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Adarsh Tiwari

PGMB 1903

1. Analysis of topic in Eureka Forbes

After going through reading I understood the first 3 steps of selling process:

1. Prospecting and Qualifying

2. Pre-Approach
3. Approach
And by going through case I can relate it with topic. “Prospecting is the process of identifying potential
customers for the company’s product and services, Prospecting is an essential part of sales; if a
salesperson wants good result then he should do prospecting every day.”
So while going through case I found that
 EFL defined its target audience as those households in the 400 A-level cities (with populations in

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excess of 100,000) with monthly incomes above the typical price of its products. In 2004, only

18 million households met these criteria

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 By 2004 more than 24 million cold calls were being made, nearly 2.4 million product

demonstrations conducted
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So the above mention points are related with three approaches, like EFL has targeted its audience in
400A-level cities with populations in excess of 100,000 is part of prospecting and this audience can be
called as probable prospect or sales lead or suspect. Now from the definition of prospect I know that

for being a prospect a sales lead should meet few criteria, so in this case there was a condition that
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monthly income of the customer should be more than typical price of its product so in 2004, 18 million
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households met these criteria to become prospect. Now the statement two says that by 2004 more
than 24 million cold calls were being made, nearly 2.4 million product demonstrations conducted
So generally the leads after qualifying are placed in 3 categories
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1. Hot Prospect
2. Warm Prospect
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3. Cold Prospect
So by 2004, 24 million cold calls were made and these calls were made to identify the prospects and
nearly 2.4 million which is 10% of total calls can be considered as hot prospect.

Sales approach:

So Eurochamps start their day at 7.00am every morning and they usually knock 40-50 doors with the
objective of generating at least 3 or 4 appointment for demos in the evening. Before knocking the
doors in the morning there was a short meeting with team leader about previous day performance and
the planned for the day ahead including apportioning the day territory among the members and this

thing will come under Pre-Approach, because salesperson must have done some customer research
and in the morning meeting they have already planned the sales calls and considered these four
1. Whom to see?
2. Where to go?

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Adarsh Tiwari
PGMB 1903

3. What are the call objectives?

4. How to approach the prospect?
Now the total generated appointment (3 or 4 out of 40-50 knock) can be considered as Approach
because as per definition of approach “Making an appointment to see the prospect is called Approach “

Now approach can be of three types but as per this case I think introductory approach will be most
suitable because in Introductory approach the salesperson states his name and the company name,
preceded by a friendly and greeting smile and a firm handshake or 'Namaskar'. Most salespersons also
present a business card. For example “Good evening Mr. Nair, my name is Ganesh from Eureka Forbes.
I am here for 5.00pm appointment”.

2. Impact of technology on Prospecting, Pre-approach & Approach:

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Impact of technology on Prospecting:

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1. The use of SIC (Standard Industrial classification ) Systems has enabled the companies to get the
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names of probable prospects, So this system has made things simpler for identifying potential
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2. Use of Sales Navigator (Sales navigator is a social selling platform by LinkedIn that provides an
array of features which focus on helping you find the right prospects to build trusted relationship .

With LinkedIn sales navigator, you can reach the right kind of prospects by using search and filter
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3. Using big data efficiently can be helpful in generating new leads, but organization should also be
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aware about how to convert ‘big data’ into usable data. These data helps you to gain invaluable
insights about how users feel about your product.
4. Artificial intelligence algorithms is playing important role now-a-days in terms of generating
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Impact of technology on Pre-Approach:

1. By using AI algorithm a salesperson can identify which of your existing clients are more likely to
buy a better version of what they currently own (up-sell) and or which are most likely to want a new

product offering altogether (cross-sell) , So we can say that it helps in collecting information about

the prospect
2. Route mapping through sales prospecting app, it helps to plot nearest prospect and it enables all
the detail information about the nearest prospect. It won’t just help you keep track of everything and
everyone, but it will also help you to organize your time so that you can prioritize and be much more


Impact of technology on Approach:

1. Augmented reality provides visualization of product in real time in client’s environment and it
makes the sales presentations more impactful than ever before. The technology allows you to work
with customers to make more informed decision about product placement.

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Adarsh Tiwari
PGMB 1903

3. Understanding the video

Link of the video:

About the video: This is the video created by Jason Richea on sales process.

Understanding of the video:

1. In this video the sales process is divided into seven steps starting with Acquire product
knowledge, this video says that don’t be dependent on google only for acquiring product
knowledge, The more Knowledge a salesperson have, the more informed and intelligent he will
sound while giving presentation or when he meets the prospect.

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2. Second step in the video says that to make the approach and mentioned few points in this step

like acknowledge the customer , use introductory approach , don’t stalk at customer and a

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suggestion is also given in this step is to don’t be too reluctant which means a salesperson have

to be always positive
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3rd step in this video says that determine the customer want , so it is shown in the video that
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before determining the want of the customer a salesperson should understand the need of the

4. 4th step in the video says that present the product, this video says that while showing the
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product a salesperson should show it’s all features as well as the benefit of product which will
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lead to better presentation of product.

5. 5th step in this video says that Handle the objection , a sales person should always be ready for
the queries because it can be unexpected questions and it is also mentioned in the video that
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sales does not start until consumer objects because this is the first step where customer is trying
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to find out how this product will fulfill his/her needs and there is suggestion also given in the
video that a salesperson should always be product oriented means don’t try to make customer
realize that he can afford the product just talk about the solution which he is providing

6. 6th step is close the sale , in this video there are two suggestions mentioned that salesperson

should always help the customer with payment method and ensure that the there are no more
objection and these things will lead to a positive impact on the brand
7. 7th step is follow up, always provide a good customer service and ensure that customer is happy

after purchase and always try to build a long term relationship if customer is also happy to do so.

This video is really very good to understand the basics of sales process, but for depth knowledge
one has to go through detailed readings.

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Adarsh Tiwari
PGMB 1903

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