Lesson Plan Ed206

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Instructors: Gallon P.A., Javier G.G., Sazon D., Umiten M.M.

Grade and Subject: 10th grade students - English

I. Desired Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. Express their creativeness and artistic skills.

2. Be able to use a variety of rich vocabulary incorporated in their activities,
3. Unleash their inner artist and inner writer.

II. Subject Content:

Lesson 1 - Activating Creativity through Literacy.

● Build Creative Vocabulary.
● Creativity Skills.
● Nature of Creative Poetry..

III. Subject Competencies:

● Evaluate literature as a source of wisdom in expressing and resolving

conflicts between individuals or groups and nature.
● Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence.

IV. Learning Materials:

● Bond Paper
● Drawing Materials (pencil, crayons/oil pastel, coloring pens, markers,
● Pen
● Arts and Crafts Materials (for the scrapbook making)

V. Teaching Learning Activities

A. Activity
For today’s activity which is based on the Torrance Test of Creative
Thinking, you are tasked to use your creativity to transform the curved
line into an art. Feel free to color your work and most importantly, be

B. Analysis
How was the activity? Was it a tough or exciting activity? Were you able
to show your creativity? How?

C. Abstraction

In line with the 21st Century, harnessing a child’s creativity

through concrete interaction and first hand experiences is still as
essential today as how it was back then. It is a must that schools should
continue and prioritize teaching creativity as it gives birth to other skills
as well including innovation and artistry.

Betsy Roe (2012), defines creativity as Creativity is a way of

living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections
between seemingly disparate ideas. Creativity is about living life as
a journey into seeing and communicating the extraordinariness of
the simplest, most every day acts.We associate the word creativity
most of the time together with “making something” however,
creativity stemmed from its real meaning “to grow”. Notice the
times when we manifest creativity, we feel as if the world is vividly
thriving and it’s as if everything is at our reach as we can make
anything out of something. Take a look at how the first civilization
in Mesopotamia lived. For sure they were really creative with their
way of life or Beethoven’s deafness for example. That didn’t stop
him from composing the classics that we hear today! Imagine all
that just because of one’s creativity.
In essence, the task above was designed to not only test but
as well as to witness how the students are faring with their
creativity skills. Owing to the fact that we are now in the 21st
Century, schools must provide extra curricular activities or art
related classes to further assess the student’s creativity. In today’s
society where innovation is blooming and there is a rapid change
in the world of technology, creativity is indeed a skill that one
must sharpen in order to be in sync with this current generation.

VI. Evaluation:

A. Work Sheet 1: 1-Page Story Challenge

B. Make a 7 day poetry Challenge using the following topics below. Write in a
long bond paper (portrait). In the end, compile everything and make a
scrapbook out of it.
DAY 1: Your favorite scene in a movie.
DAY 2: The last thing that made you cry.
DAY 3: An old photograph.
DAY 4: Your parents.
DAY 5: Things you want to tell someone.
DAY 6: A message for your future self.
DAY 7: A message from your past self.

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