MOBA Games As Affecting Factor On Study Habits in Terms of Leisure Time and Peer Group

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S.Y. 2019 - 2020

MOBA games as affecting factor on Study Habits in

terms of Leisure Time and Peer Group

A Research Paper Submitted

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Practical Research 2 in Senior High School


Andrade, Kyla Jhorge C.

Gallardo, Rinoa Jade

Jose, Prince Noriel Crayon E.

Martin, Desiree Mae P.

Tapang, Aaron Jacob M.

October 2019




Conceptual Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11

Theoretical Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11-12


Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .13
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 14
Data Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ..14
Conceptual framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .14-15
Results and Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-17

Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 17-18
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . 19

Appendix A: Cover Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21

Appendix B: Sample Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-23

Appendix C: Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


MOBA games or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is one of the genres of online games.

Although it continuously emerges in this current time, current researches lacks multidisciplinary

approach. The goal of this study is to determine whether playing MOBA games in terms of usage

of leisure time and influence of peer group can affect the student's study habit.

The theory of this research is Walberg’s theory of educational productivity where in one factor

cannot affect the study habits of students because there are other factors that needed to be considered to

another one or more factors are combined with a single factor, it will show evident influence.

This study used quota sampling as sampling method choosing the respondents from

Senior High School and has 1 year of gaming experience on MOBA. Survey data collection

method was also used in the research. Regression was used as data analysis to measure the

demographic profiles of the respondents such as age, strands, and year they started playing

MOBA games. 100 senior high school students participated in the survey which consist of over-

all 30 questions (10 questions for each variables) that are playing any MOBA games for almost 1

year and above.

This research also used modified survey questionnaire as data gathering instrument to

capture the relevant information from their respondents

The result of the research that had been conducted, the sub-variable of independent

variable playing MOBA games, Leisure time, does not have a significant effects on the study

habits. While the other sub-variable for independent variable, peer group, has significant effects

on study habits as the statistics were given.

From the survey conducted, the results drawn were Peer group got 2.982 from the t-

statistics and its value is .004 which only proves that the variable is statistically significant.

Based on the results that the research had gathered, Peer Group is more significant variable that

affects the study habits of Senior High School students in Malabon City.


Technology, as part of the most useful innovation plays a vital role in the people's lives in

different aspects. It aids the conflict of time management as it assists in a faster way of accomplishing

various responsibilities that usually takes plenty of time. In line with technology is the development of

internet. Internet has helped thousands of people, especially students in complying with different tasks

that depends on the assistance of internet such as researches. With the growing and increasing task that

depends on the help of the internet, the demand on the use of internet also increased. Internet has been a

necessity for the people to cope-up with this fast growing and changing world.

Together with the uses of internet is also its ability to entertain people, as entertainment has

been one of the necessities in this current time. With the need to entertain, development of online games

and mobile games also arise. Online games, particularly Massive Online Battle Arena (MOBA) that

demands the use of sportsmanship and excellent use of socialization skills has been on trend this past

few years. It combines the real time strategy and role playing game (Steemit, 2019). It has aided the

need of people for entertainment for this continuously evolving world.

In 2014, Micro-Star International (MSI) stated that there are 1.8 billion of gamers worldwide

(Gomez, 2014). However, in 2016, the number of gamers around the world increased with more than 2.5

billion mobile gamers around the world as stated by The European Mobile Game Market. With this

growing number of gamers around the world, the effect of online games on people lives is being very

evident. There are more and more people, of different age groups being influenced by online games as

time goes by.

Study shows that MOBA games stimulate less presence and immersion for players, but

challenge and frustration are higher in this genre compared to other genres of video games. Interest was

drawn on why do gamers still choose this type of genre despite of it having the highest frustration and

challenge rate among the other genre. Conclusion was made that gamers are motivated by sense of

mastery while playing MOBA games (Johnson, Nacke, & Wyeth, 2015)

MOBA games are among the different genres under the video game. There are several studies

regarding video games, however, studies that focus on the specific genres under it lacks

multidisciplinary approach. Based on a literature review conducted by Cantallops (2018), MOBA games

offer a wide opportunity of interest for future researches. Although the interest and popularity of MOBA

games increases (Gomez, 2014), current researches lacks multidisciplinary approach and is often

confined to a single field. This interest the researchers in conducting a research in another point of view

regarding the MOBA games and study habits.

