li a nnOTSIl lit it 1131111:" KirlapJ crJrr.::,1 the fitSI SHit 10 bear In:


X P, +12 <lays.



·, ,
weapon spec io.l
of :I doomsrrike TOOlS 011' Ev



bi li ries

The fol101\tllg l...:::apon sp:'C,~1 abilitlt':i ;U'CII l!lIi!:lbleUI aUd,rlOn ro L~

p~eset1ti:d in rhe 'Dm1i!.'Nm M",rfcr's G'ltlll: Jild mll<:r SOUf'(.'\,"S.

lUfe·ct: All)' ;1HOI', or hol,r flr<.:J from a ~pJiU;Jlg weapon IllJg.l.rnlly 3!ll!r~ mtcrwo 11lI'>~I"~' in m,d.Rlght Both 1l1;ssil.:s are

id"'llnC~ I. stl.lrililS t Ill: nOIl~J)lJttlllg pIOJlcrtic~ rhcorigliuL misfor ax;unplL,. a +1 lpliffi"g ""'{f'IlJ ;.pht~ illtot\lo..,l ItrI"O'PJ 111


:n,t" w'~IJer

il1t0311 ,ellcnl},'

wenyon ,~J.ncleave


11IH.J.fI,ghr. lJot h miss, lcs SI!'Ih !he !klmt blrb'\:t .. \lta~c tt scpl1raCl..' 1'011 lor ,cadi UI.ssik using tll<' :;'1m,· arrack bones,

1ll1!l1.~d!<l;teJr ~pousuntlenl'Jl!i IIi5 weapon. Descriprion: Doemsmke "'I::lpOIl~ have hlatl~·.or he:.,d~Co;l.t~.(:1 ina dl.in l~}'cr or blue-black frOSt or rill!~. In :tJJjt!on~ tJu:y tel'!.! (,0 h~\rc Snuster YCl ornate: ,desJgns worked imo rhern, Acti.v~tiQIl: A melee 'weapollwllh till: lloom~trik(; abi,(ic), onl}' fUIlCtiol'lS .F its wielder h~s th~ {!llpro\'cd Sunder fcat_ E.ffect: A freT 5ucc(ssfllHr stlnuerinli 311 t!l~mr'...weapon, th~
wltlder of a Jooms(rJ~c
Llsi!,\J,; the Cleave

Aura/Caster Le\'~l: Moderate ~ollJur~tion (cre.atl.on); CL ';'th. CO!'lnruc,~jO!l: Crafr M~gk Aml. and AnIIO.!", Precise Shot, flrrO?I/Jrlit, 1'\.1,,000';P, + ';'10 Xl'~ d8 Jails. Weight: -.' • Price:
+) bOIlU~,

Vii J'lln~. ~ Ild

wrrh rhc qualines described here.

"t~pOI1 can dc~.vc mta the c1lcmy, as



Aur~jC'a.ster LCVl:I: FatuI evccanen; CL nh. CO.oIITuccioo: CI~ave, Grafr Mas!e Arlll~ ~lId Armor, +4,000 gp, ·.120 XP, days. Weigbt: -.

"'CIOllS C haracrers .. ruol; IW:Ip<lIl~ that 111 Rrcr p",in crcanve or Ik\,:l~mlllg I\·~}~. he following ~:ptcilk weapon ls T

usually prccenstructcrl


This llldoo(l~ ~l!lkcJ g:lUlldcc IiCl:(~lIy stflpS At'Sh frOIl'l irs largu. Descriprion; A _ftrllsllfg gil/mil .., is " rl!gsed·loo~jll~ Urt(rc,J gl.o\'c :!IIU ,lrll1],:IJlJ of UIH.lllll,,!.1 Jmlll~1l0111 skin. W hell rhe Item ::ttrl\·:[td,. the tart~·n. II r irh(;. and bony hoo~s sprour f rOIll th.:: j)~lm nnd (j1lJ;:t.r", Ir l' orh"rwl"': .1 ;·1 splkc:o f{,tII'Ild~,. Activation: A~ J 1I10\'C .KrioH, (ltd rour gloved halld mto ,n claw re al'tlt'ar, rhe If'Iuucl,~t!.. 'I'he dfc,;r tnsrs (or 1 round. You

PriC1;: "1 bonus, RAVT~t'OUS "'capOIl aellili res ~ !9SU: fo~ tbe bleed thos<: It WOOIIJS, dcali.lg e.•rr;j damage 011 SUUscqUCIlt :m.3ds. . De$CTipEioo; R,:II'CtlOUS We::!ftOilS arc olelocned wirh cI.'\:thor fang" (((":II or cugtJl'\ld). They m~ke fcrnhle slurjlill~ aml g!lJ~h''I1g IIO!s(:} <IS they slTl~sh bones and Glcv..:throllgh ft~$h.. A



(all ;'I,CUV;II~dr..:g~Ulld~·~ up



II~I' Ja~.

.A c tint

ion; A melee WC3pOll With

hera \'~nou~ ;'tbillc), olll}

funccieus rl' I,rs wie.lder IS ~vll ~J1(1 an Hl:I.J..e InU luplc atl':u:h".! ~ SillS'!.: rcun.!, gITec;t: W'hm ara ~'C"ou:;wcaj>(m wounds a ,cr':nrurc, it JOIiUIfC) :l ti!SI'l:rorth~'1 cr~~tur("~lk~ha!\d bleed. SUbscq,II,~n~,mad", l)l~J't aganls! {he .\J.lJ1e W.:!l.t!HC during the ,>.lInc rOU!lIJ tl~'ll all cum ld6 points or J.:lIl1:tgC (ofchc: same type th~\;'c~rOIl normally Jea.ts-bJuJgeolllll!l,. plm:lIl!;. or silhhillg).Por (x<lll'Ipk, Xok~nI5' Ihe hlackguard 1l1~1t~ three ntt.1cb with his ,,1 l'd'l'ImDlligr<'tI(trJl:( hlrring A 11drjJ rhc p31:1,tilllll three nilles, The first arr~d In\l~ lIo;'m~.1 QJllllagl',. whil~ the s<:<.:ond nd rhird erracks t'ac.h II..::rl an a extra '2J6 pOUlt:. Or ~l.1shingd31\\~,gc. Aau/C;l8!er Leve]: ,"toocr;lI:cllccro,lla;llcy; C1.. 'Jeh. Co!!st.r)!uioo: Craft Magic Anm~1lI1 Armor, rL.)' (i1Jillg, creator l)lUSt be (nl, +9,OOOgp, ...710 x P, -t I B tbys. Weight; -. .Price: -t 1. bonus.

_, En-eet: A "IJIJ.:~ ~rul .... att~e'k 11'!lll Jellod:lvatcdgaullrltt [~V'5 a $rrip 01 n",ha'lC'ay froll} ;1 HilI' IS corporeal 0l\ll.OlI~m.C;]Hsull> P'l)l) and U·!'!lIm.1 that 1.I'(;.J'kItIl., all wdl a~ Ik:llillS tI'lln~Sc. Tlus effecr:oo:u.rs ~wn II thtOJ:lJlOI1C1lI !~ '.\\'llri!],\j Ilf'nor. 'n!~O]lpoIICtl[ rakes lin ~~tt3 ldG PQim~ of d,IIll,I!,!.l:.'Ju~1M VClil1~ C.:msrirutlon &lll\~g<l 'lind I 1.<1+ poUlts or Cl!flnS'11.1 J:J mage. A Forurude ~vi Ill;; rhrow Il~s:ares



.l'brlJry d~mal>~ aml halv.;~thL CUrl! (\jr pOilU d~f'Ilag. J Ilcorpor~~ 1 U~~! ure, or en:ature., ;.r b'\'lI».:OU~ ature (such n J ir dClll~'ll r~'~)art nOI af Jcl'kd I'll' III ib irem, AurajCUltt Level: StTOI)g <:l'oc~nOIl; CL 11tb.


p/ji;l.~ ,0

Go~s(rl.l('ci~ll: .Crall M~glc A rlll~ ~lld Amror, .fitllSlng (see lht rOliMT/'I ~.N lhdl ..lI.i. Cnml'llI(,ff Silltilfg), B.,SOr sp. GHO X P, 10 d~p,


Weigb!: lib.

PriCe: J7JOf !;;Jl.


len IOUtI,1 DIHOIIS th~ resources

An)' nussilc fir..:d Irom n sl)lierlll!,; 1A'(:3.pon, 01' all Jtrowor bolt

The following m.'gie Iren'l~.If<· of of chnillplot)~ of ruin.

cu.chanl~d\\ irII the splimug: ll.bllu y, brc:lk'i i11 N'O i~~n'[ic.l! to Illissrks before srdkllll:: the nU.mJ.,oJ t~q;ct. De~~dption: V'$b~p~Jt(\snI'11lb~ adom a splirtjllg\VC.lpon or splitting auunumtimt.
Activatioo: The sl?httn~g .lDillt)'of "rnn~rd "'<:"POll (IIU1St

be 3 bow, UOSSuo\\',arroll', or bolt) onl)' fU!l..:tioll~ if ia. w!dd~r hilS th~ Pt..:cis..: Saor feat.

CAMI~LLLA OF THE BLACK LADY A h~::lurirlll flow.::r rhar llcgulks-rhcn 1'1J11I!.h~s. Lore: A dl.1rIl(rt:r who makes ~ DC 10 Kuowl~d[c (reliSi.oJl) check It news r!ro.c fir..: Bl:td. L.1dl' II'aS a notorieu» ,Mss:I.ssin and servaucof ShJr. She 11..,:,1 subversion '.\·\tl\ bCilUtl':l,;d poise ami the ~'cnt of s,U'c·crlOWCf~ f , . '

Toor..s or. EvrL

Descripticn; A .lIm,dlt.: 0/ the BL«d: uti;· i~3 CrC;Ul\ -wlntc blossoru worn in rhc harr, £3klllg up SI'l:1N OJ! the hod) :Ii n headband or helmer. On close ill~peCtioJ1, rh~ mila whorl~ of rhe flow ...r suggc'sl ullSettling.. dcpr~'iC\~ forms, The Irem has ,{ sw~et, overpower illl:: odor rhar ca r r;cb .. considcralrle d ista nee. Activation: The flower rcmams pe r p~rU:lll}' Iragranr and perfectly prC'$t'n'cd. The wearer <lctll'arIo'SI he hlo.)oIIl\ dlllllj'IfI!I:
ptrloll SCIlIlI

One vial o( J(fIIgIJI"" nostrum lias one use. Aura/Cuter Level: SO'ong dl"ln:ll ion and


C Hth.

z.roo sp, '20 Xl',

Weight.: -. Price: .f,OOOgp.


CraJr Wondrous Item,

f dol's.




pO"'er by choosing a hllluanOI,1 (a standard action).

r:trj;tl and



The poi[M effeec a rlvaec

auroui rtl"ltlly once the Jnl7liltrlfc!




PlfT"iOl' effect elld . Efftct: When the c!.;"ig:lli1.ted targer comes wirhm 10 rc~t 0 rhe wearer, he must make .. DC 19 Will 53\'" (DC '21.r Selune is his patroll tI~jry) or be C3.l'tll':\tcd by :l dO>IlII1l1ie ?("'$Oll dr ..cr. 111addition, he IS subj~c!l!d to 'J f"l!mlJr1C/I'Sl ,bar/II dTeCI (JlO s-:I\'e)th.u stills. his 1110rnl cousoeuce, The VIctim muse rollo'" the instructions or the wearer, no mat ter how dreadful those enters might be. Th .. subject rcm:tm~ III rtll: thrall of (he wearer for nine days, until the domlnat« PI!-nOlJ ffccr i~ dispelled, or unrrl rhc camelli« flf fbl' Rim;!.' I -Pd)· I:' destroyed, When the domillal!' p'rson errc ends (either through rill: 'C( duration e1apsmg. n dlsptl mag/<' ,-((eer rr,,:clIlg rII':- vicum, or the destruction or lilt Rowr:r), Sh:1r'~ Y.:111geOlllCI.' rnanifesrs finally 3$ a poi son spell" dclll1l:\ 10.1 YOIl1t.i or COl '~tltU({OII d~ mage 10 irn mediate1)" 3111.1anorher ld 10 J)OIll[~ or COII~cj tUCIOII dalllns..: 1 1I1111U~Clater, F_ach iIISI:lllC~ of <1"!lHIII'II <.':1.11 e ll~gJ.t~d with 3 DC b 19 Fortitude ),11'0: (DC 11 Lf Sdun .. IS lht: victim's patron .icicy).
A cmnelli« cau be used only once, Aura/Cuter Level: Strong cnchanrment :lnd

An artlfacc is an extremely powerful ll1:'lgic abillry or pr sent-day spellrasters to create,



GRAY PmnRAIT Thrs nrriracr preventS irs owner rrom suffering IlClpuye levels,
:J.hlllt)· df<1l11, :llId [rom Jgillg. Lon,': A DC 30 bnrdic kllowJcdgc or Knowledge (religIOn) cmel; recalls this myel! about the t.rny porfr,,;f. Long ago, almost two

uullvnma ill rhc past, 3 vain Jlld sdfish chaonc neutral follower of one named Bchlrian the Bcauuful sought every rueans aVlul· able: to . usrain 311ri enhn II~ IllS beeucy, Firehair's creed teo ches that bC~lUrr is not JUSt skin dc<:p.bur Bclarian onl)' cared about
lus appearance. Hi5 sclr·ilifatuatlon
W:lS so sreal

that he turued

rrOIll h,s devoeio» ro Lady ]:j";reha;r:JIt offered to 5<'11his soul 10 1111) Soo.l or demon able .co preserve his physical perfceuon, One ans ..... ered, g.iftillg n~IOlri3.11 \\'ich jrumorC1liry and ?crp~tual
beaut)' rhroul:\h nil artifact. Who ..:n'a,Nd tho gmy por:lr(lu. which

Cllcity ga_ve, it to Be laria II, or ",hn r evcntua lIy happ'l'l}c-d to ell!' vain JIIan IS a matter 0 speculanou. Over the last 1"'\"0 thousand
years, various pl:rson;).ge~ have OWI1~d rhc portrait, but" irs currcne
tocacion IS un known.

Ccastructioe: Rcqinrcs Crnfr Woudreus Tr -m, J(l1ltiuhl(!

poiSON, remorseless "hi/rill", 3,5"00 ID', 7.BO XP, i dnrs. Vlri:ants~ A IIsed ('nmdtin of Ibe flIn~'k f..ad)' ~till r<'tJI!)S Irs freshness, fr:lgCllJ1cC'. and IIII I:" resr 111:) ';tppuar,,"cl.:; it h:1::. :I price I of '200 gpo
Weigb£: -. Price: 1,000 gp .. ';-.Jew 51'('11 described

Initially onl)' l blank canvas, he S"'(I)' portrait or the owner arrer all \\'L'\:k. Activation: Art~t an individual possesses. the pcrrrait for om: \,€~k. :I picture or chat individual owner JPpcars ou the ClUJVUS. Descriptio»:

becomes n pier rt:

on page H.

EfCen: The: owner of the grnj porfrnit does Ilor age or shew signs of nglll!;;. As long as he OWIl~ tht portrait, he will appear young allu as henlfh)' as he Jld when he Fi r~r 3(qui.rC'd (he

SAKGlfl~E. NO",TRUM A powder sprinkled 011 th ... hcarc and nnxcd wuh rill: blood of au en my.
Deseripciee: SIIIlg'III11C 1I0S/)'U111 appears as :I suuple mJ.glcal powder. Actlvui.on: The powder musr be rni.(ed I'jth :I (~~<;Iltl) killed enemy's blood and sprinl:!ClI 011 I{;; hcnrr. Pn:p:1rIl1S Jud coll.uming

When the OWIl"f of rhot portrait I~ suhj\! I (0 spdLS or effeces dUlr bestow Ilcg.uivc levels or eause :Jbilll)' dram, such as energy dr 11/ spell or a vampire's touch, hit doe .. uor suffer their efrects.
Insrcad, the porrrait absorbs these do;:brlitacillg effects, Hi image as

[he heart In th is WlT.) co.kes l rounus. Effect: The powder is used rei season th .. rl"I:'ihIMI rr or a 11 cnernj that h;J.~been d,·:\d for no IIlOr.; Ih:lll 1 1111II.. re. Tf tr<:;lfcd
f(//lg/lilll' II OUT/WI J.lld


Inllllc\ILJrd " rhc enerny'»

grants you great lIl~!Sht,



through die effect

or n




benefits; the crellture \ hos ... IH!nrt you c:omumed wjlh rhe !)Q\\llcr.

sp IL The more power ul the eU"IIl}'. rhc gl'cat...r tho: (he ·:ISt!,'r 1r:\'<'1 til "]Jcll i equ~1 to rh Hit Dice of


rhc portrait trl!l1sforll1l'. to look 1II0rt' hagglrd and deprsvcd sldTers I he horrors thHt I ;J ve lt~ owner untouched. The pcrrrait srores and 'presences n1l rlns horrible lllagic,lf j{ is ever d srrojed, tht: owner im m~d Ja ely ~Urrcr$ all th.c 1lC!>~1vc i dTcccs of a~e. lIelrJtivot Icve!J" and nbilicy draiJl thM rhc portrait has absorbed. If rhe 0\\ IICf has outli\'cd his natural life spall, be in~talltly dies, Aun(Cister Level: Overwh lrnmg al~urarioll aud necro1I1;II\C)" CL 20th. Weighi: LO lb. Price: -.



\' II lurl..~


lI\an)' corners

of Tori). These l)rctirlJ:>1:


1,:\:I~s [urn;:,!!

LrI)3.J sAmpling ·01'p:lrDg:olI~


ocher !J:lrt~ or r"crulI···-lI.otahl} ncar th~ High FOI'(:~t, rn COf1l1;I1Uhol', ,lilt! III Chuh. 501llb barbaric nature IS nccessa r)" to the pu rsu IC r! 1\. ,euIt \ po\H:r!-., and bn r b" 1;;3ni ra ngc rs Me <':lIp,x·I.llIy 11Otl.:11(cllllihll:ttCS. Dru 1t1~rom:ly w:mc to )lIenficc I ht.'i r snshcs to beCOIlII: \~ohlllp~r~ of ;!boll) 1II:1.ciOIlS, bur ;(lme filld the sn\·ag~ .11;1[UI"t: or'rhe cu):ti~[ co be an ITr~'Slsnbl<! dull'. SIl'tllg'l II (lor ~it\'~~L ;ltf.lck~l, Wi~dom (rOf n·3.(11U~ pre}), rind COll.\1 II uuon (10 ,I'u vivc deadly !ll\.kc combat) "n' kty ablhtiC!>





Hlack Bloot! "~llmt

worl,hil'cr~ of M~ la r, wood LUI,I :tSSllssms, SPOt! illS gl~uj:ltor.\,~ml' tn~ 1'1." ocher d3tl·h(3fc~.1 ;Uh'.:ntUf"h Will find ;lltcrt:.,n'IS opdens (or {1I':lf
Ilia 10.;11011:11(1:.

Block Blood cultist

0/1/), broJfS is IIl1filJlI'l"blr:."

AligllmclIl: ell;1.,! Il •.\· d. chaonc ll~utrJ !,.or IWIl! raJ ,tl'il Skilh: 1\ nOll'lcdg~ (Il:-.tu r, 1 '1 rn Ills, Sun'i,:11 S r~u.h Fut,: .1l111'I"Cl\':d' llllJnncd S(nk. Track. . Sp~ci~I: J\ bll I[) co f;lb":C'

-Zen of fll<.: \\'i:ld Broth<.:n. \OVors.<:[hiJlg~ rh:lll wolves aud orcs huut .Il" .J~rk r6r~~r~of [b~ Korlh. Til" b..'~;lly lycaurhropcs k.llowl1 ~~ .ell.:: Pilopk of the: Bl~d. .Blood \'l:Ii1t:ratc Mals,' wi'th bl,oody rites ,1113( clann hundreds of human, elf, onrl d'~'1.rrliv~s '::VCT)" y("~r. Blac), Blood euleises, worshipers of (h~'S<.:rCilllrlu:opK horrors, arc drawn I
from the [OI;CHli~ barb:l.n;:m tribes sc.an~r~d across the northern lal'lds. The} ~xhlblt· (c:usmnc pawns J'rall·n frolll the veneratlon of the t::llurcd ~nlll'l;[ 1 ,pirits of their III tl.!. ten •. Thar their rever' enec for rlre lyC.llHhropc~ l:i0o;.£unrewarded do~s not Ol.lttl"r to the illlfcw:r<N1 spims of (hI: cuitisis-chl')" r:lg:c for rheir rrucl masters .lIIJ bUll!! d",:1;th to those who arc nor (Quebed by dk Beastlord's. u:rnhh: !>ower. Base Attack. Boaus


Level ht





.. 2


.. hit HI! 6th


+4• oj.




Ihh 9th




Block Blood culris

,"'oSt mat); Blood cul(i)t:s come [rom an Uchgnrdt u:lrlJa rim tribe I hat has Ialle 11under tIlt' slVa~ of a .Ma L~r·worsl'ujllllg chu:ftlHll, Still, rherc :lrc c:u.lti:.tb ocd";;alc.l (0 M31aril.:.:: L}'.:~.nthrol}t: nih".


..6 ,.



Ref W.ill Save Save Specill 0 ~2 ... Feul r:'lSt (dll\~), damage reduction l/silver ... Improved gr3ppk 0 ..3 +;' ·.1 Feral rage (bitt') .\ ·,1 St:tllt,OR 1/sllvcr ~4 +1 StranSLllhold +1- Fcnl r:l.gc (rI!IlJ) +:i" ~S lJl1prol'ed natura I~tucl~ "''2 ...6 l2 S;lI'~r.;('": Sf:lppl e ~·l DR f/sllvl!r +6 ; Feral form 17


Hif Dit:c.JU. Cla.s~Skins (4 ,. Int modifier per level): GianI), Haudle A 111111:11, 'IJ..:, 111[1111j, late, Ju mp, I\. 1,1011 !ctlg.e (lI:ttu:rt:), Lisf!!!11, H MOl c Sd~·n,t,ll., ea rch, SPOI, SUfI'II"'1, S'~ll1l. S






.oru res

Black Bleed c~lltlStS are ~:I\·:tg" fight.·r, WhO'l nntur I .lrI:.,..:k~ become more fl:'.Jrl>Omc :l~ thc) IIIln'a"" ill level, Petal Rage CRr): nine).; f3100d l'\I)ti)( ,1J:.s levels sr.,fI,: wlrh D.lrb.1ria'l I"wls forpurposes of Jcc..:rm In illS) our r.1!:\,C nll1lir!. Thu~,. au 8rh·kvel harbari:lll/4rn.kvd iliad Hk.llxl culmf cuu U!lCIJ:rl~lf~'r rage four tunes p<tr ,la),JIt~[ ~~ a 12dl-J,,·\'d hnrbar em coukl, mack mood culrlS(hrn:l1gclwlI thctr 1111&1.'1'), tOU~lClI rhCLI arul !lliis \ Ith special tr:lIll;ns. A.~ a result, when .-Jgulli, you gam two claw acracks ar your liglt· csr base attack
deals Id6

Savage Grapple: Starring at I:!th level. you deal J':)ulngl.' as if had hie wirb all your 1l1l(Ur:I) W apons (illdUUllll,; rend, 1 - ),ou ar r~£lll~) Oil :t eucccssful grapple ch ck, Feral .Form: Uy lOch 1.;"0:1, ou h~vlJ g,~IIl\!U y gr..::u courrol over your h\!S[I:t) 1I;'tur~. You can now us your dlW, blCl:, and rend :lWll'k~ I.'I"C,1whcn fOU an: not r.Jgil1~


aloch nlood cultist

You r.. rno l :lliv.: whcu YOU are ,,1 (:lr JW3) (rol1l the lIhackk~of civIlil:ltioll. The bc:Ist burns il1~icte you, alld ),OU stnvc ro unle.nih it ~~ oftcu 35 p~~ILk You look to cite 11coplc of rhc Ubck Ulood as IlaragOils or your !u~a!--kasq; III hurnnueid form; rhc tx.'s{


of .J~Jn;lgc plu your Srrcngrh luOI.ldicr. You ern


use a onc·h~Hk.lcU w~'lpolla.ml a

claw, but when uomg so the cL.III' counts :IS (I secondary \\'C'Jpon (:lekhn!) ollly hillf your Stn.1lgth bOJ1uS to JII):lgc, and '\'Ith. -5' modifier 011 (he anad roll). AI kd I \"d,)ou g,un a bltl' arruck when raging 111 addinon ~ ro O\Jr tWO claw J.cnd.s. Tbc ~ duws arc ~£l1I your prHll.lI)


borh \\'or!J~ combined uuo 11 _ sa\':I~" I'ilckng". Your slt:Il,;.,n

guides your spirit hrough its rrn'lsfOI'lIl'31 rOn, 311\1 he is fOllr connection to tht :lIIimal IIIsil1,. It~ 1I10~f IIIIpol't311L thllll)' ill )'our lifo; are )Ollr tl<ITitory :UIIJ your trjh-.:, wh rever "lid whoever rha t Illlgin be, . You are qUick toreacr tQ da Ilger, ill)t:n1dy Jrr:nd.illg with ~ fury uiuuerchcd by ::11\)' cII'Ihv:d

~ ~ ~


weapOlJ:' :tlJd rhe bite is your S<'colld~r}' 11'.:.'.1(1011. TIt.:- L,te dC;3ls Id4 poincs or damage ptus half YOllr ScrcII!;th HlO\lj· ficr. You can usc ~ rwo-hnndcd
wea?OlI' nit your 0111.: a, J secoudar . arrack, or rou c.. 11u),<,·


being. TJlr at'S are bcsr dcak with

sWlrtly-kiJl or be k.Jh:d. Tlw rj~hr ou<, cr:lIl!tformucioll!, you )ub)cc:t you r body co 0. rc &C:'IJ'S or hOIlOI', SCI.'l\ a lid rcspccti.."d L}' the animals of [he forest a nd t h~ bast'S rlrar ru le ever them. C1I·III2..:ltioll hold. 1l0thil11:l Ier you., and you do not share til.: r~ars of civihzcd creatures, Death, hUII!!;cl, alill lo!>~an: :Ill l part of the natural ordel,olle which you arc conuulrted eo prott!ct, Combat: W lulc most barbarians prefer blades runt clubs in combat, you would rarh I' rend tin: Resh of YOIII' CIl~l1I ics \\ rth ) OUi own natural weapons. Your teeth LUll tear ns bljj a hole JI1 YOUJ' prey n~ nil at· or sword. You are Ilulck [0 react, dO~lIlg muuediatcly wldl the first Cllnt,)' EO U:1re d ra 1\' stce] ~p;aulsl ~O\l, Isolate dun coe,,"):, pli r hi III OIl rue ground, :'111<.1ip OUt Ius rhreur hd'orc mOYlnt: 011 ro rhe r ucxt. M, lee eombar is where you arc most conifol·tabl e. A II CI emy rhar h:ls ral1g«11 "'~:IpOIlS IS hcst avcideil and ambushed, atrho j~h :I ironta] :1:>5, ult, Ir CiUlcJ.. enough, can rake such an oppou III hy urpTlst:. You've learned th:l! II is Jif(icult 01' such :'t IDe to aun :III arrow while your daw. rhreateu to rip
It 1!I11h

one-handed wcapoll \ 'ith your cl~"' and bite as sc onder atracks.






high I', whenever )'ou 1m wah 00111 of your c1a'" Jailch durlllg J ril~c, you: (curl your npjJoll~nt'~ A~'~h,nuromaticallv d.-:JlllIg double claw d~l1llgc j;l



Sh~k.,,,, .. "'<uk 111004 cultitt

, Damage Reduction (u): At 4th level and at 9th level, you gain dam:lgc reductic», wluch ~rad" With ilall1:tg,' r ..dUlr,on fro'" other sources. 8111,c ....:.1 WC:l1-'OI1" Il::nOI'( [he .iJIlIJSC n!~hIC£lOII gT:JlIl~J b~ 11:1'cI, III tim pr,~tlgcb ..;,. I mproyed Grapple: A[ '211.1 [.:1'\:1. )'011 g:'ll11 till: 1mprovul Grnpplc Ii::u ever: if YOIlUO IIOt meet lil,' I'rCl'l·!J.m.'lr,·~ ler it. Scent (Ex): Ar -tlh !!.!cl,'d,you 1::,1111 th~ 1ol"mr nhihrv. Stranglehold: At frh level, YO\l Il<ll'll to .,I1~Jl [h~ necks of rall II enemies, alJowillJ:l YOll en :UllllllliM\:r II "'Ollp Ii.: gmc.: WIth your \)J{~.3ttack ,lS:1 IHOW attlOn. Improred Natural Attacks: At "rh I vel, your natural :mno:ks b Ollie even mort: d\!!lI'H)'. YOUI' claw acta k:. 1I0W deal ltl8points dalll:lg .Iud .',-01.11' hit..: ;lC[:lck deals ldG poinrs,


Iron: limn.

, r

Ill' 3rd 1<'\'1:1.your melee comb~t sk:ilh have De{;Ollto r.:a,ch dtclI f!ca,k, YOIiIcan ma,~c thn:r: IIU:lch pcrrou:nJ without C vCIl wieldIng ~
WC~PO!'I, :tlld


;'(fC ~ Ll:JtlgC(OU~

gralJI'I~r wink:

ragiug, Your danl~'ge tlluuctJan allo\\';« yOti! W llbsorb 'blows fro1\l <I sravpkd foc's 311b ,lS your clswsand htr~ ·dc..,lcbcir d:III1~.!::C. If jou nre workmg with a pa.ck or ocher allie,. your ~tplth C~1l help )'00 tlanl your cuemies while they c:.ngDg<!.inccmbat IV1til d){! rest of the characters, A (era.] [UJtI.: Blood cultisl cbargi,,!;\ OIl! of nowhereis ofc':fI C!IOU!:i)1.to force even dt~ !l106t stil:J\\'~n roes illto JJl.outA'ight. ' As yOIl advanre I)) level, your .alii I:~t)'ro both absorb and di,h out dJH1age in melee combat increases, Your rend abrlitv 1II3kcs It \!'CfJ' difncult for :Jny roe co grapple with you for IUOI~ th~'l a couple of rounds, whjle:your mcreascd control O\'H your ~bHiti~~ 111~ke yeu ::I djllg~rolJs foc wbdh~r or not you have A 0\\111 iU!o a ras~, YOIl h.n\·erill';~ IUS to u:I;ck mose r~, and re bide fr·ol'l'l cboc'>e who arc trnchl1i; you, . Ad'l'l.Q.c'c.mcoc: Bbck moodclJlt; ..r~ can lie found nil ovtr FacrlJll, wherever the Malar-worshiping 1}'c.1llrhropecshold ~ v:t), ... hu.nliltJ:;. dvo:'s, and' others leek to tll!;l)) as ~v~!lb'Cnof d,t 11amu.1 1\.'Orld, It IS most ~OlnmOI! for flbck Bleed culcist~ to be reared in the rnbe Ot colt, dlt:rt:by cOlltilllJUlg the tr~ditiol1 .of chelf Iorcbcars, A rr,j(K: alwlIys takes care of it-s young. C"-C'l afrer t~ parents h.ll\'e~~n ~.iUcdor otherwise lost. These youug S,fOw up alollgslde eho other tribe Illcrnbcn;. widl I!O &tig!ll:l aHacneu, and ofw" grow 5trOlll:tcf because of tb<::ir inJepcnclcnc(;, J ribal 13lack Blood culnscs are ,ofrell rhemosIS2v:tge, since tIler hal'c tnilled fro,!, a, yOU'!1;; age :I!I Jlot.hillg but thew3}':!; of the beast;

(~!)lhnr, E.nhJllltd ;IrmaI' IS helpful. but irell1S "\leh ;IS ~/()"ks of dl$plnHln(~11 arc C'V~lll bc,ttn, $lHCC thcyc:Jn ncgat~ hits from more pOlwrCu) crcanrres '!\or~c.~~I.r). Trelils th .. r ,boost the effecti"'cn c ss of lour llOlIlIr~l l.(tJ(k;\l arc gooJ choices as \\d I; several-members of the; d( trtbe III Corrna nrhor Ito ve Silver a lid adams unne daw', With 1JWgit (afl&. spcll~ woven mto them,

IV II..;! I Y,ou do s':>.:1; olltHl;!;l;ic rtems, 0lJ should lc>Ok magifor ·(~I proeeeuon« thaI reduce the uumber of \~OIIJlJS yOll cake ill

alor k Blood cultists

in the world
lHJcl mood cnltisrs (C'tld eo he terrieonal prCd3.IOrS-thcy arc ner goms to rim rnmpalHoyer a n:gioll or rhe c'Jmp:!lgnworILl. T.hey have Or:cn k 1I0ll'JI, to artack towns or gt'ollps ill' rcririblJtiOIl for bOlll" crnnc Ol'1lrlltttl:d ag,1:!!lst thcm their hom!!, bur for rhc mosr pnrl dl'T ~rcl()l;n.ri:"'.:d·, Tnbe!. arc led bv slt~m::uI6-USI.J· ~JI)' dn!l(b or sorccr('r~-~ nd n I most a II follow ~ sere or totem ic rctigion, wllih: srill \'L'lll.'l',\Clllb bOlh such :zs·Mahn and T~Io11a. Characrers who zmkc CUe'nlleS of J [nbc of Black Blcodcuhiscs eau C);PClt to h e It II1ltc.1 Illlnllh~ day ,hey di", whrle those who txJnt'1hl J. tribe aml Ir:tv.:! ":;tl1 them J..{e 11!dy 10 Willll.'!S brutallfY on levels th.::y could never have imagllll:4, Orgllli:ulion: TMt BInd: BlOOtl'culnsrs found across FaCTllII arc some o( Maler's Il\o.~! f~lIarlc (oIIO\I·cT!.. Much like [he IVC3.II· thropc~ tlR'Y worship, rhc dlff!![wt cultist [rib~ are IlHlepe;lcJcllt en [1[,"'5 with lirrle or 110 contact \\ Ithorhcrs' like them. 'Each triN h~~ u rdallon~hip wuh the Peopleofthe mack 1l100d in its area ~lrhougJl Iy,-amhrop~~ u511~11)· p(t)' the euuisrs lied.:: atteJl~ior;. Thc}' do r~(ogJlIZ'" tlle~uh lHS' devotion to ~h IIIr ~Ild to na ture !lO.l~cV~r, ~'tIld 50 ,he)' Jet th~1l 1 roam their tnh~ I In !Ids Il'hl:-rc n~ others are ~!!O\\'cJ. .. _ A tr ibe's rdonooship II uh those MOU lid i[ dl ffersbr rcglon. The Chu.It.1.I's have I!cry little civrhzanon lr01J'lJ(h.~m, 9n~ SO they fOCU5 IHOr.: on [l)Cir \1of~hlp of rile rcg!Otl'~ were bats and of MaIafIhall on htl:ng.l!lg ..1011'1\ d'etikrs. TI1.: barb;!.n:uIS of the >Jorth nrc ll.omadir, w:lIlJcrulg (h~ rc:gIOI! aroulld the N,ght Trees III sea rcli of tll~m) rnbcs a IIdc;Jf3\'3IlS, \I'hicb represent rna cII'lIiz,l:d ~oplcs r.hc~·revile. nrc elf eulti~ts arCormauthor conccrnchcmselves w jeh stopping the spread of rhe dro ...... who 10;:1\(1 10, nr~ the lands thcy il)h~b!r III order to recd thdx-e\'er.



Those lIor born to such bilrb~rlc ways IIhgl\t COIli~{Q arnbal ~ham:tn III ;.cnrch ~plriwd ~Ilclphysical fulfith'flent, TIlde sup- ' plitams somcrnnes !oUccumh to ehe h;'\r~h, blootlyritu:tlsIII nlcccJ upon rhern by ehe tri~ to testtheir mettlt:. but ethers survive thC' tests :ltld emugc h~rdcr :Iud 'nOn: ~ ~';lI:lC thnll bef on:', A Imosr ullivcr~lIy. $uch tri.3b j'Jcltlde 31\ IIldivi~ual 11UJlCduri.ng whkh dlC seeker 1!llU5t rrsck and slay a gr~nr beasteo show (hac he h~ tht favor orehe Beastlord, The most :oCI'Iore of th~ trials IlJliC':I'slI th.:hunter ill BL:J.:k Blood lands, 1'l1eJ.ni!1!:ih~ must Ilot ollly sial' b111 quarry but avoid I hI! retribution of d1¢ nanve IYClllthrope.$ as \~Cn,


who S1Jy",i".: arc indueredinectbc [~Jb~ in :J blood nk. Trainin!,; III the arcs or rhe mad mood CUltISt em be thc most dangerous wld<!rt:1klllg ill 11eharacrer's Ilrc.Hc tOlJgnells hl.s bod\' :t~lnst blows b).'cral'ilil'l{;, duough thorny brambles., c!3.winS :Jnd: blunt( en trees, and jump""g from. IJn'M !wIghts untrl hl'$ honc~ b~'e:l "ud hea.! time and rililc as:lln. UsinS Speci" Ily prepwcd J. Ollm~"Jl(~. he ~Hh~IIS ~I1J (hickell~ hislltuls until hi •. finsers arc 11k\! ebw5, Many wltlsts Jile tbclr te... h (0· sharp pOntrs. t lesoo.rcu: BI;)~1t llI60deultists C;ln of~'l1count 011 ,plenty of jJ ill f rOllloclicr tribe Il\em btrs whm .th~\· Iilld chcmsdl·c:.sill 'trouble. Ofcoul'5e, w(!aL IIltlllberS 1:1'110lI:.k for a!d 100 of tell ru II fMe nsk or i)t:mg ab~ncionC'd or shunned br [b~ tribe, !d{ to fcud for themselves in rhe most d~ngtr!;II..1s of t.enricori<':;, SllId: Blood cuklsrs often ~dl~W marcri.11 g()l)dS, gO!d, ~Ild till:: finenes of civ ili'ted bfe; i11OS.( or whatrbc!' Il~~d dlC' elrher l11a.k~or t.akc, A uibe's leader rccogntLl::$d'lH v:duablc '~I~SIC nems ~"Hl h~ of hdp (t)rhl: Hlb.i:,. but USill!; eoo m3ny stich iCtms 1."3llwt:lgh hetlnly 011 :l. tribe, member's rCj>utatioll as a beast of n;ltl.!re. TI~



A.IIl'::ll[!oncd, nihe5 of 1ll3d Rlood cultISts arcoftell fuled h) ;'\l>Occcrc:r or clruid who dnHn510 be 31' mt(!nntdla.TY beNc>::1l [he

rM !} Cll 'lthro~." l)IlJ rhe 3niHlai r;p,rils [h~y lI~s'hip.


Malar c'ucly 5pnld lIluc.h UIll': with th~ groups, ..... hoonen prcf(:!'ro 1r3111 rheir bOO.lts ra.thcr cl\a'!1 cngage in sacred h~nts" 'fllllh,. It faUs i(o,ochcr "hot} men" to guidl.:rh.:- h,1cb)1rianSul the ways of the ~;lSt. It IS IIOt ror po~~er it 10I\e(h~f asho man guides o rnbo:of RI:td mood cuLCiS~. Ofl(11 thes.: tr1diddu3!; have had jJ(tSOllal mo..·r:u.'rfons \, leh I he ,'I.'f31:!.rt[t: !yc)mh.ropcs thllt InspIre the!rd'i..'I·onOn, SOhll!t)m~s tILer h~ve !xlrdy survived such an cncouuter, aud o'rhcc[iI1'1C, th~y hal'l! wirnC$scd [h~ !y.t:.ll.llthr:opes nll!ting mit 1l3tut.:'S jusncc totrc:sp:1S5CrS ,and defiler$. MaJariti(". cl.~rics iOFIl<!cilllCS C,I(OU r:~.b'C rile fOflll:lCio!l of a tribe ::IS ~ IIf:lY to J;;l til l weapon 3(lJ mst tbruc w.ho would oppose the "Bcasdord;s

bunts. Wharever {he reason for a trthe's lell'mariolll the lands III which Ihe: barbarians roam becomes dl.:llJl)' to [hose \\ho lrvc 111 opposirion to ell na[ufa! world. C lJlusts spend IIlOSt or th":l r rune f.lUlIllg [hclr bod it~ to be killinG lIl:JChIllCS, and the rest of ti!o:: rime \"orsll!ril\~ M~lu. Talena, or toea 1 ~lllln,,1 SIXls \'0 whom rhe}' 1)\11 1.1 tor,' ms and sbrmes, W hi\,: rhe), do 1\0t ntu:'Illy hunt n~ orl~u a~ a Millantl:, rhe rradiuon of dll: 1lI,li\·,tI"al hunt Soo.::. r.lr beyond uunanon rnro the rribe. T.:dllllc.dly only tuh:" hUllt~ arv rcqulr.:'d. iucludillg hose tarse d ;l~lll, ...t he rusrrumeu of civdlZ.•f10'1, !.III[ l individual huntiug i., n lIl:IJor .lcecnu ill;'! II C ot' Ilfcsr'i-t" Wlfhul tho:' tr ibc, urge galliC such :h dire .11111110Is Oil.! .tlllos"urs I~ rhl: mo,1 pr""lItJs:iOtJ~ or all mrscrs. 01,.1 C,'L'1l rh,' chrl.j('\;11 or:t rnh~ 0.:;111take dQl.\'1I :J wild bear, It b not UIl~1I0Wll for an ennrc (1'Iu.. to bI: J..:stl'o.~~'tl. Ilhl.:r hy ~ lycJllthropcs ,:,:oJ up w.lth till' ffl!,,'. IIItrusion upon rhl:lr nUlltmg grounds, or li)' heroes from n 11~ nrh} Cit}' who J r, IIct,·rnUlll.:d to pur an eml to the hUrltlllS ;11111looJ~hc~1. Som,·clll1\....,:t "1.I1[~[ \1'111 h find CJUSC (0 leave Ius CI'lbt';:t tril:t<..-:'II1:J1lIIlJght also be shunned

DC 30: A character who tracks dow" this much mfonuarion about a local tribe Cllll gel lore abour a lycauthrop c dun unght be syruparhecic [0 rue characters, som badg,founu 111form a non all rhc shaman till' rrrbe, 01' Similar mforamnon that can help rhc characters J,:{~ar rh~ barbarrans more t::Isil). Most !oc;!I~ know of at lcnsc the cxbtcnco:: or a local rribe of amrnal worshiper-, who ramp:!ge frOIll rime to time. Th e DM . lIould as iS11 a DC beCWCCII U .llld 7.1, dcpcndmg 011 the narurc .11\:1 rcccnr ecnvioes of rhc tribe in question. GnliHug an luthellC \ It" a tnb:'ll ch.eftaill IS difficult, if 110111111'0 sible, lor anyone


ch:u 1$ not close 10 nllClIn: (r:'lIl!;I!n., druids, barbarians, tKJ. Evt:n if:1II audreuce If, gnllltt..r. thl: ciltl!ft,1I1I "light :lrr;lIIge a hUllt or :I rUIl-1I1 WIIIl SOIllCof rhe IOL':III),.:alldltOlli,'S to rest rhe characters :IIIJ dlltfrlllmC Malar's will III (II.::matter;

sluck Blood cultists in the qo.me

Characters who w:IIIJ.:r mto tnhal lamb unaware of th" dang"r th:lt lies th erein arc ill ror ;I Ing surpr] 'c. Io.WII the chararecrs clefc;![ 1111 illitml IU.llltiJlg party) or slay J lycanrhrope who has o<"CII ~t.llkillC rl''::J11, rbcy will then be humc,' m rhc ellgcs of the rnw's terntory. or' IlCrh>lp5 larrher, If rhe h. ractcrs call evad c rlrc hunt fot' all extended period of rime, rh ... dll.:frain is likely 10 (~U off th~ hunr alld go ha(k to IllS 1101'111.11 ncrivrties. A. play..:r who loves tlll: b~rb;lrica5pecl of combat lind doesu'r mind pur [mg hi> charserer III h3 rill's mly ill order ro muse gncv·

for some :tel rhac So.':t:<; hilll :lP::U'c,01' for asons or tnb:'lIIIOlillC5. power, and conrrol. At odll.:r runes, :J rene ':'I~1l Ilu,r lI11sln lIl·CI. c a lIew pack. or ml~hr f:til in with :I\lv,ntun:r~ who,::uI h.lllclh:-or
c~'f'loi(-ll1s allim;llistlc ternpvramcut :IIlJ hloo.lrhil'ht) rage",



nee crrons

VcrI' f\:w pt:Oplc vver tivc co tdl of ~II encounter IVlrl! 0 rrrbc of lllad "Blood eulrists, much le>S:l1l IIIIIIVI\I"al member. Those tb;J.I do SfJ\·:tk oilly !III mhum:1II Ilist lor hlood nud ~( hau·..:,1 for all life. The cvlusrs :11'1: rh enenues of all Clnll'l, ...d l""'::I(UI'C~, wlwrller (h"~ are found UI toll'W, forn., or ~'WII below th,' earth, The), have a'Shtrlc love for dll' clvili·(,.ltlOll" of the V"J.: ...lar], as they ,10 (or rhos above ground. One ]..IIOW/I Ill. do. Bloo I cult Ims form..:d 111 ttl" Umlrrd.vk, where ~ rnt.. of grill1jocks I<or:;illp", II p".d of wcrebars lImllltll\l drow and t!m:q;ar in til' dark (unll,'I,



WOUllJ~ 10

IIis 0PPOIII:ll(S ,~i 10vI! this II

'pn::~rlSe class.

The Huron) attacks of 0 3hd Blood I:ultist make rhe character much more clmll just 0 fighter wirh a boost to Srrcnsrh and

Adaptatioo: HI:!ck lllooJ tulti. ts could be aU:ljttcd to :lIlY!l3 k or I, unrhropcs or beast god ill roor ~,;\lIlp~iSl1. A ltcrnarively, tllC) l'Oulclwon.hip a "illliIilr ~roup of anunallrkc monsters, suet!


Stl'~4gl' pCCi~1 CIiOOU

p~~c: '218).

Bloch Bloorl cultist Lore

1\'lth };.l1oll,krig,· (IQ1.:11Chule, till! rh Id~l\ds. or chI.' Silver M3rdJ(,:.) 1,::111 rt::-... arch the IJ.:oplc of r 1 Blac~ 13100ti Of the Blad. Rlood culcists. The mOOt rel':Y;1111" mlormarion \' til come froll) vi tUIlS, wbo arc 0 t(,11 al'nkh:d with tcr rrhlc wounds as :I result 0 heir l1i"'dm~ WI 11 or 1Il\'\:!>ng:moll of J rrrbc, L -cauthropes ill dl"SU1S-: might lllt"1IC1011:lllr ll1i~kJJ a dl.lfan"r 111 order to draw thlOJll into :t d~::Jdlr :Jl1Jbu~h ill tribal t"rntory. When it ltmraCtC'T n'Jk~s .l skill (,'hc~J.., n:.1t! 01' par:\phraw tlw


nrer With a Ulil .J..Blood .ulnst IS iiktly 0.1'1': sid(' or rhe orber, The s:wog.: barburiaus WII! nor JlC( COlli b:1[, a IlJ will COn til HI': 10 r~:lr III to rhei r 0pPOIll:II ts uunl one or rhe O(],I.:( IS ,ka,J, There IS httle chance ncgotl~{ion ~'Itll rho. Ie dcr of such a trrbe, whose IO),tllti·:, are [0 his tribe, his terriror , and Jli~ hcScnll 10l'l,h ~I\d god. Enceun ters: to L~ d':QlUy for


SHUK-TA eEL 8) has !J,.:CII scp:trllt ,I frolll Ius _p:tck, aml, :llong wirh his pct (is~r Unr, has heeu takil1g I". ""~ rout 011 local 1'11131;<,5.
A lcne lultisr

iOI\OWlJ'lg" uldudlHg:

til.:: ulfom13[IOn



DC 10; "They 1001.. Ii]..", al1l1nais, [/I'.:y \Hlr~hlp ;\IIill1.!ls, (he.! ~1\lInals." DC 15: "A p~cJ.. of slmjJI.(h;II1S'''-'' li\,t:~ 111 rlll~ ,11".:.1; how rh,~ Uaroonall!. haw sun·I\'~d:.o [ollg lIIilOlIS Cll"1l1 i~anybody'!. t;LlC:SO>." DC '2.0; The charlctl:f IJIlJ.~ Lll! Biforillilcioll 3!JOLl[ :I IlId.!cll routl? through th~ clllti~ts' lamb, 01 a ,..:o.:rct hi,k;lIV.' ' frOIll wluch the eh;\r:tl:tcr5 could ~.Jrcly g;lrhcr 1llloflll.!tlOIl allollr OJ' 5lfJk.; out at tit tri\)c.

Shu t·T.: I-I" I r'orc b~ rbn r i;\II l''iblack blood tll\CUI 1; C R 7; 1\11'dium illl1l13J1oid (ore); H D 7d12t21; IIp if; l!He ~1; Spd +0 rr.j AC 16; Um: Ark II; Grp .,1 IJj Atk ~·13 mcJ~1.' (1..11'2, ~, ), lIla~(cr\\'or~ gfClltUe) or "1) 111~h::e (1116 8, claw, only Whl!ll r:!f(lIIg); FlIll.Arl<. +13/, I:Illldct: (1o.Jl'2'17f 3. 111115u::rworl.. gr~-:l[axe)
or +J fj·,] f III k'c {l.ICl+-8, cl:t"" only 1\hen r:t!;;il1!;)i SA rage 1/dn . SQ_9l1mogt rl!riuctioll l,1sll\''''I', d;lrl:vl51on ('0 rr.; AL GF.; SV Fort +10, Rill' +f, \,!,'ill +2; Scr 10, f);:~ H, COli 17, Inc 10, WI. 12, ella r.

P~ESTJ(jrr CLA~"F:;

• •

Skills ll,)Jd Ft'M$: Climb +7, Hamll~ An.illlal .. )'C, JnWntd:!t~ ~4, Jump .81 KI10W!etls:" (1Iatlm~) ·~1, LiiS1CIl .4, I:tl.t!e ...1, Spoc .. ~-l, Survival +?, SII'.uYl +7;, Flay rOi!', lmpro\'cJ Gr:lpplc.lillprol'~d Unlrl1lct! Strih, Track, ·~cw fl!ar·d.:smbed on p~Sc 10. .UHlg!/.tlgI!S: Commo!), Ore,

fill!' IVtJlI

c'~"fb lind .!fOil!!, lId)lp CI( I/}otllj"; 1rd-cllro nlblit'r' ,,14, dQmiJ/,'11! mumn] (DC 17), pit!,!)} r,r07uth; 4ch-dispd "'''Sit, (,.,{'dIlI11 ofmd":;tm~lIl, ullbrJl)' br!lJJf~ (DC 18).

'P,mt!lsilms. ;/0-',;1') of IIIi'gtr:. fi,JIg_, 1lI'"""",(il'~ b.QulM :':I!, d()qJ; D(

du{w/.:l}Ili,. +2 ?lIiM IOIl/l1lfl' 1/I"')IOr, 1'1>11. of pr.olt!crihll +2, /Jt!nt/h,,"d ()//{/irtkm +2, pt't'j"p, of pr(lq/ nf.!Iiml pOlfOIl, three appllCatiolls of g:bll[ wa~\:) l)OI~OUt, one ;I1'1"liGlhOIl of bl;'ld.lntIJ~ enr~ci't. 'New spell 1.1!;.')I.fI[,C,J in CII~pte r l. 1·K:Jo.'drhi, ·(lre!.'I\ CO:II~ hl.'r hands III Ilo,son before cntermg ~omb~,t; ;11"'i~protcd..:d from it~ drcas b)' her pcrmpt.

for up

(E.I.·): +4 to Str, +4 [.0 COil, +1 011 W 1.11 $3\'0$, -'2 [0 tiC to S fQuI1JS. 'PO.,stJlslom: :\i!:J.$(crwork S.I"cara..(c, '·2 uiliber m In,;r, g/"!i.'I!J o[

111111.1, jimg (gr'Hlfs +1 bonus on "tcad ~url bot h claw aWlcks),. l4 gp.

(l)1I~ wuh


hpn; fl1(J//Sl!:r MII/Jl/1I1 p;'\j;C '2,Sy. SlllJk-T.l has rraured Unc to perform rile Iollow mg cricb: a.ttack, (OJI1I:,I;'[ch, hed,&uarrt, ami seck,
Pet qgcr"

K 1\ T!.DTH IS (E.L 17) The c!\kfcll.in of the Corlllanthor tribe t~!:..cS metters H\(O her own !la11c:1s arr..:r rhe pes dlSP(ltc.h :;.t,;l'cfld or heJ' rnbesm n as \~..:1I aea few of till: lyc~lIlllropL.!> fllt .. worship, Km:Jth.is rr:wds \'Ilrh y a dire ""olf i\1l 111131eomp:l1liol' llpon which sh~ CIStS an ullboly b,MU spell before ,·I\t.:nng combat.
Kaedtbi,: Drow Jruid 'ibarban~!1 3/h1~ck blood culnsr 6; Cn. 11; Medium humanoid; HD ';{18.j.9dl?+16; hp 11S;.lHlf + 1; Spd 40 rr.; A.C 11; Rase At~ +14; Grp ·,10; Atk +1"/ utelee (lLiS·.ll J, adamantine h:ltrlCJ~c) or ~l? meke (ld6.j.-f. claw, ollly w hell
raging); Full .Ark ".17;+11 lIIek~ (lJ8+1! 3, Dd\lm~l)tmc bartlca:<c) or +19/+19 melee (1.16+1', '2 claws, onlr when I':ISil1g) ~nd +14 urclee (10,14. 3, bne, only when rag IIlS);. SA r:lge ~l<b.}', spcll-l il.: abilities;, SQ:.l.lljm~1 GOI'llplI1lion (dire wolT), anirnnl compamon benefits, da''_1ag:~ reductror ':\/~IJWf, ilarkviSIO!l 110 k,. hsht bl mdncs5, nature ~"'tI1&~. 5CCIJr. speH rc;,i"tJ, IlL~ 17, track less srcp, Wilt! clllparhy 49 (+J I1mg.cal b~sts), wilJ sh.:lpo.'lid"} (7 hour.,'!, I\'oodlandslnde; ALeE.; SV F'oH,.H,·Rd+ll" Will +11;511'14.

