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have fonned so conspicuous a part of the ger national existence for their pecatmalj TTTiT? UTTQ V A FC 4 C to 30.000. Republicans claim their state
decorations in former campaigns. Only NOW FOR TUESDAY ambitions and individual profit. Illill 111 1 U IV Ail
OAu ticket will run ahead of their electoral,
G M C occasionally was a picture of one or
both of the Republican candidates exhi-
bited and then It was invariably framed ACTIVE
in flags.
Good citizens of every section and of
every party have united in publicly ex
0AMPAIGHIKG ENDED WITH pressing themselves upon this subject. STATE 13 HOW HIDED HIGH 15D
and the fusions claim the fusion state
ticket will fail behind its electoral ticket
Chairman J. Mack Love of the silver
Their duty now is to do so in such a Democracy, clalma the state for Bryan
The resources of the flag- and bunting TE3TEBDAY. manner as will forever put an end to DET, BEPUBLI0AI. by 30,000 and says the silver people will
makers In this and neighboring cities further attempts In this line. There Jc elect several congressmen, and control the
were taxed to the utmost to supplv ths. but one way of doing this, and that is at
orders that poured in. One large deal- state legislature.
kEPUBLIOAH PAEADE the poIIsl "While each man has his espec- Chairman J. M. Simpson, of the Repub-
SUEGES er estimated that not less than a half Tomorrow' Ereathlns-Spac- e Before tb ial Xperti AT OArTTOU THE LIST
Owr lican committee cininyt the state for Mc- S0E5E
field In the preliminary work of the Fram JU1 thm Stat Ccatlam 3AT-UBD-

W ALOSQ SEW YOEK'3 STEEETS. million of dollars had been spent by the Shock of Battle Will Not be Allowed to campaign, the duty of election day is Um Sam Story of rkrasBtul Galas KInley, with the entire Republican state OF THE 0AMPAIQ5.
business men of Xew York in decorating Go to Waste Bat All Has Bees Galaed common to alL No man, however much
their establishments. Wltala the Past Tw Dart Caaxpals ticket and all of the eight Republican
ob Ioat That Is to Be Xatioaal Chalr-Be- a neglect hie personal has done in influencing others, can fcaa ea Xareif ally JTaat iAacEaeagfc congressmen.
Broadway was a vista of flags. The duty at the polls, Chairman Briedenthal of the People's
draperies on the big office buildings in Imb Final Appeals to Their and no citizen, however humble or de- ta GIto Tim for ta Sebr Sccoad party says the Bryan electors will cave
FLAG FLOATS ALOFT the lower part of broadway were in Forces Situation la the leading or voted to employment or business, should
many instances very elaborate and ex Tasackt, aad Xretiea to IfeKlalcj. a a plurality of not less than 23,000, the WEDGED IN SOLIDLY
Doubtful States, With Esti fail to exercise his privilege and duty on state ticket 20.000. and both, houses of
pensive, some of the decorations costing-a- s Manacers election day. It is not merely a privilege Staadr Job aatf a Gm4 Dollar Kansas
much as $1,000. mates Popocrat 3aaacers Weakening. but a duty. And Its Sway. the legislature will be fusion.
while it is the duty of
OF A MILLION Iff USE At least one church on the line of good citizen to exercise hi will at ZZ.TS3T "W1LI. BE ELECTED 0BIT3H ATTEB CRUSH ABOUT THE
march was decorated. This was the Chicago, Oct 3L The campaign in the the polls Topeka. Kan.. Oct 3L Kansas Is sure
on all occasions, that duty was
P0E THEIR C0U2TTEY. Marble Collegiate church at the corner middle western states for the most part never more serious or Important than for McKInley. This is the sentiment here Opposltioa CUlm Admit Utat
for Callaaaa,
by lu Paltry EKVlEWiSiG STAHD.
of Fifth avenue and Twenty-nint- h etreet, came to an end tonight. In Chicago and now. Sound arguments and expressions tonight The change of opinion In Kan-
over the main entrance of which were Cook county, where the heat of the fight of loyalty count for nothing unless those sas within the last week has been sim- Guthrie, O. T., Oct 31. aiore than
draped two silk flags. one prayer will go up in Oklahoma to-
DfTY IS SMOTHERED IN BUNTING has been, the rounding-u- p for the candi- who offer them or are convinced by them, ply phenomenal. Three weeks ago the morrow in supllcatlon for help for Den- CAMPAIGN'S GIANT DELEGATION
HALF A MILLION FLAGS. dates fas finished exercise that universal privilege of par- state committee was tugging away, nis Fiynn. the little Irishman who has
Speaking of the profusion of flags, a last speeches were this
evening and th ticipating
In the actual direction of the
dealer said: made. Both parties government by voting on election day. working like Trojans, while Mark Han- endeared himself so to all Oklahoma.
His tight la ended and it is without
"I have been forty years in the busi- claim to be cure of the result, and ex- It Is hoped, therefore, that all good cit- na ,wa3 persistently patting Kansas in

