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21 Century Literature
From the Philippines and
the World

Lesson 3:

This module belongs to:

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 understand the differences between Earlier Period and in 21st Century

 write a composition about the differences of the periods presented.
Lesson 3:
A literary convention is the name given to a well-established technique
or feature of a particular genre. It is commonly used device or aspect of a
certain kind of work. If you are reading a certain type of literary work, you
can expect it to conform to certain conventions. In this lesson, you will
understand how literature evolved from the Earlier Period and in 21st Century.

Definition of Terms:
Modern literature – is a predominantly English genre of fiction writing,
popular from roughly the 1910s up to the 1960s.

Contemporary literature – is literature with its setting generally after World

War II.

Preliminary Activity.

Read and answer the question below.

 What have you learned in the Spanish Period and Contemporary Period?

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Page 1
Let Us Talk About It

- Modern Literature and Contemporary Literature are names of literary periods. Literary
scholars commonly ascribe certain characteristics to the literature of each period.
Identifying historical literary periods can be broadly helpful in organizing our sense of
the evolution of literary practice.
- At the same time, however, it is well to remember that writers do not ordinarily begin
to write by considering what typifies the period they are writing in.
- Literature before has a strict conformity on system, norm, elitism, and romanticism
while literature now can have free verse, focus on peculiar subjects, unconventional
point of views, and topics can be about technology and new knowledge.
- Literature starts way back in prehistory when everything was in the oral tradition. But
literature before and after 21st century have an oral lore. Before, mythology and epics
were being told from one generations to another while our contemporary literature
have spoken word performances, poetry reading, etc.

In the 21st Century Literature, the genre In the Earlier Period, the elements that are
that are used are poetry, speculative fiction, used are characters, setting, plot, theme, and
drama, blogs, mobile text tula, chick lit, flash style.
fiction, fliptop, encuetro, spoken words.
- The writings are more formal than
- Novels are now made into movies, now.
especially the famous ones. - The stories that are written during
- The words that are used are trendy this times are now serious.
than before. - This periods of literature still can
- The target market of novels this be used until now.
time are the teenagers. - Mostly the themes are about
- The forms of writing are more fairytales
liberated than before. - Themes are also about serious
- Most of the novels today are now in events.

Now that you understand literature in earlier period and in 21 st century, let’s check how
much you have learned the topic by answering the following activities.

Writing Activity No. 1

Name: _________________________ Date: ________________________
Grade: _________________________ Score: ________________________
Direction: Answer the questions below.
1. How literature evolved from the Earlier Periods and 21st Century?

2. Describe the literature in the 21st Century and in Earlier Periods.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Page 2

3. What is the importance of 21st century literature?


Writing Activity No. 2

Name: _________________________ Date: ________________________
Grade: _________________________ Score: ________________________
Direction: Research sample literature from the Earlier Periods and in 21st Century.
 Earlier Period

 21st Century


Chua, R. (2016). 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World. 4/F SEDCCO 1
Bldg. 120 Thailand corner Legazpi Streets. Legaspi Vilage, 1229 Makati City
Philippines. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Page 3

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