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Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Unit Number and Title
Pearson BTEC Level 3, Extended Diploma in
Unit 10: Market Research in Business
Reg. No. Learner’s Name Assessor’s Name
18000487-Saima Arshad Dr. Tajwar Hussaini

Hand-out Date Hand-in Date Submitted On

6 January, 2019 14 February, 2019 14 February, 2019

Summative Report
Assignment Title A Market Research

Assessment and Grading Criteria

To achieve a merit To achieve a distinction
To achieve a pass grade grade the evidence grade the evidence must
the evidence must show must show that, in show that, in addition to
that the learner is able addition to the pass the pass and merit
to: criteria, the learner is criteria, the learner is
able to: able to:
P1 Describe types of market

P2 Explain how different

market research methods have
been used to make a
marketing decision within a
selected situation or business.

M1 Explain with examples,

P3 Plan market research for a how different market
selected product/service using research methods are D1 Evaluate the market
appropriate methods of data appropriate to assist research method used by a
collection. (CT, SM) different marketing selected organization.

P4 Conduct primary and

secondary research for a M2 Explain the reasons for
selected product/service choosing the particular D2 Evaluate the findings from
making use of identifiable method of data collection the research undertaken. 2
sampling techniques for a selected D2D2
[IE, TW, EP] product/service.


P5 Interpret findings from the M3 Analyse the research

research presenting them findings and make
clearly in an appropriate recommendations on how
marketing strategies
format. (RL, TW)
could be adapted or

IE – independent enquirers RL – reflective learners SM – self-managers

CT – creative thinkers TW – team workers EP – effective participators

Learner’s Declaration

I certify the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Learner’s Signature: saimaarshad2711@gmail.com

Date:14 February 2019

Acknowledged by:

Assessor Signature: tajwar@ukcbc.ac.ae

Date: 14/2/2019


Table of Contents
MARKET RESEARCH IN BUSINESS.......................................................................................3
Market Research:..........................................................................................................................3
Primary Research:.........................................................................................................................4
IMPORTANCE OF PRIMARY RESEARCH:.........................................................................................4
Secondary Research:.....................................................................................................................4
IMPORTANCE OF SECONDARY RESEARCH:....................................................................................5
Qualitative Research:....................................................................................................................5
Primary Research/Qualitative data collection of Adidas:..............................................................5
Quantitative Research:.................................................................................................................6
Secondary Research/Quantitative Research example of Adidas:..................................................6
INTRODUCTION TO ADIDAS:.........................................................................................................6
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES OF ADIDAS:..............................................................................................6
Research Purpose/Design:............................................................................................................6
RESEARCH INSTRUMENT USED FOR ADIDAS:................................................................................7
METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION:.................................................................................................7
TARGET POPULATION/SIZE:..........................................................................................................9
Types of sampling techniques.......................................................................................................9
THE SAMPLING TECHNIQUE USED FOR ADIDAS:...........................................................................9
SECONDARY RESEARCH OF ADIDAS.............................................................................................20
Market Share of Adidas:.............................................................................................................21
Pricing of Adidas:........................................................................................................................21


Brief History of Adidas:...............................................................................................................21

Turnover and Brand Image:.........................................................................................................21
P5- attach PPT.............................................................................................................................21
MARKET RESEARCH OF ADIDAS:.................................................................................................21
Types of market research methods useful in different types of situation:...................................22
Primary Research........................................................................................................................22
Secondary Research....................................................................................................................23
My reasons for choosing Quantitative Research Method:...........................................................23



Market Research:
The process in which information or data is gathered, analyzed and interpretation is done
about a certain market for a product or service to be offered for sale in that market is
known as a market research. In the market research, past, potential and present
customers are taken under consideration to acknowledge their spending habits,
characteristics and needs of the business is targeted to know more about the
competitors of the organization.
There are basically two types of market research that is Primary and Secondary

Primary Research:
The research that is carried out to make solutions to some sort of specific questions or
problems is known as primary research. Few things that are involved in primary research
are interviews, questionnaires, observations and surveys with small groups or with
individuals. Primary research is specifically related to the business solely. For example, if
a company is launching a new product on a website and it wants to have a feedback
regarding the design and efficacy of that particular product, then the research firm will
have to contact with some focus group in order to get the attention of customers or get
their response to the website of the firm. Few main types of Primary Research are as
Interview is a kind of research that helps in finding information about important facts,
opinions and attitudes. It helps in analyzing the motivations and behavioral attitude of
the interviewees. Interview is quite different from questionnaire because during the
interview the respondent can give appropriate answers and the questions given can also
be changed as required according to the situation. It is a very time-consuming process
and is much more flexible than the questionnaires.
A list of questions to generate a quick response from the consumer is known as a
survey. The response to the surveys can be recorded by the researcher himself who is
asking the questions or else by the consumer. Surveys can be conducted in various ways
such as, personally, through a website, through e-mails and over the phone. Surveys
that are done over the internet are very less time consuming and less effort is needed as
compared to surveys that are conducted in-person. Phone calls is also a popular method
for surveys, before starting phone call survey customers are asked to participate in the
survey if they are interested.
Watching some sort of specific activity to get specific detail about that activity, this
process is known as observation. This term usually focuses on the potential customers
and their reactions towards a product of any company in the business world. For
example, a famous restaurant wants to know if the customers like their newest dish with
new ingredients added, they may have a round all over the place of restaurant, hand out
free samples and while the customers will try that new dish someone from the staff or
employee or any other person of the restaurant will watch the customers and observe
the reaction of customers while eating the new dish.



This kind of research is important to conduct because it is critical to have fresh, unused
data to have a knowledge that how they should make their organization or product much
better and effective. Primary research is important because it is a real asset for a
business to create a kind of dialogue with the customers, to gather customers feedback
and then using that feedback to improve the actions of a business and marketing
collateral. Primary research gives more control to the user to have a complete control on
the data and how it can be used later to nurture the response. Some of the methods of
primary research are forums, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, surveys and

Secondary Research:
Making use of such sort of information that has been researched by other people
previously for different purposes and is available publicly is known as secondary
information. The reports that has been published in a survey, on the internet and even in
a library are also secondary research. Reports that are found in the secondary research
are produced by sources such as universities, medical councils, government and the
department of health etc. Most often while doing a market research, secondary research
is taken as a source of data that is reused for some purpose by a second party that has
been collected by a first party for example through interviews, surveys and observations.
Some of the types of secondary market research methods are internet, textbooks and
Using the data that already exists for analysis including both external and internal data.
This kind of data is very useful at the time when there is a need to explore the problems
inside the market that exists. Mostly companies make transactions online including
wealth of data and it exists because of the availability of Internet. Whatever action or
activity is performed on the website is recorded in the server logs of the Website.
Internet is always use for communicating with customers to provide solutions for the
complains, comment and for providing sufficient information related to any product or
Textbooks are often known as a secondary source because it contains usually excerpts,
primary sources. A textbook is written by someone who analyze the facts and the
primary source. It is quite possible that the person who wrote the book might not
necessarily lived during this time and even if they did, they will just write about the
facts, not about what they felt or what they witnessed. The author of the book will only
describe and will talk about the facts of a particular time or situation.


This type of research is basically used to ensure that either the primary data that has
been collected previously is correct or not. Secondary research saves a lot of time
because this research can be easily done through using Internet and by searching on
Google for something whatever the user wants to find and it can be found instantly.
Secondary research itself plays a pivotal role and at the end there is no need of the
primary research, it also helps in finding that how many competitors are their present in
the market. This research is enough to find that which Product is not yet available in the
market and the organization can launch in order to get attention of the target audience.
Few methods of secondary research are Internet, Textbooks and Articles.


