Complete With A Conditional

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Complete with a conditional

1 - If it (be) sunny tomorrow, we (go) to the beach.

2 - If the 8 o´clock bus (arrive) late, I (get to) work on time.

3 - If I (be) you, I (learn) how to cook.

4 - If I (win) the lottery, I (leave) my job.

5 - If I (go) to that restaurant, I (tell) you what it's like.

6 - If I (find) an envelope with a lot of money in it in the street , I

(take) it to the nearest police station.

7 - If you (boil) water, it (evaporate).

8 -If you (help) me with my homework, I (help) you

clean the kitchen.

9 - If I (arrive) late, (you / put) my dinner

in the oven, please?

10 - If England (win) the match tonight, they (be) in

the semi-finals!

11 – I didn’t pass my exam but I am sure that if I (study) more, I

(pass) it.

12. Unless we (hurry up), we (not arrive) on time

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