HiLP A MILLION SEW FLAGS DIS- ness perhaps, fe the history of west- 07ER ELEVEN TH0U3AKD JS
of making flags and bunting, and I press confidence that the count in Tues- izens will join hands on Tuesday in.jnain the 3ryan column. Two weeks ago he ern TVMH rrrr- trfTi a nnlnrltT- nf
- - 0IS
PLAY THEIB GOSGEOUSHESa. never saw so great a demand for my day night will show a large majority for taining the honor of the nation by regis- was notified that Kansas was probably j about 9.000 against him. he has fought so
goods as has existed within the .past their men. The only charge that has tering their ballots in favor of that can- safe for McKinley. Tonight the men feel naro. so weu ana so noniy BOE53E PS0CES3I05.
few days. I should say that not Ie3s than been made In the estimates didate who been honored by the sup- that all the op- -
500,000 American Uag3 are waving in of either par- port of loyalhas men of all parties TVllliam her the
that McKinley has Kansas. Reports Xcsition tonight 'can- - claim to have him
ty is the assertion of Chairman Jones McKinley. from vralous counties are similar in beaten by. is a paltry thousand. No
la Solid Eauk, the loyal X.eS!on Fall In Xew York at thi3 moment. Many of tone and language- - Nearly every confi- other candidate in the west has this year XcKmUy aad Foraker Shar a Mtuttr
these flag3 are 40x80 feet and cost as that Illinois Is a doubtful state. He ha. "The Issue is between two men and undertaken the stupendous task of reach-
I.tnt, Stepping to the Maslc of an much as $40 each. There are not lees always claimed It heretofore as certain I iT70 platforms, the one representing .na dential report says: "It is coming our ing every town in his district OraUaa Oa Xaaaotk Saoat2a Mil
and seeing
K .Uadlsjererable Country. than 200 flag dealers in this city, and not for Bryan. Chairman Jones uv the tional honor, good government, sound way fast, at laet" and "We're going to every man in
one of them has been able to All all the Mr. Bryan has at least 252 votes in the money and sound principles; the other win. It's a svss thing."
orders he has received. We fcav wwn electoral college and that nothing can j standing for doctrines dangerous to the The reports say that the most
the mosc thorough campaign anyone la
the territory has ever witnessed. He has
Fiynn has raada 3tTr Sack Dy AilUr.
y New York, Oct 3L A mighty hoast j applying to one another for material and take them away from him.
tramped up Broadway today.
tramp of the .tens of thousands of feet
Th' help, and have drawn upon the resources
j peace and prosperity of the nation and movement has taken place been greeted by Immense crowds every-
Chairman Hanna is far more sweep- - j promising only a system which must de within last few days into the Repub- - where. He ha3 been given the most re- - crush about the stand in the McKinley
base the currency, destroy business and
Canton. Ohio. Oct
yard this afternoon to shake Major Mc-
a.In the awful