Qualitative Research:
Qualitative Research method includes less structured protocols and the interview include
open-ended questions. Respondents in this research are interviewed several times to get
as much information and as much opinions as possible. Multiple data collection methods
are used for the authentication of the results evaluated from the answers of
respondents. There is no planning of asking the research questions to specific population
and each study produce only a single piece of evidence.

Primary Research/Qualitative data collection of Adidas:

This type of data collection instrument plays a very big role in collecting data. This kind
of research instrument makes it easy to have a clear understanding of the reasons,
motivations and opinions behind the research. For example, Adidas company uses
qualitative research because it helps their organization to have a deep insight into the
problem and helps in developing new hypotheses and ideas for potential research. Adidas
use structured and semi-structured techniques for data collection methods of qualitative
research to make appropriate marketing decisions such as they include less structured
protocols and the interview include open-ended questions, respondents in this research
are interviewed several times to get as much information and as much opinions as
possible, multiple data collection methods are used for the authentication of the results
evaluated from the answers of respondents and there is no planning of asking the
research questions to specific population and each study produce only a single piece of
evidence. Some of the common methods that Adidas use includes,
participation/observation, focus groups (group discussions) and individual interviews. The
size of the sampling instrument is small, the respondents are selected by a fair planning
to fulfil a given Quota.

Quantitative Research:
Quantitative research can be defined as recording the well-defined events and observing
it. From the source of management information systems obtaining the data which is
relevant. Clinical and experiments trials and close-ended questions are the main
objective of administering. The main objective of quantitative research is to employ and
develop mathematical models, hypotheses and theories pertaining to phenomena. The
process of quantitative research is considered to be central because it provides the main
fundamental connection between the mathematical and empirical observation of
quantitative relationships.

Secondary Research/Quantitative Research example of Adidas:

Quantitative data is recorded or collected systematically within the computer database
so that it can be easily analysed. To explain the large-scale trends and patterns, graphs
and tables are often used to support theories or arguments. Ultimately, Quantitative
data can be used to figure out the potential scope of a particular targeted area of
interest. For example, Adidas conduct face-to-face surveys to ask people if they know
about their business, what products they buy, how often they visit their company stores.
Adidas use these questionnaire structured surveys because it is usually close-ended and
it can also be done through telephones, emails or by visiting face-to-face. By getting the
results from this research Adidas can make marketing decisions such as client and
customer surveys helps Adidas company to determine that if they are selling something
that sets them apart from the competitor and by reviewing the response rates to
promotions or advertising activities through the use of coupons, websites statistics and
customer queries can also help Adidas in making marketing decisions.


Adidas is a multi-national corporation, it was
established in 1949 and its main headquarter is
in Germany. Adidas is also known as the largest
manufacturer of sportswear in Europe and the
second largest around the world after NIKE.
Adidas logo is made up of three stripes, that is
mostly used on all of the products of Adidas on
clothing or shoe design as aid of marketing. The
company of Adidas helps the people in a unique
way by helping athletes through providing such
kind of products so that they can perform better, feel better and play better. Products of
Adidas sets records, trends and make history every day all around the world.


1- To investigate the most sold product of Adidas.
2- To find out the most liked feature of Adidas products.
3- To find out the customer satisfaction level.
4- To find out if the advertisement of Adidas is useful and the technique in particular.

Research Purpose/Design:
The purpose of my research planning is to find out the information about the products of
my selected organization Adidas, the reason is to know that where Adidas has a
competitive advantage in and where it has any kind of weaknesses. And to provide
suitable solutions to these weaknesses that can be anyhow beneficial. Another thing that
I have done next are the research objectives. It is very important to understand the
objectives before starting any kind of research related to product of the selected
organization. The questions that are made for the objectives must answer the questions
that have been made and reach the proper response that is required.


Quantitative Research was used for the research purpose of Adidas. In Qualitative
research there is a scientific method to collect or gather non-numerical data which helps
in understanding the concepts, characteristics, meanings and description of things.
Through this research it is easy to understand that how and when a certain phenomenon
occurs. Therefore, I used Quantitative research as my research instrument, this research
includes Questionnaire and Interaction with customers.


QUESTIONNAIRE- In this process, questions are structured on the bases of different
objectives that are set for a purpose to collect the information. After the research comes
to an end, I was able to have a clear and complete observation to provide additional
information related to the research. I have done the quantitative research for Adidas
company through a survey, it was a close-ended questionnaire with 17 questions and
each question had 4 or 5 options for the respondents to choose whatever option they are
interested in.
INTERACTION WITH CUSTOMERS- This method was also adopted for the purpose of
data collection. While giving the questionnaire to different people, a lot of interactions
was mainly done while they were giving answers for the questionnaire. Through
interaction, I got a lot of details as additional information that how people got aware of
the Adidas brand and how frequently they visit the store.


Below are the questions that I asked in the survey to my targeted audience.
1- What is your gender?
a- Male
b- Female

2- How old are you?

a- 13-19
b- 20-30
c- 31-40
d- 41 and above

3- Are you a frequent buyer of Adidas products?

a- Yes
b- No

4- What amount of money (in Dirhams) would you like to spend on a pair of shoes?
a- 50-100
b- 150-200
c- 250-300
d- 300 and above

5- What makes you choose Adidas for buying footwear?

a- Design
b- Quality
c- Style Statement
d- Comfort
e- Value for money

6- What is your opinion on the prices of Adidas products?

a- Underpriced
b- Overpriced
c- Reasonable
d- Value for money

7- How often do you buy Adidas products?

a- Monthly
b- Quarterly
c- Half-yearly
d- Yearly

8- Which product of Adidas do you usually purchase?

a- Sports Wear
b- Sports Shoes
c- Sports Products/Accessories

9- Does the packaging of Adidas attract you to buy its products?

a- Yes
b- No

10-If you find out that Adidas launches suitcases, what would be your reaction?
a- Will Create Your Interest Only
b- Immediately Purchase


c- Compare It to Other Brands

d- Not Interested

11-How would you rate Adidas products, if you are a user?

a- Satisfied
b- Very Satisfied
d- Dissatisfied
e- Very Dissatisfied

12-Do you think Adidas products are easily reachable to you as a customer?
a. Yes
b. No

13-What kind of service of Adidas need to improve the most?

a- Convenience/Availability
b- Online Services
c- Promotions
d- After Sales Service

14-What are the reasons for not choosing Adidas products?

a- Price
b- Promotion
c- Awareness
d- Others

15-Does Adidas have an effective advertising technique?

a. Yes
b. No

16-Where did you see Adidas advertisement?

a- Online
b- Magazine & Newspaper
c- Banners or Billboards
d- Television

17-Are you a loyal customer of Adidas?

a- Yes
b- No

In this research, I will target 50 audience to answer my questionnaires. Half of the
audience will be women 25 and half of the target population will be 25 men. In this way
it will be much easy and clear that what are the views of audience regarding products of
Adidas. The reason that I split my target population into two groups (men and women)
is to know the different opinions of two different groups and to know that what they
would like to have or what they would not like to have in the company. Through the
objectives that I have set for the questionnaires, it will be brainstorming of questions to
ask to the audience or respondents.

Types of sampling techniques:

Probability Sampling: It is a method in which sampling is done through random
selection. It is important to set the audience equally between male and female in the
procedure or process of probability sampling so that different units of the population


must have equal opportunity to be chosen. There are various forms of sampling that are
being used by humans for example, choosing the short straw or picking the name out of
hat (something that is randomly picked). Types of probability sampling are Random
sampling and Cluster sampling.
Non-probability sampling: It is the process or procedure in which samples are
gathered in such a way that all the individuals of the population are not given equal
chance to participate in being selected. It is an opposite of probability sampling. In non-
probability sampling the audience is unknown. Target audience can be chosen by any of
the ways that can be through the researchers own capability of choosing or by some
other source randomly. Types of non-probability sampling are Quota sampling and
Convenience sampling.


