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The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas City

Self-Learning Kit in Research IV


Prepared by:


1|Self Learning Kit Research IV

II. Foreword

Research IV for Grade 10 aims to enhance the research project conducted in

Grade 9. Competencies were design to equip students with enhanced knowledge of
conducting experimental research. Research IV may serve as an avenue for the
students to demonstrate higher level competence in research by enhancing their
previous research project, conducting a continuing research or a new research project.

In order to acquire mastery and competence in conducting sound researches,

establishing a strong linkage, collaboration and maximizing the available resources of
research institutions and the community shall be practiced. Likewise, constant coaching
and consultation with experts will also be done for robust and well-guided execution of
the enhanced research project or plan.


 Introduction
You have experienced conducting a team research project in your previous
grade. Research Paper that you have prepared followed the IMRAD format for those
who have joined the Scilympics SIP competition and were converted into the
Institutionalized format for the completion of the requirement in Research III. It is hoped
that through this module, students of Research IV will be able to discover flaws of
previous papers and eventually will be able to come up with a better, enhanced, and
improved research project for this academic year.

2|Self Learning Kit Research IV

 Scope

This module is a review of the different parts of a research paper following both
the IMRAD and the Institutionalized format. Utilizing the checklist in evaluating a
research paper, a better or improved write-ups will be looked forward.

 Rationale

Utilizing the knowledge and characteristics of a good research after evaluating

sample research papers, it is being looked forward that students will be able to come up
with an improved/ enhanced research project and write-up this school year.

 Summary of the Content


Title of the Research Paper


Checklist Yes No Comments

A. Title
1. Is the title brief?
2. Is the title comprehensive?
3. Does the title specify the objectives of the research?
4. Is the title relevant to the objectives of the research?
B. Abstract
1. Does the abstract specify the objectives,
methodology, and results and conclusion in a capsule
C. Introduction
1. Background of the Study
a. Does it define the origin of the problem?
b. Does it indicate the rational (justification) of the study?
2. Statement of the Problem
a. Does it state the researcher’s goals?

3|Self Learning Kit Research IV

b. Are the goals stated researchable/feasible to be
3. Significance of the Study
a. Does the study indicate relevance to current
b. Does the study indicate the potential of the
research for commercialization?
4. Scope and Limitation of the study
a. Are the variables under study defined?
b. Is the time frame for conducting the study defined?
c. Does the study define the reference and sample
D. Review of Related Literature
1. Is the RRL comprehensive?
2. Are the references cited in the RRL current/updated
(publish in the last 5 years )?
3. Does the RRL contain a predominance of primary
sources (published for the first time and are not
summaries but complete researches)?
4. Does the RRL critically analyze the cited studies?
5. Is the RRL well-organized?.
6. Does the RRl show relevance of the cited studies to
problem under study?
7. Does the citation of references in the RRL text follow
the prescribed style and format?
E. Materials and Methods
1. Does the study define the variables in the research?
2. Does the study classify the variables in the research?
3. Are the sources of the study given?
4. Is the sampling procedure defined in the research?
5. Are the treatments given to the samples defined in the
6. Is the research design defined in the study?
7. Is the data-gathering procedure defined in the study?
8. Are the procedures appropriate for the study?
9. Is the statistical treatment of data stated in the study?
10. Did the study provide for the principles of research
designs (ex. replication, randomization, control of
F. Results and Discussion
1. Are the results organized?
2. Are the results processed?
3. Are the tables and graphs properly and completely
4. Is the discussion of results organized?
5. Is the discussion of the results complete?
6. Is the discussion of results relevant to the data

4|Self Learning Kit Research IV

G. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations
1. Are the summary and conclusion accurate?
2. Are the recommendations appropriate based on the
results of the study?
H. Literature Cited/Bibliography
1. Does the LC contain all the cited references in the
RRL text?

IV. Content

a. Objectives:

at the end of this module, learners should be able to utilize the standards
(criteria or checklist) in evaluating research paper.

b. Starter

 Enumerate the different parts of a research paper following the;

a. IMRAD format
b. Institutionalized format
 Knowledge sharing: Can you recall a questions asked during your oral
presentation of your research?
What are they?
Are they difficult/ relevant or irrelevant to your study?
Why were you able to answer them outrightly?
Why were you not able to answer them?

 key concepts: Parts of a Research Paper

IMRAD Format Institutionalized Format

Abstract Abstract
Introduction Introduction
Materials and Methodology Review of Related Literature
Results, Analysis, and Discussion Materials and Methods
Conclusion and Recommendations Results and Discussion
Bibliography Summary, Conclusion, and

5|Self Learning Kit Research IV

Appendices Bibliography

Before discussing the topic in this learning kit, let us recall how the word
“research” was defined.:

Activity # 1.
List 5 (five) words associated with the term “research”. Write down your
answer in your activity notebook number 1.

Motivation: Emotion/Feelings sharing.

Last school year, there was an international research forum hosted by our school and
there was research output presentation. The audience were students and professional
all over the province. How would you feel if you were one among the research

Activity # 2
Draw/write what you want to share in your activity notebook.


