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REFLECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER: "How on the Learner-centered Psychological

Principles influence the Learning Environment to Promote the Learning
Environments to promote Fairness, Respect and Care"

The "How on the Learner-centered Psychological Principles influence the

Learning Environment to Promote the Learning Environments to promote Fairness,
Respect and Care" study aims to give a much better experience for the learners in
order to learn. In today's modern era, schools focus and still use the traditional way
of learning and teaching. But this flawed system is now slowly showing its age and
ineffectiveness in teaching, considering today's changes in society. This learner-
centered way of learning is more focused on the students' capability and capacity to
learn, giving the student more freedom and more flexibility in which how he would
be able to adapt and deepen his learning on a certain course.

Furthermore, this new process also integrates more psychological factors with
a learner compared to the traditional method. Research has shown that the
combination and help of both learning and psychological principles that this new
system would be able to help students learn without the anxiety of being left behind
or being forced to suddenly come out of their comfort zone, possibly causing stress,
depression, and traumas all for the sake of being able to cope up with the pace of
learning. Learners would be able to understand and deepen their understanding with
new things at their own pace and at the right time without forcing them too much but
rather, it would allow them to slowly link their newfound knowledge to their already
existing knowledge ensuring proper learning and own understanding of the new
knowledge that was found. Instead of take-home tasks, learners would be able to
interact and participate with other people in different tasks, ensuring their social and
interpersonal interactions with other children promoting both better socialization and
better communication with others.

This system of course would need a standard assessment on learners to be

able to give more attention to their own needs. A few aspects that may differ a single
learner to another would be his ethnic group, race, religion, etc., these would all be
needed to be taken into consideration during the assessment process to make sure
that each learner would be given the best attention that he needs throughout the
learning process.


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