Experiment - 2 Date: 09/08/2021 AIM: Design and Implement Voltage To Voltage Converter Having Gain of 11.4 Using

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Roll No.

Name: Timir Patel

Date: 09/08/2021

AIM: Design and implement voltage to voltage converter having gain of 11.4 using
both non-inverting and inverting configuration.

Here we have constructed simple voltage Amplifier but main catch in using single
Op-Amp is that we can’t control loading effect efficiently so here we are using another
Op-Amp as Buffer input and then giving it to regular amplifier.
Now any amplifier can be constructed in either of following configurations:

i) Non-Inverting Configuration ii)

Inverting Configuration

Non-Inverting Configuration:
In this configuration, the input voltage signal, ( VIN ) is applied directly to the
noninverting ( + ) input terminal which means that the output gain of the amplifier
becomes “Positive” in value in contrast to the “Inverting Amplifier” circuit we saw in the
last tutorial whose output gain is negative in value. The result of this is that the output
signal is “in-phase” with the input signal.
Feedback control of the non-inverting operational amplifier is achieved by applying
a small part of the output voltage signal back to the inverting ( – ) input terminal via a Rƒ
– R2 voltage divider network, again producing negative feedback. This closed-loop
configuration produces a non-inverting amplifier circuit with very good stability, a very
high input impedance, Rin approaching infinity, as no current flows into the positive input
terminal, (ideal conditions) and a low output impedance, Rout as shown below.
Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel

In this configuration relation between Input and Output will be:

G = Vo/Vi = (1 + RF/R2)
Inverting Configuration:
Here we give input to the inverting terminal of the Op-Amp. As its name suggests
polarity of both Input and Output Will be Opposite.

In this configuration relation between Input and Output will be:

G = Vo/Vi = (-RF/Rin)
Here is one more benefit of using 2 Op-Amps instead of one in inverting condition if we
use one extra hardware piece polarity on final output and input will be same.

Since Op-Amps are active devices there is need of VCC and GND. So, the main rule
of amplification is Output cannot exceed the Value of provided VCC.
Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel


(i) Non-Inverting Configuration

(ii) Inverting Configuration

Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel

(i) Non-Inverting Configuration

(ii) Inverting Configuration

(i) Non-Inverting Configuration
Gain = (Gain of 1st Stage) * (Gain of 2nd Stage)
11.4 = (1 + R1/R2) * (1 + R4/R3)
11.4 = (1 + 1) * (1 + R4/1 kΩ)
11.4 = 2 + 2R4
R4 = 4.7 kΩ
Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel

(ii) Inverting Configuration

Gain = (Gain of 1st Stage) * (Gain of 2nd Stage)
11.4 = (-R1/R2) *(-R4/R3)
11.4 = 2*(R4/1 kΩ)
11.4 = 2R4
R4 = 5.7 kΩ


(i) Non-Inverting Configuration

Vin (V) Vout (V) Vout (V) (Practical)
0.1 1.14 1.16
0.2 2.28 2.30
0.3 3.42 3.44
0.4 4.56 4.58
0.5 5.7 5.72
0.6 6.84 6.86
0.7 7.98 8.00
0.8 9.12 9.14
0.9 10.26 10.28
1.0 11.4 11.42
1.1 12.54 12.56
1.2 13.68 13.70
1.3 14.82 14.11
1.4 15 14.11
1.5 15 14.11
2.0 15 14.11
Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel

(ii) Inverting Configuration

Vin (V) Vout (V) Vout (V)

(Theoretical) (Practical)
0.1 1.14 1.13
0.2 2.28 2.27
0.3 3.42 3.41
0.4 4.56 4.55
0.5 5.7 5.69
0.6 6.84 6.83
0.7 7.98 7.97
0.8 9.12 9.11
0.9 10.26 10.25
1.0 11.4 11.39
1.1 12.54 12.53
1.2 13.68 13.67
1.3 14.82 14.11
1.4 15 14.11
1.5 15 14.11
2.0 15 14.11
Roll No.U18EC038
Name: Timir Patel


(i) Non-Inverting Configuration

(ii) Inverting Configuration

In this experiment we designed and implemented the Voltage to Voltage converter
using Op-Amp in inverting and non-inverting configurations and having an overall gain
of 11.4. We plotted the graph of theoretical and practical and also we compare them.
By performing this Simulation, we came to know amplification characteristics of OpAmp,
its various configurations.

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