CAT DILR Test-1 (Games & Tournaments)

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The following is a table of numbers arranged

in columns and rows. Study the table and the
following data and answer the questions.

ROW 1 5 4 -2

ROW 2 -3 0 3

ROW 3 2 1 3

The rules are as follows:

1. Your initial score or value is the value of the cell that you
start with.
2. A higher row or column is the one whose numeric value is
higher than the comparator row or column. Eg. row 3 is higher
than row 2.
3. If you move to a higher row, you add the current
score to the value of the new cell, and if you
move to a lower row, you subtract the value of the
new cell from the current score.
4. If you move to a higher column, you multiply the
value of the current cell to that in the new cell,
and when you move to a lower column, you
divide the current value by the value of the new
cell, and take the quotient as the new value.
5. The player can move one column or one row at a time, and
can’t move diagonally.
Q.1 Player A starts from column 1 row 3 and ends
up with a negative value in the minimum possible
number of moves. How many moves has A made?

A) 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 4

Q.2 Player B starts with a negative score and his

score becomes positive within one move. He must
now be on which cell?

A) R1C3
B) R2C3
C) R1C2
D) R1C1

Q.3 Player C starts from row 1 column 1 and within

‘x’ moves, finds the value becoming infinity. What
is the minimum possible value of ‘x’?

A) 4
B) 3
C) 5
D) None of these

Q.4 If a player can start from any cell and has to

take maximum number of moves to reach a negative
score without repeating a cell, the number of moves
he will take to complete the task will be..??

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7


Read the following information and answer the questions that
In badminton, which team serves first is decided
by a toss of coin. In a game of badminton, there
are two teams I and II, with players named A,B
and C,D in each team respectively. In the game,
one of the players serves, and a rally begins. If the
serving team wins the rally, they get a point. (A
rally is always won by one team and lost by
another). The same player keeps serving again and
again as long as his team keeps winning rallies
and earning points. If the team loses a rally, then
the other player of the same team gets the chance
to serve. He again continues to serve as long as
his team wins rallies, otherwise the serving option
moves to the other team and starts with one
player of the other team getting a chance to
serve. The game continues in this way until one
team gets 15 points and wins the match.
Now answer the following questions.
Q.1 If A is serving while leading 7-0 (i.e I has 7
points and II has zero), which of the following is
definitely true?
A) A has served more
number of times than B
B) B has served more
number of times than A
C) A has served more
number of times than C
D) C has served equal
number of times as D

Q.2 If C is serving while leading 4-3, what is

the minimum possible number of times that C
has served before?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

Q.3 C is serving leading 4-3, and C has served

twice before, what is the minimum number of
serves done by team I?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
Q.4 In the question above, what is the
maximum number of serves done by team I?
A) 9
D) infinity


In the all American soccer finals, 6 teams qualified viz.
USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Chile and Mexico. In
the first round, each team plays the other team once.
Each win earns a team 3 points, a draw earns one
point, and a loss earns zero points. Next, the top 4
teams move to the semi finals wherein the first ranked
team in the first round plays the fourth ranked team
and the second plays the third. In case of a tie, the team
with the highest goal difference (Goals for - Goals
against) qualifies. The winners of the semi finals play in
the finals.



Brazil 3 3 0 0 7 1

Argenti 3 2 0 1 2 1

Chile 3 1 1 1 4 2

Mexico 4 1 1 2 4 3

USA 3 0 3 0 3 3

Canad 4 0 1 3 2 12
In the opening match of the tournament, Chile lost to
Argentina 1-0. Please note that none of the matches in the
first round were goal-less draws.

Q.1 Argentina hasn’t played against which one of the following?

A) Brazil
B) Canada
C) Chile
D) Mexico

Q.2 What was the highest goal difference in one game?

A) 4 goals
B) 5 goals
C) 3 goals
D) Either 1 or 2

Q.3 How many teams can hope to get a place in the semi final?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) Can’t be determined

Q.4 If both Argentina and Brazil win their remaining

matches, which of the following can be a semi final
A) Chile v/s Mexico
B) Brazil v/s Chile
C) Argentina v/s USA
D) Brazil v/s Argentina
Final League standings at the end of NFL

Team Played Won Drawn Lost Points

East Bengal 22 13

Churchill 22 6 4

FC Kochi 22 12 4 40

Salgaocar 22 9 3

Md. 22 11 3 36

Mahindra 22 6 7

Mohan 22 8

Goa SC 22 4 10

ITI 22 6 23

JCT 22 5 11

Vasco 22 4 12

Punjab 22 3 3 12

It is also known that:

1. All teams have scored distinct number of points and are
ranked 1st to 12th based on the descending order of the points
2. NFL is a double round robin tournament in which each team
plays two matches against every other team.
3. The total number of matches played in the tournament is
132, without any match getting abandoned or called off.
4. Teams get 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and none for a
Q.1 What is the number of matches drawn by East Bengal?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 4 or 5
D) 3 or 4
Q.2 What is the number of points scored by Mohan Bagan?
A) 29
B) 30
C) 31
D) 29 or 30
Q.3 What percentage of the matches were drawn?
A) 23.4%
B) 30%
C) 42%
D) can’t be determined
Q.4 Which of the following is definitely true?
A) ITI lost 5 matches
B) More teams end up with even scores than with odd scores
C) Punjab Police defeated Vasco
D) None

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