Quota sampling is one of the types of non-probability sampling. The sampling technique
that I used is Quota sampling. I chose this type of sampling because I wanted to know
the likes and wants of both men or women. In this method of sampling I divided my
target population into 25 male and 25 female audience to know about the preferences of
both the audience.

To conduct the primary research, I have used survey and the results that I got after
analyzing the data is given below with the results for each question and further, I have
used spreadsheet to calculate the percentage of the answers given by the respondents.
It is explained with the help of pie charts in order to have proper information, below are
the questions along with the answers indicated in the form of percentage.

1- What is your gender?

Male 5 50%
Female 5 50%

2- How old are you?

13-19 7 34%
20-30 3 46%
31-40 4 8%
41 and above 6 12%

3- Are you a frequent buyer of Adidas products?

Yes 9 38%
No 1 62%

4- What amount of money would you like to spend on a pair of shoes?

50-100 3 6%
150-200 9 38%

250-300 7 34%
300 and above 1 22%

5- What makes you choose Adidas for buying footwear?

Design 8 16%
Quality 0 20%
Style Statement 8 16%
Comfort 7 34%
Value for money 7 14%

6- What is your opinion on the prices of Adidas products?

Underpriced 2 4%
Overpriced 4 28%
Reasonable 1 42%
Value for money 3 26%

7- How often do you buy Adidas products?

Monthly 3 6%
Quarterly 6 12%
Half-yearly 0 40%
Yearly 1 42%

8- Which product of Adidas do you usually purchase?

Sports wear 3 26%
Sports shoes 0 60%
Sports products/accessories 7 14%

9- Does the packaging of Adidas attract you to buy its products?

Yes 0 20%
No 0 80%

10-If you find out that Adidas launches suitcases, what would be your
Will create your interest only 3 6%
Immediately purchase 8 16%

Compare it to other brands 4 28%
Not interested 5 50%

11-How would you rate Adidas products, if you are a user?

Satisfied 1 82%
Very satisfied 3 6%
Dissatisfied 3 6%
Very dissatisfied 3 6%

12-Do you think Adidas products are easily reachable to you as a

Yes 3 66%
No 7 34%

13-What kind of service of Adidas need to improve the most?

Convenience/Availability 2 4%
Online services 3 66%
Promotions 1 22%
After sales-service 4 8%

14-What are the reasons for not choosing Adidas products?

Price 0 20%
Promotion 2 64%
Awareness 4 8%
Others 4 8%

15-Does Adidas have an effective advertising technique?

Yes 2 24%
No 8 76%

16-Where did you see Adidas advertisement?

Online 9 78%
Magazine and Newspaper 7 14%
Banners or Billboards 2 4%
Television 2 4%


17-Are you a loyal customer of Adidas?

Yes 8 76%
No 2 24%

Below is the visual presentation of the results which I received for the questionnaires,
explained by the help of pie charts for a clear understanding and better appearance of
the results that are answered by the individuals who participated in the survey.

What is your gender?

50% 50% Male

In this question, the result is that out of 50 people there are 25 females and 25 males
who are using or not using Adidas brand to buy their choice of products. I have asked
random individuals to answer the questions given in the survey.




8% 34% How old are you?

41 and above


In this question, the result is that out of 50 people the individuals of age group 20-30
are the majority that is 46% out of 100% and individuals of age group 13-19 are the
second group of high percentage that is 34%. Other people that are above the age of 31
are very less.


38% Are you a frequent buyer of

Adidas products?
62% No

In this question, it shows that the people who are using Adidas products are less that is
38% out of 100% and the people who are not using Adidas products are high in
percentage that is 62% out of 100%.



What amount of money
would you like to spend on a
pair of shoes?
38% 50-100
300 and above

In this question, I asked the individuals that what price or amount of money they will
like to spend on Adidas shoes products. Mostly 38% people answered that amount
ranges between 150-200 will be much more affordable as compared to other amounts
that are less than 150 or above 300.


14% 16%
What makes you choose
Adidas for buying footwear?
Style Statement
34% Comfort
Value for money

In this question, I asked people the reason for choosing Adidas products and 34% people
gave the answer that they choose Adidas because of the comfort. Quality is another high
percentage that is 20% for buying Adidas footwear.



What is your opinion on the
28% prices of Adidas products?
Value for money


The result of this pie chart shows that 42% of the people preferred that Adidas has a
reasonable pricing scheme and people find it not much expensive to spend their money
on Adidas products.


How often do you buy Adidas
42% Monthly

In this question, I got the result that people who buy Adidas products yearly are the
highest in percentage that is 42% and another higher percentage are those individuals
who buy Adidas products half-yearly that is 40% out of 100%.



Which product of Adidas do
you usually purchase?
Sports wear
Sports shoes
Sports products/accessories


The result that I observed in this question is that 60% of people buy sport shoes from
Adidas as compared to other products. The lowest percentage is 14% of people who buy
other accessories of Adidas.



Does the packaging of

Adidas attract you to buy its


Unfortunately, the result of this question is not good because 80% of the people are not
really concerned to buy Adidas because of its packaging. The reason is that Adidas only
provides simple packaging and they do not provide anything special related to



16% If you find out that Adidas
launches suitcases, what
would be your reaction?
50% Will create your interest only
Immediately purchase
Compare it to other brands
28% Not interested

The result of this question is that 50% of the people will compare Adidas with other
competitive brands before buying any kind of suitcases because Adidas have their own
specialization for selling sports footwear, clothing and other accessories but launching
suitcases is a very different prospective for people who are buying Adidas products.


6% How would you rate Adidas
products, if you are a user?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied

In this question, I asked the individuals whether they are satisfied by using Adidas
products or else they are not satisfied. The result is good that is 82% people are
satisfied by purchasing or using Adidas products. And there is a low percentage of people
who are dissatisfied.



34% Do you think Adidas products

are easily reachable to you
as a customer?

The result of this question is that 66% of the people thinks that Adidas is very easily
reachable to the customers as compared to the 34% of people who don’t agree that
Adidas is easily reachable to the customers.


8% 4%
What kind of service of
Adidas need to improve the
22% most?
Online services
66% After sales-service

In this question, I asked random people that what they think about the service of Adidas
that must be improved and the result I got is that the majority 66% of people suggested
that Adidas should improve their online services related to any kind of purchasing or
queries of the products.



8% 20%
What are the reasons for not
choosing Adidas products?


The result of this question is that price and promotion are the reason that why majority
of people don’t choose Adidas products. A very low percentage of people choose Adidas
because of the awareness of its products.


Does Adidas have an
effective advertising

As a result, this pie chart shows that 76% of the people don’t find advertising of Adidas
effective and 24% of people find it effective. This indicates that the reason to buy Adidas
products is not advertising but their choice of comfort.



14% Where did you see Adidas
Magazine and Newspaper
Banners or Billboards

In this question, I asked that where did the people watch the visual advertisement of
Adidas and 78% of majority answered that they watch it online on websites or social



Are you a loyal customer of



As we all know, there are many different brands of sportswear. As a result of this last
question in the survey is that, are they loyal customers of Adidas. The response I got is
positive and majority of 76% people who took the survey are loyal customers of Adidas.


