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I, Tonya (2017)

“Cheating is the first step to become a loser.”

I, Tonya, starring Margot Robbie, is a film that depicts the significance of passion, fairness,
hardwork, sportsmanship and self-love.
After watching the movie, I realized how not all people receive the same amount of love
from their families as all of us are situated in different circumstances. Luck of having a loving
family would be a dream but not for Tonya. She didn’t have it easy as her mother treated her
solely as a trophy, obscuring any presence of love as she wanted her to become a champion of
her own field. Although she experienced a lot of awful things from Lavona Golden, her mother,
who abused her on the worst possible scenarios through physical, mental and emotional
manipulation as a child, it still doesn’t justify her actions towards sending death threats to
Nancy, her competitor, which ultimately went out of hand as her rival became injured from being
hit by a baseball bat on her leg before the actual tournament, as the truth unfolded of how she
was involved in the plan, leading to her being guilty by association. From that point, not only
she was supposed to be framed by her own mother to tell the truth on record, she also lost the
one thing that embodies her entirety. She only placed eight in the 1994 Winter Olympics while
Nancy got the silver medal, not to mention, she was banned from figure skating due to the
The moral lesson of the story is to always observe fairness. No matter what circumstances
you may face, your personal life must be separated when you are playing sports. As human-
beings, we could not avoid feeling these strong emotions that could influence our actions but
we must always remember to emphasize the value of sportsmanship, fairness and
righteousness. We must always remember that you and your competitors all worked hard to
achieve your goals. The achievement would be more fruitful if you grasped it with honesty and

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