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Chapter 11: Operative Obstetrics by Sia

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1. amniotic fluid fluid within the amniotic sac that 16. infraumbilical quickest incision
surrounds and protects the fetus vertical incision 2cm vertical incision at the level of anterior
-rich in prostaglandin rectus sheath
-for obese and immediate delivery
2. amniotomy artificial rupture of membranes using
amnihook or allis forceps 17. Internal -seldom performed nowadays due to risk
podalic version -change any fetal presentation to breech
3. Barton -used to rotate the fetal head to a more
favorable position (ROP/ROA) 18. Keilland -used to rotate fetal head to a more
-or rotate the after coming head from favorable position (ROP/ROA)
transverse to anterior position
19. labor The stimulation of uterine contractions
4. cephalic curve -conforms the shape of the fetal head augmentation when spontaneous contractions have failed
to result in progressive cervical dilation or
5. cesarean section surgical incision of the abdominal wall
descent of the fetus.
and uterus to deliver a fetus
20. Labor The stimulation of uterine contractions
6. Classical type/ vertical incision made directly in the walls
Induction before the spontaneous onset of labor, with
sanger of corpus(Body) which is the most
or without ruptured fetal membranes, for
contractile portion
the purpose of accomplishing birth.
7. Curves of blade Cephalic
21. Labor induction -deliberate initiation of labor before it
occurs spontaneously.
8. durseen obsolete -artificial
(Cervical) performed as last resort
22. laceration common complication of forceps delivery
incision -making 3 incisions at the cervix
approximately at 2.6 and 10 oclock 23. Laminaria hydroscopic dilators inserted a night
position. tents/ before labor induction to cause cervical
-must performed only when the cervix is Prostaglandin softening and dilatation/ cervical ripening
fully effaced and dilatation is atleast 7cm E2
9. Episiotomy -surgical incision of the perineum to 24. low forceps -applied when the leading point of the featl
enlarge the vaginal introitus when scalp is at station +2 or more or not on the
laceration is imminent pelvic floor
-performed when the head is crowning -when the head is already rotated at or
more than 45 degrees
10. external cephalic Turning a breech baby to cephalic
version presentation through the maternal 25. low incision is made transversely on the lower
abdominal wall segment/low- segment of the uterus
11. extraperitoneal incision around the bladder and lower
cervical uterine
cesarean section uterine segment without entering the
peritoneal cavity
26. marked caput noticeable for as long as 7days after
12. Forceps - instrument used to grasp fetal head from
birth canal
-consist of two cross branching 27. Maylard wider transverse incision
incision performed after the pfannensteil scarring
13. High Forceps -applied before the head is engage
-no longer practiced today 28. Median Incision starts from the middle lower
episiotomy border of the vaginal orifice towards the
14. hydramnios excessive volume of amniotic fluid (more
(polyhydramnios) than 2000ml at term)
29. mediolateral starts from the midline of vaginal orifice
15. Indications of -Inability of the mother to push
episiotomy and continue away from the anus
forceps delivery -to shorten second stage of labor when
maternal conditions threaten the mother 30. methods of 1. amniotomy
and fetus labor induction 2. oxytocin administration
-fetal conditions 3. cervical ripening
-abnormal positions and presentations
-prolonged labor or cessation of the
progress of the second stage
31. Midforceps -applied when the head is engaged such 45. types of 1. infraumbilical vertical incision
that its greatest diameter has entered the abdominal 2. modified pfannensteil incision
inlet incision 3. maylard incision
-rarely employed nowadays due to its
46. types of 1. median
grave danger of damaging the birth canal
episiotomy 2. Mediolateral
and fetus
47. Types of 1. Simpsons
32. modified for thin women
forceps 2. Tucker-Mc Lean
pfannensteil lower transverse slightly curvilinear incision'
3. Keilland
incision made at the level of pubic hairline and
4. Barton
extended a little beyond the lateral borders
5. Piper
of rectus muscle
causes scarring 48. Types of 1. high
forceps 2. Midforceps
33. Outlet -most commonly employed forceps delivey
Delivery 3. Low Forceps
Forceps -applied when the head is already crowning
4. Outlet forceps
or visible at the introuitus without separating
the labia 49. Types of 1. low segment/low-transverse/low cervical
uterine 2. Classical type/ sanger
34. oxytocin A hormone released by the posterior
incisions 3. extra peritoneal c-section
pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions
porro's operation/cesarean hysterctomy
during childbirth and milk ejection during
breastfeeding. 50. Types of 1. external cephalic version
-drug used to stimulate uterine contractions version 2. internal podalic version

35. Parts of blade, shank, lock 51. Uterotonics 1. Pitocin

forceps 2. Methergine
3. Carboprost (Hemabate)
36. Parts of the 1. cup- applied in fetal head over the
4. Misoprostol
vacuum postrior fontanel
5. Dinoprostone
extractor 2. pump-used to withdraw air from the cup
3. cord-used to apply traction to deliver the 52. uterotonics drugs used to control postpartum bleeding
fetal head 53. Vacuum obstetrical procedure with the use of a
37. pelvic curve -conforms to the contour of the birth canal extraction vacuum extractor or ventouse

38. Piper used to deliver in after coming head in 54. Version -turning of the fetus in the uterus from an
breecxh delivery unfavorable position to favorable position
(forceps never applied on breech) -alternative method to cesarean section

39. Porro's removal of the uterus after the c-section

40. prostaglandin powerful uterotonin
same as oxytocin when used to augment or
induced labor
41. pubiotomy incision of the pubic bone
42. Simpson -most commonly in outlet forceps
-used to deliver the head in the occiput
anterior position
43. symphisiotomy division of symphisis using a wire saw or a
knife to enlarge the pelvic space when there
is pelvic contraction
-seldom used except in some 3rd world
countries when it is unwise to perform CS
44. Tucker-Mc used to rotate and deliver the head from
Lean posterior to anterior position

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