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Reducing exclusion and social disparties on health

2. Organizing health services around people's needs and expectations
5 elements to achieve the goal 3. interaction into all sectors
4.Pursuing collaborate models of public dialogue
5.Increasing stakeholder participation

1. Health as a fundamental right

2. Global burden of health inequalities
ALMA ATA Declarations of PHC 3. Economic and social development
4. Government responsibility for the health of their people

1972-1986 - Cory Aquino changed MOH - Department (E.O 119)

Feb 25, 1986 EDSA1
CONT. 1992-1998 Pres Ramos, DOH sec: Flavier
Galvez Tan(5mons), Hilarion Ramiro (2yrs) and Carmencita
Rheodica( 1st woman)

1948-2011- erap DOH sec: Dr. Estrella and Dr. Alberto Romualder
Jan 21,2001- Macapagal, DOH sec. Manuel Dayrit and Francisco
CONT. Duque
Present- Enrico Ona

1.)Grass root/ village(undergo training) -TBH and BHW

Contribution of PHC to 2.)Intermediate - 8memebers of PHN (Physician,
medtech, pharmacist, midwife,Nurse,dentist, Sanitation
government officer)

Botika ng bayan, House to House, support mechanism,

Mulisectoral approach (Intrsectoral linkages-w/in health sector
DOH programs offered: and intrasectoral linkages - bet the health sector and other
sector), community participation,equitable distribution of health
resources,appropriate technology

1898 -board of health

1905 - bureau of health
HISTORY OF DOH Sept.21 1972 -Martial Law
1972-1986 (PD 1081- All agencies changed to MINISTRY)
*sec of ministry of health = Dr. Jesus Azurin

International conference for Primary

History of primary Health Care health at ALMA ATA USSR (Alma Ata
conference) SEPT 6-12, 1978


PHC being adopted in the Philippines in the

administration of Ferdinand Marcos, OCT 19, 1979
LOI 949 ~Philippines became the 1st country in asia to embark
o meeting the challenge
1. Promotion of healthy lifestyle
Main objectives of PHC 2. Prevention of disease
3. Therapy for existing conditions

Health in the hands of the people

by the year 2020

Focus client: Family and community

Focus of care: promotive and preventive
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Decision Making process: community centered
Outcome: self-reliance
Setting of services: Rural

essential health are based on practical, scientifically sound and socially

acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to

Primary Health Care

individuals, families and community by means of acceptable to them,
through their full participation and a cost that the community and country
can afford to maintain at every stage of their development the spirit of self

E- Education for health

L- Locally endemic disease control
E- Expanded program for immunization

M-Maternal and Child health including responsible parenthood
E- Essential drugs
N- Nutrition
T- Treatment of non and communicable diseases
S- Safe water sanitation

r.a (reorganizational act) - formulated and approved

before 1946
Regulatory Laws (r.a. 3573 - control of communicable disease)
R.A(republic act) - approved and enacted after 1966

logo of sun w/ 8 rays

Sentrong Sigla Movement 4 pillars: Technical support, Granted
facilities, Health promotion, Awards

UNIVERSAL GOAL OF PHC Health for all by the year 2020

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