Through the Overall research, for my first objective, I got the results that most of the
respondents are interested in buying Adidas sports shoes and the percentage of people
who choose sport shoes is 60%. And the reason for choosing sports shoes is the comfort
of the product. My second objective was to find out that which feature of Adidas products
people liked the most and the answer I got that 34% of the respondents buy Adidas
products because of its comfort and quality standards. Respondents who participated in
the questionnaire were also asked about what they think that which service of Adidas
should be improved, the answer I got from 66% of people was that Adidas must improve
the online services, it means they must provide access to the social websites of Adidas
so that people can easily purchase any product of their choice without physically visiting
their market stores. My third objective was to find out the satisfaction level of customers
for that I asked the users of Adidas that are they satisfied with the service and products
of Adidas and 82% people answered that they are satisfied and people who are
dissatisfied of Adidas are less in percentage. My fourth objective was about the
advertisement of Adidas and most of the population were not so much attracted towards
the advertisement of Adidas because they do not have anything special and unique in
their advertisements. The reason of purchasing Adidas products for the customers is not
the Advertising of Adidas but the choice of style and quality.


Through this research, I got a lot of information for Adidas brand and its various
products in the market. Adidas is a very well-known popular name of brand that is
famous throughout the world in various countries. A niche has been created by Adidas
among the old and young generation. In the present times, Adidas has become the
center of eye for many people. In India young generation is mostly interacted by Adidas.
The brand is often known as a leader of shoes category in the world. The first company
that made shoes for special purposes for example specially designed shoes for running,
cricket, tennis, basketball and football. There are a lot of franchises of Adidas in India
and each franchise is running successfully. Adidas also have dealings with other various
brands and products are supplied to the retailers, but the main concentration of Adidas is
their own franchise showrooms.
Market Share of Adidas:
In the year of 2009, the total market share of Adidas was calculated as 22% of all the
worldwide athletic footwear. The sales percentage of Adidas was reported to be declined
in profits. And with the increase in marketing costs the sales percentage was again
declined by 5% at the end of the same year 2009. After the year of 2009, there was an
increase of 15% in the sales because of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and it is calculated
from the financial report of Adidas. Adidas main target audience are individuals between
the age of 12-34 years that are specially involved in sports. Adidas target various other
sports that includes NBA players, Football, gym regulars and the youth who are
interested in living a sporty lifestyle. Adidas divide its products into three categories that
includes, Adidas original Superstar Sneakers, Adidas color Trainers and Vintage clothing,
Adidas Performance Sport shoes, eye wear, perfumes, Adidas style caps, belts, hand-
gloves and Bags.
Pricing of Adidas:
Various pricing strategies are followed by Adidas according to the style and comfort of
the product. Generally, Market skimming strategy is undertaken by Adidas that is the
price of the product that depends on the color, look. For example, normal shoes of
Adidas that are colorful are not so expensive as compared to white shoes of Adidas are
very expensive because of their look and style statement. Adidas adopt various
distribution strategies and one of the most common strategy of Adidas is to concentrate
resources at such place where the most profitable customer segment is available. And to

fulfill this purpose, Adidas has opened its stores all around the world in various
countries. Adidas also offers a great customer service whenever customers come to buy
its brand products. In addition to shop, Adidas also provide online shopping services.
Brief History of Adidas:
In 1920, Adolf “Adi” Dassler in the small German village of Herzogenaurach the name of
Adidas was introduced in the form of three little strips. The first sports shoe was
manufactured by Rudolph, brother of Dassler. That time, the first sport shoe was
manufactured due to the realizing the need for performance athletic shoes. After the of
1920, the two brothers Dassler and Rudolph separated to form their own separate
companies in 1948. Therefore, Dassler established Adidas whereas his brother
established another brand named as Puma and both the brands headquarter is situated
in Herzogenaurach. For the period of over 80 years, Adidas is considered as a part of
sports on almost every level because it delivers the latest and designed in a very comfort
manner sports footwear, accessories and apparel. Today, Adidas has a total net income
of 208 million and net sales of 6.1 billion. The share of Adidas company in the market for
sporting products is calculated around 15 percent.
Turnover and Brand Image:
Adidas has a turnover that has grown up to 45 million rupees in 2005. From the sale of
apparel and other accessories the turnover estimated is almost 53%. Adidas brand was
declared as the most determined brand in the brands survey of sportswear in the year
2005. After the year of 2005 the turnover increased and decreased at certain period of
times but Adidas is making further improvements to make their turnover rise up to a
higher extent in the coming years. Adidas also owns some other brands under his own
name. Adidas-owned brands, Salomon and Taylor and these stores hit the Indians choice
of buying sports apparel.


Slide 1

MARKET RESEARC H By Sa im a Arsh a d


Slide 2


Prim a ry Re se a rc h :
Th e re se a rc h th a t is c a rrie d o u t to m a ke so lu tio n s to
so m e so rt o f sp e c ific q u e stio n s o r p ro b le m s is kn o w n
a s p rim a ry re se a rc h .
Fe w m a in typ e s o f Prim a ry Re se a rc h a re a s fo llo ws:
◦ In te rvie w s
◦ Su rve ys
◦ O b se rva tio n

Slide 3

Se c o n d a ry
Re se a rc h :
◦ Ma kin g u se o f su c h so rt o f in fo rm a tio n
th a t h a s b e e n re se a rc h e d b y o th e r
p e o p le p re vio u sly fo r d iffe re n t p u rp o se s
a n d is a va ila b le p u b lic ly is kn o w n a s
se c o n d a ry in fo rm a tio n .
◦ Typ e s o f Se c o n d a ry Ma rke t Re se a rc h
Me th o d s:
◦ In te rn e t
◦ Te xtb o o ks
◦ Artic le s


Slide 4


Ad id a s is a m u lti-n a tio n a l
It wa s e sta b lish e d in 1949.
c o rp o ra tio n

Ad id a s is a lso kn o w n a s th e
la rg e st m a n u fa c tu re r o f
Ad id a s m a in h e a d q u a rte r
sp o rtsw e a r in Eu ro p e a n d
is situ a te d in G e rm a n y.
th e se c o n d la rg e st a ro u n d
th e w o rld a fte r NIKE.

Slide 5

◦ Th e p u rp o se o f m y re se a rc h p la nn in g
is to fin d o u t th e in fo rm a tio n a b o u t
Re se a rc h th e p ro d u c ts o f m y se le c te d
Purp o se / De sig n: o rg a n iza tio n Ad id a s, th e re a so n is to
kn o w th a t w h e re Ad id a s ha s a
c o m p e titive a d va n ta g e a n d w h e re it
h a s a n y kin d o f w e a kn e sse s.


Slide 6

◦ Q u a n tita tive Re se a rc h w a s u se d fo r
RESEARC H th e re se a rc h p u rp o se o f Ad id a s. In
Q u a n tita tive re se a rc h th e re is a
INSTRUMENT sc ie n tific m e tho d to c o lle c t o r g a the r
USED FO R n o n -n u m e ric a l d a ta w h ic h h e lp s in
u n d e rsta n d in g th e c o n c e p ts,
ADIDAS: c h a ra c te ristic s, m e a n in g s a n d
d e sc rip tio n o f th in g s.

Slide 7


◦In th is re se a rc h , I ta rg e te d 50
a u d ie n c e to a n swe r m y
q u e stio n n a ire s. Ha lf o f th e
a u d ie n c e a re 25 w o m e n a n d h a lf
o f th e ta rg e t p o p u la tio n a re 25
m e n.


Slide 8



1 2
Q uo ta sa m p lin g is o n e o f th e typ e s In th is m e th o d o f sa m p lin g I
o f n o n -p ro b a b ility sa m p lin g . Th e d ivid e d m y ta rg e t p o p ula tio n in to
sa m p lin g te c h n iq ue th a t I use d fo r 25 m a le a n d 25 fe m a le a ud ie n c e
Ad id a s re se a rc h is Q uo ta sa m p lin g . to kn o w a b o ut th e p re fe re n c e s o f
b o th th e a ud ie n c e .