ftvas echoed through history. tRepubll-can- a end employment. It is, as has been re- KInley by the hand a Youngstown wo-
CHAIRMAN HANNA'S ESTIMATE. cently said by Major McKInley himself.
and gold standard Democrats unit- 'a time when the voice of the true par- THE EAGLE'S ESTIMATE. man, fainted dead away. She was car-
ed to form the greatest procession that tisan Is hushed In the chorus of patriot- ried through the throng to the east Ida
has ever been witnessed in the city of ism which sounds from one end of the of the street where restoratives wera
New York. There was no glittering of country to the other.' Let every loyal applied. She recovered after a time and
burnished helmets, no flashing of bayo- Chicago, Oct. 31 Chairman Hanna issued bis final estimate of the
citizen take this thought to the polls was take away in a carriage. Several
nets, no clank of swords. Its only arms number of electoral Totes for the respective candidates as the result of Tues- with him on election day, and the coun- The Eagle submits tie foIIdwiBg er
estimate tie natloBal electlea. He others were overcome. Two little gtrli
were a hundred thousand flags the stars day's election. His figures are based upon reports from state chairmen, try will be saved from the danger which table has been prepared with great care. It differs somewhat fre the table about 5 years old were caught In tha
confronts it and saved by that same loy- giTea at hj Chairmaa Mark Haana yesterday. The Ea?Ie is ceafldeat that crush and almost smothered. Strong
and stripes, the red, white and blue. On whose figures are, in turn, based upon careful polls covering the Tarious al devotion which obliterated party lines
Its banners were "3ound Money. Mc- states. Chairman Hanna's estimate follows: its table is correct aad imrites its readers t cat it at aad compare with the arms grasped them quickly and c&rriMi
in defense of the nation on an occasion of
Kinley and Hobart." The great army, Sr:Ss:7S.'s equal, but not greater, peril. effldal returns aext week. them away.
estimated at from SO.OCO to 100,000, was dTAX.a. DOUBTFUL fcr BRYAN Mckinley (Signed.) "MARK HANNA," Soon after these Incidents the Nile
composed of men of aimost every walk STATES. cKINLEY 1RYAN citizens were crowded o about the stand,
of Lfe. 'The proces.on began to move
omewhere in the v.clnty of ?10:30
o'clock and withou: a halt or break of
11 "Chicago, Oct. 31. Democratic Nation-
al Committee, Chicago Headquarters:
Alabama .... 11
that a panic was Imminent Major Mc-
Kinley seeing this, opportunely proposed,
any kind, marching at a rapid pace, it
8 "The great struggle to right the wrong Arkansas . 8 three cheers for the old fla In tht fol-
California.. of 1S73 has been won. The only work re- lowing words:
was not until about eight hours later maining to be done is to see that the peo-
California 9 "My fellow-citizen- s.
I proposed, inas-
teat the end had passed the TavseWin" Colorado- - ple have an opportunity to vote as con- Colorado .................. much as this is flag day. in honor cf tho
stand. That army marched past hun science dictates and that their votes shall 4 gold standard which we love ao much.
dreds of thousands of persons who gath-
ered on tne sidewalks, stairways, at back
be counted as cast
"I urge all lover3 of the country and
, 6 .... we give three rousing cheers for It and,
what it represents In our national life.
windows, on stands everywhere they our as 3 The people paused, the crush was stay-
could get a place which commanded a Florida institutions, to exert themselves ed and with great vehemence the cher
v.w. The paraders were filled with
4 they never have done before, in this holy Florida , 4 were given. The crowd moved away and
Georgia cause. Watch the polling places; scru- Major McKInley passed Quickly Into tho
earnest enthusiasm. Their banners pro- 13 tinize every act at the polls and see to it Georgia lu house. The maneuver was most timely
claimed their principles.
The Sound Money army was made up Idaho S that the law thall not be violated. Idaho. ... O
and doubtless averted aeriou injury ta
of men who are known from one end of "This committee has offered a reward many In the crowd.
the country to the other. Lawyers
Illinois 24 of $300 for evidence necessary to convict Illinois . 24 ALL CARRIED FLAGS.
are the leaders in their profession Indiana any one guilty of bribery or attempting
marched with the porters in the ouild-Ins-
to bribe any voter to
from voting. Also a reward of $500 for
vote or to refrain Indiana 15 .... Senator J. B. Foraker emphasized ta
unparalleled scenes witnessed 1n Can-
where their offices are. The mer-
evidence to convict any one of cGsrcing, Iowa. 13 ton, in his address from the hisorlc plat- -
chant prince tramped with his truck- Kansas 10 iorm this afternoon. The crowd assem-
man. The great "bankers and their mes-
sengers were in the same rank. It was Kentucky
... attempting to coerce, intimidating or at-
tempting to Intimidate any voter.
Kansas 10 .... bled today about the McKInley home ex-
ceeded any before seen. It was not only
truly a business man's parade. It mov-
ed with that precision which is the great Louisiana
13 "I have received from chaimenof each
state committee, full estimates of the
13 .... imposslole for the women and children
organized parade to find room in th
iaw in business. It was formed without standing voters in each state and am Louisiana 8 streets or on the large MIKlnley lawn,
confusion. It moved on time and with Maine 6 confident that Mr. Bryan's election Is as- Maine 6 .... but 2,400 school children had to bi
out interruption. It disbanded without Maryland sured by a very large majority. He will marched Into the "Whiting door yord.
v. J disorder. The procession moved
at times at the rate of 20.000 men

