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Binna Burra Accommodation Disaster Recovery and Innovation





Binna Burra is one of the world-class heritage-listed destinations with some of Australia's
most intimate and glorious natural experiences. The lounge operates as a Queensland iconic
ecotourism business. Binna Burra is located and positioned 800 meters above sea level amidst
the sub-tropical lamington national park in the gold coast hinterland, making it the center stage
of most Australian spectacular natural features (BinnaBurra, 2021). The lounge winds up the
Antarctic beech forest, along exposed escarpments, and into the healthy land. It is the first
Australian property to be recognized for Green Global certificate for its practice in
environmental performance and was among the top ten Green Hotels worldwide. It is isolated so
that guests use it as a perfect escape to daily stress and an opportunity to get back to everyday
basics; it gives them freedom of peace.
Binna Burra lounge was founded in 1933 by Romeo Lahey and Arthur Groom alongside
the founders of the National Park Association of Queensland. Their central vision was to create a
place where people could visit, stay and enjoy the beauty of the Lamington National Park
rainforest. The founders believed that more people would become committed to upholding
natural resource preservation for the benefit of the generations to come in the future. They
purchased the last freehold title on the boundary of Lamington National Park In the early 1930s.
They formed a public company to fund the establishment of the current Binna Burra Lounge.
The first people to hold a camp at the place were provided with meals, accommodation, guided
walks, and accommodation at a charge of five shillings a day. That camp was declared
victorious, and then they decided to build permanent structures on the property.
The property is estimated to be 206 kilometers square. It is uniquely isolated in the sub-
tropical rainforest of Lamington National Park and has a wealthy population of birds and
wildlife. Binna Burra developed a Reconciliation Action Plan to acknowledge the indigenous
heritage in the region. The business considers it remiss not to experience what draws people to
the lounge for the community consultation. Binna Burra earned its importance because of its
aesthetic value and the art it has inspired.
The lodge accommodates overnight visitors who visits the national park. About 58% of
the visitors come from the local area for example Brisbane and some of them come from
overseas (Tisdell & Wilson, 2012).

Binna Burra has unique vegetation, topography, climate, wildlife, and surrounding
community. Binna Burra has a strong relationship with the community because it could not be a
success without the community's help (BinnaBurra, 2021). The community family shared that the
place is powerful so that it brought them together and was the driver for solidarity to get it back
after the bushfire attack.
Before the bushfire, an aboriginal technique was used to reduce the impact of fire on the
surrounding national park areas. The bushfire attack in 2019 caused many damages to the
property, and perhaps most operations could not be carried out. The majority of the workers were
forced to leave the place, leaving only knowledgeable staff on fire evacuation. The company was
forced to refund the clients who had made bookings for weddings and conferences, and this was
challenging because there were financial issues involved.

Impacts of bushfires on the operations and management of the Binna Burra Lodge

The Binna Burra Lodge in Australia was affected in how it operated since September
2019 after the bushfires, which involved more than half of the Gondwana and the world’s oldest
subtropical rainforest. After the many damages after the bushfire, many people wondered how
the Burra lodge could rise again from ashes. The bushfires impacted negatively on the
management and the normal operations of the lodge. The calamity forced people to evacuate
from their places of residence due to destroying people's homes. In addition, there was
destruction of livelihoods and destruction of the many acres of forests around the Lamington
National Park. The national park was majorly destroyed due to the destruction of the iconic
bushwalking resort built in 1933 and the Binna Burra Lodge.
The bushfires swept the historical venues of the old tourism venue in September, which
was situated at the Lamington national park. However, the lodge’s marketing manager indicated
that the destruction in the national park impacted the lodge negatively because of the demolition
of the old buildings, which represented the most significant part of the lodge’s accommodation.
The destruction of various buildings, houses, and other fun places was the primary reason for the
company’s closure. In addition, the bushfires affected constructions such as the main road that
had to be reconstructed that was the way to the Binna Burra lodge and lamington national park
(Sullivan, 2020). The lodge cabins of the listed heritage were the oldest infrastructures built in
the early 1930s; hence the destruction of the infrastructure negatively impacted the operations