Slide 9


I h a ve d o n e th e q u a n tita tive
re se a rc h fo r Ad id a s c o m p a n y
th ro u g h a surve y, it w a s a c lo se -
e n d e d q ue stio n n a ire w ith 17
q u e stio n s a n d e a c h q u e stio n
h a d 4 o r 5 o p tio n s fo r th e
re sp o n d e n ts to c h o o se w h a te ve r
o p tio n th e y a re in te re ste d in .


Slide 10

To in ve stig a te th e m o st so ld
p ro d u c t o f Ad id a s.

RESEARC H To fin d o u t th e m o st like d fe a tu re o f

Ad id a s p ro d u c ts.
O F ADIDAS: To fin d o u t th e c usto m e r sa tisfa c tio n
le ve l.

To fin d o u t if th e a d ve rtise m e n t o f
Ad id a s is u se ful a n d th e te c h n iq u e
in p a rtic u la r.

Slide 11




Slide 12

Wha t is yo ur g e n d e r?

Ma le 25 50%

Fe m a le 25 50%

Wh a t is yo u r
g e n d e r?
Ma le
50% 50%
Fe m a le

Slide 13

Ho w o ld a re yo u?
13-19 17 34%
20-30 23 46%
31-40 4 8%
41 a n d a b o ve 6 12%

Ho w o ld a re yo u?
8% 13-19


41 a n d a b o ve


Slide 14

Are yo u a fre q ue nt b uye r o f Ad id a s p ro d uc ts?

Ye s 19 38%

No 31 62%

Are yo u a fre q u e n t
b u ye r o f Ad id a s
p ro d uc ts?
38% Ye s


Slide 15

Wha t a m o unt o f m o n e y w o uld yo u like to sp e n d o n a p a ir o f sh o e s?

50-100 3 6%
150-200 19 38%
250-300 17 34%
300 a n d a b o ve 11 22%

Wh a t a m o u nt o f
m o n e y w o u ld yo u like
6% to sp e n d o n a p a ir o f
22% sh o e s?

34% 150-200


Slide 16

Wh a t m a ke s yo u c h o o se Ad id a s fo r b uyin g fo o twe a r?
De sig n 8 16%
Q ua lity 10 20%
Style Sta te m e n t 8 16%
C o m fo rt 17 34%
Va lue fo r m o ne y 7 14%

Wh a t m a ke s yo u c h o o se
Ad id a s fo r b uyin g
fo o tw e a r?
14% 16% De sig n

20% Q u a lity

Style Sta te m e n t

Slide 17

Wha t is yo ur o p in io n o n th e p ric e s o f Ad id a s p ro d uc ts?

Un d e rp ric e d 2 4%
O ve rp ric e d 14 28%
Re a so n a b le 21 42%
Va lue fo r m o n e y 13 26%

Wh a t is yo u r o p in io n o n
th e p ric e s o f Ad id a s
4% p ro d uc ts?
26% Und e rp ric e d

O ve rp ric e d

42% Re a so na b le


Slide 18

Ho w o fte n d o yo u b uy Ad id a s p ro d uc ts?
Mo n th ly 3 6%
Q ua te rly 6 12%
Ha lf-ye a rly 20 40%
Ye a rly 21 42%

Ho w o fte n d o yo u
b u y Ad id a s
6% 12% p ro d uc ts?
Mo n th ly

Q ua te rly

Ha lf-ye a rly

Slide 19

Wh ic h p ro d uc t o f Ad id a s d o yo u usua lly p urc h a se ?

Sp o rts w e a r 13 26%
Sp o rts sh o e s 30 60%
Sp o rts p ro d uc ts/ a c c e sso rie s 7 14%

Wh ic h p ro d u c t o f
Ad id a s d o yo u
u sua lly p urc h a se ?
14% Sp o rts w e a r

Sp o rts sh o e s

60% Sp o rts
p ro d uc ts/ a c c e sso rie s


Slide 20

Do e s the p a c ka g in g o f Ad id a s a ttra c t yo u to b uy its p ro d uc ts?

Ye s 10 20%

No 40 80%

Do e s th e p a c ka g ing o f
Ad id a s a ttra c t yo u to
20% b u y its p ro d u c ts?
Ye s

80% No

Slide 21

If yo u fin d o ut th a t Ad id a s la un c h e s suitc a se s, w h a t w o uld b e yo ur re a c tio n ?

Will c re a te yo ur in te re st o n ly 3 6%
Im m e d ia te ly p urc h a se 8 16%
C o m p a re it to o th e r b ra n d s 14 28%
No t in te re ste d 25 50%

If yo u fin d o ut tha t Ad id a s
la u n c h e s suitc a se s, wh a t
w o u ld b e yo u r re a c tio n ?
6% Will c re a te yo u r in te re st
16% o n ly

50% Im m e d ia te ly p u rc h a se

28% C o m p a re it to o th e r
b ra n d s

No t in te re ste d


Slide 22

Ho w w o uld yo u ra te Ad id a s p ro d uc ts, if yo u a re a use r?

Sa tisfie d 41 82%
Ve ry sa tisfie d 3 6%
Dissa tisfie d 3 6%
Ve ry d issa tisfie d 3 6%

Ho w w o u ld yo u ra te Ad id a s
p ro d u c ts, if yo u a re a u se r?
6% Sa tisfie d
Ve ry sa tisfie d

Dissa tisfie d

Ve ry d issa tisfie d

Slide 23

Do yo u th in k Ad id a s p ro d uc ts a re e a sily re a c h a b le to yo u a s a
c usto m e r?

Ye s 33 66%

No 17 34%

Do yo u th in k Ad id a s
p ro d uc ts a re e a sily
re a c h a b le to yo u a s a
c u sto m e r?
34% Ye s



Slide 24

Wha t kind o f se rvic e o f Ad id a s n e e d to im p ro ve th e m o st?

C o n ve n ie n c e / Ava ila b ility 2 4%
O n lin e se rvic e s 33 66%
Pro m o tio ns 11 22%
Afte r sa le s-se rvic e 4 8%

Wh a t kind o f se rvic e o f
Ad id a s n e e d to
im p ro ve the m o st?
C o n ve n ie n c e / Ava ila b il

O nline se rvic e s

Pro m o tio n s

Slide 25

Wha t a re th e re a so ns fo r n o t c h o o sin g Ad id a s p ro d uc ts?

Pric e 10 20%
Pro m o tio n 32 64%
Aw a re n e ss 4 8%
O th e rs 4 8%

Wh a t a re th e re a so ns
fo r n o t c h o o sing
Ad id a s p ro d uc ts?
8% Pric e
8% 20%

Pro m o tio n

Aw a re n e ss

O the rs


Slide 26

Do e s Ad id a s h a ve a n e ffe c tive a d ve rtisin g te c h n iq ue ?

Ye s 12 24%
No 38 76%

Do e s Ad id a s h a ve a n
e ffe c tive a d ve rtisin g
24% te c h n iq u e ?
Ye s

76% No

Slide 27

Whe re d id yo u se e Ad id a s a d ve rtise m e n t?
O n lin e 39 78%
Ma g a zin e a n d Ne w sp a p e r 7 14%
Ba n n e rs o r Billb o a rd s 2 4%
Te le visio n 2 4%

Wh e re d id yo u se e
4% Ad id a s a d ve rtise m e n t?
O nline
Ma g a zine a n d
Ne w sp a p e r
Ba n ne rs o r Billb o a rd s
Te le visio n


Slide 28

Are yo u a lo ya l c usto m e r o f Ad id a s?