Massachusetts 15
8 carry each one of the following states:
Alabama U; Arkansas sr California 3;
8 .... across Market street, so as to be able to
hoar the major's response to their gret-In- g.
Massachusetts 15

En hour. The head of the procession Colorado 4; Florida 4; GeargiaJ3rIdaho Doorstep talking wa again out of.
passed the reviewing stand, in which Michigan.-- .
were Vice Pres.deatial Candidate Gar-
14 3; Indiana lor Kansas 10; Kentucky 13;
Louisiana S; Maryland 8: Michigan 14;
Michigan, 14 .... the question. Thousands could not ret
within hearing distance of Major y's

rett A. Hobart and Governor Morton, at

10:55. It was exactly seven hours and Mississippi
9 Minnesota 9; Mississippi 9; Missouri 17; Minnesota 9 .... voice. The scenes of enthtt?-ias- m
were made more glorias by tho
thirty minutes in passing that point
In point of numbers, the Wholesale Missouri 17
Mantana 3; .Nebraska S; Nevada 3;
No?Jh Carolina 11; North Dakota 3; Ore-
gon 4; South Carolina 9; South Dakota 4;
Mississippi w .... 9 thousands of flags carried by every on
wao marched.
Dry Goods Republican club was far in Missouri. 17
the lead, having 21,000 men in line. The Montana Tennessee 12; Texas 15; Utah 3; Virginia A MON'STER DELEGATION.
Central Dry Goods McKInley and 12; Washington 4; West Virginia 6; Wy- Montana 3 At one time there was a line of coun-
association had S.00 and the Paper
rt Ho-La-
Nevada oming 3. Total 252.
Nebraska :
termarching paraders two mile long.
and Associated trades 7,000 more. The Hampshire "In the following states I look upon The Cleveland. Canton and Southern
colleges were represented by some 3,000
students, while fully as many as thirty-liv- e New Jersey
4 Mr. Bryan's chances as the best:
"Delaware 3; Iowa 13: Illinois 24: Ohio
Nevada .... o
railway brcusht In the largest etfigta
delegation of this memorable campaign.
or fortv industries arcre- pnrh rpnrA- -
New York.
10 23; Wisconsin 12. Total
"There are other states I regard as
75. New Hampshire 4 .... and the Youngstown tronnportatien
committee said there were 11.500 Uskits
Eented by thousands of mpn.
Tonight the town is illuminated and

doubtful. New Jersey 10 .... sokl for that monster party. Tiga-tion- s
from TA'arren and near-b- y
the streets crowded with the tens of
thousands whose enthusiasm was not North Carolina
8 (Signed.) 'JAMES K. JONES." New York 36 .... Joined with therrt Nine srwcial. ST

checked by their efforts of the day.