and the management of the facilities. In addition, the repair of some of the damages made in the
restoration led to the closure of the Binna Burra Road, which negatively affected the access to
the Binna Burra Lodge and the lamington national park.
The management of the Binna Burra lodge has been negatively affected as the lodge is
trying to prepare and repair the lodge to facilitate the reopening. The administration has
instructed some workers, such as the abseilers, to help stabilize the area and remove the burnt
trees. Moreover, the bushfires have stopped the operations that used to take place in the lodge
because different teams of workers are participating in the removal of the exposed buildings
(Sullivan, 2020). The lodge is under construction, where people are working to install the
concrete and stabilize the cliffs to enhance the passage of people on the roads. As a result, most
of the resources are used to reconstruct the whole company again, including the employees who
stopped working t their primary places of work to help with clearing the burnt bushes and other
facilities. The management has been in charge of directing activities in clearing the land and
houses to make the place safe for the tourists again.
In addition, the operations that used to take place in the lodge were distracted because the
guest who came for camping in the lodge would no longer stay in the brand-new lodge but
instead in the refurbished safari tents, which were small collections of two to three apartments.
Luckily, the tents were among the few that survived due to the bushfire but were slightly affected
by the smoke and other exterior damages (Heathcote, 1938). In addition, the managing director
of the lodge indicated that the destructions were a significant loss for the operations because it
stopped many people from the domestic travels to the place, which led to the decrease in the
amount of income earned compared to other seasons. In addition, facilities such as the parking
places for the tourists who came with their cars were a significant issue, especially during the
reopening. The reopening forded the lodge to become a public facility to encourage more people
into the place once after the reopening. In addition, as a result of publicizing the lodge, the
management did not meet the required standards. Usually, the tourists who are to the place
would privately book for their appearance. The idea of publicizing the lodge led to increased
number of people involved in the rise of the lodge again.
However, bushfires negatively affected the management and operations of the lodge as a
result of loss incurred in the place. Reconstruction of the lodge after bushfire, a lot of money was
spent rebuilding some of the cabins and restrooms. In addition, the lodge underwent a significant

loss due to the decreased number of people coming to visit the place. Much time was wasted
repairing the area, which took approximately 14 months to repair the main road to Binna Burra.
A large amount of money spent in improving the road led to slower recovery of the business.
More to the bushfires affected the government budgets as there was an immense contribution of
the governments, one in repairing the resources and the renovation of the infrastructure. The
government protected the people surrounded that place from harm that might occur as a result of
the bushfire in the facility.
Life and property in the place were destroyed by the bushfire affecting the management
of things. The destruction of the wild animals in the lamington national park and the beautiful
sceneries of the forest surrounding the lodge negatively affected the operation of the Binna Burra
Lodge. In addition, facilities such as water resources were destroyed (Dickson, 2020). The
destruction of facilities negatively influenced the number of visitors who came into that place,
leading to the closure of the lodge. The bushfires also affected the climate, influencing how the
operations at the Binna Burra lodge took place. This was as a result of the net-zero emissions that
enhanced global warming in the business. Global warming increased the rate at which the
bushfires kept taking place again and again due to the emitted carbon dioxide into the
Nevertheless, the lodge’s operation was affected by the effects of public health due to the
bushfires. As a result of too much smoke air pollution from the fires, visitors around the place
were affected by the gases, which greatly affected their respiratory system leading to distractions
and disorders (Pickrell, 2021). Such effects affected the operations of the area, leading to the
closure of the lodge.
SWOTS Analysis
One of the strengths after the bushfires is that the Binna Burra increased its sales and the
number of tourists visiting the place compared to before the bushfires. Binna Burra Lodge is
considered the proper commitment tourist facility that offers sustainable values after its quick
recovery from the crisis. The lodge has released its first public share offer, increasing the number
of shares it has been buying [ CITATION Bin21 \l 1033 ]. This has increased the rate at which
visitors come back for adventure or at which new visitors come. In addition, the lodge has been a
platform for eco-tourism ventures and an opportunity for social enterprise. It has given a chance
for young shareholders, which increases the amount of money made from the investments.