TuMan: Drrl wolf JIII.lllJl companio»; CR -; urge :ulirnaJ; hI!) ollR ..Hli hI' U; 11111 ,2 i SIlL! re,; AC 14, touch 1.l, flat· (oo~'11 L1;. R.I ....· At!.. ;-4-; Gql ~H; Ackor FilII Atk +11 melee (ldl:lIlO, lure); Sp:ace.Reach 10 kif rC.; SA rrip; SQjo"··light \.·jSio'l, -'(c;:m, rncks; A L ~; S\' Fort ... 3, R~r +7, 1,.1,111.1 Str H. 1 +6; Dcx if, C01l17, [,It '2, Wi.~ 1'2, Ch.1 10. Shih (lIId "h,II Hide -I 0, Li~tcil +1, Mon: Silently I·4, Spot


+ 7, Survival ... (,~ 1 6rr'3cLmg W..::tjJOll FO\.:u., (hir~·i.


scent]; A It'rtIlO:5S, Run, Trsck R, .

Tnp (.8.1'). rf Tsnbr<lH hirs

\I'lel! ~

bite ;mad,




corr,p' ic; 01']Xl uc lIt (+11 dl~ck modifier) asn free acrron wl'lhout m:ll, mg.a CQu,h :lrta,~ or jtl'Ovok hIS atC;ldls of opportunity. If rhe :lu,cmp:[ r;]ils, the ON)Oll.:nt '~;!I\Ilot ro::tcr 10 mp thcdiLx: wolf. 7i·;.(.b;·An~d,("0111':, Jde'I,I. clown, r~1Ch, bold" sect

Justice of weold and woe

11(>r/UflIl,I,:<! d01f1lJ



harm my p.mple


bll'!/1 JOlI b'lrlh."



>lllIk!!)'IlU ,~II rsr

my [and, I will tbe bot»: of )'~IIY


- Tahanas

Ju~tJCt' .oJ the


or rhe Eldreth


H,lm 11:, WIS HI, Chn H. Skills (wJ FerllS: Climb +f, Conceorranen +9, Dipl'omaq +lO,H;!.Ildk AI,lIImJ +-;, H::t1 ·.11,. Hlue. +7, hlflHliduoJ ~10, JU\l\p +4, K.nowkdgc (lI~turc) +11, Li~o:-n +.11, MOI'~ Slicllrl} + I, n ide. +5, S~o.rrl:l ...+; Spclkr.'lfl +8" SpO( ,,11, Sun'i~'nl ... 4 (..16 1 abovegrouud), $\>,'lIn+5"; Comb;'l R,=A.:X'cs, D~ylif1:.ht Ad~pt;\t'IOl!, Defl~ct A fI1OI\>S,I nlpr,oveci Gr::.pplt,. Scr!h~ Scroll. Trac:~. lA.,.lgIM.ges: Cbollcb,rhou. Dr';COIllt.:, D.rol' Sigu, Eh'CIl, S}'lvJI'I., Del(16,

persoa wheu sol11ctbing un ..nl'or~ -U~!I:l.l'ly m\'(lh'lll~ tho: rtmol'~! or hum:lIlS-1)Ccds ciOIl),!;, W hen !he r 01. sol' (lie .:!vn ~n' well protected ph)'~IC311y,
TJl<!jU5tIC(,O( 1I"(';JI.I.1nd woc IS the go-w

.l'llagjcJII). :1m!' ]loht!c;dl).-am.l dIe !~.rnlldlords ilild l~i.li~.sd3.n~ net s\llI)'rh~if h;Jnrh Inch Ihe Siny ecccssicics of pre:;en'lII1f, lh~
h~,wt of ck..:n.!oll\ fr'OIl1 humilll' ,tu(roilch.J.)lcnt_i.c is 00 YOU'"the jnseiee of Iw~ld al\~l woe, thae tfwYlufn. \l,,'lth your bow 111 hand and dlc pow..:r of nature ;\( yourccnunand, you stri.kc, a silent, Iln',(:CII 'Jlip~r, sol v illS prot.lc:ull>:l \cClre of Jlploll1~(s couldn't solve in a hU·ilUr..:u I ear~-{hcn melt back mro (he ror~sr before what i,~ kft oft)", t:IlCIlI\ '5 forces even ~no\~~ ),Oll were there .


&ge (E;,)' ...4 to up ro 6 rounds.

Sr.r, ·~4 to


+1 on

Will saves,

-1 co AC

SpdJ~L"e .. AIJiliti<fl: l/day-el"JlCl1Ig

lights, allrklf(:s~, (1I<'nt'

.firt'. Cesrcr Ie v e! 1,6! h.

Allimr'; Ccmp.:lllioJl



(Ex),' Klledrh!s hll~ a dire loolJ as 3];1 its ~bilitic.~ and CllM~C[(ln5~ics are SUlnlllari'l,ul


AmJn,.t C;)I1lfflllioll 1J1t'lfijils (5.1')- Lmk, share S~lI.'l!s.'PH 16. :Drllld Spells Prl!p,,'rl!<i (caster level ich): O-tlm: ",mol' lIJ11lmds, ti(U';' magIC (,1). Mfrd poilOlf, purify [OOft m,d dr;,,~:. ro"" IW1&ic: ht-dQ11'" 0/ tht! lmu,lf .. rlll"lIg/~, (OC if), Irmr' , strid"',I'''JJ 1V;1110/(1.fmU, sp,j/!t{ S1liimM~ 2n,J--~"'''kIl'iJ/, r«$;;1

BV,COMI>':G A jcsrtcr OF Wl!.ALl1 Al\D WOE. As hllll\~Crs 'of men, IIIdll'IlJu.~1s :llrc~dy skil\¢d ill rht:ollJll fi.nd themselves ur:;1.I'1l to rhl~ d'l~~. St~~lth, sLIU JI\ n1~l:.il1S: bows and arrow .., .Iml !:"Ilowkdg.c or tbc for~ are dl~ roum13r:ioll upon wiljdl tlw .;:1.1"~ ~.. bUIlt. R~Hb,,;n arc jXl:rtkul:ldy \I'd] sl.!Jted ro become just 1CC'S, as .Uil r'Oj,\,1lL'~, who"" ~II":J It n[[Jc It da maS!.' Stil;ek!.W Jt II the Sill"!:.. :1[t!lo.:k at~\ng" g:nlk:J from tins cb». A Ithougb ~pdlca~ti Ill) d ~bihl~' .IS 110t a prcrcquj~itC', rOil Wlllll<.-gill to k~rJl to cast ~-pel!sthar



draw UpOIl the divin ... pOWH Justj~,

or nature






but one will all~a)~ I~ I~$Sskllll!1.! ill archer

' [ban his faIlS"r

,anJ rog I.e colleague •• and hi. Unlll.! skill. wrll nevcr be as pcwerful as they lloufd have l13d h~ reruaurcd a druid,






l::.."<l'f'll'l· Base Attad:


Save Special

R t-:Q til

II t: (Ill: ~ TS



'800IlS: ~G.

Bonus +0 +1 +2





0 11
+1 +1

Bonos felli,
woodland strid~

K.llowlC{lS': (n:It\H<:) 4 rauk-, MOI'c Sllt-ntlr R ranks •• r vrva! 8 ranks, Peaes: Poiut RI:lIlk Shot, WI::lpoll Fe us (lcngbow).
R r;jllk~J HI\Ic R ranks,

SkiU5: Cra t (bowmaJ..illl)

Jrd 4th



CtASS FfATUR.E. tl:1!:Y gain )II ICI'd. jusriccs learn till: 5).1115 they JI need to beccme the silent snipers or the ,or~"'.it,ab!.: to 11111tratt: ~11 I C')lel1l), C<lmp III drc guise of' an l!l.llnal Of fire UI1S~nl Irem ;'\ concea led poslciol I,


8th 9tb



+6 +G

+4 +4 +J +1' +6

Sneak at ack +ld6 Lucky shot, trackless


+2 +'2 +'2

Poison use
Steady J'311d neak :muck +'2d6 BOllus rent Hide ill plnuL sight Dear It accark, 111lJTH.mit)' to person

+7 +1





W~apol1 and Ar


Profic iency:


br:t111no profic.i..:ncy


all)' i',·t'apol1, a r 11101',or ~h icld,

You gain spells accordrug to (he rables 3110\'1:,. You do nor gllin new spells III an)' orher ~pdlc;l~tll1b dll:......., [hat )'ou mighr h3V' liall bcfor ou tool. tlw jlrt::l>tlgc d~'>.\, hut you can snit C3S[ spells from tour pr~Ylou~ I.:b ~. You COlli oilly choose spells frolll I h<: jusnce ~pd I r.~t;ju>t ICl'l>!.1M: rheir \Vi"lom Illo,lIner
lor calculauug bonus ~~Ih and .,pell I)C~.

Hit Die: JS,

Clus Skills (.... + Int modifer per level): Balallce, Blur!; Climb, Couccntrariou, Craft, DISgUIse, £SC:lpC Arusr, Gather lllfonl1JciOll, Handle 1\ uimal, Hid", r urunrdara JUIlIP, Kllo\dctlgc(Ioed), Kn~I~Jgl! (llnlUre). KJla\Ylt"dg~ (rt'ligioll). Lrsrcu, Sense Motive, Spot, Sur vrva], Swim, TU_JlI~I(!.

Bonos FeliS: A.t 211d and 8th ICI'cl~, YOIl gJili J 00llU5 :lrchery Ieae, When you gain 3 new benus r~1(. you must choose from rhe (olloll'illg li,[: Deflect Arrow), I~Jr Shoe, Jlllprol'eJ Crillcaj (JOllgOO\\), Improved Precise Shot; M3Jl -shor, Moourcd AI'chl!r)" Preose Shot, lUpid Shot, Shot all rhc Kiln, SII:ltch Arrows, Wt<:ljXlll Specializario« (1ongbo\ onl), G"~l\w' Wt::IPOll Focus (Ion~bow Oil! ), Greater Weapon SpL..'l:i:lli'(;ltJOIl (lollgoow only). You mu~[ meet all Jlrcn.'<Iul~Ir..:~ rOr;\ bonus fc Us 'our jusncclcvcl ",JII.'II ':lt. dc[C'rmiJlil1g whether you Inlo!ct J pftr qUISI(1: 01 ,I minllTIUIII fis!tr~r level. For CX3111pk, J r:lJlb~'r l;I,ju511cI: 8 woukl !lUlet rhl! rrqu IrC:lIl~ur for Greater v"l!apoll FOI.·u!o(fioht\.'r level 8th 1. but lIar Greater Weapon Sp~'I;l117.at,all (fig}n.:r I~\cl l~t/IJ, Wooilla.ad Suide (lh); At '2I1J level, you ~';III move throLlbh au)' sort uIlJ<!fgro'H11, ,,:. til .., drunl :lhillrJ dC~lI'iht·.i 011 page

1/ ST I

t.t: S IIt; I. 1.:->

1st 0

J'H: 1\


hot 2nd


'2 0

4th nh


1 '2 1 ...


7th flrh 9tb 10th

1 '2

~ ~

0 1


36 of rhe


Htl1ltibo(Jk. (Ex):
ncgllllHlIg M ~r" ':IIIV 7th

Soca.k Artack

!.-wl, you J,-aJ

an I::xtr:. Id6 pOUlt., of damage

when ·crikll1~.

II OppOIl\,Ht when


·OW. 2nd



is dcu cd


OC'Itcrlcy bonus to urmo

class, such

whcu )'ou itHlh.l rrom a Ilanking posit 1011, :IS tht' Sllt.'~ arrac], .Iblll!) or rogul.'!.. '(our da 111:11:\( dice seack With a I !I' ~I1Cil k .tern 'k d~ 1I1~~": dice ~011 I U1Sht have g:lill~d rrom a previous ClilSS, Lucky Shot (51.1): Once per Ja) asa Crcl.' J('tion, ~'Oll c:w J:)~m a +10 IIIslghr !JOHUS to one ;'trtad roll WIth your IOIlShow. You must' declare the us': of rhis ahitit) bclore rOllllll:) th~'TII~, Trscktess Step (E~): AI -l-th \',\'1.'1 JIIJ higJWf, you kaw 110 trail III Oluufal surroundmgs allJ l;UIIlO[ be track .... You 1::111 d. leave rrail on purpoSO: I you 110 JI.':)In:. Poi 00 Use (E~): At fth It·y I, you learn [0 ~TC:ltC,1Ilpfor extra t IIOII'Ur.l1poisons ~nd appl) them [0 your weapons Wlt/IOllt un}' dOllser of harrrung yound!".

as \ ht:'n

tt IS surpnsed

ami AJc-foolt:Ii,

Lc,-d 1st





J 3


l 44<I-

11th 7th


1 3
42L 3

.; 3 4 44lOtI. 1 rroVlueJ· rht' haracier has surficit'llt Ttltcllig(llce to have :1

9{1l 4 4




spell of thiS level.



• •

Study Hand (E.y): At 6th kvel, you become ahleto lire your per.ona,l_!ong.oow in melee cOll1l}:!£ Without provoki.HS actacks of opporrmmy, You oilly gam the benefit of thi~~pccid :Jbilil')' when IIIl:':tring lighl or 110 armor. Hidt ill. l'lt,i.o Sigbt CEt): At 9th level. you !pill tht ability [0 hide in pI:!.in sij;hi:, as theranger a blhcy descobed 011 page" S or the 'PlnY(I"'s R!?>JdQIJ()/i, Dut:h Ah~,cl (Es): At 10th kvcl, )'00 ij~In rhe ~hilir}' to ~ruur ),ou r \' ic t im (or 3: roundsan d d I~I} 111.:1ke a loll t.1l. a rrack with a longbow th3 r, if it successful I} d~.!I; Ja magI.:, hns fhe ;tc:lo!itioll!l I crfect possll>ly <lIth r p.nfa ly'l.iliS Or k ,!ling the t~rget (YOUf cl:!oitc),Whllc ~rudJ'inB tho: vsctim, you can uudcrrakeother anions so long as your lttcuciol1 st~ys Iecuscd 011 the ta.rgt:t <lOU Ihct:lrgct docs nocdcecct YOll Of rccogllll.C yOIl as nil .~!H:m~,If

or rhcir mrcresrs, YOII :II'~ :1 ';~dkd hunt<:r and a mast ref uSing I. our surreu mIHlg.~to d'~b':U your 11JOlIl:m~11t. Your skill With the I~(> IOl18hol\' I~ unpnrnlklcd, .11111 )'011 mho: '111Uu~1 ~kdl with nlngic:lJ ilhdit)· to both Ill35k your p~Ss..'g.l· and make your arrows· more

) cr r,;knt1c,,~


pursuit 0 )'0111" so~ Is. TIle' d~ ... orlgin:lH:d witluu the f'.IJreth Veluurhra, ~11 ~ clvenna rionn hsr Or~;lll izanon ueJ I(~ ted to flle dcsrrucnou of hUIMIlLu)d, 10 .k~1 with ;)d\'cllturcr~ ;;..:.:kmg to e>:ploil rhe rums 01 Myth R Ii} till, SIIlC': chat time, the group's traillillg has spread throughout tlteOrS~11I2~I1011 as a whokW I[hm the


11lH.Jdc:ul1y, \011 arc patie.}r and t:'1utIOUS,

the victim of such an 3 mid fails .~Forrirudc


(DC 20 ""your

Iut 1l1odili.a) J'g3.m,St the til I' dTl\C!, it d'ies. II' the SlH'1!I1'I TilrOIl falls. :tgatnsr thl! paralysis errr,ct, the ta.cgct is r~l.l.kre.r hdpk5~ and unable to act for ld(i' ..10 rounds, I( the rar~t"t'S s~l'il'1Sthr,o\1
succeeds, rhe nU:lck jsju~r ~ normal 5Jlca~ areaek, Once YOIl have

oOlllpl'cted the J munds of ~(Udy, you UIUSt make the dearh ,1ltack 1I:,irhin the nexr 3 roullds. If :I death :J.rUlC'k is. atumpl.I::J ,111.1falb
(the V!cr.inl makes her save) or If you do nor launch the attic!;.

wnhtll 3 .rounds ot comrleting the stuU)~ ~1,lr:V;· rOUlld!\ of ~Uldy are r~quired before )'00 cau arrtmpt another d<."(lthanack. POiSOD Immuoity (R.J:); At 10th lev!!!, youl &;111'1 Irnmunir)' '0 all narural pOisons and animal venoms. Thi~ abnir), diners [rem the druid ability of [he 53ll}C n3.II'IC, ill that It oul.1' applk~ to poisons derived rrom natural phm.s or fungI, or ~rOI1\ :'IniJ1131 or vermin venoms" I\O( co allpolsol1~, such a.:. vei!omb rrom ~eles[Ial allium Is or ou[~iJ~n, or p(li;on~ derived rrom nnnera Is or mag!l.

Justice of weo ld and woe

spell List

ht-(n"'Ollfl"J;;~(""" dth'cl I)MI'C'/nlla piu, ~lId/JU .e't!m~"t.!, jll~rit! fire, bid~from illllmll/~.jmllp" itmgrll:idr:r, DIJ!(J.riJlg mist,

pOH 1ujJ/)Olllll'flCt!,. "'Md7uirp /1."'01,,'. ''2.nd-V'IIrk.<l.'i!1, brlm,.111 "1I~rSJ'lIrrf)'W'; tul"l.r,u:C', fog dOld, •nare, Jpdlsln)'lJr ni"YMJ)~, spatlk 'Ullt" planu, IpidC'1' climb, t,.<!~ dtll"kjI'/llJ( '" "'01"" dn,"k'llisiOJl"ntdtl i,,({; spike grtr1Nb, 11'a't!,.brt'tlfhi"g, 111;"..11111,[': +tb-b.JDodf,.C'eu ,/rYtJ'iI dOl!bh!f/,ike /1./":1"01""", /i'lel/om of lno1;emtlll, "oiu"" It"";llg_, fhl/drl'/!, ",ro'w', .Jl'i/ix SI()JII~S, IHU fIr Me. '~e'w spell Jesu.lhcJ III Chapter '2.
SIOIIC, J~rpl!llJ 11.r'·07J)~.

slJnp~. 3rd-m'ftnll.<phf·,

plo.V i1\'5 Cl JUS ice of weo.Jd o.nd woe

tOll serl'!: tWO critll::I1 roles ill df l.:u'ltllrl:'. You Jrc tIll;' s!lipcr sellt [0 harass the ell<:my's rorc~s withillthcir OWl} CtlC:11111}Jlll!llt or stronghold, 3 nol ~'c)u .~re the pUll isher scm to rhe fUrl h~~te!ld~ of TOrll [0 ':;lecure JudgmetU ~glljllS( rbosc\vho ~t!rmrhe cdl'(s

oqplli~;.anoll. rou ortell work alone 01' III coneert With several ocher \P";l.,·~Ii.Sts WJ,OSo.; sliHs compliment one auorbcr, Your III i~iion~ frequently take ) DO ouNiJ~ the bow idancsef acceptable warfare as you arc ~.alkd upouto ~prcil"lrterror ,~l1Iong hUUHl.IlS or d 1111 I IIm'l: jJol,jt;c~I k-Jlkrs W1'1090:' politics lead ro htH11J n encroachmcnr ioto d"CII for.:.stsCombat: Your !ongLow IS your !.x::~l rrwJl(l; like a lIlIrt of your a rill, ir 11>':1'':'1' leaves Y01'f h:'!ld. Your ;!rro\'·~ are ;[ike thoughts gll'en form, ~p~CtIIJlg to Jo yom' 1"IL Nature i; four ,ally•.hIding four 1'~!o.'3e.~', (lO\'~nn!:lyour $1~I)S, !jtlimling your b~ck, lind creae( ing .lCfOWS rh~r tr::nlfy and ~by,Your besr ecchniquc IS to fir.: from 3. rOSlnol1 ofcon, ~.;1hnr;:nt, ~tJ.rpri~illg yout oppouenrs, '~,1 ell wor~.illg \l'lth'll " pJrIY, rOil o[lcrar~ best from th~ h shadow». 1)0 not he ~fr;l!,1 to fire inro melee; surpn:><:: ;tm:l fbnk attad,.~ are your bcse cnC[ics. Although;H 6th lev;,! you 1;3in (he ~biliry to U~ your kfll~how in nwlce combar, }'OUprerer to Ie! rhe brlwny ones ,10 (h~ ..lugglllg-rou arc :J brmgcr of 51l ifr, Silent utHh from .dilr, rour (.'nCIlHt::' ,grow rrmcratc" ~lull>cgjn to believe It is ((Ie lor"'t il.:.c:lf lhar (lPVo;.!~ dl~m, OJ' tho.! a Lmttl1Jioll of elves lies h ,"!.Ie II III tin: woorl, whe 11 i( 15 OilI}' you, flittiu.!; f rem tree to tree, cf;!\d ins rhr:O'JSI\ thc"~11 g:ra/SoOhh' " sun ke, ah"3) sstrik ing rrom the Hanl, t:"rchiIlS .yoUl'o)lron~'lus .fIat-IOoteU.:v11~ spt'lls and e~ traonli"n ry :lL,II[1C'$ wirh ~our mu::nlll)' longbow bk iJI to dnve I;",,, ;')to th~.lr hearts, Your Iud). ~h(jrj rltIICh3U3c:k, eud pOison uS<: .. Jblllrtes.~ lIo~, .~Oil to A~I ...~i.nl1n: dlflitult, even I~vi.l)! 2nllOI'Cd fo<;~ ,Il1U lean: hnk n·idcll~tf)f the mal'lll¢f of thelr uC3l.h. As you nre t,'~!ghtfl'olu dw !ir-a d'~l or your rr:l!111111!.- ,1 s!UgJr.:arroll~ propctly phw.-ri,. is ol·r.cu'·l1lon: cffcl"fll'l' than a storm or boles . Ad'vlIncement: The E:kln:th Veluuthl'l can:fuUy recruus prosp.."Ctilc jim ices Irom rhe I'J I1k~of ra Ilscrs and rO~lIe5 3JI\!au) s.cr\'1I1b the cal1~, InJI\.·ldU:ll~ who hil\'c~Jfc3dr proven lhelT sbd· ley to rollo\\' orders \\ IthOllt ~ufrcrillg from ~1l)' mom. I quahl1s. They Sl:'~lllulividlJill~w;th iupcrb lonSbow ~nd survival skdl~ who sh01l' promis.: (rhough !lot nccc~qly currellt s.kill) as spdlc:ast~rs. Thi;Sl; arc >(;nt (0 tn III with r:IliSc'rs {lild dru IJS \I he ::n~ cmllls<:lvC$ ~!ud<:nt~01 the· Il:l: lid, Las~an\yn (s.:.: pag~8n. You". !i nit I1lI~SIOllS J,S J JIlSt Ie.: n ft" oneil ~.~ longbow specbl isr 3 ll'OrllllJ!; ill c.om.-crf WIth orh~r skilblllldil'iduah. including rogues, rnllgcrs, :.orccn:rs_ druiJs amJ wj·lard~. If combat begins, youl'jol!


to h~l"~$;;.lht' "'ll~lIly I·qdl:f'.. and spdka5tcrs .... your arrows. ·lch You sp..ndlll(\~r Or~OlJ r rilll.:rraullug ~1'I:thcllprtl~I1C(-d r:lllgcrs anJ J.rLlICb, who put you through yoot 1I1:J_gi(~.1 ,mdi 11umdaui! pacCl'l, (hough y~ll ;l.fC ~ Iso r~<lu'il'~d to lIm~e eYlt[!flsivc srnd) of rh" bt-hnv\or of >,our Cllcnll~.s so 1],;11}OU (~11 '~~ploi,t rllcir wea.kIS


nesses a lid your strengths, You shoukl learn ro h:lnJk ; I1U11;,b, l!'peciaJly poisonous snakes, SiIIL"Ctile)" OCCOTllt' useful to you at .larer levels. Finally, you undergo 3. thorough mdoccrurarion HI elven culture SO dille. II·hen rhe ruue com's for ~",lrt dt.-eds Oil Ix-ha.!r o. )loor people, your hanJ 1".11 unt r:llter.


n the


Jllsti es provide a rcrrc$hlllg alrernanve

rhe high-and-rnighry,

A. you atlYllllc<;: m skill, }'O!l will be called 011 more llIHI more of tell to U~<'vour skills iH.:I SP} aud a lnrut .... of ml_;l1-t!tus you r IV III need to' conccu rrarc 011 rhosc abihrres thar ...til b(~( se r VI! your missions. AS;J gatherer ol mlormacron, yOll \~III U~'I.·ridb· guise and COliC -almcnt skills, plus
the ab
III)' (0

"shini'lg beacon of goodness" Imas~ or mOSI elves ill the g:tmc. A jusricl: 01" weald and woe makes 31\ cxcclkm r«urring foe for a group or PC~thl1C [UI.\I(' s,toJnI,ed u,?On a reI elvcn toc:~ at some point in rhei r career. If you ha vc a Justice iII the bt:l.llIe. pro" Ide plen ry of elf-related [1,,5 to jour adventures to keep
rb character active.

"oa~' if oj

es ape dangerous slruar;Olls. A


~'i~/d a lid boolS


arc iudispcns· able pieces of your I... ardrobe.

As hu liter, you will need rr:u:ldng abilit)" as wll ns the skill. of :'I

Jusri es live for the one-on-one enceu II [cr, tile chess march of wits ill ;rnpossible eerram aga 111$[ a worchy fOC', such as an opposed
ranger or assassui, The JUStice

a primarily a
noc a




~ spy. since your ~. ql.lJrry mighr

~ rake you into

~ .~ the srroughold ~ of rhose you mit :E tend to slay. T!\'CII the besc bow wears OUt ov r lilllt:, or so you ",ill III!I!J to couunue ro improve your CUrt li~JII to make 'D"... e«, bercer weapons. Yoo might even W:J1lI to III"j"J/i~~ ~ we,,/J 11(16 WD~ vest 111 rhe CrJrt MJgic A fins aud A rtnor f~~c :;0 However, hke ,111 huuters, jUJ,tice:s sometimes come thai) ou call crllft your OWII IIl:tSlr \"~:{pons, _ueh as "'TQ1{1$ u/ wgerh!:f to tdl o:l3boral:\! lies abOllt their e~ploit:s, or to show off s/a),iflf..' At rhc I'cry hishesl Il-\'c!s, ycu arc J Imo!it nc!u, ..il'dy

dragon-slayer. OrgUliutioQ; Jusrices are lencrs;a6 far as ochers of rheir kind arc concerned, 1),/henever two just ices meet, frictiou is likely ro result, sinee all justices :1.l'C e:f"tCllQrdiuarily jealous their abilities :'Iml secrets, llJld then: is alw'l)'s the chance rllar the justice ~it{illg across ell r3.br~ Irom you h-:lS been sent by your lasr employer to prel'cllt)'01.1 Iroui t:llkil1g.

or your

kdl, ur ehrs rune, )01.1 most ofren rr aiu alone. since fe-\\' have rhe sinll [0 reach )'OU, You abo lI.:gill to teach orhcrs

an ilSSlI.lSill-thc


or Uro"'~

in }'our IJuivcr I) l mar],


t roph le.s.

your skills. Resources: This presrige class W;JS born Irom rhe ~!dl'tth Vduuthra because of its ~pcrlal needs, :wd lin: ElJn:th Veluuthra remams the pnlllary SOllTCCof )USIICI1' tr~llllillg. Here, you can alwJYS fj nd rangers-and JnIlJ' s)'mpntlll't'l" to your cause who arc wdlufg (O teach you th"l! ~cer!it~. The orgallll.~11011 also provides ~1II'plo)' ellt 111 m Oq;ill Iil.a no IIJ I acnvines ufter )·011haw completed a mlssicu, as well as quesrs aml mrssior» nt'~JJIIgtht: specul combmariou of .1b,II{lCS chat can onl) h<.' louud III ~ JY.lrt)' of adventurer P'illally, wirh Irs counecuons to chc clf :l.n~rOCr:lc) the organl'l,:Jtioll can somcrnnes provid cover, protcccion, and all :lIibl a (ter you havc completed a 11l1S~'On dl:tt (mght have agents of II stam human hillS hot upon your rrail :llId )(fc3.IUUllt (or your blood (bur oilly ,r you 1m' cxrraordinarrly careless). JUSt dou'r abuse their hospirahr •

Because their missions somcthucs overlap. justices and Evereskan tomo ~uan:li:ms sometimes 'oopcrate-bur more oftl::n compete-e-for rhe glory of bringing tomb dcliltr:s rojusrice, This 113" on eceasien, led to open con fli r between indivrduals, aud :'It least aile remarkable friendship. To lore B neshare \I':I~ :l ranger Ivho "'35 recruited into the 13111' th Veluuthra and e ...encu~lIy began her traiuul~ as a Jus I itt. Her },ohnclll alld historleal advisor Il"Ol.S Ga1lerhr3 Elderll'3lld, a comb gUl'Irrl~n with whom sllc spene 1111111)'all argumeutarive hour whilt' sb::uing ehe rcspolIsluilhy or l:\uardJIIg 3. three-thousandyell r-old comb non h of Evereska, \V hi!.: Tylore W3$ all a 111 issioll to Jwonsh 1I ZhelllMinl rrod", caravan in the A uauroch, hUOIJI1 '3JI'\'IICUrcrS from WaterdO:fp hroke into the tomb. Their wiurd,
'3 member of rhe Arcane Brotherhood, summoned s demon elllll ne:'lrl killed Gam!thrn. When Ganerhra healed. h set our alom' to restore his honor, recover till' ;Jrtifactsstolcu Irom rl'~tomb. alld punish the rhieves, Tylore arrived :'I momh afrer Gal1echrn left but was able to [r~Ck t.

hun b)· th~ [rail of bodi,~ he had left Uchind. Pmal!TJ she C;lUgtu up with 9~jlcthrlloucsid(' rhe wi'l.llrd's (ow~r at rhe edge of dl': Ard'ccp Forese. where sill: lonvl1lcc:d him to give lIJ) bis Ul5~IlC plan 1.0 IIIfi ltrate d,e tower and ~1ay the wit;! n:l in Ius cOluunl1g
(b~mbcr. IlISh!ati, [h~y hty in wnir orlth .. ro~J 1c3JUlg ' to .... Jud \\'h.:.11 Ihl: \duJrd's wife rode past 3cco.mpalllt:ll ·cr, bodyguard, Tr1orc: dropped her fr<Jlll the saddle: \, lIb ;1 arrow, \Vllil'.:. G31lcthra bauled and slew che UOdygUllr\1.
rhen l'~tr,'hUld oue of the :11\\1 sent

ell. 11;

A~cbocb'l: Mnll.' luli.!. df drUlI.I Shu5uCe of \IM\ld ;lIl1'l~'OC 1; ·McJ.ll.un hUm~1101tj; HIJ 11,]8+11; hI' if; l .. it +3:, Spd ;0 ft ... AC lR. (Quch 16, 11':1I·!ootcd 1 f; R~~c Ark i·E; OfP +10; ; P, (k ·-11 rall(;ed (1118-1sIX;, +1 Win P"s;/c tMgbrnv) or +Ll mclee

1,0 the

by lI.:r


am.1 th.:}' ~hll1!!, hath botlie~ way, In a rage, the wizard stormed frol" J,,~ tt)wer anrl dc~eclllle.r cn rhe foresr wllh his servants. Hut long hadrhc EMr.:th Veluurhrn eel I ,of the A rdeep wughc a ella nee TO <.!Imunat.: rl1)~ hUUl;!.ll wi~t.:lrd lIlldrcgaiu tilL' treasures he had stoler: rrom the el,ven ru illS in eheir rcrest; ceord inat,i Ill;; ....Ill! them, Trl'ore sec up a 11 ~mbusl1 in which n II hu.t one of ehe win rd 's 5.:r\'111I1S was slam. Sard}, wounded, th~ II'j'mrd tcicpol'tcd (0 S.1(~ly, (111)' co d.Jseon:r his !:Ow,;r a Iready ,o,cupi..:d' bf the E.ldr.:r h Vduudua. Hunted thr.ough die lralls he h:ld once: considered his. strenghold; 11..:\'J.S fi n~ II)' 51a i'l in his t01UIl ring eha mbcr \ hy Gancrhra,

011 1[5

across tile s~ddk


{lcl{'~·7.!18,'20. nl~~ll:r\\'Ml !o.I:'111lit.lr)i Full Ar.k +11/+6 ranged (1118+~; 1,.1 romposirlr /O}lgh'(1")or ·~11fl,omdec (1']6"'''2/16-10,. 1l1M,r.crU'()fk s.t:11l"li[lIr)i SA .,n~~k ~rt:lcL +11.!6.~pdJsi S~311;f1\~1 (01111'13111011La rg~ v IJu:r), :l n ;111:1 I e,ompaniol1 btl'ldic" resise ( 1!~!IIn;'s lu re, tl·;lcllc.. ... '[('P, Wilde ,'np:lth~ +7 (+ 3 lJ1l1gic.a I beases), ~ wih] ;]'~p~ ;/da> (f! hour". M<:,lIum or L.,rgt cn:.-,tufCll), Wooo.l]3!1J srride; A L S'r.; SV Fort Ill'. R~f -!-8',. \ViII .. B"; St'T H. Dex lli" Con H, Inr n, WIS 14:,Ch~ 9. '"..4 (1) s.,.,.cs ~Sj;i".'ir ~pcJl·li~.:: 3bilitiCS of f~J. Sl'IIII "mt h"'1 Concentration ~9. Cr3fl (bowma k ins) + T, Dli6l1is<: .. (" H~n.-Ik A'ill1ui ~6, Hili" +10, Knowledge (U3CUNI +11:, LJ.\t:c!) ~ 10, ,'vIo\'<; SJ.icllt.l} TIl, Search +10, Spot +1J .. Sun'I\IJ) "'1'l~ ~~wl-;t1 8pdl,. Point Rblll.: Shor, l'r"eis.:: Shot'', T''':1d, \~rooJwl;c;t'"-',
COlllIIlOI,. F.h'CII, S),I\'OIl, Druidic, Damarnn. Comptmio" (F..l·): Atcilo<; h'[ has 'a L~q~c:viper as all :tJ\ uual compilll ion, it:. "hi Iitics and charac rensrics are semmarizcd belo"" , Animal C'lm/"umlll 1lt:III:{ilJ(.E.\'). Lin k•. share spells. f...p'If,lltJfl·J,




B~rOl se d.Jcy stroll gly be lieve d1~.tr h.,. end jlJ~ti fi cs the me a 11S 31111 u \\'ill gladlysla)' umoceurs if doin!,;'so strikes it blow against 11 haled

{,]ll!lO.y,ju'!t,ees arc of ren reviledwi thin normal elven culture. Tber an: J political H:abllit>· or ~!Jcworst kind. Nevenh.d~Sc~. th~y <Ire :1ll
erf~ctiVl: lVC~pOll, and one nor to be tossed aside lightly. ]!,i;)bcrarc mceeuresare used to maruraiu p:lnu.ibk deJ,'i'~bifi1:}" ' T he ~JIll' me S 0(' t h",t!l vo::~ nre t h.:' C "ICCI'll ics of th e JU Sf iees, Therefore, riley have !l1:lIlY enemies, both £POd and .:"11- v..rh~n one ("If llllsn[ se~ ~ cempeciror or <In ;u'h'~rs.a r y, 1) JUS! 1(<< sees .111

'PH ;Ii. TJri~(lj 'Drllld Sri'll,: 'A'~p""{ld(etl~~t£:reyel 8th): O-d~tl.'cl l 1JUIgiC ('2), smdfl.llU (1). pllI·it· I~od tI.nd tiriJ/I.'. rlWS/a'IU; 1 5r-C4J11()J1flnl/,/''''', 011"'''';1: 4mmfdl' CIJC l~), t!.ltill.uglo (DG B), ."blC1IJ·W! mJff;' 11~lJ-bl'al nit-lid, resist 1!1'~1'V, JIWJm()11 i'lllfI' "'. 9lm"p 1I1oo.d;3rd-ml'ld ill'" stone, PIJ':JMJ (+10 mele.. rouch, DC 1 f), slces SI/JI'm; +rh-~"re U""OllJ 7110U1l4S, fpik<'

(DC lo6),

~u.:.m)' to be dt"stroy,td.


(n the <5Q[oe

their inherent racist .1rt1cuJI!,jusciLl:S afJilia ted II'JCI! rbe Eldreth Vduu[ lU'fl flligh[ he difficultro v.urk into a. group of 'pGs ,tha,r lI)c!u{h~$ hUHmu~. Some grc.1ter missiou IllUSl Ill:
)11\'01 ved, Allrwher~ th~,[ <:1\''':11 il,1rcrCSts are ae st:'lkt' I' n ]!;ootl pbre tolnscr t n justice intorh,c Camp3!gn, .Ad. pt'a Iioo: Justices tit f:t.It!yl~·en into other lplllc worlds. bur you mighc tI~J to J~sigu an org;um~ltioll th:at bech fl10TIV;nC$ them and gIves, cbelll support. They weuld " ...rtly be bUllted i down and destroyed by 111<:11' .Idlolli' dves without SGJIi": sorr 01 pol'i.tic~ I protectIOn. E.o.eouoCcn: The juStiCd or w,,"l!ld and w()c 3re .iwift. 51kJ\l brillgers of I.!(:ath to all who would subvert c1vcn culrurc:-c.spl;· cia Ily hUI.ll;lns .. Ju:tticc..~ :11'1,) impl:lc.abk foes In \'~Il by ~II ~ Imc.'t fa"~tic J~s!,r~ tocrush [bme dwmcO [0 b.:" a,l ,e!lel1l~of tile pt.:opk, using whJt¢wr jI\c.:JIl!oorCIIl:ceSS3ry [0 Ilo so·


Sp,.Jh KJtfJ1P-11{J p"r d:l}'; ("~tcr level ~rJ).lst-f,,(rif! fire, iD1Igrtridl·;·. 111ood11'HPilI"'~~V', 'New spell described on p~g\! 1;. '}'olsnfi"m; 1>1 iC{1r/)('t' armor, *1 I'mllk, of 1"'('11)'111/lrmo,., 1'1118t>/ plott', (i~"+1, clOd!.:of cJ'~t:!lI.·.lfld, lwm tJ/ (l'IIellllill(l.tl !"mpf)Jitt! hwgbrnli (.. '2 Stf bOIlUS).maSIUI.I:orl. M:imimf....1 hilmI/II bnm! III"1'ml', ~~ro'll I;IJ1'ksli>l, ,;c;roll of ''YU sbnpe.


L1TI:jtl VlpU ;tlHlll~l ~\omp;n11011; CH. -; Large :l11il11:1l; HJ) r,lt!:; IIp 12; J TIlt +S; SpJ 20 (c. climb 10 rt~s\1 111120 ft,; AC 18, loudl 13, Rat·roofcd14; Base All +1; Grp +'7; Atk or Pull All ...6 Il\d~.:: (I.i'! phrs 1I00SOIl, lUll'); Spac.:jTt!!:It:h 10 ([,/S Ce.; SA }X),.\OIl; SQ.,,::1'3slon, SCCllt; AL S'j SV Fort +4, Ref 1·8, Will ..1; Stf 11, Dcx is, Con ll, Jilt l,\-VI~ 12, Ch~ 1. SJ.:II/{ ,fwd I'~nfl: Unhll~ .,,12,Climb +11, Hide ·~9, isre» L +f, Spot +6, SWIm. iI; Impl'o\"I:'J 11l1tiatil'll, Wll;!POII F"w.!sSl!.

Tridr' A [Cad, ClIme, I.!O II, fetch, guard. .... "P':>I>'M (E'X) nlr~; Fort DC 11 !lC(PtCS; ","imJ ~nd >dcow:b.ry J~IIl;Jg:o.: lJ,G COIl. £'~Rri(J11 (f':r): ~O d~Il1Jg..:: cl,16UC·C.~-S$rul. Rl:fl~x snvc. DAS'KAJ:: OF THE GOLDE>; FROND (EL 18) D:llUl0C SU3T,ls I h~ Rorder ForCl>[ aga insc ZheM fJ"g~r~ :md hhr~r sCoutS .,liko.:. She rdlc'~ OJl her 01",1 companion [0 .'pr 01\ Ultcrlopcrs from .11':10"1;).

ATCHOCH'T eEL 11) A former tJruiJ~mhushc.~ !-,Qld;cr~ who c!o:ar,cut hlss..1m:d b'l'o\'t to bUild th.:irsl~H<" C!lIl;'1~5,





Dannae or the Golden Frond: P.:mak wood

dr flng.:']'


J;Justl'l! of \Vltalt! mul \~rl<' 7; CR lR; Mcdiun: hUIl1:ll)olli; HD 13J8+YdG; lip lO~; Spd 10 rr.; AC 1'\:, tou~h 17. Ilar-Ioored 24; TI:m Atk <l-tJ .. G; Crp .. 1";; Ark ..1, r~ngod (ld814119-20/><;3, ()4IbbQ'lIl) or < 1i' Illt:lcC (11.16. 3/1 :1-'20, .j J ,barl J7/1ard li Full A I k t'B!+Jl' r:lllgcd (ltl8i4j19-10Ix3, 1111 111b(l1l1 ) or ·il7/+,YmL!c,,"
(lJ6~ 3/19-10, +1
1.'l1~IIl~' drow +1-,


i<sht M,QSk

S1{1ord .... SA ~n.:.l~ :m;\.:k +-1.16,rJI'o1'l::.1

r:\Vorl~1 ':UI:n1) hUll1~lt.i + L. impro\'ed ~0t)11).,[ srylc (:lrchcry). poiso)1 usc, ~lCJtly lJJod. sp",1ls; $QJI'lim:!! (0111(1(\111011
(owJj, annual ccmpauion Ucnclits. Clh.f~lr~I1CI:,l'vt\Slon, Irlld.k:.!t step, rJPJ1mhl\~. \1I1C:llllly dod" c, wild c 1I1).lllthy ,.8 (-+ t m.ISll:d beasts), "ooJl:llld s rule; 1\ L C~li SV port 1'1+, R -r ~H, Will +7; Str 1-;, D~~ 16, COil 11, lilt 10, \.\II~ 11, Clla H. Skills mid i:"'"IJ: Climl. ;.13, Com.emr.trion .. 10, Crufr {ho\\'· 1113l.ill];) +10. H:'Indll.' A uimal flO, H1.:ai +11,Hnlc ~1" K 1l0\\kclSt' (~ e ogr:lp!ly,!~ll. Kllo~~I~t.lS': (n:lCI.m:! *11, Li~t~11 +n, Mov..Sil':lltIJ' ,·H, S~;Jl'dl +10, S»Ot +11, Survival ~H, Lr~ MJ!-lil. 0 .... \,1<,;.: ... 10; C(,Jft ).(3~i~ Ar\l\~ ~I)d Armor, (1II[1rO\'~J Critical (longbow), .Vf.lIl)~hOlH, 1'01111 Bialik Shot, Pr..\.i:w ShOI", Track", W<:3POIl Foco f!OIlSOo,,). ,4"imlll C()IIIP"lli(Hl {L'·j. Danna, ha~ au 0 ..... .1'\ :III :'inill1:11 1 (OIl1P:\llIOIl. ltl> abllim~ a 11,1 (h.1l'11 t"ri:.(i.:~ JI\: sUIllIll:lri'Ll!ll bctow, Alllmni C{)IIIP'ITiI(l11 /)1'1IIIjll (£.1')' Link, ~J.aR' sp·db. 'PH 36. F....n.w;lII (£.1')' No de IlIJfi, ....011 sue ..:,~ruJRdJn ~.I\'~. · 1}p"'111 1<1111.'<,,17 Spdti 'l~n'I'{IfI!c1 (l11~t~'r lI.:wl hd), l~I-t1l1imfll
IIIr;Uc/Ig_1J1-, 1111('IJfgil'

orb>: '1PIlIdJ o( cbn.,(gt! h,,'~(! blrntm 111(0 11'011&IIII!, fwd f1.mId:e " 7{JI';SPd1' OIl /IJll-/ 71.,;"d. The I'll)' does III f Ilid. OJ In]' 1IIt1.;U"rJ buf, bill ,rli II (~(·h;r 111)' ,oQII:i 51 S lItI)1 .~1Iidi.llf, its 7Pidn""Ifti 1111//''' -Emuin NI!;lltshaJe tll::Jthbringl'rl> are the ph:llltOI1l~ 0 WClIt];JtC, :lIbl,' to walk among mortal mcu during tlll: light d;'l)' lout possessed of some of UII I ;'I(h',~most ghastly powers. The)' nrc uor truly UJldclId b"lIlb", but !Irt.orirl:; bred co go where till' masters of rhe 'Kighl Ma~k~" IIllOt tTC':lO. AJ, J d':Jthbl'lIlgl'T, you sial l, [hc Sl1~dow5 or v."srg:ltc and beyond ruscarch or \~:Iy~ to empower vourself 3JlIJ your !!Iuil!.!. You have casted rhe ksss Ileacll,. :1111.1 fear it the llrollgll[ you never qUle,.,leaves tIlt' hack of ~our minu,




11I1'11lb.!rs of rhe

i~ht Mo.sh De thbrincse(

~Ibll{ Mas~ d~-:tl:hbn!llil!rs . re hIghly of the
V·.lIl1plrc~ III dlargc


\1J0.:511:\;1I1.' rlneves' guild who have L~.ught tll\.' favorable artcunou

of the orb":\t,j~ariol1. Th,oy undergo

gruesoruv \.\!1'1:1Il0IlY involvrug tlll! drill king of dlcir own blood from the yew:. or a Vlllllpire lord, ",IHeh changes rhcm inro
nl()lI~rt'r.~capable or rhc 1Il~[ I'ill: llhf depraved acrs, Rogues hJv~ the 1'!I).c srtunc qUJIi(Y;llg fOf thil> prcsrigc class; orbcr classes !,IcllcrJlly mUSt stra), (rOI1l their primary {I-Jlllill!,; to achieve {he uecessar requirements. OC:Hcncy (lor S{C~Irll), Wisdom ((or INr(l;l'"olI) ~IIJ ChariSlIl:l (1,)1' lIlor~' powerful speoal ::abilittes) arc Kl')' ablli[Ic, .. for :l Night M::a1>kdC.1chbrillg 'Y.

roc ] '2)

JUI/ilt· .Spdf, A"II(I1VII (1iJl2 lsr-, .nll()Iifl-If8,l!"'''. '(lIII..ff, id"I.

(lrrO~II'; 1.IId-b",.kr.('m, CfI('!grncc,

per lla~ i

lol~fl:r "<1:',

l, \'.:J -;(h):

71111/;,,,,' I,

Ipllllil,,)',·,. """(I1I",I,-n:



lIn"o1(11plli', iurf/ellf ""1'01V'

'1\..:", spells


Ch:llHl'r '2" Elvcu, Sylva 11.


glo ... (I( 'De>:I.:,';I)· +4, , i,,& "I p"""·,llfm ·.:J (ll dl1Jrg,.:-;), OI.I/JUII1V, +1 jlJ~11 11<'9/'/1. loud: 0\\ I :1111111::1/compauiort; Cil -;

7~(lSSI11Jiom.- 1/ Sluddt:III<'tIlb<!,- nrmur, +

+ 2,



III tln/g,;}.,


H '(} 111111';1''11:,

'I' '

III Jfl'lJiI1btlr')'

hI' 13j Tnir +i; Spd 10 ft., fl)' ~o I . (all,:rJJ.\e,l; AC l'i, touch H, Rac·footed H; 1.\015": Ark +'1; Gql .. t.-:; At or I"I!I 1\\l. .8 IHl::kc (lM-'2, ralons); SIY.lc.cfl{c;Jo:J.l '·1J2 f'ejO Ir ; SQlow-!i!)hr \'I!>IOllj
AL ~; SV Fort ..1, Rd' ~6J W

'[111.1' animal:

H L) 11tH,

AligomCoDr: fill)' ~Yil. Ski.l{5: I:-1I\Ie B ".ulls, Kllo",lcJg~ (10<::11) 3 Slkmr~ S ranks,
Feat: Gn:at fOrll!'ul.h:. Special: TI.I'(I~IOII and


II h, Mov,",

clod!;!: da~~rCOItIJI'C~.

.u +3; Str







.o+u res


Wi3 1'2. Cha 2.

Skills fwd Ff/l/I: Listen + 1+, Move S;kl1rl~' <) -;, Spot ,6 (..14 ill shadow)' liluminatloll); tll.lpl'O' 1:\1 lui I~\!\'t:, W,.;apoll
FIlJl~~~ .•

As tll,"Y urcrcase in 1;:\'\:1, )ihglH .'--fa k tl~:lI!lbrll1gt"r.; gain more or lll~' po\wrs tlll:IF uiul ,,,01 lIIa~t '1"lI pos:...·s , IIltrto\SlI1~ rhvrr
::tllel,\kill. Creature of Darkoen CE;t} Al!lIll~ls can sense til.: dcarh ill you, ,.\using tflClll co Icar jour presence, As a result, all animals I!~C~J'( for tlll[S, rars, amI .... 1\·("5 Iml'!! rh sir imtial nrntudes lIto,,~d 0 JO\\ 11om" .m:I:\0C} whl:'n yOll Ii 1'51 31?I?toad I rl1O::IIl. r 11:lJd il ion, ,/0'.J cak\' a -'1. J)I,;II:lit), 011 all R"l.: checks Ilu.: ro rhe beasr's inhereut

Trisk»: A 'I·:I~).. come,

t.l.d.... down, I', 11.:.11, gu t 1',1, seck, ml,.



rrow spells

A number of II!.:W !lpclb hnh' come our or the jll>Ci~": tr;JII1HI~. Designed by rhe ICo.'11th J .0~':lroo\yl1, th c: :.I.' spells C~PJ\lJ upon IIIlS ju~t1ce'!:. nlreadj: fornudabl« .rrchcry porefollo, TIt(',~· spells are Ilm'n in the justice of went.! illlJ \\'01:spdl list (nhowJ :\11,1 are n"c:111cd III Ch:lprC!"r 1,

n.::I'\'ouslIi.:SS your prc~ net'. al

Hesitating Stare (Su): D"mhhrmg.:r)" Il rOl'o.: tl ".:If oyp 11l!1l to (:OI1(rollt thclr 01"11 1I10rc... dlt)' with but a gla1l(:c. This ability eall 111: .tt:IIVlfCd Ollce jX'1' d::J)' ~t (IllY tilll .... 1."\'C1l 11'11(-"" }'Ou ~rc 5uqwi..\!d. You :lSt a gi:J.!K" :It :lily fOl.' withill 30 r":~·I. who must




• •

chc:n llll.k:c a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/1 your class level + Cha mod,i,fier) or be stunned Cor 1 round. Youcan usc thislbillry rwsce pe.· d~)' at 4th 1",,,<:1 nd bi~hcr. three tin\CS per do}' ,H 7d'l a level ~l1d higher, and four eilncs per day .3C 10th level. Light SCluiv.ity (.2I):!n S'tH1Hshr Dr unght magical light (sueh as a dnylight spell), ., d.:atbbringc.r is dl1"l.Zled, Spider Climb (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can :lct ;IS if you were unaer tlte iJllluencc of a spidor dimb spe.U (cast'l:!' kve! equaJ:, your dC::l,rhbri:Ll~r dar.s level), YOu e<1.I1!I5erhlS1Ibility antanber of times per day equal to your Ch~i'i~lu! .modifier, m;nimuln one. PenISecse!: At 'lrnJ iCI.'I!I,you gaUl 'low-I ighr Vi51011-chc abihfY to-see rwice as rOlf :IS ;. human in si.:lrlighe,. mooulighl. torchllgJ'I, or Sill1ibr condi.tiOlls of poor illumil1:11ioll, You retain rhe ;!i'liJlcy uo distinguish color and dcwil under dlcSI! cOIIl.hUOIlS, A't 7th level, you gam (i3rkvlsioll OUI 1:0 (,0 (ect. Spe-ak with Cr~lturcs of tae Night. (Ex): Whe.11 yol.l r~ach IT'dl~vel'. you call spc:!k with mrs, bats, ~lId wolves a~ ,f )'OU were under rh~ il1 Rm:!lIte ora Jp(lIk ?lIifb animal: spell, This ~bil ity
does nothing (0 rbe arrimdc such creatures, Gbost Step (Su): Once pCI' day startlQg ar lrd level, )'oU raJ! make yourselr mll~ib!c /Or 1 rOIlIJd. This is a s""in~.ctlon (r.ofll('thil1~ you ca n do as a J.rtiOIl OJ1C~pcrrOIl nd] tll:!t rloc~

lewl of th~ ·,,!'Iocr '~qual~ the rkathbrmgcr'sda.ss level, and the DC 00 resist the crfect elJu,al~ 10 ~ ['he d~a[hbringl'T's d~',;.s level + Chi! modifier. You C;Ul h~l'e 3. number .ofoul,tanding blood bonds, aenve



c'lual ro


Chari$J1.ln 1110di.ficr_ ~hould yotle:{G~'Cd thiS

limit, che ohlcsr blood bOl1d h<.'colnl:.~inacrive. Soeak Attllct (E.:l'): At 41th bre! and higher"


deal extra




not prevokeartacks of opporrun,ry. You can use ~his .abilitj' twice pel' d~~'3t 6rh level alld higher,. and three rimes per day 3t 9dl level and hls1l1~;r, Lesser Blood Bood (Su): One of ehe deathbdl1gtr'~ Ill(lbt il1Sidious powers, alis ahilit}' hd'ps you break down th~ will or her enemies, To use titus ability, ~ d~athbl'ingcr ·of 4th level or nigher mus.t gee thetargct to drinl three drops of her blood. She ~3tl do this by hiding cbt blood in rood or drInk,. or 'oy pnll11J1l:!: ["<,target fo!' 1 round and ble..:diJlg directly inro his 1110url1. Ollce this cendieion h?s ~11 fulfHlcd;, tbe: dcalhbflllb':tr CA.ll CiI\l5e 3 chllTlJ'I p~I'JQlI c:ff.:.d to come over che r.uge! by spca)'Inl) dire<:lly co' him. 'The words used are uTlimpOr,talll, ollly r hOlI the dtllthbringer wills d'lc t:lrgct to be fnendly to llJlII. The: easter

da mOlSC '1.\ hen ) 0\1 c:ltch a fO<.· AJt-foorcd or fla Ilk a foe, as the rogue d:lS5 rt.:3tun o~.>(rllx:d 011page )0 of rhe Pl,,)u's H'mdJIook.. Sllo1':lL'3t1'nck dic~ .~tt:1I11('d rrOlll lilt) Jtrrle sources sraek. Improved E.'I'asioll (E:t): At rch le\'d, your p~udn·vall~pirk ccle nt y g r ~ 11(:; you sUf'lCrIl:lru r:11 rc flexes, You now ta ~c no d a IIIage 011 ~ succcssfut Rdlo.!xS,WII'lg throw ~gajm,t :I.rC3 :!tQch and hair damage 011.1 r."dcd save, Yoo ~o !lOt gain the bencfu rhlS ability If you nre hdpk:;.~. S.lipptty Mind (S ...), Whet! you i1tti1111 6thl'evcl, your mind is only partir 1I10rt.3l, allow lug.i 01.1 ro ~hrug orf mental artacks and compulsions more <'as!!} tho II orhers. A flr .time )'OU :l'[11 arrecr~d ~y all enchanrmcsu ~JXI:I r effect a nd ),-00 f~il }'OIH sa'lI'mg thro"'~ o you (lHlan,Cll'lp,( th~ SftVl' aJ:;:l1'l1 1 round lawr ~t dIe same DC. You only gel om;ot.\ tra Ch;lIK~ to "uwccd pu cfrL'{:[. Greater Blood Bond (Su).: nli, abitir)" ;J.c.qulrcu .ar 10th level, worL.sJuslli'Lc lesser hlood bom], c:{ccrr dll) target comes ~lI1d~rthe InA'uelw~ ofa dl1m/llIllt' r~"s()J/spcll rnrher [l1a.11 rbllrm pr:rron. A d<.:nthbrjll~r (':tIl h~\'<' a number ol' outstanding blood bonds. active or nor, equal re hu Ch:'\rl,~millllo.iil'k'r. Should sh.e exceed ellis lUY1lt, rhc old~st blood bond bceomcs inac (we,


p](ll.Jin<s o

Nl~ht, Mosh Deuthbrjn~et

or rhc
You are a lll;]srcr of lII&hl 's dark s.h:J.Jow",.~ deadly \\'bis:pcr whose pas.~illsl~3'V.::sblood ~ud l!<;<.t rucnco K illiII!;: a!Hi robbi Ilg were not enough for )011, 110w\:,I'''I'i rou craved powcr, and rhe lords
t->:ight Ma,~b were \\'lllilll:l to sharc tt

)',oll-Cor .~

ea8e Attic!!: Lev·el Isc ll1tl 3rd


Fori Sove
+0 ..0

Ref Snc
-e '1


+0 +0




+3 +~



8t.h 9rh lOrn

+4+f +6
;,6 +7

+1 +1 +1 -J.'l "1'1



... "1.

