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Descriptive Text

KD 3.4, 4.4.1, 4.42.

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What is a
descriptive text?
Descriptive Text is a text that contain the
description, ilustration, and detailed information
of an object, which is an animal, place, people,
thing, etc.
Describing Places
What points should you mention?
- Location, the entrance ticket (acessibility)
- Atmosphere, what you feel about the place
- The view, the people, the attraction what you can
see there
- Activities, what can you do there
- History
5 Paragraphs Essay
Introduction Catch the reader’s attention
Background Information
Thesis statement

• 1st Supporting Paragraph

Body • 2nd Supporting Paragraph
• 3rd Supporting Paragraph

Conclusion Restate main points / making a
Let’s outline a 5 paragraphs
descriptive text!
Title: TMII – Travel Indonesia in one journey
Catch reader’s attention, Have you traveled around Indonesia? In
TMII you can see sneak peeks of Indonesia beauty in one walk.
Background Info: TMII is…
Thesis statement: history, accessibility, main attractions.
- History of TMII, ….
- How to get to TMII, …
- Main attractions of TMII, … traditional houses, keong mas, etc…
Recommendation: TMII is so large, so its recommended to have a
vehicle to go around the place or at least a pair comfortable shoes.
Identify the verbs!
•Monas (Bahasa: Monumen Nasional) is located in
Central Jakarta and has become the place for many
important public events. The location housed the first
red-and-white flag flown at the Proclamation of
Independence on 17 August 1945. This flag has now
become threadbare, and so nowadays on
Independence Day ceremonies, the original flag is
taken out but only to accompany the replica flag to be
flown in front of the Merdeka Palace. The 137 meter
tall National Monument is shaped like obelisk, and is
topped with a 14.5 meter bronze flame coated with 32
kilograms gold leaf.
Passive Voice (to be + v3)
Active Passive
She sings a fine song A fine song is sung by her
Linda can make tarts Tarts can be made by Linda
We give him a prize A prize is given to him by us
We give him a prize He is given a prize by us
They elected him as a president He was elected as a president (by
Let’s try!
• The dog bites Marry.
Marry is bitten by the dog
• John should see the news.
• Tom gives Zendaya a rose.
Zendaya is given a rose by Tom
A rose is given to Zendaya by Tom
• They chose her as the class leader.
She was chosen as the class leader
Make an outline of a 5 paragraphs descriptive text
about a tourism spot or a historical place!

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