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Plant Growth Regulators or Phytoharmones –
Definition –

PGR are the organic compound other than nutrients which regulates, modify or inhibit plant physiological
process when applied in smaller concentration.

Growth hormone – According to Philips in 1975.

Growth hormones as a substrate which are synthesized in particular cells of are transferred to other
cells & where extremely small quantity development process.

According to Thiram [1948]

Phytoharmones – According to him Phytoharmones are organic substrate which are normally produced on
plant which control the growth of other physiological unction of a site remote from its place of product & are
actively in extremely minute quantities

Classification of plant growth hormones

1) Auxin - IAA[Indole Acetic Acid]

2) Cytokinins – kinetin
3) Gibberellins – GA
4) Ethylene – Ethylene
5) Dormins - Abscisic Acid
6) Flowering hormones – Florigen
7) Miscellaneous Natural Substances- Vitamins
8) Synthetic growth regulators – ccc
9) Miscellaneous Synthetic substance
10) Phenolic substances

1] Auxins – Auxins is a synthesized shoot tip region particularly young expanding leaves of the apical
region developing embryo in developing fruit etc.

Role of Auxins-
1) Apical dominance – It increases activities in the meristem tic cells which is accomplished for by
a vigorous metabolic sink at the demand for organic solute moving in vascular tissues.
2) Cell elongation & enlargement – Auxins causes & increases analysis activity permeability
formation of energy with phosphate cell wall plastic wall pressure.
3) Shoot & root growth – Auxins increases shoot growth at relatively higher concentration growth
at very low concentration.
4) Xylem differentiation
5) Plant growth movement
6) Nucleic acid activity
7) Parthenocarpy
8) Respiration

Application of Auxins –
1) Root induction – IBA is quite useful in inducing rooting in cuttings.
Application of 1 % IBA in fruit cuttings IBA 200 ppm in sweet lime cutting.
2) Control of fruit drop – In majority of fruit plant fruit drop is controlled by spraying 10 – 20
ppm NAA.
3) Regulation of flowering – In pineapple spray of NAA of 5-10 ppm NAA practiced to
regulates flowering in desired season.

2) Gibberellins – GA are synthesized in young leaves, roots , immature shoots & more in all direction & in
all tissue including phloem & xylem.

Role of Gibberellins –

1. Preventing of general dwarfism

2. Bolting & flowering
3. Light inhibited stem growth
4. Parthenocarpy
5. Germination

Use of Gibberellins-

1) Germination - Papaya seed treated with 200 ppm GA gives better germination.

2) Flowering – Application of 100- 200 ppm GA Dahlia including early flowering.

3) Parthenocarpy – In guava parthenocarpic fruits were obtained by use of GA3 AT 1000-3000 PPM

Application of Gibberellins -

1) Fruit setting – In phase fruit retention better with spray of 60 ppm GA3
2) Breaking dormancy
3) Extending shelf life

The term cytokine’s is also genetic name of the substance which promotes cell division & effect other
growth regulatory function of the plant reaction is of natural occurrence & kinetin is synthetic.

Role of cytokinin-

1. Cell division
2. Cell & organ enlargement
3. Seed germination
4. Root initiation & growth
5. Bud development & shoot growth

Use of Cytokinins

1. Cell division – Kinetin helps in all division off add in early fruit development.
2. Breaking dormancy – Cytokinin is quite effective in breaking information.
3. Organogenesis – BA5 mg / lit has been proved effective in producing vegetative shoots in banana.

5] Ethylene – Ethylene is only gaseous harmone which stimulate growth

Evidence for o ethylene production appeared from flower seeds & roots.

Role of Ethylene-

1] Ripening – Ripening & maturity of fruit area two basic properties of the hormones when applied as foliar
spray it can be accelerate maturity & includes uniform ripening

2] Chlorophyll activity

3] Degreening of citrus of banana fruit

4] Abscissity

5] Natural ripening & climatic zone

Use of ethylene

1) Fruit ripening – Spray of 50 ppm ethylene has been found optimum for ripening of grape fruit
Application of ethereal at 500 ppm to 600 ppm to 1000ppm accelerates ripening in harvested

2] Flowering – Very effective in including in pineapple.

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