In 2014, a study was conducted to discover the association between serious online gaming and

study habits. In the study, it is shown that there are no association between serious gaming and study

habit. However, the only difference is that in health management of the students wherein non gamers

tend to have a better lifestyle in terms of health than gamers (Johnston, 2014).

While the technology, such as internet is a necessity, and multiplayer online battle arena games

such as Mobile Legends provide entertainment. Study habits will carry the students’ reflection of how

well they comply in accordance to their class requirements. Furthermore, there are various studies that

shows the connection between the use of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games and the study habits.

Those researches also showed positive and negative effects of using multiplayer online battle arena

games to students’ study habits. The research is all about whether multiplayer online battle arena games

could affect the students in Malabon city’s study habits.

Conceptual Background

1.1 Study Habits

Study habit is an essential part of student’s learning. Every student differs from techniques in

study habits. From the way they choose the learning materials to review upon, up to the favorable

surrounding. Every student has different study habits. The effects of these study habits also differ from

one student to another in terms of its effect to the student’s academic performance.

In this generation, where students are inclined to technology, the question regarding whether

online gaming can affect the students’ study habits still remains.

In 2014, a study was conducted to discover the association between serious online gaming and

study habits. In the study, it is shown that there are no association between serious gaming and study

habit. However, the only difference is that in health management of the students wherein non gamers

tend to have a better lifestyle in terms of health than gamers (Johnston, 2014). However, it is not

specified on the research what kind of online game does the students play. The research pertains to a

general perspective in online games, instead of a specific online game genre.

Another study was conducted involving 12,000 students from Australia. It was found out that

those students who frequently play online games scores better than those who do not play online games

(Dockrill, 2016).

Study habit is a vital part of student’s life. Further information regarding study habits has to be

discovered in order to maximize the learning capability of students, especially in this time where

students are also immersed in online games such as MOBA games. Whether online gaming affects the

study habits of the students, it still has to be discovered. Also, online gaming has also been made

specific in this study as MOBA games.

1.2 Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games.

E-sports, a competitive video game has been gaining attention this current time, especially for

Filipinos. In 2017, Philippine government through the Gaming and amusement boards (GAB) gave

athletic licenses for professional e-sports players who competed with international e-sports competition

(Rappler, 2017).

Not only in the competition platform, but also in educational platform, esports still gains

attention. In 2017, University of The Visayas New School (UVNS) offered esports and game

development through their Senior High School Arts and Design track. Genesis Rana, the founder and

school director of UVNS stated that “We’ll have game strategy for Dota 2 and we will have game design

and development animation and 2D and 3D animation, and of course, game creation. After two years,

the students can either choose to be game creators, designers, or e-sports players in the professional

league,” (Sunstar, 2017).

MOBA games, as one of the recognized genre in video games and esports continuously gains

popularity. The number of gamers in this genre increases by year. MOBA is a rapidly emerging sub-

genre of the Real-Time Strategy genre and E-sport that may well be on its way to a full blown genre of

its own (giantbomb, 2019). MOBA games had been on trend these past few years for the gamers of

different age brackets because according to MSI, there are 1.8 billions of gamers worldwide. 82% of

these gamers are coming from Asia-Pacific region, wherein 12.4 million of gamers worldwide are

Filipinos. This implies that Filipinos are huge fan of playing MOBA games.

Among the other video game genres, it has the least immersion rate, and it ranked lowest in

presence, autonomy, computer, relatedness, and intuitive controls but has the highest rate of difficulty

and challenge compared to other video game genres (Johnson, Nacke, and Wyeth, 2015).

As time goes by, esports, particularly MOBA games truly influence different aspects of society

such as education and sports. More research are needed regarding MOBA games as it continue to

influence the society. However, Cantallops (2018), in his literature review, stated that existing

researches about MOBA games often lacks multidisciplinary approach and is confined to a single field.

