Turn Off Unused Appliances

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The word smart is subjective, it can be defined in different angles. Someone can
be considered as nature smart, sound smart, linguistic and so on. The text above
indicates discrimination to average people. Thus, the text approaches to be negative for
my personal evaluation.
Teachers do not need to be intelligent enough to teach kids or students. Being a
teacher, one should be dedicated, passionate and have perseverance to be able to
share knowledge. One does not need to show intelligence to others, but one should be
an example to everyone.
The text shows negative statement to every teacher, as our society keeps on
being diverse, we should not normalize any unethical statements. Intelligence can be
seen in a wider view, and the word “teacher” should not be used to insult other by
reason of they apply learnings to themselves over again to be able to teach it.
I hereby claimed that discrimination and normalizing these behaviors are not
acceptable. We must be sensitive and accept each other despite our differences. In this
way, no one would be discriminated and left alone, feeling like he or she is different.
It is true that online games are interesting and fun to play. Technological
advances led to easy and convenient works to everybody. But in every advantage, there
is also disadvantage. The internet seems to be a secret dark place to everyone, one
who have exposure to a great extent can easily be addicted and further develop bad
It is a claim of fact that students who have great exposure to violent media can
also be violent as a person. Traits from digital world can be adopted and developed.
Furthermore, embrace the characteristic as part of himself.
To avoid this kind of behavior, I suggest that having limitations and perform real
life hobbies can help. Balance the usage of the internet, particularly on online games. In
this way, one cannot incur violence and see the world as real and peaceful place.
Nowadays, success is defined in terms of money that is why most people
consider or refer to riches when they heard the word “success”.
The word rich cannot be seen as success though rich people have it easy.
People tend to be optimistic and normalize such stereotypes. The definition of success
is not just for rich people because people have choices, it is not just rich people can
have this path to success.
One person can settle a goal and achieve it. Spend too much time and work hard
just to harvest the fruit of success. On the other hand, not to compromise and settle a
goal. Rich people who became icons for their success, went from nothing so they
worked hard until they reach their goal and that is to become “successful”.
Everybody can dream being successful, not being born like a prince or a princess
is not a qualification for you to achieve something. Perseverance, determination, and
trust is a way to success. Believe on yourself!

Being beautiful is everybody’s goal. One cannot deny we wished of having
perfect and flawless skin. But because of this ambition, they undergo surgeries just to
satisfy their selves.
Getting surgeries are not bad, by reason of it is a choice. Maybe because they
are bullied, face shamed or just to look good for others. This is when cosmetics
surgeries are prevalent. Criticizing and judging make this society normalize this attitude
towards cosmetic surgeries despite the risk they might take.
It is so disturbing when it becomes a lifestyle or be normalized in a great extent,
the fact that most advertisements about it were find online where most teens and kids
are present. Let just appreciate ourselves, accept and embrace our own beauty.
Likewise, let all people stop face and body shaming, just respect and love should cover
us all. There is a beauty within not just only from the outside. Everybody is beautiful, its
just what the society wants, and you do not need to meet that standards to call yourself

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