North Dakota
Makes the Gentle KJiicr reel Tired, Tell-l-
BUTLER North Carolina 11 .... coaches
In all, were required for th
New York, Oct. 3L Probably never in IIojt Eockj- the Fmlon Itoad Is.
North Dakota 3 Major McKInky, with Mrs. X O. But-
the history of political campaigning in Ohio ler aad Roger Evans of Youngstown. re-
this city have the streets of New York
presented a brighter or more ananated Oregon
Washington, Oct 31. "The election of
Bryan is an absolute certainty," said
Ohio 23 .... viewed their parad from th reviewing
stand In front of the lawn.
aspect than they wore today, the occa- Pensylvania 32 Charman Butler of the national Popu-
sion being the parade of the Republican
organisations in honor of the party pres- Rhode Island A
list committee in reviewing the campaign
Pennsylyania , 32 .... Senator Foraker arrived from Akron
about 5 o'clock. lie wa.1 met at th Val-
idential nominees MeKinley and Ho- "Bryan now has absolutely certain 253 Rhode Island 4 ley elation by Mr. McKInley. accom-
bart. South Carolina electoral votes and his popular majority South Carolina .
panied by the citizens reception com-
Practically no business was done in the mittee. The road to the hous in an
mercantile establishments, the interest
South Dakota 4 will be larger than the electoral majori-
ty and It will be at least 2,000.000, which South Dakota. open carriage was a full mile and
in the mammoth demonstration obliging Tennessee 12 through tho heart of the city. Tho ap-
is about the fcize of the Populist vote. Th Tennessee 12 proach of the two famous Ohloans. it- -
those, even, who are not in sympathy arrangements perfected and th3 Hnlng-u- p
with the Republican cause, to suspend Texas 15 ting side by side, waa heralded by auoh
of voters, both Populists and Demo- 15 tremendous cheering all along the Jin
operations for the day. The parade was Utah crats, are far beyond our expectations,
to have begun at S:3G a m., bat owing Utah. 3 that the throng at the MeKlnlcy homo
due more to the intense interest of th2 caught the noise of the tumult when th
to the great number comprising it, Vermont people in the fight than to the diplomacy Vermont party was a half-mi- l' way aad o&a
there was considerable delay in getting of committees, who. however, did all the extraordinary ovation extended;
under way. Hours and hours before Virginia 12 they could. Virginia 12 nearly that- distant?.-
there was any chance of the advan.e Washington. 4 "The result now achieved is wonderful Xo attempt was made by tie distin-
guard of the parade appearing, the side- in view of the difficulties confronting us. Washington 4 guished statesman to gt through U
walks on either eide of the streets nam- West Virginia 6 Our party came, In the west from the West Virginia 6 urging maas of humanity into ih hou-l- r.
ed in the line of march, were scarcely McKInley
passable. Wisconsin 12 Republican party. In the south from the end the fvnator. arm la
Democratic party and to some extent Wisconsin 12 arm, mounted the speaking platform Just
VEHICLES USELESS. Wyoming 3 the old party prejudices still exist To as tle dim twilight mad neeeary tha
Wyoming... ... 3
At the points where the reviewing
tands had been erected, the people con- Totals 32 26 78 311
line up this vote solidly for a candidate
was extremely dilUcult and though the
lighting of the electric aro orer
As tho bright illumination mad them h!.
gregated in ever widening circles. Democratic committee met U3 half-wa- y,
Totals .. 300 147 plainly visible, the great gathering aa!a
Street cars were stopepd early and driv- Electoral yotes necessary to a choice, 224. yet In many states local managers, took up the cheering aad c of th
Electoral rotes necessary to a choice, 221.
K e's of wagons found that they had to of conditions, added to the most enthusiastic seen? of Cve eventful
Lf make lengthy detours to make their des-
of dealers in neighboring cities, but In ing in his estimates of Major McKiniey'a difficulty and two can campaign was witrfd. QovtrsoT
tinations. But it was down-tow- n along the Ohio man didates caused great embarrassment and lican party in Kansas. Various causes and enthusiastic receptions. The who respoeded thn Introduced Senator Foraktr.
Broadway and the streets east and west spite of our efforts thousands of persons prospects and says that
pp-ct- ful

the campaign would have been simpli- are assigned, but it is all guesa work. only disrespect and malice shown to bfaa wtti a. brief vprtth,
from it, that tne press was greatest. It who were anxiousMags to decorate, have been will have not less than 311 votes and oth- Which 7TX received jriia grext eatiiaafr-am-
or bunting." ers may come later. fied If Sewall had seen his way clear to Many say that protection i3 bringing ev- throughout the whole canvas ha ben by n.

was in this section where 125.000 paraders unable to obtain

gathered, that the flrst realisation came XTJMBEK IX LJN'E. Both chairmen Issued today their las withdraw, but failing In this, we had to f erybody Into line, while others assert a few of the most vicious and irrespon-
appeads to the people and say that they organize joint electoral tickets all that the silver argument Is losing ia sible PopuKrtt papers or tne terriwry- - ARRIVAL Or TICK HEtrGATIOiO
of how gigantic the gathering was. It was next to Impossible to getofany- the have the victory already won and all around. The party, as well as Watson, fascination for the corrtroversaHst In lie will be The free horoAe een-tim-