Binna Burra has improved in that it has created multiple fire wardens due to the varying
risks of such activities of bushfires taking place. In addition, the lodge has a well multi-skilled
staff that is an advantage to the tourists visiting the are[ CITATION Bin21 \l 1033 ]. The availability
of well-trained staff has helped, especially in unstable situations and in complex problems that
require well-trained staff to help with the conditions in the lodge. In addition, the lodge has
considered forward bookings and distribution channel partners who have helped facilitate and
manage the cash flow process in the lodge, making it easy to transact the visitor's uses and
bookings without struggle. This has made it easy for the tourists; hence it is easy and faster in
transactions is an advantage to both the visitors and the lodge itself.
In addition, the Binna Burra lodge has been considered the most sustainable tourism
commercial accommodation achievement because, after the bushfires, it has created new features
to attract more customers to their facilities. Such is the iron path that facilitates drawing more
tourism funds into the facility. Different institutions have provided a case study analysis for the
bushfire’s preparedness and other ways to recover the Binna Burra Lodge. In addition, the
situation has come up with procedures that have been shared with the Binna Burra staff training
that is critical to ensure there is a better and more safe way of evacuating the quests and other
staff to avoid any losses of life. However, the lodge has come up with better staff management
that ensures maintenance and retainment of the situation. To provide better control, the staff has
gone under better training and counseling on handling such calamities of bushfires and how to
help the visitors in similar situations.
One of the weaknesses after the bushfire calamity is that the company went under
closure. This happened after the destruction of property in the company when three houses and
commercial structures in that company were destroyed (Pickrell, 2021). The fire was formally
declared out, leading to the closure of the company. In addition, it led to the road’s closure to the
company’s entry and exit and the national park.
The bushfires led to a significant loss in the company due to the cabins and burned-down
places. These happened as a result of the loss of memories and things that could not be replaced.
The bushfire destroyed some of the houses that could never be rebuilt due to their unique
building forms. The loss was incurred in trying to replace damaged places and in the renovation
of the buildings. In addition, a lot of money was spent on making the road to the Binna Burra
Lodge and bringing back the lost items. Some things destroyed were made, although it was hard

to replace them from how they were before; hence there was the loss of memory and the ancient
artifact that was of attraction to the visitors.
New opportunities came through due to the increased number of business opportunities.
It was an opportunity for people to reconstruct the company, which significantly impacted the
people around the area. The Binna Burra lodge was an opportunity for new shareholders in the
company. The company allowed public shareholders such as Steve’s son, who was barely three
months to invest in the company. In addition, the company also was a platform for the public
shares whereby the company would buy a share even at $1, which increased the amount the
company yearned a period (Specht, 2005). It was an opportunity for the public to get involved
with the activities taking place in the company. This happened after the company publicized its
resources to be used by the people to attract more attendants. This increased the number of sales
made and the number of customers who promoted the business and voted new customers.
However, it was an opportunity for fame for the company, which created awareness to the public
and increased the number of people coming for the companies' services.
Some of the significant threats after the bushfire are erosion that occurred, which would
result in inequivalent distribution of soil, leading to uneven soil exposure. In addition, soil
erosion may limit grass and other plants such as flowers and trees, which promote the beauty of
the surrounding. In addition, bushfires have led to the destruction of animals and insects around
the company and in the national park. Destruction of wild animals has reduced the number of
tourists, reducing the amounts earned from the tourists. Some of the main threats are the
destruction of the watersheds and water and water catchment places with beautiful scenery for
visitors. In addition, some of the threats are the bushfires may be caused naturally (Gill, 2012).
This may result from a combination of vegetation, which acts as the fuel to enhance the burning
of the fire. In addition, activities such as human activities in the area may influence the burning
of the bushes. Some of these activities may be a result of the accidental use of machinery. In
addition, natural calamities may also lead to bushfires around the company, such as a lightning
strike. Natural disasters are considered uncontrollable hence may be regarded as a threat to the

Innovative Ideas to Help Binna Burra Lodge to Enhance its Capacity and Use of
Technology to Meet the Current Demands Based on the SWOT analysis

The bushfires in Australia led to the destruction of the binna Burra lodge, which negatively
affected the operations of the club and the lamington lodge. However, the SWOT findings
helped come up with better prevention methods to stop any occurrence of bushfires to ensure
there were continuous operations after the reopening of the lodge. The bushfire preparations
were divided into physical and personal, whereby the individual part was divided into finance,
public relations, human resources, and other related functions.

The Binna Burra lodge set the relevant standard emergency procedures to be carried out if
similar firebreaks took place. The human resources section also conducted regular training to
educate people on what to do if such emergencies occurred. Some of the activities carried out
included the lodge included training each of the individuals who worked in the company and
instilling skills on what to do in case such incidents took place. The company came up with
different plans such as the fire management plans, business plans, and risk management plans
preserved to be used even in the future when such occurring took place.

The finance department was in charge of the capital used to recover and the property in the
lodge. The offices of the club contained financial information that helped run and retrieve the
lodge appropriately (Scott, 2020). The financial offices of the lodge used financial information
and developed other methods of keeping statistics such as the use of the payrolls, bookkeeping,
and accounting information that we're entitled to the hotel. In addition, the insurance company
that covered the hotel helped with covering the disruption costs, which was used in recovering
the lodge again.

The public relations helped determine the spokesman as the senior person who was in charge of
communication practices concerning the disaster and the measures the hotel was taking to ensure
the needs were met. Steve Noakes, the leading Chairman of the company, provided a good
relationship between the public and the company (Ross, 2019). In addition, he collaborated with
the government by introducing new gaps for the government and public partnership. The
introduction of the people and the government into the company helped rebuild the company,
again enabling the substance that allowed in the post-fire activities.