.. 4


... 2 43

+1 ~l +1


Cteatureof ciarkness, nesir3ti ng stare l/day, light sensitivity, Feral senses (low.)'l!ihr l'I~IOI1J Speak with creatures of th~ llight,g,nosrsl:cr l/day Hesilarmj; st~r~ 1/d'3Y,. [esserblood 0011(1,.611':31. tuck +1J6 a Improved evasion Shpp<:r}' uUIIJ,gj\o~t,;rcp 1./tla}1 Hcsibl.dng Stare 3/d3'J. feral senses (ulIyl;vislon) Snea], alta.d;",'ld6 Gho:>c step 3/da'J Hcsitatlllg sure -till3}, BTtald' blood bond

Jpidl!l' dim/;

+ Int rood'i:lier per level): 13al::ince,Rlurr, Climb, Crafe, Decipher Scnpr, Diptomncy, Drsablc Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather 11lforlmltiol1, Hide, Tlltiminao::, Jump, K.noll'l(loge (local), Listen, Move Silently. Open Lock, Pcrrornl,. Prokssion, Search, S';1I511:Motiv<i', SleiGht of H~l1d> SpO[, S\\ un, Tumble, Use M<lgl\' Device, Use Rope,

Hit. Die! d6. Clan StjU~ (8


price, Yov I1l1lSt S rve dlelr "'id.ed elllls, :lml sa rifice a ltrtlc or )'ovr humaniry III rile process, YOll (':111 now conic and ,"0 l\!i you please, and (he 51! rets or rh~ IIIJ:l,hl i\I'~ )OIH~ (0 USI:: for whatever purpose stokes (J I~ fi res or )'OIH cor fU}ltt:d III unl, The \1 ight is you r tII1W; It j, "oj IL'I' YOLl n' .It }our !1\O~ coua t fiden and most deadly, Still, your masrers expecr you to cJrry cue missiOlls ill daylight :IS 11'':11, ~onlCI lllll!;, hl'Y rhcurselves nre iUC':Ipabko doing IHho\l1 great ns~, Wilde Ih~' SUI! I> ,kndlr (0 rhern, to you It is merely an IIiCOIlVCnJ(lll ,SIIlI, rhl~ HIIllor hindr: IlC(: is tht pnc\.' or :1 1'0\\'1,;1' that YOII 11..:"...t could han; achieved 011 your 0\\11, Combat: You pn:rcr (0 sed!:,· [rom the ~ha.low~, w here YOUI' power arc il [heir gr~.ltCSt, Setting :lIl1bu~h'~ i-, your mUle or choice', using your ablllt), to spe:tk with mccnsplcuous tr'l.'M1JrCS and dlU1DII1H Where ethers 1I11'Ighr rail. Open conrbar docs nor serve yOIl \'odl • especially unJI:I' the brrs,hrnes. the 5~"1. You r sk ills u' PeS! unhzed III quic], eombar, With your ':II~II\ '011 the ground before hI,;<.:1'",1' ).;111:\\'

nvt: who can apl/Tatc above ground durlllg tilt! da light hours. Occasionally :I prOSp1!t:t Iroin outside the b'Ulld I. fumed into it d~tlthhril1g.:r. 011 'It least OIlC occasion a. rogue "'ho man:l.g('d to pierce the 113111pin::..' inner ~11(tuJl1 \Y<J~ captured and, rather than IlclIlg ~ I(mg,. torturous dC::J.th, agr~"I..'t1 10 become ~Il :11;1."111 of 1 hI:'


NlgJlt Masks, To become mducted 111 d I~ dc:nh bl'lllg -r clan is to k 1I0W to 11!3r and paitl as y('lu have 1l1!1'\.·r (,lrpcricllcl!o jt. The vampires IHIVI~ :I ritual thnr iuvolv s bloodlcrrlng, mental domination. and phan[a51115froru the deepest pan of rhc sulJ 0115 10US, o lice this rrcual has been ompleted, a piece of the IkachlJ.rillt:cr'S mortahrj' has been I'~pl:ll'ed wlrh {he horror of li""I!?; ut::at!l. While rlns ~l;penellce Jcx:~ 1I0t lI1ak..: lrer 'I" ul1d~ad creature, ~hc.h~~ to hve with J
j11CaSUrc of rlre 5ulTuIIIg Stich creatu res lac _ Once rhe ritual IS ccsnplere, (he dearhbringer is now officially a vart or the guild's highe~( order, W hilc no special privileges are



lum. When combat drags


~ ~ ~ ~

:::; ~


and surprise tactics arc 110 !Oll!i.;r 011 your sill, lise shills sl,ch as Hide 311J Tumbl~ as \~I:ll as your ghost step abili1)' to !~l\'~ COl11fm,u\J jlrl:pan: another 31l1hush, L~ll!illg l our rCK:~ bJt:td'mg aud cOllru..:dl" sonwrnucs beuer than Ic;wlIlg them dead, By 4tll ICI'd you sre able to be rcr sprinS surprise aceacks Oil your Iocs, using )·our alllhn ... ro 'S become uivisible nllJ ro 5<':1:wucr I
III ondnions of low light. S'lI '1.' you r ~II~~ k attack da lIl<lgc docs not II1creJSC at Itt: 5:t IIJ<;' rnre as a rogue's, you must rdy C\'~II more on ambush racrics as youI' leve! mCl',,":.I~~S, For l.hi~

graured because of rhrs, deathbringers do hold gre:)[cr wcight

HI the c)'es of the guild's leaders. Mas( Kight Mask opcrstivcs wili defer [0 a dearhbnuger ill matters gu ild busi !H? s, and they :l rCO' ofreu tru red with cbl:: IlIOS[ delicate aud lucrative jobs, Unl1"S6thcy arc 011 a nnssio» for one of their vampire lords, deathbrmgers arc gl'a uted 110 Clt\hrs to petition rhern for ~id 01' :\J\'ice, Scmerirues the vnm pircs insrrucr more ex peri. euccd ocarbbriJlgcrs Oil hO\v to U'SI! their newfound lbiliCl~. but most of tIle tiuic they assume their creations nr sl1lar~ enough to figure tbillgs our 011 their OWI1_ Re~ource8: )..1'SII1!\-task uC".tchbrlllgcrs work ln service to the j;LlII\I,:ltId the' will ask or h<!lpwhenever n ressar ',.A particularly pOI'.l:rfu! ':111:111)"or Jal1l:l,'rou~ ~ltuiltlOIl I1I1ghr hrillg j swarm of e!c:tthbril1g,·~ down 1,11'011 It, u!lUall) ~p '1lillg doom for whoever


purpose, you III USl unprove yOll r lJluff al1J H ide ski I!~, 110'1'1111:: 1"11.1 ro ~ ) nack Irom the dnrknc .... anrl tlrell rcn ':'Ie cl1l'I'''' :Ibaill, "I'C!! :treer ~ you have exhausted your IISC~or Sho r Hep ror the lb.). A.t higher levels you call lISC yOIll' h c'$tcnnll!> srarv co st LIIIop· pOll nrs, Ol:l.klllt:; them vulncrahk to your kadl ~nl::lh.)tLuJ,S. 'lour slippery mind and Improl'e.! el';~IOII :Ibilitl~~ ullow you [0 l't'II13il1 in close combat rOl' 10111>,'r thall you couhl pri:l"lou~ly> and ),our ability to qUI~tI)' )1ip out or combar \1'110.:11 rlllll~5 cum ;!.gaillS! you has peaked, YOl,1 a F>:' 51 III lIor J comh~( U1.1stcr, htl{ you call hold YOlif OWII al>rtlllsr ahuosr ,111} Single 0Pl'lOIKllt, :til,,) you h~ IIC. the tools co leave ruu Iriph: rex '$ Sl'I'illd,1I11,\ 1hrlf 11~.ld,; or grasping th~lr 1lloQdied throars. J\dl"a.accmcllci Deathhnngel'S jir~ rCCftWnJ I rom .lInong rhl Night Masks' 11IOSt sl;ado\\") al1\! alllhlr,oll~ 0jJt:r:, r 11'1.">. Tal.lng
su 1'1 rogues into their inner Clrd ...a ·lOIllj>1J. he mogoab for til... l'alllpll'~: It k .eps eh.: lIl11bioou' t:lo,c; to tll'llI where thc) cau

h", warranecd such atrencio». 111 rna Iion flows frcel), betwecu for rk dearhbnugcrs, and Ihere IS 110 nihercut cOlllp,>ciIlOl'l for the :1tt~n(:Jon 0[" clleu'mast(rs. or,<;ou~, some d~athbrillg ..rs ate more amhltloll~ [hall oth~r~ but personal rivalries are more of tell the

~uch (,;011 1lcr~ d 1!I1l.1l1lbl(IOII, F ' rou should 5;)~k Inngic ircms coat Increase boch your stealth .1IId J,I!C'd, A , 11/& a( ;mnpillJ!, ~lIow, .. you co prowl rhe rcoreojJ , and s/J"tL()']U ""71LtJr make .. you crrcl:tlvC'ly invisible ag3111sr the rlar).;lI.:cs& of-night. Charisma-enha« iHS items lliake some your 5]1 ial abiliucs 01'':1\ 1I)0ro:rive, as welJ Il~ racihtltillg access
I:;tll~~ of






p!J,lll>, ;)Ild

It I\i\'c~


loyal opera-


those you







1n the world

NiCSht Mosk oeorh bri n'Sers

rernb]e fC!(', for

Nlght M3Sk dearhlrrillgcrs nmlt

group of

FCs. because Je:l;r.hbril)gtr~ c!'In sow SIlCQSof di~trustb.:cwe.:u even

roc most sfJI\I"3.rl COlIIp:m i·oJS· Any d\J'r'"3c~rs who arc scnve I andwecessful ill or ne;l( the cit)' of Westg~(C wjU ,:wJlcu!"llly run aOO$ d deatbbriugw, ....herher the}' know i[ or not. WcslS:tre is rhe dc:at11hnngcrs' dty, and dl<:Y'-"'lIlit to .~110'" :lbour3uy poee Ilt ',1I rh fl!:! CS or "J b,"$ t1u\f CO"I\C i.lside ies w~lis. A del d\bri II ~rc.:! II e I'~ 1\ or ;i(! aSJ duu"'(Ic.tcr's first iJllrorluctioH I~ dt~Ni!;hr Mash swlJ, ;!IId potclltia.l1y brUlg him n"lsHJe to work for the guild. 1f the PC~ ;In.: loohng for.a conraci III W~"StIPtc's ufl!hwo.rld, they could IlOt do much berrer thauollt or Orh.:lkh'~ l!St!tlrl()·~'al11pirk mlnicns (for more: IlJfOrll'Ultion on Orbakh. sec pllge 41 of Lord! o/1>f,dmcnj. OrpnizuiOD: The d..:athDrm~l:fS area speoal :rrm of .dK· ~ it,;ht Masks tltievcs' suLld. Most of the time rhey ~r(!' lerr to thee;!' OWII devices" using rhcir c.'<tY30rdiuuy [>0"""1"5 to ru.rth~r em: assets ~IJ{I pooitiOJll of the guild. Occ~sio!):;Jl)', the I':tlllpilrf~ at the center of rhe suJd'i> pcwcr structure commamioue or IIJOrC d,,~[hbrins:e() to see to an important bit of I:j:ulld busJl)~. D.ayti.me IIwctill.!!.~ J 11IJ, ambushes are rypic;JJ ·drth~ missions ~o be assigllled, !"IS are those with JIlon: faf.rL-:ldliug goo:ls ~lldl s the exptor:lcion of 3 ruin, 0,' a contact With ;Ill all)' OlI~!dc Wcstg;ttc or a Ion!!. the Or~Holl Coast .. ThL' ~ighi M~5I..S ;"m' an al.-c~p(cd. if not welcome, pnrt of (lie TIn' dC':lthbrm.S!:fs are like it plllsm: across Wc5tglltl',. one rhar often cxeends across rhe Dragonmere n\[o Sembia, i!!1d ~th into \)./c"Sft:~IC C!.! lrnre amI 100nJ~(;l.p<:, 111 "OI'llC parts of 10WIl, IlUlld m~ll1!xI'~ can ra Ik rfedl' abouc thCll :lS50("l:lnOIl \~)lhaUf (",UC, TurmiSh 3!1d Amn. Irs illdlv!du:l1 :lg~nC!o 1.,,1\'," sprC:t.d ouracross the lands .0:11 iliI~r<!u [JW 1'\ Igllt M:hks aud (heir masters, 0111.:" while III (lthe:I'> .u~h fI~un(nll-l IS looltu JOWI1 U]JOIl. Om: tllIllS :l!Irhontjt.:~ k:l\"C long since gIven up dC:lthbriugcr, ~, sorc.:rc.rirOf:,'Uc. 113 mcd CiIXbru Are~!s, has nseu to , ;1 fol' Cat:!lll. though-rhe trying to cOlltrol (ht.: t:u rid and !IS JeU\'rt ics, Those who ib,d ~uth powi!.r thM he 11.0\\1 comtll0lld5 tbe rcsp.'(t of .:111the oehers, LiWt do {hey kilO'" chat CiOlhru is acru<llly ~ iliSb'l!i:.o..'Ci i]l;rhiJ, themselves .011 £111: gUlld'~ bOOi.ll<o,dc IVCkOlIH! ifli Illembt:rs inre work iug U'tdCr3 sptc~1 :ll"nngCJll~1lt wldl Orbal.. h. Although I\C (heir esubllsh mcncs, IIIiSh! !!,'\·C thcm I'f<'(crciltial m:Jtt\lellfor is bes'rOIVt:d w"i[h no more flO","'Crdl."111 "11), other dcachbrinser, his III ruor Ulscoun IS 011 gocds, ,I nil lI'on't bcerayehcrecen I1dell1:e for 1.00 Illtk com, knowledge ·of dIe city~s po.... srreecures and the 1I1tnguC::. he ll'lb cr wovell chroughout them means that !loth;,,!!, 'goes OJI in the cirr Those "';'00 Ii 1\,1 thl'm.;c'I~',·~ .le odols \~ I[heho: guild 'qU!.c!..! y witilour his knowl<:<tlge, fi nd thatr h(!} IIlU", h in.: mcrccnancs to Sun I'll t he-Ill a lid tlwr C!OlIa11.! It nS COllI ro 1(>( Ihe: }'II r"lle Lady Fes! bal I. til~ closes t hu~ IIIC,,-,t.: ~ ill5J j.','l ~ r gu IIU JC t l\' ines, 0 Ill! In il5It t c: \'"mat tra H the thmg to aeentrnl mccthl!':: haUche guild manlJ~m$. A ,t:oI1lJ'lII:~ ~trcn cion of ,1 d'cathbntlJ;cr, .u\.~lllch peror ,Ill the lllcrccU~ nes uIl9crne~t!) chc UIIl 'lcad3 ItO~.temple ofTa'lo)l(l, \1 here. vicrnns, k'''!· ill rlre world mit:ht lIV[ II!: ellough protecrion. Although ch~}' do Jl.app~d fro!'ll paraes ot .ile r...,chan, ~n: ea ken for ex perimclltntiol'1 nor I(kl1tifl' thcll1sd,,~\ :1.\ :mychms: bur ordluuy suilu Ihi~v.::!l, with lIt"· diseaS<!s am.! poi&oll~. The priC.(>ts of the temple pro .... uk dl'alhhri'l~scr~ .1'I;1\'c an aura about [hem chat cI~Jl"ll J!fr~n:nti~les Clodaru W!I h:111 dixlr th1!t du lis tbe horror permeating the !llIUUS chcm rrom mh.;r illl;ill"!uual;;·. D1JS k~d~to ~Hol;g"r t~~cr;ons in bot!) ("~~. with h'lllld·rncnJll lSPC:; hclllB even fnel,ldli(r cOl\"2.rd o[al'l rhos.: w.ho h:lVi!UnrlETgO!1C the dC.Qcl'lbriugeJ rrnusforlli:l.nol.li !.k:JrhbriHg,>!I"!i. -and [hosc "if Ii r~;lSO!l [0 fCal! or 101l[he the SIII!d hi.>succc:.s:s is p:trrfy iltrribut:lble. 10 the mene:!! d.:lrity h~ J;ctS f:roll) rcaning s[fol1~ly !II che oppos,t~ dm:cmlll. rhe eti:~lr, SQ no 011" outJiidl! of himscU', the mn', 01.\"111:(,IIn':l till! remple priest$ .kll01.',:> or this s.::cret arr~l1gcmen •. We~tg3cc nas.l rcpuc~dOll ;"1$ :j C.II)' wiJ!!r.: 3:lly,hing cnn b~ N Den. Lore bought ror a price. Thisarmosp.hl':r.: kmb itself l'Hrcmdy \.1'(:11 Chat3(lI:r$ With }C'lowkclgl.· (loc.31 W.:srg~tc) can r~carch the 10 th~ NiGht M~sks' bUSU1~SS COJ,1c~rns. :\.111:1 l'<':11 morc so for e ic.s lIlost 5hadOIl' oper;lfI,·e$-th~ ae'arhbrillgcrs. D~alhbringCTs 1.1.<:alhhnng<:l" the 1"l5ht Masks. lllllestll}1tlfJ& ~ Jearhbrlll.l,;tr by OOf IUIll~ 1.\ Ixrtain ~o pir]).IC th..: I;IIII.J'$ curiOSity, I' hile tr)"lflS m find are acriv¢ J.ay .ll'IJ lli~ht,looJ;.iog for olew oPrortul.irl~s CO hnllS lVt.alth .;1l1d power to thc guild. Durillgth¢ u~Y.most of rheir mfol"lllJtioll on !he gu.dd it <;df Isco:n~iII ro W.lrralll a. Ilcrsona I i1ctil'ilie1o include scouting locuiolls 3.lld U Iking to th~lrCOIlI'Il::ts \'iSlt. pOO>Slbly from .:1 tk~thhrillSl!r If thr iuquirins dtiraclel IS ill order to stay cunent wirh th~ liew r~t;~S jll tOWIl. pO\"cdlll .or JHAuell{ial. Whe11 :! (h~f~CtCf mOlhs :t skill c:iled, l!.ve.ryt'hlll!!.ch;l111:l~6 in \),lesl¥:lte .3:t II igh!. The SIll3Tl~'5t .I~",,· nta!! or pMtlph!';"!~' dw t:oHo\!."mg.. 'nduumg the !ufonnatlon' from Iowa Des. abidmgcitium; stay off tnt: Slr<:c~s., "·h~rc robbers_and \>;"Orselurk '

~hO'(,ro\l'. O~~[.hbrmgers. ~"·nrnl frOflel their hiddcn holes II"ic~'I!:)l"S :IS soon :IS 1Ill: ,un fn! 1-;, readr to i·mpteme!lt tbelr Jl11l11~ nd ~~f~d t hetr t:1lt"'1ll1"~ froni [h~ shadou'!.. The "pJ'I:'tJltOU)$ ., or WCSlS:Ut:" ar.: (:lrel)" QUt to sImply rob o;.omWllt of t.h"ir [mtsc-'t h~y ~.,,11. h kcly t;lfg.:tlo Ior a bloo_d oonJ alldulV<lstiglltt rhcir h.)d.gmund; the)' tr~cl pou'cd'ul adveuturers w:ho n:nc come: mtn 101111 without "rqpHcfmg," .....th rhe guild; ;Hld r!ley i :lS~a,;~n1;ttcmercha Il[lo and 'looks \\'ho h:lI.·C::j'(OI'\:11 troublcSOI'l1e to rhelr Irnd~':ld masters ,our'{,(;. the (k~[hbI"lIlS~rs arc not WIthout their enemies 111 \V<.;>;tg.lCC ~Ild lJeyoI1J, Chid' among thelll arc the Fwc Souls of th~ Dead, a group 01 KcI('Ill\'ontc~ II 110arc c;Qlnmlue:J to root ins ourthe \';'\mplri~ lord~ of till: )\,ght MasJ..s. Sruce Orbakh and rhc Coun 01 ~!bht M<l"t<.:r~r:Jrd)' venture QU!rinto th~ clty,lhe Pille Sou I~ hn I'L." fo,,:u,e,1 rhcrr d torts-on Ihe h""ta,n! crentions k nOIl'!1 a~ 'the rlc.lrhbn.ngr:rs. The 'f.:clI.'1ll1 orrtes have .11reJ.dy d.:-srro)tU three LlI:J[hLn'IHb~rs '11Icc.; (onllng to l)../c:,tS"tc, and tIlq areon rhc (ral,1 of ut !c::lst two more. C;o,J;tru h:1s 1l13f!3Scdto !rI:mcuvu them iI'ltolm ,pl'wn' 'if) rlm r hL'LJ n kL.'cp,tabs 011 theIn, but unri] lrc rs rc~d} io coonl ront [hem OUH Igllt, 11": is for,cl:d to IInped~ rherr miOtl·Il;j.t';Oll IlJrthcnnl:!: :1, IX$F hcean frem rllt shadows,
t:Wf) J 'HI



h bel n<ser

DC 10: ccfb~ -igh[ Ma~k~ have [rcc rem in Wl:stgat~. They

•CLASgl"S •
HI/lillllins. Stare (5,,). DC 14, see p:1SI:n. . £);lI1iOIl (Ex): ~ 0 damage 011 5\, cessful Tt~Ac't save, Spell-Uk.: AbiliJi~f: 1/day-dul1c;IIg liglJlJ, darlwm,/IICI'/C Caster level 7rh. 'POJ!cslirms: + 2/>:nJ}J(r armor, +1 rllpier, masterwork shortbolY, 10 .1rtO\\'5, pOlirm o_( mg/r's Ipltmdor, PO/J'OIlof eer« mod~r"te 7f10UlldJ. CIQI)J.\R.U AREX15

likely ~ Ire:II.ll' know





rhau YOlt de
:11'\:' or


th",I1I, ... •

DC lJ': "The Night Mask J hear tht')' C::III either


kill you

the I)rt;at~.\t ;11 all of hrlf'lll. rOll under (hell'


conrrol. ['m nor ~urc which 01110:'5 worse," DC 'LO:"There is a group call!tu the Giw Souls of [hI;:D~:ltJ
that knows more about the' N"ighr lVfJsks rbau all)'oll~ I:h~' ill the city." DC 30: A character wieo t lis level $IICCe ... C~IJ nl\J :I ~ partJcUI:lf uO:::lrhhrlllg{,T, ami will also learn thar the individual is solneho\ cune ted to rhe il ~'s vampire lord •.


(EL 11)

Ciod:u Ar..:xi~ has decidcd I 13.( (he ch:tr;tc(ers pose a threat ro both his ecrct ideonry as weU as the guild icsclr. It is fUlIC ,he
looked into rhc rnarrcr personally, Cioduu AreJi5: Mind llaYllrrogue 4/~rccror "{Night Mask. deathbringer f; Gil '21; M.·,JIlllll aberraticn; ]-I D 8d8i !Jd6+'I>1l4-<-21; hp 119; III it ,9', Sp,1 ft.; AC 1.4, rouch 11, fiar-(oot"d '24-; Base Alk i 14; Grp ~lf; Atk +20 lut:k'C (ld6+1, +) I'api~rof 7l1Dlmdillg) or -1,19 (1d4+1, tC'l1t3cle) or +1'1. ralll::ed (1J6+4 plus 1d6 (oIJ, +2frost compolill! shoJ'lbrrw (1·1) ?flirb +1 nrrMus); Full Atk +20/+lf!+lO melee (1d6-r 1, +1 ropi~r of 1f101Wdi"g) or i 19 me'lce (ld~+l, 4 tCllucies) or +11b tld 1 rnuged {ld6+4 ),lus 1d6 cold, + 2 (rosl I;ompolirt' s/Jor(bQ1f1 7U;'/) -I- 1 nnvws); SA improved grab, xrract, h s,tatmg glare 2/d:!)" lesser blood bond, mind blnIf, psromcs, sneak ;ttt~cl;. +3~6. SQ_crcal r r darkness, eva ion, improved evasion, ghost ~(CP l/day, light ~mirl,'i(y, low-light \'151011, ~pdl resistance ~8, sp,der climb ~hJaJ~ (clt.'~:lthy 100 Ir., \ntc~nllr dodge; AL LE.; SV Port ~·8, Rc:r +16, Will -ir, Srr 11,

~ i~htmo.sk

n The <so rne


«rrh br i n-sers


Tilt: dea thbri Ilsers cou Id b~ arhor

11III ) ou r characters' SIU"~ ror time before hl:lIlg dl\co\·crcd. If ell c c{.... ll\;t~·~ go [0 r Westgate alld see], a high-It'I'd audience \~It II the Night Masks, ~ d arhbflllgcr would likely be rherr first contact.

Ul"'' '..:

PLayers"'!to love srealrh,


:111c1 UllU:,uJI

Jlllhrress will

be :tClT:tccro to the dc:ttht.nn,sl!"r dil:i.~ ror i L'OlUuill:1t,OIl 01 tit(:!'(' elements, The diseovery of II!:W llh,lIth' :1[" II level shoul!1 he t"llough mouvarion ro keep :I character lo}al [0 Ius \'~ tIlpltlC mfi.',lt·f", even if he musr OCCl!.S101l:llly IImke: 1>I::I-.;ot 1 I sarnfiees to tJ iem Adaptation: The dt:athbrjl1gcr~ fie pcrf'to.:rl,l' 111tO rlu-ir role :'1$ cl itl:agcIln WO!stg~t~~ va rupirc 10rJs. Th~'Y could be [or mer C:lPCU[It'J 3JI'''fSl!flC~ or ~pttl:ill)'adccNJ lieurennuts,


Dt.'x 10, COli 12, lUL 19, W is 17, ella 18.

B31nllCC ~ 7, Blun' +H, Climb +7, Conct'ntfa: -I S, DiploJllJcy +10, Disguise +16 (1·1B :lL:tillg), l! ope Arrist +14, Forger), +11, Gather i)lform:n.on -ir, Hide ·,16, Intiruidaee +U, JUnl[l ', 6, Knowledge (ar('i1na) ')'"')II11wd .. ;

Enceuarers: UIIICl>S the' characrcrs have hollJI\ dcniauded an auJ.,ellCl: \I',eh ~ht·lords or the ~Ight M:I.s~~(0" o~hcrw,~c cavght their arrennon), their first encountcrw itlr a d~[hbrlllg~r i) hkd) tQ.~ ~hort .lud tMoo), If til ~ m:III:1b"" [0 kill rhc dearhbringcr, thi J t would probably bring thc full \1'I':\(1I 1 rhc -,gilt M:J~kl> 0 upon them very qUll·kly. LUCIA CJ\LLFAR (F..L 8) C:llor.,r hes be II bloOlJ holldlllg the l'Cs'

+U, De iphcr Script


Lucia 'O~~iII




aoou\ otller nobles III hercucle,

Lucia Calefar: Draw (ObU\! T/:-Jlgllt Mask JC;'lIhhnllgtr 2; CR. 8; Medium humaneid (df); Hn 1.,nO~"hJG11'2, hI' 41; Irur ~1; Spq ft.; AC 18, toud! 1+, Iht·roorcl.ll S; B:t.,· Atl. +;~r.1'[J +7; Ar); or FuJI Atl; +5 1I11:k'l' (ld6+1iJ ~-10, +ll"11pi,... or +9 ranged ) (ld6/ 3, ma: terwork )hOIciJo",); 5J\ h(s;mcIllg -rarc 1/113\1 5111,:"" auack 3,16, spcll-hke :t.blhtil:$j SQ_":I'a~lon, ,!Jrl:vi.slon rt.,

-111, Knowledge (local) +16, Listen i'U', ioY!! Silently +16 (illl1k ..cpcr) ...9. Sense Motive ~14, SleIght or H'lI}d;-11, pellcrafr 1'~4, Sput i-lS, Tumble ..U. U. . Magic Device +13; Combat Casring, DC(.l;itful, Eschew Materials, Grear Fornrude, Improved Iniriarive, Strong Mind, WeapolJ Pin~ se, LtlTIWlflr.~'~Aby~s:tl, ChrllldJtltan, Drscomc, Elveu, Gia1lt, Ulldercon 1mall. Sorcerer SpdlI A-mJ'Um r6/7/~ pcr day; caslet' level 4th)


fuiJgPtrllOIJ, r<!l1d

lig1J1I,dl!lecllILtJglL, dr!tIi~'1 poi.oll, mage band, pr6Jmagi,_' hr-chtJrm penolJ (DC 15'), disguise


Jd(, "'n(;ic missll«; 1I1d-iliviJibiliJ)'. ImprO'vr:d Cl'nb (E~): To use this ab,hry, Ciodaru must hit .1 Small, ;\i.Cliium, or Large creature with its tentacle arrack. Ir can
thclt arrcmpr CQ start :ll(ral'pl as II free action wrrhour provoking 3rrark, of opportunlry, If It wins tile 6rappl check, it establishes a 110M and attacbcs cht' tc,\t3.cJC. to rhe opponent' ... head, A mind fla):>::r can 'gr~" a Huge or' Iilfgl'f creature, ~ut 0.111)'ir ;t c:t.!l somehow reach rhc Joe's hel!u. If it bCl!:1Il5 i~ tu rn With ar least OI1C tentacle :lrtaclicli, Ciodaru CJII tr to attach 'Irs r... alllmg m
tCllt:ld S IV,el!

light blindness, sp I! rvsisrancc lB, rp,d(;'r ,limb ,/d:ty, uncann; dodge; ALI:\E; SV Pan +11-, Rcr +11, WiU -s. seio, f)cot ra. COJI 12, J lit 14, W,~ U, Chn 16. Sldll! nnd FM/I. Tb l.l!l{,C '[ 6, lllurr +)/, eiliob + 7, D1Jl)0U1QC~ +10, Disable Device +6, ES('ap..: J\ I'm, i 9, Gatll..:r luforrlJlmoll +11, H id~ +12, lllrlllildare >i', JUIl1,!1 + 7, K JlQ'\'lcd~ Docal) i 7, ListI:u +~, MOl'e 5i1cmly 112. 01'1;'11Lo~k +fl, Sc~rdl ,6. SellS..:
l\1ortYe +4, SI Igh[ of H:'lJIJ 19, SpOI ...G, Tumble +1'2., Lrs ROllo: ~8; Dirty R:lC", Grc:lc Foniru\lc, fron Will. 'Nc;\~ r,:u d\!s("ri~d 011 pagc 10. f...ongutlgn: ChomJath:1J1, Orow Sign Langll;'l::r, Ph'cll,

smgte gr:ll'ph: Ch<:Lk.The

OppOJlcllr call ~(



iJlglc $uC(.cssfui gr:lJ'plc ehe k or JIJ l!.SC:lpC ArtiSI check, bm Ciodaru gets :t ""2 clrcu IIllita lice bOllu for C\'~ry tClItac!e that


wa~ <lttaciloo at (he Ix:glllllllll:\ of [lic opponent's ronl. £.~MId (E,I'); A mind A~y r thar lx:gi'lS ir~ turl! with aU rour Cl:llud"s :ltbdK-d "lid IL13tmakes:l successrul sr:lp'pk ched.

~urom;lt!cal)rc~trllct; th~opponcnt'sIH'ith" Hl.St;ll1t[l' kIlling tlMl c rC;lLll.re. I his powe r is U!>CIe~!> a Sl ,ill!>t coustr UI.:~, elem C11til 1\, OO'2.es, planrs, and ulld'c:ld. It I:; "lotill~taJlCly rau I to roe~ with 11ll.llnple.he9ds, such a; eruus and hydr!lS. HI!J;f,dil1_g Sf/Ire (SU): DC 16; see P~Sc 5"3. umr Blood lJMd (SII): DC 16; see paije N. Mjlld Ohm (Sp).. At w,ll: '''',II DC IS;;l It creareres hI a GO·fr. (01)~ :!I'CsrUlul~d for 3J4 rounds, 'PJiQlli('f(Sp): At will-chll>'1IJ mOllster(DC 18), .dl!l1!Cllhollghff (DC 16), '(v;II<I~. plfllJ~ fhqf, JUMdSliQII (DC 17). Ca;<;T~rIt-vd 8eh. The S~l!e DCs arc Ch~r;S!1'a·b~.\cd. Imp"(ft/lld E1:,uiQII (E",)' No .b,'Il"'I%'C" on ~'U.ccs.fu) Rdib S.'I.'':: ~~11J. ~lrd~,ms~ rhe S:!\lt fails, h tf 'PIIJ!ItSSitml: +.J Jllldd~d l<t,..htr (lrmvr, rnmda if proof "if/ills! deleclioll1l;11d location, ,illt, of pYOlrCli(l}J41, mino» do"k(lf Jirpl'lc(' 111(:111, 1m! of di:Jf,ltite, .jmpiL'T (If 1pfjJ~Jldillg, +2/,Wf .·tlmpC!if6' sbQril)(nv (+1 Str bol'l'US), '20 +1 nr» 01111,.gj()1)ri tI! 'D.6',\'Je,';')' ....4; Scnpr "" ranks, DI53blc Device r r~llk5, JUIllP 4 ranks, Knou ktlsc (dungconecrmg) 6 ranks, KllO"'lcu~l' (history) 1 flHlJ..S, S~Qrch {I, rauks, Spe~~ I;angu3gc (l'clhcTCSt'), Sur rrvul 15,.~U\~~, l'><: Magic Device f ranks, Peat' Trad S'peciti, ShMks as ,I f.worn! cnem}, tr4pfillJml,; cbs$ le;'lwr~.
AliglJraen,t; A 11). 0:1'11. S'kilt,: CII111I, -I> ranks, Decipher
• .'

clo.ss seo ru res


Sh;lJe huurcrs IM"C become ~I\'lninglr ~tlcP( ac lIlvlgarillS rhe III wll)ch rhe 3Hc,onf 1l\f1.J;:ICf t'~rhctills o oft~n founu. Thl', also dcvelop ~Jk(illJ u:l;hlli'IU~; lor Jiglltlllg the nghlful
til)., l'ollS I'o.~tCl'e:~.'u re, Spellcudog: Wh~n you t:lh' up tl,,~ class, yOll~llili thc ability to l·:t~t :t number of nrI;M'~ ~p<:II&, o cast 11 spcl], you ,nust have T :In ["ltdligCI\':.· '£OI'C of 10 + rhe :ipdl~'s level. Your bonus spells :lfe basol o.\llItt:i'1 jg.'l1~c. a IlII b~V!1lg throw.,.ogalllsrc]l<:!5-C spells have :! I)C or 10 ,. ~pdl level ,. }'our Intdhgellcc bonus. When
i!l') rsto

shade Hunter
"Tht: retar» of N'l!lbrrU ,'~II ,mIl m.(!I1'11 Kn:,,1 '/1111(;1;'1' foy FII·(",1>1. I MIISI fill,tltbaI1I!lm:h tlJt:j, Imvr: ,om~ Jcr:killg, Sf)' Ibn.! r ,,4>1 fISt; it jil"Sf." -Dasgcnl:tle Thren, shade hunter
The shad!! I'nnu.cr is a breed ofadventurer' who li\'ts for till' thrill of findlllg last treasure,. d~f~at il1~ lnc.icl~r t rap!>,,' ~\d ~~(1';\' ;Ilg d¢adly curses laid by rhcpricsrs of dead gods. P:lft Imron,:m, pert [cremaster, and pI! rt gr';lNcr,obbL'!', t hesc artifact hunters will go :ul)'\\·huc end ns~ anything eo acqUJrc rhe next big score to aJJ rheir hoards. N~! her= an:iIacts h.:l\<~ always hdd parncutar


hi$to!"y :lIld "!lCi~lH area l1a, and the nmt" of 1 he Shadov::u :1)111 1he Ro.ui Ill; Clry of SJ)",Jt' above A naureclt ha~ crOltc:;d a fr':!;l1.}' rel.:!t~~ activity all llcro~s FaerUill. The r~C,,-1\( dllJ!lab~ J.c:il, to Shades mylhll1 by !h~ of FlItrU,l's m.Ol!! pow~rrllll11ab\cs 11:1$caused the .:iry'~ !r:adtrs 1,0 l>ccI,. out allci':"'lt secres or Ncth~rc;,~c milgu.: ln hopes that somerh!,,!> u.'.iJI be ~blc co repair if-1l1ld OPPQl"cunis[jc [rc.:l~ur.:; hUI![CTSh:l'I":: nor. be.::.,} r~rbehnrd tb.::m •

Iasci !lat iOIl; (Of



aecom inv c shode Hunter

hUl\tcr~ come rrolll:.11 b.ackgroulld:., bur ;I love or advcnCIUC,111d hisrory ;IS well b:l r:oltil dj~rce:ard ror personal saf~ty

are rraics commo,) rothcm


all, MOSct hall rrom the Mrchcrn

Daklllllds, [hcW~te,rll Hc.artl:lll.1s, the Nor,cb,.:ond ehe MOOIlSCD be,"'g most comU:1011-.1round whIch the ;)"le,.::nr empire or Ncchcr{1 hod Ihe II10St oo]·I01C[ and inRu~l1C':, The rree\"h~lilllS sryk of dIe cla5S, 35 II.ell ~s the need ror 5f..:alrh ~I!U "rcd'ulIc:d expe.ros.:," btsl sLl.irs I'O';!.!~S !":!)lg~'.'S:, hUI OCC1SIO'\' :md ;"tUy ::t CUtlOliS bud Il'ill nad rh~ l!Jr~of t!l1Ji$l.:o ....:r~J l'~chts of !l1as,i( .~',ld lore lrr\!~lstibk;. other d;u,.'i<:.!> Ii nd dil.: \~ ide r:I1lSc of sx ills ~.I\d knowlodge it ~h::!dc hUJltcr neclls to be tOO dcm::mu' !lg.

I11tdligcllcc (for skIn ;)cquj~ido", 3,ld spells), Oc)(tcri.ty (for ~~ild. ing traps), and Wisdom (for foUowmg rrads) are ke}' :lh,hlles for :I shade !wnrer.

you g.~t 0 spells po:r d,)r, you g~Ul only the bonus spells )'OU would be cnml~ll co b:lscd on your lIl(dhg~Ilc!': score for rh3t spell 10;: I.. ve You case Slid I~.illst as n sorcerer docs. Upon ('("l!thlllllo 6th lcve], and :It cnr~ l'l'clI·,lumb.,:rc:d level tllrl'V thH I, you c;llI(.hoo'l.: to lea fn ~, new bpcli in piau of cne ,'ou ~lr.:.l,k know, Th.' !"'W 51'.:11\ ICI'd 11l'U;.tbe the same as (ilac ~r rhc spcjl hem!:; excbanged, nnd If must he nr kasl tWO levels. lower rhan rlw hl£"~~r·lI;\fd shndehunrer sJ'cH you elm OI$t. Tr~p Se:ll~e(EJ): Your cxpertsse W.lt11uungt'OrI~ glYCs. )"00 .1Il illt.luth'l· ~cn.w rh:lt alcrh \'011 to u,Hlgt'r from !rllPS, providillg 1"011 \.1 J th n ';'1 bon u~ 0" Reft CJ; sa VL':; made ro ,WOldcral"> .~ nu ~ 41 dou!;~IXlIIU!> f('I AC ;lgaill~tnrrucks made 1'1) (r3p~. Tbese bonuses illcrc.,~. I'll' 1 el'cry flth ...r level, U)! to +f ar 9th level. Trolp sense. honu~c~~tn'~c1 Irom multIple ~ou,'t.'I:~ ~r~ck. T rids of rbe Trade (EJ:); The cr~r~llc,:s31ld d~,Igel'S dUlc l'ou h~\'.:: ~11\'ounfcrcd in vcurtrwels begin (0 coalesce imo a rr.act.iCtlI body of kllOll.'k,l.'o:: when rOil ';:!lL~T ltlC shade hunter dDSS. This kllowkJgc hr~nts you a hall us ce[l/allo yo"r class. level that can bt: " ..... e;tcll d'I).· 10 J~tgmc'lr .d'UI.!cy!let'h, ~k,1Ichecks. or attack J ( roth. The pom:[~ of hflnu.~do pot nccrl to bc~pp[j ... 1.0 til.' same d roll, ,1n,j YOU "::111 ,Iivi,ll' dWIlJ up ho .. cvcr YOU like throughout v Iho! (I;w. You musr (lc~Ju~ wherhcr or nor to usc ~.bonus, and if '>(I. hOIl: brg.' til:<! lK!nu~ wi 11 be, before you roll rhe die. For c'l:amplo::, a ;rd·lcvc! sh:JJe hunrcr has ~ reral bonus of-+1 00 djsrribu[~ t hroughoin t hc d;1;).If he flluls .hnl1Sdf In morral ,ol1\b~t, he could ~prJ)' rhe c,lr,tC lK>ulIS to ~ slngk auad roll, hOl~tlll:\ 10 fdllus ~n\'ll1r, Ahcmmivd;. he (oolt! apply" +1 bollUS to an Opn, Lod (jIlek, tlll'll 3not/lu ... 10 a SIJOt ehe"k latcr 1 thai (by, :llld Jli~ fi ''101 I ~1 bonus to 11 Strengrh ched:.. (0 dislodge .1 coffl'r from i~ fCc,ring pla((.~, Low·Ligbt Vision (Rx); A{ 'lnt! J.::\'cI, you. g:lin low.lighl ....sion. I r you ~In:::Hh' lI~\lc low.I'l;hf "'SIO'I, Its tfr~cr",e·l.hsf:mce , ,s doubled, so )'011 ~1n 1)01>" Sto'" lour ti)llc~ 3~ raraj.3 humm in
(Olluillom of lOll" tighl. . S~!ue Ao(i~!H Migic (Su):. St~rtlngat ?nd 10\101, you ea'l Jer~cl !Iw maglcll ...ur~ r:l{fi.~f{,dhy 'tcm~ of "Ncthercse uc.ariOI.).



This abilit

(ul\ctioll~ like


magic, ~:l:Ct'pr chat


is alw:J.·S

aruve unless you consciously SU1-'prc:s.~ it, and it can 0111) detecl .rhe auras of magic ucrns (bar have been HI the sallie loearion for at I~ast one hundred ears, E.tpe.n lacker: Sea mllg ae ~rd level, ) ou h::lve lea r ned hOIll to gcr ever laSt bit of u [:lit} out of }our h:r.ckpa·l,., bel t, sud bandoleer, Reduce the w':Ishr of youI' glHlr by 10% for purposes of figurine; your load, Snea. Atcad. (E.J:): At 4th level ;1110 higher. you .1';-:11extra damage when you catch a foe Rat-(oot cd or flllnk a roe, as rill' rogue class I"ature descnbed on paSt' 0 of tile 'Plny.:,,'! Hn/llJo9Qk. Suea.k·acr:acl,., dice artamed from mul'lrk sources smd. Toole of the Trade: Ry 'Hh Icvc~ YOIIhav l,ick.;d up 0;0 mall)" kuick.kll,acks and ~rr.lIlg;: tools on your travels rhH you've lost track of verytlulll!; you own. Once per u~y, yoU ~':'IlI"fiud" JI!y mundane pjcc~ of equipment (OII1er rhan weapons or amior) woreh up to 10 gp pC'r class I<!\'d ,oJl!~wlwn' 011),ollr person, hal.ing fotgOltet' \;omplclcl} ahour ;[.I-\'h(,11 rou do so, you must subtract an cquivelent amount or gold (or other [rt:lI$Urt:-g<::IIl~, jewelry, are, <::tc.)(rom your 5~l'ings. If yo \.10 not hav<.:cnougll gol to cover the cost of the itcru you want, )01,1 might not Jim! rh Item WIth ebis ability. Dachi$ioD (Ex): At Ttl. l<'wl, )OU g.:ulI darkvision om ro 60 feet. Tf you already IInl'c ll:l.rk\·I~IOI1, It'> effective tli$c:)llC\: (.\lends by an additional 60 Jeer 1tI;,!\!ad, Special AbUi,y (Ex): At 6[.h level, you 1::11\ choose one of d,~ following rogtJ" speci(lllolhtl~.;: dlofcll, in' roll, unproved ~";lsion, or skill llI:l$cerr (see 'P1,,),!!r'i fT(flldbook pagc .n). Lecare Aacicat Magic (Su): When you reach 7th level, your a bi lity to s... se the lose magil: of ;\I crhen I IWi grOl'l1l ~trongC"r. u You can 1I0\~ locate allY magI I[CI1l$ th:\t have been ill rhc snrne

Atlack Level Bonus Port ,,£ Ref +2 Wilt Special Trapsense +1" tr ick&or the trade Lew-light vi.sioll. IlS~ aucienr magic ...0 ...0

Save Save Save




4ch Stb

Trap SI!JlSC +1, expert packer

Sneak :l.ct:lck +ld6, reels the trade Trap sense +3, darkvision 60 ft. Spt'CJa I abil ic)'


+1 +1 12


7rb 8th 9t11 ... 6 +6 +7 +6 6 +7



SCTI:-iI: ..




+3 .,.~

Trnp sense ... r Blllldsigbt m ft.

locate aucieut magic Sne:tl altllck .. ,do, improved ravored CHen;)'

Hir Die: dS.

Class Skills (8

modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Decipher Script, Disable D VIce, Disguise,


G3fller Inlormauon, Hide, Jump, .Kllowlcdg.' (arcana), Knowledge (duilgeoll"'l.'ring), I\:IIt)wl~d[;e (s~ogr:aph)'), Knowledge (history), Knowl!.'Jgl.' Ooenl), Listen, Move Silentl~', Open Lock, Profc~;o/l, Ride. Search, Spor, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Us", MaS; Devi~, Use Ropc:.
H i\

location for ilt least aile bundrllJ y~':\r~ as If ball C:lS1 a /1),,,1, spell and were familiar with the ircms III quesrjon. Acrivating thi~ abihry IS;t s andard action, :mJ you l-:J.II loCltl: multiple ';luras by concenrrnclug for connnuces roumls. Lw.pro'l"cd Favored Eoemy (E.x): Sta nwg ~t Srh level, your fa I'ol"t!d ell<::Jl1Y bonuses ilS" IIlSl shades lI1~rc.:t~c by '2. }Jo or h~r favored C:flt'IlI)' bonuses call he mCT<.:.;t.il:d With this abrhty, Bliadsight (E1); At 10th lo.:vrd your ~biliry to rUllertOn III (he deep ~t, darkest ,Iu ngeolls oral1t~ )'OU tile a bilit y 10 SCIl~t' your urroundmgs using every ;I\"~ilabk' sensor . nipur. You g:ull blindsi(;ht our [Q 30 ieee,


IJ~; H 11-

-r sn

SPI::LI, ~Jld





0 1 '1. 'l


1t '211d

6th 7tb

3rd 4th


1 '2.



3 3



1 1 3



foQ/M .....


ter sp ,11L1

S\1,\ o f.


SP~:I.I,S 1


Shad .. bunter cllOOSC their spells from t11" [ollowlug list; bl-Cimllmjltlgel',"', de/IIJ' !,OI)'(J1I, dt'lrrJ SIII/f!!! nlld pllS, ldelllt/),.)ilmp, longJlridu, P",lf 7vuiJollllrm'l', rMd mnglc, sure2nd-beAr's endnrnncc, blf!l'r I'IrI'II",I/), g,rmc, 41(r" modcr"Ie 11101Ulds. defect metnls f!lld miuernis':", mll!.:C '''/11)/1::,SIMn:, lrd-"coutimInJ .fin.",,:, do),light, /(xi/N! lIbI'J'{, m!ltfrnfiZI: ponO/I,


l.st 21



'3 't 21 '3





11 3 '3

6[h ith
Stll 9th


obSaJJrr objcCl,


dispd 1f11I1,/{,!n:t:do'l1l of ment, 1I0lldctel:fllJrt, remov« eM'se, slolle il"'pt'.

4rb-commIl1f" natur«,


44rhr: character h. spell of eli is level.