Just before the start everything seem- thing like an accurate estimate was disappointed in not having one feome Populist counties, where everything has vrersnadowd everything else Laft Saturday of li Catnpmtzs i Xd tfc
ed confusion. Tho onlookers from the men in line. The multitude a as so vast that remains Is to clinch the matter by et, but it would be a slander on him to looked decidedly discouraging to the Re- aad frea homes and Fiynn ar syaono-raoc- s.
Xwt of at C&atoo.
thousands of buildings wondered how tnat the mind could scarcely grapple the counting of the votes. congressmen, say he would consequently keep Bryan publicans a week ago, the Republicans Cantn. Ohio, Oct 2L Saturdays hv
paraders and the spectators could ever with it. -- In estimate of the list follows, In the matter of mem-
in arms tonight righting for a major- facen toe notable days of this aotibj
te separated. but the number was probably augment- bers of the state legislatures and smaller from getung votes, and he win mike na are ity. AT JESSE JAiny K031K campaign. This, the lout Bo.Ust&it be-
The multitude that jammed Broad way ed by at tenst 25.000: otlices on the tickets, the claims are of further fight fore tn cajittag of the- balk -
"The free silver Republican vote that The explanation of the movement to- Dittrlbnlon of Sound Maa7 L!:ratar
from the building lines was like a sea,
which moed from side to side, swept
Whoiesal-.'D- ry Goods club 20.000; the same nature. The campaign In the
McKinley and Hobart middle west and particularly in the up- wid go to L'ryan wiL be much larger than wards the Republican party ticket in rs Oat of Town. shall deckle who is to rul lb
seventy &tpl9 dtui
dawn obstacles and obliterated the famil- association
iar sight of show windows. AYhenever a SouHd3Joney
Merchant Tailors per Mississippi valley has been of the Motvmley's gold standard Democratic ' asas is best explained as follows by
ieagua 1.000, Railway and most determined character on both sides. vote. The two millions of Populist votes an exivort: I
St Joseph, Mo 0t 2L Ooe of t&e
special train." traveling tSirocgh the west four 7o-r- .
millions of
opened a kave iu
ratfcer. it
for Uk next
th p
pm4-cesjw- rs;

SteaaSbViax.figund Morey duo 3.000. Pa "There is a sympathetic

It has been the center of the fighting will be particularly solid for Bryan-Ther- e nerves stretching across tho continent. distributing gold standard tlteratsr was scrsis of string of open-- wHb!

mounted officer of the parade attempted per

to lorce ns norse through the throng in Txa42iiaanjiJtfcr and Assoqsat Trades S,0W voai ground and neither party has spared any is a much larger percentage of the P'Kjple captard by the silTsrttes here at noon. elaborated upoa. Satnrdya erir jirid aci
those who looked on man and anima! Spirits TraaBU3ety cItsb 600; Wine and
effort to win. labor vote, beta organized and unorga- in Kasas wiE feel a common sen- "When the train top5d inUy S.OOO en Tie stkrtMmz of men.
500; Produce Ex- - j nized, for Bryan than has ever been cast timent with the people In Uliuoi? aad In- surrounded it and but little opperieaUy tfte pbyiog of basds sad t& ooenlag of
were swallowed up a? though thev had orange Souna'oaey clnb 4,000; Archi- - j The statements Issued by the chairmen for a Democratic candidate, and the Pe diana aLmoet as quickly as if it were tel- wa given th speakers n ike train io 4legatios began to tie earty mraia
p.unged into water Instead of humanity. tecvU-- al d. ;sTO:f330; Cotton Exchange are as follows: pW'n party's strength, even were the free egraphed to every Individual. A popular address the crowd or d&iribcte litera-
aad grew in robes as Vus &7 advanc-
And above all the mat.on there arose So mi Money club 600; Coffee Exchange wm caOed upoo fee
j;, a thunder of voices and the blare of mu- - ar.l Iower Wall Street McKInley and
HAXXA'S ADDRESS. silver Republicans and labor vote ab- fcong will cross the country and be whis ture. Both sides to t&e cowtroversry grew aed. Ma Joe MfiKioJ?y - o'doek wl hiA s&r
"Chicago. Oct. SO. Republican Xation- - sent would elect Bryan. Chicago is tled far and near In stores and on farrna i angry aad trocbie waj tareiteaed wbn ryvpch b&K-
sical instruments that made the scene Hobart Sound Money club 2.000: Cus
rare bewildering, more won ierfui. more tom House Brokers" Sound Money club ;al Headquarters citizens The earnest support doubtful, but we will get 40.000 majority
ed In the country dlstrics to overcome tha. ilnrtde hall in New York dry. The
of a week from the time :t left a the visitors referred to
Ml5cri as "the for Saislied toat era tre
wjls a deauuact
aotsr. Tha eise tia third auii-eoe- c.
" real
" day.
than the city has seen in raany a
Along the route of the big parade from Carapaign
lican ciub 3.000; Lawyers Sound Meney nhations,
club 2.W.-- Insurance
ound party
and the cause