Activity # 3.
Please answer the following to the best of your ability. Write your answer in your activity

1. The maximum number of words that makes-up the abstract.

2. The tense of the verbs used in the Research Plan.
3. The tense of the verb used in the final Research Paper.
4. The statistical tool to be used whenever the ANOVA reveals a significant difference
as to the effect of different treatments.
5. Part of the research paper that temporarily answers the problem.
Please compare your answers with the answers on the last page. If you have all of them
correct, WOW! If not, there is nothing to worry, it’s just a pre-assessment.

6|Self Learning Kit Research IV

 The task you are about to do is to evaluate the attached study based on
the checklist listed.

Activity # 4
In your activity notebook, write down your evaluation. Write
also comments especially if your answer is no.

c. Input.

Checklist Yes No Comments

A. Title: “ Pulverized Litob(Anadaragranosa) Shells as an Additive to Cement in making
Paving Blocks”
1. Is the title brief? /
2. Is the title comprehensive? / The word used is “additive” but there are
oyster shell and sand
3. Does the title specify the objectives of / The objective is about feasibility which is not
the research? included in the title
4. Is the title relevant to the objectives / The researcher wants to determine the
of the research? feasibility of using pulverized oyster shell to
be added to cement where cement is in the
form of powder, therefore the oyster shell
should also be powderized for the
consistency of the mixture.
B. Abstract
1. Does the abstract specify the / . . . but components of the aggregate
objectives, methodology, and results materials were not specified
and conclusion in a capsule form?

 If your’re done, you can compare your evaluation with the sample
evaluation found in the last page of this SLK

 Then,

Activity # 5
With your team last school year, please evaluate your research
paper using the same checklist. Though you are going to work
by group, you need to have your individual output to be written

7 | Sinto
e l f your
L e aactivity
r n i n g notebook.
Kit Research IV
d. Wrap-up

 The checklist serves as your guide in evaluating a research paper.

 The important components/parts of a research paper are:
Title – should be brief, comprehensive, and should specify and relevant to
the objectives of the study.
Abstract – a capsulized formed of the study, this is usually written after
everything is done.
Introduction- this includes background of the study, statement of the
problem, objectives, hypotheses, and significance of the study
Review of Related Literature – it should be comprehensive, classified into
local and foreign, reference for RRL should also be cited to avoid
Materials and Methods – variables should be identified and classified,
procedures should clear and simple, samples should be defined,
data gathering procedures should also be included as well as
statistical tools to be used.
Results and Discussion – this about organization, presentation and
interpretation of data.
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation – based on the results, is a
brief summary of the study.

How does it feel that you are able to evaluate your own write-ups? Are there
something that needs to be improved? Are you willing to do better this time?

Activity # 6
Write your answers for the above questions in your
activity notebook.

8|Self Learning Kit Research IV

 If your answer for the last question is “yes”, then be ready for the real task
for this school year.
 for additional information, you may visit the following: 143380.html

e. Resources

Caintic and Cruz. Scientific Research Manual.C. & E. Publishing Inc. 839 EDSA, South
Triagle, Quezon City


Title of the Research Paper


9|Self Learning Kit Research IV

Checklist Yes No Comments
A. Title
1. Is the title brief?
2. Is the title comprehensive?
3. Does the title specify the objectives of the research?
4. Is the title relevant to the objectives of the research?
B. Abstract
1. Does the abstract specify the objectives,
methodology, and results and conclusion in a capsule
C. Introduction
1. Background of the Study
a. Does it define the origin of the problem?
b. Does it indicate the rational (justification) of the study?
2. Statement of the Problem
a. Does it state the researcher’s goals?
b. Are the goals stated researchable/feasible to be
3. Significance of the Study
a. Does the study indicate relevance to current
b. Does the study indicate the potential of the
research for commercialization?
4. Scope and Limitation of the study
a. Are the variables under study defined?
b. Is the time frame for conducting the study defined?
c. Does the study define the reference and sample
D. Review of Related Literature
1. Is the RRL comprehensive?
2. Are the references cited in the RRL current/updated
(publish in the last 5 years )?
3. Does the RRL contain a predominance of primary
sources (published for the first time and are not
summaries but complete researches)?
4. Does the RRL critically analyze the cited studies?
5. Is the RRL well-organized?.
6. Does the RRl show relevance of the cited studies to
problem under study?
7. Does the citation of references in the RRL text follow
the prescribed style and format?
E. Materials and Methods
1. Does the study define the variables in the research?
2. Does the study classify the variables in the research?
3. Are the sources of the study given?
4. Is the sampling procedure defined in the research?
5. Are the treatments given to the samples defined in the

10 | S e l f L e a r n i n g K i t Research IV
6. Is the research design defined in the study?
7. Is the data-gathering procedure defined in the study?
8. Are the procedures appropriate for the study?
9. Is the statistical treatment of data stated in the study?
10. Did the study provide for the principles of research
designs (ex. replication, randomization, control of
F. Results and Discussion
1. Are the results organized?
2. Are the results processed?
3. Are the tables and graphs properly and completely
4. Is the discussion of results organized?
5. Is the discussion of the results complete?
6. Is the discussion of results relevant to the data
G. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations
1. Are the summary and conclusion accurate?
2. Are the recommendations appropriate based on the
results of the study?
H. Literature Cited/Bibliography
1. Does the LC contain all the cited references in the
RRL text?

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