Speeches On Board Practice

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Teacher: Amparo Cervantes A.

Speeches On Board 3
Speeches On Board Practice 03 (Descent)
Name ______________________________________________________ Gold ___________

1. Fill in the Blanks

Ladies and gentleman, we have _ _ _ begin_ _ _ _ our destiny to Lima city. Please

_ _ remain_ seated with your seat belt fastened. Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, will be _ _ landing_ _ _ _ _ in a few minutes at “JORGE

CHAVEZ INTERNATIONAL airport _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the constitutional _ _ what is_ _ _

_ _ _ of Callao 15 minutes from Lima city. _ _ _ _ _ _ to your seats, fasten your seat

belts, _ _ _ the back _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of your _ seat_ _ _ _ in the upright position and

_lock _ your tray table.

2. To complete

From now _on _ please turn _off___ all electronics devices and cell phones, Thank

you. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome _to _ Jorge Chavez International Airport,_

to__ Lima city. Due _to_ safety regulations please remain seated until the seat belt

sign has been turned-_off_ and the plane has come _to_ a complete stop _to_ the

final position.

The local time is 5pm and the temperature is 21 degrees celsious. _On_ behalf of

Columbia Airlines and this crew it has been a pleasure having you _on_ board and

we are looking forward _to__ seeing you onboard again soon. Now you can use

your cell phones.

3. Verbs

Please use caution when __opening_____ (open) the overhead compartments, as

articles may __fall__out_ (fall). Before _leaving______ (leave), please make sure

that you have all your hand luggage with you. Thank you for __choosing________
(choose) Columbia Airlines- Good bye and see you soon. Ladies and gentleman, we

inform you that we will be ___deplaning_______ (deplane) the aircraft through the

main entry door _using____ (use) the Jet way. Thank you.

4. Listening

A: Would it be ___ ________ if I asked you a few questions about your in-flight

B: I would love to help _______ any questions you _______ have.

A: When you were talking about the ________ ______, what were you talking about?

B: There's a card in this ____ _________ that shows you where your nearest exit is.
Your nearest exit is _____ ________

A: What ___ ___ _________ an oxygen mask?

B: The oxygen mask is _______ you and will _____ _______ if you need it.

A: Where are the ____ ________?

B: You will find your life jacket under your seat if you need it. Also, you have a seat
___________ that can be used as a ________ device.

A: If I want to ___ _______, what can I do?

B: Keep your seatbelt _________ at all times. If you fall asleep, keep it fastened loosely
around you in case we hit __________ _______________.

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