al- - Bryan doe? not have to get Hlmois. and

in except Indiana or Michigan or Minne-

have rendered the Republican could lose all the middle western states election Is settled and that nothing on. after a short tay the train peld at
earth can prevent
campaign about to end. justices an sota, which are certain, and be ejected. has swept ecross the Mississippi river ed with silver men nho were here to at-
in the east that ti

McKlnley's victory.
made to
of Jess

BIotT. The
addresses after that, aad
was crowd-

At a"
a fourth &s a St

of th tzy Jo wtch
po4e w?re pocrtsg la on aQ
and orgaairtag for t&e Mg dtsaoft-etratio-

J the battery of Fortieth street there was a Money club 4.500; Real Estate Sound the expression tnese wno have been The Rppublicans will come nearer to and Into Kansas, and Kansas has been tend the anal rally of the th caznnafcra tie cli of mafier parties froa
Tr sAes-Tsktz- lA

lavish display of flags and bunting The Money league 1.500; Xew Tork Protect- called upon from away in the tide. It struck about tonight Ivdlaoa. Fscasyrrasia, "K'; Vlrrtflfa- -
spectacle presented on Broadway and ive Machinery. Railway and Metal Sup- to conduct it. getting "Wyoming than any etate west cf carried and this fact probfy led to
".Vo campaign since the war of the re- lawa." last Tuesday and the rush stfll on."
Is OMo. aad otier nixUnt. The largest del
Fifth avenue exceeded any thing of th ply association 5.100 Publishers and Ad-
bellion has presented such grave respon- This 13 the language of an oJd observer the Zarge crowd at the statios. gaUfoa wju- Uxm Touacstowa. O tAr
kind ever witnessed in this ciiy. My- - vertisers Soutjd Money club 2,000; Jew- EOTH GOOD AT CLADnXG here tonight, fie saye furtier that th or twar JoojU
rads of American flags, of ufi sizes, and Drug. elers' McKinley and Hobart club 5.000; sibilities to those entitled to the elective STAJTTS OX HIS f ECOUD TEK2X traio ef wSwsa arrtrod irty
Chemical, Pain: and Oil trades franchise.. The dangerous principles flat Jose GIth Ult Ca A way by Adatt-ti- cr last week's change la Kansas I in hi3 aad wutd os tk Xhn,'tL bn At
j (thousands of yards of bunting, tastef uily 7.000; Manufacturers and Dealers la enunciated by the Chicago platform, Doubt ot IlTlaoU. opinion without a precedent in the po- - Gomser AXitSaton of Geors-- lax&zarti wiMwa rrtrerf stsortly for I o'clock.
arrayed, fluttered in the breeze from the
roofs, windows and doorwavs of the Supplies ; Wholesale
for Steam, Water and Gas. 1,- - which proposes not only a debasement of
Fish Dealers Sound th currency but the destruction of the all along made sweeping ciairas cf their
Chicago. Oct 2L Both parties have j cUfcistory of the
country. WJtls 3aca I'oajp.
Atlanta, Ga, Ort ILTTJIiaa Tatrs t eampaisa. sUrted. Tb ocasam
a, parade, tic znmt svucaftOeeot
buildings in the line of march. At short Money
intervals huge flags, bearing the names elub 200; Crockery B.rd of highest judicial authority cf the land. ability u carry Illinois,, but at the end Today practically doses tae zsozi In- Atkinson wis ZGiay isiegsratd tit Troni 13JK4
s&! inc ft xzx?
of McKinley and Hobart and. in some in- er Sound association 1.200; Hide and Leath- - i have justified good ctirens. irrespective the Republicans seem to be the more tense campaign Kansas has experience!. osd tne as governor of Georgia asaid frnYoagjwii. Intrxxiertary 4&rx- -
T-a- de

