Theoretical Paradigms Asociated With Globalization: Periphery, and

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As to Definition
Globalization theory/ideas
AKA world systems Not a recent Key structure of
analysis is a phenomenon but as capitalist world
multidisciplinary, virtually system is the
macro-scale synonymous with transnational division
World Systems approach to world the birth and spread of labor, which
Paradigm history and social of the world divides the world
change which capitalism. into core, semi-
emphasizes periphery , and
the world-system the periphery
Global capitalism Treat globalization Sklair: Theory of
is capitalism that as a novel stage in Global System which
transcends national the evolving system emposed the
borders. It is of world capitalism transnational
known as the fourth (capitalist practices. TCC has
epoch of capitalism globalization) emerged as a new
Global Capitalism
class that brings
together several
society groups who
see their own
interests in
expanding global
The Network A society in which Does not subscribe “The Rise of
Society School of a combination of to the contention Network Society”
Thought social and media that capitalism fuels which features his
networks shapes its globalization. technologistic
prime mode of approach to
organization and globalization.
most important (Manuel Castells)
structures at all
levels (individual,
organizational and
Stretching of social For Anthony Saskia Sassens:
systems across Giddens, the world cities as sites
space and time. conceptual essence of major production,
system of globalization in coordination of the
integration - time-space world economy
interaction - which distanciation within an
Space, Time and has led to 'the For David Harvey, international division
Globalization expansion of globalization of labor.
interaction over represents new burst Roland Robertson:
space and its of time-space Glocalization- ideas
contraction over compression about home, locality,
time and community have
been extensively
spread to the
Refers to the Transnationalism- Scholars such as
diffusion and allows the Levitt (2001), Smith
extension of social, exchanging of & Guarnizo (1998),
political, economic information & & Portes and his
processes in expertise in collegues(1999)
between and different member point to the novel
beyond the states character of
sovereign Transnational-refers transnational links in
jurisdictional to multiple ties the era of
boundaries of interactions across globalization
nation-states. borders of nation-
Global culture is Rapid growth of the Cultural theories of
culture which mass media and globalization have
transcends national resultant global focused on such
borders and exists cultural flows and phenomena as
in many different images in recent globalization and
places around the decades. religion, nations and
world. ethnicity, global
Global Culture consumerism , global
Paradigms communications and
the globalization of
Ritzer (1993, 2002) :
describe the

The outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an unpredictable happening

that lives and businesses of the people from different countries put at risk. A lot of people
are not prepared for this, even the government. Also, because of this pandemic, cities
from almost all over the world are put into lockdown to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Since this type of virus can be easily transferred from one person to another, it was
advised to close the cities, so that there would be no mass gathering around the cities.

However, this type of precautionary measure put most of the businesses into an
end. Business personnel were forced to close their businesses or establishments because
of the lockdown and for their employee’s safety as well. It just not affects the businesses,
but also the life of the employees and other people who will not be able to get paid
because they don’t have a job.

For me, there are still ways in order to earn and that is to work from home. I think
this is the best way that an employer or people who are working in the corporate world
can do for his employees while the cities are on lockdown.

For other citizens, just like the IMF chief said “governments should consider
measures like cash transfers, wage subsidies or tax relief”. It’s time for the government to
take actions; a lot of people lost their jobs as this pandemic continues to spread
worldwide. Lockdown is also one big effect for a person who needs a job. During this
time, the government should release funds for these people, to support their food and
other daily needs. Also, for me, for the landlords and other billing institutions, I guess
they should stop monitoring the rents and bills of the lessees and their customers for the
mean time.

Since a lot of institutions are not well prepared for this kind of situation, the
International Organizations like the IMF and World Bank should help and support
countries and other health organizations to fight corona virus, so that countries would not
be on crisis.

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