Position Paper

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John Francis Segarra

12- ABM
Argumentative Analysis on a Position Paper about Divorce.

This argument analysis examines the article titled "Position Paper on Implementing
Divorce in the Philippines" by Primie John P. Cadungog. The article is about his stand on the
legalization of divorce here in the Philippines. Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage, is
terminating a marriage or marital union. Every nation in the world allows its residents to divorce
under some conditions except the Philippines (though Muslims in the Philippines have the right
to divorce) and the Vatican City, an ecclesiastical sovereign city-state, which has no procedure
for divorce. In these two countries, laws only allow the annulment of marriages. Marriage is a
sacred social institution that is the family's foundation and shall be protected by the state.
However, with divorce, one can escape from an abusive relationship and find happiness again.
Furthermore, his paper analyzes the possible cons and pros of divorce implemented in the
country and his stand regarding the topic.

This paper analyzes the author's stand about divorce and the presented arguments and
evidence that proves his stand in the article. Primie Cadungog, the author, submitted various
claims and statements accompanied by research findings and a catholic perspective about

The first main argument is that he believes that divorce can affect young and adolescent
children. He perceived it worst to children because, according to a study, divorce introduces an
immense effect on every young child. Furthermore, even the absence of one parent can create
challenging circumstances in their lives. Thus, when divorce happens, children are mostly
affected. The statement above is a factual argument; however, we should see the context as a
whole. Most couples or families filing for divorce were because of domestic abuse, addiction,
and infidelity of their partners, in the article of Jason Crowley, a divorce financial strategies. His
article “What are the common reasons for divorce” (2021). Money, Lack of intimacy, Infidelity,
Abuse, Lack of compatibility, Physical appearance, Addictions, getting married at an early age,
getting married for the wrong reasons, lack of communication, lack of equality, and loss of
identity are reasons why a couple files a divorce. These are essential factors to consider that the
author failed to consider. We now have a different way of living, and it does not mean it is
sacred. We should not tolerate abuse, addictions, and any other dreadful circumstances that
families are facing. It might be true that children are severely affected, but what is worse than
living in a toxic and unsafe environment? We must save the future of the children and the victim
of any exploitation.
His second point goes with the perspective of religion, especially the catholic. He stated
that God is the author of marriage. Thus, it is a "permanent union." I believe It is skeptical if we
put religious beliefs in this kind of topic. I don't neglect their "beliefs." But when it comes to
legal practice, especially regarding human rights violations, no beliefs shall hinder the essence of
humanity. The common reasons for divorce are mostly human right violation. Because religion
does want the good for all, why is it hindering families' chances to free themselves? Therefore,
divorce should be approved because not all marriages did end with "happily ever after."

The third argument is that, according to him, divorce does not guarantee happiness. He
cited a study from Chicago that revealed divorce has a lingering, detrimental impact on health
that even remarriage cannot fully repair. Furthermore, the study found that remarrying makes
matters worse. The author assumes that every divorce will lead to remarriage. Isn’t it
stereotypical to take that people are supporting divorce because of remarriage. As I have said,
see the context as a whole. One’s story does not represent a whole. Some are taking a divorce to
start again and live with freedom and self-respect. With these arguments, we are hindering their
freedom and exploiting humanity using our beliefs, especially those “religious” ones. If one
would argue that divorce does not guarantee happiness and it ruins the bond of the family. Then
why do churches not implement procedures or activities that aim to strengthen the families after
they get married? Ironically, religion does interfere in legal activities, yet there is an absence
after the couple gets married in their church?

All in all, the author’s argument for me is skeptical. But I will not invalidate him. Logical
issues entail a logical argument. I appreciate his concern for the children, but I believe they
should escape and discern that there are circumstances they need to fight regardless of its
sanctity. As a son of married yet separated parents, it is hard for me to continuously hope for a
“perfect family” when it cannot be. I condemn infidelity. I am not supporting divorce because I
am taking it but because someone needs it. We should not disregard the significant
considerations that this divorce recognized. It encompasses freedom and self-respect for both
parties. And for those who suppose that divorce is an easy-out for marriage, I suggest reading the
grounds and provisions in House Bill 7303. Now, Don’t want a divorce? Then don’t get one, but
let others have a chance of freedom and healing (Risa Hontiveros, 2019)
John Francis Segarra
12- ABM
Position Paper on Youth Civic Engagement

Participation and Cooperation is one trait that our student youth must possess. They can
partake in change-making that will benefit their target audience and the community. Moreover,
community engagement is one of the ways of creating and molding our future leaders.
Community engagement involves working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s
community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, value, and motivation to make
that difference. Community elders should understand how essential is youth engagement in
nation-building rather than overlooking the absolute impact of community engagement on youth
students. Community engagement is not primarily for adults. Besides, people in the community,
regardless of age, gender, socio-economic status, have the potential of making a difference in the

This paper presents the stand of the organization’s leader on why we are utilizing a
fund-raising concert for the street child. Moreover, further, explain why community engagement
is essential for youth students.

First of all, community engagement enhances and develops student’s capability to a

great extent, including knowledge, values, leadership, and skills. Youth engagement is a central
principle of youth development (ACTforYouth). The ecological perspective of human
development indicated that young people of agents of their development. Youth are more than
passive recipients of external influences; instead, they are actively shaping their development by
interacting with people and opportunities made available within their environments. Moreover,
youth engagement offers community leaders the expertise and partnership of young people,
helping adults understand what it is like to grow up in a rapidly changing world (ACTforYouth).

Youth engagement also builds positive youth development in the community. This
youth engagement can help the community become a great and safe place for young people to
grow up. In our situation, we are seeking to help the street child through fundraising. In this way,
we are engaging the community and encouraging other youth to participate and motivate every
young people in our community. Adult and Elders may overlook the idea because it requires so
much effort, time, and it may not be successful. However, as a youth organization, we are
constantly taking seminars to develop some long-term solutions for some long-term outcomes.

Another pertinent point is that youth engagement does not hinder the studies of youth
students. Pride surveys, 2016 stated that numerous studies concluded a significant positive
correlation between school, family, and community involvement and student success. According
to a recent policy brief from the “National Education Association (NEA) last 2016. “When
schools, parents, families, and communities work together to support learning, students tend to
earn higher grades, attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and enroll in higher-level
programs.” With these critical benefits in mind, it is clear that a focus on increasing community
involvement programs and opportunities does not affect our studies. The schools might consider
our fund-raising concert for the street child in our city.

Lastly, youth engagement is creating our future leaders. “When youth become engaged
in community activities, they develop the skills needed to be an effective leader” (Brennan and
Barnett, 2009). In addition to that, engaging in the community also create a sense of belonging
and purpose for youth. Youth leaders will feel that they are part of the community if their voices
are heard and eventually spread those “feelings” to show to the people. They are making a path
of encouragement to help those in need. We need leaders that contribute and assist with social
issues. With this fund-raising concert, we are taking a step toward the difference we want for all.

This paper presents the organization's position regarding the implementation of the
fund-raising concert for the street child. Moreover, we used the shreds of evidence to stand with
our position. Community engagement helps youth develop their knowledge, skills, values, and
capacity to be a leader. The paper also stated that youth community engagement does not
interfere with our studies. Besides, we can be better students because of our participation. Also,
in this way, we are creating future leaders and planting the seeds for the future. We are
considering the concerns of the community elders, yet, we are hoping for your complete
understanding and consideration that we as youth are making visible actions that can help our
community. We are not just students but youth students who can contribute to a sustainable
society and nation. Because "The future is in the hands of young people. Let us set them up for
success." (Andrea Lopez)

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