Ye s 38 76%

No 12 24%

24% Are yo u a lo ya l
c u sto m e r o f Ad id a s?
Ye s


Slide 29

Use o f Sp re a d sh e e t

◦ Fo r a n a lyzing th e d a ta th a t I g o t
fro m th e q u e stio n n a ire , I h a ve u se d
sp re a d sh e e t to c a lc u la te th e
p e rc e nta g e o f the a n sw e rs g ive n
b y th e re sp o n d e nts.


Slide 30

◦ Th ro u g h th e O ve ra ll re se a rc h , fo r m y first o b je c tive , I g o t
th e re su lts th a t m o st o f th e re sp o n d e n ts a re in te re ste d in
b u yin g Ad id a s sp o rts sh o e s a n d th e p e rc e n ta g e o f p e o p le
w h o c h o o se sp o rt sh o e s is 60%. My se c o n d o b je c tive w a s
to fin d o u t th a t w h ic h fe a tu re o f Ad id a s p ro d u c ts p e o p le
like d th e m o st a n d th e a n sw e r I g o t th a t 34% o f th e
re sp o n d e n ts b u y Ad id a s p ro d u c ts b e c a u se o f its c o m fo rt
a n d q u a lity sta n d a rd s. My th ird o b je c tive w a s to fin d o u t
th e sa tisfa c tio n le ve l o f c u sto m e rs fo r th a t I a ske d th e u se rs
o f Ad id a s th a t a re th e y sa tisfie d w ith th e se rvic e a n d C o n c lu sio n
p ro d u c ts o f Ad id a s a n d 82% p e o p le a n sw e re d th a t th e y
a re sa tisfie d a n d p e o p le w h o a re d issa tisfie d o f Ad id a s a re
le ss in p e rc e n ta g e . My fo u rth o b je c tive w a s a b o u t th e
a d ve rtise m e n t o f Ad id a s a n d m o st o f th e p o p u la tio n w e re
n o t so m u c h a ttra c te d to w a rd s th e a d ve rtise m e n t o f
Ad id a s b e c a u se th e y d o n o t h a ve a n yth in g sp e c ia l a n d
u n iq u e in th e ir a d ve rtise m e n ts. Th e re a so n o f p u rc h a sin g
Ad id a s p ro d u c ts fo r th e c u sto m e rs is n o t th e Ad ve rtisin g o f
Ad id a s b u t th e c h o ic e o f style a n d q u a lity.

The effort to gather any type of information about customers or target markets is known
as a market research. Adidas considers market research as the main part of their
business strategy. Without market research it is not possible for them to gather
information to conduct any kind of business practices. It is mostly concerned specifically
with the marketing processes. It also gives information about what Adidas has to
improve and should work on. This can be done through using primary and secondary
research. One of the main factors for maintaining the competition of Adidas with the
other competitive brand is market research. To analyse and understand the needs of
people in the market, the competition and size the basic tool that is needed is research.
Market research encompasses both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Quantitative
techniques: analysis of secondary data and customer surveys, Qualitative techniques:
in-depth interviews, focus groups and ethnography. Through using the research method
of surveys, it can eventually help Adidas in having a knowledge that what areas must be
improved and how to amuse the customers towards their brand’s products. Surveys can
easily access the various options in a large variety of products of Adidas to be purchased
by the customers.

Adidas conduct market research because it is very helpful and basically needed at the
time of decision-making process. It aids their organization by providing information that
is proved and helps in reducing the suffer or risks regarding business decision-making. It
helps in exploring new and fresh ideas for the better performance of Adidas organization.
Market research also provides help in improving the financial stability of Adidas. It will
clearly give information related to the amount of profit has been earned by their
organization annually or monthly, the expenses of the Adidas, the sales and including all
kinds of transaction records, the amount of money that is needed if their company wants
to increase its merchandise or products to sell and how much money will be spend if the
organization is planning to expand its size of stores in different areas.

Market research gives information related to the economic environment of the market in
which Adidas is operating presently. To find out what quantity of products they should

produce that will be according to the environment of the country. For example, if the
population is very less then how much Adidas should produce and if the population is
large then how much quantity of production will they make in order to satisfy the people.
The thing which Adidas considers as the most important is to know about the rules and
regulations of the environment in which it is operating because the rules and regulations
are somehow very closely related to the choice of customers when it comes to
purchasing a product from their brand.

Types of market research methods useful in different types of situation:

Primary Research
One of the types of primary research are the focus groups, there is a moderator who
asks a variety of questions based on specific topics to start up the discussion among the
different group members within the focus group. For example, Disney has established
regular “kid-centric” focus groups and it consists of young children and preschoolers. By
making partnerships with the primary and preschools that are situated near the
headquarters of Disney company in Los Angeles. The school receives donations as an
exchange and the students get Disney stickers because of their participation. The
purpose of these focus group is to find out that what kind of characters the “toddler-to-
kindergartner crowd” are interested in. Feedback is also given to Disney about the
opinions on “after-marketing” and ongoing TV series. The comments and reactions of the
children about the merchandise provide a lot of valuable help for making decisions of

Survey is a method of primary research, it is considered as the most powerful

research tool through which it is easy to understand the attitudes and opinions of the
main target population in which the researcher is aiming to find out. For example,
Pinewood hotel conduct surveys to understand employee satisfaction, surveys are
given to the customers to get opinions on the customer service in order to improve their
services. If the customers rate is frequent or high in percentage that the hotel is
providing poor customer service, the hotel will take a serious action and will have some
sort of training programs to make the customer service effective and solve this issue as
soon as possible. Surveys also helps Pinewood hotel to have a clear understanding of
customers attitude and how their hotel will be run successfully in the future by making
measures on the present or previous years overall service providing performance of their

Secondary Research
Field trials is a quantitative research method, it helps in improving the packaging
and adjust the prices of the products and also helps a business for making product
modifications. Successful implementation of the product in the market can be done
through field trials. For example, the company of Coca-Cola can use this research
whenever they want to decide that between the two different packaging styles will be
most attracted for the customers. And it will be easy for the company to take a measure
that what style of packaging is mostly liked by customers in the field trials. This can be
quite expensively cost to the company and will be a time-consuming research but at the
end it will provide a lot of beneficial results. It can also be considered as a way to
understand the reaction of people after consuming their product and what is their
opinion about the taste of Coca-Cola products.

Random sampling and Structured sampling are the main types of data collection
instruments of quantitative research because they fit diverse experiences and it is
carried out in between different unknown people. For example, Adidas company uses


quantitative research as their tool for making appropriate marketing decisions of their
organization because the results that are produced through this research are easily
understandable, easily compared, summarized and generalize. Basic strategies that
Adidas company uses for collecting quantitative data for making marketing decisions
through surveys, they are recording the well-defined events and observing it, from the
source of management information systems obtaining the data which is relevant, clinical
and experiments trials and close-ended questions are the main objective of
administering surveys. Testing the hypotheses that is obtained from a piece of theory or
estimated from some other source of interest. It depends on the type of questions that
how the people give response and the participants may be randomly assigned to
different treatments. Adidas company uses quantitative research in various different
ways such as Telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews and Computer Assisted
Personal Interviewing (CAPI), Paper-pen questionnaires, Web-based questionnaires.

My reasons for choosing Quantitative Research Method:
For the market research of my selected organization that is ADIDAS, I chose quantitative
research for Adidas because it is much easier to collect data from the people by making
groups and measurements to target a particular audience for conducting surveys.
Therefore, I preferred quantitative research that is a data collection method of primary
research. The reason that I conduct primary research is that it is very informative and
time saving. It helped me in various ways to understand the real choice of customers for
liking and purchasing from Adidas. But at the same time, there was also some customers
who were not satisfied with the brand and they had no interest in buying Adidas apparel
or footwear because of their choice of other competitive brands. Primary research is
authentic information gathered from accurate resources, but it can be costly because in
this type of research, the researcher had to print out a large number of questionnaires to
get the results from random people for the research objectives. While doing the research
some people gave a response that they were not interested in answering the
questionnaire and some people were really amazed about it. Overall research that has
been conducted was successful and I got a lot of different opinions that are very closely
related to my research objectives.