+ +


'2' :; '3
to' have

~urficicllr In(eJhg~lce


.ell 1!SIIGr,

nl'c ....lllt ycur sword, Aga111"it mere !bly powerful fees (t:XCl!pt

plo.Vinf{ 0 shode Hunter

You can't w:\ic for the 11CH big score! The jo that ~OHJ"'_ p~'o}lk Ie I31 rhc biT h of:\ Iirsr chi IJ. 01' I h~ kl~S of 11 nt'\1 bn J ;\ you r) oilly when !ou uncover ;'I. srash of KI!tI1t:rt:i(' gold or llncic>lt IllJgk. " £,I'Cl1 research cxu he <'X,CJtlIlj!; II' J'11:11IT ~ Ien d'· mJ:; you to clic "X"o 1I . ~ the treasure rnnp, :'\I\J you 'I J gla:d Iy tta vel across the cennncnr to hu nt down a p:\ rcJ1J11C11t or (0111'; t hat hJ~ if! rorma CIOIl )'01.1 need, Th only cltilli:; you like better thal\I,.MIIIIlIi abour rhc [h11l~s roo arc spik

(or 'ih~.1c"


h vou C:I' cl ar Jighrmg) It is t,"VII morc I!npor· strrkc Brst (rom tin.. shIlUOW, nnd Bee before 'uffcring


is actua Ily utilil.JllP;

Wh:li you know III


field. You love rhc smell or oiled loeJ.s (lI1J old pOlSOil on rUM)'
vou love the look on vour cncnucs' "lC';~:1.'>you MI:ltdl ~'CI1\. Whatever loor you man·,sc 10 pry f(om (he colu, uC:ld ti IISCr. of IQ, form r }/crhcrcse owner is added 10 your hoani, ":~Jl,::cl~.lIyi( Ir i5 all 1[(11) rhar can help \IOU on )'our ncxr foray. • Your adventures CJIISC you to cress pllths \I·i[}1 shnd~'~'II01/Inther bcmgs rrom rhe Ilonti 11~ ci (~ n.s \I'd! as tn::l'iu·rc hu Jltc'r~ or :I 11 srnpes. You are S0I11.:rjm"s w IlJ Illg to wor], wub oehcrs as ~OIlS es \'OU benefit frolll thl: transn non, hut you wor')' dut revealing (00 much information Illlgnt lose you :t pr'-H' )'OU haw so long 'iOU!;lir. Still, },our COI1!;t,lIIt run';Il!) wirh powerful shades have r: uf,hr \011 the Wisdom of ~h3riJlg combat tc hniqucs aml lore about )'our commou eJlC'm)' WIth other shade hunters. S!lv<!rytllool1, Llorkh, and Dagger Palls arc popular sires ro In er and [ra,k With other treasure hunters, rhe ~rst for lh IIl1n1.1II1:\ lusror I!:~ J ncl ar,~ Ill" I resources, :lI1J the latter two ror their proximity to ch~ '11!1Joncy c aucieur l\'erhcrcs~ 1'.lmh.. The lands in bcewecn Me. refcrrerl to by your l'ollc~suc~ !IS either ehc lil)CICIlC lands or h~ shadow [rillllgic. dcpt!miJng all their ,IISposillOIl. • Combat: E.rploring u,.,:vit~bl)' brings you :II:~ to [;II:C wlth!lOlll o( rh dcadliesc tr3pS ami man ters on tho.: phllll:t-hut ~ou 'n: :I researcher :lllIl seeker first, :ltl..! II fighter '\ccnlln, You arc ae your best "'!tell 3ltadm~ Ireui :'111al11hu~h. which nH:l'Ill~ )'Ou must hi: ready for your Cl1t:1l1U:~ when rhcy COIllU. I\.cell senses hdp you, hut prepllrl\lJOIl III the k~y to your survival, You have researched the areas into which you travel, :llUJ you alw )'S pack :1 ~ltrpn,~ or two for [be rcgion's dend Iicst JCIHlCIlS. W hell $n<::.1 .lng :!JlJ L ambush JOII'e work, you AI'~ slill f:ml)' proficiclH with how alld bl:rJe, ar I~~sl t:l1ough [0 covt:r vour retreat or to fi Ill] t h,: fI~hc merhOtJ of a Hack, ,"lh~t1 vou tr.:lvel withOUt compal1ions, ir's bcsr fO hm: SOI1l": outsi,!.' 111~sclC!(0 help clIn)' rhe sp lis of your Se.1fCh :l~ wd I ~~ hclp you SClY alive. Your snc3k art~d lIblll[}' maLc!> il t03.' l1Iuch moTt' 'f(&::crlv lor YOII to ftJ:;hr ill n group. ~l1d such [nell ~ Il.'lp spn:ld Ollt ht rl~!I}.a~i! your call CilU5t". As an IIH'.<:tCr:\tc er3vekr a lid e~plon~r. 0t.J h~ I'~ ru II' acro!>s a 111)111: I':lrll'r~ or weapons awl (ools crl:"~rcJ to hdp Ikfell'J OIIC.'iC)r from h~nll. <h!.rrky ltI':l1n such .hthum.ltr~ton~N ,llJd tanilldoor .!.Iogs C.:J'1 provld~ not·so·ohviou~ ~ollitlon~ to tough problcm:., IIlduumg TI~~[urcs that arc dc[erl11 111d to k~cp 3 "Ncehcrcsc !roanJ nHJlCl c for :lllothcr thOUSl nd yC:lrS. You fi tI\1 l new uSC: (or Q 11olJ Ilt.11l JUSt 3boul ev~l')' rim you t!llt r i\ cI JlI!;~OJlJ :lnJ c3t"Jlo?ill!; rh~ cncks b3S iu:lpl:d )"OU SUTVII'< your dangerous oc-cupatloll, YOU1'"fighting :lhlltrle5 'lirli r the most rOT your studies. :Iud [he 1110rc k Ilo,vlalgeabl(! ·ou bc,,:olll ,1boue . c{hercS<! history ~Ild rh~ dungeon. where I call be i"ou)ld, ehe less fOrJnnbblo: 011
S lllJ

the p:12.e nght OUl rrolllllndcr


rctah. tlOI1 You've .1C'(UIIHlI,lh:d'lUll'\: ~ h,.,S of tricks, and you 5hculdll't be ai'r:!Id to usc ir~ c(llltl!m~ IOl'~,nJX (rOJll3lk"'[lCT~re smmnon Tr:H'dlllg \\"lth ilI1J~S :It rhi~ point beeom csnlmese a lICl'C~~ll: -Ull k" you lmvc ..:IIClul:\h golll to hire rhc most loval (oIIO"l'r~ Illonl), <~Il hll)"' Ad'l20CerntQl: S~hobT'o ,111J n.lvcnrurers from ;'III neross Facrun (.-;lwl to the 1:\11.ls <urrouruting Anairroch to research Mill \('l,L our the lin rent Jll}'SI~'I'ICS of l'tdKnl. Anyon who gr w up III those n:glo!ls., however, has hcard the toe:!1 tal 'S and k~c!llis 01 the 1.1Jlt,")1 'K..:th.'n;.\· 11h no. [from th..: rune thor Ih l' are born It I~ nor hiAr.! lor the .lllli~'llr empire fa get unde OIW\ sk iu, \\'Ith dll~ f~Sl'1I1,J{I0I1-0r oh5es!>ioll-fll."rha~ even 1!.'.\,li'1J.;co ,1 career dcvou.d 10 une:lrthltll> It~ secrets, SOJ1le t~kc the p~rh 01 "elloJ:lr, :'fh.;ndmg thl linc,r -;C'1001~ of W~!t!rdec:p 011.1 Slll'cr) n 100H. whilr other, M.:Cout (It the f r~t opporeul1Jr)' to arve udveuurn; lrom th,; rcmnant-, or n ,11l;!n S01,·ICC}'. ThO$(! who UO 4"icld~ fi JIll thJt th..:} :II'C nor alone In rhcir pursu« or Kcrhcrrl's ,1I'tr/iKII> ,III" leb.t.:}, A t ~omc POIIlf ill tunc, ~'\'~ry sh:1l1c bunter IS drawn to leave III~ hool~ (0 ,'\ p;:ril."!1I;l' fi rsrh:llld ch~ 1l1~'cSt) of Nlltlu::ril-lIIcvi. mhly kaolins: ro «'OllrI'Onr~rlon$ ,irh sh:lJ\.'S .1111.1 .. r explorers oth II'UO .HC $C~klllh rht: s..!t1ll" rhillS~' Th.· Shadovar are particula rly possessive over "'ltat rile)" consider their risl.ICfullcsaq, 111)<.1 wrll ~tt<'m\'l to JCl>trQ;' :myoll.' \1'1\0 ~(aHd5 ill their 1I'0r. This fJC't t..::".J.~lll'\I\1" rr~':IMH,' hUIlC':IS to pracnce fl'Chni(IUcS to help rhem combar rhc ',hades and 1I1":lr miShl~ POWlT~, IIlC I:'ur~u;e or whr..:h I~ nor rar off (rom their 1I0rl11:11SlIIUIt:', Mo ..t ..hade hunter acqurrc "n.1 COJlJllHSSIOIl SI r.IIl!;;" rools and cqull!JlJI!tl{ based on rbcrr L'xpLTiellc,'" ill rhc lield, bur 110 nunc!" how-much a shade hunter ClII learn [rom boob :tlld tea her....Ncthcnl's trapmakcrs ~ml arcamsrs stili han' :1 f..:w ~11ll:lnM:X I~rt fOf rhosc who would seck I hl"lr .lllut:nt Lllol\ kdg~. It em he J)rrlLult for ,1"had~ hunrcr ro ItlllIe Llis srudies ro the C:~"(:lltl!ll.., ~1I1(": h..: tillll,.o lll.lllY s~lrls ;IlHJ ralcnrs necessary fo ~Iln'\'~ 1. f·] i~ rl';L ks of dll rr.Jul' abilir)' allol1i-s hUll to $<prc~d h 1.$ I ~ktil pomes ~rounJ a 1it rlL l!lorc th:w .'I dl'o:Jicarcd "osuc or r:tnser, bccnuSl..he hnl'l " pool or av~"Il:1hlc bonus points co Inakc up (or ~ ,Idklcnc), III rank,. S;'ll'~ hl' relics on sk Ills 35:111 intc:gral p:1rt of lll~ ;h:tJ",(i~·'i, CWIl C{lHlb.1[, Jr t::ln ~ sooJ idea to IJS<! ft:aL~ [0 oo)<,[ ...r [h ... ..kill<.. F,::ns lltnf s.-ant hOlluses [0 mult.plt: skills ",;..: aft Ix'~r, ror (he r :tMlJlS sur..:J aoo\, .... Fe: rs thar htJp 111m "VOId comb:r.r an,! o:blllJg<', 5vch ;IS Dod!;;c anu 'Iohll!ty. ar' almost :lh~':l}'J, prcrl.'rJbk ro rhos' rh:tt lII(.r":<I hIS cotllbll cJP~bilirics, Resources: Rcsourcd'ul11l'S' IS ;1 hallmark of shacl~' hU)ltcr$, nod rll~r s,;ctn to havl.: (Ont.ll1:s III ~Vl'r) city frOl1l Watcrdccp (0 HrlLsr~r. Thl.:~ ,:w '01l1.'UlllC' lid llI(Ol'tnlcioll (Ie adviCL'rrom rellow ;h~lk hLlnter~, or (rO)11 1 ::II r,1Ils.c.r,swho don'r Intlld seeins rlt· Shadov.u rn~c ,1 hir, Ih:.11 IlIform:JflO!l :rbour posslb'~ hOJrds. Shndovill dig ~ife~, anti other rcl~tl:d inro nn! J;u;trd<:,d by ~hadc hUllCcrs, hO\\C\·Cf. aud .... rardr if C\'t:r be traded or givell up ·!l1 "'ldlOUI siguificant ].l<'r!;UMIOI1. t IS l'OIl~iilcrcd good. ('[Iqllcnc to T sh~rt; gt..n.:rn tip!. ,.llOUI dUIl~conct'rins. howL'ver, Nc\l, :Iml user 1,11 1001, :ur dcscrihl,·J or nll-pIJy,,'(I, 31),1 tHiSh evcn loane..J for


C'opyil1gfroll' time to rime, T «lin i.!.Jut~ for d imbmg, b~pJ"il'lJ; rraps, and st:l!lkiug mousc.CIS. are ;;d~o goo.1l:ol!\',:rsariol1 htrw~,m shad~ hunters, cvcu 0110>:> dlalI:Ol1~ld~'r rhctnselves m·,d~, With their focus on lost magl~" it IS 110 woml~r rhat shade hunters clllp.loyquit.;: a hit of lII:lg1C themselves. rt~'nh th~r :'111.1 'stealth suchas r/o'lih of IIl<l:cllkil1d and 1"011/ D/ iU'iJlnbillf), an: popuia.r, as an, thosethat allow for:! {lllld set:!w:!)' in runes of
Jprj'(si,,:~, arc alrnosr :Ul t<;"~lltml tool, allowlng for quick mOI'~n'~nf :md j1rovld!l1!j lilt anIlity to jump over ehasms, pit rr:ll'!>, ~!1:,1 other

Aside froill. dom!; research and 5\~appl,ug stories iii) [aVenIS, ~h3de hunters busy themselves prtparing for the im~vir:lbl(' jourucjs lhar WIll, they hope,.le:td them rorhe riches of NethcrH.lf 01 bet shad", hu 11rcrs or treasure seeke rs know ;3 sba de Ilun tc r is 'pfI:jIUrms; to leave, that im.liYlliua! rouse ort<."n (';Ill: precautions Jgalll~t being followed. A f:h<Orirc tattle of rhc hall-elf Caunus
Vater is to hire a .1.ook;,likcto leave town rhe day b.... fore besets 011[, cnusmg: weuld-be trackers to: b~ad ill the Opposit" rl ircction

rroubl e, ROl'lJ if slndlll!!,

while 'II~·leaves




shode Hunters in
he world
Shade heneers travel the uorchreaehcs of FaCf!JH m ,'turdl of :ntifacts. and lore rrom rhc ancient civlbz.atio!l of K.'chcriL They r~~ul11rl)' inrcracr ""jIh rcrnnauts of tlrc most mng:i(';d

,us!J;J:Uy under (lover of nigJu ... Once a sllllGC humer sets-out, Iw dQC~Il't rum lia.ck ror all)' rca>Qn orhcr d1311 to save his hllk. He WIll &t!ly m the flctd foras long as l1o;r~1rr> turrnugover t.otI:ry sroue in s~'"2rch of the secret hoard he knows i!. there, When he Jhld~ 3. ho.ar.:i rhae has a Ire3dy been daimc\l! or runs inro a sha,j~ Jig sito.:. a shade pr,o::luivdl' to recover the trca SlIte he bdicves IS rightly 1115. He will uoc guerrlll;.can!cs asa illst :I dig sire, at't'tnlp t:

~ ~



ever S'I:<.:u, and orv~11 spread rhrs knowk'<lgc, iutl:'J1:tiounHyor not, to Fal'run's 111'ins lUilgc'5, Tll~y iJronrlo n convenient fOil to tll<' shades,
filS HOW

SOClcty the





..;;. who arc

$("oufmg (heir

tUlcc~tr:JL landsfor magic

in!! to disrupt dl.e operarioll

~Jlonsh to dnvl< rhe shades


~ ~

will help (hem reestablish The

N~[here:sl' empire nUd III:!)..\:" r.hl: !:mds inbnb\tll.Lk ag~lII. AlthoLlgh rhey mig-lit he tloing the- couutries of F~t·ru.ll a f~l\'or by J.l'II)"'lug power to rile shadtS, their 11I0(j\',·s [-al!

a.w~y. rf fresh tr:lCks lead :1 w,,)' from :I site, I'! shade huurcr win Ibllow them aud ambusll rhose who Wlt hi!u to 'the punch, A~ in all ~iIU:ltIOlIS, howcv~rJ should
chi Ilg. turn sour, retreat is :111 ea~r option . L ... ,blin .Id~lt. dlh"J.r b ..",~ r

w~ll short of &.iug all(1I15ttt;.

.\1os rs he de hnncers be 11<' ve
I. h;1I




returned for :t. puq1OS':, ami dll:) want [0 fitldOl.!t wilY so {1I.:y 1:1\11\\'wM the power lir\t. Orgao.i-z;uioo; Shade hUllters nre (I 'll\·W ..... :m,i iUlI~pcnJ~11t • lot. Wheil' In~yare doill!; r~scilr[h or l.rilllllllg III :lCIC)". they :\I't'
!ikd} to h~,I}Ione ~llotiler:llld 1)~SS :1[0111:\ IJljfOtlJllltlOl1

pc ueoc+ions
J group

[.r\ !lard to miss



Jir~:l tl)'

ft'l:ndl [0, a fc~'('m find. There 110 C:I,n:1(:nk'ric ~tl'l"C"1l dleul :l hom of their mUfuill ra~l·matio.i'I'with IIISWI'Y, >kt!'Il:l'l."l.C 101"':, and tho:: thrill !'f (he nUl;t. Th.:-~·.":1 til ro rf~qllel1c til(' sa 1I1Chaunts 111 cit.ics across F3t::nJII,. frolll, librarses in SII'I'':1')'1l1001l to t:\\'~rll~ III W:Het'l:h:.:1' and brothcl$ :uul rhi~lIt'i' gUIlds 111 ~V!ulzlt;\~u:r, h~T T hope to picL up some [ulhlt of inforlH:lt,O!l Jroru tdlol\' ,h;l\'k hunrers-s-evcn ,f tlley ;u'~d't fnrth,,:ol1llllg :l.botJl th~'!r recent acnl'iclI;'s" a gl impseof ., hoo.L P:'II:WJ, rhrOllgh or I1WP ~K~ III j'll"\l nught .provide Nlu:l:["I~ elu<:- , A~ the lli.slm: W~;\r QIII_,til,')" !;.lrh~r e
!'O dr m k a lid '5h~rt" stories :'Inri lore, F..yell iUHI.'T n\·:d~CIll;>Jgc 111 thc~c sons of meets, al.rhOl.lgh their S~OI) \1;"U j~ of tell ,'0.1upcri, illS rive or meant to In>dg:1:up rnc Iailures amll·fi1hilrr.l~~HleOis rhnr rho als ha yo! surrr.:rcd ill the p:lSt.

pIJC~ {!.lId have trolJble\\h~'r~ there was :IlOJle before. S.bud~·bUl1't~rs:arc no II.iff",r~I;lt,.:!It hOllgh !JJ.cy (cud to took for trouble our;ide town Tilt her thUl1 i,l tile middle of it. Still, the)" JI'C a sight to ~eo;, With rhclr OVL'T~t JTcu b3dpad.s :lnd j:mgl.iug u bandol .... and rhe)' ~IW3r5 bl"mJ; Hlt.\1:r\.""1;tint; rales ami items eo ers, dcll!:\ht ,..:-hIIJn!Jl and tavern patrolls ahke, S had ~ hun eers :J rc orll: nsecn :1.& aloof ~nd dis trac tcd because rhe)' :1.1\: oft'tn lost in thought .lPOUIt a N~!lC ,exploit or furuI'C endeavor. They arcoften excellent sl;orr~dlers, however, snd have picked up' a lil1iUclllllllln's worth of log!:nds co I"NiOUJlt. Shades, obviollsly, lim'", a very strong dislike ·of shade hllu,t· c rs, R iv:1I a r tl fa ct hu ute r~ and t rCIIse re seekers ca 11 be jea .Ious at times, but ~11such imlil'idu3.ls share n kinship that allows (hem
II (l<!HcIH1Ut for UllCO\·,"rjlll!.

~llCilltigold Ilkt water, usual I} 11111 :t IIl~S k~

or rhe




(0 overcome petty nvalnesquueeasrly. M.:rchauts and ~rc:ln;~t!. 10"': snad,c hunters for d\\': ~(orics and ~tl';HlgCobjeClsrl\(!}, bring b:ld [rom their ;!tlvcclltur~, but tOWl1 leaders cfren fear til evil

that seenexplorers orten dredge up ill (heir wake, 'More. than once, a: 5badc'hllllttr has unwirtingly 'I.Hll<!~shed sornc denron or other tra.ppi:rlrc:rror.only to s.kip [<01\',1 b<!forc he eveu realrzes
whar devesearion he il:;,.scaused,

LoUGHUN HALE AND COMPJ\NY(EL 8) A ll.;dShng shade humcr mistakes th pes for enemies, Loughtm assures the: ('lmfanc:r~ th~1 a 111.\'111 be well jf thcyjusl h31U.Jover the 1001. B.u:]..IIlg hun up J rc bis h:I\~J.ia n i.,nal w, npamon 'II nd n pair of I1m:,1 {hug!> named G:\r)"ll and ~ogar~uSt! the 1I"J·b'd hlllU:l.llijr,;.hh:r ~rnti5t;l~ prcs~ll~ed i,l Tabl( 4-16 of the.1)UlIg/;,OIl Milt/cr'l GUII/C, 1'1I!;e lli}.
Loug.blin HI.le: l"hlf-.:.lfrOflu~ l/r~ngcr 4 '~h~"I<! huntcI 1; CR i; Medium huula!lold (dn; 14D 1d6+'hI8+1J.B+H; hp 46; Inic .,'1; SpLl 30 fr.; AC is, tOIIC/:l U, fI:n·footctl 16; Ihsl:" Ad; +Y; Grp +7; Ad: +11 md~c (.1..11:1+1119-10, lmsrcrwotk 10ng~'-'"OrJ) or +9 ra.ngc.l, fLiB .. -I-/X"i., +1 ("()'II:p.uhl: IMglJ01IJ wich 4-1.tlrrtnllsX rull Ark ..A md.:-!,; 0118.. 1j1')-10, masrerworl, lon~sword) or r::ul!~~d(l,]H, -+ l <()mpoSif~ Irmgb01J} w\tll+l.u-ro7tJS); SA [avorcd cll~nly shad~~ +2, sm:;]!:. nrtack +1d6; SQanunal comp;:1I110H (JMIIL'), arnmnl (ompaUiOJl k,,)cfn.s. comber style (archery], cvusio», )ow·l,!)hr visiou, tr.apJ1nding. trap sense 1"'1:, tricks of tho: rrade +1, wihl l·''llpadl.), ...4 (+0 magical beast'S);.AL CE., SV Fort +fI, Ref ..11, Will +i;. Su 14, De~ H. Con H. 1m 11', WI~ 14, ClI.l 11. Sl..:dl.<"'lIf FC·Off. muff 11, Chmb +7, Dc:ciphtr Seript .. 9, DIpl:omary + 2, Drsable Device .. 7, Di~guls",,'"~~GJ tiler In rOnn;)non ...7, ,lu.m£l 11 t K nOI.\ ledl1.c (lh.lIlgt·onening) +8, K llo""'lcdB,C (g:cogr:l(lllyj +S'. K Ilo\.kvgc (hl~tor)') +4, Knowledgc (nllfure) +4, Lsstcn +11, Mo"c Sileutl)' ~11, OI'~Jl LocI:. oj 7, Sc~r(h -Ll, Sense

she.de Hunter Lore

Characters with rauks il1 Knowledge (local An3ufoch, D~lela!lds .• High Forest, the North, Shadovaf, Silver Marches, or Wolstem Hc.artJallds) can rL~:ln:h ~Cdl.CI"it and {he shade huuters. A character IVilh con [acts il,moilli :11.)' "h.lV~rlturiug ;,had~s ca'l get qUire a 1:lll Of'Hlo.rm:H,oll,. and 35)i.I"£ around ar Iibrarles and' arcane shops can prove rruitrul <IS well. When acharacter makes

,-j, -

s, ..

~ sk illchcck,. read o( :P~raphrase thj; [OHOIl'ills:, ind;llhng rho: i"fonnation rrom lower Des. DC 10; "Treasure hunters come th.rough hereall t~ ume. Give the ii'll!; down the rO::ld l t;ry; the- ravernkeeper used 10 beoee bimsdr." DC l!: "The)' dcn't so much as hare rh<:shades :15 they w nnr their po""'e.r.Find ~.sbadc dig site, and you'll find a shade hunter

lurk.ing nearby,"
DC 20; The durJetcr hears about a shade hun~cr fhil[ has

been in. town for some time prCp3rlllg for a journey, or they are put on the trail of one \~ho I.eft nor roo long !lgo. ne JO: ';-1 tins poinr rhe chn·racrl:r g.1jll~ informatiou cboue spccilic shadehunrers; ~hadc oller:arives who misbr b~ scclung to ~ssinan: a hunter, or e\!~11 uncover ahidd'en cache .ofcqturHnellf, maps, and p.lan. tbatwas left bebind by l! shede hUIl{cr who never returned fro,!, his b5t journcy.

Moriv ..' +4, Speak LlI!lSU~g(' (NcrlJ<.:rcS<":), Spor +Ll, SUl'vl\'a! +10
(+ t"2 u,.lIkrgrollllli or lono~<iug Imc]..~), U~ Mngic DtvH.'C + 'i (+9 II'irh SCtclls); Cosmopchmn, r:.I'Uur;~Hc<:", TrOll Will, Poi lit Blank

Shor, Rapid ShOIP, Track". /-tolf/'''gr:r. ChOllJatha 11, EII,tll, Kerhcrcsc .

.A,/.inMI CMlpnllioll (Ex'): Lough]'''l has a h a \I.' I.: ~5 a,l animal camp'lIlion, Its ~hlhtfC~ iHl\1 charaererisrics U~ summarized below, Ammo! COI1!JMlltOl1 IJtu~filt (E.l) Lu\]... sh~.I'e ~pens. 'PH 36. F..l.·",r/(}t/ (£:... )\"0 d31lt<lb:C on. successful ReAc~ save. ), nnllgcr Spdl 'Pr~p'm:d (C:l.Sttr [evel "I:.I'U): lst-IDlIgslriJtr. SIU/d~' Hunter Sp~lis /i'IIIJ1l'" (1 I'u d~y;. :lllt~r level ht}: C l!.(-J.~/I:(/ l"m·~.'mill pill. iduulif.J·. +2 Ul<tldcd kilJb~,. ",,/lor, «mnle) 0/ natura] ~1, .il~St~.r\\'ork IO!l[:(5word,+1 !cm.II'OSi/t IOllgorm; (+1 Srr bonus) I'lth 20 +1 til "0711$, 11T1~;t",rwoJ'k ilal!:gcrs,boolI pf !lrid· ilT& <iIld IPfl11gifl,g, I),p" Jl bag of ho/di,,&, P()Jioul?f spidel' (limb, masterwork dllCVt)' tools. cli1llbl"f" kir,. f~erbuf"illl. 10I'd,.10 ca lrrops, via I ·of !Icid', '2 thulldcrsto!l~.tnl's:lcf OQ[" b:lg, Il'ask of 0.1, 50 f't. of ~."'l rope, lOO·bP fK-:ld (material COflipOllcm for

sho.de Hunters in The <so.lne

Sha.de hu,\t~rsC::J11be auywher.: ~ou want Lh~m, <::1~<:11 outside the normal a(I!.1S of exp!ora.tlon. II ftcruH, the scurces or ;",,(iell!" t\~lncrc:S\: lore arc nereonf ned IO the northcrn regions, dIC)' arc jusrconcenrrated there. Sh~dc hunters (an be used ~;S 3.11 ercelleut source ,of .I:Jlowlcdgc 3·.!IU lore, and ,mghtlwcll lead ("1.mr:aCI~n. to old dUI1Se<lrlS topl ha~e long sine.: heen "dc.1i'ed of anything ofimcresr," These ,IUlIgO:OIl l:pcrt~ Cl1i11lby .ehe role of mentor c to ~. rogue,. ranger, or ~Vtn .a b:a.rd, alldc~n providc Sp\.'Ci3Ii~d equipmeur fro!'n :allOI~~r chI! world. v.rhcthcr used as ~ l11entor,.~ sag.:. ora remo'l:,:1 shad" hunrer iii a fl,l)1and i.,cruising pcrsollallt)' to interact with. P13yer5 who enjoy the chnll'cngc of dOJlg;;0115 fiUcd with rraps 3.ml gold will cqja)' pllying :I SI\;lJe- hunter. as wiJI those who crave tbe power of encienr Nether.i!. Those who prefer skill USl:: CO comber will lie well scrv·eJ by the class ns well Adaputioo: Shade hunters couid 1).,., !.Iuliting the dcsccndane, a.lld magiccf :1.Il)' lost empire ill your 11·0 rid. EOCOUQ(us: Shade hunters generally shl'3W3.Y from ()IJ1h~l unless they are tl"1lppcd or [heir t:Jh~lny hBS.1 treasure theycover. Wbe,l they do fi gil t, they are 11i1.blc:[01.".111 UpOIl all sort,;; of dirty [l'icks in OrdEr to Win Ihe d.l)". .


~pt:IJ), pouch contaillillg

+ll gp,

Spirit: Hawk animal eempamon; CR -; Tiny animal, HD IdS; hp +; hut ~1; SpJ 10 Ir., Oy60 fro (:average); AC 1i, touch H, A~ll-foo[cd 14; Base All. -10; Grp -.10; All: or Full Atk +5' melee (ldt-l, 1:1lous); Sp;lc(/Rl!.llth 2..1/1 fr.iO ft.; SQlow-light visiou, [r,ds; A L XI; SV rort +1, Ref +5'. Will +1.; Srr 6., DC\' 17; Con 10, lilt 1,.Wib 14·,Ch~ 6. SI.:iLll 41/d F!'nfJ.· L,srcll 11, Spot ~ 14; Weapon Fmesse. Tnt kl: ACC3Ck, CO!l1~, Ikli:."J, 010",01\, kteh, guard, seek. stay.






(EL H)

Thekrinrh Raul<. wi II ler nothing ~t~1\(1 III his \V~r us In: baerles rime ill 11 re:ce .0 I1ml a cache of Nerhercse ari "r.1CL'o th~[ will a no\l' dl~ slia.Jcs to r,,;!XIlf their no::!! In!; CI.t),.

"I'v« 7vit:ld.rarv<:ry 7111:I1pOll111('11/ mu{ d11l(1rjlJd'l!e iIlW:.IlNd, bul 11(JlbiNg com:p0"er t~ .rbljr~." -Elak. minornur gl'adi3cor, while clcanillg (he gore (If his last opponent off his horns
31ilJ sJ",lIrul r::bdiIlmfs fiUrhc :'\rell'llS of F31;1run from Callmshau to the Or:Jgon C03Sf, hu. rhe brutal Thayan gl~lh:uor6 are che best of the besr. Thayans ~~~ ,h,· miserj' of humaus day inaud day our, so tl!~Jderuaud more out of their entcrtainmcnr. The slave pits of the Red W.ir..lrds and (he rharchions (rhC'cil'U rulers 111Th.W) :nl.:: fi llcd with ITlOIIS~crs and Jl:Ulllanoids froln around Ih~ realms-e-thc sharper th~ d~,IVS :'111..1 the fJ'QI.H

B.atik: Krillth rogue f(rallgcr l/si'lad.: bunter 7; Cit 1S; M.c,hum huueanoid (hiuth); HD 5:t!6 3JR;'idS .. H; hp 119; lim .. 8; SpJ .. 3:0 n.; I\C n, touch H, R:tc-foot'cd '1:1; I.!~s~Ark ..11; Grp ..12; A.rk ..11 melee (ld4+ '2 pil.rs Id6 Ji~/19- '20, +1jinlllillgdnt..~cr) or +1 Y rall~d (ld6 ... fxl plus .1 116 cold, .. 2 /I"(JSI <ompoSiN 4 fhonbo'1l1 with +l.arr~n); Full Ad, fllj",S/ .. 3 melee (l.'H+1. plus It!6 1if~i19-20, .. jlnm;",'<,. fl.llggcr) or .. 1~!.17l-l11.1+ j fall!;C~1 .1 . (ld6 ..4/x3 plll~ Id6coJd, +2F~J( c()mp()(.itt; Ih·orlb07(1 with d aaollll); SA fo.vorcd cueu)' S.ll;!.d~s ,:2, ~ne3k a'tc.l'~ +4J6; SQ_ comb~tsr)'l~(ardKry). dark "'151011110 rt.. \'~jXl"t packer, Hllpn:W<:U
e \!~siol'l, 1000~rca ncicnr 11l3~1'.lol\'·l!ght 1'!~JOl1.scuse 31:1CICl1f m:l!:l.I"-" tool, or the trade (70 Sp), tLtpfilHhllg. tr~p sense ; S~rncJ,sor fhl' trade +"1, ulle:l:uI'lY dodst, wih1 ~nlp~thr .. 4 (10 'nJ1;)ic.d IW;l~t!»;


longer the


the better. Minotnurs and :ri1.ardfolk

AL eli; SV Fort ..14,. Ro.:f .. UI, Will 1 H; $(r 1 '2, DC)' HI, COli 17, 14, WIS H. ChJ 1'2, Skills ""dFiJn/J: fhla !lCC lll, Biu n' +Il, Cl irnb ..10 (i 12 wi{ II l'O'p~S), Decipher SCript +12. Dil'billacy ..10, Disable Devree + H. F.scape Arris: +12 (,14 111(h ropes], Gatll,.r 1nionnatlllil .. :8. Hide ..4 (.. <i in shadowy t'nl1<i;[ioll~), Iliti InlJ:m: ...3. Ju mIl

rhe Tllayan .p'la(~au, YU3n-ti from rhc Jungles of Chuh. wcmics aud gnolls from Ihl: ShJ.ar-a II of dlCSCcreateres ngl1r ill the arenas of Tha)"s dtics. The ,gre:Jtcst ,mY most vici.ous 01 (11<:5.1: fil5htl!J!. arc sometimes pulkd out or the pits {O se; ve a Red WI't.a rd OJ other powo!l,r ul master, the weak: arc 'efe to light iI nd die.



(afC;ll1;t) ""7,. Knowledge (JullgeOI'lI"HlIlg) +)1, "", Kl1owkdS~ (Iusroq,) +7, Kilowkd~c (loca[) "i', Kno,,'INj5.1! rllatu.r~) .·4, Ll~t('l1 11 j, ~O"I: SI,kllriy oj 11, Opel) Lock -< 11,. Search +U, 5C115<';\10rtv" ...i. St't:t~ Langengc (Ncthe.r~), Spot +il, SUTvjl':1i + !:I rflOllIlJ<.'.rgrou'Ild or follo\\"ulg trucks), Swim +6, Tumble +J I, llsl: Mn~lf; Devrcc +16 ('1 1 I:! 111.dl scrolls), Usc Rope ...9: Alertness, DodgOJ,F.nrlUr:lIII:';-". Jtnprol'''.J ..13, NIO""Jl!dS,~
Kl1owlC'd~1: (gEolJ,.fapiJ):)

Thaynu gladrarorsare taken from all ovo;;~· Fa~nil1 u~, slavers who know rhe C3.pllves will reedl' iI higb pl·ic.":O.ll Ih" pl':lct~u. Some, hawcver, enter tho.! gladiatorial coutests \!olum~rilr, dtherro a void wor], rhl!)' lind rrlJstra .•iHS or delll~aTlillg Of to att:empr t~ 1\ in .3 hnroa lirl':t$lI "Red WIzard's !;:ultrd or an adv~\Uun:r. For creatures or a ruore savage uarure, rhe ftn:Il:lIIll~II(' be die only place where the~ call fell~J ill rlwlr true mwrc without !>emg

itli{i:nivc. Kimble Fingers, .POllitnlauk 5ho£, l.{aplJ Shot", Tmd~, Weapon. Focus (snorthow). UIlf,tlt!g(T". Chendathan, Droll' Slgl1, Dwarven, FII\.'II, Ncchcrcse, Ot(, Ulldcn:mll'lrlon. bnpr,!:>'JrJ F:vn$IM (E.I'): No Ih\luage: on ~1l"1..'(:~5rut R..:flcXS:l\'~ . and. h11f damas~ if die 5al't: f:llb.
ipdham.l sp~II·!ik" abmtlcs '''Ith the Sh,I,(OI>' J~·~rrJ)fOI'; ....;. bOI\U50n s,lVmg throws ngainst (e::lf cl'fo.:ff5jCal1110c become ~It!l~o.:ll. SUl1d.· f{UJlI/!,' Spells"~I/{J?V>l (4j4/'l pl!r day; (a)(~r level 7th); ht-Clnllfllljll1glt'''''', itl(·llllfJ~ /OIl,If,ttl"u{,'r, l"s. 7vl'I!Jl/lt! { trac«; 'lIllJ-bnll'J Jll ('ilfi,lb, tun: medvret« 1vrmmil., .(/~tlJ("'
",,('lfIls 1l1ld mi1l(u·.(lll, I{I"~'>:

killed on elK> SpOt for their tr'.lIIsgrcs.>ions. Most gladiators are

fighte.rs or h3d.la.rinns, although 0 f"w lcvelsns ro!';'l1..! can grant ,;ulditloual mobility and reach rhem cjirt'y tricks, Strength (fot

hrurah~.iI1g: oppoue.lts), D~.~Nrity (for :woidHlg b!o\\.'s), and COIl~titutiol1 (for \I'!dmandul!; 3ssaults) .an: kcyablnries fer a
Thilpn glndintor.

Krill/:/) Trl1lls: +). OOIl.US011 :.;\vlnl5 throw'3gai!l5t

I:_; N' "'In

Ii ';9UI1l~:I\-L t: N'J',,",

Aligo.m.ellt: An)' ~v'll Bast AcCl.ck. ]onus·: .. Sp~dd:


Fun: Toughn .. s,. Voh':lf'on ~

7V!J,,!t·, 3nj-{vfll(('



1''tlH-.!srivlI1 i"l )/,.:!.: i/lui,at"d /t"n(iJ<!'· (II mor, t,J j{"",iI18, anSf,IJI,
m'ro1f/i, ~{Mk 0/

POCtlS (llatural 1\"\'3pOIiJ. Must JlO;SCSSat 1.I1:m one n:llurlll >I'~apon. Spec.;.iti:;...tu~t uudergo:! rilual J~,Vt.'IOl)t~ by th~ Zlllkir

Transmuranon tl\:u Sr:l.l!tstl]('

'la5~,It~ aIJIJiri.ts .

... frv1( '~mf'0.ir~ 2

'·~1iSlrlll.': ., 2,brlg

IhortbIJ7ji (11

bOIlU~, \"Irll

,.;IIi. of p.ro(I:(I;011 ... ., b{!Ofl II! r/l'j{{I1I!!,,'lul 1

tyf'(' / V,iDIIII $fnl/It (d.~~,tpiudlc], s 'Wi.wd O!clll',r /fIodr;""h' 1l'()lIl1dj (,H dl.:Hgc·,), flI!OOli III ~~({ )I'OII! form, masrerwcr], (hi.":V\!o5'tools, dunh<.'r\ k!.t, -1,. )'U'llrOJS, \'ia.1 of a.'Jd,~ial or anti[oltHl, + Sfllok~5mb,. ~ f~.llgh:roo'l Lm,l-\s. S rilHh:rrll"ll3;i, '2. R::tsks oil~ UI,I!;l1i,J)'1Il1,; gl~~. I;f,lppllllg hook, ro fl. or silk rope,. SO ft. of htlllp rOl)(', pouch 01 Ji.w pearb (100 Ill' elch; Iniltt'rial ":011"lpO.11CII[~ ror lal'fJll/j' spdl~), ~u.d COllt:tilli!\g roo .~p.

~ll)ldlflt; h

olO ...1 ip"j"gme"

clo.ss seorures
Hla)all gf.1ll:ia.tors 'train to "III ~llll.cklr ;!.lId cfficiC'dtly wich their natura J weapons, lrop'foved Nat9n.l Atud:: Wh..!11 )"ou ('nrer this (lass, \::hoo.,«; onc or your na.tuf:l) weaflO"~ to gain ell(, bclll"nrs of the lmp'ro'{cd NafUr::t1 Artil.ck fear. The I\:lwrlll weapon you chooS>! IS :lfk\·t~d by ,[ht r~~t of the :lbiJitlCS you g~ul chrough ~111'31Icins III chisd;l~~, >



TAULI:; ..


J-., T .1·1', T 11"1'.'\:N S· L FOJ't

S~~e +2
T~ '1<3

l.~' .,\ D ·1,\-roil ':1 1 ...



;llIIf.\t,ICj· burst,


burst, speed ....

-But .Attack Le ... l Beaus e


Ise 111d 3rd 4th 1'cb 6th

7th 8th

f2 +3


Will Slve *0 fO ;,1


Improved natural ac'tac k, study oppoJlent

eri;(lo J, 1111pl'O\'~~1 Il(ltural armor '1"1 Scu,l.lnhlg critical, silver stflke
t":1tI.!Til I W<!:lpOH rO(U~ Imbue narutal weapon. natura! apllor ..2 Adalnall'rililf strik( SavaJb'e &trike ~ ~aruml armcr +s, natural wi:~l)ml Inn~tcr)


+1 +1",2

.. 4.. 1'
'I G ... i

... <1-

.1, -+2



+,6 +6

+8 +9 ·010

,..1 ... 1
+3 +3

+1 ... 1

ull!ioly. Of 1.\·oUI!!,hl'1g_ . "InordQf [0 dlOOSC one these. the Thnp'.l g.ladl~tor's ahgnJ.llL'IHmllSt 118~tch r,he approprlat,· ~I"Jb[r (the chat~c!u must be dwow: [0' choose anarchic Of !~wfu I to cheese ax.iOJll~U ). "Tlle cfl'ccrof rhis :Ihllll)' s[ac~~ ViiJth [h~ aJditJo!1~1 atrack ,!;inned frail! !he l1alltra I "'!"~~\>O!locus :trHbr~ (Stze:above). f tr.dsJll:mtioe Suike (lIr).: .At 6th ;k~·eIJ.an,ld.s. from your chosen I'l'lItUf,lj W,L:l!;,OIl c""~rCOHlI: d:'lma!:i~ reduction a~ tf (hey were :nJ'ama Itt I i1<! I~C!lI)OII'!o. Sange Suike (E.x): At '7th Ic~'C1,rhe critical nm],[lpIicr for lour (ho,en l:)J'curn,1 w'~"OJ\ mereescs by cae, Thus, If )'OU had ; ni[I~~1 mutri]lhcrot 1,11 \>'oul,II)~come x;: It was al'rcad) 1,1[ becomes 4. Natural Weapoo Mutety (Rl): 'Stllftillii ar ~ftthIeve], ;tho!C~[rn ,atnd. you g,alll frOIll IlJmnl \'oIC';lP011 focus .15at your lllgh~sc bil';(: .a,[t.~d !.m]lb.





.. 1

]vb,S)c strike llnb!lc Il~wrill w.~apO!l

Magic Strjke (E.:.::): A, Yeh level al'lIJ L1.igh~r. tt~cks from yOllt ~













CliW Stith (1 .. Ioc modi . 6et per lc.vd): Blufr. Climb, Inrimida re, Jump., Sense Moti\lc. Spot. Study OppOllellt (Ex): You prdh to circle youroppouetlt5 before tl\gil~illg them III mclCl!, sl'afehins dwm ror \\C1lhll""~!> ;1J1I1 noting Iv:::Iy thcir bodi!):. move. You (lUI ~tudy ~ny OppOlltllC within 10 (,,-etas .3 stands nl anion (or :I number of r(lunds equal to your WlsJom modrfier (mlllllllum 1round], For each round •



Th~\v{_\n qlo.dio.tor


\'ou JI~1.'1:lx.:coulL:1 Ii ndy honed I; IlIlIIg 1\1~t; oi IIC, spr.ayiug the blood of )'our opponcllt~ ~.. rOh~[be dire Roars 3rCII~S[roin Eltabh3r to Sunh~r- ~or surpnsmgly., you wane to ~sca.~ slaver r~-·IC ell!! r~~r you ;IS rOllghl) 3S [he: cella r !ncy place: ~ nrcund jour m:cik-hut ;g ton~ ,Ii. you art' someone else's properr I'. \ eu 1l1lght a~ well elljo~ tr 3~ bC'~t you <.::1 11. Occ~sio!lilll}'

you SnJdy. roo ~am ~ +1 bonus on at tad rolls and AC durms the rouudrhar VOIl lit!>' I;"nga,gedu.:m III melee ecmhar. rmptoved'C~iti(;l_I; At 2mllt'~'CI. your hnprcw\'d uarural atnrck gains the benefit or rhe 11I1l;'foved Critical rCite. Ns.tutI.1 Arm.o.r: IkSUH1IIl~ :11;1nJ ·I~\,d, your natural armor imprnves Dr 1 poinr to help you. wi chll ea lid the 3\\'CSOrtll! blows of \'our gl.:ldiarori:.1 opponencs. AI nhand 8(h levels .•your !lawn' I ~flnQr improves by an additional pOlll{_. Stunning Cridcd (EJ): StaftUlg at 3rd kvel, a.l\y rune you
Illake II SUccc.~.sfulcriric!\1




I:Ict~ hh rr«:rlOIII, or as close- co icas


could drear)l, all.1 rhi~ hOJll' gwe,> I!OIJ rhc su'c1lgth you need co fcud off the vn, I{lU~ crca t un.!~thcy fll! you as, Ulst when A rena Day roll, around.
'(OU1' 11UNcr a lse


l'OU :I;; a

politic!! I ~Ild soeial \\'eopO.lt.








cnemy UlU~{ succeed 011 ;\ Fortitude save (DC U • your Srr modifier) or be srunlll-J (or 1round. Silver Strike fEI): Ac 1n! level, ~t[3cks from your chosen natural WClIpOI! overcome damage reducuon :15 irthcy "'~rl

Silvered wtapons.. NI.lur.1 We.pon Pocu1(1b): At +rh I~vd,you ~alU the abstuy to m!lk~an adduional ~tri"~ at ~.-I' pcmn.lty \\'Ilh )our chosen natural. \V~ilpon ""h~ll you use ~. full attack acdon. . Imbue N.tural Weapon (Su): At flb level, }'ourchoscn Il~,tuf31 w~apol1 g:1;n~ a spl)ei., I 3bill t) ~.~. f i were a m~gic \\'e<lpGl\. i Choosecue gpcci.aJ ability f rom the f OUOI iug lise 1I..u.dapply ir <'0}'OU[ 11atllral \lCCapoll(s): I1arn Illg, fresr, ghOST eouch, shoe t, or t 11IIdering. . U .At 10th Itvt:.l, rh~ riwa'i you t.mderweur upon bl..'Col'llingn TbaYlll gla.diarorgr~IH:h you ~.thlal pO\<li:r from the ro!io-vinS .Iise ! _ _~, ! to apply to j'our chosel') Iln'mr~l\,'Capon: !ul:1,rchlc-.,. ~la01THI(!C-.,

suc~c5srul !;.l;ldiarorat stable C.111(lren In~lly doors III Th3\'all sceierv-s-and h:t 11 I'll!'! rrval 0" ncrs ns well, 'Regardks$, ~ I he ;ttl:llnOI1 ts good,. n IIJ occnSIOJI:dly you lire invired to leave IIw pits ;l1ld minl:ile\~lth the nWIl ill red. They sbow youofr tik .. :I. cropli) •. md marvel at the cold starc I hat you give them liS they :I>llllp.: your flesh ~nll oolie. Lesmg ill rhe pns means deach, and [lin IS ~ fall: vou arc not h.~.UJto ~CCtPI. 'lOll r UIUI;I~ t e 11.0.11 t'~C:lpt'. or JI Ic;!st to be set free From is the pits to OIiCt ag:u!! rasre the open a rr, The mo.s t ~uceessful slndl:lfo~ become rhe permnal guard of the red-clad \\llMds and s~ht:flIin~ hl!r.~"u('I·"ts w/lOO'l'11 the fightIng ~Qlbl(ts. You ha~e Iearned to either love or h;l(C (he one who owns }'OU, and while the lntrcr cmo~iOI' mi~ht b.. more sntisrY!1lB.I![ IS the former ' th~ r ka,j~~Q rrc~J'0111. You look up ar the !1lino(lluT gUllrdiall smce

mthe: Red ",


rd's box. 3 s lie looks downon

rhe prrs where

he OIlC( fout;ht, nlid ) 0\.1 dn.:a!l1 that one Jay If wulJ be you up there iu his p!3.C~. Combat: You otutnnllDfC l!llposmg li,gUln: ON the battlefield th~1I ~i'J ,l\'cragc nlClilber of your rocco You uc bq;,ef. SfrO!1gcr, jll,)<1 f~stlZ'r rh,Ul most. ~.lId your nalul'3] w~pons ho\'e dC\I,eiopeJ mm Inrnni,darll1l:\ lools tha:r frlShren ~our oppoll.!nrs. RangelI' ,com Illl! 15 !lor. )' our {on..-, al'thol;lSIJ you~r'~ !lot quick ,(0, close


011you. You prefer for a bit first, g.au~lIIg ),our 0PPOIlCUr'S srreugths :llld, .mere important, his weaknesses, Once you enter combat, you do not br("ak ofr. You look (Of the quickest way to g~[ your hands around lour OppOII~lIt',; throat, [0 claw, hire, or gorC' hilll until he' cannot rise Irmn the arena floor, You do not always fight alone 111 the :UCI\." :lJl,r you can appreciate the benefits 01 havlIIg 311 ~ily ae )'our SIJ~. If you are rogue, yoo should look to lIl:nilllJ'z,e )OUf sneak iHt::tl'l: opportuJlities t..y pouring skill pOWl> IIHO Tumble, Jllowing you to ilion: easily Rank opponents wh.:n a fn ud Ii>nearby, Focusing all your ana ks en a :.inlilc OPPOIlC'Jl( !lllo\ S all to rninmuzc rhe dangers you face in rhe rena. PO\\ r Arrack and WellJlon pccializar on help )'OU in this regard, while Cleave Crt" br~n, you extra " arrncks whe» you most" need " them. QII': thing you have learned in [he arena, ho w-

with all cHen;)' dUl[ might have an adv'lIlbg'

co circle

ever, is never to turn your

,':I . t

back on your frielldsj ehe


be waiting for


the opportunity ~ an olJ see c.

ro . ttl e

As your kills peak. you ~ art' u.blc to make pO\l'urul ~ strikes that stun oprollent~ who, ~tK.'CaU:lt " tl.\.cy pose no tJlr~n.t,. allow -& you to focus your arrenncu el!>~.~ whcrr-perho.ps al tho::YU:III·ri ~ areempring ro ruru your RlIllk. ~ Ju doo't get caugtu between 1\ 0 enraged cpponcn rs, or your Jighring days

IIlg. whatever '.:eapo sand armor the' need (0 will [he day 011 dl" arena Hoar. These arc the 1lI0St competitive owners, of tell pol irica II), motivated rhsrchions or successfu! merchants with l~tler5hip aspirarious. The)' wont to sec their stable fighrers tr unnph over all. comers, and often wager large amounts of ,~t1ld, music, or fa vors 0\1 rile 'outcome of rhe battles. Gladi~tOfS wirh 0 generous master arc in a Irlcky s.ruanou-vrhe more successful rhey nrc, (he more lavish the gifts arc likcly to be, t..U( rhe chances for rr nlom under these circumstances diminIsh with each viceory, o lice you star t down the path of the Thayal~ gladiator, Ihl:n: is no ruruing bad. The traillillg you undergo mrus your body into 3. lI'e.apon more dealily th:l.11 :lJly swenl, spear, OF ate. You call never be disarmed, and you no louger rely 011 iJ1C craftsmanslup amI magic of others to increase your "ower. You call endllllt your bod in wa)'s th:u no others L'3I1-and ill a Land ruled hy powerful wizards, that can l1l~h' you I1~Ofl:1'3 IU3bl~ than gold. B.u.oart'cs: As mc.I'ltioned, II sill.ve's owner ofreu prov ides b irn


with th


\ools to be

will quickly come bloody CI1 ....



Advancement: Th3Y~11 gladiaeors arc rakeu ~rom .111 across Fae:nill and brought to the plne~u to be used as slaves. Th y might 110( make It IIltO the pits directly, being used Ior ph)'SIC:l1 labor or [ILU cle [or a while before ~.:jltg scnr to rra ill as a gladiator. In some ~:lSCS it is the 5;I\'al;' nature of;] slave that orces hIS muster to keep bini til tile: (iL.ul(;COIlS. Once there, du~ ~l:Jdi<ttor is pur· il \ :J. C'a!)l', sorueri mcs .... 'Ith crentu fC~ or the sa me race', d"pclld 11115 the ir rem pertu n~ or. Til I~ I~ when- I II: on stays UJltilllis fi rsr A rena D~)', wheu rhe ,r;lnul:,\ton arc :lrm~d as their masters $<!<: ~ t and sent Ollt to Ji~ht. Tlns 1.13)', C~ lIcd che "bloodmg," is :III U1\pOftallt one for (h<:gladrarors. :llthouS" mosr do IIOt know it. Tho~ who survive ChClf bloodlllg arc gll'ell rhClf !JWIl <'ell, arid o((Utd equIpment and [railllll~ f.'\cilieics, The I.IU~ll!ty .uid nature: of such boons varies from ar 110 to :HClIa, allJ ownerC:11lprovide supplernental c:quij>lJlcllt ro their fi6ht~r~ as [hey desire. Some owners prefer to rully cqllip their fightcrs, prol'id·

su~'ccssl\11 i,l rh arenns. This is doubl· true for those glad,ators who have been withdrawu [roru rhe fights to serve their masters clscwlrcre; a r harcluon or Red Wiz.nrJ using a gl:lihator as a bodyguard or loyal treasure seeker 11115 every reason to make sure


rvaurs are well equipped,

Nc:Jriy :lI1y mundaue item will be re.:ldiJy available 10 you should you require it, lind magi 'al goods can be procured Willi lirrlc trouble. Thay i. a land magicians and II1Ncb:lJI ,brllnnllng IItlrll :myrhing an adv 'murer IlIll)ht need, You r Datu ra l wcapoury is 511 rliei~ II r to OYCrCOlllC a I most 3l1Y t.lIl·I11)~ so W11':11 yOIl seek 911 t uI:tgi ire-ns you shou Id look for protective items such as 1ll";Jl,lit:l1 armor or mm,kl! uf nn,li4rlll n 011 or. A dMk of disp/ft(t!7T1en! or rin!, r;f blur IS ft gocd IIIV..:St· mcur thae can keep you safe from ellemies WIth even more (c:lr orne phySical attacks th:lI1 your own, although you don't CIlCOUllCl!r such fO\ts very oftcu, There IS gcncrally little time tor porions ill your line of work, bur ha\,jng ~ hC31l11gpotion or fWO handy for tim\'$ "'hen arena medics C3U't get to you will be to our advantage,




'rh o.Vo.ng Io.d ioto rs

in the world
ThaY~1l glnd!lItors are ~mol)!; the most (c.arsomc: body.go:lrds and III F a c (u n, The y h~ ve been cond j uoned (0 scr vc. t/ k:'j r mJSfcr~ filir.hfutly :1ul.Ito enjoy the nrc of corubarto analmesr ~di5tiL point. Wh~l1 !lot" 6gJ1ting in [he PitS ,,(Thay, they (All hi: fGUlld ;u:comp:myiI1S RcdWi7..1rl.ls 3.nJ 01 her i1l1porunt Thllya II lummarics ooth in~ldc th~ir 00lJ ilfry as w\: 11a~ 011 t rips to cities far aud wide, W hen a RCAI i'L>ud j,,~~igJlcJ to II distllllr ·~lldll\"r, W he arkn rakes SOllie or all of his gladiators, (or personal ~~(tty ~I,d present au intimiJ:mng from to any who would tll.in!: or to attadi'lg the enclave. O.rgaoiUltioo: Gl3dl~tori:11 c.ol'~SI:!. an: among the most papIllar cn(cr{,1il1mC:lI~ OIl '[hay. The downtrodden population never passes up .a Chanec to W':)lch eVCIJ more 3ggrieved 1>OUh barrle (leh ather ill (he pits. Tile g~J11CS ~I~ oner ,iJOSC wich less power thatl l 1.UIktr (I.nJ less II.! fluc,lcl' ella I) a tll3 rehlOJl an opportunity 10 c·ompec<!m [he poluies of'Thay. A II iI.rpl'<:11IlCC red wizard or mcrch:tut e:1I13cUlnJ I) ctevare his suws lW UII!!J SIIj:;a sut(c-.:;ful wible of nglm:rs lind rhen wngering 011 rhe outcome of thc figllts .. or ceu rse, ch.: t:/ul:rcflions sull 1I.:I\'~ ~dVlUl[ab~ 1111 in these dc::lll.ll!.-:s-.th~)· COlltrol the nature or each .l1g/1£"aud eanineroduce clcrnClltS co· cipthe ~.d\'(lllt:lgt:in thelr favor, Such !lml'cdl~!lded rae nes are :lIJ!I\\e-ho!IOred H3t!irion ill Th~y.amj no cOlnpditor b~g:rudlle,s tH' hon rhese Imle g~l\les" Gla&intors who are .l!lcr~d,bJ} successfu], or who show 3 dercnnil1cd will above ;1.,1,10bq'olld their fdlo.w" :!r~ 'ortell chosen. by dlC7.lllkirs to be the recipients or '!llngkal experl,.nems designcd reimprevc their prowess inside the a rena. Their snollS bcdies and weak minds arc o pcrfcctcoll1binatiofl for dl~ arcane rl~I.l!31'~rfofln~d by dIe Red Wiz:ud •. Indeed, some of [he r·i.tuaLs cr·eacl!J o.BcS asa Ul DI"U1:U5R hytn, dIe tu Ik ir .0[ Trau.SfllutatIOll,. 10 bICSto\~uPOI.l the first Th.:I)'~.n gladiator his ~.ma·lil\g pom:r>, J're snll muse. Ever ·sulc!t[ha.t time, dIe most succcssfu! ght,j i~conal smbles have paid farth~l.r nlOSl p1'01ll iSlllS fighters to undergo the riw<ll tl19X wi 11(hop(fully) 21' lowrhcm
adven to re r~ grOIl< into (eJ:fSomc bca~Q" . Whltll they arefirst captured, peteurial Sla.di3[OT5 arc beaten, raid dl~y w i!I ,I><! k 111~d,arul geller~ I!yln isrrea ted. Thoset hat ~n: nor SQJ ken by rh is in Iti;) tiona re til ... 1110.[ apt to sur e. Ol!1e'~

I hat \l'h~ll he offers r h~m rhl.:lt n:;CdO!lld1ey II"IJ.I wOI'k for him IIIC lJ 110 h~ rd (d:1 illS!>. So r 111\ gilllIolC hiI,~01:(;11 sUCCc:SSf J nd he hl~II'f lithl to defend hlllN!lf "!9lin"t a grudge'holding slave,



H IS Hlcn~ Htlle intt:;r~r~ have more than doubled SUiCC he st:lrtcd rilL ~~mc~Jlind tlus bounry is ...,'C1l erended by d hiS st:l(JIc of [ornu.r siarlinlors. Thar's Ilot co s.ay he hllsn'r loot nil} vnlunhk.,; nlollS tho; w-ny semc of hIS fishtus never return, and t.:nrire groups h~v.. been lost to tr.a [>S iltld 1Il01.)SfCrS wlnle ;catching lor lost goll1.
pnt[lCljlanng III

pc neue ions

The common foil of ThaI' love 'to Cit her cheer Of jeer (he Thll\ 1111 glal.lliltOf;'" 011 I he one haml, (hey an: seem nigh' In even II worse pO.,iltOll than the crar~m~11 and laborers that .fill the 'it:lnd." The glHoll:ltor~ !lrefighbng fOI" tll-C.r lives 011 an ahnosr ri~il)f )).1$[..;, nnJmo~t of elwin arc bca5~ to beBin witl" On rhl!

or her h~ I1d, Sl.!ldI.1ct)r:. ;1ft



or 1lmUSCIl)cnt

nr.:!y fillli .III}"JOY III d\Clr cvcry.lay lives, Som or 311dstlbks Ik(ar~tc rhcmsclvcs a lid Ihclfcquilllncm colors,. re.a.(.hcrs. Of OIlier Ju;t1!1ctn'c ~'rb,~llo\\'ing wi\g~r en rlll"'- r:lI'Onrc{\.."iunof fil:jllt"Crs. W lum th~y ,1I"t:~neounttr~-d ot1t~ld'~ t he :nCIlA-R th(!) are fn.'e-gllldiatOlrs are typ!cnll~ ~fl'dl:d hy

ror those \\'h.o the sl~diator~

witl' brishr 5)X'C[";ICorsro mrit.y unleSS awe :l;lld (car,

itabi'e Wl! I;be paradllCl t hmugh tc)W!),OI1 ir~ w""Y into rllC :lrCl'l~. om! 011 the w;J;Y our ~Silll'lif tbc}' were p~rticu I'::ltly vleror 10US. 011 ring these p:"\r:1dcs rhecrowd ofrcn chrOI>.'Stllhcr rntten rl'lI)t er rokeus of !'c.pcct .:!t rh~ g!3dla~ors, who are euher cham~d tos~th(.'r or \'I""hl~ III h:frrtlJ t:agCl> ~~op hOr50."-dra\\.'ll Cans. A rival "tnbl~ might att~lllpt ro :lM'iI~.~i'll<1le: gl.ldi~,tors Jur U1.g
thc~e pa r;u k." , when bodies of rhoscwho "11J blood.