stances, Money association 1.500; Boot of past party preferences. n umtiag to sanguine of success.
apropnate campaign flags. and Shoe Sojn3 Money association 1.000; rebuke those who would thus endanger Chairman Kann For the first time In a national election, t oereaiOBies ti most tap-ssla- s i& tin ar
sad ky J. C HoXUrr ami Jtjrr
stretched across street.
Each of West Side Sound Money club 3,5Cv; Sad- - the very foundations of our national
said today that he was sure of the state the state has ben considered a daabtfel state is a gsseratioa. A proetoa a Hraoe. SB, the UrtUci mt Kajor
these big flags represented an organisa- for McKInley by a majority rather over one and both great pohcal parties have zntte looz. isctedisg raOKarr frost zil &e McKteey. st
txmt iarg 3asfcr,
and Harness trade 500; Millinery ! ganization.
tion of business men. and some of the divisioa a.eod; Hardware Trade Sound "Tne developments of the dosing week
than under ISS.GM. while Chairman Jones j .sent aoodsof literature and many eatSon-- priaenent tiMr
speakers capture tie electoral

frte by
dties of the ecu, fcroexlit is
railroad, was revewii
4ig to oooteff tr-i-o.
legends were: "Law and Order." "For
Honor and Prosperity," "The National SfJL131 nr
ABU? b5- - Clothiers Ign
2.- - I
of the campaign leaves no doubt that state in th doubtful co!utl
in nis statement or tne result puts the
m I Tsere are six electoral
trcfcsw In tie tie in frost of & exeu3ir
07? VwtSmrsuzS eteiu
T. Tl wra ta tfk9 harm
e ! Ue&?

Honor Must 3e Preserved," a Nation's

credit te a Nation's Life." ar,I "One
mi.. inaustry ot
, ,r xvt:u4U x1
iron-- v dub
sew i ors
i judgment
of an overwhelming
v people of the nation is
ma- - more of a concession than

puo- - sgainst the nJirfnrm anii "ais'f'. af racv has made regarding the state - at I :he
the Im- - j T3Jd imt iz u
" :liait aisfcie manfioe
Bryan and McKinley tickets the etH-c- the --tat capital. b froat
aad scori-- d &l erroBwwwy
tfMefc tike
d a?t7
T tec tMt
rry Mut pmn
4Usaam ot itm
mtm I
Hundred Cents m the Dollar ' jiwh e.
ouu.-- j imasy cinn iit? i.nittHi now remains fcr the voters to register at time since the osenln of th m-t- S scarcely po3 10 vcta. Tb inaogurol sxjrci wwnr bold. bad ueiM mmJzrmM rr mm mr
FLAGS. NOT FA' "' Italian Business Men's lsgH 300
jait-, --
tetal vote si tae stata wC prebabfy be j t tit tig tmuweez si t s -- , - 5
Wholesale Furniture la tbe state at large, the Republicans seir 3r3C5 sd o of tills tie RepoMi-ciai- mJaekaoe. USefe, Oct SLSIxs. ABfer: tafc arvtfnooa. feg a? rtste w
A notteeabfe feature f -t r , j
itoasy dut ; American Authors
Trade Sound excite possSon. prejudice and selfishness
ad for the benent ef a few who are wHHng nearly everything and the C1G Ja4B a pteraliry f tea or RoMaeoa, x&ti 2S. pA ins ytm afcf SHU of Caatoo. sjoms9ttmA "I. "
af 1

was the ateenc x the p - p.

twelve thousand vac? end fcxtoa sSrsr &uc&ur. ware Seated m &Hs in titeftr
)m( stet of de tty. it --
rjeal banners and transparen-.t- s (Continued on Second PaceJ I
'idestroy national honor and ecd&n-- Continued on Second PageJ i leaders a plurality aH tie way fres 15.&S i house iz 32bOtS yrar-A- lj. Zas. acggiAkisg 4 dssfrjs

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