The reasons for choosing quantitative methods is that it helps in establishing the
importance of needs of different customers and validate that what concept of the product
will be more beneficial for the organization. It helps in getting the answers for such
questions for example, “how many” and “how often” and is the product invaluable when
it while putting it into the business for any new service or product or improving those
products that already exists. The statistically results that are calculated from quantitative
research are estimated for the probability of success. The main reason of quantitative
research is to investigate for a main purpose and different related objectives, it is
generally used to understand the perceptions and views of target audience. Different
visions are offered for various problems through this type of research and it helps in
developing theories and concepts for potential qualitative research. Another reason for
choosing quantitative research is that it helps in discovering new individual views and
thoughts. This method of collection is a mixture of numerical data and the data that can
be converted into useable statistics. For collecting the data methods that are studied are
opinions, attitudes, behaviors and many other different variables in a large population to
measure the results. A lot of other things are also involved in this research that is
observing postures, body languages and gestures, making observation while performing
surveys to realize the main problems and find solutions to those problems.


There are many other reasons to choose quantitative research for example it helps in
interacting with unknown respondents because researcher usually depends on the
opinions, perceptions, ideas and views of the people. Dynamic processes such as
questionnaires through surveys, interviews and group discussions involves a lot more
respondents as compared to qualitative research. Other reason can also be that
interpretation and recording is done for the non-verbal communications through
observation from the answers given by the respondents in the surveys, it provides a kind
of opportunity to determine more than just rationales and initial responses.
As compared to Quantitative research, qualitative research is very time consuming
because it is a mixture of semi-structured and unstructured practices to collect the data
through individual interviews, group discussions, journal and diary exercises and
participation of others. In simple words, qualitative research is a kind of building
connection to a particular issue or topic and to uncover the behavior of target audiences.
The results are conducted of in-depth analysis of people for building theories based on
the results and the results of qualitative research are descriptive but not predictive.

I will be analyzing the findings which I achieved through my primary research of Adidas.
Then I will make some recommendations on how marketing strategies can be
implemented and adapted. The data that I collected previously will be gathered for
explaining that how I could improve it other ways and the strategy of an organization
that consists of all marketing goals into one comprehensive plan.

All the results that I have gained through my primary research were very useful for me
in order to get proper information about the choice of Adidas users and also the choice of
those people who do not buy any of the Adidas products. In other words, I got to realize
both the preferences of the user and non-users of Adidas. One example is that, this
research helped me to analyse that what is the value for money in people’s life while
buying any sort of product specially footwear apparels. The research also helped me to
understand that how market strategies can be adapted in different ways.

Another direct question that was asked in between the questionnaire what product of
Adidas people purchase the most and 30 respondents out of 50 answered that they buy
sports shoes of Adidas. This question clearly indicates that Adidas main specialization are
its shoes products that attracts most of the people towards its brand. Although it was a
close-ended question, but it helped in making the brand more-stronger for its famous
name and quality products. One other strength of the research findings was that it made
a kind of analyzation for the brand that are they satisfying their customers or not and if
not, then what improvements they must make for further best progress in the overall

As the questionnaires were given within my college area, some of the respondents were
group friends and they discussed the questions that might have resulted in choosing the
same answers for each question and this has made the results unreliable. Another way
time restriction has also affected the findings of my research as the survey was only
done on some certain days in college so the questionnaires were not handed out day by
day in the college, this means I could have missed on some of my target audience.
Another weakness of my research findings can be that the research could be unreliable
because by using questionnaires that it was not possible to know how truthful the
respondent has been while filling the questionnaire and to know that does the
respondents really put in some thought before choosing an answer for the given


One recommendation that I would make for Adidas to adapt marketing strategies
would be that they can do special deals on a pair of shoes or any other sports products
for example giving a special deal like buy two and get the other one for half of the price.
This deal can spread awareness that could result in friends encourage their friends to
visit Adidas again and again that would automatically increase the sales of Adidas also
the products will be sold faster but the only problem that Adidas could face due to these
deals will be that they may not reach their planned revenue because there is a very slim
chance that this problem could occur due to the special deals. Adidas can adopt these
marketing strategies in order to develop interest in the minds of people to come and
purchase their products.

Another recommendation is that Adidas could make its advertising effective by adding
some new styles of branding and displaying their new edition products through the help
of some famous celebrities on the TV screen and online advertising as well. Adidas has to
spend a part of its total revenue on making advertisements, but this could lead to a huge
success if the advertisement is liked by the people enormously. And the people will be
attracted towards Adidas products due to the advertisements telecast so they would
definitely visit the stores of Adidas to see the actual products and also purchase their
choice of products.

The last recommendation is that Adidas can launch new products such as suitcases
specially designed with the Logo of Adidas so that it can be recognized by those people
who are not aware of Adidas brand. In this way people will get attracted towards the
unique style and design of Adidas new launch product that is suitcases. This will also
help their organization to maximize their sales. Customers who usually come to buy
Adidas products will be attracted towards to the suitcases also and they will definitely
think to buy the new product because they are already satisfied by the sports products
of Adidas.

The first method that I used for my primary market research was a questionnaire
through survey, by using this method of research it helped me to analyses the
expectations, preferences, needs, perspectives and priorities. It has a high validity
because the questions are very specific to Adidas brand and its products and because my
purpose was to collect data from 50 target audience so this was the only way to collect
the results in a short time. Questionnaire helped the people to think about Adidas brand
and its products while filling up the questionnaire and it does not require much time
because it was a close-ended questionnaire. The down side of carrying out this method
of research was that it took a long time for me to collate all appropriately for counting
down all the different answers given by the respondents and if I was to do it again, I
would choose any other type of sampling instead of Quota sampling. I also found that
during my survey when gave questionnaires to lowers years, they were confused on
some of the questions and that time I have to chase them to fill up the answers correctly
which took a little more time. Furthermore, there was a need to share the conducting of
my research so that the process can be done in a fast speed. I also found that the timing
must be appropriate as I got only one week for getting respondents answers for the
questionnaire, it was a very less time and if I would have selected more than 50 target
audience with a vast time period for data collection, this could be more effective and
accurate research.

Some of the advantages that I considered as benefits of my research are that through
my primary research targeted issues are addressed it means I had a complete control
the way in which primary research is conduct and the research is considered to be
streamlines as far as the scope and objectives are concerned. A lot of efforts were made

to find out the information only specifically for Adidas brand rather than concentrating on
the mass market.
Recency of Data was another advantage that is usually secondary data cannot be
declared as authentic information because it may be not specific to the situation or place
for which the researcher is targeting. It can be used to find some information that is
related to trends or may be something related to the current scenario. Thus, I
considered using primary data because it is concerned as a more accurate and authentic
tool to use information for Adidas.
Data interpretation is better in primary research because all the data and information
that has been collected by me as a researcher can be interpreted and there is no issue of
relying for the interpretation on the secondary data that is collected by other sources.
Primary data itself is a big evidence so it was easy for me to interpret it without
depending on the secondary data.
There were no proprietary issues as being the collector of the primary data, being a
researcher I’m the owner of the information and I don’t have to share that information
with other organizations or competitors. This can give a threat to the competitors
replying on secondary data.