!t:ippcm, the ~Ir·C~t!, are litt.ercd with [hI! were caughr ,ill the stortu or -swords, clalol"5,

-rho.uon qlodioror



tile arena, jl()WeVCr, thil1g~ dlallgl: quite rapidly.-hc is moved to ~ private cell ~lid gi\'e'l (QI'ItI, warer, and the opporuJIl ity to blltllc and drns "is <\,oul1(b. Mo~( g1.3datorial s{.:IMeshavc the;( all'') hC:lI('r~.,~nd IVhll~ llIany of rhes~ are !lOt clerICS. dwir skillskccp thcSbdi.uoflo rr~h :UIl! healrh), for rhe /lC."(t fiGh •. Gl3diators (h.:lt do nor ~how signs or rebdhou$Il~$ ~.rc Orrell Gr~ntetl access co weapons and armor as well. In their clown nme, rhe J,;lndl:LCOrSrlUIt arl!ll't clgcd up rnillaoout ulu:knllC'aCh til .. :1(1:1111, enher r!"aining or spellllnlg kisure time Ivith C!lrd~ dice, :mJ orber gnll)ci. FricmJsillp.S ninonS" gladiators arc f;lrc,llowcvcr" sille\! cbey could Do.: plft'Cd againsroue {I ••othcr at a II)' tunc. Onc enterprising .!w.:rcham IlluneJ VarOllkPital uses th~ ~rcll~ 3$ a mdnod lO tr~in m:as.ure hUlIlcrs. who he sellus OUI lI((e.r rumor~d anif:u:ts .1nd v3Iullhl\:.S.. H~ (reats hiS gl:l~larors"'ell, ;0

be bas proven himselr

Cllarnn~n w Ith K nowledl:)1: (bxa I Tb~YJ call reses reb rbe Thayan 1:IIadi"ltor~~lid d'K ;tr~H;l$ tll~l fibhl IH, They 'E~ II, S~[ baSlt in(onllarion of the fi'gb[~ from ral·I~" by~ombl!ll!,; the srreers and tavcrus, whl.k HlOI'!: I.kul.kd jl:lrornl~uall ,,,in l)::t\,C to C.Ol"OefrOlll a g.\ntillLor .or the owner of ~. srahlc .. Wllcn aeharaerer makes ,I ~laH chect, read or peraphrase th~ folLowillS> meiudins the m(orllutlOIl frolll IOlA'tf Des. DC 10: "Thl: .~I~dmror.~:lrl; til..: IIlOS[ prll11lellco (pooreSt) class .,f ~1~I'e3 in Til:!}".The_\' S"r In:.aleJ lh~ bo:..:tt {worSI), h:lve rh~ U,OSf (k:1.~() freeJom, and often (u"vcr) .... 11their fret:dom." 1 DC If: "There ;~ mOj'!! tb:'HI nlcee; [hce)e 10 th" gbdlarors. Their OIVllL'rs U~i! them to .'C!ti.k rl!udl>, nirTY (;1I"0r, nnd gain the upper hand III [he COII~t:lIJr politi!::!.! In:lJlcUVCl'illE;S that :Ire :I part or the: ,laoly lIfc of Thay,"

DC 10: Th.: ~h3 rne ter k"";}I"JI$ a SCHer clltnllC\.' (0 rhe .a.rcn~ or k~""IrnsdIe loentlon of :In llpCOlilJUg .;ccret rU~l:tJUg
ci.1a tOf~. DC ]0; A cll:tractcr who [(leks


he t\V~'I:11 frcc gb

Jown chis Illuch .iuforl'lllltion abouc the lo.cal gI3dI3tOr.i~1 stCIiC could learn of a plot" by the local ch3rehlOII 10 kill a hac~u rivaJ'spn1.ed gl:!diato(,aplanlled




breakout tbat' could cause (he deaths 0 dozens III11OCt'llt:l., or the secret idl'lItlty of:w. Harper ngelH thnr hM inn Itr.)~cl the .raLlk of n r!:d wl'2.ard's stable.


fmprq.lled U"CdllIlJ ']Jodge (E,..): C31l110r be f1aJlked and C1111b slIe:lk attacked 01,1)' by a character with ar least twelve

Thu o.n glad io tors

in The ~oJne

POriQ71 oJ billr.

rogue levels . 'PommiollJ. +2Jlf.dd~d lenl!Jtr (I.,..mor,gl()v~s of mighlJ Jim +1 (aces as amulet of1fj;r,bqfou +1), potion of ClU'(, J(!rioll.J1vou"ds,

Arena Day, or be there to see 11. parad.:: 0 I;ladlllfOrs come iuto or leave the iC)', The: characters IIljghr be CO\l(ncr~J oy one n gladtator's omrades ""ItO needs help ro spring th e fighrcr from the JUII~~ons: or all ~c(Jped gladiator I1II~ht look to join up ":ilh a party that call successfully Sl11ll!:a;lt: hun out of Thay before


could be yi.icillS


CIty 011


GROGA~ DAL (E~ 20) All esc:lp~d gladi:..rtw named Grogan OJI de.;,\Jes that he doesn't \\oWl the parry sp,'ca.cling lIeW5 of bis ~ hereabouts. Grogan Dal: Miuotaur fighter 6/Th3.Y:1Il gladJator 10; GR 20; Lar~~' ilion crous hurnanoul; HD 6d8+6d10+10d1'2+91; hp 231' Jllit -.2; Spd '2.0 fr.; t\e 7.1, touch 1'1, fi<l.t-roored 21; Base Atk'+'22; Grp +31; Atk +31 melee (ld12+14 plu~ 1d6 eleerrie i(;yl 3, +1 s"peking (old irrm gI'MIIIXl) or +30 IIldct ('1d6-t10 plus lci6 ciecc.riclry/19-'20/ 3, sore); 11ul\ Ark -t11/-t16/+11/+16 meice (lJ12+H plus Id(' electricity! 1, +1. shQd:illg (old h;O-lI grl:'flraxf) :111& '2B melee (1d6+ 1 rillS 11.16 eieerrielly/19-'20{ J ~orc) or + -;O!+m/i '2.r{i-'lO/+H melee (1d6+10 pi 1.1. 1d6 elcct~ic· Ir)'/19-1.0/ 1, gore); Srace/Rea h 10 ft.flO rt.; SA adamantiuc $tr;k • magic strike, natural weapon mastery. powerful charge 6dG+? plus 1..16 d.:ctricic}" SlI.\':lgc srrik iJvcr srrike, srudy opponcut +1, stunning critical; SQ£!arkvisioll 60 re., iml.l\j~natural weapon (,bock, ,bodifl& b/JI~S(), natural c~llnil\g, scent; AL CE; SV Fon +18, Ref +17:, Will ~11; Str 21, DeX' 14, Con IS, Jue 9, WIS 10, Cn~ 8, . . , ~ Search .. r, Sense Mori ve +4, SpOI i 7; Clea ve, C01l1~r R.eAcxes, I, Improved Critical (sore), Improved N,n.ural Weapon (gor('), Iron Will, Multi:lt!ack, Power Att:! 1;, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (gore), WeapO!l Focus (gro:aCll';c), Wearoll rOCl.l5 (gore), Wllapoll Focus (grt':lta~C!). LaNg/lage: Gi.:t nt, 'PI17Vl!lfi" Cbflrgc (Er): Wilell Gro~all charb~'S' his S"orcattock

he is rr ackcd dOl II. Players who like monstrous dl<lrac(crs will par ncularly mjo)' this class, since it aflows I hem ro ra h' t heir C hnracter's natura I advautages am! mal-I! thl!l1l 1110l'e powerful and 1l:ll<'r~;[lllg, The ~bilit)' ro add weapon qualitit'S (0 natural attacks oH'r~ the.chanc~ to make :t ulliqu<.: PC that will be remembered long aJ IW rhe campajgn is over. Adapeation: All)' world with 1II011'itrou5 characters and au oppressive so Icr), with I)ladi3tonal g:)/llC$ could have d",,,(,~ofed tile riruals ro make their fighters 1lI0r' iuipressive aud ex-cltllli!j. It h .. Jps ir tho: Society in qucsrion 1;311 tolerate free ruonsrrous burnancids wandering the . rrccts allu serv Ill!) :t~ bodyguards and enforcers.
Encounters: Thapll gln(ilamfS are nor !rI.lsrillJ:!;, aud th.c)' iutirrudare ochers to ge[ whac rb~y \I~nt .. "v1~e(iIlG :t band or stalwart adventurers char rd'u~ to takl.' ;til}' lip from [lie gladlacor nught be CIIOI1IWco provoke <.:omb:I{-or a rcspc rful mrerest, ESSPECH "8) A liurdloa Thayan gladiator 1I;\[lIeu E. Jl1=dl c.'1-o(;ofl.,,·hl.,> ma.,tcr across town, while- tht' PCs (nick 11 1l~:tJI that the.' merchant has



Climb +8, Imimidare

+ 3, Jump

+10, Listen


011 his persoll. Esspl!ch: Ma,! lizard fo 11. b:trh~.ri:\11 rjTh:l.Y:IIl. gladi~tor 1; GR ; Medium lrumanoid (rclltili:III); 1-1 D 7.\J!h~\D '2-1·9;np Glj TnlC ..OJ Spd 40 fr.; AC 10, touch 10, fladOONu 20; ]j:lS~ Ark -t";';Grp +9, Ark +11 melee (ldM2 .. claw) or ~- r:lHb\CU (1.16+'2, javelm]; Full Ark +11 melee (ldG+2, 7. claws) .1 lid .1;1 melee (lJ4+1, loite) Of +7 ranged (ld6+'1, javelin); SA rtl!;t: '2/Juy, :. udy OT'POJl.:J1lI -+1.; SQ!lold breath, ~1'lf1 St'IISC +1, imyrovl'c! uucs '1II)' do..!g ; A L NF..; SV Fort +;, Ref .. 4~ Will -t1; Srr H. Oex )0, Can 13, Tnt 9, Wis 10, Cha 10. Skills find "),,.11: Ba lance ~ 4, b trim Id'.lte + -t, JUll1p + 9, Scnse Morive +1, Survival +4, Swim j"7, 11nl'rov.:cI Narural I\ccad. ((I3.II'Y, Mult.ialrack, lolJghne~s, WI:'.1l;1011 Fccus (claw). . t.n IlgUngt: Dracon ic, Rat/ (F.x)· + to Srr, .4 to COil, -1-'2 Will ~~~"C~, -1 (0 AC 011 for up to.6 rounds. SwdJ 0rp()fItNII (&\'); S",... patSc: (,4. _ . Hold Brenlb (E,\).. E' pl:ch c.:. 11 hold his breath 10J' n rcund» before he risk dro\\lling.

deals 6d6'1-9 points



Jamngt: plus Id6 points

or clccrricity

Stud), 0PPOIII:lIl (Ex): See pilge 64. Nt/Illra! Cmllling (Ex): Immune to mn,U spells, canner ger lose, aud canner be caught flat-footed. . 'Po1it~siom: .. '2 h"c(!.Jtp'''~ "I e1cl/ricil), resistance, ~ 1 siJot:/ung old iran gr~t1tt1r~,bdmel 0/ m;g!Jty bows +2 (aces as flJnllll!l of mighl)'fiJI! + 2), gnU7II/.;J/J of minotsur p07I1t'1' (spe-cialJr.luutletS that provldc a To!- cnhancemeur bonus to Strength), ri.Ng of f'ro"'c~/on +1, mllflltl of protectio» from llrnl'lvl (lId:!)" CL 7th), '2.pO~Jons of cure St7'iolls 'lUolwdr, pOlio/{ of disl'/.an!menl, potion if mirror i fJI(lge, poriM of jlJ'lJisibtlif)}




my cmplrl)'en,





yo« Pil)."

-Kau~ St~t'h! f Arhkarla, a vengeance knight o

Vengeance ·Iaughts roam [he Land


or Inrrigue




\ ho have eornmirtcd 0 of treachery ag:llllst ~htlr ernplo ers, tJI(.' K nigb~ or rhe Shicold. As :I veng~ance knight, you


PIlP':> IIIjr. C1...A :"l'IT.S

• •

are n masrer of s:I(:tl, as com rcJ"tnbl~ ill your heav y p.I:ICI: a rmor as C'lth~rs.are iu courtly V.;'lltITlCllt:. or "dvcllcuriOlgclotho::s. The sword
IS your IIrt;apo)\ dlC

1111;3 iIB!

of choice, .1J1dyou usc


well to inrnunlatc

1I1\d ctirmnatc

enemies of {II.: K.nights. Vengeance kmghrs ofeell \\car (e:if'SOlll':: hclmers or Ilmhla:t.ou thciT ~ rmor with symbols [h~c srnke rc~r iuro rhc hcarrsol ril<'lr "11~IIH..:s heron'

sud is even J rawn,

secorn j n<s o. Ven'5<?ClJ)Ce I~n i~ht

km~ht~ M~' siJ<::cmll)~ tr.linc<i \\,'<lrrjor~ who have plcJgc,d their service to i[h~ Knights of the Shl.:ld,;l YOu£, poJi.llCl.1ns 1I.lldll1crdl~llts wiChinfluencc III go~·eml;llellr$ lrcm Alhkada [·0 Call1npOFI, They ~1rJ: ;1 sp.:cinl breedc]' enforcersused by tL1~ orgallJIaUOU to cow tll<::lttI1<:IUi,:s into ql!llpliant'C. righters mosr orrell DCCOJlICI'CU6"1":tIlCCkuigh(~,. bue blackgunrds J!~d former


you I' rilrS:Ct. III ~tlJlttO", } OU It;111Ih~ II1UIc:1tcd beaus on t .\11.;Itmd rOn~;1I1U d:tllla~c rol1Nagn m~tthe target. CouDtust,il:c (E,): V~ngcilllcc ku i{;hrs viSit p:lm upon rhose \Vllo wtlufd bun ehem, A~ .3, result, you Gam rhe H\llic;acd bonus on J II 1I1~1.:11~ rtack tolls lind lbm~~c rolls againsl :1.llyc(t::ature rh:lt,.IJ I,,,.'g",l rou Iu the prcvJO\I$ round, Tlus bonus $f~cks With thnt (rom yoor bringer ofl'l'tlgo,;.11lCloa.b,ill}·, lroproved Shield B'uh.~ At 2nd 1el'0:1,~ou b~il'l the Imprtwca 511;>'1111 B~5b rc.~{, ':\'<::11 If }ouJo not IlH:ct the ll.t:!:ttlquisit.:s. 'BOO!!S Feat. 1\[ jrd ~1I<1 9th I..... ls, you. can cnoose J MIlIlS e fear fr·0ll1 tile llb:htcr\ honus (<:lIt h~t. ArcaDe B:ICkllsb (SII); AllY rinle roo successfully save agllil1S! .llly nrc~ Ill,; ~pd I II'hel1 you ~ rc the spdl's on Ir t3fS"'!' the origil131 (~~(~'r (3 kcs the llltiilQ[CJ .lIll0l[nr of l1oui.::rha I uu mage aJo ~ou lash rhe I:ll~q;:".:S of I'm. fall~I.1 silcl J n:!ck nt IIim,

p:d~'diJ,lsalso mnk!! geod f ,':I bt:C3IlSCOr their 11~~.v)·a rill or usc, hOI"SCI1I:lllShip, J nJ !ll:'ltci~t prowess. SrfC!lSrh (for 111deecombat), Ccnsriruticn (for 5("yil.lg power). :md Charisma (for llICillH<.btlon) arc key ab.ibrics forl v,cl'lgC':lI1CC kJ'ugh[,

p k).)) in~



l' n


warrror b.:fan:, buc rh..: Kilighn of the Shield eo control ~'hl focus your eruclcy toward rlreir own cnd~. Whell YOIl walk 1I1(0:l. new tOI>'II,. YOIl know rhar you :11'1: the 1l1osr,l~np;cro\Js. person Ih~ro:. Other peopk Arc rhere ~iJ\\pl~' to B1I'C )'Otl mfonnntioJ1 ~J1d get out ·of your \~ay. You

were a'fud

tlillsht )'Oll

AligDttI.el),t: Lawful evil, lawful neurra], or lI~urr,'1 evil. Base Atc.~.d:Benus; 1'f, Still,: Indmidare 6 fallk$, Ride <4 rnnks, Sense Motive 1. ranks,

Pucs: Iron Will, WO:JIlO'JFocus (:tIl)' sword). Speci..l: proricJ~lle)' \Vlth ht'J."}' Hmor ;"11(1 heavy:.hicltis.

l'clisJl ),OUf ]\'PUr.:ItIOIl as ~ jUQl"rn~ut, "lId )·ou will never srop [11 Y ou r Joh i$ 11011(:, TJII; 1\ nl!!;h{~ of rlll' SllIdcl (see paj:;,e HO of Lord» 0/ 'DnrJ:· ,lJrJS lor 1I101'{' lIlformJtlon on rlns oqp"i1.:.;Jtiol1) employ as, Hl.'lllr I'''ngcallco: I..llj~hrs as possible nt ~II~' one- time. V(,llge~llcc k!llgJu;,; tin: srat IOUc-d I hrouf:lhout Tethyr, Amn, MId C:dn\1Sh~1l so til!!! rhcir masters' r,l ~'l'lIg~,-j]n he t:~rria,l OUt \il\,j:fdy, and ul

class reo.rures
A~ Ihcy increase in level, Vl:flgc-nllce kllights bccom mote and nlore cffcctj~'e in dl~ U~ or rheir :J,ru~cr 3.nu.iu ~k·:l.ling J:lI\l~g" chose who h~vc hure the II). ArIIlOT' Tn.inJog (EI): As a vengeallce kllig:ht, )'00 always wear d"e be~\<iesr armor ava.. lable to you, and thu~ you learn to '.\i('lf r it 1110(1: efr\!en~'d)' through trailllllf:l' )':(lUr:'lflllor d}()~k pellllltr imposed by n~I'r~rlllor and ~h;cJd~ for all ~ki115C.'iCCpr SWIIII is 1"00duceil 1, !Iud you can ~iol\ your armor as if you had help b)' (although you still rcquuc:I servant to help lOU don h~Jf.pl:\tt or full pla.tl Ar 6th I'e\'cl, yOUf arnlOI' check penalty far arll:1or is roducc,rI b) 3, aiul you cnl Illole ;l DC 15 Ccnsbtutaou dl.;-ck to avoid being f:ltJgueu f rOIll SJ«pUlg III your :'Inilor, ) '1 addition, you tll ~cl:mll hall' Ihe norma I move IHt:JiI( pella Ity for ~'~t!;ring Ilea I'}' armor. At lOt h leve 1,. rOil have truly mastered tilt a r r or WI.'3.riIlS he.:\~'y a(II1('1r. You !:lUI !lolv,;ICl::p in your~rlllor without pel\~ lty, and )'ournnnar dl~ck pcnalucs for ,IrIHor a.r:c reduced by S. III ~dditkl'l, you C~1l dou lmlr,pl'~~c or plate mail witheur aSS1SI311f;;e, 3lt11oug11 Il.t!lkC$ [ .....icc (he Indlc,3teJ mile. BriDger of VcngclIDcc (&.1'); A~ au agl::l1t for thl: Klllght~ or rhe SIl!dd, you a re often called upon to ;w<:IlSC ~0n:1(!slight or to :;euJ;1I H1t'SSagcto all enemy or [he org3,)iz,ltiotl. Whellcvcr you have il specific urger, you r;ain the indicated bonus on lll[ullld3to:, Scarch, Sense .Motive, 3 nd Spoc e hec ks whcu IIsinl) the$!.: SI.IIt~

SOIIK 1:~St~ J!}' more

th~ n


rh~ "!llghb'

pool of informanrs

.~nd .:n!Orcers,

Recruits arc B"tl\cccd :from J' few of whoru

J1ttack Level

Port Sav,e


Will Special
Armor training, bringer of vengeauce 11 Ceumcrsrri I,e 41, !Jnprovc:J ShldJ lhsh

2nd 3rd


~2 -+l

S:!ve Sive .. 0 +0 ;·0 ,0,






~l "'1 +1





8tll 9th lOrli




+1 ,.'t

Arcane h;tckli'l~h Id6 Bri"~lleror v~l1geal'ce 1'2 Tmprovcd armor H~inins Arcane badb.h 1d6
COUlltcrstrikc +1 Bon\l~ :feat, brillger
or 3 bncklMh 3016, su.pe.I'ior nrmor rra !lIillS







Hit Die: 1110. Cia" Sk.ills (2 ... IQtDlodi1kr per Ie.vel): Climb, Cr';)ft, G3ther Inlonn;mou, lutunld:l(C, Jump .. Kllowlcdsc (Icea!), Riue,

St::trch,. Sense ;\~otil'ej Spot.


bv v.rrue 01 [llcir taleur 3l1J remperarnenr. Th.:: indiv, ual members rln.' Knlghl~ of rh.: Slneld each have III th~lr ,ollrrol'~ small number Vtllgc:wcc Iwight:., who ;u~ somcumcs uS!.·J for pllrpo.'>\.'!. outside the PUfl'I~'W of rhc group ::t~ •.1 \~hok'. Tlu- I~ not [0 S:I)' that aII slIch kll iShcs :II't 1101 ::t 1':1 iI~h'" to rill' v~hok- mcmbcrslup: the rtlllciollShip is mort like that or:'\ I1lCI\tQr :'11111I snllknt than :

arc gr.lJlt~1 acce s d':cp<.'r wir/ilil rlw org:llllUltOfI



nrasrer :\ ,".1 ;, s -rvaur. Combat: VCllgc:lnCC k'llghts arc III:lS[<;1"501 lI1~k,; ccmbat, uSlIlg rbcir single-miudcdncss [0 l:,lrry .111 QjJpOI1\.llt until Itt; is down before 11I0""1~ 011 [0 rJ1l' not one. 'our L0111forr ami

ill heavy ~TnlOT &IW5 YOII;1 ddi:II"I\'~ "dvaI1Clg.: :lu,'I::SOI11\.' blow....I.:LII rake down many foes with l\ singl stroke. I r yOll C:J11 engage YOUT cncnucs 011 horseback, ~)I tl .., better, since your impl'ol'tda hill tJ co no..: III heavy annor I1mh~ Jt l"~'ii~r to IItil iz-: rJ~ bonus you receive "gaillst grou11 li..:d ('HCUlI.:i, Many \'cngcnncc kHIShrs focus 011 f..:n~5 such ;,~ Power Attack and Cleave (0 he. tvr Improve the-Ir melee power, while orht',,!, Iecu .. 011 mounted (cars such a- Moun d CCUlltmr :md Kille-Oy ~ A [tad, Vengl:":w';l! I.IH~h~ who bear 11 shll:lld often use re3ts ~udl (:) as Improved Shield 11l'1~11ud SIIIclJ a moblh[)'

over 'our foes, ::mJ your

':111((10111.'<1 bul,ly wieh [IIC power :lIId r ources Iorce weaker b<'illg to 0 his b'ddlllg, The IIl1cilll offer gellet:llly consists of a place ro !;Y(' and train il' the t clnuqucs heavy armor :lIId d':I':I~t;[tjl1g 111..1<:" comber. Several recruits often trail! together, lil'illg ill ~ ~"Q'11cnOll area I. h:ll has :111rna II ner of cqu IpmCl\t :1W,1 faCilities a\'aJla~!e for their usc, Dunll!; rhls Wl1~, rh<f Kmsllts also b"alll:l~the reeru its' l'~Jchologi('a1 makeup ~IIJ th 'Ir willi.l1glll.'SS to &Cn'C. The. eed them inforruacicu and unsinlorrnnricu chat serves to confuse the id\'lItirlcs of their employers .I,,~I their true morivanous, r IJ is is done 50 that til IIel1gc:lIIce I.nighrs come around ro SClOcIHg, I hell: employers 111 ~ f~voru hle II!;IIIt 0 lid thclr cnus .. J~ just; rbis makl." it much easier (0 utspirc ttle


hatred aud zcaiorry




=s .. ~


Chart"!.." to gwe (hem :\ surrrisUig weapon in their :I rsonn 1...lIould the), ever fi 1It![h~!U>clwlt

J;> 1"It'hout thelt J:-I.YOrtCC lI'~pOII . .~ As ),OU gain levels aml tour eppouen ~ set rougher, au mUH rO(1I5 011 f!lllt... th<11 .;: maxinuze your (J:\m;\gt' 1IOtt:lln<ll, such :IS .::: Power Criri 31":11' and Spirited Charge, Greal Cleave IS useful for taking dowl1 mulnplc \ aker foes, OUI fears such liS Improved Sunder will help rou gcr nJ 01 rbemoot powerful fQl!s Ii (St, a t:I ~ yOlJ rdish. Sillc~ }Ol/ I!r::a!
111~ XIIIIU III J:l!ll3gll.

Klli!Jlm or rhe Shield, You should keeV your lnbmjdat,' and S':IL~ Motive ~kilh polished 3$ you ::tdVilllcC 111 level, Illti 111 idati liS J roc or j uf erma 11 r is rhe most imporl:;'lnc aspect of a vcngeauc 1;.1\1&h,'s job, lJld ~ccring the local population in check can
help preveur 3tremp

create slIIgie.milloJed IIlStl'Ull1tUCS of terror, Once e vt"nt'gl'lncl: klllghl has Ix",,, properly pfCJY.In.'cI, he is sent out mro Patroll as rho! \'OlL~ and pr,-scllcc of rhc

Also, yOI/

ro S\l~rid til character. try to r:li!>C'your StTCllgt-t1 score II'hel1l:ycr possjblc, JJ you 11::1. nor YC: takll Wea.pon ,p":Clallzarioll, If IS worth :III extra lew! f !lhtcr or two to







belorl! "'1l1l::r1I\g' the \'Im&~ance

POIt"JlCS I.hat strike you, It i!' csscnrial rh:u ),Oll are able (0 [ilk" lllr~. Ir's ilION ;lJv~llmg~ous to ~qtr.lrc a~.lIl1;;t .1 singh: opponcnt


rarber rh:1Il U1any.

t'''':-II [hough douig rluI[ OIt~11 l.ut"'IYOLI


the: mo!'C d~J1scrous Ioes 011 th ....uatrklidJ, ThillgS :U'I: rhc same ror ),(l~.1 at IlIgh.:r k·\'cI5. You should COmiJ1Ue [0 increase j-our U:U11OISI.' jJO[I.'lItIJl WI[II rCllrs suel1 a~ Improvetl Cric ical, Acqu irillS U1:1fl"'C ;[.;01115 ch:u IJ lip (()V,,' ),OUT IVil I S:lV~ is uuportant to ll1JIl1\l1ZC your arcane hal.~ I;L,II allelic) .. ~lh1 tl\l1l\ic armor b 3. must, The rnor~' powers rOil tall D..:HOW UPO!! your armor, the more kilJ'~'l ;lIJJ I1I1~t0l'l!abk )OU will become. Ad"llllcCmenL V'::II~,;alll'~ klllghr.; arc drawn Irom .H11011gUI' most capable warnors rtur ,...·or'l.lor h~ Kl1i!j:ht~ the SJlldJ M~t ofren rhese IIII.livl!lu.\I~ do 1I0t kl1o'~ ('or \\'hol1\ (hey trul.1 work-th" KIIIghrs do ;IOl al"<1}'~ wl:h tit -ir 1110W':I [[011, :U1d rlaH~ co be traced [jack to thelll. Rl:gilrcUC3'i, all i!1VID[iOIl ro keolll, J. vt:lIgccncl! knight IS OI1l' 1I0t [0 Ix: uk":l1 Jil)hlly_ Th~ KnIght!. are am r a chall 't ror :t t.:har~crl:r ro Ix.',om~ lal'gl.'l' thall )Ir~, J

~ !I1gh I ela ss, B.uou.reu: Vl'1lge:ll1c~ klllj;hts are arros:tnr fighr ..rs, and tht) don't like help, WitCH J " ng~'am:e ~lIibht IS 011 :J 1111:.51011 for {he K.nigbrs of die Siudd, h considers it hi!>jJt:l'son:1I duty co intiuudate, stuke Jow", or 111\ rder 11I~r:ugt:r, If :I110thC'r \'cllb'Clmcc kllighr is senr

the tWO miSU( openly lasJ r. A v ngea:l1ce his fricuJ5 :IlOJlg rot' support, but 111:: insisrs on ,Ioing: the killing hunsell' Tll\lt ~niJ, vengeance k nigbtS working el,e s:1.JnC terrrtory (both srunoncd III Oarr011lH, for iIlSt3I1Ct') Will :ls~i:;.t C:Idl other \I'lth 'jnfornr~tjol1 or :specl.'lh~L'l.i se~r rOf InJSSIOII.' 011 which tbc), no nor con Alet.
~:III1C PUfp<lSC,

lOT thr

klligh£ IllllSht bring


kl1ibht'~ sword (lilt! armor arc hiS mosr prl'l.cd Th~y .11low him to c(lrcy our his UUf"i':'S 111Ih.: most hrut,ll ;, IIti dlrl:u ra~lllOI1>ami J rc rh ... ore of hIS omb:u capability, SIlIL' J I'CllbC':tJH:C klligh[ IIIl1SI neve.r fllllCh from confrolltation, h ~hould focus Oll JJun;haslIIg ellJlanCl.'ll1ellt hOlluscs and specml '1ua1i[,cs rOf hi~ .HllJOI' as qUlckl), as pO!i~jbl·. 1'1.'11:lIld energy 1'~iSC:t.1I es arc good lor Il~utr!]ljl.lng cnemy spcllcasrm, while



fowtkalionpl·ov!d.:s proteCtioll ;1J;.:l:inllthe I:ucky shoes of hi~, t in F=rior Oppo;,e.l1tS. Shields can similar;ly be upsn.dcd, but {oeus· ins OIl sh'idd':spcciJic cuhancemeutssech as errow deftecuen IS a better ideo. .

vencseonce K ni~hts in toe world

The \"tllS:~;H1Ce killighu are ,I pr,l)St!H'OU~ arm or the K.nightl> or the Shield, for whom e~>ch knight works sok1r 'JI)!."}' arc IIOt so much ~, group il~ a. ('onstOl1ll."f3tio!1 of imlivldunh, with similar trllining who perform missions [or ,indwidual. lne.mb~rs of the largerorS.ln;ilario!!. The iZnlghts of rhe Shidd:tf": a cland~stm~ group wIth mercanriJe and political i,I'lcCrt.t:. :I,ll 1!round thela!ld~ of Am!l, CaJi,lllSna!l, and }:cthyr. llld'ivu..lu::Il members taJ;.,c "owncrship"or a vcngeence knight. \\'110.111they OUl thel,l dilipatch arthcir whim to. e~jolc stubborn 111..rdlantSOI' . el imin31c partiruurl)' troublesome enem ies, \.V hI Ie ehe K 1l1gh[s the Shield ate subtle in their machil\3rion5, their venge::uu:.:: knights «1 ke great pr !d~ ill bemg rorthright and direct when carrying out their duries, . O(gll.Diutio1l:EI'ery vellgeJllcc '~lIighti~linked too particular member or the K uigbts.or the Shield, ~nowlI ali his patro». A p3tron h3$ little ~uthority over l!Uothcr member's VCI)~c:ance Imight, and cannot call him alvay from bis duties, or eve11rOfCe him 10. obey commands. A parrOI! mighr "loan" hiS vC:llge"tlcc: I:..mght co another plItroll (or;1 short penod or tillle ill c~Cha~11:I1" ror anotber favor. Vc:ngeanc<';"1I1ght~ an: oftcn pbycd againsr onc :tIlQ.ther ati preoics ill intermll power plays withiu the KniSht5 of the Shield, O)1.e 11Iig.bt be f1IA.llipul;t(cd into embut":lSSlIlg .his p.at rQII, a 5i t uat ion tha t ortell leads CI? t be dea U I of I he vcmg"'::Illc.c: k night ill order (Of the patron IO save hc:e. 1>3rrons usc (hci r vcnge :111«' kurg titS ror " V.1 ie I)' of pl1rpose~. r Themost common useis the shakedown or a 'potim.alIy troublesome enemy, usually either a p.opular IXII unaf{jI i.,.[cd c:alldid3~ or a II oue-of-conrret 311y. Merehall~ who do 1'101 I:'lay br the Knight>'

)'OIl!\gC"f nobles, mostof whom are f:\r removed from. ,the trade ~nJ poll! ics [hat muke up tilt' knighf'S tlnplc3S:l.IH bll~J:lless. TIll\ \'~llgt:::I!lCC klll!J;ht,Korbcn SI~dcJ IS kl\o,",11 ~.. The RIg3,r, a s uickjlmllc ~ierh'cd from· ~ popular leIsure gilrne pl.1},~din Allin,. of '" h ieh K:oro!:=1!' is ~. lll:)iStcr, The I:bgll' was ,already an c)(perie'lccd ~d~'cl;ltun:r ,h~n he \JJ~sofren.'·d " a POSillO)) witlunthe .Kllign~ of !h~ Sbl.~hl. HIS p~St C::trlllllgS .... 'ere tHough to set hi III u.p in re!aCIVI.' h.lJlllf\l Il.'lul,: h. 311"3.irt:'! :tSs!g!lIn~!lrSJ' and h i~Stipcl1d as a VCllSe~·!!c~· k~.l.!gh( COI'CI'"Olnc: "f his mere erorie expenses, ",:'15 V.I[!~.fCiituTI::s:"Ill m~lli;ll:r of ~X;OtlC Cfl:lIr\lrc~ from nO\llld {<acrun, as well 35 ~<';I'J;j';!I !110I:1,t.a, h~ collected dur~1.g his ad\'Wtl.!Tillg diays. Hl:som~t UII~~ u:~c:>. rlt~~ llIons.cc:rs co intimidaee chose \\ ho h3\1c di'IlI~~cdhi~pa:UOll As S(~fcd', The Rll,i::tr prdt:fs to spend hiS rl'lm~InOlilg rhe roullgnobks of .rht City. The fllct that hi~ bU';nles5 SOF11Cti.n:lCS


hnn ,II odd" \\'1[11[11'" :lr~':l"" older m~riCh~ms~lld pollrici;l.ns m:lLI!.> hil,llW:lt\ of fanning rriel1dship,s ~llIOHS. chat group. His portl~ .. are :llw~~\\ \Veil ~tod:('JwiIh rh.;> lillCSt rood. and drink. 3nJ h.... ven invircs an ~:,!,ot:la«' of hrs [0. br~IIS dk: pleasures of e Sharc~~10 rhn ~;}thcriIlS~. The young nobles, in turn, looL up to The Rigaraud ton, ~rantlr question him about hiS .3.JI'l!ntures.. He eJHbd!jshe~ his t3ks .::nQu!;h fa I....:cphis audience mtcrt:st .... and never seems ~o d, run OUt of fOJJcl' ror hisstoties, A ':IUJd tour of thl! more exonc 1Il011Stcr$ fn his \"I11~.-on.1i 1n~ hi~ more ouclandish f yarns, and tile mon!>ter~' keeper, ~ wily, one-eyedhalf-ore named Cnll who u~cd to travel \\irh The Rigor, rhree s III hIS OWII remunscences [rQII] (i me ro ti me, Korben Slade ',S a powt:rfull)" built mall; hIS arms are 3$ big as :111 ogr~'s, II lid h....~111 nd ... :11 mosr ~ix and ~ ha If reet tall. He wears onl~ palr'l'btt' armor' \1.h":l1 called to duty,.:1 persoual touch. rhat adds to bi., Ill) ~tlqu~. His bl;lck'bl~ded tOJls~w(lrd onty leaves Its slt.'.:\( h \\ hen blood 1.\ goi /If!; ro be spi lI"d,:I last resort ill The R 11:l3r\ nund. He knows thar his prCl>O:mee is rolcrotcd ill Riu:avin pnrtlll.ll} because he ~ccp~ (he: }'OUIlI) noble'S our of [rouble, so

ru lcs are a lse oftru r,argel.:d. ~I[hollgh (hi.~ rurn of


C~II k:lld

he pn.,f£'r, eo conduct his business rbrough thaI} bloodshed.

IIlHITlld:tuQI! farMI'

ro larger issues if the Rundeen Of Shadow Thkvcsll:1vc business \.l'irh the individual, Sometimes 3 public. a!.Sassu1311011 or severe bealing C.~11 be all dTc(qvecool,even I( the targc:! has nothing [0 do withrhe issue at 0:\11\1. Althoughtv,~ry vengeence knigJlr 's.o;rvc:. a patron, hI." is UOl required to .1!w~ys bl) :"It hi,. jJ~trOIl':; beck alld t:all Mesr vc,lgeaUCle knigh['~ arc releasedinto a.narca~thJtcoiJ\c!des \.I,'it~l th~ir pam:ll"S in[ere-~ts, nnd then kfr to thelT OWll dCI'.lces Ilmli they arc: nccded.. .. . '. ... . VtllgCi'mCe kuigbts are pO\\'cr(ulcllough til';![ the)'of[~n !tin! th~msdves 01;),(roother wcaldl}' patrons,. although rhelr aIlotglJllCc: 3111'aY5 lies lim u:irb the K..lights of the- Shield. Some: fill~ :l l g:roupor allies wich cOl.nplcmem::iry ,kill's [0 3J\lCI;turc \I,~lth, cak!lIg rrdSurt fl'onJlhlllll:l.no,d snolllgholds or c~plonll~ 3'I,lC(CllC cat3C"omb~ 3·lld <I,b::lHdonedruiil1:>.,Not aU \'engcllllcc klll,ghcs u,c ac[ivein this W>l)~ hOll'l)wr, At least aIle is known ro r~sid~ HI .3 viII;! in Ri:lCl:.\ljll, whet.; .Ill:: indUlges in J vaeiu}' of pleasures in berween as:s~gllll\el'ltS, HclS 3 popll.I!!!" giles! :llnons: the ,CIty'S

Some of rhe: other l'el!SC':tllc<.::Lmght$ look UPOIl The R.iga.r 111 disgust. be II~\'illS hun co he all indolcnr who sullies their r31lks \\11th )11$ hedomsnc life&t}'lc and aversion to bloods.hcd, NQne of the other ~.II;ght~ hare taken acoon aga ins: hun-ir for no. other r,l!3 i>O! 1 rh~'ll rhar be is,::Imollg,rh most powt'rClll or clltm-but words have BOII'n on mere .th;Ul oneocc:lsio!1:. a.nd Slado;!'spatron has -b':t:llqUC3tiol'ICd b) 01her m~l!1b.:rs of the K Ili,gorsorthc SJl.tdoJfrom tune to tlllle. Wllllc nQformdcodc binds the kmShtS, The R.IK3i"S d~3ch would pro\'oke ,action hy his·pJltfOll,.I'ea.dillg to the .IC3.th .of ",h~I'~r p~!"p~tr;!cco.l tilt' .olet.

NpC neo..ctluns
Wh~11 ~ \'cl\gcaliCC kll\Sht :lIPjlQ:trs, overyom: knO\\·5· soF1lerhing bad IS gOlllS" [0 hapPcll. E\'t:1l thOSe who, are 1I0t fa.l1liHar with the "1'I1.ghr's !in~ of workca IlIIO, ignon' .n~I~b:!ttlc-gl.'af :l.ud gr!1ll delcrmm~[Jon. b'~i'!y t.ow~d melnbc]"":. of the loc:!1 ROpll.[ac,e will hi: Jmmcdl~.tel!y fnend!y to rhe knight, whirethose with wbom th~ knIght mil!;ht have bus\llcSS will 0.' indiffcf"1tllL or even hostile



the)' cry [0 "\leI? the !..nlght at bay. Savvy rllvcTll1.ccpcrs and mer hanrs ~1I0W en::!1 they can fned over 1I11 ~gc :J "cngc:mcc .knight, whose slIlglt..'llmdc:d drive IIla~c.~ no ~)r,ccuJlpayable, and 110 pritc hike li~dy uoneed,

ROGF.:DA. -0 . (EL 6)
Kogc Danon i.s 011 his "'3)' to find one of rhc [o\o,''''swealtbi~r mcrchanrs, wi II he SCops i]1 (0 the loc~1 aleheese to gather lII(orm3:cioll alld sa.tisfy 11is thirst. A IIgry afrer a couple (!rinks,

LO~'l\13urhoriccs arc rarel)' ham))' [0 ~'I.: :1 h'IlI:\~':lIlCC Imll;;I1, show up in ehcir Jurisd,ctloJI. Jr's hll\1 ':lIough when adventurers come bloWIiIS. dlrou~h, urinl5ing trouble more oftvu thall not,
but 3 vcngClllcc kn'!)ht m~k", rrouhlc tll:1I rloc~n't cud whcu 11 c leaves. SUI e rhe kl\'l:\ht<. t:1(1:)C{ succe .. rul m .... rchaurs and polrti· ians, the ·til· a vi~it C.lu:-c.. telldl> to lillSe'r for O:l)'s or ':'1';11 weeks, :1Ud can IIleall the loss one 01':1 COIII",Ullily'5 1I10sr beloved or beneficial C;ti'tCII5.

he pICks a fighl Rege




or the ~h~raCf"rs ..

Ma Ie human fighccr


knight 1; CR 6;

~rcrliunr humanoid; HD 6d10'll'2j bp 48; 111i(+0; Spd '20 ft.; AC 1'J, rou h 10. f\at-roorc~1 19; Base Atk .. 6', Grp 9; Atl:: ~11


melee (1..1[\1·f/19-1.0, masterwork Iongsword); Full Ark ;11/ ..6

melee (lLlg·, fj19-20, masterwork 101llr;sworu)i SA bnuger of v ngeanc +1; AL CE.; SV Fan +13,Ref + 1, W~ll + >; Srr 17, Dex 11, Can 14,1111 10, WI!> 11, CII:! Skills mid Fea 11: 11111111 idare« r, u Ill? ,f, K I!owlc:dg~ (local) ...3, Ride ...9, SCIlS~ Motil·/t ,·1i Iron Will, Llghtmlll:\ Rdlexcs, Mounted Combat, Power AWII;k, Qg_ick /)r:II'I', Weapon Pocus (lOl1s~word), Weapon Specie I ization (longsword). LmfJ!,{wgc· Chondatl ta II. lJrtll("'r Qj Y<wgcmw: (E.-.J See pag( 68. 'P(}!S~u·iom: masterwork half-plate, masterwork In.!;!vy .steel shidd, ruasrerwork IOIlS'iword, polioll of curt Light 'WOlllld!,




n. J

Chllr~ctcrs wirh K 1I.0I\·leugo! (lora! 1\ 11111, Cal i1llsila II, or Tt·thyr) call research t.lle \'ellg~anco:' ~mghts or til' Kl1Igh~~ of fhl: Shield. All encounter with ;J wnH~ilIK'~ kll1!:,\hr I~ urc [0 make the characrers curious, whcrhcr or nor thc) arc his lIIW udcd ta rgcrs.
WheT) a character makes a skill check, r.:-ad or paraphrase tJI following, Including chc 1II10r1U:lcion from lower Des, DC 10; "Ir is an unwise m,II1 who (',.0~St:' the K lllght'; of the ShJ\~IIl," DC 11: "Tho: Klli~hts of the Slucld have ~pL'cl:lli'll;d enforcers, called venl:l~anc~ kmgJns, who \\'I'\::lk havoc upon their DC '20: "Each vCllb'\~~nc.: knight hn~ a )):I[rol1 II ;[hill rhc Knights of the Shield. Thecavresr \I':l) to get [Q :I knight migltt be th rOUGh his JI:ltmn, and ~.icc versa." DC 10: A charncecr with thi level 01" COI\(Jcrs rnu fiud a particular VCIIS":II1C<: kl1 isht, aud will :J\:;O 110" til J..lIlght's patron within the larger org:ulll.a(,oll.

84 liP'


CORDr,~i..1A Fu, L\1l!.TONGU II eEL 14) Cordelia F'lamctongtle h:~~ ~"Cl1 5C11[ to kill (he PCs' employer, and 511.:wrll not hesitate to go rhrough the PCs to get [Q hun.
.' Cordelia Plarnetongue: Human figurer 6/veng-caIlCI;' krughr 8; CR 14; Medium humanoid; HD 14dlO ... hp 141; lilit ,Ii Spd '2f ft.; AC 1f, touch H, fiar-focred 14' 'Ba.SCl Atl: +14; Grp +li; Atk +18 melee (lr1g; 6j19-'2.0, +1 jinmiug tridel/f) 01' +1f rlilged (ld8+4/ ~, masterwork composite longbow with +1 ",.,.07V); Full Ark '118/+13/+8 In Ice (ld8 .. 6l19-'lO, ..1 .Jlllmillg Iridrtll) or .• 1Y(llO!+Y rallged (lJS'4/ 5,lIlasrefll'ork composl! Jon~bow ....ith ..1 <1/'1'01(1); Sp~cerRt:ach r fr. /f ft. (10 ['t. with tfllJCllt); SA bringer of vC!l~e:tncl: <.'2, counrerstrike .. '2; S02rc:!II" backlash 1d6,. resistance to fire S;. AL LE; Fort +H, R~r ... . \v 11.1 Scr 16, Dex 1'2, COli 18, [lit 10, r +f; WI~ 8, ChaD. Skills <1l1d Feats: Climb +J, Gather lnlormatiou "Y, Handle AlliIll31 .... Inrimidate "'G,JUIlll> <·r, K.Jlowledge (local) .. 13,Ride 6, ..1\, Scar h +4, S ns Mo ive +~. Spor +3, Swim -1; I mproved


]n -rhe ~o.me
A vengeance

. ens-eo. nee


n 1 ~hts

knighr call cnter rh,' gnmc L'IIJIH JUrlllj!; 0.111: of IllS mis,sioJlS or as a (oreuoUlng ~h:lr;lI:t':I' prcst:l1t 111 n ncwlocenon. 11' on II mrssren, rhe'knighr emlld ,m'r:l d0I11':II,11 farmliar ro .il", ch raceers, ?~rh:l,ps belllg is S'SIIII:J ':11Ih~l( r,\\'ontt: mil. The chalice to h,,('Om\! a \'~Ilgo.!llil e ~111!:)ht hould lPp':"11 to s pla .ers who !II.I: to be a part or b.rgel ()rbnl1'''2riQIl~. :t~ well as rhose who li~c to throw their JIlu!\Clc around. A VCt1£,rc:U1I,.'Cknight'S duti s to bis patron should orlly occa~lonally rntcrlcre wirll tll.:" goal of the charaerer's lY.J.rt}. our th y 0:',111 ~ r ve as \;~(d lent tools for the O,\!l to pro\'lJi! ,llh'':IllUI't hook. thnt interest the


Cnel III (rridcn c), Improvcd Sh leld Bash"

r ron

WI J I, M ou n red

other characters as well.

Adaptation; An)' SfOU'p (auld employ ~rh.'Clally trained cuforcers, The class i.& espcciatly appropn:l(e ror polir 1('11.1 \11.1mcrca III ric groups, bur covld a 100 indud~' lucves' and wizards' gil IIlls. slavers, r or even brura I goycrtllllcnl'S. EDC~Qru.&: TIlE: appearance of a \'CIISc-ancc I..night coukl ,>ibnal trouble for the OF It could simp!) be a. chanc I:III:OUl1l"f as the nighr IIlO\'~.> on coward anerher unludy '>OUI. VC'II!;.:iIllCl:' knight:. :lT~ 1I0r shy nhoul g3thcrlllg IIIrornlatloll, :.0 It i!l 'Luttl;' lik I)' that [h" pes will bI.'\:Otn~, ,"volved, 111aile "-dYor aliothl:J.

