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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

AY 2021-2022, 1st Semester
Consolidated Assessment

Name: Score: / 40
Course & Year/ Block: Date:

Subject(s) : GE3 Readings In The Philippine History With Indigenous People

Instructor(s) : Ms. Roliebel J. Bagnas



GE3 Readings in the 1. Identify primary and secondary 1. Critique and analyze a certain
Philippine History sources, internal and external primary or secondary source;
criticisms. 2. apply different analytical
2. Evaluate primary sources for modes; and
their credibility, authenticity, and 3. reflect critically on shared
provenance. concerns and think of
3. Analyze the content, context, innovative, creative solutions
and perspective of different guided by ethical standards
kinds of primary sources.

Assessment Task:

Conduct a content and contextual analysis on the following excerpts:

1.) Excerpt from Republic Act. No. 6657(pages 237-240)
Republic Act No. 6657 | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
2.) Excerpt from the 1987 Philippine Constitution (pages 272-274).
Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
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On June 10, 1988, former President Corazon C. Aquino signed into law Republic Act No. 6657 or otherwise
known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). The law became effective on June 15, 1988.
Agrarian reform in the Philippines seeks to solve the centuries-old problem of landlessness in rural
areas. Through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) initiated in 1987, the government
addressed key national goals: the promotion of equity and social justice, food security and poverty alleviation in
the countryside. After over 14 years of the CARP, however, the program is yet to be completed and is currently
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burdened with major issues - from opposition by landlords and lack of support from legislators, to wide gaps in
fund resources.
Various studies, however, have shown that agrarian reform has had a significant impact on farmer
beneficiaries. Increased per capita incomes, reduced poverty incidence, higher investments in physical capital,
and greater household welfare and productivity were reported, aside from social justice and peace attained in
the countryside. Land redistribution alone was not enough to liberate the small farmer from poverty and ensure
the success of the CARP. Support services for the agrarian reform communities became pivotal in enhancing
food security and building infrastructures that promote food production, enhance community trading and
increase rural household income.
Despite the many serious setbacks to the CARP's full implementation, and given the positive results of the
various impact studies, this article shares the view of many observers that the CARP's overall performance is
positive and encouraging. It has clearly benefited a significant portion of the rural population through its various
programs intended to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, and empower people towards the overall
development of the country.
When the impact of agrarian reforms is being assessed, different time frames need to be considered.
Short- and long-term effects. It is frequently observed that, immediately after the implementation of a reform,
the marketable surplus of agricultural products declines, mainly because the former landowning class ceases to
provide the supporting services they used to furnish to their former tenants in the form of seeds, fertilizer,
irrigation water and other inputs, while the new institutions for providing these services are not yet in
place. However, as macrodata on agrarian reform accomplishments in Latin America have shown, this is a
transitory phenomenon. In the Latin American case, marketable surplus was generated and exceeded pre-reform
levels as soon as the beneficiaries increased production and productivity (Thiesenhusen, 1989).
Differences in impact can also be observed in the case of government income. While during the first years of
implementation reforms have to be funded out of the budget, increased tax revenue will be generated in the long
term when the anticipated increases in agricultural productivity materialize.
Inception of the assessment. Impact evaluations are usually conducted five to ten years after the completion of
the respective projects (World Bank, 1995a, p. 16). In the case of agrarian reform, such a time frame would
considerably postpone the commencement date for impact evaluations, since many reforms, including CARP,
are implemented over a period of ten years. As the program started in 1988, it would still be too early to expect
a valid assessment at present. Furthermore, reforms are frequently conducted in several phases, starting with the
confiscation of the largest landholdings and then gradually covering smaller estates.
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Aquino began her term by repealing many of the Marcos-era regulations that had repressed the people for so
long. In March, she issued a unilateral proclamation establishing a provisional constitution. This constitution
gave the President broad powers and great authority, but Aquino promised to use them only to restore
democracy under a new constitution. This new constitution was drafted in 133 days by an appointed
Constitutional Commission of 48 members and ratified by the people in a plebiscite held on February 2, 1987. It
was largely modelled on the American Constitution which had so greatly influenced the 1935 Constitution, but
it also incorporated Roman, Spanish, and Anglo law.
The 1987 Constitution established a representative democracy with power divided among three separate and
independent branches of government: the Executive, a bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary. There were
three independent constitutional commissions as well: the Commission on Audit, the Civil Service Commission,
and the Commission on Elections. Integrated into the Constitution was a full Bill of Rights, which guaranteed
fundamental civil and and political rights, and it provided for free, fair, and periodic elections. In comparison
with the weak document that had given Marcos a legal fiction behind which to hide, this Constitution seemed
ideal to many Filipinos emerging from 20 years of political repression and oppression.

Article III of the Philippine Constitution is the Bill of Rights. It establishes the relationship of the individual to
the State and defines the rights of the individual by limiting the lawful powers of the State. It is one of the most
important political achievements of the Filipinos.
The concept of a Bill of Rights, as such, is essentially an occidental prod-uct. For a number of centuries in
British, French, and American political thought, there has grown the conviction that the rights of the individual
must be preserved and safeguarded, not through the authority of an individual, not through membership in a
particular group or party, not through reliance upon force of arms, but rather through the accepted processes of
declared constitutional law.
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Outstanding Very Good Good Fair

10 9 8 7
CONTEXTUAL The presentation of the author’s The presentation of the The presentation of the The discussion of the
ANALYSIS background and context is author’s background and author’s background and historical context and
exhaustive, clear and accurate. context is clear and accurate. context is clear and importance of the
accurate. document is too general
The students identify and The students identify and and lacks specific details.
analyze the problem/s that the analyze the problems that the The students identify and
document wants to address. document wants to address. analyze the problems that The background of the
the document wants to author was not clearly
The students explain clearly the The students explain clearly address. explained.
importance of the document in the importance of the
understanding the issues of the document in understanding There is an attempt to
given period. the issues of the given explain the importance of
period. the document in
understanding the issues
of the given period

CONTENT The important elements of the The important elements of The important elements of Some of the important
ANALYSIS document are correctly the document are identified the document are elements of the document
identified and analyzed. and analyzed. identified and explained. are identified and
There is a thorough discussion There is a discussion of the There is a little discussion
of the value and contributions value and contributions of of the value and There is no adequate
of the contents of the document the document in contributions of the discussion of the content of
in understanding the issues understanding the issues document in the document.
prevalent during the period. prevalent during the period. understanding the issues
prevalent during the
The students are able to identify period.
the inconsistencies and
shortcomings of the documents.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Ms. Roliebel J. Bagnas Joel P. Altura

Instructor OIC Program Head, BSIT

Monitored by: Approved by:


Quality Assurance Monitor College Dean
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