There were also some disadvantages that I found while doing Primary Market Research
for example, I found that primary research is high cost as collecting the data through
primary research is a costly proposition because the researcher has to pay off all the
expenses occurring by itself as the research is done for the sake of organization and it is
the only source that is involved in the whole process.
It is very time consuming as lot of time is required to perform the research because it
is the exhausted nature of the research exercise, the time that is required to do the
research is quite more as compared to secondary research data as it can be collected in
a less time period.
Inaccurate Feed backs is also a disadvantage of my primary research, the only need is
to take feedbacks from the respondents or target audience and the results that are
received through the research as a feedback are not always correct because the basic
nature of feedbacks is usually biased or given just for the sake of it.
More number of resources were required in my primary research for Adidas, although
the cost and time are the basic needs of primary research, there are many other human
resources and materials that are the essential needs required in large quantity to collect
the data or information and to do the surveys.

Another research method that I used is secondary research for my selected

organization Adidas. Secondary research helped me in collecting the information related
to the competitors, prevailing market condition and customers reaction, all these factors
influenced my research purpose. But usually the information that I gathered through
secondary research were already been used by the primary sources. For my research on
Adidas, I took the information available on the internet and the data that was available
on company’s own stock list and database of consumer. Secondary research enabled me
to get the utmost information about the market in which Adidas is trading at present.
But even after getting so much information it was challenging for me to analyse that
whether the information is actually in the way I want it or not. In other words, I found
that secondary research is the best for gaining first knowledge about the market. It is
much easier and faster for collecting the secondary research data as compared to
primary research because the information has already been interpreted by someone else
and is ready to use. But there must be an exercising caution while using the research
information because the information that is gathered by some other sources can be for
different purposes all together. At the end I made an analysis that the information I got
is not outdated as the market is constantly evolving. Because it will directly impact the


result of my research for Adidas and it can affect the performance of the Adidas
organization as well.

While performing secondary research I find out that there are many advantages of
secondary research for example, Secondary research is time and cost effective as the
time and cost that is required to collect secondary information is much less than the
efforts that I have made to collect data for the primary research. The information which I
collected in my secondary research is available free on the Internet, articles and many
other secondary sources that has cost very less.
Extensiveness of data is found in secondary research because all the data that is
collected from the institutes and governments is usually extensive and a large number of
issues are covered in it.
Data can be filtered by the organization for those parts that are required. I considered
secondary research as a basis of my primary research because the data that I collected
from the secondary sources provided me an idea that if the primary data is for Adidas is
effective or not.
Hypothesis can be formed by the use of secondary data and it also helps in evaluating
the cost and efforts that are required to conduct own surveys. And those issues that are
left in secondary research, can be covered by primary research.

A few Disadvantages of secondary data are the data definitions, it means that there
are various parameters and assumptions that I had to understood while doing secondary
research that primary research has been taken while collected information.
Inaccuracy of Data as there is no prove for the accuracy of the work because the work
that is being gathered or collected by me as a researcher is the result of someone else
efforts and not our own information. Primary researcher may have been biased or may
have use other methods of questionnaire to base their report on such data.
There a lot of time lag issues as the information that is gathered from the articles,
books or historical surveys might have changed drastically with the going time period.
Thus, it was a risky decision to totally depend on such kind of information for my
research of Adidas brand.
Secondary research was not Specific because to find out the relevant information for
my main research purpose was quite difficult because extensiveness of secondary
information is the benefit as well as weakness.
There were also proprietary issues as some information that is collected from various
sources is sometimes copyrighted and it is not allowed for any research organization or
for the researcher to use it for further research. Therefore, using such information
without permission can lead to serious legal complications. That is why I found it as an
error during my research for Adidas brand.

I will be evaluating the results that I have obtained from my research findings. The
result that I got at the final stage of my research was very effective and throughout the
research the process of collecting information or data was carried out very well as I
managed to get essential and useful information that has helped me obtain my research
purpose for Adidas brand.

I have used two different types of market research, the primary method and the
secondary method. The primary method which I used it was in the form of
questionnaire through conducting surveys. And the secondary method which I carried
out for my research was Internet research. Both methods of research helped me in
various ways for gaining information that has helped me to gain relevant and accurate
information to fulfil my research objectives for Adidas. Both of the research methods


helped me to cover all my objectives and aims that I wanted to get out of my research
that means it was clearly successful and effective.

The things whilst doing my research went well in such a way that I was able to
understand the different opinions of teenagers as compare to the opinions of middle
age that is from 20 to 30 and also the opinions of respondents who were above 30 and
40. All of them had different answers for the questionnaire that gave me the ability to
have a huge quality and quantity of information. This means that I was completely able
to identify my target audience and have a good communication with them as well whilst
doing the research.

One of the main benefits of these research findings was that direct questions were ask
to the respondents who participated in the survey. As mentioned previously, there were
17 close-ended questions with a few options, so it was very convenient for the
respondents to answer those questions in a very less time. There was a direct question
that do Adidas have a reasonable price and mostly people strongly agreed to this
question, the reason is that Adidas provides comfort and quality products with a
reasonable price. One way that this question can be improved was that to ask this
question as an open-end so that if there are some people of low-income, who are not
capable to buy Adidas shoes, then in this situation what people would like to comment
on Adidas products pricing. An open-end question can help Adidas to improve some
aspects of their organization.

The research findings provide benefits in such a way that it helped me to find out
about the factor which is pricing as I used the results to investigate the most affordable
price for Adidas products and most the answers were that the pricing between 150-200
AED is quite suitable for the respondents to spend on a pair of shoes of Adidas. Adidas
could adapt these strategies and set a standard pricing for a pair of shoes. There were
also some people who selected the high pricing, but they will be considered rich people
and Adidas can adapt a marketing strategy that it can make the prices of some products
expensive by making the products with high standardized materials while manufacturing
process in order to raise the value of the product.

One possible weakness of my research findings is that only 50 people were targeted for
my research through survey and there are thousands of other people that might have
different opinions about Adidas brand. As the questions were asked only to 50 audience,
the impact of data that was received was not a strong evidence for any improvement in
Adidas brand. Another drawback of my research findings was the restrictions of time
period because this survey was supposed to be completed within a week and it was a
very less time to visit separate individuals for getting response for the questionnaire, the
time restrictions not only cause to get only 50 respondents in the time of one week but it
also prevent the marketing team to go to different departments to make sure that the
questionnaire is not biased.

If I was to redo my research, I would like to make some changes in few things. I would
collect more information by conducting secondary research more deeply, because it
is extremely helpful in such a way that I can review the new launch products of other
competitive brands in order to decide whether Adidas is making something different in
their products and if the quality of Adidas is better from that of its competitors. And I
would ensure that all the information which I obtained was 100% correct and authentic
to make the maximize use out of my research. Additionally, I would develop some other
techniques of primary research other than the surveys from other sources such as,
books, magazines and government publications etc. While conducting the survey through
questionnaire I will make sure that the respondents who are giving the answers in


confidence for my questionnaire and their answers are accurate and filling it completely
because some people are not willing to answer each of the question due to their lack of
interest and lack of knowledge specifically about the brand.

All these suggestions are realistic and will help the organization to increase its
development in the market of trade in order to be successful. Furthermore, I would
suggest some marketing strategies for Adidas that are direct selling, relationship
marketing and internet selling. One of the most effective marketing strategies that I
would highly recommend is the relationship marketing because through making good
relations with the customers is one of the most important aspects for making a business
successful by all means. If the customers are having a loyal relationship with Adidas
brand they would definitely come again and again to make the purchases and a good
reputation of the brand will be developed. It is very easy to make good relationship with
the customers by direct selling such as emails to the customers in which the brand is
providing some sort of offers or promotions on at the moment which will entice the
customers to stay at the website and customers will feel valued and special because the
brand is directly approaching their customers. Although these marketing strategies are
very useful and at the same time there is a negative side of marketing strategies as well.
But providing best services and good quality products to the customers can make their
company successful for a longer period of time.


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