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Bryan Joseph B.



Reflection Paper

Being a lawyer is a calling and not a profession. Many are called but few are chosen. We must be

lawyers that money can’t buy. He also said that being a lawyer is a never ending process of

studying until the last day that you practice. He said that being a lawyer is more than just a job; it

also allows us to realize our full potential. We don't often realize how much we can accomplish

or what powers a commoner possesses. This occupation teaches us about our own abilities. A

lawyer serves his country by serving justice to everyone despite people’s colour, race, or

background. A lawyer should be intelligent and possess strong reasoning abilities, since this will

aid them in locating evidence and in engaging in a successful verbal war in court. I want to be

the very best, like no one ever was. To help them is my real test, to change them is my cause. I

will travel across the country to help all those who are oppressed and marginalized. Attorney

Chel Diokno inspired me to become a lawyer who will not work for any master, rather to serve

the people of the Philippines to the best of my ability. Following that, Atty. Diokno emphasized

the importance of youth in the development of our country, citing them as the country's hope and

future. He urged the students to "live the truth you speak", stating that all the country needs is for

the youth to take a stand and live it out for it to develop. With this I can firmly say that I will

forever live by the words of Chel Diokno and pass it on to the next generation to be able to also

inspire them to become the lawyers that our future needs.

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