MOBA games still has to be explored. With one of the university in the Philippines offering

esports and gaming strategy, the effect of online gaming, specifically MOBA games, to study habits has

to be studied. The study will focus only to the senior high school students of Malabon City who play

MOBA games. This is to make sure to attain the desired result for the study, to provide evidences on

whether playing MOBA games can affect the students’ study habits.

1.2.1 Leisure time

Fawcet (2007) states in his study that there is no exact definition of leisure time in research

literature, but leisure time in general has three elements: leisure as time, leisure as an activity, and

leisure as a state of mind. Leisure time can be used objectively, by definition, or subjectively according

to individual’s state of mind.

Senior High School students whose age ranges as adolescents like to spend their leisure time

with peer groups in either face-to-face communication or telephone communication (Henry, 1998).

Among the ways students spend their leisure time are watching television, using social media, and

online gaming.

People, mainly adolescents play online games purely for fun. Online and video games open

opportunity to build relationship among people (Muros, 2013). ONTSI (Spanish National

Observatory for Tele communications and the Information Society) also states that people use online

games to keep in touch with their friends and social groups (2012).

In fact, online and video games become the focus of discussion within groups (Muros,

2013). Yuso (2012) states that the preference and priority of online gaming leads the idea of leisure

being digital or involves more advanced technology than ever.

In 2012, Yuso conducted a research to find out the effects of online games to the usage of

Leisure time. The study proves that nline gaming has negative effects on the usage of time such as that

people tend to forget time. Furthermore, it may become an obsession instead of just passion due to other


Leisure time has no exact definition. Furthermore, people, specifically adolescents like to

spend their leisure time together with their peer group. Their main reason for spending leisure time is for

fun. As time goes by, with the influence of technology, leisure time becomes more digital. The usage of

online games grows as time goes by. Its effects, however, in different aspects of our life has to be

discovered. Specifically, the effect of different genre of game such as MOBA games to the educational

aspect of youth’s life such as study habits.

1.2.2 Peer Group

According to a research conducted by Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard

University, people who had similar traits become friends regard with their gender, race, region,

residence and academic field are likely much less, due to the inherent anonymity in online games.

Moreover, there are certain noticeable pattern on how other people form relationship between others in

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playing online games such as MOBA because there are many events in game that cannot be complete

without a full team (often consist of 5 members). In this study, it is said that peer group is one of the

factor that can affect the students in playing MOBA. Therefore, there are many obviously comparable

factors than peer group that can affect the individual in playing MOBA games.

According to Erikson 2017 peer pressure have great impact on the life of an adolescence.

Erikson said that in adolescence phase, person is required to seek-identity and independence. Online

games are popular among students and they are used them to as a means for them to accept by their

peers. When they try to get free from all adult influence and protection, they become closer and more

dependent on peer acceptance. Some students playing MOBA games because they can feel the sense of

belongingness to the other group or other players but it is also indicate on this study that besides of the

peer, there are students who became interested of playing it because they often watch online games

commercial banner.

In the study conducted in Malang East Java, they also states that Peer pressure have a big deal of

cause for student trying online games, students feel the sense of inferiority if they did not know how to

play online games, students would considered outdate and coward if they resisted the challenge of

friends to play online games. Playing moba games allow them to interact with broader range of players,

not only with the school peers and neighbors but also to other people outside the town and country. They

conclude that peer group is the leading factor for students who are playing online games, when they see

their peer playing online games they also become interested on it.

Theoretical Framework

1. Walberg’s Theory of Educational Productivity

Walberg’s theory of educational productivity states that there are nine factors including the

student’s ability or prior achievement, development or maturity, motivation and self-control, amount of

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time student engage in learning, quality of the instructional experience, home, classroom and social

group, peer group outside the school, and use of out-of-school time or leisure time. The last four factors

are identified as environmental factors. (Walberg, 1987).

