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Del castillo, Raevhen.

International Negotiations
Sir, Jumel Estranero

ASEAN: Various Careers and International Negotiation Relation.

Earlier today, October 9, 2021 at exactly 1:00 in the afternoon I attended a webinar that
talks about different types of careers in ASEAN. Where Philippines Permanent
Ambassador to ASEAN, Noel Servigon is the main speaker for this webinar. He talks
about three topics which contents are first is the Working in ASEAN, next is all about
Representing the Philippines in ASEAN, lastly is Participating in ASEAN activities.
Working in ASEAN or the Different Careers of ASEAN Secretariat, these positions or
ranking are only restricted to those citizens who are member of ASEAN states only. It
means if your country is not part of ASEAN Member it simply means you cannot apply
for those positions.

Different Careers where the Secretary General is the highest rank or position. Also, it is
appointed by the ASEAN Summit in consideration with integrity, capability, professional
experience and gender equality. To be followed by Deputy Secretaries-General which
have 4 departments namely ASEAN Political-Security Community Department, ASEAN
Economic Community Department, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Department,
ASEAN Corporate and Community Affairs Department where you can be appointed by
the recommendation of Secretary General and approved the ASEAN coordinating
council. Which qualifications are much likely the same with Secretary General with
consideration to integrity and so on. But Deputy Secretaries-General has only a term of
three (3) years. Next Position is Openly-Recruited Staff where Directors are the head of
directorates and the Assistant Directors are head of the divisions and Senior Officials
will assist the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretaries-General, Directors and Assistant
Directors. Ambassador Servigon also mentioned about the salary of those different
positions, and the steps how you can apply.

Next is he talked about how to Represent Philippines in ASEAN. For the ASEAN
Summit is the President of the Philippines who will represent, and by the ASEAN
Coordinating Council and the AMM it is the Secretary of Foreign Affair who will
represent of our country. And for the other ASEAN ministerial meetings the appropriate
department secretaries will represent the Philippines.
Lastly, he also talked about participating in ASEAN activities which he mentioned that
they career in joining in many ASEAN activities like ASEAN Foundation, Secretariat,
Center of Biodiversity. That he also said there are many opportunities to join. Where he
shows one activity by the ASEAN which is the ASEAN Young Climate Leader Program
an interesting purpose according to Ambassador Servigon.

As a Foreign Service Student, it is indeed motivation to hear that kinds of different jobs
or work which can wait for us after we graduate if we want to pursue being an
ambassador or diplomat. International Negotiation is a much important because it is the
primary skill an ambassador should have because being ambassador should be expert
in negotiation in order to build good relationship with other nation and to promote our
country to other countries

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