3º Eso Bquestionnaire Unit 7 - Adrián García

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- Write the information in the question or at the end writing the number.
- In true or false question write T(true) or F(false) and remember to correct the false
ones writing the sentences correctly under the original one.
- When you have to match, connect the numbers and letters.
- In test question select the correct one or write the letter of the correct answer.

1.- Explain three healthy habits for the reproductive system.

 Eat a balanced diet that is high in fiber and low in fat.

 Drink plenty of water.
 Get regular exercise.
2.- Write true or false in the following sentences and correct the false ones:
a. Follicles are structures present in the testicles. F - in the ovaries
b. Prostate is a male accesory gland. T
c. Endometrium is a muscular layer in the ovaries. F - in the uterus
d. The first days after birth the liquid produced by the mother is the breast milk.
F - Colostrum
e. Male gametes are called sperm. T

3.- Match the following terms:

1. Zygote a. Union of two gametes
2. Menopause b. Time between fertilisation and birth
3. Gestation c. First cell of an individual
4. Fertilisation d. End of menstruation

4.- Explain two characteristics of puberty and two of adolescence.


 Begins with the first ejaculation

 Lasts 3 years aprox.

 Develop of their sexuality

 Physical changes in the hair, voice, body…

5.- Write the function of these parts of the reproductive system:

a. Epididymis: This is where sperm mature until they are ready for
b. Uterus: Nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus and holding it till
the baby is mature enough for birth.

6.- Choose the correct answer (wrong decreases 0,25 p)

1.The first stage of birth is called:
a. Fetus release
b. Delivery of the placenta
c. Fertilisation
d. Dilation of cervix
2. The release of an ovum is called:
a. Follicular pase
b Secretory pase
c. Ovulation
d. Proliferation pase

7.- Name two characteristics of spermatogenesis and two of oogenesis.

Oogenesis: located in Follicles of the ovaries. Stages: Growth, Follicular stage,
secreting stage, and ovulation.

Spermatogenesis: located in the seminiferous tubes intesticles. Stages: Growth,

meiosis, andmaturation.
8.- Explain one natural and two artificial contraceptive methods (name, explanation
Natural: Coitus Interruptus.
- This involves removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation happens in
order to avoid semen penetrating it.
- It is very unsafe, given that preseminal fluids can contain spermatozoids.

Artificial: Tubal ligation

- The fallopian tubes in females are cut and joined to prevent the ovum
from reaching the uterus. This method permanently sterilizes a female.
- It is very effective
Artificial: IUD (intrauterine device)
- This is a plastic and a copper device that is placed in the uterus to stop
the implantation of the blastula.
- It is very effective but only gynecologists can fit it and copper is also toxic for the

9.- Explain two parts related to this drawing:

 The fetus being develops until it becames an adult able to produce gametes
 The development of the embryo takes places inside the mother’s body. There
is more proctection and increases the chances of survival of the embryo.
10.- Complete the following sentences:
a.Two names of female sexual hormones are Estrogen and progesterone.
b. The two skin folds of the vulva are labia
majora and minora.________________________________
c. The begining of the menstrual cycle is called menstrual phase or period.
d. Fertilisation takes place in ____ inside the female reproductive system, usually in the
fallopian tubes. ___________________________________________

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