Regarding the physical innovations, some of the fire responses helped the staff react accordingly
to any shortcomings of the fires. Some of the plans the lodge came up with to ensure their
physical innovations were put into place were observing any clues that would lead to unwanted
troubles. Some traces were forest running tracks which led to the introduction of the fire alerts
status where the pre-evacuation procedures were put into place. The evacuation phase was
supported by the previous works taking place. However, through the training, the supporting
team of leaders was able to make evacuation decisions even without getting the evacuation
warnings from the departments in charge of the government (King, 2019). The pre-evacuation
procedures played a great role in case there was an emergency, such as blocking some of the
entries and opening exits in case an emergency occurred. In addition, the vacant rooms were
marked to ensure the buildings were evident; however, the doors and windows of some of these
rooms were locked to block any fire access. Some of the physical damages are handled as soon
as possible. In addition, direct and precise communication was held with the stakeholders, the
government departments, and the media to make a post-event that would reduce the bad
reputation concerning the damage of the lodge.

One of the company’s initiatives to ensure that Binna Burra enhances its capacity is changing its
model. These can be done by completely changing how the structure is when renovating by
adding new sections and new activities in the company. Changing the model may be costly
because it influences how the model works. Henceforth hence the process may be demanding.
Changing the company’s model can be done by renovating the place again and introducing other
facilities that encourage more visitors. By renovating and making the home prettier, visitors will
likely be attracted by the beautiful scenery and will probably come more. Including more fun
activities introduces new ideas to the tourists and urges them to travel around the place to
experience the new homes.

In addition, the company should expand their space and areas of parting through getting other
safe parking places (Specht, 2005). That way, the company is likely to attract more customers. In
addition, improving the technology used will increase visitors’ trust, and belief in the company
will attract more customers. In addition, through improved technology, the company will manage
any bushfires by turning the fire off early enough before it destroys any property. The company
may introduce fire extinguishers in all corners for faster action if fires arise. By ensuring the

visitor’s safety, the number of customers who visit the company will increase, increasing
capacity. The Binna Burra lodge can manage these by Creating better cabins and more
comfortable tents for the visitors to sleep will increase the power of people coming to the place.
These can increase the tents’ safety and comfortability; hence, the customers won’t have to travel
back to their homes (Green, 2020) . In addition, increasing the number of cabins will increase the
capacity of the people that can camp in the place. This will therefore increase the ability of the
tourist coming to the area. The company may also improve the technology used in the camp by
introducing sockets and charging systems in the houses. In addition, the homes should be free
from any sources that could start a fire in the center. The tourist in the place should be assured of
a fire-free environment that makes them accessible and comfortable to have fun. In addition, the
Binna Burra lodge should have different first aid kits that would be used in case of a fire
outbreak, especially with breathing problems that would be affected by smoke.

Recommendations and Their Relevance

On recovery of the business, the crisis management, which contains four circle stages,
helps with the plan of returning the lodge into function again and increasing the number of
visitors attending the place. To accomplish the project, the management has various programs
that should be followed to implement the different ideas to stop the crisis. The bushfires
negatively impacted the tourists business; hence, the recovery plan involved three crisis planning
influences. The significant influencers included the organizational factor, the environmental
factor, and the psychological factor.
The environmental recovery factor
The environmental challenge exclusively concerns the geographical location of the
company. In that, the company's environment is associated with bushfires because, as stated from
the past occurrences, the bushfires tend to take place in the large populations of Australia. The
company's location is near the landscapes, which is an excellent influence for bushfires around
the lodge (Sullivan, 2020). However, principles in building the lodge are designed according to
the fire management plan associated with countries like the USA, France, and Spain. However,
trees around the building are a significant source of fires that may trigger such fire disasters.
Gonzalez- Mathiesen and March explained the sources that would influence the nature of
planting trees around the area resulting from social and economic factors.

However, in the recovery of the lodge, the designers have the opportunity to decide if to
plant the trees around the place again and design new constructions different from the old
infrastructure. In the new recommendation, the planners can separate the vegetation from the
building, which helps reduce the possibility of such fires taking place in the organization. Firstly,
the company should ensure a distance of approximately fifty meters of length between the trees
they plant, and reduce the chances of the trees acting as fuel to inflame the place. In addition, the
company should consider removing any tree stumps of burnt-down trees. Such trees are
considered highly flammable hence should be terminated to reduce the risk of the place catching
fire again. The process will encourage netter management of vegetation in the section around the
lodge. In addition, the company should consider the density of the building structures by
ensuring there is proper utilization of space and there is maximum accommodation of people into
the hotel. The hotel should also arrange good positions of parking lots and the places of
accommodation. By placing parking lots near the accommodation lots, there will be improved
means of transport, especially to the visitors who are vanaruble since they will be able to access
faster means of transport around and out of place in case such a crisis occurs.