Cornbar, Point mall!.. Shut", Power Attack, Skc:wcr Foe', SpirIIC:U Charge, W.:apOil Focus (tridellt). WC:lPOIl S~cjali',atioll (tridL'lIt). "N,'\\' ('cat dcscribcJ 011 ,P'I~ '2'2. ull1;m'!,t'S'. A.lz.h~clo.Cliol.u.br.hau. lJril/gu ,,! (/'imgc(!ncl!: (Ex): Silt' pagt 68. COllllrl'rSlI·iJ.'c (li'.r). S~t' 1/;11:; 68.
A"CIIIIC BMJ.-Insh (SI'): 5-1: pagt' 68. 'PossmioJlS. HeI!S/ett (i.; fl.lJl plllle; e J1:lgc 41 for II full descripnon), ~1 bM'lJj Ilee.! sbield, +ll'nmillg /rIJcn.(, masterwork


composire: longbow (+3 Str bonu ) with '20 +111ITO'fU5, IImuiet brill//) 1·2, [,olio./ of CI,r~ ",od~'I'o/~ ?110llflds, pp.




vi! is ,oftcne!penellct'd random Iy, Ilk( wt'ed~sproutIllg up I>t!IW(:~!'l (he cracks ,of a civili'l,o.:d~lXicty, 1'1 some places, howl!\,er.~vilis can:full), cui ti\'~tcd, 1\UfWrcd, amJ able [0 dogre:l[ han!). E,vllorg:lni:z.ltiol'S arc: oftcn looking [or mow reeruus: innocenrs I hey '~11 corrupt, or !'Owt:tI'b'1 characters whc '-111rurrhet their goals.

cult of the DrGCSOn

The Cult of rile Dragon isa fellowship of mCllalld wOlllCIl across Facrun who believe the pl'Ophceic.s or their founder, SamnH1Ster" 3 cfated archmilge and fallen Cboscn of Mystf:l. He revealed through the tnnslarioll of obscure p'rophccicstha,t the rat~ of "lithe nanons of Facrun w351;0 be: ruled by undead drasolls. St~rl illg ~fom I heti me of his discovery of this- proph~ tic VIsion, Sammasrergnrhered to him IICCron)~11CC'!'S and others who could ass isr iJI prcpa ri liS for t bci r version of F~er Iin',. rU I U re. Tll1:irh rsr go~lw ..~ the. cl'e~tionofa. d f:lClolicb,or uurJc:1l1 dr~gO!\. a ras~ riley firs[aCCt:flllpli5ncdm 901 DR. The rituals ~1Ic1 compol'I¢lilfS nec~~slTy locrea!~ " u'racolk:h w\!rc trunsc:ri:'bed inthe Tom« 0/ rh.e 1J,·agO'I1, a holy rene rh3{i~ lIOW IIstld 'by tilt: t:ult'~ln~!1yccns
WIt)} cells in pb.CC5 es dispa.r:w:: as Amu, t:l1~ Western Heartfauds, and Sernbin. rr~ leaders are knowl\ as The Wearers of Pllrple, ill rccogtliri.ol'1of the ceremonial robes [he}' wear. The cule's cells are illde~ndCj,J,t or One 3!1.Other (orche mOSt parr,. auJeach has. a rare, scnbed copy ·of [he Tom;- vf Ibt" 'lJrrlgon I hat it SU'l,-ds rothe last member. Each eell cullwJ:te.srdatlollships with 1001 draSU'ls in the hope ch.:tt one day [he !.Iragon will be rernpted to ulldC'ft;o the ceremony

thaI WIll !l,NC if dcmal lor.:: 31111 power b"'l'ond UllagJllmg. Until r h~t t une, !t ~'Jlb';lgC\ i'l a. 11UI>1,1bt:rof i!Iega! DCflvt[icS in order [0 runlllfS r(~l·"rth :Hld rccruitiug, Often, LivUlg dr.:lgon>:tid acell III rhese ~nJ~:I.\·or~ fnr :1 ~Illlrc of illl)' U"c.aslne-anJ ro bask rn rhc reverence the (uJ.\ nlc'lIber~ par them, E;li"en IT It never ~Ch!l:\'~5 Its tilt,! mare- goO\I or ~ world ru h:d by cult-created ~. !;' dr~.~oh(hcS, ~. Cub or rhe Dr-.lgont:dl !.:~JI often mean misery ~ Cor ItS l~\"·:tbidml> ndghbors. i Most tho;.~ outsule dl~ CIlI.l believe its members, or at rhr ~ vcr)' lC11SI 1e."J'~r~.10 I)..: in,,-,ne, 'Thc jrlca of C'tCaril'lg draeoliches '"" ItS 50 thac (h~}' {'nil rule rhe woril! :,~outl:oi.!c t.llc reahtl of comprentu51011 fot mos: IX'oJJJ<!, hough .til'" cult's su.:CCSSCS ON undeniable. ;I)t 00 A lew ~rouJl5. such as the H;up!Jrh, lWJcr5tllllJ ['hot as craty as ~ the cu!es gOal'nl'~J):t be, thcotJ nl~d'lod~ and ~c[;vifics have dire ~ COll'illC)UCIlCCS for the lI'Orld, '



reos of Influence

to rarsc their own dr.aco!.idl .al.11C~. . . The cult is now spread om .1CI'05::; F:I.~run,

The Cult of I he Dragon isas \\ ItkSpNnU new as It has .~ been, I'CI" aided byrht: Jpoc:~ Iypeit h.nPflClln1g$ of" the P3St 'We-lit)' years, One rln ng 1,~fol' ccrtaiu, though-more and mort: Jracolic~ are being r~po,.t~tllIcr(m F"lIcnin. 'I'hc cull is also pursuing", new goal-tile COI1$tr Ue t Ion Or;l III :yor Fortress lrom w hi Ch t he cu I['5 ae ri v j ri es can proccll!"! W;dIOUC inr"rcu[llIon. The recent ulu:ovcdng of rbe Wei! of Prll1,lQ'I!:o, ksemlary uTagol1 gra\'llyatd, h~s 3gitatlld ~ (ht: i(l1:lt\IIICl1lbcrs a nd c:~us<:J .all' upsurge JJl activity ·acr,osscoe connuenr, The fortrc~., win give rhcculc its first serious base of operacions, hut ir~ c(mMfllctioll hilS been del>~y~d dragon by arraeks :tllll' poor .pbmwlj& OU~ (hil'l!; 011 which all ClI'j 3g,fC!::' is thac shouhl rht: group cemplercconstrucnon of this forrre;,s, it will bcCOIl.I,;' l~rsOlllc pOWt.r ill cl'le W~sren\ H..'artlawJs, region a and bqOlhli. ASldo! rrorll Ihe Wdl of DragollS, several other powtrrul cult ICdls have either ~r~utc:'u 3. draeoHch already or artwe.H on their ll"ay to It. Tho: ~.l1lb);JIl cetl J~ perhaps the mosr weB establisllCd; it has produced 111:1.ny of the cult's leaders, nul est1l.bLi$I'u:d rhe group's u:1.dltioll of w(~I'rng purple robes. A troubled cell in


WeStgate whose refusal to jail)


with tho: Night Masks has

caused a feud that leaves It eterually

weakened :lIui UIlPTCP~{tJ ro complete the rite of tllujeatlt. Tills (,,,II's Ivt'~kness has CllU~~JIt to tosc rite im.cri.'Stof [h~rrtl~ dr"l;;0us it once ,courted, 3.11(.1se It ,n3~ been rorced co rum co ,lr3S.oI1 tUT rles from the Dnsollllh:rc 3~ possiblecal1dirl~tcs for Lidnlom. RI!GlONS The followiul:i regions hllve cells with enough resourc ..-s <In,l leadershIp 10 be srrong threatseo tl'tnr nclghbors, M:III)' odwr celts ~re spr(":ui. throughout Fl'lJ.'rull, hut rhese 31'<' the most d~ ge.rous ~nJ OI'g:tIIi'l..:e!. n Agluood: The Cult of the Dragon has a. Inllg h'l~tory of srnfe with ehe It.:d WiZJlrds, who seek il~knowl~dt:~, for themselves, Any (ells ;that wcrcm Tluy lOllS ~b"O jomcd together a lid relocated to the wesecrn edge of ,the Dr:lgollja\~ MOUnt4 im,
where ~.hey haveeasy accessto rhe. Sea or P~\kn Sr.:lC~, bur find t ne 111elve s ha mpered, iro tl ka I'I}' CIIOIl1;.h,by t i1 ~cojJ pc r d r~!lollS s tbat live there, The Dr.got! C'o:Ut; A~ mentioned, rccent fighring withthe

usua llyrccrurr uuder til(' gu sse or au ourlaw band rather thau a cult. 111 the past, culracnvines have been ~evercjy disrupt~d by dl~ Harper:. all,1 Ot!\L'f enemies, who pOS(! ~'SHew recruits, to gaUl aecesseo the SICOUp'S 11111,,;1' .....or).u'b~. De~pitetheSil troubles, lh~ cult h;!~ ~ very 1:..'1: olley 011 \WkOnlU1S new rccruits.lr p believes thaI aurcw: \\;llol.: (or ern-y) el'l'ough to follow the words of Sammaster sholl]J b..: JHowcJ (O slt:ln: II) I'us glory. Ilccru'IIS COlllC rrom all ~rcas. bur regions with moreactive cnrmnal m.:lwQ.d~ account ror the bulk of new 1lli!lllbefl;. Tile Senslnan cdl ;JCllvcl) ~ch raw, mcxpcricnced recruits Ivl10 arc then senr 10 edb throushourFacrim, The), ,look for those wieh 110t hillS '10 keJ:l riI':fnrltdco .~sl1lsle locatlou, and whoare wenk-w Ilkd enough to be ImlocO'lllued 31lJ'scnt on their .. al'. v M.ol'I· I:~l'cno.:m:od recruit; ll~lIoJl} Stay With rhe S~l'llbi:lu eel)" hlnCtS!IIS uspower; rhcorhcr cells al'C: le(t to their oIVllmerhods to recruumorc crperu.'lltcd' members, One ad~'allta~ of jommr, rhe Cull of the f)nlgoll is ch~t advancement and status arc tted

ro one's ahdni,·~-thc recent nsccndance of cult member V~rgo (sc~ p:lgt 11,) to proprmcouhlj) of th~ Well of Dragons ;~ one such example,

}Jiglu: M~sksill W.:sq;acC!: has .... 'eli<cncd this cell, but it IS ~tjll Joilling rlu: Cult ofthe Dragon F~qlMcs on.ly rhat one n.nd d!lllgero\Js beeause of ics a \'I ianec with several of the drason turt!!,;, ~ c.:lI, oroueef us Irout orga'liZ-Jriol1!>. aud p~rl{JOll its Ic-:!cler. (h3.t team [he nearby w~[~r~,Shoo Id tIle cell create u IICWnte The t;TOI.lP 1111.11 for 01JtmOIl~rra,dou ~sl ·of ll.billEll!Sll.nd 3S~ WIII~ (or use 01\ Jragon urrrfes, thllt would kad to the unle~~,hillb of gencral' que~llollS meanr to (;.. luge rhe pe.rson's characrer ..1f these (WO rnals go ,~<:U.thc cil:aract(r wdl be ilwin~d back for harsher even more dangerous erearures upollthc "'Drh1. Sembia; Theln~Ul~rs of I his cell, tile oldest aud lIlQ5t powerful qUe5!loulng 10 m"~~ ~UI'C he if> nor 0 SPY-If a citric is ;w;!:lIJbk, dus qil~srioJllllg mtght take pl.!c,: \I.·ithin :I ZrJllt;' of trull». II~ of thE culr, !'>clll:vethl!~' 'bold a sorrof stewardslup O\'t:rdu: rcse of rile organi'Ul.tio'I·.~ ct"l'Is.They eoncernrlrousclves not only , second roo'1:1J of qucMiolliJlg Illlgllr be, and Ortl:ll is, skipped in \yidl rhe cult's lJ!rit113le goal of cfcaring draeohrhes, hut a 100 with Iavor of JUSt l1iuol;rrilll'l(ing the new member and gC(tmS him or her aC[I\\': III the wlt'~ endeavors. S311Hna.sr,.,. propJle~ied th:lt aidillg orhercells I... Iten th<!)' ""II and oVCfseeing eOJ15truchon of the Well of .Qragons. Whde they do' 'lot have llny direct conrrol the enemies of t hI' cult wou ld become knOll 11 TO rhemand be over most of the ~dls> their D\'(r~ight docs ilia ~c each ,ell more crushed 111rbe jaws ·01'dragons, '\0 most of thecult's Je:J:deFS just ('fficttl\t a nd su,;t~jnable. rruvt in .thl}, ~ml arc r-upp~' to IIS'I: trll,i[or~ ill rbe meantime'. Weatetn. Heard. ad): Two factiollS are at ""Orl: in thIS r~gIOIll'hcculrllecus wlzQ:nls and clcrrcs wbo C31l ~id III the J'Itual the cell rbat has exisred ill the region for decades, which discovered outlilled uitbc TDml' of rb!' 'j)r'IfJ,OIJ, but warriors and eveu 'rogues tile Well of Dragons, amlLhc taskmaseers ~Hd taborer'S ,....),( by arc nl·~'t'~'S3rr (Or rh~ U3.j."tO-Ja) 'Dpcrnt'01l50{ dl~- group, Most ;the Scmbia'l1 cell ro oversec lit.: (,onstructionof rhls all-lInporC:l111 of it. members arc IIl~xpent'll('"d ~'lId look iug for Q place III the for-tress. TIle ongina! cell h~~~trOltg rd~tions1lips WIth U1~II)' of world, bile somcnmes aJ\'cn,tlJn·r.~rl,j Jlow~rrul spellcasrers win the dngons dJ31 live in the 'Forest of W)'rms, and has even made come [0 rhe cu It to' rulfi 11their own ambitions, Many of rhe cult's overru res (j) lid b~ll~rto!.uorfer!lllS:~)to Rinr;recrneral:<cotfl, a grt:cn eel I~(Jl~r(iculJrl)' desperate 011Cl>,sudl .1:-; rhe !;l'OUp III \;VC'",rgate) will accept just abom .\ny pro.~p<'ctil'!.:member who COUleSa_!ong. dnSO)) aM the sclf-!itykd ruler of the SnaJte\l'ooU 1111I0tt~St AIllll. The members of thiS t-.:Il ~Ol1lewh3t resent nor bem,S put Those w ho \l1()UIl! mlihr;J~c dr~'solll lairs co make ueweonracts in cbarg~ of the form::s,~'s·construction, but rrusr n\th~ wor,J~ for tho! cu It are ospecmlly wt:1colllcd, :1..' arc th05C rare dragon or their rOlluder Sam master, who pr"'3cbl:~ th~e "'A II sha UIJe oue hUllt~·~ who t3rgcf rhc geod-aligued dragons ~landillS: iJ1the W3y whetl rhe dr:lgons rule the world." ofr II~~u Ir's ~uc:cC'!.~.

Join in«s the cu It of the ofG.«S0n

The cu It's
r,l'Crt!; ti ng

costs o,nd BenefiTS of

efforts ..~re

5(3 Uc I'Sllot

at lies t,. Chey d irc((

Qnc.: you jam 'he Cult of rhe Dragon, it l>eromes y,pur life. W Itll few (!,1cc:priolls, cell members llvc til rhesa m~ area, Iltork rogeth~r COW3.rd rhe tull's go~ls, .:lIId mreracr wlrh those outside
the cult olll.y .... ·hell thc)' !lcee! &OllIethillg. The ell,jrj~edts remain

mO.<.t or tbeircncrgytoward(rirl1in~1

~Iildca\'ors lind 11Ul.inc::tj.n-

ing relationship' wit1\[!le local W'yrU)~. Those inchllrge of the organiutiou'S crimulall.Jr:\llc~$ reali:1;J::(bc)' need fn.'s!\ re-cr,uirs to replace [bose ~illed' UI :),,(riOIl or takcn, prisoner) bue they

Ev u,


somewhat secretive III tllJ~ regard, and thus a I1CIV I1n:m[)cr must leal' most of his old life beluml hUll forever, All of a member's

.efforl got

of th~ culr's goals ... iccher + Vn:p:uatioll of a rca m: rituals, or e!I' defense of rhc cell and lt~ mcrnberslnp. EXC"'P(IOll~ are t;nwteu tl? ~.JVO:lItUflllb members, \~ho an' given far more leeway III exchal1ge for their -ileuce as to who the}' work for am.I what their goa!.' ar ... Thc!>~ II\Cm~r" usually , move Irorn cell [0 cell, tillcillig adventure 011rherr travels and aiding any ell III neel! of muscle or 111agic.These llri\'cnturing In rnber get [0 k;ep whatever rreasure :lmi magic thtr feel I!. necessary, but must pass 011 lore nd UIIUS ...J mag and treasure to whatever cell thJ:Y make COIl!:!,C( wieh next, Complere loyally is unusual for thc,"o;> advcnturmg bands, wtuclJ often refuse to aid ;J. e~11in rrouble-e-but the cull as II whole r~rdr flays ertennon to who is doing what and where. It 's USUJIl)' much [00 focused 011 its OWII f;J,r-re.:u:hiJISconcerns to hoM a gruuge ouaursr SOJl]COII~ who has 1101 burt rhc cult di.... ctly. ~ Becoming 11 member of (lic Cult of the Dragon has drlferem bcoefirs, each depending 011 (he srNlISth 'lind ~l.ills of rhe II.: ..... r~ruit. Wil.ards are granted llCCCSS to uccrcmann lore ga(h~n:J
It be tIll' creal ion of \.~apolls,
t hL

oward the advancemem

thcru to the cult's teachillgs, or b used as 11 strik force to terrorize or obliterate till: cult's en en lies. The Culr of the Dragon is ar a crossroads righr 1I0W, lllld it I1:lS become more proacrive ill defel1ding its interests, particularly [he Well of Dragous and the fortrc&s under construccice there.

Actincs outside the cult of the J)[o~on

lIeinl;\ afli liated wilh rhe Culr 0 the Dragon j~ not a blad; mark 3I;::lI1lSt II characrer III most evil p:1rtic:s. The other members 1I11t;Jlt sec tile wins! as a !rule uenngi!(J, bot as long :IS he proves \':llullble [0 [he p!1rry, Uu:rc will probably IJE: lit lie prejudice, course, he


Inight always keep his aJ"fili.:uion secret, .:'Specially if he believes char somethil\g he: is !ookiLlg for mi!;,ht be ill cOllili([ with the party's goab. A zeatcus member JIIight also took rc recruit a grou[l of adventurers, cspt.·dally ;1' he t.hlllks bringing lll!.~11\into rhc
orgauizarion might increase his ranking and smrus within ir,

cults of the Moon

The CUlts of [he Mooll is (he collccnve name for several lycan. thropc-worshjping tribal groups found in various areas FaetUII, Malar (1I101lg \\jeh Shar, who t'JUo)'s (he perversion of rhe 11100n's

over rhe pasr five ccncuries

char 110JlI1lO;>JIIlJ,.'r~ lIugh! never balll OlCCCS5 to; jusr to be ablc [Q study rlli' Tom« of tb« 'DrllgfTl1 f ulJi Us rhe lifelong quest of many new members. til addlciOll, a culr wi1.lrd ;ltt1!lnptillg [0 artracr a draconic l'Ohort BJILlS :I '1-1 OOILUS all hrs Lelldl:uhip score for rbar jJurpo~. and eulr lI'iz.;trds wishiug (0 have a draeoLltc Ianuuarac; a~ til,'), :lrl' two kvcb higlLcr , for rl1lS purpose. Clerics who join mosr OfcCIl«0;:,Q at [be behest



of [heir gods rOf om: reason or anorh r, or to mirustcr to their ralthf~ll. The most Common rcliglon~ founo wrthiu the cute are
rhose dedicated to 'BlIm:, Shar, Talo , Talona, and Vclsharoon, Other f:lirhs, :;011 enmes represented by only :l single elene, lIleJudc tho'e of Cyrie, Gargaurh, Malar, :111\1 '[iJI1I3L The culr offers lirrle besides protection and k illShlp to rho; W irhour the abi I leies necessar J to br iIll:; u nd,'a til CO a dragou. I r .is nor p.:.trticulrlrly well organ i~cd, nor does it have irs 011'11

!lower thar Iycantbropes re:pro;>ocnl) suW'ly guides these groups in th ..rr worship, although he does not iiivelve himself dir<'Ctly will! their day-to-day affairs, He also compels tbe l)'calL(hro~1> that are worshiped 11,'cults to ace 1't dll~ fealry these groups 3. nd to use rheir devonon to spre:;'Id ~"il in [It world. The: lycnHchropc5, for [heir part, are generally bappy to bave scevanes around. Some



access to weapons er t'qulprn~nt. The b~·~t it can offer

Ib :.01110;>

lim ired prorecriou from d nl!:l0IL~ ill tbe area, .1 pi ace to sleep and ood to ear, and a stead), suppl}, ol work, whether It b~ ill the construction of rhe Well of Dragons, taktns part III OIlCof

the sroup's mau), criminal endeavors, or protl::Ctll1!:1 cult Icadl!rs and 5i[;,'5 of Importance.

of rhein .... ul just as SOOI1 Q II the pesky beings or SlIuifiec o cat them to the Hunt without Malar' inRut:llcc. however, The uhs believe tbal [he Iyc:lllth.ropo;>s fa\'or them (by L10t o;>3CUlg d'em, 111o~tly)and that one dar the), will lead the vanguard ill [he war 011 civ i IiLlltioLl [J)Q t will tea r dewu FaeruJI'S dries and establ ish the Tultof rhe wild across the continent. Three main cult trices exisr ill Fnerun, with smaller one's eX'polldmg 111 orher 'areas 01' jOll1illg up with tilt larger groups for in reased proteericn and 1'0'1'1:1'. The lafgl!st rrtbe is found III tht' S,lwr Marches. ,Iorth of Stiver} 1110011LIeu the Cold Wood.

This group of torenuc barbarians draws its IIltll1hcI'sitip pnmanly f rom the lJtht;ardt tribes th:u roam th e ICY plains uod cold forests
of t.ht region. lis leader, Cbazzar to tlre Gra)' Wolf Ilchgardr Ne, a human druid with ties tribe, believes that the lycauthropes

cu It 'of the
Arl ventu

c tj n~ wit hi nth e

t1:I5 who take advanrugc of l>clllS u ruler tnt: auspices of the Cult of the Dl'lIgOI~1 have Iar more freedom rJI31\ Ih~y I1lIBhc enjoy wi~ILl1L another organization. They usually JOUI lrcc:\\.IS<:' rIle} have snnilar incerests t9 those of th~ celc, aud so (heir J,j\'CIIWL:'-'S arc often III hili: With rile CUlt'N goals. A group lit'dicJrcd [Q S{,l:lllg und~ad dragons rule the worlrl might go >cuthill!) for draconi ar[ifa~ts, set'k audlencc!> With powerfLlI dragOIl, ill ord.:r to draw

are seut by Malar [0 dcf~Jlrl tbe Korth a.sainst the orcs ther ool.IS[:111 ravage the region's natural resources. til" A tribe of wi Id I!Irami d row cu lrisrs ill the forest of Con nan;t

thor lias rakeu to worshipiug til' lycaurhrcpes ilJ' th:lt wood :l.$ means of survival, A!J the seer grows ill power, however, chere

arc rumblings amon!,; the ranks that survival IS not enough of :til IIICl'lIti",,: LO continue paYlIlg tnhure ro [he Sh3pcchangers. Their leader, Kaedrhl5, lias recenrly taken on Jill advisor, An:lStu

S:Jrrh, who


a cleric

or KI:I.nlllsail.'t.



fuelull} this dis-



• •


In a bid [hc Rc\,epallcer.


turn [11..: ntire cult over to rhe worship e .



rcc s of Influence

The oilly other sect or lIny

can be found III the junglc..~

of Chulr, under rhe l..'!ldChhiV o( a. sorcerer who \\'or~hip~ ;J w~rcb:lt tribe found III the norrhern Mj.~ldifrMOUllt;)ill". 1-1(" believes that th~St creatures an:: tht guanit:m, of night. ,ImJ rhar ..... irhout them [he p.lano;;llI'ou.ltl hum under lhe hell! 01 a uever-eudi liS'sun, A pack of Jycamhropes means trouble (01' ncarbv ci.... ,I,:LcJ sdlleHlO:llr$,. but I h~g:rov,'th of 1I cull; r hal \\'Or';.!l1p~ tilo!SC bt.·as(s IS even worse news, The sects arrracr dlS3rfccttJ cinzcns of rhesc 10WliS and vdlasts). who then in.nlrrDte au,1 spy on the to .... ·u$:lolk.
The Ccrmauthor sect IS ferreell) suircd to this t) £I.e: of III lormntiongarh~!'IIIg:, siueerhe drow art natural!y trcachcrou!> heing,~, One d~)' SOOil, A nasra Sar rh W I.I! I.rllkash thc~t: 'i3\';Ig.CCllltl~~ and their sh:tp«ha.ngmg idoJ$ 011 the tlrOlll, who ~ht:tltcl1 hopes

TII(' Cults or the Moon are ;1 traccured I>TOI.lP or ~cC[S th~t !II! have ill )lllar bo.11~ duect ion, th" 11 k$ to the: ptoddillS cl Mabr nnd ;lnJ Ius ~llIL"S, Ench sect has H strOllg leader rhar brings tog.cther [has.: under hill! to worship Ill':.rb) lyca mhro'pt::s (~.II(J it. j~.!1/wa)'s, ~ p.arc.cuIM group or I} C..1III ropo;.!" nor the race ill B!::lltral). The h three 1,1fg..~t g:rwrs J rc ,1 sorr of rria I Tun for Mil lar, and rherr
~uec,,~~(or fal!ure) wrll dercrmuje how murh encrs.." he puts into ,I,("cui 111.{ the Iormecion of more sects 'lerossR~cn:m.

Tit" c-l'( t ill tit..: $llwJ :via rchcs opcrarcs our of .. sel)'Irper· c n r ten t town 011 rhe rb 111~ 111 be rwee II rhc feresesof rh... KIght Trees, 'Theil' leader, the druill Cha"t.z~r No!'(so:t page 119). was ,lr3wn n\I'3}" f]'om her Iorrecrmenror by MaI~I"s promise of power. ChJIZllr'S sect IS net hostile (o.... -ard 110:1' former mentor
I lUI.,

and 111$31[,0.:$.

to qise inro 3t1a!"my of pow.:rful undead, 111cho: Nonh, Chl1.7..:tr Nt: h~$ <::y..:u more grandiose plans. She: WISh<:!o (0 bring the Urhgardr under her command so Ih:1I ehe'l' Can swarm north I"lrh the l}'c3nthro~'S co Cr;JU1C.U.· (h.. are ~ threat' forever, Linle Joes she I.:IIOV. chat the 1}'ta'lllhropes hare no such pla us. even tf she docs succeed 111U.I:l'lcing,m.ol.rgh barbarians und'er her L:;i lIller, The People of ehe llJ,lcck Blood u.'Orry 'tilar £11<: Illight become (00 powerful, 311d It~.... c.ol1si.£krod l\uulilll( her e downiuonler to Stop hu p!3I1S. I he sorcerer' led Chu!ran stet IS isolaced frOIl'lOrhcr 11llllHl11 seHlc:meUlsj it h3s ,cllol.Igh [0' w orr) a!Jol.Il ,!Jet\\'~\!!l dil\oS'J.UI' artac",. and \\<:inJII1'S rhe ~Ob!lll att~ck~ rhat ,p13giU~' s iso!av~u off u
~elll~I'll~ln .

ItlIvc ~ serttemenr rwonnlos north or rhc River DtI~(hnn'per ;l11l1II'lfhill ~ITIkl11b distance of elll' Halfaxc Trail, Thcv work .... ,I[h ;! [fIll.: o( \I'cn:tlbcr, rhat haunts rhe \\'oOOs: coordill~tillg bunts !Inti ~t~:I k~ Oil :1I1}' drew !I~ crol~ from the other sertlcnreuts, Ii: lI,",dchl~ h;l~ n.)~cl"clybc"OII'I~IIlCcrCl>tc.l: 11.1. the rl.ljHs of MytJ\ Ota 111101:, h,;li~\ 'Ill!; ch:u ,vitI! tit. 'bl'c~.sin~ of Ki~ rans.aI'C( :md Ma la.r-a IlIlt Ill' '1111.I~dc·of t 1.1t· I) ~':Illl htop~_'hc (;!Il rceakerhc tirv und h..·lId th c· 'lIyllJllI to ,!IH will.
The drow nnd Wild elves ill Cormnnther

or Esscmbra,




~ ~ ~,


to llnder~t;!llcl the gif[ tLmr Mal:tf hn~ giv':l1 thetu. With, lmle prodding, thl: coleuy IHight look Ior a 11\;" haunt .in one of the fort.., th~t dot the Chulrau coesrhue, The: Daicla.nds; The COrlll:'lllChor lrow nrt' 01"[.. 11 rargtl<:oJ b)' tlns K iara ll~aJtt·wof'1lhiplng sec t. The CIJ lrisrs have :1\'010.1..:0.1
beginning attacki\lg an)" of the homau-pcpularcd that tho;' ether draw are ~lr..:D.dr snrrmg lip cnough arrennon a~ It i.... Kllo;'drlu, is worried chat roo ll1uch violenc« will hrillJ:l JO\I n a Dale cities, figttring

even diose [OWlIS and villages lhat re w JI esrabhshed Que within rea h o( the ~h;lp~ 'hallgers arc ill onsranr dllngl'r. The cult se a

m<"f11bcrshipboost ill the days lea tins up co the High Hunts, :llld for ::I ~ Iv wc::ck) a ftcrw::r rd. Some members gain ~ thrrll by lxlllg in
the presence of pcwcrfutlycinrhropes, Anoth ant! others are enthralled is access to the Tll:!ck

b.1'the cha risrna nc and willfu I leaders of these cu Its,

r bcnefir

for aml.Htious members wild sava~

Blood cultist prc5[ie;~ class (sell p:lgl! H). SOIll'" barbarrans are
C!!j>t'cialJ)' arrracred to thes once (hq have seen one In action. They mighc IJd.. th sit:lplochanglllg .thlltt)' of a 1)'C\n' hrope or druid, but llir}' 1.'1\11 orubine the bes; of both worlds to make thernselves b;lrbillgcrs


effort agni!ls[ all drow III rhc JOI'I::;(, ~'Jlt:'cl:lllron the heels of rhe reccur war agaursr rhc phaerinnu, The Silver Marches: The Vchg:ltJr rilK:smctl \Imlt'l Chazzar

Ne seek to eradicnre the orcs

or rh~

0((11. W[II1o.. the cl\'ill'?td

or ~I srrucriou

\ 'hen rhf::)' rage. Cult

olk of tilt Sdn'T M;J.n:h"l> might agree wirll rim boal, t"IC~' cannot abide b) the barbarians' Jlli~l1e(' with [he evil Peoptc or'



accustomed to Ib~ presence of lycanrhropes, and

niplornac)' checks whcn dealing wilb

gr:l!1t~d :I +'2 bonos

Black Wood.

who can J~n)'

cults of the


TIle Cults of th ... Mo n art: alwu),s a r Ill!; Hew members, ami the art r:tr~ly sU!lpu;iou, those who waur to iorn. After all,
he awesome
vol\'\.'r of the wcrcbcnsrs?



rhos who JOII\ art: harb.1.rL.111~ or occcases -p!.'Opk I\'ho C~1l1l01 or do nor function 111l:'l'ili·l.c'c! ..;ocil't)'. Druuls semcruncs Join, especially those lookmg for .1 J~l·p..'r ill~jSht into tllclr 3111111:11 being, aud evil nCll:\"rs :\1'(' SO!11~[IIII~'~ dr:lll L1 to [he group a~ well.

The psrchologlc~lcolld,rioll

of .Iots~ powerful


i10 (I~QII)

Shaky at bcst; they arc SHllfll} looking for a jlln!.:l· to h~IQl)g,or are SO frightened or the world rhat thcr fi:~1 tilt m:eJ co be prcrecccd by bcillg~ g-rc3t('r titan themselves. Th ... mere thoughr of being eaten by a w rebcasr IS enough to COl rh~111 mto tlolng :'111)'thillg he sec r's leader desires While tilt' Chulran S\.'H fllrt:I)' recruir ... from ollt~id\.' lb trrbc, the Cotmaurhor anJ SI I11';1' M:I1'(:h~~'1.'1.r" aUtl ~I)'recruir [rom thetr respective local populanous=-drc« and II ltd ch-C\ ill rhe forest, and dt5alTccrct! or JOLlII11;lt~d U[ilg,mlt harbarians 011 the

tiles< creatures. Any character \illl [he Leadership feat treats a l)'c,lIllhrojJ~ as Olle 1<:1'1:1ower wlren ~hoosjl1g it as a cohere, l There are coots associarcd with I1lt'J1Ibcrsilip, however. The P\:'oph:of the Bbd, Rlood rake their wOl'Ship 'of Mala" seriousl),. :lmJ I!V~!1 if :I seer is not str] tty an iusrrumenr of the l3e~:;floJ1J, It I:; expected to 011: part til bis rrruals a fen! ndy 3S Ir If were. Tnhc HlClllbcr~ sro,\o more and more uncointortable 111cil'lliLaoon thl! longer they soy with the culr, rnl..lug :I -1 pellulr), 011 nil Ch:lri$IIHt-rclaccn d,ecks whcu iuside :l [0\1011, Ity. ernfieatio», or other COIIStTllCt of civilization, FinaJly. powerful 3pplj(":lll{S to 1l1~ tribe art: Ort~n required to hunt dOl1'11D 'sood-aJiglled ucatllrc-wlthn CR :It la~t cqualtorbe dl~r:u:tcr'S-:1!I'd orrCJ it :IS a blood SlI .rifice to the lyCl.mhropcR.

, (tin'S within the

cu lrs of the
Cu ltist.\ can oftt'li

(11<' forests of

be foernl ImLUllI1;, through

cold plain'. They Il.cflrfnlly recruu ;;tJrvivon. of a lycanthrope 3_ttad; or ra rgcroo, rrjd tV iduals clult the,' hoyt: hllll'teJ dO\1 n. C'11t1'" village or [rille will be .1$511\11(;111::«IIrO:1 !I\.'Ct, I bpecl~lI~ if it i~ from J culture lit lI"il1ch rOI'~'r and It:aJerslllj! are syuoll)'mou$. Powerful advcr-arics arc not rccrvued=-thev Som~lILI1ts:)1I
canllot be rrusred with the !JCi't'~ ')C .rc -»111 SOIll~ do COltI\; to rhe

s cking wild rribcs to suuJugat , Iyc:lnrhropes to recruit ;1,' alIic~, or discovcrtng JlCW lairs for stal:\inl:\ raids 011 (i"II12::I' (ion, A !;roup might be a rriUal assemblage, or llppli\':lllt~ seut on :t nll~~iol1 to prove t[le,f worth. Such nussions cau orte.1l (al..~ mOllth~ or even YC3r. [0 cornplcrc=-a II rhc better fo.r 1I

I...ader, who b"''1.SpotelltiOlI rivals out t/:le Wily for 3 lOllS l' riod and S:l1l15 powtr und srnrus through their actions. Groups o cultists sometimes .\!.:comp:U1)' ~ l':ll:k of lycanchropcs 011 :I
[0 IIltll111 ate or destroy new s ttlcmcurs rime threaten to ell roach upou tribal lands.


grollp through '01 rious mean , The 1lI0SC OUVlOl 5 "\:llnplc of tllIl. 1.5[he cleric Auasta Sarth, -ho joined With tit· Cormuurhor ',I:l:t in order to hrlLl!; them under the SWJY of her parroo goddt!)..'I.

Procreanon its population,


the ulr's


d1;"c(iy<.: m~!1b or


(tjn~ ou sid,


cults of the Moon

Ch~r:\clrr5 who were cilll~ r ],(,l1l\':q in Out of the S«'!IS or who \\ ere converted later 111Iifc have qu ire a lilt of opporllll1lt)· to xdveneure, All three of the sects' leaders have ll~'J of IIlrOnna(lOIl from OU,SIU\: the. boundarie-s of the tnbal lauds. Th lycanthrepes, too, 111..<; keel' up With goiJ'gs-on, to df"lltl:r
tJI~ Cll'iI17..:rl

costs nd ueuefit s of Melnbersh~p

The primary
AiI)'OII~ Ilor

betl 'fit [0 joinillg:t

Cnles of rlt.: M001l

W:llllcl'S JO\ Il



afliI 1.1t;.:rl with rhe::..:vlr tit t (omrolh:u t~rncorr III h~bk co bo.' hu)!c~J

into 1)·C;II11hro}A:ant! tOni 10 hIlS, alld

and might dCllt:llld dISC a human or lallrl~ to ~Jttlcr pews Jlld procure suppli~



While rreasere d~:s 'lor mc[iv:lI~ all)' of the seers' leaders, I hey are ,Qlwll}'s sea rchi/IS ror h idden h~!.(:~andla Ir'S ...-ichin rite crvtlued laud's, and tbey o[tell .~t:ndout aJI'tlltUrlll!:i groups. [0 search for web locations. Individun Is froHl[h~ tribe ',·1/ ighr sed, ourorhers to assist them who know more abour lceal legends and grograpt\y. Once Chrlf aSSOC.lation I~ 1\0 longer bcflcficld.(b~ order Il~elTlber might bnug these associates mto bis rriba I L3tldb where: hi~ kinsman or dIe lyc;lmhropcscancJUol' slaughtenng
dIem dl.lriHI,; the High Hum.

chc:m~dl'~'S CI'; J,. U'l!I!l}'th ing,. the)"

carerakcrs svrroundcd

or ~1I[hl)ll

t hin).:.

of [h~ IJ1Sth'~s, as rhe

ul' (l-i,1 O:lIc-mj~

to remove the liSt

Il>geed in the world. They are- cOllsmlldy lI'ho would like 1I0[11iI18 beccer than \'C~tIS.CS clfr!om from the face of Fa<::rUll. of

tr 0Il1)' rhcocher clvc~ wouln wake up and ~" [h~u- pr::ri:I•. dIe ,tbrc~t Ini~hr be ~wcm:d_ UIl.l<lrtunatd.y, far too many.of Ihei:r
kill hl! I'Cbt:CI,! d!.lC,,'I'cd hr hu IWlmty Ol'~" (heo:u[ur.les, "tid if' therefere fall'i UjJOll the Eltlrdh V(:].lIulhra COaer to salle: those wht) a.re net even aware 0(" their J~ng..:.r_ n~'c~.u$(:tht Eldr\:lh Vduuchl'a ,ol1sld~rs nselfro. be .~group dedicated to ell<: C~US\r of" good" Its members :colltillUC rOl\'orship the traJ ItlO1l1l1 c:iv!.'11 J)~III heen. The gods of the elves do nor, bowe\!cr, r~cipnx;uc thtS<' Ieellngs, Th.erdorc. no clericsef th~ go:o<l.c.lllgLl~L! eI\'CII !:'ant heen are meuibers of lhe EWrc(/1


Bldretn veluuthf'Q

The Eldreth \~eluuthra IS~; group Ianarical elf soprcllIacb~ who have \~owcdtoremovc the hUlnan scoorge frolll the flce of Patruu. It views hUI1lJI;1'I[Y :IS.3, hl.ig.l1t upon the 1::Illd. tittle ~etter [haD au infestllciOllof vernnn UI dire need of agcuecida 1 houscdcalliug. Its mell1bc:rs OP<'I'3tc thl'ougpoU[ Fatrun. $I!! rricubr1y mancicnr dt homelands as well as ill these larests largcly abandoned during the Elven Rerrear, inelud illS A rdccp, thc Border Forest" the Chomlall'lood, CornlMtbor, ehc HI~Jl orest, F rbe, Moonwood, chI! NeverWlllccr lJ,roocls,~.lld the Wimo:'rn'OO\l. Wherevc:r hunl<lll ci~JII'LSrion dvcalcus elf i,llterc.,ts, tlte ~IJf'l!{h Vduurhrll works to slew or baLe human eneroachnl.:llf-by :\IIy was (onlled in '26'2 DR, a yc~r after chc founding of Myrb Drannor, III that YClI.r, five le:ndil1g elf houses ·decJ:uo.!'d til'll they ceahl notsupport the corO/lal's J jbeir~ 1 3ui[uderownrd III,lIllanS, 1I0r could dley ::IlIoll' th!! cOlldnuo:D el'l.cfoachment of hllnlan~ .illt03nccsual elf lands. R.athcr th"ll bani.:. fel·low elve$,lhe five houses dcpatted Myth DrJlllnor and besan re c,a.t~IOSue the erirecs of burna!l. aga.in~r both ll~fUr~ ~;nd rhe land [hey inJ·ulbit:cd. However, the org.1I.lli2.llrioll did !lO~ forn13J1y Ofbt:l11l2<!until
rhe Wc~plns War (711-714 DR) aud the destruction of M)rh Dr"'lIlOr. N3lTllflg rhemscives the Eldreth VduudlrJ0'lcronous Blade of [he People}, theybeg.1uto pl;'lllto !(trikll ~ dcfhli,l!Ilt! 11Iow_ means. nc~~sS3r'Y. The Eldreth Veluurhra

and 110 mcmncro( dIU F.ldrc:th Vcluucbra would darea nonelf 01' tl·.II· dO:It). The members sre cer eain [hat one of dlclr g(xh (I!1Q~t likc:l} Corellon L;\xerhi:lll) will e\'enrually 'rccognO:~ the )I~~ril ;of dKlf pcsinon. Par lIlallY years, they


wc:n: forCed to rdy

upon wharevcr

hca 1Ill!!, . ponons dll')" could

purchase, find 01· SIC:l1. llut of larc•. rhc~' 11;11'( k:IfIICd (through dIe: illSctrUctlOI! of tll.:-Jrlud ICC lidl, 1.0SSl!fWY11) 10 'tap directl), Into th.: divme power of nature iCS<!l{, grallting po'.\'u to druIds ~mll":\ 11So.:r~

or~on rzut ron

The E.1,Jredl Vcluutbra IS made up of small cells of li~(!-miHded inJlL'idunl c Ives, Usun U}" mosref dIe iu... ,nlxrs of a ceLl ~[C blood rdatJ\.'c$, f~urlh~'r~&:OIHln~ the grollp's seereeyand tho: loyalty of Il~ members, Eac h cell I, l'llman)' aUlOnOJ110uS, ~ctius: 011 its own designs ....thour l1uerr.:rcnf(: from ocher !Groups50 lOllS as rhese i arnons further (he large-scale gooh of the F.lJr~th Veluuthra,


of mfluence

In 7n DR., a series ofmurderous raid. ~tthe srnge for dllm protracted ba[d~ [1;'1 ,end the human illfes'f~.cioJl of Fa.:nlll, Although th~)' con~lde,. tbcursctvcs to 'be: trueto the IIlOSt traditiOllal and honored elven ideals, most elves ilrcclll'bnrasscd by the ~.Idrl;::th Veluuthra and would p.n::I7~rto see thl: organiurion disappear, And irwould have,lotlg ago, if It .lld !lOt elUor secret sup pen ;1[tl1o: vcry highest levelsof elf sooety.

Cel.B of the Eldretb

III ldd.ltlOIl to haUlltli)g ancient forests .alld nnued "If bOIU.el~.nd~, Vc[uuthra C.1n be found IIc::ll'ly~tl}'where l:tq;!! populario.lls ofelves arc fouud. Ardeep Porcst: D~'SPltC rts rclativclysrnall ~i'l.e, chls forest IS home rotwo cdls of tile Eldreth Vcluurhra. 011~ foc,usc$ on
rhc rums of I!h:llorm, ol:1k;ns sure adventurers from







secrenve and desrrucrivc "rays, and there IS no ~hortage of elves I"JIO ,publicly cspouse. coopcr>ltiou berw • [he races wl)I.lc cen pril,,'w:dy rmmc.lillg mOlley. goods, ll1at;ic and weaponsec rhc l'ocaJ ('dl of rhe E:ldT'cth Veluuthra_

Wltt.rdcep have !IS dtfJlcutt a,{iulc as po!>slble. TIll:: erber cell spends most- of Its time ~t;llk iIll) orow \l'orship~rs of "Eiiliscraec, who somcti 1l1l:S I·j~jtrhc Oa IlcillS Dell and the sacr,e,d rock blOWI1 as rhc Latlybtol1~. The two cells rudy cooper3.te. The guj~ing eounell of rhe F.ldn:th Vc!uurj,ra, the Vd'NikerYl'll8 (or Blad~ Lords), bOIl1~'!ime~dlh1'3tchcl agcntsroexplore the House of Stone, .. d .... ·arf- an!1 <'If-buill :rum Oil Ihe fldge of the Ardc.cp, in
~ar(h of m3gu.: .and tre;l~urt::,

The E!dl'c til Vduut]1ra but th.: individual is considered ev j[ bec.ausc: of its Iller hods, H'embers of the organtutioll do not consider

The Border FOfelW Tht Eh.ln!lh alUollg [ile fer or rhl~ rcWOll, Long fey ~re:1tures of the Aord..: r For t}$t IIILrtr(lers. Des[li.tc it;; comparalwdy

Vduurhu has foundalLics ha.rl'led b} che 2.h'encs, the 113. b(corne l~oSllIe rca II vc smal.! sit~,. the roreSt offers-



On ...cell conCCII[rl[CS on ambushing Zhcntarun agcllts, ,ltil~ the othl,r I'aid~ :1I011g rhe Daggerdale 'border, The two ccll$ 1i11..!m:lI\r opporeunlrics to c(lopenu:e, since ncuher is largo:: lIuOI.Igh to IHJke slgllific!llll head war on its OWII, The: Cbood~lwood, TIllS i~onl: of thl' few JrC;,J5 ....here rill: oq;tlil il;3tiou has mad", slbnilic:l1lC prosr(.~~.The Cbondalwood IS fi lled with races symparh .... to i"., l::lUlIC,from (he centaurs :lml ric satyr that roam the Ieresr to {hI: gho~t'''~ 1t.lIRillb'S lur1uIIg itt the weodland's he:ut, The \"Ild dl"\.Ii uanve to thi~ orcst proviue safe haven for Eld th Vc:luudlra operarrve- :Iud some eimcs JOin its la rger raid Illg parties, Corm.8nlnor; The elf hOIIJdalid of Cormanraor b till" 'lire of one of the orglu Il"1..1[IOII'$ grc:J [C~t setbacks, 1\ 11:1:1' Elv~n COIJ.r~ ell< of Myth Draunor w".\ abandoned tlurwl,; rhl.' Elven Rerrcar, d.lJ' E.Idrolh V~lllu[hr~ laid plans to set up a base :lI1\11~glll to reclaun the enure ror<st. Rut before tbe group could complete Ir~ 1ll0v.:, it was driven our bJ the in\'adUig drOI\ ot" House J.1dr~·, ince chen, S an Eldreth Veluurhra operating 10 (he :11"1;:\ h.. vc adopct.,1 the: racti of disguising d.lcm;;dvcs as Jro, \\hlk att;u:l.lIlg human rravelers and s.:ttkll\cn~. thus scrnng fh..: >cage ror I:.;olarillg reprisals between these two IlJ[eJ !:<roup~. The heart of the dr n::JIIlI 111 Cortnanrhor, Sernbcrholme, 1:\ hourc [0 !Ill merous elves, J nel uri illg ~CI"t'JJ I ahcn [5 of f h~ E'.lJ reth Vcluurhra who strive to ,!l:l111suppor tel'S 1\";[11111Irs k!ltlmg hOLlSC.'. There arc alsc cells opo::ratlllb around nri~[.1r :lIlJ MoolI!'is!: HIU in Dccpillscllle, :IS w II ::IS near till.' TlII1S"-,d Trees, The VOlle of Lose Voices 15 an area sacred to the EMI'I:th Vcluurllr:\. EvecuJi:a: Surroum.b.:J h)' :1 rillS or twelve impassible 111115 and protected by a pow.!rfulllfyliJnl. chill ancient (It) IShorne
to some of rhe noblest "If f:unillc.· to
J ill

numerous cpperruniues two cells opcrll(C w.chru



the orbr:tllj'l:ltion's

go:!ls, so

1(5 ccnfiues.

The Gray Porest: Centuries ago, the moon etves of rh Gny Forest were drivl.! out tty hobgoblins. However, a srnall cell of

rhc E.1d~[h Vcluu(hra conduces [0 oper~r.; here, somerunes 3.fla(king I.ho::ilohgqhlil)s and sometimes :derrillt;; them co the encroach menr of h.umans iurc rhcir rcrr lecry. The Higb Pcresr: This is OIlC rhe largest woedlauds ill Faerun and horne to scvera I cells of the Eldrerh Vduuthra. The)' are ~I!pt busy lighting "lillian eucroacluueut as well as k.:epillg close \I':ltdl 011Hcllgare .K.ocp;one member or the V~I'NIk..er)'ma was ro;ccntly slain br the dcmollrc:y or rhar area, and her replacement 011 th council now leads the nor hern cell of tin: High Forest. TIl' org:llli"l.acion bali made ~Il une s)' 11ilia nee WIth the great reaut leader Turlang, nil it has '~"OrkiJ!g arrangeillems with the forest's centaurs and wrl elves, The V~I'Nikcrylll~ is anxious to learn more about the human settlement .:ailed OloMin's Hold. SUlCI:" the lIumall.<i there live in :III almost elven lNlrtnOllY with 113rUI\!. W ilhi II th High Forest Iir:~ J regio'l knowll as {he Dire


Wood, where an outer rillS of massive albino oaks surrouudsan

umcr rill!; of blackened, pc rified rccs.Tn Itc these (!figs hes a region of hills that Seems to ~rretcb far beyond i ncompusmg rrccs, The Din: Wood i:- home to nU!1JcroUS aberrations, us well as La sarwyn, :t druid lieh \who some bchev is responsibl for
rhe "wizard weather" dial sometimes

IT.ldrcch Vc!uudlra IS acrivel

courting L05sarw)'11

erupts from this area, The' (set' p.lgc 83).

~illtC' he sh3.r~'.SlI1al1Y of irs go,;lIs3UU motivarions.

all ~F3 rUII.IT

15 :1IS0 h01l11:

pow rful cell of the F.ldrc:th V:'lu\lchra. Like other b opernrlllS witll1n o!ll ~lrongholJ~. tilt! l1·u."mLcr; !Jere sp.:I1\1l1lo.~t or tbeir rune qUIC"rly scckmg ~UPIIOf[. advocating lhe oq,;ani7.;ttlon\ goa Isa lid sprca ui11[; it; proy:l.g?11 da, ~J I t he \~'h LieSClid int; don a [dl


treasu rc a lid snpplll'''s out to ~uPJ)ort th' eel bope'ra t lUg: in [h~ Graycloak 1:-1 ills. Evermect; A loose cell of Splll' who rl'porC rhrecrly [0 the



rhe ISh:


The Metbwood: Talindra Amalith of che Vcl'Nikcrym.l l~d6 a cell with ill tI Mcrhwooc. Like her, the' members of chi. cell :1 wild elvc w110have suffered IM:lny cruetnes ar rhe hands of human adventurers. The Mifl'y Fore~t: In rhe past, the Mist), Poresr section of che e3J11\':IJI rout,' to Daggtrfonl, Seeomber, alld Do:!rcsk yr Bridge I~J.S a place where travelers could ler down (heir guard-bur nor for much longcr. A cell of the ldre h Vduuthra rcccutly ~gsll operating jJ I [II is area, sceunug cut prom isi I1g ~ mbush s.itcs a lid :;cuing up a secret base from which to ra.id. Though« has not ytt made its Ii rs[ 3 ta k, It is 0111 a matter of rime before this happlll1H. . The Moollwood: This rcp;ion is home ro nuruerous lycaurhropes, some of whom arc members of rhe E.ldrerh Veluurhra. Tile only formal c 11of the Eldreth Vcluurhra n these woods is


While the cell's

purpose is to garher lIIfonnat 1011,t :d~ work~ 10 ~!lrm:r I support for the l'.Idrctll Vcluuthr« .llll(llig thu high ral1111lcs or the sun elves. TIl( organiza: ion IlIlJC)"'i more ~upport aUlollg rhe most III AucJl[iaJ ~UI~ .:I\·c:\ tli~1l un),om: would dare to ad-nile or
CI'en beltel'c.

ofteu hnrr ied by the more populous al1l! b trer of!>al1ned People
o tbe Bl:I,ck mood. The Nevcrwiotcr Woods: Th~ E.ldreth Vduuthra c:I~i!TIS that t!1~ forhiddillg rcput:JcioLi OWIId! h litis mysterious rorcs! is dur III 110MIlJ II puc (0 che acrivlri~s of Olll! or the: oldc~t :Ind b rsl.'st ..:dls HI (he ors~ujt.:l(io\l. S~V ral or her slmll~r cells :11$0 opr.:rntc 111 rill' a rea. Uclingwood: ThIS ;.[r:tllge ror~st IS the prol'arbl31 :lIId In'ern! "1;:lSlern frollt" of the oTgalljuciou. Cdt leaLle.rsaud other m..:mbers I\'ho dr:l;v too much 3ttcI}cioll to tI e organizmioJl, who J1¢.:dl>ssl)'ri~" their m mbcrs' Ij\' S:. wllo CanrlOI be (Tu:;tI:u ""tll r u" or whOCOl11mit nil)' other crillll!" not So:T10uSIll1000gh

Gr.lycloak Hills: Th~ EI.ln:th V~luuthr:l enJoys som!: of it's strongcst support :IIIIOIIg tIll: 1110011 l'I"e~lIIbabiw.I!: rh.:-sc 1IIIIs lIear Rvercska. Membership ill til ....Eldreth Vduu£fua l5 aLnost openly tolcrlted herc. IJccausI! rho:: rhn:at frolll A 1I:lUroch :111.1 [ne City.of Sh:uic seems too g(~3r to I:,~ lud~· ..til)' 31! , ':\,CII unsa ory 011<:. On..: cdl ha delhC:!tcd Ie cll co hUl1clII!:ldOIHI a ban.l of human :\.i\,emurC'rs who IH1\''':W\!II r. IIlillH d'i"11 tOIl1U~ ill [h area.



(,0 warrant exeeurion, are sent to Url.ingwood hI die COufltr), of Rasliemcp, Thus, die Urlingwood cell is filled with miscreanes lind fauatics; they arecharged with driviagthe witches from cite· wood, a hopeless task ifever there WlI:S one. The Wcllchrb: Two Illdr:pendcllt C~USO~?-te ill [he Wt.'aidarb, each drawn tram the two surviving local tribes of e1ws-the Suldusk. and the Ell1lalll!SW. Both groups are ID05tiy concerned w\cb preteering their tribaJ areas from In:unau encrollchment. Despite nUmerQtl5 failures. [be VeJ'Nikcl"}'tlla continues to send ad~nturins parties into the heart of. the Wcald'adl in an effort to [CU! kctheancieee elf necropctlsof Myth Rbynn lUld f'CStOrc its ancienr 1!J)"IJQI., The Wiutenrood: This fol1.'S[hosts the only cell of the Eldreth Vduuc/rra. nude up, al'most cntirely of green elves, Coesidcred hacl:wal'd and undisciplined by ntlny other members ·of cll._ OIIfIlni7.atiol\, th~ Willterwood cell rardy takes aggressive action agaillst fll:una.J1~, preferring ee .ma.ihta:in the bol'der.; and punish inll1.ldets. Illsread, members spend much of thci.rtime devisi'lS ~vaysto drive FoiJsundcr, an old mait: g,Tt.~JI dragon, f:rom their .... "OOds.

S•.evil (J~ltudn(}"TE male moon .c:lfrogue 8j.:lssassin f) operatesacross tbe lengtb and breadtbof Faerun. Icndul.S his sp.:daJ skillswsuppo!cche acti\'i~ of any edt dint needs him. He SCfYC,s 3.S die veice of the Vd'Nikerymaro dIOSe who might nee'er otherwise encountertltc leadership of ebe org:a:nil.uion. GaLaudra. is rile youngest mcrmbc.r of the Vd'NikeTYll1a. Thtynnn: lUuevunI. (N1! male sun ~1flieb [lxteblOl1IM'"'l wi:kmJ' If Jm:hn~ 4) is [h~e surviving member of the qual foundonly (!J'Softbc E.ldl,"i!dl Vcluuchra:. His w~<odom sought rorall imporclllf is dccisiollS COllccr.fling the society. He has ~Ul\ to suspect an ol,lfsid'c inA'utllel': t~ "','ork within tMorgarli7.l:uion •.?,p«ially .among the .;\C COrmllmaor cells, but be is not yet ready to speak his mind to cbc full coencil, Althougb uncertain as to its source,Torynnar last felt such a powcr darios tbefall of Myth Dr.llmar. Elda~rnnb. S'pdL.nlller (OEmall: sun elf ellC.hantC}r7/rog,ue S) is also a member of the Night Masks, a powcrfuJ tbieves' guild operating il1 Wesrg,ate" While the Night Masks arc noe aware that he is ~Iso.a elliot member of the Eldreth Veluuthra. neither is Eldaerneth cognizant of the vampiric Ilacun: of the Night M.,s!;.s kade~shjp. He plays a most dangerous game, using his positioll in the thieves' guild to funnel infanna.tioll back to die VcJ'Nil:crYm:J. ALthougb the Eldreth Veluuthn. u,.1chcdl 'ofrhe Eldreth Vc1outhr.a chooses its own leader. Charand the Night Masks Illwe v:lad)' different agendAS. it is likely acterS. wis.bingto obmin lQadersllip roles within the orgwl.i't3tioll rbat his I!Inployers in Westgat,e would not look kindlyoJl this would do wdl to either aCijuire the leadership an existing cell dectpcion. or form their own cell in a new area .. Unlike it, other evil orgaBhyrindu ·Silverhau- TdIYIl:tl.an (eE male moon elf \.\'(lrC:nizacions, mcmlx'tS of cbe 'Eldreth Vtluuehndo not normally wolf fight!!r 91sorcercr l/arc'Ulcarcher f) is one ef rhe IlCI!o'e5i, rise to positions: of [eade]~ip thr1lughthe elirniuarion of rivals. ~ brasbest aud most popular members of the crgamzatien, He: The murder of fcllowctves is ('oumry to the ulrirnsre goal of leads acell oP'-lI<lrillg in [be nortb parr of die Higb Poresr. Tile the destruction of ImllullitY. However,sometimcs a !cader might orglulWttioJl's faHul"e m gai;n the full cooperation of Lossarwyn be provent9 be inC0I,11petcnC'-or· worse, iu league with the of tbe Dire. Wood and die creane lord Thria.ng are-largely due co el1erny----.a unwiUinG. to felillquhll conercl. At those rare times, lid Dhyrimlu's imp:ltie.llac wich these two 3Ilciclltc;rcature5. a cell It3.der migl1t be eJilnin 3 cea, but,only wjrb, the approval of rllt: Vel'Nikcryrna. ne(ruitjn~ Althougb the S~nJCturc of tl:\e Eldretb Vcluurhr,a is cellular, the arg:llll.i7.uiollisgJJidcd by a coullc.ilcaJlc.a tile ViiI'Nikeryma. Obviously, to become a. member of the El'drl:tb Veluudu:l, one At one time, the Vcl'NikerYlc1la was made up ofrhe leaders of must be an elf Only true elves need apply. This means .that draw tha original five faTJ1ilies, bur 3.11 but Olle ofth~ ha.ve long since are forbiddell, as are ally half.elf combinations. The majority been replaced as thc fortunes of individuals aud families wax of members h3v£ hjstori~lI}'(;omc rrom .51111 elf communities, :U1d waue, ToJa¥, the council members aeechesen by vote from thoughrecruifmcl'lt among wild c1v~ has been growing of 1.101:, lIJl1tlllg,rhe strOllgc~t andmost senior lead~rs of individuals cells. especially in the Chondall!o"OOd. Mool! elves fill nut d,e ranks, The. VcI'Nik(.'t),IIl:l collcctsa.nd analyzes in.tdligctice &lIthcrcd along widl the occasional green clr or sea elf. Among the sun elves and moon dvcs,. membership is larg,cly from aeress Faenln in order to set the IOllg·range goals of dlc orJ.~_)lizl1riol1,. They rardyillrcrfcre wirhthc actions of individual dra9i'1~from cv.'Odistinct social stram: yOUJlg, .fJO!'f. disenf fa nc hlscd eetls unJess those actions threatcathe exposure of a larger goal. dves, and those of old~ wealthy f-amines. Wealthy tlws II,Ulkc Occasionally,indh'idual members of the orgaJli.zatjon could be artractive mcmben because dl!~yhrrnS withrbem the social flSked b}' the cooneiI to underta.kca specific missi.o.n or quest. conneceions ,noc-cs&"U'yo c:qmnd th.eorganization'$ intJuence and t The currllntmcmbers,of rhe Ve!'Nikeryma arc described IcgitimaC). withIn elf sQ(i,~. At dIe same time, tilcorgalliz.ariofl below. !leeds strollg, nugry,. Illotivared young people to do the dirty wor'k of killing hurnnus and s[oppitlg ·the spread of hl:lma.l\culrur~ T.liadr. AmdiEh (eN female wild elf harbar.illn H) lc:tds clie Merhwoodcell of the Eldreth Veluutbra .. O( late, 51}t: has i:nco elf territory. Wild elves and, toa lesserdegree, g-rtcn eLves divid~-d her time bet l,I.'Centhe Me:thwood and recruiting :tlilong make up lUany orche shock troops and specialists. vital to ehe tile wild elves ·o( the Chondalwccd. organization's £opals.





