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2020/10/28 第403章 撤銷註冊或許可證 - Cap.

403 Cancellation of registration or licence

第403章 《保護臭氧層條例》 11/04/2019 Cap. 403 Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance 11/04/2019

7. 撤銷註冊或許可證 7. Cancellation of registration or licence

(1) 署長如認為獲發許可證的人違反註冊或許可證條件, (1) The Director may at any time cancel a registration or licence
或認為註冊或許可證是因為錯誤,或有關申請人的不 where he considers that a condition of the registration or
法作為或對事實作出失實陳述而辦理或發出的,可隨 licence has been contravened or that the registration was made
時撤銷有關註冊或許可證。 or licence was issued as a result of an error or an unlawful act
(2) 署長須向有關註冊人或獲發許可證的人送達說明撤銷 of the applicant or a false representation of a fact made by
理由的撤銷通知,通知可親收送達或用郵遞送達。 him.
(3) 接獲撤銷通知的人,須在接獲通知後10天內將遭撤銷 (2) The Director shall, by personal service or by post, serve on the
的註冊證明書或許可證交還署長。 person whose registration or licence is cancelled a notice of
the cancellation stating the reasons for the cancellation.
(4) 接獲撤銷通知的人如在其註冊或許可證撤銷前沒有機
會陳詞,可向署長申請覆核其決定,而署長聆聽申請 (3) Within 10 days after being served with a notice of cancellation
人的陳詞後,可恢復該人的註冊或許可證,並可為此 the person served shall deliver the relevant certificate of
施加條件。 registration or licence to the Director.
(5) 任何人不遵照第(3)款將已撤銷的註冊證明書或許可證 (4) Where the person served is not given an opportunity to be
交還,即屬犯罪,可處罰款$25,000。 heard before his registration or licence is cancelled, he may
apply to the Director to review his decision and the Director
may, after hearing the applicant, reinstate the registration or
licence, subject to any conditions he may impose.
(5) A person who fails to deliver a cancelled certificate of
registration or licence in compliance with subsection (3)
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $25,000. 1/1

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