Organizational recovery
These refer to the settings made by the organization to resist any forms of crisis that may
occur in the station, mainly if they occur accidentally. The organization is recommended to
generate the best behaviors even in the problem because they influence the visitor's
organizations' perception and attitudes. In addition, the employees and the management is
encouraged to act accordingly even during the crisis. The organization should train the
employees on the various methods of fire safety activities (Pickrell, 2021). The organization
should drill more evacuation areas and increase the fire fighting equipment. Maintenance of
natural resources will help the company overcome the threat of bushfires. For example,
introducing better technology to deal with soil erosion in most cases after bushfires, including
the building of terraces that will prevent poor drainages in the company’s section, will be a way
to overcome the challenge. In addition, planting grasses will minimize the wind blowing and
dust, making it healthier for the visitors who come in. the planting of grass will enhance the
beauty of the place to ensure the company gets as many followers as possible. The idea is
recommended to stop soil erosion that leads to poor water drainage and enhance the surrounding

beauty. The feasibility of putting the plan into place is simple since a few resources will be
required to implement the idea. In addition, less technology and funds are needed in
implementing the program; hence the plan is easy to implement.
The lodge should encourage training methods that should be followed after the reopening
of the hotel. These could be done through purchasing a personalized VR training service that
contains contents of training such as the knowledge on how to handle situations when bushfires
take place and the common evacuation skills that the employees should have. The VR training
has been tested to be the best because it portrays the best accessibility and is memorable when
used even when fires occur. In addition, the training is considered efficient and easy to be used.
The VR training should be offered with pieces of equipment for the safety of the employees and
visitors when crisis occurs.
By offering education to the company’s communities, the company can prevent any
bushfires caused by accidental mishandling of activities that may cause bushfires. These can be
done by warning the individuals of the effects of starting small fires and leaving them unturned
off in the lodge, which could spread to a more significant part affecting the lamington national
park together with the lodge. For example, individuals living in that place are likely to put on
fires and forget to switch them off, leading to bushfires ultimately. By encouraging the residents’
communities surrounding the Binna Burra lodge to ensure they clear their bushes and regular
mowing grass, bushfires risk could be reduced. However, it could be a challenge since the
campaigns to stop any human activities may not reach everyone in that community; hence,
unaware people may be tempted to try the activities. In addition, it may be hard to implement the
idea due to people’s ignorance in taking things seriously, which could essentially lead to fire
damages in the park and the lodge again. It may take time to get used to giving such directions
on how people are supposed to take care of their environments since some of the people may not
attend some of these campaign meetings, making it a bit challenging for people who come from
within the place.
Psychological preparations
The psychological preparations offer support by making them mentally prepared. This
happens during the crisis because there is no significant crisis sources management. It enhances
the availability of essential resources that enhance the psychological preparedness of the workers
and visitors in the stations (McFarlane, 2020). The many aspects influence this that hotel

managers and employees go through to ensure they meet the required decisions, mainly when the
crisis occurs. The features emphasize human resources such as public relations, funding, and
human resources during crisis management. The hotel management should create awareness of
the disaster to increase the employees' efficiency and knowledge concerning the fires and
activities that should be done in such instances.
Cost Estimate
The innovative ideas to help curb incidences of fire and to imptove the profitability of the
lodge has an estimated cost of 35,000,000 dollars from different organizations. The funding will
help to undertake master planning to inform lodge’s recovery and resgtoration needs. Rebuilding
the lodge and accommodation together with changing the model of the lodge is estimated to cost
an additional 20,000,000 dollars. The organization has the necessary resources, both financial
and material resources, to build rebuild and remodel the place. There is also enough time to
implement all the recommendations. It is probable that revenue will flow to the company if every
fund is allocated and utilized well. The company will be able to attrack ana accommodate more
clients hence the profiotability will increase. The company will also gain in terms of physical
assets and inventory value. With the estimated cost and the estimated yearly returns on
investment, it wikll mean a success for the project implementation and therefore the
recommended innovative ideas are viable. There is a high degree that the recommendations will
be done and become successful in managing events of fire occurrences. When the national park
community is educated, they will avoid activities that can cause a fire. The business will incur a
minimal cost in implementing the plans because most of the strategies to prevent fire outbreaks
occur from a personal perspective, and hence the lodge is only supposed to play its part in
educating the community and preserving natural resources.

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