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Ratios: 5 categories

Liquidity (3) Activity (5) Debt (2) Profitability (6) Market (2)
“To cover current liabilities “The company’s ability to “The company’s ability to
like salaries” collect receivables and sell cover long term liabilities”
Current ratio = Inventory turnover Debt Ratio = Gross Profit Margin = Market to book “MB”=
current assets COGS Total Liabilities Gross Profit Current Share Price
current liabilities Avg . Inventory Total Assets Sales Net book value per share
That gross profit = Sales –
-How many times can I Example: Total assets = COGS Or
cover current liabilities 1,000,000 & Total Compare with industry
using current assets Market Capitalization
liabilities = 400,000 so the average.
- disadvantages: Debt Ratio = 40% If ratio 60%: means for Net book value
Not all assets liquid but It means 40% of assets are each 1 EGP sales, it cost Where the “net book
most of liabilities is liquid from liabilities “not my me 0.4 EGP, or I earn 0.6 value” = total assists –
money” and 60% from EGP total liabilities
owners’ equity “my “COGS” A low ratio (less than 1)
money” could indicate that the
Quick ratio = Avg. Age of inventory Times interest earned Operating Profit Margin = stock is undervalued (i.e. a
bad investment), and a
C . assets−Inventory Avg. Days on hand = EBIT Operating Expecses OEhigher ratio (greater than
Ratio =
current liabilities 365 Interest Sales 1) could mean the stock is
Inventory turnover But the ratio also including Where: OE = GP – EBIT overvalued (i.e. it has
Number of days to sell A/R not just liquid cash Profits from operation performed well).
inventory “Operation Cost”
Cash ratio = Avg. collection period Net Profit Margin = Price to earn ration “P/E”
Cash+ MS (A/R) Net Profit =
CCC: Cash Conversion Current Share Price
current liabilities Cycle Sales
A /R “Net Profit” Earning per share EPS
MS: Marketable Securities
that any assets as liquid as Sales per day If a company was currently
cash trading at a P/E multiple of
20x, the interpretation is
Avg. Payment Period (A/P) EPS = Earnings per share that an investor is willing
A/P Net Profit to pay $20 for $1 of
Purchased per day No . of shares current earnings.

-It is better to be: Avg.

Payment Period > Avg.
collection period
Total Assets Turnover ROA = Return on assets
Sales Net Profit
Total Assets Total Assets
-The better the ratio is
great, the better is the
usage of assets
ROE= Return on equity
ROI= Return on
Net Profit
Total Equity
This ratio can be
compared with bank
interest rate, could most
important ratio.
Debt Advantages:


Company A Company B
Debt Ratio 0% Debt 50% Debt
(Earnings before interest and 100 100
- Interest 0 50
100 50
(Earnings before tax)
-Tax (20%) 20 10
NI (Net income) 80 40

1) Tax Shield Effect: When increase debt, interest increases so reduce tax legally.
2) Debt financing is cheaper than equity

Debt Disadvantage:

1) Bankruptcy risk

Optimal capital structure “Save Zone for Debt”

- Stable Earnings
- Liquidity “Specially Cash”

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