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We all want to feel beautiful. The real secret to a beautiful life comes from a
combination of taking care of yourself inside and out. There are many ways to define beauty.
Beauty is very subjective, as it is in the eye of beholder. Most people said beauty is from
outside. Some people said beauty is from inside. Firstly, beauty is the way you treat others
and show them that you care. For example, you don’t mind listening to someone who is
talking even if it bores you, because you know they would do the same for you. But the real
beauty is you are kind to all people without hoping anything for return.

Secondly, beauty is the way your voice softens when you talk to a little kid or baby.
You would try to lower down your level to match to them. For instance, when you help a
little kid with a math questions and teach them the same way you were taught. You are trying
to be patient and ensure the kid understand very well the subject. It is also how you hold a
baby with shaking hands, because you can’t believe that you used to be that tiny. Especially
when you had a new brother. Baby was so beautiful inside out. Then, you teach them how to
walk and protects the baby from any danger.

Thirdly, beauty is your compassion. Compassion comes when you have passion in
what you do. Being able to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, which is empathy. Even if
you do not like them. Like you help some people who had a problem. We can say it is the real
beauty too. People love someone like that.

Finally, beauty is being able to stand up for something you believe in, even if you are
the only one standing. You will need confident to do that. It is come from yourself. True
beauty happens when you’re healthy, happy and feeling good. Feeling beautiful can help
improve your self confidence, courage and self love. Beauty is integrity. Having the strength
to be truthful to others and yourself. For example, like my lovely mother. My family trust her
to do everything for every single day. Like she cleaned indoors and outdoors for our good. As
conclusion, let us strive to be beauty inside out.

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