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Primary Health Care

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1. THE 3Cs of - Completeness 12. Assessability Health care must be able to be evaluated
Sound PHC - Comprehensiveness
13. Availability Care can obtained whenever people need
- Continuity
2. THE 8As Sound - Appropriateness
14. Basic Elements - Essential health care
PHC - Availability
of PHC - Accessibility
- Adequacy
- Public participation
- Accessibility
- Inter-sectoral collaboration
- Acceptability
- Socially acceptable and affordable
- Affordability
methods of technology
- Assessablilty
- Accountability 15. Completness attention should be centered on all aspects
of health problems (including prevention,
3. Acceptability - client must have belief in the
early detection, diagnosis, treatment,
confidentiality and privacy
follow up measures and rehabilitation)
- Client's should have confidence in the
level of care being offered 16. Comprehensive Provision of care to all types of health
related issues/problems
4. Accessibility - Reachable, convenient services
- Geographically, economically, culturally 17. Continuity Management of a clients care over time
accessible must be coordinated among health care
5. Accountability there should be a possibility of regular
review of record 18. Health Care - Health a right not the privilege of a few
Policy - Universal access to services
6. Adequacy Sufficient dimensions of care to meet the
Framework - Comprehensive national health services-
needs and demands of the community
both private & public sector
7. Affordability Costs should be within the means and - Integrated health care system
resources of individual and community - Health and socio-economic development
- Individual & collective responsibility for
8. Aims of PHC - To maintain good health in as many
people as possible by encouraging
- Health care providers assist community
patterns of living and habits which are
to identify health needs
known to promote good health
- Taking health services to the people and
- To regain health quickly if lost, by
involving them
simple, effective, available methods
- Priority services for most vulnerable and
- To enable the person who has regained
health to keep in good health
- Multidisciplinary team
9. Alma Ata PHC is the key to achieving an acceptable
19. PHC carries out - Health promotion
Declaration level of health throughout the world in the
these services - Specific prevention
(1978) foreseeable futures as part of social
at the - Early detection
development and in the spirit of social
community - Curative
level - Reduction of disabilities
10. ALMA-ATA Essential health care based on practical, - Rehabilitation
Declaration scientifically sound and socially - Community developmental activities
Definition acceptable methods and technology
20. Primary Health is an approach and philosophy of health
made universally accessible to individuals
Care care the focuses on promotion and
and families in the community through
preventive measures
their full participation and at a cost that
the community and the country can afford 21. Primary Health - the first level of contact of individuals,
to maintain at every stage of their care is: families and communities
development in the spirit of self- - first element of continuing health care
determination process
- First level of care provided by suitably
11. Appropriateness Service has to be properly selected and
trained staff
carried out by trained personnel in the
most appropriate way
22. Primary Health care The Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 29. WHO Strategies - Reduce excess mortality of poor
was initiated by: of PHC marginalized populations
- Reduce leading risk factors to human
23. Primary Health - Equity & coverage
Strategies - Inter-sectoral action
- Developing Sustainable Health Systems
- Organization and management of
- Developing and enabling policy and
health services
institutional environment
- Selection and use of technologies
- Financing health care
- Health Information systems
- Research
24. Principles of PHC - Equitable distribution/social equity
- Appropriate technology
- Focus on health promotion &
- Nation-wide coverage
- Community participation -
involvement in planning and
implementing health programs
- Self-reliance
- Multi-sectoral approach
25. Scope of PHC - Maternal & Child health
- Family Planning
- Nutrition & Dietary Counselling
- Control of STIs
-Curative Services
-Community Mental Health
- Disease prevention & Control,
including immunization
- School Health
Health education
- Communicable disease screening
- Surveillance of Disease pattern
- Health advice and vaccines for
international travelers
- Health Promotion
26. Scope of PHC - -Food hygiene & safety
Dept. of Env. - Water & sewage aspects of
Health environmental health
- District sanitation
- Mosquito control
27. Seven Features of - An element of health system
Primary Health - Focus on priorities
Care - Scientific basis
- Cultural sensitivity
- Equity
- Community participation
- Sustainability and self-reliance
28. What was the initial Health for all by the year 2000,
goal of the Alma however it was not achieved so it led
Ata Conference? to health for all for the 21st century

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