The Eldreth Veluurhra has few public allies. The m~oTiry of ·dves would rather pretend tbe exrremi t organizaricn doesn't even exist. It enjoys mOSt of its limited support among the SUD elves, w.iroagcntS and member reaching-re the highest levels of SOCk.:ty. The other elf races also provide Support, though lIO! to the degree of the sun elves. It is only through the influence of the organizaricn's powerful secrec allies that the elves have not
uppressed the Eldreth Veluuthra completely. Members of the Eldreth Vcluutbra get along \,>'irh sylVllll creatures-(.-specially centaurs, s:uyrs. and the more llggn! lve H~:)'-who sbare their opinion of huma.nity, They have sol~ctimes

The org:Hl!zarion also targets rae 5 that it vic\Vs as elven abominanons, uch as any of the half-elf ero breeds, A number of voices within the organization m.ve argued in favor of ending the war aga.lJ1sl'the draw, bur rhi is unlikely to happen-most of til members hate dark elves nearly as muchas they bab: humans, Although technically evil, rhe Eldreth Veluurh13 also wars against til more traditional foe of t.h clves=-orcs, goblin·oids, gnells, beholders, lind evil dragons. Tn dire ircumseanees, ~lf
leaders hav been known to recruit the Eldr th Vduudlra to help rem some growing evil. The organi1.ation's members have skill and raltnrs" that, wIlen combined with emir willingness to rake on unsavory assignmcms, l11a.k them valuable allies a,gaul5t t.he elves' most ruthless foes. In a nutshell, the Eldrelh VelUUUIllI bates nearly everyone who

wiUi,lg to form bri.ef alliances with evil homanoid races to 3ccomplish a common goal, such. as wiping OUt a human settlement, bat more c:ommollly they work. coye.rdy [0 illsti.~te blood hedbetwecn humans and ul.eil"' ev i.1neighbors.

is not an elf, and so it is constantly surrounded by en rnies.

The Eldreth Veluurhra has many enemi

Jornincs the Eldreth veluurh rri

You can't just join the Eldreth Y, Itruthra. You have co be invited, and those who seem too eager ar: rarely asked to join. You don't

~ ~

~ .."




,especially among the humans it so despentely wants (0 d!.:Stfoy.Til' Harpers have, on more than one occasion, thwarted tbe organization's plans-e-sc members of dl¢ Eldreth Vel.uurhrll cak sp ial dcligllC in setting Ilillbush<:; for aUYOlle associated widl that orga.nizlltio~, They also lay traps for Im,man rangers who ,darc. to,cnter tilCIl woodlands, since ranzers usuaUy presage tbe arrival of human 0 secdements, Their relationship with human druids is nearly as violent, alr.bougb some rnembtrs of tbe organiz.lItioIl3!"e opposed to attacking humans who are so obviou ly trying to Live up to the elven ideal.

fiad the Eldreth Velulltb.ra, it find you. Because of the' secret "nature of the oq~;lJta."ltion. outsiders wbo \ ish to join tho: Eldreth "cluut-hra will be r~ruited only after II per iod of obser vacion, W bat at !'ric ts the artencion of the E.ldreth Veluurhra is :111 .ind,ividual~sactions and deeds, not mil Because the o.rganiz.a.tion has suffl.!1'l.'d signifil:lIndy at the hands or such orgoJlli7.:l001S as the Harpers. those who seem, too eag..:r to find a local Eldreth VduuUua;agen[ ~ il1klltionaLly led astra), and sometimes capmred and questioned. Individuals who show promise are watched. both normally and magieally, to ascertain

7'bNJ. """,h,.,

0/ tht Bitt,.""

P"«I • ,kn. r."'''' .• lJjtl''~ EiJclftJ!IIJ~ • .

".~"d'i. • e,.,."dr. j"




their siJ1Cericy. Sometim!!s, a candidate might be surreptitiously 'qllcscioj,e:~ by all agen(posjng3,~ a barkeep or fi:llow traveler, Only afeer theleader ·afchclocal cell is sarisfied as to h~r inteurions will she beappreaehed by a member and invited to join. The: vast majority of members of the ,Eldreth Vc:luud'rra arc recruited b)' family members who are aJr,eady deeply and somerlmes secretly involved in the .organization. Often, a.s mudl as !lincty pcrC!cll[ orany cell will be made up of siblings., parcnts, chiJ&cn. aunts, uncles and cOUSillS.of thc cell Lender, In rhis \'1'3¥, tht organi2.:ttion assl.ll'e5thcsecl'ccy '~jJd loyalty of its members, Ouuidersrccl'uired into a cell oomctimcshavca hard time g;uning the truSt of falnily members, and are often given assig,ll:Jflcllts independmt of tbe ccll~s reguwactivitics nnril thc,y have proven tbeir loyalty.

ell ek in with tIle locaJ cell when entering ics area, As.agcots. ell), have access to weapolIS, armor, ,equipment repair. rresh UlOllIUS, rest, food alldw:atcr, safc bavl!l1.•and haalillg (magical or otherwise, ifa\rn.ilabl'c). The ccHleadtr ,):]ight require a task of~al1aS~'Tltif tbe item is particularly lIalJJablcor rare. or if the agclltspend.s more dIan :l tenday enjoying rIle cell's IldSpitlility.

Acti n~ wi thi n +he Eldreth veluurhro

AnadvctltUtin,S band OTIlC]l witllill the "Eldreth Vduuthracould beeomposed of llllrehloodeJve5 a.nCl tbcil' sylvan allies, such as ccrmmr.s, satyrs, and fey. Half-dve,!;, no rnarctr how sympathetic t.hey ate to rhe c-ause. are neveraecepred into rbct;roop, If tbe adv~lIturi.ug puty is within an area under tbe control of an.or:her cell. it is expected to clear its I{lissio!l with rile leaders of me local cell before beginning, lnce attacking II powerful local .huruan merchant (for cXlIl'npl'e) mightca~ more pal'm. WlIllSood [0 rhose members of ehe org;1ni'l:.ation w.ho have to live in the area after the :ldvcnturcr.s have had dICiT fun. Those who neglecreo keep their supcr.iors informed of their acthrifics risk receivinG 3 transfer rothc Urlir,g'-%·ooiI.

costs ond Benefits of Membership

Enery i1l(0 thc Eldreeh Ve!uuthl':t requires n vow of secrecy tbat not only binds you. 1:0 never reveal what you know. but also requires you to punish those wbo break their vow, The vow is binding for life, even forehese no longer active ~'ithin the organixacion. Because of dlC!OOse structure of dlf.:organiurioll, inclh,jdual cells have their own niles about the duri!;l5 r''quired' oftbeir members, Few cells adopt a purely miHrnTistic organizacio» "'ith strict rules of obecljcncc o.r members living and .... ·orkiIlS togc:thc.r Individual members orehe Eltlrerb Veluuthra are free (and 011 aconstant bllsis; that IYou!dattraet far roo much iurcntioll. ~ SOJllHiJ:JICS eucoaraged) to act on their own, semerimes joining Most members leadindepel\dcllt lives, ha.ving professional and ul~am liaeed adventuring cempanieserevcn other organizations, fam.ilial duties outside frn: orga.!li1.aOO.ll. A few adveneurlng but on.ly "ff{lr [bey have proven tilcirtrust'.l::orrllincss by SCrYcompany-styte cells ha.Ve formed, but these usually Shorr-lived" i.ng within rhe organiution for a. period of time, As r"l'dance due to the high attrition ratescemmcn (0 these activities.. In agl;l\ts.the.Y arc expected co 'keep secret their ru;._'iOCiationwid) gene:ral, i:mlividuals bclo!lging to a p:«ticular cell are ~xpec~cd the Eldreth Veluut.brn. and to pass along any ioformJltioll that to parridpare in important op<:.ruiol1s, unless tlley are already lltigbt be iJltt:t"est to the orgnlliutioll. WhCll iJ1 the campau)! employed in 3llotheroperariollotl'."o.rkinS direccly withfh.c of othc~, thc), may not associate with members of the. Eldreth Vel'NikerYlTlaJ; low-le veI members might be asked eo take Vcluuthra or rake outsiders to any o[rhe orgauization's hldcouts, spccifi.c duties or smaller eperations, safe !lollses,. or weapons caches, They arc also cxpcctcdro meke .Once members .u.we camedt:he trust of [neil' superiors, they a reasonable attClnptto nodfyrhe leader of a!ocaJ cell before migbt reques.t agentst.ltus (rom [he Vcl'Nikcryma, whjcll allcws acting in her-area. U"J1d'erstandahly, dlis is'!lOt always possible, SO them to opc,ratc ill nearly any area in which the crganization frl'C,hmcc agc1I'tsof rhe Eldreth Veluurhrcilue expected to wear miglu have a stake. Since huusans iUJlcl dJ'OW are their mainenrna. visible manner cIte group's SCLTet markets (wbich might be clnies. rhis.erea iacludesalrnosr all of Facnin .. oothabovcground a piece of jewelry, a special .Style of cloak or boots •. or tbe like) and below. Agcnl~orthe VcI'Nileryrnaarc cxpected to .ihl;'nYsact so that they can casily be idclltificd byodwr members of the ill aecordanec with the long'l'al1b'"Cgoals of tlle orgallizationalld to otglliliz.a tien, regularly pass alollS information to theil' su,periors. Advenmril1g ngcnt:s arc also expectcd. eo eeneributea reasonable portion of ehelr treasure and wiullhlg5 to the nearest cell. Although dley arc nor required 'to,.they arc also ,expected to occasionally take The members of sevcralruara.eccr classes are highlY priL1.edand OJ) missions from th.c VeI'Nikcryma .. \'igorousi}' recruieed by tIn: E.tdrcth Vcluuthr:a. Others have no Iuexchallge. advtllmringagcl\1'S learlJ uni:v:ersal pass codes and place withln the organization. secre [ 'Ylll 001s an d h.andshll];es. th at aUowtbcru to be rccog.1l j zed BubuilUI: Barbarians an: welcome recruits in wilderness by th~leadersof a.nyr«oglliz.ed cell 0ll\ywl1l.:rcill Faeren, $illcii: regions. Ull:wc~rnc ineiviliz.cd al."(:as.Theorgaaization does Hot rhesesecret pass codes change frequently. agents are expected. ro

Actin~ ourside rhe eldrerh veluu . hro






actively rccHiit barbarlans except ln rhose regions dominated by w.i1delves (such as the 1-Ugh Fo.rest, the Cb.ondalwood,and the Merbw~). 'Bccauscof their chaotic nature, bubariansare usually requlred ro unde.rgp.:Ii lo%~ pcriodtifSieFvice to pri)ve thdr trustworthiness, Bulb.: Bards are prized 3,;5 freelance agents .. Aftcr a brief proving period, tilr:yarc swiftly pl'a.ced into' unaffi Hated positions ;\3 38('111:5, :;pies andrcC'l'uiters. Clctit.~TheR are no clerics in the 'Eldreth Yeluutiu;a:, since the~qod.align~ddvell palltiwon does not allow forclerlcsof evil alignment. DroidJ: As a cfass devoted to protecting: theelven woodlands from ouman ·encroacbm<:llt,. druids arc accorded special honor withill th Eldreth Veluu.trua, Doth for their dose association with nature and for their beating magic, Fighters: FIGhters are vDJuable membersof chcorganiz.ation but art."not especia:lly targeted for Rcruitmllllt'I;!~Pt wlu:lIsome htl'ge.soJeaction is irnmincnt, or ira fighrt.:f is a specialist ill some unique or exotic weapon. Mania: Because a monk's fim loyalt)' is to her monastic order, monksare rarely rccruiecd. Some believe t.hat thL"},c3nnoI be trUS~\l& E.xceptions to the rule exist, such as outcast monks, but like baJ'barians, thcy are required to undergo a h:)I,Sl:r period of service to pr,ove rhl/it tru$tv.'Orthincss. P&ladius: Bec:luscof the unavailability of good·aligned divine magic, there are no paladias in the Eldreth :Vcluudira. hngen: Tho:: wardoIS 'of rhc woodlands are the most commanly recruired charactercla~.Rangersarc the backbone of tile Eldreth Yeluuthra. aoguce~ Rogues 3.ndthievcs are reeruitedes spio.:saml profes· siona] treasure finders. Sorne thicV'l:S within theoI.Slluitation spt.>cialize in rcbbingoeberelves. The Eldreth Vclul.ltlm believes dUlC aU elves should donareeo die cause, wbetber or not raey agree with it. SorcCl'enlDd Wiurd.: These tlVocharacter c1:1:S5eS .arc hcavilyrecruitcd in all regions, Magic is ~Iltial to the group's success .. In ,addidon to the standard classes, [he Eldreth Vduuthra also reeru itsancl/ortraius in the foiJowillg prl:S~ige classes: ArctIle Arche.t: This prestige class provides viml arcane sp.ecialist:Swithin any military strike force. . AllUllin: AS!illS5jllS JiU an esseurial role iu theorg.mjz~tion. The Eldreth V:duuthra always traills its ownassa&;ins:1l'1d never hires an assassin from otberorganiz.ation. Everc5kl;D. Tomb Guudiu: Members of the Eldreth Veluuthraare p.artLcul'arIy sui[,ed tothi.s prestigeclass dedicated 1'0 the: proteetion of elve atom bs, HittophlDt: IlleSt archdruids offer an ttddirional level of magica:l"powerand wllderness kllowledgeto th .. organization's activities. t JUJtice.of WC'Ild u.d wOe: This pmrige c!a.ssoriginated within the E.ldreth VelulJ[nta andremainsone of its most c.a;re(uUy

guarded sccreq;. Justices of weald and woe are called upon for thcor'gallizatioll~sllloot dangerous and vital operations.

Cunentor prospl!ctiVl:! members of the Eldreth Voeluutlua can findadveacure in mall)' pJac~"S,and riot all of them need involve tlc,m.ckirlg .hulllttn homesteads, They miGht be asked bya member of the Vel'NikcrpllatopeTform 'some task, such as: • S~dl for portals ill the Cloak Wood south of Baldu_r~sGat~ (lo.".,.J~vel).. • Hunr down i band of advtlltw'ers who have been raiding ancient meenelf tombs in the Gr.aydoak Hills Quid·lew!). • Drive th" hllman druid Flieszdtan from the Forgotten Forest in !.he Western Heartlands (h~Sh·kveI).

Lossorwvn The Ice t.ich

In additioll co being a druid Iieh, Lossarwyn hasa 5trOng. af; liniey for celdaud ice. He-became an um.l;:ad creature 31ld ....lIS ! trapp'-'Ci inside a glaci()r for several centuries before uei.ng freed. Now, his auraand his touch are as cold as the glacier rlmronec held him. . . Lonarwyn the Ice Lich: Lkb druid ISjbierophailt 1; CR '23; Medium undead; HD 19d1'2;. Up ll:2i lnif ...r; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21.toueh lJ,. flat·footed 19;. Base Atk ... 3i. Grp +16; At!.: ... 1 1 1 melee (ld6.'I'3, s~::tff) O~ +17Ine:l~e(ldS+; neglltivC:,ener,gy plus paralysis, touch); Full Atk +1;/ ... 7./...7 melee (ld6+3,. staff) or +1"1 1 melee (IdS",Y negative energy plus p1lralysis,touC'b); SA fC3Iil.ur-., paralysis, speIJ·like ability (c(Jfltag;~n 2/day);. SQ,!larnase reduction U'/bludgcanins and magic" immunitic:s:,a rhousalld faa:s (1I~aller self, at will), tr~ck!es$ step, +4 turn ItlSistlln.oe, vuhn:r3.bi.lity to fire, wild shape 61day (elemental 2/day), woodland stride; AL NE.; sv Port +14~,R£( ",", WiU ...t8·; 5tr 16, Dex 14::. COil -, : lilt 16',. Wis 19, Cha rr, '+ion s3vesagaiJl5t~U·lilOl.:abiIltlcs of .fey. Skills ruut FtQI .. Gon~lltrntiOIl +1'2, Craft (alchemy) HO~ Heal +'21, Hide +18, Knowledge (natul'o:)+,lr, Kuowledge (druid r~Hgioll) +2.'2, Listen +11,. Move Silently +10, Search ...8, SenS!.\' Motive +10~ Spellcrafi: '2.'2, Spar +8, Survival +lOi lmproved Initiative, MagIcal Aptitude:. Naroral Spell, Scribt! Scroll, Spell· casting P~odjgl~r:s, S~U Penetration, Strong Soull'ltC'i. 'J}pictJl'Druid Spdls 'P'-~pared (casrer 1~vcl19th):O-dr:ftr:1 1JM(,ic (2),. (,lIidnflct' ('2), p#frify food (md d,-i"k, n:si.rlaflce; lst-camoujla.gfVoJ, l!ff',age. 4,';m,,/s· (DC 11"), 'NlIJ.f1g/t' (DC H), jump. Ifmgrfr.idtlr, (JPsc(l.ri,,1!.mitf, rmlilre e"er&y (ft,.,e);. '2n.d-fog cloud,.hea/melal, ..",,1i$1 elle"gy (fin!), !U,mllOll swarm, , In:e shapt', 1Mrp '1vrJ(Jd;3rd-mda i",o .llum:, pl'li:sofl (+17 melee touch., DC 17), ikel lform, wind wall.; 4th-blight (DC 18), dispr:l 1IJn,ic, ict! JI(}I'1J1., l'rrnd 1l'rnnb~bl (DC 18), sp.i!;:!!,lontS, unboly b(Nut; Sth-,-ma IS r;o"l"gio,,~" (DC 19),'(111 Jigh(IJj"t storm (DC 19),IIOII,sk;'l, transmute 1II11d 1l)l'l)ck~ lr:a/lSmtjfr! "t1ckt;o mild.: ,


.. · 8.~.



6rh-"UlIUt/t sbell,gl't:d"r'dapd mngie, mo·w ,ear/b, frlmSpOr/llin pllum. it/t-b"rm CDC~l), mnrkr;f lbe mifaitb/u/', trllt:reeitlt,; 8tb-fil,gcr '!I,t/cath (DC'll), l'Cpt! meta] or stOllI!. 1uh,irl'lpjna (DC 21); 9tn-ttlI41htm"Q', sfwm if '!Itt/SMllec (DC·2l). 'New spell de-sc.ribed in Chapter 2. Lml&Wl,ge,l: Commo!~. Elvcll,Syh'an, Druidic. 1~()lSl!ssiolJS: .t/mlt/eIY natura] hI"mor -I; I, '·;'-/8, o/pro.f(l(/j'on t 1, 'lP4ud if bll/did pDlymorph (30 ch_argcs), sitiff of flccrDllMIIC)', divine scroll of elemental NVD.I"m .. 1I1all if ,thorns, and

of ice:

"Lossarwyn\ narural \\'Capo!1S aTie treated as magic weapons for tlle purpose of ol'crcoulcing damage reduction. Fear .d'll·n (Su): Lossarwyn is sUrooded .in a drca.dful nur!! of deadlyakhcmy cold and evil. Creatures of less than r HD .11'1 a 60·foct radius rhatlook :It tlte lich 111US[· sueceed on 3. DC 21 Will saveer be affected as thoug" by 2 fonr .spell frolll a 20th-level ;or~erer. A O'e3turcthat successfully Saves cannot be affccted again by Lossarwyn's aura for 24 heurs, P'lrn/ysil (SII)" Any ]jvin,gcrea.rul'll: struck by Lossarwyn's touch ~uack must succeed on a DC 'll Fortitude S.1VC or be pcnnailendy paralyzed. In addi·
dOlI•. the


body temperature drops ,[0 tbat of che surroulldillgcn· vircnmcnc, Rrm()ll)e pllr:tl/yJiloronly allY speU dult can remove a curse ~U"""'7/f ,be Ci1l1 frce tbeviel in~ (see the hW6!I/1 mrfe spell description, page 203 of d1£ 'Pldy~r'l RandOl/ok). The cffet:t cannot be: dispelled. AIl)'oncpanrlyud by Lessarwyn seems dead' ~lJTtdcold.though 3 DC 1.0 Spot check ora DC 11 Heal tiled revcalsrhsr the victim is srill alive. Spcll-l..ikt .Ability.: As:! hic.rophanc,. Lossal~\I'yll baschosen [0 give up one lrd·lcvdl spell slot in cxchange,for being able to usc, as a spclHikc.abHicy, !;MIOgiolltwice per dlY. hmmmil'ies (E.y), Lossarwyn is imlllutle toccid, ckeuicity, poisoo, pol}'1l1orpb (though be call use polymorph effect'S 011 himSclf), a.nd mind..;'lfrc:eeing spells and abilities. Wild Shap' (Ex): Lossarwyn ClUI ch.1nge himself inro :my animal ofrmy to Huge size six timcsper day. He em a 100change himself into a Small, Medium or Large: elementalrwiccpcr day. BeaU!le he is ulldl·l.U;!. nermal animals avoid him even while he is in nil animal shape.


BACKGROUND In ancient times, Lcssarwyuwas ODC of the most pov.'erful elf druids of COnnalltbot. As hlllRa!15 !,egan to encroach upon d1'c fore.otrs.ue was.one of rhestrongesc voices for war agllillstthem. But When ehc elv(.'Sof COrmallthorsig!1ed.cne Dalclallds Pact, he despaired for the future ofcha wild places. He saw llulll:>.llity as a disctlse to be eradicated, and .sra.duaHycame [0 r~lil,t: dUI[ humans btlverc marka.ble resilience abralist n e:uly every h ardsh ip--<: I:ttP[ disca.sc.TIll1S beg:!n his IonS d'oIYnfallashc 5OI.IS11.[.·3. plague that ':;"ou.l~destroy hUIll.mkind once and (or all He began to [ravel frail! land [0 hlJld, soillg wherever rhcre was rumor of plague, usillg his Wist knowledge of and healing to cure rbe sick. For those he s:lVM, he SeCJ11cd. II gift fl'OItl heaven and WOIl wide renown for his 1l1edica.lcxperiise. What he couldn't h~l through natural means WOlscured through the divine interventien of rhe cadre of priests \\Iho foflewed him like discipl'cs. The)' came from man)' faiths a.nd many 1;1ndstojoin ellis stJ'lIuge elf druid who seemed to have forsakell his forests to help IlJ.avldud. Por all fill fame, Lossarwyn seemedeo resear ea,c.h success, yet his dark moods 3,ld relentless spirit aetraceed more follol.l',rs. Some whispered /i~h du,[ an I~ not as it seemed with the great pbysicill.n.tlult ,,1[ rimes he, disappeared for days or weeks. Others Mid his renowl!1 was il].d~rvcd, since his most difficult patients eended to disappear. His mission to eradicate humanity c~nritIUed •. de.spineaU the human lives he had saved. LOSSIlt'WYII W;lS. sc:.m:hins for a plague that had no cure. Whcneve:r he came acrossa disease dme sec,mcd especially virulent, he ..... ould whisl: awp.y IU victim Ier a detailed stud}'. research that ·often <:ndeil the life of theene lie htl:d osttllsihly come to heal. Many discllscs seemed promising, but mosr had t.1l.\!: rawbackoI difficulty oltransmission. d It seemed that magical assistanee wns needed, which led Lessarwyn to study necromancy, thus renouncing [be deepest strictures of his faith. . Aft¢r 1'I'I3n), yelll'S, just wllan be seemed on the verge of disoovery, his goal of loosing a plague upon 11Ia.llkin~ was finally uncovered by a jealous rival, and he was revealed to his feJJow·

.:--' s: ~ ~

~ .1:' ~

,So ::r

~ § §



druids. They declared his criml!suuforgi.vable,. and thq prescrib..>d a secre r ddt It by assassi na cion for Lossa r I\'y nr::rt Iler [han a now thegencral public to learn ofbis plots, But Lossarwyn .8ed ra.tmr rh:1J1' r.1C~ pUllisi:llnelU and "''as pursued by three of tlie

most powerful d11Jiusof thattinre, TIII!}'chased him north into the ffoterl lands andae Iase ~Jlered him i,n gJadalclI'vctn, A magirnl bardeensued, and Lossarwyn died and was frozen ifltP the hea rt of the Slacier, lost fore ver (Of so tt seemed), Bu [ lIS he breerhed his last, Lessarwyu made a pact with darker forcc-s that resulted ill his being cursed w[r.h IInde:rrh , In their malice, those dark po"'ers did nothing to free him" and SO LossarI\'yn remnined frO'l.t:ll in the ice for many centuries. At last there came a summerwanner than auy in melliory, Tll<:gl.a.der ro:cOOeiJ, fre.iit'l:l Lossarw')'ll, Fearing the long m~llory of till: elVC5 of Cormandior (and unaware of the des[tucrioJI of Mydl Drennor), he traveled V.'ellt until be came eo Anlll;and there he fell in le~gue with a cabal of dilIkspcllcasttrs called dIe l'w lsred Rune, His unusua I status ind powers allOl'o'cdlli III ee rise :r.viftly in .the cabal, and all tlre wbile heeoneinued his d'ark research, 1110re detcrmim,"(j .[ballcv~r to destroy bUm3nlry. When :I.t last he approached aprksr of Myrkul with his piau,thinking he would find a sympathetic ear, lie W::IS :lJ;;lin bemyed-tb15 tjm.: by the Thisted RUlle. Ag;lin Lossarwyn fled, s..:eking rcfuSt.l in rIll: Higb J10fl:st, but his enemies soon caugbt up with him ar tb.r: D~ Wood. His dl'llidpo\ltCrS rn~de him a rormidable opponcm even against tin: combined migllr or the TI'1ist~dRune, so bldu:r than fight him, tile spellcast.ej'S crapp"'d him with ;1 pm~'(rrul llIaze' spell. He is able to rO;101 tbl:' Dire Wootl at will, but calillot find his W""y our. Recentl)" agents ofthr:1!.1drcdl. VclUlithm beard rumors of Lossarwyn, one o.fthl1ir most ancieut and revered heroes, and they soughr him our in the Dire Wood. Although the~' have not yet managed tocstablish .a fOfllllll:lUi:lllce with the druid rich, he did egrec totrnin several Inelllbef:s in exchange fortbcir aid in freeiug him. Iromehe Dire Wood, Re hasC1Ught ehem his method of drawing upon the divine _pol'.1:ro[ nature, froe.iug them of'the need tocall upon 3 dcity for their spdIs. The addition of Lcssarwyn ;[0 tile EI;I~th Veluudm. wouWsigniJiC3utly increase the orgalli7.ation~5 power ami prestige, and altbOli!Sb be has not yet been freed from his k-afy prison, he remains .:In exrrcnwly mlportantfiguro;: ill dl.e orga.ni't.l,ti.on's future plans,

indepcnrll:l~J ors;luizatiOJI, giving Shar an incredible r~ge of C"3Iencs to call Oil inti mes of need, T.bi.s sect of Sharrans is rci'.1til,ely new to 'Facrull. Sbllf chose her most trusted mortal servant, A!Qrgpth,. The Jlrillger of DQOIll, to recruk and train the first WlIVC of mcuks, who Set out frorn tht:if' secret lair around thr .. " years ago. Trnin" ing has since come under the purview of a StOUp of SharraliS r.... resenri ul; a I m os t e very facet a r he rll'Orsl1 ip -tliree P r iJ..'5ts. p tend ro the mouks' spir.it.ua1 devclopmmt, rour monks and all assassin OVelCSl:,C their martial [rainiL~g, and a powerful sore ....rer whose mastery ,ovc,rthc Slladow Wt:c3vt is unri.val~d instruct'S recruits ill the most dangerou.s of Sllar"s giftll. This group has just fi 1li.~JJ\1dcraininl; its secondclass ofm.o.!lk.s, and is now f:rnning out across the cominenr to recruit il:lQre dark hearts ;in.t05<!( vice, Most Faerullians arc blissfully ignorant oftlle cxjsle.IlCl! of this gtOtlp. but S!.w's en emies know .only roo .... of its illtl'lla5111~ 'l!JI reach and power. SillCC the first W:I.vc of students reached the culmination of their tr:l.i:ning, SbM has wicklL-dtm'm with brutal efikiellcy-and with linlc .n:g;lrd for thew lives, Monks of'the D:t.rk Moon 1m\!( sacked :I te tnp I...of ChatlUo.'ll in FUl'skul,ass3ssll1attd rh k.':u1inS priest or Lovillt:ar ill Cormyr,:1.lldrurnoo a holy site of &:Iime iuoo an unholy node of evil aI~J1C e.ncrgy. TIl!.' f-an th .. 'ltrhc Monks of the Dark Moon keep tbeir cxlstenee, wilereabouts, atrd idcatities secret is rhe onlyrhing thnt has kept them fro.11l ix.>comu1S one of ehe most Nared otg;Inizatklllli in Paer.ull.

reus of ]n fluence

Monh.s of the Dork M'oon

The Monks oJ the Dar~ Moon are a seer of sorcerer-mouks who have dedicat.ed rheraselves body> mind, and soul to Shar, clle Lady of Loss. The monks arc her assassins, herenforcers, and her shad"w), "gellts. Their training is divcr$C,a.s aro: thc.ir skills, 3lldt.heir dl:votion to their Lady is absolure, 'D_le org~njzatiqJ1,'s li:lldcrs b3V(: dirct't eoneact with their goddess, and are not s.u.bj~'Ct. to dlc3udloriry or will of her clergy. The mouks are .aoompletdy

Till' MOllks of the Dar.k Moon began tbeir existence ill all imposiHS stone monolith inthe city of Purskul, the first ~brillc dooica;ted solely .00 S11:1f'5new strike ror~. Tbesltriuc's existence is known to .0111. what goes 011 within irs wnUs is oneof the but ordc.r's most guarded secrets. Those who enter {he shrine to train either become raithful servants 'of dJC Lad'}' of Loss or end Lip serving as Iiv.iugtraininG dummies for dl~ Within, E,Y<:II moot clerics of Slur refuse to eneer rbe shrine, fot ies deadly reputat.ioll is most .... 'llUk!1owu among their ranks. Tho: monk!; ILwe since spread 3.Cro.SS Faenill,. csrnblisJlIlIg arller shr.inesa~d safehavens wherever they go. A shrine ooneatll the llor:th\\~tcfn foodliHs of [he Swo.rdM.ountains serves as a 111(,'1:[ing place and u-ainlIlS grollnd for order members Whoo,h:rat\!in the nortbern Swol'd COOst. A desecrated shrine to $elunc all the south~rn edge of CormamilO( IIOW oper:ut:.S as 3.11 evil' nodo: and hideout for Dark Moon monks ill Co.nnanthor and tire Moonsea, Scmbiall.:\fJd Cormyria:n f'eaujh; are t~kcll to OJ. l1\Oulll"oIin base at the summit of one of the Tliunder Peaks; the mounlailn refuge is guarded by :I clall of m:lllticorcs tlLatha.llc been 6\\'ay ..'<1 to the dark goddess's cause. Ycf t bescare nor thC' most rcmete trai 11liS i grounds rh;lt the monks /1o'I1IC: founded: ~'P ill till! Ca1im Desert; where the worst m~gicnJ storms 'blow, is a buried seriesof tunnels soour·edoutofa hill hyche bbstins- sandsof rhis rormcnecd land, Tu\! mosts!"oic and dought)! ofthe Monks of che Dlirk Moon






COIllt' fromtbis monastery,. which takes an. illdiyiduaI of unusual oonstitution and willpowCJ to even reac1l.

[he Notthorthe atC'Stoosttongly

Silver Marches,. because Sel(l!lc's in flue lice radio from Silverymeon for them to bceffec hie.

REGIONS The folJowingregioll5a.re prime recruiting .spors far- the Monks orrbe Dark Moon; e...en though many of thellloverl.llp with a numb¢\ of the Shatranrelig,iousceIls •.the ope_tatiol1so( the cwo' gJ'oupsa~e aHnosr wholly Lndependent.. Amn: The' Monks of the Dark Moon bcg;tll in Purskul. and that Ciry iii still home fO the group's 'OOOSt holy nlOJlasttry. Allin and tbe surrounding regions continue to be hotbeds .of recruitment for botb the Monks ofche Dar! Moon as well as their Shan-an comeades, CllImllu.n: AltllOUghtht tIite oIehe great city of Calimport arc tOO lazy and pampered to ulldcrgoellc ri~es of the Monks of the Dark. Moon. [hecirt!> lollo'Ctclasses .an: inured against tIle hot sun and other. brl;l~I'onditions of their na~iV'e land. TIley have lc.'1rnod enough oCdle "\;lysof the ridl to bcjt<llou5 and vm&c£ul, hOWl:"ver,which plays right into the hands of Shu's ttachil1gs. ~thorl.'!Id the M.oomel: TIll: Monks of the D.u:k Mooll are relative newcomers ~o this region,. ber rhe reemeFg~IlCe of rhe dark elves, and chI.!chaos cre2[ed byrho:::tbscllcc: oC Loltbhave given Sbar hope tbarsbe n~s,bt recru.itSO!1lcof thedrow into her service. Ikmhil: The Selnbi.llil monks work more cI~ly wirh tbe clergy of rile tegiol1 i:h:1.Il allY other,a.nd the Sbllrran i.nfi.ltr:nion of the &mbia1'l llo~le houses is"a great aid illfCcruitil1g new monks. Sword C'out: The monks here enforce Soar's will aloug the ~oast from Watudcepto Lusk;lll. TIlCY do not travel too far into

Joinin~ the Monks of the Dock Moon

The MOI~ksoI tbe Dark Moon take 01\ aaew .&I.3cte reetuits at ~ of each monastery ev~y fourteen monehs. 'The hopefuls are dr-llYn from d}OSe WllO.a.realready uldoctr1nared 111[0Smr's mysreries, and even th.cn, only these WllOshow incr,edibte devotioll ~o.her ideals arc admitted. TJlc rigorous tmi.ni.T1Sand Vile "2crsthat all recruits must perform weed out most of ehe' QI'dCr~ellemiC$;. the faithful of Sllarguard weirseCI"ecs better .IDa.nal1yolw(!]'se ln FacfUn. The first principle is t!latauy new recruit mu •• be a yOUllg adult. Children .aIC l1otdrafted, because tbelrc:aBacit},to understand the ovil to ",hidl they arc dedicatiqgtheir lives hasnet yet fully developed. Those wjthsorccr:ous talents might be watched and guided frGIU an ,early ag~. but full rceruitmenr does 110tl:ake place until they have reached matu.r.ity. Recr~its must be3:Jn~llg the strcmgest in .their faieQ, but under ne.cireumseacees canchey have taken the '03.(h of priesthood. Shar ,colllll1andscha.t her priests and 1110111.:.S be sep_ sO botb can carry out .hcr wiU wirhoot complication. Finally,recruits muse bal't demonstrated the potential to <k:velOJlROrcerQUSabilities. TIlls last was die most stringcmrequiremcllt tha.t Shar banded down to .Alorgoth, a.nd ~ marly recruits have fallen under the Sllcrifi·ciaJ knife for lying about sue'l potential. . The Monks ofche Dark Moon not accept any member wbo does nor ul'I.d~rso d)e:ir O"3.illing. The year.lou-g training does not


..... :=::: .~


~ " C;'






alw.tY5prOOu.ce powl1rfuJ members, though, and somegraduaees bavc nor yel mastered their rna rtial or arcane ...bpi tiltS enouGh to .harness them 011 any level. A characeer who was alr.:ady It monk or 11sorc<:rer could. be illvi~edto join as 10llg ashe fulfilled tile eMC principles, and his r:raiuillg would focusQllrhe aspect of the rraining that hI:' la.cked. Li.l"e'wise, greeneandidates WiUC1r~11 5h.ow aptitude for ooc class ortbe other, but not both, and so loaIW dl~ monastery WiU1.only rudimcnwy skills.:15 a monk or sereerer, The training can certainly have been undertalen befo:r~ a cit..V:l crer p icks lip his lirst cl ass level

groupcomp~ of priests, warriors, and rOb'Ues dedicared to the Lady of Loss ..

Actjn~ outside the

Monks of the no.rk Moon

costs and aenefirs of


In order to jointhe Monhof the Dark: Moon, an ll:pplkam must co.mpl~tely devote himself to S1]:!r ill every facet of life, It t:lkes fourl'f:l:n months of one's life simply to ulld.ergo tlte trials and tl':lining 'provided b)' the order. and:tfrer tbat. :I lifetime .of dtdica«\i service looms. The members .of rhe order arc not trained fortt.:asu.N hunting, bUlany treasure tnt}' do happen Upoll is considered a part .of tbe org;:mi'l.ation rather :thall till! indivi.dual'.s property. That-said, the order's leaders are not unfair in the distribution of such bounties •.andtbty recognize that the finder is often. mosrbencfired by it. M~mbcr5 pin the pro~ction of Shat andbtr. \\'otshipers wherever tlley go, A. Mo.nk of die Dark Moot! w.hoidcntin.es himself to a Sharran cell wil! be rreated ver), GNlciously, since no follower of the Lauyer Loss wallts to risk 1ll1mpering someone who might be 00 a perscnal mission from the goddess, Tbe order also reachesall members the tesse« 1badl)o711lem,,aJe!.rI and gr:(!!Iler Ibttdtnll flmtac:ltf-Dspells wben they reach tbe appropria.recc3stcr level. Th~""5C spellsare gifts from Soar,a.nd do not take up rile chaIactlTS fl?rmal.spell sloes, The Monks of tbe Dark Moon are taught ~o figbt a.longside thc.ir brothers and sisters, and so allY time two of 'tliemfigur side hy 5id~,eac.hg:aiIlS a +1 drcumseauce bonus 011 both Armor ctass and' areack rolls .. These bonuses disappear If an individual moves to a squan: rhar is not adp.((:Jlt 110;JDark Brother Of Dark Siswr, as the monks call their peers. .

A. Monk of tbe Dark Moo.11 would haec a: hard rime acting in a. group that was not made up cf erhers of his order ,or at I'cast those of dle Sh.arran faidl, He: might disguise hilll.sctf and hide histrue 1Il0tivesill order to travel. less COll5piCIIOIJsly, or Iii! might even join the grDUp of someone he was trackillg !norder toS:till all edge when the time came to stl"Ike A Monk of the Dark Moon mig.bt I'l_ced somerhing a STrOUp of PCS has-~rhap. a key to rlu: dungooll in Wllicll he can find a holy re)}c, or some other ~d time be: hilS been instructed to dmroy_

sho.rron cells

Actin'S within the

Monks of

the nork Moon

Somctim.:;s ajob is fOo biS fo.r Oll¢agt'nr rocompletl:, suchastbl: 'sad:ing. of the t..:mple to Chauflt'C'a In Purskul and thl: assassination of aU its priest'S. Shar does not hesitate to assign the right number of individuals eea job, o:v(l1ifir means combh,ing the -Iorees of herclerks wiehthese of hO::I' monks, She hasshown tilis lYisd~Dl in rb..: recent pairing of thcaceomplish«l MOllk of tb~ Dark Moon, AIOli (sce page 121), with the priest Damian Krall: (see page 115) in the Wes:CI:1'Il H,,-artlands A trar1(;-d Sharran monk can mak.e auexcetlenr support characeer for 11

\I'O.n;hipis one of dlc fastest growing evils in Faerlin,and her cle.rgy and worshipers rhreaeen the 5tu.blliry of lllany of the l'l:gions in Iyh.ichthcy havetakclI hold, The chllr'Cb of Slmr is .compOSl.'ifof cells .U\ntact indcpcndentLyor oneanether, often without knowledge ,of the other cells. In fact, the seceerive narure ofthcscoellsoftcn means that the identities of aceU'!i members at!: known only to thatot:II'~ leader; TIle pl'ilnaty goal o(cvtry cell is to hriu,[\ osmau), Fttettlllill,n.s uLideT Shar's infiuence .:1$ p0ssible:. so that eventually their dark miseress call win herererual war against' her sister, Selline. To this end, the worshipers of Shar spread themselves throughout the PQPulaku areas of dl~ conrinent, st"arching for weak minds into which they can sow thoughts ortll~'311inslessllf::S!i aud' rt:vellg~. Shal"s influ~nce is fdt in every t~iOIi of Faeru.n...from urba.ll cells that play upon the fear-sand jealousies of tile wealthy, ~o rural-groups, to the wanderill.g; Moults of the D.ark Moon, who bring pain to all who oppose her. "E,lfl:ryday citizeus Know little about the cells in their area, of tell 1I0t<:VCI\ rcatizillg that rbe L1dy of Loss is lIcpre:s(l)lrcd uoorby. The c1lurcnonly contact.s tbose it wishes to corrupt or those it thinks can be useful ill some way. The ,Sb;]uans pNfcr ro So about their dark busi:llcss in secret, with as litde in~crrereLlc.:ns possible. If locals did know what rhe cells w~rl; up to-ritual sacrifices, the propagatiouof murder and revenge, and tile establishment of cults that undermine local rd~sions-it would nor Ix! Ions bcforethey sought the aid of adventurers to protect t.hem from rhechurch,

Afeos of Influence
lkcausc of the secretive nature of thccburch of Shar, it;D wershipers bav" no cenrrallzed base ofoJWratiolls. The Temple of Old Night. tbe laI.Bcstremple to Shar in Facnm, tall be found in ea 'import. This temple in t.ilc desert istheelosest t1]il~G to a rallying poinl: Shar's clergy bas, and hUlldreds make 3 piJ,grimage:



to the site each year eo gain their Ltdy's guidam:i:. The temple alsoillakes for a convenient place rogluhtr' useful COJltacr.s,ro sp~, information ehar CUI be disSl.'TtlinatOO to fhe derID' at large, and to cool one's 1lt.'l:ls dur:iog dmcs of trouble within a:pa;rticulllr ceU or after defeat a.tthe hands of 0ppollcnts.·· T11e Wl$tcrn Heartlands have seen quite a bit of· ShamlH activity of late, lcadillg mauy to suspccr that the Mistress of die Night has big pl..'11S for the region. Rumors are spro.ading of a sr3J.dnc:w 'temple being built in a secret location. :dthoug~:tll crror'ts to find SU;d1 a place havc:clldcd in failure. Aside; from a few tidbits reported here and there by adveururers and spies represenringthe dergy of Selune •. information about the Shllrrnl~s' intentions, has been sparse. IIlt:ruth,. ~' strong priest has become a unif)!ing force rot the dergy iJJ the r.:gio!l. backed by a dan or monks wlIo are not affiliat(l.d with the Dark Moon S(!CL AU ehc oeJIs in the region have fallen under his sway, :dtllOUgh they are still !Ioe' ulljfic~ as a whole. Sclunc has comma l1dc:d followers frOI11 Baldur's Gate and W:lt~'1d~1? to go to the Western Hcacdands and detcnnill!! the nature of Shar's new rnre:lL . Scmhia has always beena haven for Slur's dcJ:'SY, who,nnn the intri!;luesand greed of tbe cit~, fert.ilc ground for the goddess~s retnprarions. The recent chaos in Cormyr has attrllc~cdthe attcmioll of some of t.bcse clergy, who havesene llllderliJlgs into theregie» to e.srablis.h footholds Imlonsthl! hickering noble families. This act l1as only servedto intensify the strife within rbe r<::gioJI, 3'11.d least one noble f:lmi1y has fallenso at completely UDder Shar's lllRuenct that its manor houses JIO)V rearun: dark duugeolls in "'bieb blood saerillces tde place kveral times Ol. month. REGIONS Sharran cellsare aceive throughout Pllcnin, bur rht: foUowh,S regions.have seen increased activity oChre Of ilrc b3stions of tile OMk Goddc"SS~ power, Cllimlw,: The site of the largest temple to Sba.r in the Realms, Calimpon bas long been a favored dest"miuioll for pi\grims dC'o!otootO the La.t1y of Loss. i!V!!1I more rhan in Sembia, the imrigues and delicate social CUStOfllS of Calim.silall!endehcf_llsclves well to the corrupting iullucncc of Shar, Her pTie.~ts sow nlismtst between those ofrnc same soelal ~utus, and manufacrare slig)lts tbat are SlJreto i!lfuriatcthc most respected nrerehanrs andtho.sc ,of IloMe tide. C'ormyr &!IdSembi-: Shu's network. of dergyspn:.ads tluoughotlt these !:"WO r~gio!l$., playing off tbe greed and jea)ousi~'S of tht!ir noble families. It i5 well known eho.t the Sharraus have their daws ill the .intrigues of ,the merchants of Semhia, but so farrlleil' ac.ti~'itit:5in' Co(myr remain our of sight.



~ ~~
~ ~ :: ~. "'" ~ ~



The Gnat ~llift: Shar's insidious message bas taken root in an unlik!!ly pl;lcc-the tunnels ben!!'lltb the Great Rift. TIk Mistress .cJ[ the Night counts, cavcms :lind the Underdark .amollgl'le:r port· folio c'I'c:r si.llcc she killed 1b .. mdu I.during the Time of Troubles, :mdthOl.lgh she i.~ know n as a.pa troll of tlllld,'i'i"il.f ves, she 1131> not capruN<! dR: minds and spirit:; of one dissa.tisfi.ed group of so!d d.Yr';lr\~ in the regioll. Their Ie<lder. Darger Ironmoor, is an ousted prino: who bas vowed rclfl:l'Igt: OD his family. In rhe absence of II strong militlr)' following,. he hasturned to Shar~s reacbings to find. a \\'ll}' to wreak havoc on thase w.ho cast him aside. Shade: Shar has cnceagain tlkel1l1Uulter,est' inth'e slave race known as th~krini:h:.,3.L1d h<lSdispatched cueof her Il\OSt tru~tl!d prlesrs to hlJiltl1l.te [hloi: ity of Shade. So far he has had little G success fi.1 idhlg those w iU iflg to listel! to S!13f's prom ises, but he is clandestinely aiding dIe city>s growing krinth underground movement. The Western Beuthnd,: Rumors .0{ stralll;c happening? con nertedto the priesthood of Shar . ha 'lie beencom ing au tof Daggcrdale and Lriaebor for [he past few months, All investiga. rions iura these rumors have come up emp.ty·handl!d •. yet till! seoriesef a secret temple and a Sha:rrall plotstW spread. Among leader has emerged [0 influem:e [he actiousof;lll the cells in tbe region toward aeommon goal, !Ju.cJusr what dlatgo:il is remains to be '~CII.

dr:!"",[rom. S~ prefers those who are srr:01l8 enough to tftk~ care. of thelnselves, bu[ With a physical Of psydlolog_kal weakness tbal draws them to SI."C.komfort from othc.;rs, Users of dle Shadow c Wi,,'ave are considered particularly artractive rucruits, as a~ warriors who havcp.rovcn unrated afw.r committing heineus atrocities. Unrrained foil.olVl:r5 arerecruited wl1ell dwpossibility exists thai tbe), could Gerowumul to 3. eel I, either by dcvdoping marrial or ll1aGical abiiities, bec.oming del'outpriesr:s • or by providing.a useful contact in a city or surrOLUlding region.

costs ondnenefirs



Joinin-s n sharron cell

The clergy ofShar is always looking for new recruits, Iloejust to' ful the ranks of the priesthood but also 'co act .i1S followers.con· eaets, and spies ..RecruitiJlg is an ol1going prOOesS WhCf\:vcr a (:<'11 operates. Because·o[ the nature of 8haJ"5 worship, open recru king is impossible in most places in Facrdo. Most of the workis done faeeco faCll, illdivjdual by individuaI.Sometimesthec.o!1vernon of a new member is iI long, slow process; other times it occurs quickly, through t.bc promise of forbidden knowledg!l:l.tld po","'C1' over others that the n:ctuie Ii11(15 c:!lddn(;to Ig.llO:I'I::. too This type of :rapid r~cFultillg h~theaddit:iol\aI:l.dvant~g~ of maintaining secrecy about ,the cell Sillce an individuallikcly never lias access to more than one member of a cell before he is lnduceed into [he group. no recruiting effon putS dlC em ire groop at risk. Becomi_ng a member of the duU'ell is l'ttSf lll._atwr-Slt:tr demands much of her followers,:lnd esch isexpected roperrorm vue acts from her day of inducri.on until she meets her end. The So..'O"t'C)1 of Shar', church in m'ose areas ml'3I1S that those .interested in her te"dungs uSuaUy find it difficult to locate II. member of the: derW'. Most ort~lI.aprospective ruember .is conracred afret the mUr<'h already knows tharrbe individual is ofX:u [0 il. dialogue. Thaw who have (1ecemly been slighted,. for whom a secret revealed would be dcvaumiu!;, or whose dark h.t'3t[s would bc bereer.benr to Sh.ar's will, all lind rhell1selVl."S targets of her se.rvants' advances, SIlar's teachings appeal to people of iUraces, Pl'9fe..o,;sio!lS'.,and social standing, Jea lous)' and S«1'0ts prevail throughout societies everywhC"J'(!:, SItar has a large base ofpoc~'l1tial followers to so


Shar is desperate ee gain foHowers of iat"C,so much so that she is willing to accept .anyolle waccan prove Ius or her ,commitment to herevil principles, Those who wish eo merely worship Shar must simply declare their ;affiliation.as Wit.lHIIIY other god, J:or ellOS!: who want to ... :ork witba 1QC:11 cell.or perltapsl'ven become it priest. tlie price is much higher, Once an iJldividualll.as been contact"d, seduced, and Il1ade r;eady tojoin, he must commit aj1 act of greate"il in Shar~s name, 'This act almost always involves violence against till! petitioner'S close fricnd.s or famity. Suchacrs arl.! much easier to persuade a new member to perform when ehelndividual has beeu recruited basedon the revclario.!l of an unfaitflful lover or backsta6bing family member. The most immediate bl:Ilefit roOjoillinga Sharran cell is prot.cctiona.gains[ the ce\I.'s depred;r.(ions. Although iJecomllll:j3: mere worsniper does not assure an individual of full prot~t.ioll. suchan individual is unLikely to be the rarget of anabductrou or murder in Shar's name. Becoming, a Shafran devotee opens a. number of avenues for persol1a.lgrO\y,th to thcse wlrli die r:unbir:ioll to pursue them. First, the secrets of [.h~ ShadolY Weave are only safely learned by one [oyal to Sh:lr;F.cz"egadc Shadow WCjlve usersare watched or huneed by Shu's _priests. for daring to defi.le her unholy gift ~ tll.e world. 5eeoud"a person who works his "~y up ill the ,ranks. of the :Sharran clergy or becomes particularly useful to thecell or the goddess herself gains ·.aI.'Ce!>5to secrets unknown to most. Sine . the, cells work independently" such apersenhasgreas f~cdom 1:0 pursue his own agenda lind to call upon rhe resources and members of rhe celltoward that end.

