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Malnutrition among children in the Philippines is prevalent.

One of the leading

Malnutrition problem is the Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM). According to World

Health Organization, PEM refers to “an imbalance between the supply of protein and

Energy and the body’s demand for them to ensure optimal growth and function.”

Moreover, it is a childhood disorder that manifests underweight (poor linear growth),

Wasting (acute weight loss), or edematous (kwashiorkor). These would lead the children

To develop marasmus—a form of PEM that occurs due to low intake of nutrients and

Energy which is characterized by old man’s face, thin muscles or fat, but no edema; and

Kwashiorkor—a protein deficiency with adequate energy intake which characterized by

Protruding abdomen, ribs are not very prominent, moon-faced, enlarged fatty liver and

Has the presence of edema. Likewise, obesity and overweight are also prevalent in the

Country affecting significant proportion of children.

PEM begins at the fetal stage and continues into infancy until childhood. Many

Studies show that this problem is associated with different factors namely—faulty

Weaning practices, poor sanitation conditions, minimal medical attention, endemic

Childhood infections and lastly, poverty. Poverty among families leads to food insecurity

Wherein this will restrict the family especially the child to have complete meal since they

Lack of financial. In this circumstances, the child is not provided enough various foods

That would nourish them for their growth and development.

Preschoolers and school-aged children needs to eat healthy and various foods and

Nutritious snacks so that proper nutrition will be provided to them. There are healthy

Eating guidelines that are easy to visualize and understand just like the My Plate and

Food Pyramid Guide for Filipino children. Children should eat at least one food from

Each food group. This is to ensure that the children would get enough nutrients for their

Growth and development.

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