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# include<stdlib.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<string.h>
# include<sys/types.h>
# include<sys/wait.h>
# include<unistd.h>
# include<errno.h>

#define MAXLINE 4096

#define MAXWORDS MAXLINE /2 // A line can have at least at most MAX LINE/2 words

void tokenize (char *line, char **words, int *nwords);

/* Berak lines into words seprated by whitespace , placing them in the array words and setting
the count to nowords, dosent handle quoted strings so no spaces in names as "cd" builtin only uses words[1]!!! */

char line [MAXLINE], *words[MAXWORDS], message[MAXLINE];
int stop=0, nwords=0;
int result, pid, status;

printf ("WS B Shell $ ");
if (NULL == fgets(line , MAXLINE, stdin))
return 0;
// exit if fgets() returns NULL (NULL is returnd on error or when end of file occurs while no characters have been read)
tokenize (line,words,&nwords);

if ((strcmp(words[0],"exit") == 0) && (nwords == 1)) // exit if word exit appears in the input as the first word of a line
return 0;

if (strcmp(words[0],"cd") == 0)
result = chdir(words[1]); // chdir changes the current working directory to that specified in path

if (result < 0) // On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned

printf ("No such directory\n");
pid_t child;
switch(child = fork())
case -1: // error occurs creating a new process
case 0: // control is returned to the child
//printf("I am the child my pid is: %d\n", getpid());
execvp(*words, words); // find_and_execute
perror(*words); // report error
default: // control is returned to the parent ( >0 )
//printf("I am the parent, my pid is %d," , getpid());
//printf("and my childs is %d\n", child);
wait(&status); = waitpid(-1, &status, 0); //pause until the created process is concluded
// new process has fnished and print out the exit status of that process.
if (WIFEXITED(status)) // returns ture if the child terminated normally
printf("exited, status=%d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); // returns the exit status of the child
else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) // returns true if the child was terminated by a signal
printf("killed by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status)); // returns the number of the signal that caused the child
process to terminate
else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) // returns true if the child process was stopped by delivery of a signal
printf("stopped by signal %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status)); // returns the number of the signal which caused the child
to stop
else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) // returns ture if the child process was resumed by delivery of SIGCONT
void tokenize (char * line , char **words, int * nwords)
{ *nwords = 1;
for (words[0] = strtok(line, " \t\n");
(*nwords < MAXWORDS) && (words[*nwords] = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"));
*nwords = *nwords + 1);

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