Walberg (1987) stated that “No single factors by itself determines learning, but a few key

factors in combination will do.” It means that a single factor is insufficient by itself to show great deal of

influence in student’s educational productivity immediately, but if another one or more factors are

combined with a single factor, it will show evident influence.

While playing MOBA games may fall under the usage of leisure time, peer group in school

and outside the school may also influence the learning, having a combination of factors. Hence,

influencing the study habits.

Research Question:

1. Does playing MOBA games, in terms of leisure time affect the student’s study habits?

2. Does playing MOBA games, in terms of peer group affect the student’s study habits?


1. The hypothesis of this research is that leisure time in playing MOBA games affects the studying

habits of the students.

2. The hypothesis of this research is that peer group in playing MOBA games affects the studying

habits of the students.

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Participants of this study are the 100 Senior high school students of Malabon city who

are playing MOBA games. Quota sampling will be employed as the sampling method of the

study in choosing the respondents who are senior high school students in Malabon City who has

a gaming experience of one year and above. This sampling method was considered due to limited

resources allocated for the survey and the participants share at least one common characteristic,

which is playing MOBA. High school within the Malabon City are the primary participants

since it is also convenient and could easily capture the effect of playing MOBA games to the

study habits of the students.

Ethical principles will be informed that the participation in the survey is voluntary and

will be treated as strictly confidential. Nevertheless, participants will be given chance to disagree

and refuse with the research process and will not be forced to answer the survey questionnaire,

additionally, they are also given a chance to skip some questions that they intend not to answer

because they are uncomfortable, so respondents may indicate in the questionnaire that they

refuse to answer. Lastly, the personal identity of the participants will not be asked in the survey

questionnaire for the full confidential of the research study throughout the presentation of the

result of the study.


The researcher will be using a modified survey-questionnaire as its primary data-

gathering instrument to capture the relevant information from the respondents regarding playing

MOBA games and how it affects student’s study habits. Thus, the questionnaire will predict the

effect of playing MOBA games to the student’s study habits, a thirty-statement will be asked.

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The responses will be measured by using 5 point Likert scale used for frequency wherein Very

Frequently is assigned to have a weight of 5, with Very rarely having the lowest weight of 1.This

scale is assigned to know if study habit is affected by playing MOBA games in terms of leisure

time and peer group among Senior High School students using the frequency assigned by the

respondents according to the specific statements stated in the survey questionnaire.


The researcher will be providing a letter of permission to conduct a research study to

Senior high school students who will be the participants of the study. The survey questionnaire

will be distributed and collected personally to maintain confidentiality of the data. The researcher

will be expecting to have at least 90% return-rate of questionnaire from the targeted sample.

Data Analysis

Regression will be used to measure the demographic profile of the respondents such as

age, strands and year they started playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena or MOBA games.

Frequencies mean scores and will be computed to show and represent by figure the answers of

the respondents as to the survey questionnaire. Moreover the main data analytic statistical

strategy to be utilized is regression to supply the degree of relationship among variables. This

statistical analysis tool will be applied since it wants to examine the effect of playing MOBA

games in the study habits of the senior high school students. This statistical analysis tool will be

applied since it wants to examine the effect of playing MOBA as independent variables on a

dependent variable which is students’ study habits.

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Conceptual framework

Time Study
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

This framework consists of leisure time and peer group as sub-variables for

independent variable which is playing MOBA games while Study habits as dependent variables.

The study claims that playing MOBA affects in terms of leisure time and peer group affects the

study habits of students. Which can be helpful in assessing the different factors that might affect

the students’ study habits in this modern age, thus, educators and students can understand other

complexities of study habits in connection with playing MOBA games. Playing MOBA games in

terms of leisure time and peer group, is under the environmental factor based on Walberg’s

educational productivity wherein these factors could affect the student’s education, learning,

academic performance and even study habits. Therefore, the researchers claim that playing

MOBA games, specifically the leisure time spent in this and the peer group affects students’

study habits.