Actin~ within


shorrnn cell

All adventuring party dedi~ated toSJtat' is almost always led by a charismatic priest who illteiprets fhe Lady's willand directs the group accordingly. Missions that suc.h a. group mi!1bt undertake are varied, from the assassination of ;11'1 important ~1\lI1i.te pr.it'st and .his eUlOUFJ.ge"to che reoovery of a,n anifac[ that channels cb.tpo .... of the Slul,oow WeaR. Suchn group might 'e.f. work with a cell, be i:mlepclldenr (this is of1l:.o the case: ifol1c or more members are of ·[he Dark Moon sect of monks), OT be a cell unto lhelllse!v't'S.




stone giant lich caJkd The DodJ'::01IS, which spelkd tfouMe for the iUitbid p.r.iest. Realizing the lllind f1l1ycr had r;lJflntlea one of Jf a s.ins:ll:: ember ·of anadventuring party is.:I Sh;I.I'r:111devotre. m his grcares't hunters, the Dodkong ordered Qml [.0 be dts[ro~d. . his companions might nor kIlOw it-evCIJ if die)' b3V~" dven tlJ red a Thl.11llilhid managed eo cOllvince his rhilfwu:d ally that rhe with him for ,YC;1_r,s orknown him their enrirelives, S.iuCl:Shar'" Dodkceg was insane and meant ro kill rlic.m both. and dIe tWO fa~th{ul thrive on secrets, it would not do fora SJI3rr311working Red the caves of the stone gia.flts as quickly as theycmlW. Q__ooql wnlt others eo reveal his true .idclltity and motives, The character wandered for a few more weeks before rumJing inro anambush must be d1arjsm,;uic wid:;outbeing 3 lcader. subtl)' shj([ing the prcp3red by 3. fl'ibe of grimlocks, Q_ooql used "js mimi h/a# on party'S gOills and movements to benc.fit 11is edt He might suggest the ambusht<rs. bur rather than killing them be graured them an Ollt'of-thc-wllY dcstim.,!lon wMfl" it's time for the party to ":minesty" and follo"'i:dthcln bIte!; (..0 tll~ir lair afIll'IC'barmill& repleniAh their gear. so that he ClUI l'rHtkecontact with another 311bur eae of tro: party. wbichhe COlMitllllCd lIfrr;tthc rCst had set cell member or quictlyc:u:erminate a .locaJ devotee ·of Se:hjlle. ou't. The grimlocks ill the lair were surp.rised -[hac tlte mindflaycr If dlC panl' is dose to diSl:ovcring a S1Iarral1 cell era Shadow had not dcstroyed their comrades, and wac doubly impressed that Weave uode (sec page 98), the character lnighttalll:rhrc some Iva)' be see~led to be spe.1li.illg with them 015though he regarded thcm [0 steer them. ill anomer direction. Wh:ucver his moti.v'lltions. as somerhing other than slavcs.lt did not tllke 1011,S Q_ooql to for a. Sb:tl'ran ~Il .0 part)' of llonbdieveJs lives :l.lifc of lics,cric.kcc),. rurn this favorable attitude to his advantage, andthegri.ndock and t1Ccc.:ptlOll, tribe SOOI1 becamehis servants, The Ilc:<'t .gr0!1P to eornc under his sway was the Ironband clan ofsllicld dwarves, 1'.'110lived ill 3. sctt'iemel\[ built part.!y upon :'Icldpardy undcrncadl ehe mountains. The dwarvesprcved quitc resistam to Q_aoql's .:/J.flrm power at fi:r.st.. and [hdf reaetion almost led [0 a warbetwccil them-and Q_ooql'sgrimlock SerV(\lIts, Tbis rdadvcly new cult worships the iHithid goddess Ilscnsinc Thelllind fI'ayer cVl:Iilcually 'Wore rhem down 3.ud had the entire and is dim: ted in rha r \I<'Of!'oh ip by au ou tease IIIilld Ilayer cl er it dan cb.flrlned. He convincedrhe dy,arv<;:sthat he \\\i1S not evil, IlrlllltdQ_ooql (see pagt 116 for statistics andotber deta.ils).Thc and that he had eometo tncsuxfa.ce in order to ~kredemptiQIl cult resides in ;t seriesef windlngcnverns beneath dll: Giant RU.1l frmn tllJ.'Oild dlat b~d rurnedits back 011 him. Mounrnins. soueh of Trader's RO;'ld .::tklllg the Dragon Const. Now. Q_ooqI has die dwarves working under thtassurnp;tkm Tile cult is made up of q_ooqL. his stone gialltcofioq. atribe Qf that tlJey ate building an artny srrolll;clloug:h to drive the Dodgrimlocks rhat have come to revere him. and a dan of shield ~ kong from d1e III aIm ra ins and rid rbe region of giants forever, Tbe dwarves \111m have been ~Mn1UcJ for so long tlle), !JOW believe dwarves,. Ilntural:.ly 'indincd to be sympaUletic towar·dthat goal. char Q_ooqlis dleir only hope inche wodd, . have allowed themselves to be turned into Q_ooql~lICnallt>. The}' The shield dWilrvqs"acras cmissarlesto theoutsidt world now.~ct as his, I!yes and ears in the world above, of tell travelhlg o~tcn [r:lveljngto uearbyeiries to pick up infornl:lciol,i. b'9.rhe; to cines .3& far away as Iriaebor and Westgate for information supplies, a lid spread rumorsehnr benefic Q_ooqJ and theeule. The a ud supp lies. griml'ocks. on theotherh.1nd. arc Q_ooql's muscle, TIlcyprorcct rhe cult's caverns from incursions from rlie UnderdarK. as wett as tbeeceasional adVentU.r111gband or curious interloper from above. Although Q_ooql 11.'lS JUSt ill the past rc.\v monrhseonsolidared The .Um\,oTr.llyof Ilsensine works OUt of an ever-expanding his power and Iinalized cenrrelover rhese two group~,rhe mind niltwork of olvcr.1l sand ru Md.S ill [be llort11ef11 part of the flayeralready has big plallS for the surroundil1g: region. Giant Run Mounm.ins.Q_ooqI bas not artempted to expand his. Q__ooql irse mAde his way towardtbe f urface fr.om dIe mind I'IcC'II<'Ork beyond this secret,. easily defended pcsiticn, for ·of flayer city of Oryndoll,whtre he had made a piIgrilllage to seek bring;lIg unwanted aerearion to his work. The siljeld d\\':lrf d311 OUt the wisdom handed down byth.c avamrs of Ilsensine, who hassuffercd someattritio!l in itsnumbers, butch!: grimlod tribe had twin: made an app'-'aranceiJlchnt city. Por reasons known has nearly d'oubJed in size Wl(I!!T the supe.rvisioll alldco[luol of only to it, the city'S cider brain rejected Q_ooql. and he WllS slot the mind flaycr_ Even though rhe Oodkollg sometimes sellds allowed roenC!:I the dry. Believing tbis to be :.. tcsr, the mind forc~~ underground to root OUt his enemies •.Q_ooql is con tc'Itto flayer Inrk,-d at the edges of OryndoU for weeks. Filially he made Hve rhereunril be can make a serious play for control of QIle of another attempt to ent~r> olily to be .rcpellcd bya. force of thralls. d lC cit ies on the 51.! f face. Unable cntcrtheei;ty and susp.."t'tingan alliance of false priesss To th:is end, 0Qaq1 has his eyes set on Westgate. ana is firmly \\,ns arrny e'd agllu,s[ hilt'l, be wrncdaway from (he city and headed entrenched in the polleics of the clty---3t!cast the part of ir roar toward rhe su.lfacc. where h.: enecuntered a band of st.onc gja'llts lies outside tbe purview of[hc: Night Masks. I T~ sem1s dwarf from dwvillae:o of Cairnheim, cmL<;saries (rogues \voulil be II better term) to the ciryc.o make He suc.cessfully chrrrml!d the leader of the band: and asked [or overtures and b~ibes, to search for wcakuesses in thc" city's power ;TU audience with bis.chiefruin. whom ClQ9q1\llso thoogbt he COlJW structure. and to sa in contacts all dallies r ha e could ben efit hi nl n~;ulipulatc. The chieftain. ho\1,'Cve:r,turned out ·to be a c!";!.fty

Actin~ outside


sharron cell

The unworthljof Ilsensine

Arens of Influence



..... u the time comes to make his move. He bas also h re endy b<:COIIl~ interested in Iriaebor, although. he has no real plans for the city at the moment. REGIONS ~ is fairly contained in his,cavl:rn home beneath the Glam Run Mountains, but b sends morE' and more agents out with each passing month, Ilnd his Iisr of centaczs and allies is gro ins. AmJl: The Giant Run Mountains jut out of the gnxiud in this region. and the dwarves and grimlecks found und n,eatb these rnoenmins might b8~ some erperjcuce with tlw customs and culture of the Un)\'Orthy of Ilscasine, Draion COatt: TIlls rq;ion holds die most interest forQ_ooql. since its reputation and society might allow for a mimi Hayer to openly rull: II, city within tlre area. He has a fairly well-establiShed ll<!tWQrk of ontn.cts there, and his knowledge of the region's inner workings has growu extensively ill the past few months. The Weltern Heartlands: While Q_ooqllt.1S little infiuen ill this region, be is almost ready to send out fl't;'lers to the city of Irlaebor, He doesn't want (,0 use his shield d\V;lrv~'S[or this tnsk.. because he fears too touch expos ure could bring nosy heroes areuud, bUI 11(' would not be above domjTlafiflg (or hiring, if lr came to it) :I group of [reelancers to give him the rundown on the city's polirics, culture,
and power elite .







~ .~ ~

:S .....

joininv the unworthy of ilsensine ..

Q_ooql'~ reCTUI(II1S efforts callI: place outside chI! main membership of biscuIt, as he attempts to establish contacts and independent as..:!J]tswithin the city of Wctgacc. He continues to asslmilate small r groups of grimlocks into the main body of hi organization, ami is planning for the long torm by controlJiug their breeding. He also en our3g n higher thall no(mal reproduction rat among rh shi ld dwarves, often using .his psionic abilities to "encourage" pairings and speed along the courtship process. Q..ooql uses gold- [0 augJlll<:nt his psicuics, es~ci:lny wheu it comes to outside recruitment. His inRuence spans [he Dragon Coast> illcludillg members of several prominent families and guilds. A band of pirates in the Dragonmere i completely contro!Jed by the mind l13.yeIJalthough no one but the leader \5 aware of th fact-and even the leader believes th ir benefactor to be a powl!rful noble rarber than an abomination from the Undl!tdark. SkjJIed adventurers are of inrcrcsr to th e mind
S6i~ltl tl••


r+: .'''1:,11 "

h .",,'"II"






flllp:ras ""'ell, sine"!!they ow tfavel the surface world and bring iufqrmadon a_jJQtrCII.5UrC, items crucial to the success of Q_ooql's stra teG:i es, Grillliock ami shield dW:ll"fcharacte.rs could stare play as members of Q_ooql's [uk, or someeenract \9ith the cult could be worked iaee [he cllara:ctcr\;. background. Joinil~g tbe eule after one's career has already bcgull usually involvesa linanei~1 rransaceien, perllaj)sa bribe ora paymeut for services tendered. While Q_ooql is not. above using his charm monster ability to gain friends, .thli; L, not the optim!l.llvay to iarreducc player characters hl~o his, service. Adventurtrs who show noliesieatien to,tommir immoral and uaethica! act'S mjght come to his 1l,ttc!ltiolt if the), are in the area,and he always sizes up visirors to the dwarf enclave as possible recruits (willing or unwilling) for his organization.

Ac.tin~ within the unworthy of rlsensine

Q_ooql is incrl-"3sill:gly ineeresred ill whati!! going 00 outside the Dragon Coast, ant.l he mighc put together a parry of adVentUf'· ous illdh'idu.als to seck OUt infoflllllt'iotl for him. Such a parry Inighr be a diverse baud brougllf together for this purpose, or an established group ofadvenrurers ready to sell their skills (0 a powerful patron. The mind flay~r might USCOl1e group to bring hini lore from the surrounding area, anp another toscek our and verify anyrU!l1ors uncovered by tl\clirst p~:r[y.Q_ooql is always interested in tales of lost treasure, hidden 11121:\ic,and ancienr terrors that mlgbtbc brougbtincl) his service.

costs o.nd Benefits of


Actin~ outside the unworthy of rlsensi ne

OQ_oql often sends !l group of shield dwarves; OUt to find ..".artIlY tandjd'::m:s to bring illto his Ilccwork. He has also employed a drew namcd Tontraan Dei] for this specific purpOSI:, alrbougb rhe rogue pfffcr,s to truck his marks and' ",,,,reb them from afar, rnrher than mingle ·witb d'lem ill order to benet judge their skills. Most groups would balk at including a mind flayer's millioll in rheir party,. so discretion is often requirL>d if one wishes 00 serve Q_ooql "'hile traveling, with ullaffilia[C{f friends. Thtpenalry for being revealed as a mind Hayer's tool is Ilsually :twift and harsh,

Advenrurers ""hojOtll wieh Q_ooql can continue their ad\'I.'l1turing careers, bur must bring him rribures of goM, magic, and iJ~forma· cion on II.semiregular basls, He c:xpcCtsthelll toprovidJ:lliirn with iuforlll~tioll OJl the a1'C25 in Which he is interested,. ami p8n.!cu,I:I.rly \\\llllrs to hear about cities ill thcsurroundi.ns: regions in whi.ch he has, no centacts. Such groups an: instructed to make e'onl'llet with intelligent evil CrelmJrcs ratherthan rush in to ItiUthcDl, so chat Q_ooqlmiglrt possibly recruit them into his service. This is perhaps dIe most dangerous taO-. given to those who work for • [he mind Rayer, and has Jed to tIlt' deaths of lIlanyadvcnruring: .groups al the hands of adversaries, Working with Q_ooqldocs bnvc some benefies, bowever. Even Tile Zhelltar iIII ill a network of lIIerdll'lllts, spies; a ndassassi II S dlOUgli he t:lljoys dam i11ad ng frlen ds ande nell! iell a like, he is noc backed by a large army 11IIdled by a.Chosen of"Ballen:tml.:d Fzeul an ul1predictnblc tyrllllt-50 those w !lode bis bidding can (lIjoy Chcmbrj]. i\lso known as the Black Network, tile group uses some measure of seeuriry, They. are alsowelcome in the caverns in[inlida[iol~, tn.-acitcfY, and brute forccto cstablio11 itself as the in which he mases his horne, which conld serveas a. sare pla.c,e foremost mercanrile power in every area. where it is \l significant to launch adventures from, 3S" well 3S3 baven for alliesof ~I p,,-'s(mc(:, Although its tactics arc questionable. tbe Zhentariln who arc an the run from po\\..".rfulcncmics. AJ[houghQ..ooqi hasestahIishcd' rtself as au imcgral pan of rbe economy across d~uppr.Qves ofs:ood'al~!l;ned' ,crearurcs behlg led toward bis caverns IInKll of the Moonsca I'cg.i.on. Tbe !be[lts' influence docs not by d1sciples whoare 1I0t careful about hidi.ng tbeir trail, thili turn StOP [JIm, he wcwl"';they have est:iblisbed strOllg bases in and of events would be prefe:r>lble to .ha..... ehese o.~ra[ives taken ing around the desere of AIl3.urocb :ludeb.: Lahaf Smam. They prisoner :tl'ld perhaps being forced togj\'C away his plans. also h:tvc aacm'S across dle Nonjland ehe Ull.approachiblc The shield dwarl'~ have a Y:3ricty of mundane goods rhnr arc EaS[ who work tirek-silyto tunl ehese regions into bastions of a ... ilable to Q_!XlIjl'sm inious a[discoullt~-d: priecs (:I f% dllicount is a Zhclltari,m influence. stllndard, and Diplomacy checks to reduce the COSt even mOI'c ruee The Zlumts are a normal parr of life in the MOOllSC2,. as acmade with a ,,":1 beaus) ..Small a mounts of food and basic lodging cepred there .asMy ot.hermercau.tilc group \lIOUldbe inanothcr might be avail:!blc [or free wheaeverallics of Q_ooql are staying region of Faenln ..or coursc, du~irn1cdloJ5 and tactics arc \~~11 ill his ulIllerg,rollnd hayen. Whcntrave!t!lroul;h the Und.erdaik known, but they att also fairu:a~s who bring a lot offoreign goM is 1l~'CCS5aIy,Q_ooqloffers a grimLock guide to help make til!: trip and goods within m1c.n'of tbose in rhe region who can affo.rd'them. easier (and to k.:cp an eyt; out for u·a itors wIlO migln sell him Along tbe Sword Cease, the Zhclll::lnm is seen as a fara"~y encmy out [0 orher usind !layers,. or to The Dcdkong). Finally. Q_ooqi chat. uses blackmail, cxtorricu, and Imimltlatio.n to gctw.ho.rever himself is a repository of lore, both about the Underdark as \lieU ie wants· Those wllO,cravel ullder rhe !hem brulllC'r ill Warerdccp asabeur matters of relil!.ioll and the 3rc:mc.:lndhe. will' gladly or Baldur's Gate a:re likely to mise a. few c)'cbmws aud dose a few act as a sage and advisor (0 these underl,is sway who ask for doors, but few Gitiz.en·s in those cities fed overtly threatened by such aid. the Black Network. The Lords' Alliance ill the Korth 3.lId the



merchant princes of A mn know betler; oowtv:cr, and both groups do aU they eau to Stop tho: I:xpallslou of Zhellt:4ritn power and interests wherever .a.nd whell~vl'!r cileYCllIl.

Areas of influence
Because of recent upheavals in ril" organi;tlltKm as well as the 3ppc:lI'1lUCc of nel\lrhn:ats such as tile Shadovar, the Zhenl5 b3.ve refecused thl!.ir efrorts·on dominating the Mocnsea region. The)' are gUhctill1,; their forces at both Zhentil Keep and the Citadel of t.br;:. aven, which is mIlking Hillsfar and Melvaunr R \rcry nervous, While there .1135 been 110 ove1tly aggressive sign from either (ortress,l:yuYOI1C in the region is begillniqg to f~1 tilt; weigbt of PzooJ's stare. The dry of Mintar on til ... nerthweseem shore of ,til L:\ke of Steam is the most likcly plClce [or such an expansion, since it is ruh.-d by an :trrn, of Ballite.> under rhe collf;rol of Fzoul's aUy, Teldorn Darkhope, This region, witb its many indepcndenr citles and ruthless tyrnnt.s,h:ls been dubbed by some to be rill: Moonsea of the Soutll, and SOOII the BilleR Nctwork might lerld even moreeil:dihiliryto this nickuame, Tilesk is 1I.l1oth.:r area ripe for Z1n~ntarimexp:lllsion,. thanks to the Jnllssiv;core army that theZh.cnts left in the region after the war agaiust the Tuigan Horde. TIle ores haw become a paft ofehe Theskll.l1landscape •.howevef. and taC-lr loyalty to the mack Network llR.s waned. Fczoui has Wilt illcr.:asing numbers of em issarles of late ro attempt to Nb<ain eonrrol over the ores, but sa far he lia;s succeeded only in reaching tenuous ngreements that quickly fall apan. Rumors have bcea circulating thar FzouJ 11:1.5 brough.{ in Manxam the beholder to aid in the orc:s'f('Q'uirrncllt, and some of Fzoul's most trllst!.-dils~assins 110.d enforcers have been called :ll~ay to rho: east as weU. .. REGIOl\'S Tilc followiIlSI'cs:ions have a significaluZh':lItari01 PIVSC11CC,or have attracted the artearionof ZhClit aScrts aad recruiters as poss ibtr: loca dons for cxp a ndin g c he groll p's in I!uenee: Anluroch: lTnril rhl: City of Shade .reappcar''ti,owrthe desert Sllllds, the Zhcllts o;J.'eI'C tht: mostinRuential group in the desert. They still eontrcl trade dlfoughthe llIiddl~ 'of dll! desert along the Brnck Rood, and rhe Zltenrnrim ean be fbulld {.'Vcrywhere :along its winding p~[b. Th.e L.ke of Slum: The Banitc stronghold of Mimar is very fricildlyto tltc.13htck NetwQrk, which has begunins:tilllil~g its rl"pr~ltatfVCS through the clllll'ch hierarchy that rulesthe city. The Zhcmsare slowly becoming a part of [he Mintaran landscape. and it is more and more common nowadays totind soldiers flyln_g dw banner of die Zheflt'arim alongside rha.cof the army of Bane Chat occupies the c.ity. The MOOD.8eI.: TII.is region is tll~ Zhellts' hom ...bese, aud thelr numbers .andinflucuO: here are greate~r rhan iu :.my other Piln of Fa~run. he Local population values the tr:rde and mili;t1I:ry T might thac the masters ·of Zhenril. Keep bring to tlleregion. The growt'hof the Zhcntarim armies has the common folk 1\'Ollde.rins

if they will SOC?Il arch Oil Mclvaum or HilJsfar in allan-clUpt m to solidify their eonerel of the region, The Nortb.llId the Silver Marches: The ZJJrmts' Illfilcrntio)1of these r~.ogioll.sl outside of thelr obvious occupation of Llorkb., has been more illSidtous tllUU in other locuiens ..Retired Zh.cntarim soldiers havesettled in tbereg,ioll, claiming that tbey have broken rles with rhe Black Netvr'O.rk and new desire a faraway IOQnOIl to live out the restof thelr lives. The Lords' AlIillllce and tlw pcop.le of dlt regions aN skeptical of these claims. however, Thel):.: The 131:1111<. Net:\l'O.rk is ouly JUSt now sturtin.S. to gaiu 3. foorhold here, but rhe Theska.ns St.m vitw tllO:ora, as wdl as theirpereeived Zhem:a.rim maseers, witb well-founded mistrust and fear.


zhenror irn

The Zhc.muim hassl.o.wed itsrecruiring o:ffortlJ ill f'~l1t months to focus 011 reconsolidating it 2Owt"r in tll.t hlOOllSe:I re~!ou. The Zhentsare still working behiud thcs('"'CI1C'S to regain dK' loyrury of the ore horde in TIJl!:Sk,and tliey would like wllxpaJld dldr trade network into tlre L'lke ·of Steam region to take better ad~:tut:lS(! of tile incredible OppoftIJl1iri<:s in Calimsh.analld Amn. The group is .illmys OJi the I.oo.kout for valuabh: new recruits. In areas Wh':N it5sold iers a IId CUil vans au COIl1I1:\OI1 sites;-- the Meonsea, Annuroch, ami pans .of thl' North-die Zhelltllri:ru o!X'1l1yrecruit III!W soldiers fralntlle ioca!popuilltioll. TIlt Zhents prefer [I1Q~ w.itb some experiencc, but YOUJl!:.ecruks are oftcli r used to. make the arduousjourncy ac.roos die de5l<rt~rom L!orkh (·0 Dagger FallsnmJ back. Joilling the Bbck. Network is a simple ruatter-one simpl)' lindsa ZhI!Jrltarim outpost or force alit!. states his intentions. The chara.cn.."f is then dirocl'ooto a lornllieutenaJlt, Wllo qur:stions tbe p.to5pC'Crivc recruit in order to gaug\! his IoyaJty, mktlt'S., and fitness, Those suited to serve as common soldlersare titJlcr placed into wh:newr unit they happen to approocll, or are s.::1'lt to units in need of reiJlro.rc~mellt. Those who sholl' 'evidence of more ~pccializcd talents are considered more CJl.refuUy. Mages and derics. boch amol1g tJIJ! most valuable and dan.gcrous.recruits the Black Ncrwork takes in, are oftt:!Jlscnt to UJendl Keep so tile pricsaof13·alle call rurtllet ul~~ig3te their loyalty. Rogues) druids, and r3J1g~ an: Ill05t oftt'1'I it 110""'1:1 to act iHilept\nde IIIl}1 in dw in [\.-Tl.'S[ of the organizarion, since their mlltlltslnd proclivili.es do not mesh \\1:11 with. {he SlTUcturctl nature of tbe Zbenbdltl military forces. If a character wishes to join tllcorsanization but is already occupieden a quest of his own, he mlSbt still be considered. The Zhl.illtarim use such a'dventurcr·rt'truits to k~'1!pa'breast of informarion ncr readily available to the org;lIIization through its trading network and local coneaers, The Il"utll bchincllegcllds. news ·of activity in ruins and other aooud.oncd sires, a.lldme Iocarions of lliagic artifacts :1110 deposirs of natural resources are all valuable pieces of i;lrormarioll dmt tIle Black }lct:WOrk can use. Those wh.o .~pOl"t such find.ings Ir~ck to the le:ldcrsbipcal1 expect to be r"'rl'!lnied, lI,iliile: those who withho.!d such informatiOIl am exp:cCt to be severely punished if tbey are found out. •



costs ond Benefits of Membership

Th~ Zhclltuu'll [1Olq_uil'e acdw service from all (bell' members, andcompJete -respect of the authority of tho~ abovc.a character in thechaill of cOI1'lmand.Thll.t said,eVlm low-level ch.arilc~rs WllO wish 1;0 join the Zbcntllrim w.ill not necessarily be pressed iJJto catava:1l duty Or otJ]tr such mundane easks, As imlg, as they continue eoprovide the Black Nct;work with information aootle the region in whkhth:e), arc llcrh'e~new members are ft·ell to explore and adventure in pllfsuic ·of thcir own goals (assuming they are not areress-purpcses with tbe organization). Tbcre is no real prerequisite for joining. ot11t.r [hall a wiH~grlcss to follow orders-which usually entails committiJlg evil acts. Me.rnhcIship inrhe organization has m.any benefits. A Zhenr is .allvomaricall)l under the protecrlon of the entire network, and should be able to call (or aid if be is under attack or ~. interests the group arc i11.jeop~a.rdy.Treachery amcsgrhe ranks is rare, because loya.lty is:I key conlponcnt of the Zhenruirn pbilooophy. A Zhentuim PC can hirealJied henchmen ,lJld lllrelillg5 al a 10% discount from thl: standard fates (includin, hazard pa.)'),. 31ldthe character gains 3 +4 bollUS OIl Diplomacy checks made to influence a; hirding's artitudl:. A cliaracter with the Leadership feat gains <I +'2 bonus on.his Leadership SCOl'c for the purposeef recruiting collOrLS and folloM)r5 if he dra\V5 solely froln :a pool made up of 'l.henrarim forces or loyalists, Zhelltafi:1n Pes ClInaJso· requisition equipment at discounted rates if they art within Zlu:nt-coHuolledcerritory o'r ~rc dealing with affiliated merchants or caravans. In manda II e equip IllCll.t

procured from the Black Network carries a standal\d disroullt of 5%.:Illd DiploIDflCYchecks made by iii. Zhclltcl1aracte.r to lo.....::el' rhepriee of magic Item.s or .!>peda! equipment gain a ..2 bonus.

Actin,? within rhe zhenrnrim

A group of adY~lltur~r$ might be PUlto.getbcrby the Zhcllta.ri.m in order eo further tbeorgallization.'s goals ill llootradidonal ways.Thegroep might be: tasked with rcoringoue pr.iests loyal to Cyricist jJl the Moonw:! region. or !>eating tbe Harp ..rs toa rumored a.rtifact or porlal. Sum groupswould be welJ'supporil:d .with gold, mllgic itc:ms, ami the aid of frieflrUy CO!101.Cts in t:iJe arcl!. in which they are operating. Individual Zbentaril1l lUight be paired IIp with compatible party members from withill the ranks to form these ~Ddependent adventuring bands, or an eneire group of ndventul<ers milJhr be lured ill [.0 the fold by promises of treasure and l\UtJ10rity.


Actin~ outside the zhenrorirn

Beillg anu:mber of the Zllcntllrim docs not make a character Ilnaceeptable in an advcllturing :parry-in fact. dlt. 111Cmber's easier access ·[0 high-C[tlnlicy w~apOlls,. Illagic irems, and special cquipnumt could be seen asa great. benc.fic. While the entire party eauuot abuse the Zhent:lJ'im's prhrUcggs, he oan still bring irems into ehe group thm misht not normally be avail'tbk. III the Moonscaand along the Black Road. Zhcnts areconsidered II part of everyday life, alld thus 21] illd~peJldellt agellt of rhe Black Netv.'Ork lItig.Jtteven be WCIC:OlllC? ill a Parc)'thar ~,nor c-omposed entirely of evllcharacrers. ::::: ~ ;: ::g


:.. ~ ...


:1::. <>

:lSic and tiLcent'rgy of tile planes flow freely throughout the world of Toril, An:hmages wield uilthil,lkablepowers, and priests of dark gods perfonn rituals to concentrate e'vi~ in fheir 'IInboly shrines. The direct effeets of such !,ower being. dirccred by mortals are obv.ious to all-but there are more subtle conSequellCes as welL In
the labydnt11 of darkness aad stone beneath rhe surface of the

Many node lecations are already known, especially :1nlong rhos!:' \\ruO travel inevil cirdl!s, and others havl' yet ro be discovered. Nodes manifest themselves in diffel'em Wll)'S,from a collstantsh~doWy aura [0 anarea of stale air that ~tnS roassault tile lungs of llonel'iI creatures tharcome near. Scve.raJe.\ample nodes ~ld their loc;tciomi are given !>ilow,. although many more exist across and ulldemeatll Po.cru.n,

world, SUdl el1~rgi<:'spool to ereateearrh nodes, where powerful magic is trapped in tbe stoneirself. This power waits ~o be tapped by these sensitive to its presence, but otherconcentrated sources of power exist as wclt Nodes of p_ure evil dot the iaDdscape whert! acts of unspeak· :I.blc immorality have taken place, Lif.;ew.ise, the newly formed Shadow Weave" lIas minor imperfections- that cause its cnergy to leak onro rile MateI'ml Plane andinfuS<! the sor.rou,ndillg elTvironment with irs corrupt arcane nature. Shrines teevil deities are imbued with rhe essenceof faleh itsul1; trnmlatiog into boons for tho~who follow the god and corruption for those whe do not. Finally, an insidiou.s forrn of corruption can be found ""here elderevils tr.:ac1. Tho:se being~ of pure evil leave behind U'3C e-S of their pOI\'<:.r t.hat can ,cerrupt for generations these born ill rhe area.



Evil Node



Certain conccntrar.iot1s of 'evil ellergy radiate like II beaconto magic-wielding creaeares in the area, The power is not visible to tho: naked eye. but an be detec~ed bycliose with tilt ap· p.ropriate kl1owLed,gcand Sl!n9itivity.Evil spelleasrers pay dearly forknowledg.e of ehe location of evil nodes. which increase the effce riven ess of their spells andallow them to caU forth pO"I'on a.. ove and ~yolldthdr b normalabiliry.. Evil euesidcrs and intdligent undead cha,( can cast spells also-lair aroulld :evil nodes \\Ille:neyerpossible-and often fight each other for contrel of such 1111rea. a

The boundarics of an evil nod~ are not visible to the naked I\ye unless che node itself manifests somev~l5illle effect, An ~vil uode CllJl be detected, however; any erearure thatc.omes within 30 feet of the outerlllost 1aycr of all evil node can ma)(e :I .DC 20 Inrelligence check, or a DC 20 SpC1I.crafhheck if it has th~ appropriate Node S~Hcnstins: fe.:l.t.Evil creatures gain a ~1; bonus on [his check, A successful check or either sort r..:veaJ's rill: SOurce and direction of it coneenrranon of evil power. Channers with the appropria.tI:' Node Spellcasting fl<-at rwogniz.t: this po'l~r as an el'il. node •.dloug.h 'tiler cannot dctCrrllinc its exr.:nt, shape, or d35S wichout physically m:lpping. it, • The Sno.FCof an evil node is not determinoo bythl: surround· iqg geography. It might cx(\?nd fOT some W3ysllndergrol!ud, il'ito ~he side of a urounrain, erthreegh the w~ter5 of a rlver or lake. In someeases, mqst of an evil node mlghr be hidden uy such it featuto:, allowing creatures of anappr.opriate son to take it ever \.\'ithol.ll much distur&ance. Evil spcl.lcasters often e.Xc.1vate SUdl areas for their lairs, exwllding atewer into the air and a dungcotl underground in order t'O fully benl:n.t fromthe node's area of htfluent;-e


Evil Node closs and size
Till: pow~r of an evil node is de rermi lied by its class, :I. number. that: normally falls between Land r. The higher the number. ehe more powetCul the evil uodc~Weakc"il. nodes arc ltIorecomrnol1 than strong ones. The majority of evil nodes are Class 1 or 1.; olily a few Class 3. 4, and .f nodes have been discovered, Evil nodes more w"'erful than Class i .bave not 00(.11found,. althoug,h theoretically they could exist. E"illlodcs of Ctas! :2 or higher dj.mi.uish i.ll strength as tllI:y radiate out from the core. The illtel1sic), of a powe'fful node is measured in laycrlii a nods hlls .::tS. maul' hiyers as: ies class, Thus, a Class 2 evil node has ewo layers. while a Class r evil node has five. The UlI1.Crlllost shclllu.s the highest rating. equ:l! to dl::lt of clll: cntire node. ElIch laY('T !>eyoud the ftrst hasa classraeiliS 1 poine lo\\,crtnan [he Layer it surrounds. pore.>t::ulIp.le, ,in 3 Class 3 node. the inn errnes C Class 1 urea is enta sed in a Class '2. layer. which is surrounded by a Class 1 layer,. The size of an evil node is linked to its class, as shown all TlI:b!e 5"-1.

evil Node powers

All evil node's class ";Uld the values of its variees layers'mvc

'2. 1


5-1: Evu,
Node DC







Layer Width 5" [0 30 r~t 10 co 40 feet 20 to SO fl.'Ct ~O to 120 reet 40 to 160 feer ro [0 '2.00 feec

Node Diam"eter 10 to 60fl'd 40 to 160 feet

120 to "SO leet

240 to 960 feet 400 [0 1,.600 foct 600 to 2it-OO foct

Node VC. ...This \'alu"c is the base DC for checks made to hMneS5 (he node's power (seeRvil Node .Powers~. below). Lnysr lPidth;' TItis value describes the chickness of each. l.ayer tn the nede, For clUImpJc}3typicnlClass 1 node mighl consistcf three layers. each TO fe·er wide, Nodt 1);ame fer: TIl is Jill mer lea I ra ngereproclIcs tllc overall di3cllleterof tbe 110de, from one outermost edge of its class 1 shd'i Co the exact 'opposite edge of tbe- same shell,

imp1icadmls reg::ud:ing the POWCr6 it provides. E.x-ccpt for the OO.I"IUS (be node gl":l.lltslocl'"fccrive caster level (sec beI0l~1. these pov.trs are ava ita bte ollly to II character wit"htbc appropriate Node Spel.lcasdus feat. A cba.ractcr· must be aW"a[c of 3.11 evil node in order eo usc a lIy 0 r its po .... 'Us. BODIl' to Effective Cuter Level: Ail)' evil speHcasrel'" (or evil creature wieh spell·like abilities) cantake advanrag;c of this ba.5ic fcamre of an evil node:. An c:vil speHcaster standing .within an e vii node layerc.:tn3tt"Clnptroadd its class to the effect ive caster mvel of ally spell .he caSts, To succec(l,. he,nu.st make 3. successful lllcclliscnce check (DC equal to node's base DC + spell .level) whill: caseing [he .spcll. (Making this 3.Ctempt docs not change the spell'scastingtiJne.) rr the died; fails. tbe spell is simply caSt :1[ tbe ch:mu:ter's ncrrnal caster level. If rile check succeeds. me spdJeaStl!f adds the laycr'~ class to his caster Levd for that spell; A characeer with rbe apprepriarc Noo.e Spel.lcasring fear tall atwmpe a. Spclkrafe chock iuste.::td ora.n inreJlig!:llce ch~> agai,lIst dIe sallie DC. for this purpose. A spcnC3$~cr call cilOOSC to usc lessor:l. node's power tJt.111 is nvailablcill order [0 IOWl:,"dlC ric for the cheek. For eX:3tI1ple. :Ii speHcastcr mig.hr elect to atld oilly tWO leveJs eo his efrenivc caseer level in [he center of :I CI;tss 4 lIode, ehereby Iowe.rill& tht: DC fr.onl 25 ...spell level [0, 11 + spell level. A bomrs [oefrecti\'c QlS[CI" level has several dfccts on spells. a.lthololghsome forms of magic l)lm~6t mere than others. All erfeccs dependent on casrerlevel (such as caster .Ic"i'clcbecks,. damage: dice, duration, rang!)', and die like) arc. ea Iculatod ucordiJlg to the new taster 'level. Por example,. if a 9thel~vcl cleric successfully uses node magic to improve tbe caste.r level of ~ jltl1m: !I"ike C";!;SC in tbe tenter of 3 Class .. node, the spell deals 13dd poines of daJll:lb'C and 11.18. a maximum range of '210 feet because the caster has <til effecrillf.: caster level of Bth (9th.level cleric + CllIS!>4 node), The bonus to effectivccastcr level docs not allow a spellcasrcr to exwed a spell's maximum darnagcor other fixed limlr (if applicable). . A spdlcasa:rusing a:n'cvil node in itills way must make a separarecheek fOT ,c3.dl spcUbe wants ~o modify.

Ne\U Node

Tv.pes and Node MoCSic feats

}:ooc magic .... first introduced in the UmJer.d;z1'Ji supple'as Spellcastins: more than onee, applying it to 'II diNi:l"'Clitnode with irs description of canbllooc's, All the node type ·e8.ch.time. In this C:ISC, tb,e other llode magiC [dts must magic fcats illtlb1f book refer only to earth nodes. Wj[h the also lie· selected more rhan once to apply to diffcrentty!:"-'S introLluctioli of-C\·il nodes and Shatlow Weave nodes in this of 1l001es. book, the rester of node magic feats has bccllcipanded. Now, • A characeer widl tbe Nooe Spellcastil1g fl."l1[ g1\ins a +'2 whene\'~ra ch;!rac:t.<!r choosesthe Kode Spelkasring fl.o'at. he benus on hjs'lnrelUscnce cJt<.ItI..to de~ect a node ·of a 9'JX: to must attune him&l!lf ro a specific type"" of nodc-eardl. evil. which he is not a.ttuncd. or Shadow WcaVJ;.l'b.erL'llrt~r, any Il~magit: feats .be selects Revised node mas:ic feats can be fowld ill Chapter '2. beginapply to rhar type of node OIl}Y.· It is possible to select Node !ling on page 2f.·



G~nDtc:dSpc:llt: 'Evil nodes arc often tied to a specific theme, such a darkness or undead, :lod they call gra!lt spells to evil spelleasters who are sensitive co their magic. E.very evil node can grant a 11ufnber of spells equal to its class, "'~tb a maximum spell level equal to its class. For exan1pJe, a Class 4 evil node am grant four spells of 4th h:vd or lower. A character with die appropriate
Node Spei!casring feat can access any ofa node's granroo spells that he is high enough in level to cast normally. To make use

new creatures ~11e",e. character attcmpting A

to imprison a erea-

tun: instantly knows whether th nod > i~ full, although he doc' riot know what creatures are imprisoned there if he is not the
~Ct5 and ncniueelligcut erearures cannot be stored in a (lode in this frashion. AChal'llc~r ",iho has imprisoned a creature in an evil node can retrieve tbe creature from any evil node-not just the one Iie scored it in~by making 3 Spellcrafr check (against rhe DC needed to imprison tJ, erearur ). Suce s summons tnt: creature wherl!vcr chc character designates ~ ithin the area of till: node. Attempting to r lease an imprison d creature is a stalU::i:lrd action J,at provoke atC'lds of opportuniry, A spellc ter other chan the one who trapped th~ creature can also attempt [0 retrieve it, but only witfiin the I!vil node wlu:re tlrc creature was eriginally imprisoned. To retrieve a creature snored b}'another cllaract r,che spellcaswr must make a SpcUcrafr check (DC equal to the node's base DC +- the caster level of the haracter wbo originally imprisOned the creature). Success indican ..-s dlllr:t trapped creature (determined ar random, if'morc thall one is imprisoned) appe:lTS at a point designaeed by rhe character retrieving it.

one who imprisoned them. Obj

of n node-granred spell, a character muse stand inside die node and attempt a Spellcraft check (against the node's base DCi see Tabic f-l). A character who prepares spells can prepare each of a node's must be pn:pared within me characrer~s uormnl allotment and in the appropriate spell slots, The chara~cterlUust sucreed on .:\ Spellcrafr clR'C'k for each spcU so p.rcparcd (see ;j.bove). Failure indicates that the spelleasrer cannot prepare that spell or attempt to prepare any other node spells for '24 hours. Once prepared, II. node spell i created like a normal speD prepared by the character, If he spdlcasrer leaves the nod > he can till t tit spells he pr~pared while there. A spellcasrer who does not prepare spells (such as a sorcerer) cannot use a node-granted spell outside-th node. As long as he remains within tht node, however, he can use the node-granted spell as if it were one of his spells known .ae the appropri.ue spell level, No extra sp!:11slots are granted; tb se spells must be accounted for within rhecharncrer's normal alloemenr, The caster mu r anernpt a Spelkraft ch ck each time he tries to use a node spell ill this way; making this attempt docs not chanse rhc spell's casring time. Failure indicate rhae II cannot use thar spell and may not attempt to u any of the node's spell for '24 bOUIS.
Imprilon: imprison A character who is alton d

granted spells that he can cast, provided that he does SO while within th node. 0 extra spell slots an! grunted.; these spells

Minifies ond ModificQtions

As noted above, evil trearures and spe!lCastcrs might ebeose to n~lI.ke~tbe,irlairs within theareaofanevil node. Such creature,s often mooifyarl evil node or th~ surrounding g~oogr:tphy to bo:ro:r take advantage of its powers OI to better defend t~ msdves. A creature might build a tower or an underground fercress within rhe area of a node, create II temple to an evil deity, or mak anorh r pbysical modification to the node's space. Custornization must be den by the appropriate physical means and take'S the same amount cf-time that such a proj.:ct normally takes. Ensuring time the node remains magically intact during rhe process requ ires :I successfu I Spellcra ft cbeck (DG equal to dIe node's base DC + 10) b}' all overseeing character with the approprian Node Spellcasring [eat when th custcmizarien i complete (or aIrer each week of all onGoing cusromization project)'. Each failed check permanently reduces the node's class by 1.

evil nodes can

i!lSide 311 evil nod inddiILitc:ly. Trapped creatures are not Iii ible, lUll)' net ccmmunicate with the outside world, -and cannot afrect their environmenr-c-in effecr, rhey are in a state of suspended animation. A node can accommodate a number of rrapped creatures equal to its class, and no single creature can have more Hit Dice than three rime the nod ' class. . other A character attempting to imprison a ereature must attempt a pellcraft check (ag3inst the node's ba DC) \ hile he and the creature are both standing within the node. The creature must be· willing to be iUlpruc;ned, whether through cbarmi,lg, courpulsieu, bribery. or agreemem. R'lilure 011 rhe check indieaees rharthe creature is not imprisoned, and the character C3 IIJI01 am:rnpt to imprison rhar creature against for 24 hours. Atrempring to <imprison a creature requires a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Imprisoned creatures disap~~r, dispersed within dlC ellergy of the node itself They cannot speak or act, do not require sleep, food,ol water, and do not asc- essentially, they cea TOexist_lf a node-has reached its imprisonment limit, no one can imprison





A renegade fey'ri named Entreya lairs near this evil node, which spoils all of the plane life and water within its area, It can be

found on the eastern edge the Higb Porese, about sevenry-five miles south of the ruins of HCllgate Keep. HIGH FOREST EVIL NODE
CIa .. : 4 Granted Spells: rny of ~if~eb/(:mr'" sbnd07v sprayl'RCS, ray of
q.\·/JllfIsli.011; t:neT'lJf1li071





.As more and more oj Shilr's follo:YilCtsmanipula.tl:tllc S.had'ow Well~lctoward d]J;!f vile ends, it has begun to 1t..'lIvctraces of its corrupted power across Paerun. These pools. of leakil,g SbadolY Weo""! n'U\b'ic are knowl1'D.s Shadew Weave nodes, Such nodes lUeexc£cdingly rare, but for chose Slta.dow Weave users w'no, know of their erlsrcnce and loe:atjwl, they arc a very pow<:rfut tool indeed.

GREAT RIFT SHADOWWE.AVE NODE.. Clau: '3 GraQfed Spell,; silmf im~!A SUIre, rn.g~, ('Dnllv;1 atSrl."tIS mul




page 29,

The gods of TorH play an aceive roll:' ill ebe ~}'·to-day affairs of the world's inhabitants, and are a fo!cc intheir lives as mudl n,s nature, Ilug:ic~ life. ami dead1- Geuen:ltio~5 upon gC!!en:l:riolls have spt:nt amazing amounts of mo.ney and time building srand temples raven crate ebcse gods, a TId wars h:! Vc been fougpt ill their I~ames, Dut. at its heare, all religion is local, especially for deities whose po_wer is lillked' to rhe number and .O'cngth of their [oHowers. Not every town has a grand temple. and !lot CI'UY cressreeds inn has a c1t:rkof tIlcloc:a1 gods (of IY.hkh tbert are usually. many). "For these placcs> a sllIinc linUSt SliJfnce as a gathering pl[!ce al1d focaJ point fortheiT Ylorship., A shrjne can be built and dedicared by II priest, or an cXislil,g structure or plr)'sical feature could be reoo.gnizcd asa shrine because of its conI IIIen use ill ceremonies conducted bylOClI worshipc.rs. However they come into being. the gods celwuly recogl1ue alld appreciate 'these shrines, and tile best ·of them dra.w more dIan, tlu~ir fair share of divine attemien. A shrine occasionaUy 5CrVCS 35 a cOllduit for a minuscule portion ·ofa god's power .. While this mmsfomluioll most Oft"'11 takes place at the bands of abcseecbing clerk or lay priest •.sometimes a deit)! rakes che in idative to. inf uSC au it n:iiI IXlrSOImlly. Some shrines are.naturally created when a god makes a direct impact on an 3r~2, M:l!t}, of rue known shrines of Pa.ulin werecreated dltring rheThne of Troubles:. when the gods w.alkedamong mortal's all~ rought terrible battles l!.[,'ainsf one another and tbe comlMn t's denizens,

Shadow Weave nodes follow all the ruks for evil nodes with regard to detection, utilh..1tioll, elass and sue, nad modilic:llions, 31though only Shadow Weave USi:rS ClIII bCl1c.fit from a SbadQ\.\ Wi:ave node. These aedes do not have the ill~prioonillg ability ef :10 cvill~ode; lnadditioll,. their powers are different from chosl:: of Indilloocs, as described below. Bonul to Effective Cauer Level: Evoca.tioll and rransmutarion speUsCionot be modified' by.a Shadow WClI\!e node, (lor can spells widl the light descriptor. The Spcllc.raIr DC to incrta,S<! [he: Cllstcrlc\fcl of an cllcllantlllcnr. illusien, or necromancy spell cast within a. Shadow Weave node is' reduced by 4. Granted SjlcUs: Shlldow Weave nodes almost always grant spells from the I!llch.mtment, illusion, and necromancy SdlOO!S. as wcll as thOSt with the tlarkl)($S descrlprer, The)' cannot gtant evocation OJ' tr~.lI5mu(ation .s-pelli (except these witb thcdarklles5 descriptor), or those with tbe light d«eriprur. Empowet.mcn.r: A eharacter witb the appropriate Node Spell(':a.5ti.ng I'c:u ~':u\d.rawe!1e~gy from a Shadow Weave Ilodct. making him strongllr,. fastc(,:1.I11:1· more robust. 10 do SO, tiL chancrer l,nU5tam:mpt a Spcllcmft check (against t1u:node's base DC) while standing "!trwn dw J10<lc. 'Failure lndicatC!5tfultthe. characccr gains 110 bcnt;fit and may noragainartempc cmpoweuncJ]t within this node (Of 1; hours, SucC"CS5lll'allt!lrhc characrer a bonus to Srr.:ngtb, Dexterity. or Constirution equal to .the node's cJas.~fOT a. period of 1hoar, Thecbaracter <an choose to usc the bonus for Oll~ ability SCOTe or to distribute the bonus :lInons .any or a.1Iof tb~ ability scores at the time of empowerment. He ean caoose nor rotake advantage of tile !lode's fullscll:llgch in order tolower tIle DC the Spdlcntft check, Poe example •.3 Sharran priest in iI. 'Clai!s r Shadow Weave node dllcides.to empoy.-er hin'lSelf before b:ltclinIl3' group of adventurers. If he succeeds OJI his .DC 30 Spclkr.aft chCN:k, be can distribute r peiurs between his Strenll'th, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, If h~ onlywa.llts to boosl his Collstitudoll bj' 2. poilltsfor some ~tra hit poincs,chen he could do $0 by making a DC 15 Spt;Ucraft check (3 Class 1 node's base DC~.


sh cine Appeofonce
A shrin~'s location can take pr:a.cticaUy auy phfSical form, fmm
,I carved stone idol, to a naeural lakeor cavern, to a ,grove of sacred trees, A shrinc~sform and location usually represcnt some

as,pect of dlt: god's portfolio. but .II1Ced do SQ, Shrillcsthllt arc not centered aroundau artifact or specific piece of lal1dsca~ radiate outWllrd, but their Si1:e hasno bt..'llJ'ing 011 the pot.ency of tlte:ir effects. In fnct. shrines .of:lll sites exist. ;Somc arc no larger than a tangle of ViJ1(:5 that can surround a single worshiper, while others JtI igbtcncompass aneadre Illouutaintop.

exomple shadow weave Node

Darscr lronUlOOt'~ dan of dwarf worsh.ipcrs ·of Shar hllsbuilt its umkrgrotu'ld fortress· around a Shadow Weave node deep in die Gl'e:lf Rift. The node apPl-lI.rsas a fractured fock char c9J1Cinu'ollly lenks shadow up, into 4lnimpenetrnblt: darkness.



Since most shrines, appear nlllllda.l1c, tbeyt"ll11 be di_flkult to detect for those who do not know efehcir ottistenee. SO'l11ctimes they fI'lanifest minor physical ·affeces connected to tht!lraspccc in SOllie way. A .~irsin Sro~'Cdedicated to Silvanus' Inight b;£vc'



a. sw\:et wind blowing du:olIgb it at ;til rimes, while the :til: in a ea VI: d.edic:tt«! to Bane" might causeaIlllonbdi~vefS ee whett.~ :lnd cheke, In o~tr to l'I.'COglla.ethese signsas signifying the presence of a wille, acharacrer standing within it must make a ~'Ucccssful DC 11' Knowledge CN\igion) cheek. If the check result exceeds the DC by f Of more, he can determine the strongest Iacecof thcsoo's aligllLDcnt; f'Ofl'xample,. a shrine t'O Mask would radiate cb.:l'Os.while one dedicated CO Loviarar would radiate evil. If tile c.h~lCk rllSult ~;(C!.'Cd5the DC by 10 or mor~ he can. de"crmil1~ whidl. GOOchc shrine is dcdkaredto.

A description of thcshrint's llppea:rancc,IOcatioll,. :md guardians (!fail)') follows the name entry . Ritul: Tl'Iis section d~'SC.filJ.estheritual that gl'ants a benefit to fcHowers.and 5pells out anyskm check or ability cnr:ck,t.imO! conl_mitlllent. or sa.trifier: that mustbe madeeo complct'C tile ritllatTIu:se rituaJs, can be performc~: by a:nyonc, bur Qnly those devoredeo the Sad inquc:stion can fc<;"Civo .rirual's benefies, All :1 others suffe.r some baleful effect for hlwinr, the arrogance to plead. to a god that they do not wo.rship, aitu.1 Benefit: A dl!'S('riptiofl of the benefit eonferredto a foll'ower thar sw.:cessfully completes tn.!: ritual.B.lefull Effect: Nonfollowers who perform the ritual or orherwlse dCSttrntc the shrine suffer the efli:clI; describcdthis section. No saving theo .....is allowlI'da,sainst these effects unless otherwise noted. Secondary curses are ofrengil'cu ami usually allow a S3l'ing rh!Ow of some kind, Additional Inform.rioo: Guardian :cre3tures, cx,unp!ccncoou· ters,arJd any other useful lnformaticn for DMs :llId players ean be found here, ThE VALl!. OF WHISPERS The suppGcaJ1ts ofShar vilJue seerees abov;e gold. Mru\). of Shar's faithful .spend t.neir entire lil'C'S gArJlcringand 'kl.-eping StlCr~rs, u~ins them as 'C\lJ'ccncy to increase .cheirsra.lldilig within the church alld to seny in rhe fal'oroftheir~dess. Every S<:!CTCt whispered toa priest or followcrof the Lady of Loss is hlo"3.rd by the deity as well. and she stores them all in an ullholy shrine k~owu :u rhe Valr: of Whispers.. ' The "vale" is actually a. lOO·root-r.adius. dome-shaped cave created by an ovcr:h:mg of rock at the southern endof the GIV' pwk Moulltaills,just northwest of the Marsh of Chelimber. The cave is said to be ':Ill old !IS Facrim itself; and its floor and ceiling a;re covered. by thousands of needlelike rock formations. In the ewning.. when the: I~llt of the setting Still streams ill through the cave's only Clltl'llnCe, these stony teeth gjyc: onethe i.nlpnr~ion of w:llking into ehc maw of a. creature of legendary evil, It is ,only aftc,r one walks inside d\al rJle'truc nature of the place call be determined, All the whispered secrets of FaerUn make. their 1'1'3)" here, and tll(,'}' bounce around the ~~.tvece:aselessL)'. A . hush~'tI o!l.;opoony persisrs in the cave at aU rimes as whisp:rsccho off the waUsand S[ol1CS. No m3.tre.r wbere one stands within the cave, every mincee or soa secret win telrerbernte' ro precisely his spot, thai whisper briefly becoming. much. louder and clearer than ,t~ others. Othef\visehe he-arsonl), tlu: gUIgLe of the 'odler ~IS as they flow ar·ound ~he robm. Animals callnot stand. 1M soutld of to is it,cessallt whispering arid have learned to avoid the mVe. It requir e-s a: successful DC 11 Diplomacy check or H ..ndle Animal cheek to ceerces familiar o.r animal eorapanion (resp«:ti\;cly) inco the cavern; all ocher ananals will refuse to set foot inside. OCClll!ioltaJly the secrets seem to take [orill. and ,Ait like shadowsaround tile room. In r~al.iry, this disturbal1C1': IiiaRock of ulr:rapoWcrful shadows bound by Shartc guard the Vale of

shri ne powers
Sh.ruusare not jusr places of worship. they contain a small seed 'Of their god's power, granting boons (.'0 loyal followers aud casttl,g curses onthose nor of the faitb. These benefirs ror fellewers can be Reeting insightl> intO lU5t·qry or matters of til.e arcane, or they can In fuU·.A:edgcd powl:rs {11Mlast for a day ormore. Whatever the boon. it exists at the whilll of the god thor provided it, which means that it 'CQ.11 be taken away as easily as lr wasgranred, The en~rgy 't1_lnt radiates from a shrine is ambient-it becomes a part of the lW;j{ion irsel[ Ir cannot be used (orallY purposeotber tllallthc benefit of.:!. god's follower, and even thcn ollJy the most dedieated followers g;tintbcgod'5 favor ..A cleric orpaledin of {be appropriate d\.'it)lcn:n gain a shrine's benefit whl!llever he wishes-un tess tJut god has decided to punish him for tr:lIlS,grt'ssions agtdusr the faith. FoHowersof.a d~ityare not so lucky, and must make eirll£r a DC 1r Knowledge (religion) or Charisma check i11 order to gain die shrin~'s benefit. Havins a priest lead the ritual invoking the shrine's pO.... provides II -ef '1-+ 0011 us 011 thischcck. A rollower can only invoke (he powers of a shrine once every 14 hours, regardless of the SUtC~'SS or failureoftheatwrtlpt. As stated,. every sll.rim: hull. ritual or other requirement dHlt a follower rnust perform or fuJfiU inorderro beseech his god's favor, These rituabvary from the sacrifice of gold and jewels to blood riCl:ston p.rolouged period of prayer or mediration, Priests of a godaurolllD.rically kllOw t.hc nature of such ritllaJs, but others rnesrresearch them or learn them from, all approp.riate de ric. Researchiagche ritual Iornpareieular shrine requires a DC 21 Knowledge (religion) check or ~bardic knowledge cheek.

example sh rines
The following shrinesare well known to the clergy of their ~spectiyt SOIls. A successful DC '21 bardlc Julowlr:dgc check, .Knowledge Oacal) check, or Gather IuforlllatiOIl dl~"kreveals thcir foc.v;:ioll 35 .... although pokill& around too much is certain 't!II, to raise ell!: curiosity bf nearby clerics of tIIe gpd LII qUr:ui9U. Each shrine entry is orga:ni~ed in the same gcm.:ral (onnal. as described below.



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