Results and Discussion


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It was examined that the sub-variable of independent variable playing MOBA games,

leisure time, does not have a significant effects on the study habits. On the other hand, the other

sub-variable for independent variable, peer group, has significant effects on study habits. Results

show that peer group influence is statistically significant to study habits. The summary reads

F(2,99) = 9.34, R2 = .161, p <0.005, respectively as shown below

By using the analysis of variance or the (ANOVA), also with error level of 0.05, the

computed value for the critical region is 3.94. And if this critical region exceeds the computed f-

value in the ANOVA test then playing MOBA affects the study habits of students in Malabon

City. In this case, the researchers come up with an f-value of 9.34 which exceeds the critical

region which clearly means it affects the study habits of students. In conclusion, playing MOBA

affects the study habits of students in Malabon City.

16 | P a g e
The result of the study shows that the effect of peer group (b = .264, p = .000) is

significant. However, the effect of leisure time (b = .165, p = .000) is not significant. And also,

inside the column of Unstandardized Coefficients along with its value from standard error were .

374 which is for the constant , .088 on the Peer group influence and .098 on the Time leisure.

Another column for the standardized Coefficients Beta for the Peer Group influence is .302

while .171 on the time Leisure. On the t statistics, the constant is equals to the 5.124 and its value

is .000 while the value of Peer group is 2.982 and its value is .004 which only proves that this

variable is statistically significant. The time leisure got 1.689 from its t statistics and its value of .

094. The last column which is the column of Collinearity statistics, both the values of tolerance

and Variance inflation factor (VIF) have the same and exact value of .843 and 1.187.


Studies regarding whether playing MOBA games can affect the student’s study habit s

still on its initial stage. This research focuses on particular aspects of playing MOBA games such

as the usage of leisure time in playing MOBA games and the influence of peer group on it.

However, further studies should also be considered and explored in order to continuously

improve the body of knowledge in this area. The researchers hereby recommend the following

for future researches:

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Possible area for future research includes changing the dependent variable study habit

into academic performance. This will give a broader perspective for study regarding the effect of

playing MOBA games in terms of educational aspect.

Aside from academic performance, student’s educational productivity may also be

considered to be dependent variable for future studies. It will be a more complex study since

educational productivity is wider and deeper than academic performance and study habits.

However, it may also be provide general outlook regarding the area of study.

Further investigation includes considering the other factors affecting the students in

playing MOBA games aside from leisure time and peer group influence. This study will provide

another point of view from which to look at in determining whether it affects the student’s study


One avenue for further study would be research into the specific genre of online game

aside from MOBA games. It may draw different results due to the different nature of MOBA

games in compare to other online game genre.

Finally, it is also relevant to investigate the study through the different types of

respondents aside from senior high school students. College student, whether in a general

perspective or specific course may also be look at to investigate the effects of playing MOBA

games to a different age groups and different educational system from senior high school


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In this study, it is shown that among the sub-variables of the independent variable, peer

group shows greater influence in playing MOBA games than the usage of leisure time in terms of

playing MOBA games. It is therefore concluded that students play MOBA games not because it

is a way to spend their leisure time, but because it is an influence of their peer groups.

Furthermore, it is also investigated that among the sub-variables of playing MOBA games, only

the influence of peer groups in playing MOBA games affects the study habits while the usage of

time leisure does not impose a great deal of effects on the student’s study habits. Therefore,

playing MOBA games in terms of the influence of peer groups affects the study habits of

students, but the leisure time does not.

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Appendix A – Cover

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Dear Respondents

We are Senior High School students from Tinajeros National High School that will be
conducting a survey about our research entitled "MOBA games as affecting factor on Study
Habits in terms of Leisure Time and Peer Group" All the data gathered from the survey will be
strctly confidential. We are hoping for your full cooperation.

The Researcher

Andrade, Kyla Jhorge C.

Gallardo, Rinoa Jade
Jose, Prince Noriel Crayon E.
Martin, Desiree Mae P.
Tapang, Aaron Jacob M.

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Appendix B – Sample

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1. Does playing MOBA games, in terms of leisure time affect the student’s study habits?

2. Does playing MOBA games, in terms of peer group affect the student’s study habits?

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Appendix C –
Curriculum vitae

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